Andy Ngo - What The Media WON'T Tell You (2021 Interview)

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hey lauren here let's talk to andy noe a writer and journalist who has become famous for covering all of the stories that the mainstream media simply refuses to touch before we get into it though i do want to say a thank you to our sponsor virtual shield new findings show 5g could be used to exploit your data and cause ddos or distributed denial of service attacks through security flaws in the cellular network and as is the case with pretty much any disruptive technology hackers and corporations are looking for ways to exploit it at the cost of your privacy that is why i highly recommend virtual shield virtual shield is my favorite vpn because unlike other vpns they have a strict no log policy plus there are no hidden fees it's fast secure and so easy even grandma could use it so get virtual shield for 50 off today amazing deal by going to lauren chen or by clicking the link below and now let's check in with andy noe hey andy thank you for being here my pleasure thanks for having me on no problem it's been so long since we've seen each other in person or i'm guessing pretty much anybody in person but i'm so happy to speak with you today because i feel like you're one of the best people to go to if you want to know what is happening in far left circles and the media just isn't talking about it you're amazing at uncovering those stories and one of the stories that you've been kind of reporting on is a recent hate hoax incident at a michigan college can you fill us in on that yeah so a lot of people who started following me maybe last year in 2020 was because of the coverage i was doing about the riots that were happening in many american cities and my writings about anti-film a book about antifa but actually before that um one of my other beats that i i used to focus on a lot was on hate crime hoaxes which um is a phenomenon that happens quite frequently on american university campuses unfortunately and it's something that doesn't really get much wide reporting and it's a shame because it whenever these hate alleged hate crime incidents happen it leads to panics at the university and there are huge consequential events such as the administration panicking and giving in to the demands of the activists even when even during and or after they find out that it turns out to be a hoax so um earlier this week we found out that an incident that happened at albion college which is in the state of michigan is uh it's an expensive liberal university there was an incident uh last week where these um racist neo-nazi messages were graffitied across campus and they said really terrible things um it wasn't it was there were it said like kkk and things like that but addition to that there was uh it was calling for the murders of um black students uh on campus and it in in the usa n word and things like that so um as you can imagine there was a huge outcry and there were days and days of protest students were refusing to go to class uh and this is you know in the context of uh so many students across america having not had the opportunity to go to school these universities students are choosing refusing to go to to their colossus to protest and then we found out um from uh the albion police did an investigation and according to the cctv footage the person who was caught doing it was not just a student from that university but is actually a black student um so that investigation and their findings have been referred to the county's um district attorney so hopefully they will lead to some charges um so we don't know actually the name of this uh individual yet since they haven't been formally charged but um we shouldn't be too surprised if the prosecutor decides actually to not go forward with the case that happens a lot and we shouldn't be surprised if the university does not expel the student either this happens quite frequently and you're seeing that even after it was already known that it was a black student who did it as a host the students were still protesting a few days ago on campus and you know they're demanding these um uh they have a whole list of things increasing diversity increasing more spending on for the needs of students of color and this and that you know we've been dealing with these type of excesses as a social justice left on university campuses for like six years now um you know your audience and you in particular probably really remember what it was like back in 2015 2016 when we had this explosion of really outrageous crying and screaming and radicalism on campuses and it it was humorous to watch at that time and there were people who became very famous of making videos about it or talking about it such such as milo and such but my concern at that time when i was a university student at that time worked on my graduate program is that you know we're looking at a very short amount of time before these students uh graduate and then not just enter the workforce but enter as like um the people who are like kind of like the leaders in you know whether they work in public policy or go to human resources or whatever and that's exactly what's happened or they go into journalism um throughout 2020 i think one of i think kind of the knockoff effects of this extremism that's been normalized on university campuses is you're seeing the wider acceptance on the mainstream left for political violence sorry i was talking for a very long time no no that's all it's all good stuff um kind of frightening stuff though and what i've noticed with this whole case in michigan and it seems to always follow this pattern anytime there is a hate crime that's revealed to be a hoax is that the correction of the story once it's revealed no this wasn't an actual hate crime is just a fraction of what it initially got when people did believe it was something done by white supremacists and things like that uh with this college case i feel like it's the exact same thing you're one of the only people who's talking about the fact that it wasn't actually some evil white supremacist that's spray on a campus why do you think the the truth gets so little coverage because we should actually all be really thankful and happy that there's not this rabid white supremacist who wants to kill non-white people right it's actually a good thing we should talk about but it it seems like the the truth is inconvenient so people just don't mention it what do you think is going on there the critical race theory infection into like pretty much all area all disciplines the university has really serious consequences for not just the wider society but politics eventually and journalism communication disciplines for example have really embraced critical race theory so when i when i was a um a graduate student i worked for the student paper we had to go to these mandatory trainings that were teaching us crt and another um in another name we were taught about when we write about when we're doing our news reporting to always consider the effect on those who are oppressed and consider also who is the oppressor and this was teaching this is what they were teaching student journalists at the time so that's why you see how in the reason why the editors and such choose not to focus as much once it's revealed to either be a hoax or not a white supremacist is carrying out some type of hate crime incident is because uh they're factoring these things and about well you know um this the truth may cause certain harm to communities it may make the public not believe victims who come forward so they're factoring other variables in that in my view um removed the primacy of the truth which i think for journalists that needs to be the thing that you always put up the front i mean obviously there are other variables you have to consider as well but i think we're seeing this a point to a point where the truth can be obfuscated and or ignored for a wider political agenda and in my view that's not journalism that's um that's political activism right and i've always said that if you want to be a political activist if you want to be a commentator go for it that's what i consider myself but people who have these intentions parading as journalists and truth tellers i think that's dangerous because i'm not sure how many people out there realize that the things they're being fed and what they're being told it's all being filtered through this editorial lens where a lot of important stuff gets left behind and actually like you mentioned earlier one of the the things you're best known for now is your coverage of antifa and again antifa violence is something that mainstream media just doesn't do too much reporting on i'm not going to say it's it's never covered but considering the level of violence that goes on in cities like portland you think it would be talked about more now you have a best-selling book about this that people did try to get banned and canceled they were unsuccessful thankfully but you've been harassed assaulted threatened dogs pretty much anything you can name by antifa and i was i was online and there's this one fellow jared holt he works for i think right wing watch or at least he used to uh he refers to them as just anti-fascist forces he's very much of that typical line oh no antifa's they're not terrorists it just means anti-fascists after being you know gone through everything that you've gone through with antifa what do you respond to the the people who still insist maybe like joe biden that antifa is just an idea so the reason why i find antifa so dangerous is not just in their actions i mean we're talking about a movement that inc that encourages its followers to be essentially street thugs and hooligans i mean that's what they do when they carry um bats and hammers and smash up businesses small businesses or big businesses or places where people live and set fires but they also do things where that resolve result in death or even attempted murder or right now last week um a blm activist who traveled all the way from minneapolis to portland that's thousands of thousands of miles to participate in the riots he's been indicted on 28 counts of attempted murder in writing and all these other really serious charges for what he allegedly did in important last year during the mass rioting and so uh you know you have one level like the extreme violent extremism the street thuggery the hooliganism and then you have like what their ideology actually preaches and um my detractors will call me fascists and all that but or and or far right i think i have my views are actually quite liberal you know i uh believe that human rights should be uh protected not just by the state but i think there's a role for internationalism so i'm not an opponent of the un for example in all its declarations for universal human rights these are all things i support and what antifa are trying to do is to erode um the philosophical foundations that provide the groundwork for um the rule of law and um and everything that includes i mean you know it seems kind of like an abstract con um idea but think about it like the where does it come from that as a society we don't solve our conflicts through what tribal warfare or killing other people or revenge you know you have a court system you have a judicial process people who are accused of crimes have a right to an attorney and you have a right to a trial and all that what antifa are trying to do is to get rid of all of that and have create create a society that is under anarchy and organize along communist lines and so they intentionally attack things like law like law enforcement facilities institutions um as as of this interview right now just last night they set the ice facility in portland on fire and barricaded it with people inside you know with all with all the media talking about political violence political extremism and insurrectionary activities yeah against federal property because the 6th of january i mean i thought i was thinking when all that coverage was happening i was just thinking where the hell were you last year in when similar things and worse were happening in portland and seattle and other places where were you last night when a mob of mass black militants tried to burn federal officers to death like this should be front headline news and it's not so yeah um sorry go ahead well i just that double standard you're right it's so glaring and i was thinking the exact same thing after january 6 which of course you know disavow any type of rioting trespassing you name it but uh you know we had people like aoc and other figures in the media who were acting as if the this this is the normalization of political violence this is insurrection but like you said i was wondering where were you last year i mean antifa has absolutely attacked federal buildings before and inflicted a lot more damage than was done on january 6. antifa has also i mean set up autonomous zones and if that's not insurrection i mean actually declaring yourself up like taking part of america and saying no it's no longer america then what is insurrection um but again the media just does not cover it um you you are you know right now i'm not sure people are know where you are but you've actually had to kind of you know remove yourself from portland because there there's a lot of negative attention toward yourself um have you had any kind of support from mainstream journalists or organizations who you love to talk about how hard it is to be a journalist and meanwhile here you are a journalist who's being targeted for your work no i haven't had support from mainstream journalists which um you know i i've come to develop a strong skin but it does it does hurt when your colleagues or people who work in the same industry as you refuse to acknowledge you as one of them that no matter what you do no matter i mean i write and get published in mainstream publications you know people try to frame me as some like fringe extremist blogger when i write everything reports for newsweek uh you know posts i've done columns for the wall street journal it's like but i'm never given um they don't call me jonas they don't view me as one of them and that has knock-on effects in that for example um you mentioned a second ago that i i had to leave portland i've spoken on record about this portland's my my hometown but i was beaten in 2019 and ever since then people have tried to really finish off what they started before antifa in particular and i have more than two dozen reports to portland police nothing ever gets done even when i give them a name of um a suspect uh portland police itself is also hemorrhaging and that it's having um like record numbers of people leaving the the department either through early retirement or transferring to different departments because uh portland is a terrible place to work when you're a car um so violent crime has gone up uh in terms of uh homicide rates are among the highest uh in decades in portland now and uh we're set to have about a hundred homicides this year in portland which is for a city that's medium size that's a lot of killings this is um just a breakdown in law and order there and when i i used to report a lot of um incidents of harassment and attacks and intimidation such as when people would show up to my family's home to the us press freedom tracker which is one of these um nonpartisan journalists rights organizations in the u.s that would investigate and would bring attention to it but uh they eventually um they stopped responding to my submissions and it was clear that um they didn't view me as somebody worthy to stick up for so it is difficult in in many ways to not have the institutional backing that um [Music] uh biased far left journalists will will have um i mean you can just look at what some of these straight so-called news reporters who work for box or daily beast or or vice what they say on their social media and it's like it's not just unprofessional it's really in my view um but i mean if i was there out of her i that that wouldn't be okay it's like you know if you're calling trump a fascist and all that and you're also reporting him that that's not okay um but you can fail upward if you're a left-wing journalist you can feel upward if you're left-wing in many ways you can be a left-wing criminal um a left-wing thug um or even a left-wing murderer like the case of michael rhino which was the antifa militant in portland last year who shot that a trump supporter and they were in the coverage on him by the liberal and latin press has been pretty sympathetic they've actually been focused on any alleged irregularities around uh federal officers shooting him dead i mean investigation found that he was armed to the teeth had a pistol on his body and he fired around before he was shot dead but somehow he's the victim of you know storm troopers from the federal law enforcement but yeah so we're dealing with really big culture issues and i've lost portland and uh i've left the us for the time being because it it does feel really depressing to look at the state of things like you know uh it's it's no surprise or no secret that all these other areas of society have been captured by um critical race theories um you know academic journalism uh entertainment uh what have all of that and then kind of like the one bulwark against it was at least in the federal government in the previous administration and i wasn't particularly uh a big trump booster or anything but um you know you could take a little bit of refuge in that okay at least the executive office wasn't um taken in by this hateful racist ideology uh but now they have absolutely everything so right it's they they control all arm all aspects of society pretty much and that kind of brings me to the next thing i want to ask you and it's it's not an easy question but how can we start to combat this the normalization of political violence it's it's insane and this started in the united states i believe but it's it's absolutely in canada as well unfortunately it's in the uk it's like it's essentially spread all over the anglosphere and how do we get back to a point where a protest is just that a protest it's it's not a lynch mob it's not a riot or anything like that because i feel like we're at a point where i'm not even surprised anymore when i see those those clips from portland that you post of people burning things down with impunity impunity and not being held accountable it's like we've almost become desensitized to it at this point we have become desensitized um like i i'm seeing the way that the the mainstream press is covering the the trial derek shogun right now and it's so it's disturbing because it seems like they're they're building up a certain narrative to make the public expect a specific outcome and um we already seen from what all these blm and antifa groups are saying that in individuals is that if chauvin is not convicted of murder and heavily sentenced they're going to burn burn down and so um you know it puts a gun in a way to the head of everybody on that jury because it's like if they don't give the can the um the outcome that all these activists want people are promising violence and like the violence is not just property destruction property destruction is bad enough of itself in a time when uh the whole world is dealing with the economic fallout of covet the varieties last year were deadly and we don't really see people talking about that much and it makes me very frustrated and angry um but going forward you say what can be done um you know i'm not really sure if there's anything that conservatives or people on the right can really do anymore at this point i think the pushback really has to come from those on the center left or left or liberals and the times that i've been um asked to testify to congress for example i always prepare a message with evidence that is non-partisan because i want the democrat lawmakers to understand that we're dealing with a violent extremist movement that ostensibly says it's doing it for racial justice or social justice but what it's trying to do is to tear down the legitimacy of the state and that really and that threatens absolutely everything not just the parties i don't really care too much about the parties but it threatens things like the rule of law and the criminal justice system the things that form the backbone of the american philosophy um or western society if you want to extend it a bit further out and unfortunately my message um was not received at all by democrats they either ignored me or in in one particular instance uh tried to like demonize me in a way and so um i don't know i'm not particularly optimistic to be honest i do feel really down i'm just you know as i'm just glad that there are that the mainstream media is not the gatekeepers of information anymore uh unfortunately big tech is but you know that there's you know you for example you yourself you're you you still have your platform on twitter and youtube and all that and there's other people who are either commentators or independent journalists who are on the ground providing the footage that you would otherwise never ever see broadcasted on cnn or abc nbc um so i'm optimistic about that but we've also seen many of these accounts wiped by big tech who is uh who is partisan and bias and doesn't apply their uh terms of service equally i wish i had a more positive message i mean what do you think lauren well unfortunately i i kind of agree with you i'm almost in the black-pilled stage of my political evolution sadly and this is a conversation i've had with my husband and i even touched on it with my last interview with carl benjamin there's this question of do you stay and try to make things better or do you sort of cut your losses and leave and perhaps try to find somewhere where people are more like-minded and you do think you have a better chance of making a difference there and there's no i think right answer but i'm at a point now where you know where i'm originally from my husband as well he was born and raised here things are so far left there's no room for debate or disagreement you have to ask yourself you know for example if you're anti-antifa in portland what can you personally do and is it worth it trying to take a stand against these forces that totally outnumber you or are we better off trying to you know find somewhere else where we can maybe make more of a difference and i i'm i share your opinion again i also wish i had something more positive to offer people but i'm afraid the way things are going i just i just don't uh i i i'm a fan of michael malus's national divorce answer sadly but thank you so much for your time and your insights where can people find you if they want to support you and keep up with all of the great work you're doing thank you i appreciate you you asking that my website is andy and there's a there's a donate section on there if people want to support me through crowdfunding um yeah you know one thing i'll say this is like um everybody you know wants and expects free content but like the type of work that you do i do other independent journalists do or commentators it's a full-time job right and um and it's not a lucrative business uh despite what our detractors would say so we really depend on the support of people who who like and appreciate our content so um yeah i mean one thing you can do to to con allow your content creators to continue to do what they want is to to support them financially definitely and the thing is people like you who are trying to get a message out the mainstream media doesn't cover uh you know we're up against behemoths like cnn like you mentioned brian zelda jim acosta of all the resources that they could ever dream of so it's definitely important that if people like the content that they're willing to support it but as always it's been a pleasure talking to you and thank you so much
Channel: Lauren Chen
Views: 32,668
Rating: 4.9633698 out of 5
Keywords: Roaming millennial, commentary channels, current events, lauren chen, andy ngo, andy ngo interview, andy ngo book, andy ngo unmasked, antifa, andy ngo antifa, andy ngo attacked
Id: CoTKKAIwpzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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