"YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice and Hotep Jesus

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#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hotep Jesus Addresses Liberal Mental Illness, C^^ns, Racism, Solutions

During this hour long talk, two American men discuss race relations, hate fear and SOLUTIONS.

"YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice and Hotep Jesus" Published on May 3, 2018 by Compound Media


Hotep Jesus, aka Ali Shakur: 20:45 "I don't think racism is the proper term, the term is fear and ignorance..."



American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KnutesNiche 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] good afternoon i'm michael palace and let that be your welcome for the next hour this is going to be one of the best episodes ever I'm absolutely positive because everyone the Internet's gonna be losing their minds when this happens just one thing I wanted to mention is Kathy Griffin yesterday was putting on a show she tweeted out that she I don't forget who was she went up to them at the White House Correspondents Dinner in her Oscar de la Renta dress and told him to suck our dick which is a clever line eight years ago so I just retweeted how humiliated was he on a scale of one to crying and national television about being broken and we're at four thousand like likes Ben Shapiro hit it and a bunch of other people hit it too so it's one of those tweets where that goes on for days and days and days and you know she's at home crying into her whatever the [ __ ] it is that she drinks now my guest today you guys have I've been excited about this we have hotep Jesus here the man himself for those of you who don't know who he is we have to play the clip this is the cliff that put you on the map a Starbucks you got to go inside get my free coffee y'all ready y'all ready hey now ready body was already body get my free call her my son he was lies [Laughter] [Music] amanda was a nicer person by the way yeah I spelled my name wrong what do you mean our agility I beat her wrong I stopped that guys don't like black people so I wanted to get my Starbucks reparations without you what's that it's a real thing yeah I need I need a free cloth honey that's what I'm talkin bout this is justice just no justice no sweetener [Music] this is justice this is what I'm talking about customer service I'm a parody of glass yeah yeah absolutely [Music] could you imagine he throw some milk in it hole i 100% value the preperations man get my rubber erasers for being black in America that Glaus matter [Music] I'll take caramel is that gonna make it sweet [Music] yes black people like sweet I don't I never heard of that yeah say yeah [Music] huh [Music] I got lucky that's not luck though no that's calculation yes an understanding awareness consciousness what's your name I appreciate you Amanda maybe you are great is it your amazing mission just one oh yeah like two percent I wish you the best yeah Ryder I need a chair to thank you you know say you gotta get your free call from you out here maybe I get your Starbucks rep erases man oh yeah this is how we do black lives matter baby okay I don't even know where to start breaking this down first of all the idea that you know you've kept this 200 years ago hundred fifty years ago people kept the slaves but here's the coffee now we're square it's crazy the idea that coffee was somehow stolen from black people and that has to be returned to them which was a big drink in the South back in the day what was going through your head to set up this whole stunt when the whole Starbucks story hit the media you know I was just thinking to myself like the idea just came the idea was just like you know if I go near a Starbucks I'm asking for free coffee I'm gonna pretend like I'm black lives matter it just like two weeks prior I said I tweeted on Twitter I said if you follow a liberal narrative all the doors and opportunities will be open to you you know what people would say I don't take my own advice I'm starting to take my own advice so I saw the Starbucks it was heaven-sent I said yeah Tom's now it's shocking to me how don't you think so much of white liberalism is a function of having no actual contact with black people whatsoever oh absolutely they know nothing about us it's coming from Brooklyn and I hear how these people talk it's just like have you ever talked to a black person have you ever met a black person it's bizarre it's it's the white lady in that specials on Tyra Banks and she was talking to Patti LaBelle that is the epitome of white liberal ilysm she's like talking to Patty about like the cupcakes or whatever but the end the great divas of all time yeah that question without question what decades still talk to Patty as well like in a condescending tone unless you're Aretha maybe maybe Frank he'll let Betty right but this lady like it was as if she didn't know who Patti was and she's talking down to her and aggression bad okay good that's just laughing cuz she's having fun right oh my god that's aggression that's a sign of dominance that she doesn't realize she's doing it this is paper yeah I meant that I'm not touching the actual cupcake ball again she's touching that's like when you're at a bar and you get someone's getting drunk you put your hand on this be like calm down it's a dominance thing she doesn't even [ __ ] notice she does it it's the epitome that clipped right there's the epitome of white liberalism it's it's I I see it all the time because I went to a very white college and these were like all wasps from Jersey and Long Island I've never met people like that coming from New York and when they see a black person talk to them it's the exact same voice as when they talk to a dog oh hey how are you are you having a good day also great this what's your baby's name Oh Dante vyas oh I love that that's so pretty but you see how they act it's it's not a human talking another human it's a performance and the other thing that's amazing is they think black people are oblivious to this yeah some of us are some of us are some of us are so happy to be speaking to a white person that will you know we're gonna change our voice too and probably meet them with the same tone you know and sometimes we don't get it it's like subconscious but they liberals suffer from what do they call it us saw racial bias so Starbucks is having racial bias training liberals are the original racial bias people but it's subconscious it's terrible man it's like a mental illness it because there's an obliviousness to it like a mental illness like when you don't like someone's anorexic they don't see a thin person the mirror and the idea to them that being patronizing and condescending is also a quintessential form of racism because you can't patronize someone your equal to you could patronize someone who's beneath you in some capacity the fact that you're talking this way to a to patty [ __ ] LaBelle you know should be scared of her should be sure Patti LaBelle has cut people there is no question body knows that lady's name but we know who Patti is yes like she needs to just respect that but again white liberals but she probably doesn't even know who Patti is and that's she knew who Patti was she doesn't act like that but the thing is even if that's not palpable let's suppose it's an older black woman mmm that you would be explained to someone you don't eat the cake look at the paper on a cupcake right national television and I never saw that clip before it's just an amazing man that's deep what's going through your head when you saw that flashbacks and memories of white liberalism but what I love most about was how patty handled it you know patty had the right to get nasty she could have got nasty on that show and the way she handled was just very comical and amicable but still took time out like no you're going to correct yourself you're gonna respect me so I think that's the way you know we should learn to handle some of those interactions if she became angry black woman right away there's not gonna be any discourse its threats wrong with you flying off the handle yes and crazy old diva yeah as if she's like what are you doing if that was Grace Jones that was Grace Jones oh my god oh my I'm sorry I can't imagine Grace Jones being in a room with cupcakes I'm brand for her I just read her autobiography was terrible yeah it was good but the thing is you're part of this hotel movement can you explain to people what that is it is at the pinnacle of itself is the law of attraction in the earthly realm in the 3d realm it's about self accountability and self responsibility so you got to combine the two to get where you're going and that's it you know and that's why we clash with liberals and black liberal rules and black lives matter because law of attraction tells you like stop complaining about your problems you know what I mean like you have to be solution focused and that's what we are with solution focused and that stuff you know isn't it really really met well so what are the kind of reactions you get from who who is more hostile to you white liberal until this whole movement is white liberals or was it uh black people all black people much worse Oh years some dude threatened to beat me up after that the Starbucks thing what was his issue with it because at the very least it's comical very least oh yeah I thought it was funny hilarity he's clearly having a good time right your son had a big smile on his face right Fox News I think was the thing you know in the [ __ ] in black people's mind Fox News is the racist station that's a republic Republican station it's their opposition which makes no sense because if it's Fox why do you guys watch sports on Fox if you hate Fox so much you know that mean so it's kind of contradictory so it's the Fox News angle I'm smiling that's the Laura Ingraham is the LeBron lady there's so many different dynamics and then I'm I'm making fun of a racial situation so you combine those five elements and it's just like I'm a [ __ ] and I'm Uncle Tom and I'm tap dancing so let's talk about that word that I'm not allowed to say [ __ ] okay because people why people think white liberals think it has a specific meaning it's like the n-word it has a much more specific meaning in turn in discourse oh no I thought it was meant more like this whole diamond and silk thing that you are acting a fool for the sake of white people yeah [ __ ] goes back to the mid struvite where you had the white man in blackface white may I right face and he makes a parody of black people and black and dance that's where the term comes from so it does have racial derivation it is what it is I might use it sometimes I'm occasionally called cone by white people by white people oh yeah white liberals yeah yeah they're comfortable using that slur yeah you know again they aren't aware they're detached from society Wow so though they never have consequences pretty much but in in even far-right ho temps consider me a cone so you got the Liberals the left every group has its own branches now that has some other group that's still gonna be fighting right all right ho types to me are a hybrid between hotep and liberal okay how are they far-right what are their ideology they're just really extreme but why their goals though oh they're like black supremacist oh okay no you would take what a white supremacist is and then they're black supremacist so is that they want is that more like that black Nationals and we want do they want all of America or just a part of America all no okay I don't know what they want they won't go back to Africa I tell you that um some of them do but I don't know as far as land what they want I know they have ambitions to acquire land but with them again white people are the problem okay and that's the thing that they have in common with liberals white people the problem with a problem you know they don't like me because Here I am sitting next to a white guy they would call me a [ __ ] just for taking this sit down with you why really yeah why don't we always talk to white people you know that that's something that might come from their camp so it's complete separatism oh yeah yeah yeah I think it is they want to be completely separate but they're probably at work right now with their white ball and right that's probably why they're angry yeah I I don't understand just from a strategy point of view if you're sitting with an interview and allowing your voice to be heard and putting your views out there that's certainly gonna isn't that the point of anyone who's talking yeah I mean the only people that have given me a mic is white people outside of sunny Johnson you know sunny Johnson gave me a voice went on serious and Breitbart he's very sweet I love sunny yeah she's the first one to document us black woman on the right outside of her and bright bars not a black media outlet so beginning Albright bar under a black woman technically is in black right that's white and that's white supremacist two black people right so but my my rebuttal to that is where's the black media to cover me but the ruse is like look at this this is all nice that's the other thing it's kind of it's all stony thing that's also when you have these small how many people would you say are in the hotel movement we got about nine in internal the whole movement is thousands let's say it's about 5,000 okay that sound like a reasonable number perfect okay but the thing is when you have your own wing whoever that would be with the right wing it's a lot easier to maintain your status and control if everyone under you is only talking to each other and not talking Outsiders it works out very conveniently for the whoever that person is at the top that's true that's true I look at it like old kingdoms man you know if a king had beef with a another King they'd have a banquet sit down laugh joke and say alright tomorrow we fight you know is it was men you know but they sat there looked each other out of high even when you look at the war scenes you see the two generals come out and they meet in the middle and they talk and they shoot the [ __ ] and then they go back and then they fight so I look at myself you know I think the problem is this whole white supremacy bit and and when people say oh you're going to talk to white people just lets me know they are actually afraid of white people they don't want to come and sit down and talk to white people I can probably come up with several reasons why but I'm not afraid like I thought anybody people are people to me if you don't give me a mic I'm gonna talk it's not like every interview is a debate if it's an interview it's your point of view and I don't understand how anyone here's the thing I might have an anarchist right and whenever I go like a dinner party or specular party that comes up I always say to people you can't have a radical ideology and talk about it briefly without sounding like a [ __ ] or a lunatic right so the the ideology you're espousing unless people get into it in depth it's going to be easy to write it off right but if you actually lay it out and have a conversation with people who would probably be allies or at least not doesn't don't have to be enemies they're at least gonna be like oh okay that's what this is about more power to them oh yeah oh yeah I mean I've talked to white supremacist white supremacist retweet me and you know I got so people there's no such thing as racism it's just ignorance and fear and then you know I always looked at this racism thing like I always thought like it can't be real right when I was a kid I'm just like there's something wrong here it just doesn't feel real so when you have me and I'm able to have Richard Spencer practically begging me for debate is that racism right right I need a black man in your life right you know if you have you were really racist you wouldn't want to talk to black people you'd be like the far-right ho types that don't want to talk to white people you know so yeah I don't believe the racism myth man did you even respond to him he sent me his number I don't have it to texting because I was afraid my phone would get bugged he I think he might be a Fed though it's the big idea right now cuz that's really really funny did you watch his debate with that blah you know he was on I forget the guys name Charles Barkley I don't I don't look for just Prince the one it was it was really funny it was it because both of them didn't know what they're talking about no ed said that there was no real yeah there's nothing to get where you come from so how did you come to this whole scene what scene the hotep scene hotep scene now I was born Jota my pops used to play Farrakhan takes when I was a kid is that right well yeah I was inundated with with far-right hotep ideology and propaganda you know what I mean like my pops was military he was intelligent section in the military I know the whole thing from the room to the to them okay I don't know what those words are okay you know I know how the world power structure works you know we we have documentation on trilateral commission when I was 10 years old I know I read the Isis papers by Frances Christ Wilson when it came out in 93 you know as I was brought up so when when this whole political thing came about Mike Brown Mike Brown gets shot passes away and then the whole political spectrum blows out what black lives matter and you know I go on internet and I speak my mind about independence or interdependence and capitalism and just taking accountability for ourselves and the black families called me I say Queen Queen would talk to me she blocked me for calling her Queen how dare you call me Queen I'm like you ratted me to call you [ __ ] I love that where is Queen a disrespectful term that's the highest thing you could call someone and this is the mental illness of the left this is the mental illness of the left when you speak to someone with respect and they don't like it it's just like oh wait so if you've grown up in this whole kind of world view yeah you must have had the old you got the crazy must have looked because the more gets reinforced yeah we're some of the big you know coming at it from this outsider perspective what are the big the big political crazy moments that you were like yep I'm on the right side what's the right side what do you mean like I know what my dad taught me is true Oh life yeah life let me know it was true you know when I was in fifth grade I was standing outside my school grey school and the kids are calling me to n-word door knocks and sticks at me oh Jesus right then I run up and I choke him out because my uncle taught me how to wrestle so I choked him out hands up black and blue in the principal's office and they suspend me for five more days then they suspend him and the whole story was him starting it but because he was blue and I was black you know I was targeted in school my first day in third grade they called me et right okay first time in the suburbs moving from Newark New Jersey to the suburbs you know they they picked on me and called me the Edwards I was met with it in life this was 88 89 so I experienced what racism was like ninth grade I fought a kid 8th grade I fought a kid 11th grade I fought a kid and were and were and were I grew up in Scotch Plains scar explains his races I was one of the best kids on my soccer team and they cut me from varsity because I was black and I was good hotel run by Italians but yes I dealt with racism the entire time I was there you know I mean you were just also saying that you don't think racism exists is just fear now this is adult when you see it's one thing to look at it from experience and it's another way to look at it from a philosophical point of view I don't think racism is the proper term the term is fear and ignorance what I was dealing with was fear people were fearing that this black kid could take opportunity away from their kid that's not racism that's fear based upon race you know what I mean so when people say racism you know let's put it in context every single time let's be specific about it otherwise we'll never defeat what this word really means and it's just fear so a lot of it has to be coming to the table and talking to each other that's how you get over a fear like this is my ambitions these are my goals what are your ambitions what are your goals and then try to meet in the middle and say oh you're a white supremacist and you want your own ethnos state great I want to see how I can help you do that so you can stop showing up places with your tiki torches I'm tired of hearing you complain and [ __ ] about this just like you're tired of hearing my people [ __ ] and complain about police brutality I'll tell my people quick why don't you hire your own police when you look at the Jews in New Jersey they lock down the whole street got the buses they do it's got walkie-talkies they police their own neighborhood why aren't you please your own neighborhood but you're complaining about the police so there's always a solution to every problem you know this is one of the things I don't understand about a left black leftism mm-hmm which is the idea that all white people or most of them are racist and systemic thing when I can wrap my head around it but then also expecting all these white people to all of a sudden start caring about black America you can't have both I don't I don't get why there was like so Kanye goes George Bush don't care about black people right and at that time and for that event that was the best thing that could have been said I love that moment in history at that moment I was like I'm a Kanye West fan forever and I'm never gonna budge today did you like it so much because it was true nobody liked bush at the time yeah how long is it going to take the military to get down I work in Katrina to help these people and then when I get down into lacking black people up right it was true you don't care about black people you waited 48 hours to get down to a hurricane scene but now 2018 when we talk about Trump and people are saying Trump don't care about black people what I'm saying right now when this climate Trump doesn't have to care about black people why are black people so concerned with white people caring about them this is Stockholm Syndrome this is a disease as a mental illness focus on yourself man worry about yourself love yourself what if you said I mean have you ever gotten two arguments with people that act and actually change their mind because I feel like if you're black in American please correct me if I'm wrong so much of this has been taught to you especially in school and in the media it's it's it's the whole red pill thing that is for you to come up he'd be like who the hell are you and they're gonna be immediate violent reaction I only I pick and choose who I speak to and I pick and choose how I speak to them so I'm in the gym and at the time you know I'm on the Trump train this is election time this old black dude is in the gym and he's talking all the elections he was stressing the elections I and I'm like you want Hillary right like yeah I'm like don't worry brother you'll get Hillary I pat him on the back I'm not gonna have that conversation with that dude cuz I know where he is mentally I'm only going to have a conversation and sway somebody's opinion if I know there have an honest ear you'll never sway somebody's mind unless they have an honest ear and I can tell when somebody asks a question that they're in the middle right you know what I mean they're not asking a question cuz they're ready to argue if somebody asked me a question cuz they're ready to argue you're gonna get a different response from me and I'm not going to be looking to convince you I'm just gonna be trying to understand your point of view and then meet you in the middle because I know that person won't do the same for me the liberal will not say let me hear your point of view and try to meet you in the middle they won't do that so I'll take the adult road and I'll say you know what you tell me how you feel what you what you want and I'll try to fit my ideology in the middle because I understand my problems I'm not how to talk to people and people are very like you know sensitive yes so when I go into a conversation with with a liberal rule I go into it trying to just get out of the situation just go about my day I don't want to argue because that's what it's gonna be so is their reaction more anger is it more confusion because I think in their mind just yeah you're supposed to be in a certain box and yet when you're making sense outside of that box they don't know what to do with you I've had this reaction myself hate Manny they hate me man they get angry you know there's a thread right now for my old high school people and you know they traded me for a white kid from my school I said the black delegation traded the hotel Jesus for this white kid at school because I don't give a [ __ ] about what Kanye said you know what I mean and this white kid was like oh I feel bad for you guys I'm like I don't feel bad at all what Kanye said you know and I mean but they're all you know liberals so that's just how they think you know yeah it doesn't affect you it does okay house Elvis if I were to sit up here and say it doesn't affect me I'd be lying the the conscious mind when it receives that reaction it immediately hits my ego it's my heart it's my stomach and it stinks and then there were these were people you were friends with when you were kids I was in France we didn't hang out maybe was a toy grown-up but um even from strangers on internet you know complete strangers on a you know black people in they say [ __ ] like cool and it stings it hurts you know I mean because I know my intentions are good and here you are making me seem like the enemy it's also dismissiveness so it implies that you're dumb or crazy and don't you're talking about yeah just like one word that's I don't just deal with you at all your garbage garbage I'm trash you know cool and it's like you didn't even ask me to extrapolate my point did you watch my whole one-hour periscope where I went in on what I said you know what I mean that doesn't happen so what is it that you like about Trump same thing Kanye likes about Trump it's again the law of attraction just you know what this is a man that said he was gonna be President he was the underdog and he went out there and won when I watched movies always root for the underdog you know our sports I moved for the underdog he was the underdog you know and Trump is like the American dream he's like Biff Tannen from Back to the Future you know it's like you just want to be the guy that it's like the guy that rules the world you know he I really feel like when you think of what an American is Trump should come to mind like his picture should come to mind it's like that capitalist mentality and that I don't care about your feelings you know it's very like masculine yeah you know I'm a masculine guy so when I see another masculine guy who's just not complaining he's just like you know what I'm gonna build a wall it's just like damn I he's gonna build a wall you kind of got it like respect his gangsta you got to respect his conviction that's why I like my would you describe Obama as a masculine man Obama is charismatic that and Obama's the smoothest president we're ever gonna have I love the Obama for all the wrong reasons when they asked me I was a rapper and they asked me what did did you vote for Obama said oh yeah I voted for Obama he said why see cuz he was black I didn't need another reason right and then they say well why'd you like Obama as a president because he was black and he didn't have any scandals and he got out of there alive yeah you know I thought he was gonna be assassinated a lot of people did yeah you know I only did right understandably exactly my kids I can say you could be anything in the world even a president right you know what I'm saying it was just for that now I don't agree with any of his policies and some of the gay stuff he brought down the line and what he did to Libya and then how the deeps take control all that stuff is beside the point but Obama the man smooth his Jack around that's the other thing that I'm shocked that that we talked about racial issues did all feel very charged and emotion ridden in this country because so much of the Democratic Party today has its roots in the civil rights movement and everyone who takes it all you mean the Jim Crow Democrats no I mean like modern Democrats they all think they're marching on Selma every day right they think you know it's in their in their minds at the same time Obama and Hillary brought back slavery in Libya and this is something that is not a huge deal and it's mind-blowing to me thank you because it's not even like a drawing in a book i conical Tom's Cabin here's a drawing we have video slave auctions we covered that howtechs with were one of the first publications to cover that and we were reaching out to black media we were tagging up every sense you know all the culprits and we're like yo y'all gonna cover this now uncovered it's now you're covered us three months went by before black me to even touch slavery and Libya and it's funny because now they're like all up in arms about Kanye West in slavery there's slavery happening right now when you don't give two shits yeah because it's not easy to find who to blame because it's not Trump's fault but it's not really Obama's it's a farm so a little bit if it was Trump's vote they'd be all over wood and you but they'd that would be correct like if Trump is causing slavery yeah there should be the only issue happening every dick so what was your were you shocked that it took that long to get any kind of response nah I was disappointed man I was disappointed when I'm through the article up I threw it up knowing like man nobody's gonna cover this let me go ahead and just how did you find out about it then it was another article we published it wasn't like a big media outlet but probably intermediate I forgive you go to otep nation calm and look up I live yes maybe article I linked back to the origin of where I found it and you know there is video footage but we've been saying hoe tips have been saying you know this that's not the first occurrence of slavery in an Arab territory Saudi Arabia is on on the hook for that India is on the hook for that Egypt is on the hook for that Sudan South Sudan is on the hook for slavery right now so that into Libya is like just a at the end of a list of occurrences so when that happened I'm like what they didn't cover any of the other average slave issues so I know they're not gonna cover this then when you bring in to the fact that Trump is talking about the refugee crisis and all these refugees coming over do you want to sit there and tape for Refugees when at the same time the same country that these refugees come from there people hold your people hostage right as slaves if you now you're conflicting your political ideology now yeah we can't really say nothing because then it's gonna blow up our whole thing you know and I mean so as a lot of hypocrisy goes into it now but it's just psychologically like did you guys just sit down and talk about this and being like how is this real life or you just knew exactly what you get you says that you're too cynical to be disappoint at this point yeah okay yeah you know you lived long enough to be the bad guy right right you don't I mean what is it has a cool go either die a good guy lived long enough disease be a villain yeah that's what it is you know like I look at myself as a good guy always got a good-hearted nature but it's like now the bad guy I'm just gonna have to own it then how do you I mean like when I do my North Korea work right and things were actually going in a very positive direction and then Kim jong-un sisters at the Olympics and they're all standing for her and they're like oh my god she's so sassy I'm like she kills children you know I mean like what the [ __ ] are you talking about and that got to me because I was surprised so I would think that with something as not black and white as black and white as slavery it's not ambiguous this isn't you know all you need how much welfare slavery there's no argument here this is a abomination yeah the fact that you guys are like or anyone is like here this is happening today even though you have many articles talking about it from 150 years ago to be met with silence I think that would [ __ ] with my head yeah a fierce uh it does you know but I had fiercest a white person who's not who's an immigrant I mean it's just that it's true wrong Russia Russia yeah got me the studio with the Russian agents with them with a black TV with the black people Europe where the or the black yes if you like to drink we like to fight we wear our coats and everything in our house is purple and tacky we are absolutely the black people I used to work with a Russian girl honey was Dasha I'm like that's the blackest name yes so we are the scariest white people and we do not trust each other either so it's very very I get it to some extent as much as I can as a white person but that's all thing is like hearing this in the press and there are some stories that came out later they're like oh PS there's slavery in Libya but it's I mean to compare that to like Trump fed fish to the food to the fish in Japan or scoops even he [ __ ] a porn star the porn star think oh boy and that was the biggest reach ever I might you guys really about to entertain this story that's what I it's just like he's got it laughing liberals at that point so I mean in terms of who regard as the problem in our society what would who were the worst thing like give me the ranking of the worst people yeah like who world or in America like who are really the lucky [ __ ] up most I can't see he's number two number two number two I'm gonna go with the Arab world okay I'm gonna go with the number two is Arab world how's that how was that yeah cuz they hate black people yeah they do you know I'm looking at my enemies in like yeah the Arabs really don't like it too much so yeah this is another thing cut me coming girl from Brooklyn I had I've told this story many times I had a dinner party once in my friend's house and everyone is from a different country everyone just worked out that way and I said hey we're gonna go around the table you have to say who your people hate and one chick is like well we don't hate anybody I go who's your neighbors Oh it'll eight then we just think they're dumb that's the other thing with when you hear things about like intersectionality and the idea that everyone who is in white should naturally get along a planet are these people huh don't work like that does not work like that and then even if you just have only white people in the Civil War was only white people you go to Africa it's black people killing each other it's just some blacks and gays and Mexicans I supposed to get along why cuz they all hate whites that's the argument I mean what's your thoughts when you hear things like that let me finish my talk okay yes okay sorry bronze who is the gets the bronze medal white liberals say white liberals are like the worst thing in the world after those we can't name in the Arab world it becomes white liberals they make life so hard so they're worse than black liberals black blue rules are like harmless okay black liberals are harmless they're just they got Stockholm Syndrome nobody's worried about them you know I'm saying they're just going through something right now they they're like a jealous ex-girlfriend that's pretty bad there's bread I don't that's that's gotta be jealous ex-girlfriends really high up on my list I've had to call the cops and I'm gonna add her kissed it might be tonic good now don't call the cops they go killers no yeah yeah they like it does it's girlfriend man you know it's like why don't you love me like you love everybody else shut up love yourself go find a new man but I mean how do you expect to so if you could persuade any group would you be targeting the whites or just targeting the blacks in terms of liberals Oh neither so who are you targeting really called like the red-billed community yeah yeah I'm just talking to the homies man hey you can't talk to liberals what would see the thing is we have to unite we have to create fraternities and we have to become stronger we have to build our army now is the time to build your army now is not the time to be interfacing with the enemy now is the time to build your ammunition depot and I'm not talking about two-way I'm not talking yes second Amendment I'm being you've mystically speaking you know now is the time to just get your evidence together get your family together everybody come together because it's a long road ahead liberals aren't gonna come around unless we keep me mourn like to me more what we just exposed like all the nonsense eventually they just like they start red pilling themselves over right you know I mean but I think we just got to keep doing what we're doing just spread a message how we're spreading it me more that a lot of it put out the video clips of you know all the stupid stuff that the media does like stormy Daniels and talking about it and that's it you know to talk to them just publish the medium and have like discourse like this that's it what when you talk about building communities what do you think of this argument that's very common which I think has a lot of truth to it that look the recent slavery is still an issue today to an extent is you took a population destroyed no culture of their own it was destroyed they were torn apart from their families and now to expect something that had thousands of years behind it to be rebuilt in a hundred years that's not really fair yeah I don't see slavery as that as being the official story slavery what I see the official story of slavery is you have settlers Conlon's whatever they are they come here and places like Chicago New York are actually already built it's already roads there right and these things sit on ley lines right so there's that aspect to it is way explain to people what ley lines are ley lines is the grid longitude/latitude grid and so like the Bermuda Triangle sits on a ley line crossroad right so like there could be some if I put my tinfoil hat on right now it could be some funny occurrences or some great things that happen by being on a certain Lela right these are energies that's kind of in the earth or energies magnetism correct so when these places are already set up you kind of come in and just kind of like inherit what's already there so you you're not starting from scratch it's not like they came over he tore down and started from scratch no they just picked up where other people left off and then I don't believe the story that they brought us here from Africa either that doesn't it just doesn't make sense it's not economically smart why would you do that when you got people here already right also I believe that black people are the original natives when you talk about Native Americans right now what they call Native Americans to me is a mulatto okay what was it what was the mixture it's a black and white you got here news you know when we talk about the Mali Empire Mali Empire we talk about I want to say 15th century 14th century and you have them venturing out of West Africa to come explore America so they've explored America 300 years before Europe gets there so what we have our African people here in America then when you mix the the white and the black together you get a Hispanic Indian looking person they all have that dark long hair right then who would so but who are the Europeans when the Europeans got here they said they met Indians so how could that have happened well they thought they were in India right but what they meant was we met indigenous people okay that's what they meant right how the history books reword it but they met indigenous people and if you ever go look at old photos of old Native Americans you'll see black people Washita MERS right wash it all Native Americans these are our black people and these people own sleeves to buy of course and they were part of our economy they lived with with in America and the way people make it seem like like white people independently built America I don't think is the case I think there was a lot of Native influence right so if Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 when America is born in 1776 you have 300 years of working with the people you know and I'm saying and then I think as you go more west as the America did that's when they say you know what we're gonna fight these people and then they're POWs now they're not slaves POWs also you have South America and Caribbean right why would you go all the way to Africa when you got Brazil has the second largest population of black people on the earth why don't you just bring them up and then shove them up north all right all that whole cotton what do you think about stories like Amistad do you think those are just made up yeah I think not made up exaggerated and I made this seem like this is the norm I'm not saying no slaves we're saying what I'm saying is if you have a ship right and you're bringing over sugar barley whatever it is you're bringing over you might say oh let's throw a couple of slaves on air like 20 slaves but you're not gonna be like we're gonna go and we're gonna pick up people from this other cause in it and bring them over here it doesn't it economically that's pretty dumb especially when half your cargo dies on the way over disease is gonna it's gonna take out the whole cargo and take out the whole cargo so who makes that financial decision smart people don't do that right so that that has to be a lie in my opinion what I believe happened is the people that were here the people in the Caribbean it's really easy to put people on a boat in Cuba and bring them to America take a swing here I'm here from the Dolphins yeah dude I'm saying so I don't believe the whole African thing what I believe is African people migrated to the Caribbean South America North America and while they were here some new people came snatch them up okay and a lot but I think you know is a lot more to the story than people say so why do you think it's developed in the way that we're taught what it is Oh cuz they wanna white liberals want to [ __ ] the mind of the black male and black family how would that how is the narrative that we're told as history will how would that have that effect not empowering it's it's effective mentality you're taught from a young age that you were slave so if subconsciously you're a slave why would you aspire for anything more right the best you can aspire to the janitor right that's the promotion that's your promotion yeah you know what I'm saying so it's that psychological and that's the difference between the Jews and the black city Jews went through the Holocaust right the Holocaust isn't slavery you're not subjected to servitude and made lesser no you were just annihilated you were just killed right there's a difference there oh there's a big difference of course huge difference so slaves were valued you want the slave to work you want him to have kids you want to you know you would reproduce this is you click click click like you don't kill cattle for example right it's an economy yes the Holocaust is not in the economy you see what I'm saying so there's a difference and when you take a people and you say you are the bottom of the economy why would subconsciously why would you ever think you could even be more right I remember being a kid and having slavery driven in my head and actually thinking that thought like well I come from slaves then maybe I am a slave you have these thoughts what thanks Rob hops feeding me information you know you kind of clean that stuff up so when you were in school your dad's whispering in your ear growing up right so you know and I had something very similar with my upbringing when you know that half the stuff that teacher is crap yeah cuz and no one's gonna deny that half that stuff was taught in public schools [ __ ] anyway yeah what are you sitting there keeping your mouth shut or you start arguing your heart uh okay so how's the class clown school okay I was in entertainment you actually are you are just acting out or both both both I challenge a teacher all the time you know I never have respect for authority yep I sensed ice so I had this natural ability to understand people so as an only child you kind of just observe a lot you just all data's observing observing people so I remember having 7th grade an English teacher name was miss Hubbard never forget I miss her bird I guess you would forget like dr. Hibberd on The Simpsons yeah yeah best teacher I ever had she was strict as how white woman older white woman gray hair she was like that traditional teacher that was strictly Mormon yeah yeah yeah it's very stereotypical school mom she was like that best teacher I ever had and she made my English you know wonderful I like that I've respected her because she didn't take [ __ ] off anybody whereas some of the other teachers were like white liberals where it's like a white kid did something it was like oh you know you kind of pat him on the back and then if I did it it's like all hell broke loose you know thumbs right where is he to go the other way if you did something good it's like oh my god it's a miracle and after now if I did something it was actually like you didn't do anything oh you know interesting okay yeah it wasn't like today okay right okay it's not like today where it's like oh my god wow you can read good job that's how it is now but um you know I respected miss Hitler because it was just cut and dry so when I had to teach it it was cut and dry I'd give him respect but if you weren't cutting dry and you started telling me some [ __ ] about some history I just start hitting you with the facts especially when it came to religion in Jesus and all that stuff who thought I was I grew up Catholic okay and I had to go to confirmation okay and I almost didn't get confirmed Oh Nicole by you on me today man this is why would Jesus get confirmed doesn't make sense I know we gotta go through confirmation okay you know my pops didn't drilled me with the whole Jesus was black and all that Daniel 7 verse 9 so I'm contradicting the teacher all the time give him a hell and it wasn't so my dad came down through the school started talking about the book of Jasher and all that esoteric knowledge they ended up sorry just confirmed this kid just got him out here shut up get the [ __ ] out here let Jesus handle it jesus take the wheel this is the jesus take the wheel of it I was about to deal with this kid [ __ ] but so what was your attitude frustration anger frustration it's frustrating because it's first here's the other thing even if you are wrong you're coming from an informed place where you're thinking about these things and you're reading the books and you're not I mean it's not like you're flying up the handle just being an [ __ ] and they're not they have a book and they're just repeating it and they don't know how to handle people or challenging them wrong and if anything they should encourage you to be like oh this I've never heard this you know let's hear about this it's not like you're making it up so you're coming from some you know a tradition yeah you know I hate about hate it early about people was really fake I noticed real early that I couldn't be myself I'm like when I myself people hate me it's like Kanye when I myself people hate me they don't want the honesty but then I noticed everybody that was fake I always had the friends and so I just was like you know what I'll never be that I'm gonna be the outcast well this is why they're going after you on Facebook shows I'm not gonna be fake you know so let's talk about this whole you're the first person I'm talking to about this all kind he retweeted my friend by the way my friend had this nice tweet about how you know I had a great political discussion today instead of arguing it was from a place of love and understand each other he goes I guess it's the Kanye effect he didn't hashtag didn't put at Kanye retweeted it so that's how you know Kanye [ __ ] searches Twitter his [ __ ] name Kanye's so what were your thoughts during this whole thing both to what he was saying in people's reactions the slavery coat now let's start with that one man I was watching it early as soon as I saw it I was like because I knew I know what he meant what what did he mean he met his mental slavery not obviously not that you met mental slavery you know what I'm saying and but the soundbite slavery is a choice I was like oh that's gonna get taken out of context and blown up and not and I put it on my Twitter and I say wait to the Negroes get a hold it is I had a friend and he had a similar whenever the cops stopped him he was black they always made him sit on the curb and once he got a Fiat any others son and he's like no you can put me on the curb but I'm not gonna sit there like a kid yeah and that's what Kanye is talking to at a certain point it's like are you going to be except that someone is dominant over you or every day are you gonna be gritting your teeth and thinking this is not right yeah yeah I felt like [ __ ] it I felt like it's coming actually had nothing to do with slavery right I think he was just talking about the fact that we accept the state that we're in you know black people are in dire straits if you ask me we're on the edge right now but it's not like it's a problem that we can't overcome I just think that nobody that is in the position that help is willing to help or they're scared to help or they're just like oh now look at that dirty Negro in the hood I don't want him near me he might steal my stuff they're like white liberals the white liberal voice that was that like so they sallied you know the black liberal wants to become the white liberal so once he makes it away he will talk down on oh yeah I tweeted this out the other week that that asian kid when he was yelling at that girl for wearing a beautiful Chinese dress she's beautiful this is not disrespect in any way there was a poll that came out today they polled people in China 93 percent said this was great oh it's cuz it's a beautiful thing you know you're not looking like a clown at your prom and he's yelling at her about this is cultural appropriation yelling at her in English on Twitter and I said that is the whitest thing you can say uh-huh but it is it's such this thing that like I'm going to tell you like let you [ __ ] speak for all of China you're here [ __ ] there's a 1.4 billion of you you were the [ __ ] king you're not now somebody pulled up some of his old tweet yes he's all racist he's like all races and a culturally appropriate yes everything in black coach is funny said is what he said the liberal mentality is what they open the door for man and it's in you know what makes it sick is the fact that he can go viral for doing that who that kid or Kanye it's the same thing as just our bucks thing oh yeah yeah it's the same thing it's like he's being a liberal and that's what's going to get you media attention you know that's what's gonna get him retweet all this is called cultural appropriation he knows there's a gang of people looking for that waiting to retweet and like them so he's pandering to an audience what do you think this a cultural sensitive training that Starbucks is going to go through is you think that's gonna make things better or worse it's the worst idea it's the worst thing right it's a transaction here's your coffee get the [ __ ] out by you know so first of all the people they have in charge of it the wrong people to have in charge of it you got Eric Holder the n-double-a-cp and the ATL three entities that know nothing about black people know nothing about Philadelphia right you don't think Eric Holder and double acp don't about Philadelphia these are three entities okay it's my I knew nothing about black people nothing zero these are people that have escaped and will do nothing to reach back oh I see or say yeah [ __ ] I'm sayin yeah now would you shut the door behind you yeah if you want racial bias training you'd have to bring and one I'd say male and female of each archetype of black person let's say there's twelve archetypes and bring them in other twelve is there actually a list maybe I made it up okay just estimating okay and those are probably hybrids right think it's more like six and you bring these archetypes in you probably have to say like like wife swap you ever see you're gonna have to make these people live with black people to understand did that once there was a black nationalist II remember this good day maybe that lady who said gargle psychics was a Christian lady margaret Perrin she was on once she ripped up the money because she went to live with a psychic and she was super religious she said there was dark thought it was the devil the second time they sent her to live with the black nationalists he was just yelling her the whole time while driving his cab and she he's in Louisiana Florida and she just goes across the street who's 300 pounds and there's this lovely black family you know on their porch she goes can I sit and visit you for a minute and he was just screaming at her like like she herself was like sponsible she's like I know anything about race fat lady who likes Jesus has never been around black people right so you can't have Eric Holder n-double-a-cp an ATL teach black euphemisms culture are sayings our expressions because even our mannerisms like we're loud people so sometimes loud could be come off as aggressive so you have to get accustomed to the decibels and understand oh no that's that's a that's an okay tone you got to know certain trigger words I mean okay now I might need to call the cops so these people need to spend time with black people right that's the only way and black people need to spend time with white people to understand when a white person is annoyed or when they're happy it's gonna be passive-aggressive they're not gonna be popping off yeah you see what I'm saying it's that passive aggressiveness if you ain't around white people you won't know it right you won't pick up on it we'll pick up on it and I see no the cops is called right excuse me have to make a phone call make yourself at home and the next thing you know what the [ __ ] yeah you gotta know that so that's how you gotta cheat but again that would solve all of our racial problems because you'd be bringing people together yeah but but then there's some the hotep you're saying they don't want this they don't want to solve the racial problems they think it's unsolvable yeah they think the problem is white people what do they think about like Mexican people are Chinese people or do they not talk about don't like them you know I'll be the first one to tell you you have race racism in in the Hispanic community in Asian community are you kidding it's off the charts their community AB off the charts you see the uh Asian dude whooped that lady's ass and Chinese restaurant no oh whoops hired slack lady black lady he was hitting her with the Jackie Chan kicks on the ground what's up what I mean you're hard I was like damn no she was black and blue they don't sell it like us we're out of time though so wait a minute if an asian guy beats up a black lady does that end up in worldstar or does it go to youtube as going worldstar oh okay all fights go to worldstar yeah I spend way too much time on that side is there any thing what's the one thing that you think that people who are kind of in the matrix are missing I'll let you have the last word in our contemporary discourse the last word and that was a mean-ass to what me meaning great quick thank you see that's the racial bias we gotta work through its the racial understanding when I say that's a mean oh well my name is malice oh yeah zeros a yeah and I thought you're gonna be a white supremacist cuz your name was malice there's a rapper named malice by the way too what's the one thing people need to the rapper called Michael malice too but he don't got like a mouse calm or Michael Mouse that neck you failed fail fail what's the question what it was the what do you think the one thing people would should get in that they're missing in contemporary discourse the regular people shutting the [ __ ] up yeah and listening more just listen listen with an open ear and wanting to understand you know there's one thing to listen and waiting your turn to talk there's another thing to say you know I'm gonna shut up I'm not gonna say anything all the thoughts that are going through my mind of what I want to say I'm not gonna say I'm going to just let this person speak and I'm going to ask questions I'm only going to ask questions and I'm doing from a place of honesty I'm not gonna use declarations I lied I'm not gonna give you last word cuz I'm gonna say something I think you're gonna agree with what I would say is for them to understand a lot of what you're being presented as truth is not just mistaken but is a conscious lie yeah and once you realize that a lot of things start falling into place life is one big lie yeah yeah so thank you so much Jesus we're out of time I'll see you all next week you are welcome your face [Music] [Music]
Channel: Compound Media
Views: 26,209
Rating: 4.8375635 out of 5
Keywords: the anthony cumia show, anthony cumia, opie and anthony, Opie And Anthony (Broadcast Content), sirius xm, Sirius XM Radio (Business Operation), NYC Crime Report with Pat Dixon, Burning Bridges with Kevin Brennan, In Hot Water with Aaron Berg and Geno Bisconte, Safe Space with Taleeb Starkes, The East Side Dave Show with Dave McDonald, The Artie And Anthony Show, Artie Lange, Michael Malice, YOUR WELCOME, Compound Media, Hotep Jesus
Id: RihAv3FF4-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 27sec (3627 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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