Catfish Farming│ Thousands of catfish transferred to a bigger mud pond! Goodbye Hormones

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[Music] hi guys it's a beautiful day once again and welcome back to dexter's world channel [Music] well we are here in this very small breeding facility and this property is actually very remarkable to me because since we started vlogging on youtube we use this property as our demo farm and in fact we started from scratch really from scratch literally because we don't have any boxes we don't even have this concrete tanks before but because of your health and because also of our income that has been generated out of our video we were able to introduce improvements on this particular breeding facility [Music] and as you can see we already have here so many concrete tanks for our breeder fish and before we use to utilize this wooden boxes we are using the tarp and even this light materials that we are using just to be able to breed our fish the positive attitude towards our goal is really very important that's what i have in my heart i have to persevere no matter what it costs and today we already have these big improvements we have here flowers they're flowering and also as you can see at the back that's our room for editing purposes where our editor and the geographer will hold office every day and these are a lot of improvements if we're gonna think back two or three years before and i'm so thankful to our guide for allowing us to have this development of course without his help i can do nothing and now let me give you an update about our breeding of this goldfest the scarp even the smallies and this catfish since we started vlogging on youtube we were mainly talking about how to breed this ornamental fish and we are revealing to you guys our secrets how to breed this beta how to breed this japanese koi this goldfish and even breeding of the starks the chickens the squares these goats and many others and you can browse that in our previous videos and you will learn many things but today our focus is not the breeding of this goldfish and the the carp or the japanese koi or the smallies as you usually witness but we will talk about our success in breeding this catfish we all know that this catfish can be a good alternative food for meat meaning that if you are having problems with your health then you can go for the catfish if you cannot anymore eat the meat well of course you can consider the catfish because these catfish are the best alternative source of nutrients also instead of meat and it is low in cholesterol so let me share with you something different because in our previous videos we were talking about the hormones which is instrumental for the success of our breathing and these hormones are injected in the body of this catfish well nothing is wrong with hormones i personally have experience that these hormones are also very effective when we are desiring to breed massively our fish and many of you asked where to buy this hormones well you can just buy this online and you can also do a research about the dosage and this is what i did but there is one thing that i would like to share with you i have observed that the breeding of this catfish may be come successful even without these hormones yes you heard it right i have tried breeding this naturally and maybe you will ask what is that natural breathing well this natural breathing is the same way of breeding our japanese koi we will just put the male and female catfish together and they will lay eggs so massively and that's what i did i really have produced plenty of this catfish now which i am about to release to the mud pine that we have prepared well we have tried growing our goldfish breeding and growing our goldfish and all other kinds of fish the beta the guppies and it's lucrative but i believe that this breeding of catfish is also comparable to breeding other types of fish because this is also in demand in the market because this is consumable you can eat this one and i have decided that we are going to load this thousands of fingerlings of this catfish to the mud pan that we have emptied in our last video well majority of you maybe have witnessed how we did the actual harvest of our goldfish and carp and you suggested that we have to improve the system of harvest and i'm so glad and i'm referring to that particular pond we will release this catfish to the mud pan and i would like to make an experiment because this catfish is also very instrumental in aquaponics or hydroponics so we will use the catfish to grow our lettuces and other kinds of vegetables that's what i have in mind and if i gonna succeed i will share with you our techniques [Music] so going back into the breathing yes we can breathe naturally this is a good news to those who wanted to breed who has that belief that it can only be bred by the use of these hormones forget that because we can effectively breed this catfish even without using hormones only if you will observe three things number one we have to give nutritious food to our breeders and this nutritious food may come in a form of protein smith of the animals you can do that you can give some chickens worms anything that will be eaten by the catfish and that will develop good eggs in their belly number two we have to separate the male and the female catfish you have to have a separate tank of your female catfish and another tank for the male catfish the reason is that to maintain the eagerness to breathe meaning that if they will meet for the first time they will really have that appetite to breathe you will no longer be needing the hormones because they are very eager to breathe and when breeding your catfish of course like the japanese koi be sure that you are going to breed this during full moon or any other day as long as there is moon first quarter last quarter that's good and another thing that i have to reveal to you is a good spawning tank the good spawning tank will allow you to have high hatch ability 30 to 40 percent hatch ability is already very good why because this catfest lays hundreds of thousands of eggs and if they have laid 100 000 30 of that is 30 000 heads already and that's massive and you can start your farming about catfish so these are the things that i have observed so now let me take you to our breeding facility right at the back of the second branch of our pet store let's have a closer look at the fingerlings of this catfish [Applause] [Music] so guys we are here at the back of the pet store this pet store is located just in barangay teton if you are here in our on our place you can just visit here and this is at the back where we utilize this place as our breeding facility for the catfish and forgive me because all these tanks are just temporary because we are set to make a concrete tank right here and that's my plan for purposes of breeding japanese koi and other fish like this catfish and goldfish so you will understand now what i am talking about if you can see at my left this is the tank that is filled with fingerlings of this catfish this has been bred naturally we don't anymore use the overprim and this is the milestone that we have so far achieved because anyone can just breed your catfish even without buying this hormone so you will see that there are plenty of fingerlings and this is what i said that if you will just find ways on how to solve the problems because i've been trying to be breeding as natural as i can and this is now the answer actually we have three boxes right here that are filled with catfish and we are due to transfer this catfish to the mud pan and let me share with you our techniques on how to hatch this catfish so we will go near in this particular tank so guys we are just right here at the side of this tank and you will see that this tank is just very shallow because it has a depth of around 6 inches and it has a width of 1.5 meters by 2 meters maybe you will ask what's the net that we can see in the middle what's the purpose of it this is my egg collector actually and we don't breed our catfish here we breed our catfish right here in a more deeper tank and we use this net as our egg collector yes we put that net in order for this catfish to spawn their eggs on the net and all those eggs that have stick on the net will be lifted up and will be transferred in another tank which is clean and this is the tank that i'm referring to after 24 hours you will observe that the fertile eggs are beginning to turn like a larva of the mosquito you will see wigglers of this catfish and this stage is very crucial because all the eggs that are here that are spoiled will become now the source of the bacteria so we have to remedy the situation and how is to lift this net up because i presume that all the fertile eggs have already been hatched and all those that are not fertile are not hatched and still stick on this neck so we will lift this up now and you will see that there are many spoiled eggs and we will do this very carefully just to make sure that we will not include or we will not steer up the water so that the hatchlings will not be affected okay so we will remove this net very gently and this is just an ordinary green net that i used to cover my mud pan there at the pet store this is it so we have successfully lifted this up from the water and you will see that there are eggs so many eggs right here see there are so many eggs and these eggs could not anymore be hatched because it's been 24 hours and they are still stick on this net and their color is whitish so this is an indication now that these eggs are no longer be hatched so this is it we'll put this inside in the spill so this is now the tank that is filled with wigglers of this catfish and this is very crucial as what i have said because you have to monitor the the water the water management during this time is really very important well you know that catfish are really very hard to fish but if they have just been hatched from the eggs they are so sensitive and that is why i would like to emphasize that the use of methylene blue is also very important i have here the methylene blue and this is my way of preventing bacteria to get inside in this tank i will put some 10 drops of the smithlane glue to protect the face from the fungus because there are actually unhatched eggs spoiled eggs that are here for us to protect the fungus from developing or the bacteria we will use this methylene blue and ensure that all this fish will survive so after 72 hours this fish will become big and very visible they will start to swim and this is also very crucial because we might be tempted to give them food no we don't give food especially live food or the artemia please don't give because they will die you will start feeding them when they are already freely swimming and that's on the fifth or sixth day that's the time that we start feeding and maybe you as what's the first food i recommend the prawn feeds which we normally feed to the fry of this japanese koi but if you don't have the good thing is that they can be fed with boiled eggs hard-boiled eggs so you will get the yellow one and feed them to the catfish but we have to regulate because this unconsumed eggs will also become the source of the fungus or bacteria that will kill our wigglers of this catfish so this is really very crucial so now you will see the actual releasing of the scat fish to the mud pan we will catch this one and then we will release this to the mud pan and we will wait for how many months and then we will harvest this one [Music] so guys we're now finally finished catching all this fry of this catfish and we estimated this to reach around 5 000 and let me tell you something about the care of the fry or the fry care which is very important because there are those fry that will grow much bigger than the other siblings and we call this the shooter and of course we have to monitor the growth because if you will not then chances are this fry that have grown fast compared to the other siblings will become carnivorous they will eat the other which is smaller in size so i have here some shooters you will see the difference in size i don't know if you can vividly see in the camera but these are the the shooters that we have to separate immediately and one thing more that i would like to add is to feed the fry during night time i i can sense that they are really very active during the night and if they go hungry they will start eating up each other so this is the thing that i can share with you in the caring of the fry so now we will bring this to the mud pan because this mud pan is really best for the grow out tank of this particular kind of fish and i'm so happy because as what i have seen in other places they were earning income out of breeding this catfish for food this is easier to manage because they will survive in a poor water condition you need not to have filtration system you need not to have a very clean water for them to grow but they are just growing in the mud what is important is for us to have a good place for them a bigger space for them so that they will grow faster and i will try also to raise them on a concrete tank and we will have a comparison between raising them in a concrete tank and raising them in the mud pan and we will see the difference in growth and in the maintenance and also the expenses that we are going to and also the expenses that we are going to incur as what i have promised you before there's going to be an integrated farming where we can learn together the do's and don'ts the pros and cons the negative and the positive that is why i promise you to just stick around and we will learn this together this is business actually and this business would lead us to prosperity i'm so glad reading all your comments because your comments have also inspired me a lot to do something better and these are the things that propelled me to dream big because you are there to support me so now we will go to the mud pan and you will witness the actual release of this very innocent fry of catfish in the mud pan so come on let's go [Music] so guys we are here and we are about to release this estimated 5 000 fingerlings of this catfish and as you will recall uh we made a good harvest out of this particular plant and we are so glad because despite of the presence of this snakehead fish that devoured some of our fingerlings we were still able to have a good harvest and i am 100 sure that there are no predators that are here because we already made a clearing operation we already have uh made sure that this is gonna be free from predator fresh so now we are going to load some thousands of this baby catfish and uh i hope that we will become successful this is my first time to venture in catfish breeding and also catfish racing because initially i just made a study in how to propagate this one and since that we already have a good system a good method on how to breed this massively maybe this is the time that we gonna raise this massively for consumption in the market so guys we will have to make some tests if this water is good for the catfish of course we have to do this because uh we may we will my so we will just want to make sure that this water is not toxic for them so i will make some tests so i will release some of them here and i hope they will not die if this water is not toxic they will uh survive i'm confident that this water is good wow we have so many here oh wow see that we already use the water from the pond and we will observe the behavior and it looks good actually so they are not affected because if this is if this water is toxic then uh they would have died since uh we have put them here five minutes already this is it five thousand of them more or less five thousand we did not have an exact counting of this because there are too many and this will stress them that's why i estimated this just an estimate of five thousand these are plenty see that [Music] of course we have here oxygen we cannot transport them or you know take some chances we'll use the oxygen okay wow put them here just right here and by the way we also had added some chicks to grow to become our future breeders we have added some 100 chicks right there in the elevated group so we will slowly release them we are slowly doing this one and we will gradually release them in this very beautiful and spacious place for them so this is it arnold is doing the right thing now just to acclimatize and gradually acquaint them with the new water so since we already have uh put them for a couple of minutes here inside this container using this new water and their behavior is just okay so now we are 100 sure that they are safe with this kind of water in this mud band and i think this is best for them so we will now release them so this is my first time guys to do these things and i hope we will become successful i'm looking forward also to integrate the lettuce farm and other vegetables using the catfish the hydroponic system and this is what i have in mind and i hope i just hope that you will be inspired also to do your own thing the farming is really the best thing to do because it eases your mind it gives you some hope and it gives you some relaxation if you are really into farming [Music] so guys we have just released some estimated 5 000 heads or fingerlings of the scat fish and we will wait for some time to witness whether or not they grow or they die but i'm very positive that they will grow because this is already a conditioned tank for them and you will see their behavior i hope i just hope that they will not die and maybe few months from now maybe three or four months from now if we will become successful then that's gonna be an exciting moment for us to witness the harvest of this kind of fish and i hope you will continue to be inspired by this channel and you will continue to like and share our videos we are uploading videos every three to five days and if you are not subscribed may i humbly ask you to please subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you will be notified of our regular uploads only here at dexterous world [Music] [Music] for a second you
Channel: Dexter's World
Views: 295,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free-range Farming, Chicken Farming, Fish farming, Duck Farming, Quail farming, Duck Raising, Rabbit Farming, Catfish Farming, Japanese koi breeding, Goldfish Breeding, Betta fish breeding, Bird Aviary, Mud ponds, Harvesting fish, Harvesting Catfish, Dexter's World, Feeding Farm animals, Daily Farm's routine, What it's like to live on a farm, Why do fish grow so fast on mud ponds, Farm of animals, Ostrich raising, Dexter's World Farm, Manny Pacquiao, Errol spence jr
Id: bLuHXiFHSr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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