NATIONAL DIVORCE NOW! Michael Malice & The Case For Secession (Interview)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cochisedaavenger 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey hey lauren here let's talk with michael malus author of the new write dear reader and the anarchist handbook and the host of the podcast you're welcome before we get into it though i do want to say thank you to our sponsor virtual shield research into 5g's architecture unfortunately reveals that your mobile service could be maliciously used against you new findings show 5g could be used to exploit your data and cause ddos or distributed denial of service attacks through security flaws in the cellular network as with any disruptive technology hackers and corporations are looking for ways to exploit it at the cost of you and your privacy that's why i highly recommend virtual shield virtual shield is my favorite vpn because unlike other vpns they have a strict no log policy and there are no hidden fees it's fast secure and easy to use so easy in fact even my father uses it so get virtual shield for 50 off today by going to lauren chen or by clicking the link below hey michael thank you so much for being here thank you so much lauren yeah no problem so we are living in crazy times right now there are riots in the streets and meanwhile there's also lockdowns in so many parts of the world increasing authoritarianism you're someone who just is one of the most vocal critics of big government that i know what are you making of all of this because at the same time i feel like there's no authority where there should be some and where there shouldn't be any like going to work and being able to go to church there's too much what do we do uh that's interesting you say that because i'm just gonna correct something i disagree with what you said a very very little bit but i think it's because there's gonna there's no room we should not have any more authority anywhere yeah yeah i mean you're a conservative i'm an anarchist the expression big government this is what small government looks like small government according to the minericus vision is it's only there to make sure everyone is safe it doesn't do regulation doesn't do education well when you have a minericus government when you have a government dedicated just to protecting the common good and keeping people safe that's perfectly compatible with what we're seeing here uh when you have the police having government monopoly um on the freedom of the population uh as to what i think i think uh what people increasingly are appreciating both on the right and the left is that once the government has power it's not going to do any anything to seed it if it can get away with it uh it's a great dry run we're we predicted this this is not a big hard prediction to make that once you get people used to being able to lock be locked in their home for ostensibly a proper reason there's no reason that they won't be able to say look you did it before we need to do it again you know we all have to suffer together and h.l menken the great journalist of the early 20th century had this quote which just still resonates today which is the average man does not want to be free he simply wants to be safe so there's so many people who want that excuse to be locked in their home and who also want to avoid at all costs the need to think critically and to take whatever they're presented on their screens whether computer or television at face value uh if the guy on the screen tells you you need to do this you need to drink dog pee well you know let's find lassie and let's fill her up and you laugh but um it was in canada i believe where they were suggesting that parents quarantine their kids within their home yes meaning not just okay you can't leave the house you can't leave your room and when i was putting this on twitter people came at me because they thought i had simply meant you're stuck at home with your family which is like a camping trip and they even the people who are for this didn't even take it as a hypothesis that they were that the state or certain state actors were advocating and moms were following through and tweeting about how hard it is that their child is locked in their room texting mom i'm lonely and i'm bored so these are two different i think psychological states and i do not think that there's any way to resolve any kind of discussion between the two yeah and i think we're seeing that increasingly even with so in canada right now if you travel abroad you need to do two weeks of quarantine and if you if you live with someone who didn't travel with you you're not even supposed to be in the same area as them within your house so you're supposed to be like you said quarantining within separate rooms and you're an advocate of a national divorce love that i am totally black killed i'm on board but i mean in terms of like a workable solution how how does that happen because we see when it comes to anything to do with like secession or something that the left likes bringing up these terms insurrection sedition unless it's cal exit to be more communist than is totally okay i mean is this even a conversation that's realistic oh i think it's very realistic first of all i advocated that some congressmen should i think the rights should play the republicans should play offense which they do well when they um try which is very rare and someone should offer a bill to expel california from the union it's not going to go anywhere but you see how just this week the left is advocating the democrats more specifically advocating back in the supreme court but now that's on the table so it's the kind of thing how if you're in a marriage and at some point someone raises the issue of divorce you can't unring that bell now it's kind of in the air but there's so many hard left ideas like defunding the police um you know attacking the supreme court making puerto rico and washington d.c states that are now you know part of the zeitgeist whereas there's no such ideas on the other side the other republicans have 50 senators they're only down like 10 seats in the house certainly they're not in a position to put those bills through but this is a great way to do what they did in 1994 with the contract for america where they said here's 10 bullet points that were before and all of those bullet points were unambiguously either populist or right of center so in terms of practicality i think the good examples what happened in colorado back in the day which is colorado just said we're going to decriminalize marijuana and it was still a federal crime and they were just opening up this uh dispensaries and they were getting raided but with with regard to the maths and other things it's just gonna be a matter of enough people saying screw you we're not doing this and doesn't have to be a conscious uh or verbally discussed um decision i was just on the train yesterday last night in new york and the idea of social distancing despite all the propaganda on all the ads was gone people were sitting shoulder shoulder like we used to do back in the day no one told them this was okay they just basically are not a position to enforce their edicts and i got paid to read andrew cuomo's book it wasn't that bad spoiler alert because he didn't write it it was just like a journal but one of the things even he said explicitly is without mass compliance uh all of these uh decrees are going to be largely impotent now it's a little different excuse me it's a lot different in canada because uh here in the states we have not implemented that level of police state that you guys have had over there and americans have been fighting back culturally more aggressively so sitting here and watching what's going on uh what uh um uh ford uh douglas ford just put forward this week is um disturbing to the nth degree but it's also disturbing to how many people are desperate to be um told what to do and to be able to be obedient and to use that as an ability to um try to dominate others oh for sure and i think i i don't want to bring up the holocaust this is not the same this is not a genocide that's happening but you know we look throughout history and there are all these different things and you wonder how could that have happened why didn't people react or do something when people in charge were trying to do these crazy things i think we are starting to see a small level of that right now because just a year year and a half ago i would never have imagined that there would be widespread curfews where i live where you would be banned from gathering where you could call the cops on your neighbors for having a family member over but that's where we are and i'm seeing how quickly the attitude toward that can change but something that really frustrates me looking at the left right paradigm is that we see democrats right now they dream big they are bold uh you know there's no such thing as something too crazy let's talk about socialized medicine you know not just socialized medicine but actually banning any private insurance like bernie sanders wants to do we're talking about getting rid of the electoral college packing the court even lowering the voting age to 16. i think we see that when the left doesn't like something they're fine with changing the rules but like you said that the right doesn't go on offense at all almost and that's why i like the idea of a national divorce even if it doesn't happen right away if we can at least put forward something on the table then at least maybe we'll have the chance to shift the overton window a little bit back toward the way it used to be rather than it just being constantly moving leftward yeah and having a national divorce on the table i i you know i was pos i was the first one puzzling this in 2016. what happens and trump did this well in the campaign he didn't do well as president is you put forward an idea you know you're not going to get but at the very least that forces someone to negotiate and you get part of what you want during the campaign very famously of course he always said that he was going to build we were going to build a wall mexico is going to pay for it very quickly when he became president uh the idea of mexico paying for this wall went out the window but no one in his side cared at that point they're like look if we have to pay for it ourselves as american taxpayers but we still get the wall we don't care so if the issue is well we're not going to have a national divorce it at least normalizes and puts into public discourse the concept of further discussion is not possible uh there's no you know venn diagram here between these two world views and we have to take any further discussion negotiation from there to the idea that uh we're not all in this together we do not share the same goals and values and that's okay and where do you go from there yeah exactly and i think i mean i'm starting to feel that increasing frustration that there's no reckons reconciliation with the other side especially when we look at things like the black lives matter protest and i i am not trying to advocate for state violence anything like that i think we have seen cases where it's pretty clear-cut that the the cops were in the wrong you know specifically the dante right shooting or even the officer herself has said yes i shouldn't have done this but when we see people coming forward and then pretty much using the state violence to advocate for outright communism like we see black lives matter doing i mean you know it might have started as this anti-police violence platform but they are actual marxists uh we see even places like a nike foot locker they've all pretty much jumped on board with this it seems like the conversation has shifted so so quickly they've been so successful at controlling the the public discourse surrounding this i mean is that something that you're concerned about too that if no one else speaks out pretty much we're just going to be living in like a black lives utopia i have actually there's one silver lining here i agree with what you said broadly speaking and that silver lining is an understanding for conservatives that the police are not your friends for decades there have back the blue is a very conservative slogan the idea which is not untrue that police officers have a difficult job and the argument is which is also has truth to it that but for the police you're going to have a lot more crime in in inner city neighborhoods and in other areas but now i think over the last year conservatives have come to understand that police are more interested in disarming you than in preventing crime and keeping you safe in all of these cities after cities the cops which again is a government monopoly on security sat on their hands and the only people who are facing consequences are those who try to do something to defend themselves and their property so having this understanding that the police are the teeth of the state and they are the ones who put what gretchen whitmer governor of michigan what andrew cuomo governor new york and nancy pelosi want into practice and without them these are just crazy people writing things down on a piece of paper that is a good step forward in terms of realizing okay uh you know who's on your side and who is not the police will always be on the side the government and never be on the side of the people and we're seeing this even worse lauren i'm sure you agree in europe where there was that footage of just people in a park during daytime and an elderly man being clubbed by a cop on horseback and when people say oh you know they're just following what is just doing their job the question i always have and this was also in canada how much money would it take for justin trudeau to pay you to go inside a church and break up a church service and arrest or or fine uh the person leading that prayer service if that if there there's no amount of money that i would take where i would feel comfortable doing something like this this is a totally different type of mentality yeah and that's i'm glad that you bring that up specifically back the blue because i have been approached by different conservative organizations to hey we're doing this campaign back the blue can you post this in support of us and i i i don't want to be anti-individual police officer like you said it's hard job plenty of good cops out there but i do worry that because conservatives may have this innate like almost deference to authority and two tradition that especially right now like we're seeing with the coveted lockdowns it kind of almost leads them into compliance with orders that don't make sense and i think there there is a right to question the people who are actually enforcing these laws and i've been kind of actually pleasantly surprised in some american cities and states where we've seen sheriffs come out or even individual police forces and say no we're not doing this like this is ridiculous this is against the oaths that we've pledged to uphold so we're not going to i guess enforce these orders i want to see more of that and it's uh i like that you bring up that yeah no these individual officers they do have a choice to not do this it's really kind of amazing how much you know the argument is well it's not their fault it's the fault change the politicians well good luck doing that that's i mean certainly not very feasible but even so if i hire you as a hitman to kill my mom we're both have blood in our hands so to say that there's only when someone when a church service is being a peaceful church service is being broken up there's plenty of guilt to go around it's not just one person's fault this is a systemic issue and in my view this system has to be completely burned to the ground yeah and i and i love that and it's funny because i've i've kind of embraced that mentality more and more and you know it's it's at once almost depressing and nihilistic but at the same time freeing because i think a lot of people who care about politics especially if you're more pro-freedom looking at the way things are going right now it's very easy to get discouraged but i think kind of pulling back and realizing hey maybe we're looking at this from the wrong paradigm it's almost in in a sense freeing because it's like there's so much possibility but i think people have been so used to this comfort and just existing in the status quo and i've said it before countries have changed all the time that's actually more the norm than things staying as established as they have been and i just would i want more people to understand that oh i i completely agree and it's just i think there's a lot of movement where people are like okay this is ridiculous they're they have no intent of loosening the restrictions even though i'm sure you remember and your viewers remember when governor abbott of texas basically eliminated mass mandates and loosened things up and governor newsom of california who said it was irresponsible or even worse or just insane and the corporate press were flipping flipping out oh my god you want to kill grandma and then two weeks later the cases continue to drop but they of course didn't bring that up because that doesn't validate their narrative having everyone in a state of perpetual fear about a disease that is actually killing people gives corporate media an enormous amount of power because that is the only mechanism any of us are going to have to learn about the spread of the pandemic and how it's affecting different population populations and they are very aware that this gives them a certain amount of power and just like the state they're not going to cede it if they can help it right and there's something else i want to ask you about that's democracy you are responsible for one of my favorite quotes of all time one of those quotes that is so good i wish i thought of it last time we spoke you said that my rights i think my rights aren't up for discussion much less a vote and i think we see right now from the left they are really using the term democracy uh to essentially mean mob rule uh they're trying to paint america's democracy they're trying to paint the surrender of rights whether that's uh you know your property rights financial rights freedom of speech as a you know will of the people issue how do we i guess how do we address that because even what people are seeing now because this the us is a federal system you know their people are like all right i don't like new york i don't like california that's okay i'll just move to texas but then we kind of see the issue over right now texas is purple arizona's already purple and you kind of have people bringing the policies that made the places where they're leaving so bad with them and that's kind of the issue when you can vote however you want wherever you live i mean if there is a national divorce even but let's say the left part of the country screws things up so bad we end up having california stand refugees coming over because of you know democratic practices which are kind of entrenched in most western countries how do you stop what's happening to places like arizona now from just happening on a larger scale and then we're back where we started yeah kristen tate uh who's the best she had a book about this about internal american migration and how that's changing things on a national and state level and that is absolutely an issue barring a national divorce what you're going to have to do is to have more restrictions on how who is voting and to fight the idea that everyone has a voice that needs to be heard and that everyone's opinions matter this is demonstrably false certainly when it comes to my life i value your opinion but someone on the street and they're gonna tell me how if how to keep my home secure uh not only am i not interested in their opinion i regard them as a threat when they're telling me i can't exercise my second amendment rights so to have this kind of recalibration of the discussion of democracy is something that needs to happen and one piece of advice i have for people and it just uh pings off something you start your question with is whenever they start you see someone in on social media elsewhere and on television referring to our democracy they always mean our hegemony they always mean our complete control again that bill that was just introduced in the house uh to expand the supreme court from nine to 13 justices by a congressman he was saying you know having a republican majority is a threat to our democracy democracy means that sometimes the other people are going to have the majority and even if you're going to make the argument that uh kavanaugh and merrick garland were done illegitimately that still only gets you up to 11. so clearly what the model is and this is a smart model uh people on the left and they've done this for over 100 years this is the basis of kind of scientific progressivism is change the rules in order to force the outcome that you want because if you have an outcome that you don't like in the argument goes not stupidly that maybe the system is wrong and you just have to engineer it until you get the outcome you want just like in a factory you know if the chocolates aren't coming out wrapped you have to change the different pipes that are doing that but what they are regarding as their goal is complete social political control so the way to fight that is to fight it on the rules basis and not take what their arguments are at uh face value if there were nine you know democratic supreme court justices or nominee by democratic president you would not of course be having this argument right and that's what i mean i really appreciate about you is that unlike so many people you're actually trying to come up with rules-based changes rather than just saying all right well we're stuck in this system how do we play fair when meanwhile nobody else is doing that so thank you so much for joining us if people want to keep up with what you're doing uh be up to date on any of your projects where can they find you my social network is and on twitter it's michaelmalice and it is always a pleasure miss chen yeah thank you so much for being here really appreciate it thanks lauren
Channel: Lauren Chen
Views: 47,446
Rating: 4.9416447 out of 5
Keywords: Roaming millennial, commentary channels, current events, lauren chen, michael malice, michael malice interview, michael malice national divorce, national divorce, secession, michael malice anarchy, michael malice debate, michael malice secession, michael malice police
Id: fbuKJ_XbB8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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