Nathan Wade Questioned About Trips & Flights With Fani Willis And Payments From Fulton County

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um so the affidavit that you submitted um you showed on it you submitted one record that showed that Miss Willis had paid a couple hundred dolls for one flight correct say again the affidavit that you submitted to this court M showed that Miss Willis had paid for one flight several hundred is that correct no ma'am I think that are you drawing a distinction for her paying for a flight or for her actually booking a flight because there those those are two separate things it's I will re I'll re askk it the affidavit you filed in this court mhm you alleged that Miss Willis paid for one flight paid for one flight correct no ma'am you you did not allege she paid for one flight no ma'am what I what I allege is what I allege is that our travel was split roughly evenly so where you see I have booked the flight or I've paid for a flight with my credit card what you don't see is that she covered her own flight re reimbursement to me flights that the flights that you see here are the flights that she would have booked with her own resources are her own C and there's one flight correct one flight reflecting that that she actually Merchant let him finish and then you can redirect him one flight that she actually booked yes the other flights I booked she paid for so the affidavit you submitted one flight that she booked and paid for yes ma'am I'm I'm going to object to the phrasing of that question the line in the affidavit is not as Mrs Merchant is representing it it said examples of the district attorney district attorney Willis purchasing plane tickets for she and I with her personal funds were attached as an exhibit it certainly did not represent that it was the only example of the district attorney purchasing flights for um Mr Wade or for compensating um other travel all right understand M cross I think that's something you can it's now on the record but also something you can take on cross thank you and and just so everybody's clear all I ask you is you're affidavit you submitted proof of one flight that she paid for in B that's all I'm asking correct with the explanation yes ma'am all I needed um you said in the affidavit that you roughly shared travel though correct yes ma'am okay so this roughly sharing travel you're saying she reimbursed you you she did and where did you deposit the money she reimbursed you oh was cash she didn't she didn't give me any checks so she paid you cash for her share of all these vacations Mr Schaefer you'll step out if you do that again yes ma'am okay and so all of the vacations that she took she paid you cash for yes ma'am and you purchased all of these vacations on your business credit card correct yes ma'am and you included those in deductions on your taxes correct no ma'am no you did not no ma'am okay um we'll get to that in just a minute then let's see um so the only thing that you have actual documentary proof not cash is this one receipt that you attached to the affidavit is that correct I object to that question that is a mischaracterization of the assertion that is in the affid I'm asking so then he can deny it I think he can B for himself Miss Merchant is this this the only written proof that you have of a trip she paid for did I have yes yes ma'am okay so you submitted the one piece of written evidence that you have that she paid for something everything else is in cash is that accurate No that's not accurate okay please tell me what other receipts do you have then that show that she paid for things I don't have them so this is the only receipt that you have to show that she paid for travel that I have yes ma'am thank you okay in your divorce case you filed a domestic relations financial affidavit correct yes ma'am the first one you filed was in January 2022 right there about yes ma'am and those are under oath yes and um you also filed corporate taxes in 2022 correct did okay and um tell me about your your business are you do you have a partnership or are you a solo practitioner as it stands today yes so today um I have a separate PC my law partner has his own separate PC okay so but we're under the same umbrella under the same roof so we share expenses we share income and we split it so are you a partnership we are a partnership in the sense of we share expenses we share income are you registered with the state of Georgia as a partnership so the WBC firm that included myself Terence Bradley and Christopher Campbell we were registered with the Secretary of State as a partnership okay um for a short period of time um um when that was dissolved right in 2023 I'm going to witness to answer his question Mr W did you have something else to add there I did um when uh things happened and we excused Mr Bradley from that partnership it left Christopher Campbell and myself so now you have two separate PCS under the same umbrella um sharing expenses and income okay so let me just narrow down my questions then are you registered and have you been registered at any time in the state of Georgia as Wade and Campbell Wade no ma'am you've never been registered as a partnership as Wade and Campbell no ma'am and Campbell yes thank you but as Wade Bradley Campbell yes ma'am way Bradley Campbell was registered on April 1st 2021 and administratively dissolved on September 8th 2023 correct yes ma'am other than that partnership you have always been registered as law office of Nathan W yes ma'am not with Chris Campbell correct thank you so the affidavit that you filed in your divorce case the first one in 2022 I think I'm up to number seven I'm going to just show you give you a group of exhibits so we don't have to go back and forth I'm marking the 2022 as 7 I'm marking the 2024 is eight I'm marking the um the credit card statements as nine and your taxes as 10 object to taxes um the relevance of them at this point um relevance of this entire business structure doesn't seem clear to me as either impeaching or relevant to the issues that the Court's uh under the Court's consideration but in so far as talking about tax returns and other things like that certainly that's uh should be redacted and um I I would object to the relevance of it I agree they should be redacted I don't agree to the relevance um but I haven't tried to Tender them yet judge I'm just marking them right now so that everyone can follow all right and what is the eventual relevance that you were getting at here um well I'm going to ask him because one of the things that we have to show in this case is a personal and financial interest so and he's talked about how he was reimbursed for these things and so I have a I have a right to go into the veracity of the students um so let's see s eight sorry n and then 10 all right so right now I'm just going to show you what I've marked um as these s see you're oh yeah of course from the um driv Drive approach chge you may I'm showing you what I marked as seven8 9 and 10 you have Rec I ask you some questions all right so um so these are sworn the I'm first going to ask you about the Domestic Relations financial affidavit but these are sworn they're filed under oath correct yes ma'am and the most recent one that you filed was filed on January 26 2024 yes ma'am so a few weeks ago yes ma'am and in that one you said that you made $9,500 each month correct yes ma'am you said that in 2022 well in 2022 in this case alone isn't it true you were paid $33,000 over $33,000 I was paid yes in this case fton county by fton county uh I see where you going so and and judge I just ask him to answer the question if he wants to explain it I've got no problem with that Mr way just listen to the question asked and and just ask answer the question asked in 2022 isn't it true you were paid over $300,000 no ma'am that is not true you were not paid over $300,000 by Fon County no ma'am I was not okay how much were you paid in 2022 then so what I was beginning to explain was fton County wrote a check to my firm okay what happens at that point is the checks are then deposited as you have the bank statements you see that and then they are dispersed between the three of us so there was Mr Bradley there was Mr Wade and there was Christopher Campbell third a third a third so when you ask me if I was paid $300,000 the answer is no I got a third of that that went to my personal firm now once the money was distributed to my personal firm obviously the expenses come out of that and I get at the end of the day whatever the profit is so I did not get $300,000 no ma'am and let me just clarify my question was not did you put in your pocket $300,000 my question was was the law firm of Nathan Wade paid over $300,000 in the year 2022 again a third of that came to the law firm of Nathan Wade so you're saying that the law firm of Nathan Wade did not receive checks from Fon County government over $300,000 in the year 2022 that's a different question um a a third of the 300,000 came to Nathan Wade okay again I'm not asking what went in your pocket I'm asking were was the law firm of Nathan Wade paid over 300 $100,000 in 2022 asking answer I know but I think we're dancing around the the point there so final time Miss n that's fine I can move on Judge thank you um so you said that they were dispersed amongst all of you um or put into an account with all of you so it's your testimony that for 2022 every check you received from fton County government went into an operating account with you Bradley and Campbell no no no no that's not what I testified to um so the the the Wade Bradley and Campbell firm um established um an account when we decided to purchase a building in 2022 at that point every piece of income that came into the entity went into that account okay and then after expenses were paid it was split a third a third a third right once that was dissolved then the funds would go into a different account um my account one of my accounts and then I would disperse the funds between now attorney Campbell and myself one half and one half okay make sense it it does let me um let me be more direct then so the covis operating account that you had for Wade Bradley and Campbell yes ma'am the checks from Fon County from January of 2022 until June June 17th 2022 those checks were deposited in that operating account yes ma'am starting on July 15 2022 the checks you received from Fon County up until May 26th 2022 all went to an escrow account that you had at Fifth Third Bank correct no not all of them some of all of them some of them yes so so it's your testimony that some of your checks from July 15th 2022 up until May 26 6 2023 um some of them went into an account outside of the Third Bank you're to the the relevance of of the financial transactions how much money you made is highly relevant in this case it's the personal financial business and where where the money was and I mean it's just a follow up on other things that he's testified to and why is how much money he made relevant because he represented in a in a it it's very relevant he filed an affidavit with a court saying with another Court he told another judge that he made $9,500 a month that's what he swore to and all right so this this entire inquiry is just to try is to establish that prior Inc consistent statement yes all right um I'll give you a minute or two more to try that but we're going to have to move on thank you um so I know you're saying that you only got a third of the $300,000 but you were paid over the firm was paid over $300,000 in 2022 correct so Miss Merchant it's not what I'm saying it it they're numbers they're they're there it's it's the it's the truth the the funds were paid they were divvied between the three of us going into an operating account expenses paid out of it okay at the end of that the 9,000 figure is what you have um so that's where you got the 9,000 figure from yes ma'am and let's see let's um um prior to when you filed for divorce in November 2021 um you would use Mr Bradley's credit card to pay for things with Miss Willis correct and then pay him back in cash I've never never used Mr Bradley's credit card you've never used his credit card never for transactions to anything with Miss Willis out to dinner anything like that I've never I've never used Mr Bradley's credit card I've never used anyone else's credit card not even my father's and we have the same name um and you'd pay pay back if you ever did use someone's credit card you'd pay back in cash though correct ma'am I've never used someone else's credit card um can you take a look at the bank records that I gave you that's the largest tab you have for the record which exhibit is this um it is exhibit hold on Judge exib nine it should be the largest section you thought there starts to be questionings from that the exhibits haven't been tendered and I maintain my uh relevance objection all right let's see what the next question is and maybe then that objection is going to be highly relevant okay is that an accurate copy of your Capital One statements that you provided in Discovery to um that is that an accurate reflection of your Capital One records did I provided in Discovery to whom um to your divorce lawyers or so or that you provided in the divorce proceeding is the is the question does he recognize it by site I'm asking if it's a statement I think that is the question well I mean it's it's a thick document but I I believe you if you say that that this is this is what my wife's divorce lawyer gave you I believe it your name's on every page of that document correct on every page pretty much every page it's not every page no it's not on every page no matter they're all Capital One bank records okay just take your time look through it tell me if there's anything that you think is not yours no no no they appear to be okay um and those bank records show that you paid for travel with Miss Willis yes ma'am yeah I'm I'm going to object the relevance of these documents and the um well I think are you tendering U exhibit 9 I'm going to judge and they're highly relevant to the there the whole well youve asked them a question about the contents of them and they haven't been admitted yet so why don't we start there thanks those show travel that you and Miss Willis took well so you're asking about the contents of something that hasn't been admitted yet right I'm asking him if that's what it shows because I know that they're going to object on relevance well first we got to say if it's you've authenticated it perhaps and before we get into other details of what's in it I think be admed fine I I move to admit them all right object on relevance on relevance all right and on that overruled M Merchant thank you um those records demonstrate that you paid for travel with yourself and Miss Willis correct they they should okay and let's just talk about that travel okay um the first trip is bise in March 2023 is that a trip that you took with Miss Willis are you ask did you take a trip with Miss Willis in 2023 to believe I did did you take a trip to California with Willis in 2023 I did did you pay for those trips on that credit card I used the credit card to book the the travel but un understand she paid you back cash well let me say this let's take the B trip for example since you started there that was a birthday gift to me so I paid nothing for that trip zero right so the the charges that are on your card she gave you cash for she did okay so all the charges excuse me believe the witness had finished answering the question oh did you have more I did okay um I I wanted to get into the the charges on the the car because so traveling with her um is is a is a task you can probably imagine the ATT tension that that happens so for safety reasons um she would limit her transactions um I mean imagine trying to walk through an airport or sit at a restaurant or do anything um so there was no there's no attempt to con conceal it's a credit card everything is here so and and that's not what I asked okay um what I asked was the charges for B in March 2023 on that credit card those are things you purchase to go with Miss with Miss Willis to B those are those are things that we booked with my card that she paid yes yes so those show up on your credit card they do and you're saying that she paid you cash to reimburse you for all of that she did and she paid you cash for both of your portions or just hers both okay so that trip believ just B she paid you for everything on B the entire trip okay so the food tattoo parlor all that stuff she paid for I'm going to May didn't he the question that was no there was no tattoo parlor in bise the charges there's a there's a tattoo parlor on the charges I I'm not getting into what it was for I'm just asking if everything that's on that card related to bise she paid you back for she paid for yes ma'am okay um let's talk about California in May 2023 you all went to California together yes and you booked plane tickets yes and her name was on those plane tickets they were and so I know you said that you were worried about security and things like that but that was in her name when she traveled she had to use her name oh oh so the the plane tickets yes ma'am okay and you paid for those plane tickets and you paid for a hotel so again the the card yes you used your credit card and I'm not asking about after what happened I'm asking did you use your credit card to book were flight and hotel to California I did and um there's a lot of Ubers on there as well for California did you pay for those Ubers as well yes did we were in Nappa and you're saying that Miss Willis are you saying that Miss Willis paid you back for that yes did she pay for the entire trip or did she pay for her half of the trip the the Napa trip she paid for the excursions so the the it the expenses sort of balanced out I mean there was never let me be clear there was never a time when I would say hey I bought dinner dinner cost $25 you need to give me $25 if if you've ever spent any time with Miss Willis you understand that she's a very independent proud woman so she's going to over Mr White so she's going to insist that she carries her own weight and it it it actually was a point of contention between the two of us she is going to pay her own way so let me re ask the question to make sure that you answer it in California trip that you paid for saying that she did not pay you back for cash instead she paid for excursions and you believe that was roughly half no she gave me some cash yes but what I'm saying is the the everything that we did when we got into Napa she paid for the trip that she booked on her credit card in Miami did you pay her cash back for your half of that no so you never pay her back for the tickets she bought for you no no I would say I did pay her back because there were times when I would pay for dinner okay she would pay for dinner it would balance out but in a relationship ma'am you don't particularly men um we don't go asking back for anything so you're not keeping a ledger of things that you pay for versus the thing that she's paid for um which is why I said that it was a point of contention because she was very emphatic and adamant about this independent strong woman thing so she demanded that she pay her own way um but she's the district attorney of Fon County and she has to file Financial disclosures disclosing any gifts with anybody that she does business with in Fon County correct I I don't know okay um let's talk about Tennessee you booked a cabin in August 2023 and paid for a cabin in Tennessee that's when you paid for it I don't know when the trip was can you tell us about that August of 2023 M you booked a trip for $1,481 54 are you are you asking me did I take that trip with Miss Willis or are you asking me first I was just asking you to acknowledge that that is correct from the records that you paid for a cabin in Tennessee do you recall and hopefully you can do it from your memory do you recall paying for a cabin six months ago $1,481 in Tennessee where where where are we now what page is that I'm just asking from your memory do you remember paying for a cabin in August and if the if he's going to be asked about a particular transaction you can answer whether he remembers or not I don't Mr W I'm I'm not asking you to go through a thousand pages of Records I'm asking if you remember paying for a cabin six months ago in Tennessee no you remember booking a cabin I book lots of cabins did you go to a cabin with Miss Willis ever ever ever no you never gone to a cabin with this no um you ever gone to Tennessee with Mr wellis yes okay when was that that was around 2022 early 2022 early 2022 okay it was a it was a a a day trip um okay so you didn't spend the night so it was a day trip okay we would drive there have lunch drive back um the reason we would do that is because the attention she couldn't get any peace of mind going locally so we get in my car and and drive to someplace off the big pad and have lunch and F back is that when you went to fting goat with her it's in Jasper Georgia no that's that's in Georgia I don't I don't I don't recall going to fing goat with her so the Tennessee day drip day trips were not were only Tennessee yes okay did you ever do these day trips in Georgia do we drive anywhere in Georgia yeah you were you were talking about day trips going out out and I'm talking about outside of the metro area day trips that you were just talking about these trips you were talking about the ones that you were I'm only asking about the ones you were just talking about are all of those in Tennessee no we drove to Alabama before okay back you drove to Alabama mhm um did you go anywhere in Georgia North Georgia I'm I'm going to object want to direct his attention in some way to a time frame or a location then I think it might be easier for the witness to accurately Miss mer I think if you don't have the specific details yourself we need to start getting into specifics or more maybe broadly phrased questions um can't just be exploring around indefinitely is it is it fair to say that you've taken so many trips with her you don't even really remember all the places you've gone so many trips you're having trouble remembering going if you went to North Georgia or not well you're asking me about specific places and I I want to be candid in my responses so I have to jog my memory because these are places that I have frequented but not with her so I want to make certain that if there was ever a time that she accompanied me that I was candid in that response okay um Aruba October 2022 and I've got um business records to get for these judge may be a little faster um but did you did you take a trip with her to Aruba in 2022 yes ma'am so that Aruba trip um was so there was a package deal there we um my mother had recently retired and I decided to take my mother on a cruise okay um and the second leg after the cruise concluded um da Willis and I went to Aruba so that was all one one trip if you will okay so my question was did you go with da Willis to Aruba in 2022 I did thank you and you paid for that trip using your business credit card correct I did okay and you paid for a cruise as well correct that that's the cruise I was referencing with da Willis my mother and myself okay and let because there's two cruises so let's just talk about the first one so the first one was um you took that's the one with your mother yes and so you introduced da Willis to your mother that trip you all took a cruise together the three of you yes after the cruise was done you and da Willis flew to Aruba together and your mom flew home yes and you paid for all of this with your credit card on your business credit card I did and are you saying that Miss Willis paid you cash back for that she did now now but but let me make this distinction though um because the the number that you're looking at reflects the three people on the cruise ship there were things that my mother and I did um just the two of us that da Willis didn't didn't do and and and I'm not attributing that I did not my math is not good but I did not include anything with your mother um on those you wouldn't be able to see it because it's not separated out um it just shows a charge on the on the uh on the account when actually it would have been something with my mother and die um judge may approach with exhibits 10 and 11 they're both certified business records from one's from vacation ex once for each I thought 10 was taxes I'm sorry 11 is yeah thank you and um these are business records judge they have the certification so I move to admit them all right uh defense 11 and 12 M cross based on Miss Merchant's representation that they are true and accurate as to the certification that was provided to her um you have no question all right again seeing no other objection there admitted um so the trip just the trip to Aruba alone for you and da Willis was $3,835 126 correct just Ruba I'm looking for the um the amount 11 or 12 this one is 11 yes ma'am $3,835 126 and then the Royal Caribbean for just you and M Willis was $1,269 70 correct no ma'am your mother's got a different line item on there I'm talking about the cruise the actual Cruise cabin I think you need to rephrase that as in the form of a question Miss Merchant did you pay Royal Caribbean for yours and Miss Willis's cabin $269.71 there's just a few pages of receipts um on exhibit number 11 okay I'm in 11 can you direct me to where you are on in exhibit 11 the receipt for Royal Caribbean so we've got your flights on the one page which I already asked you about for Ruba and just for the record I blacked out their um and then Royal cbin may be on oh it's small it's hard to read um it's very hard to read so let me just let me ask you this right then do you recall paying around $1,269 70 for Royal Caribbean cruise for you and miss wellis you don't remember that that that amount seems kind of small I I don't think okay so you believe it was higher yeah okay um while you were in Aruba then you bought a cruise a Norwegian Cruise right and that was the New Year's Eve Cruise while I was in Aruba no ma' um the credit card documents that were ex um admitted earlier show the purchase date when you were in AR Aruba but you don't remember doing that in Aruba I didn't I didn't purchase a a cruise while I was in Aruba that may be when The Cruise Company decided to run the invoice but I didn't I didn't purchase a cruise in a Ruba no man around the time you went to Aruba you purchased a cruise for Norwegian for you and missel as to take for New Year correct before I went to Aruba yes ma'am and that was roughly $3,387 the cruise to arua I mean the cruise to I'm sorry the Cru the um the Norwegian Cruise so that cruise was with my sisters okay um and the the number that you're are seeing would reflect um my buying dinner for my sisters and their husbands or I'm just talking about the Cru the amount that was paid for the cruise ahead of time when you booked the cruise I'm just talking about that okay that that was a little over $3,000 yes ma'am okay so and I understand you you're saying you paid for other things but I'm just talking about the cruise amount okay and you paid for a Jeep and you paid for dinner while you were there in Bahamas yes ma'am okay that's the one that Miss Willis paid for a fight for correct that's one of the flights he paid for yes ma'am actually a documented paid for not cash I'm talking about a non-h transaction that's what she paid for you you mean the one that I provided the the receipt for yes yes ma'am that's that okay and um so she booked that on her credit card and wasn't worried about I know you said earlier that you were booking everything because she was worried about people knowing where she was traveling she didn't have any fears booking that one though correct I'm going to object to the phrasing of that questions to speculate as to what was the motivation of the district attorney she wants to ask if that was the transaction respond that was a uh M mer I think you can rephrase the question but I'll sustain it on the current phrasing um so she purchased that under her own name correct she did okay um let's see so I know we talked a little bit about the seminar where you all met um isn't it true that you would go to miss Willis's House in South Fulton County I've never occasionally I've never gone to her house in South Fon County you've never gone to her house in South never seen her house the first time I even heard the address of that house was when um one of the individuals in the uh election for our case somehow doxed it and it got out that was the first time I'd even seen that address um but you would go to the East Point condo correct what East Point condo East Point hate bille something like that I've I've never been to East Point with Miss Willis you've never gone to you've never gone to a condo in either the East Point or haille area with Miss Willis wait that's different I have gone to a condo in Hapeville okay so Hapeville yes ma'am so you have gone to a condo with Miss Willis and ha though I have have you spent the night there never never spent the night there never is that the condo that was rented by Robin YY I believe it was and um other members of The Da staff were there as well correct sometimes I I've I've never been around other members of The Da staff at a a condo in eight bill there's never been any security for Miss wellis not around me um did you ever a ride with Miss Willis with her security detail to and from the house no um you served on Miss Willis's transition team correct yes and you were part of all of her interviews Where She interviewed and reined employees I would say probably 98 99% of them yes um is it fair to say you took an active role in these interviews yes ma'am prior to this You' had never worked at a DA's office right have I ever worked in her DA's office at DA's office any DA's office no ma'am um have you ever managed a large Law Firm or a large I'm going to object to the relevance of these questions who mer he served on her transition team and so I mean what we're trying to prove is that there's a personal and financial relationship and that it was improper um and so you know whether or not he had experience to serve on this transition team I think is relevant right I think I already said that we don't need the eviden heing on that point sustained um Terrence Bradley also received a contract for Fon County correct correct you're asking me about Terrence I asked if Terrence Bradley also received a contract for Fon County I believe that he did and you were partners with him at that time correct I was so under what you testified to earlier you would get a third of that contract as well correct I would have and Chris Campbell also had a contract with Fulton County I believe he did and so under what you've testified to you would also get a third of that correct I would um they both had contracts for what are called first appear appearance which is where they would appear on behalf of the district attorney to do first appearance hearings correct I believe they I believe they did okay and um they also had what's called a taint contract um they both entered into them January 25th 2021 correct filter yes ma'am taint or filter yes ma'am and that was we working the anti-corruption unit I don't I don't know that it was anti-corruption I I think that it was uh civil rights maybe okay and and judge the um the DA's or phone County's come and I guess brought a certificate now so um we would move to admit the contracts I've got those uh under that certificate I was planning on doing it under the open records officer but I believe now they've certified it I haven't looked at everything they've certified though so I'm gonna ask that the document be um looked at and confirmed prior to it all right Miss merch is there anything else uh what other areas were you planning to cover on his direct other than these documents um I'm planning on introducing all of the contracts and invoices but I haven't had a chance to look at what Fon County certified um so I'm planning on introducing those and then um not much can we do the not much we'll do the not much and then we'll get back to the contracts okay yeah definitely um okay so this taint taint contract um and and we're not admitting these right now but if I represent to you that they say anti-corruption unit um can you tell us what a taint attorney for an anti-corruption unit would do I didn't have a part in those contracts they were your partners at the time though correct oh absolutely okay and so you didn't have a part in those contracts but you got a third of the contract payment oh absolutely okay so the the taint contracts that Bradley and Campbell who are your law Partners at the time had for doing taint review you got a third of those yes ma'am okay um you signed a confidentiality agreement with the DA's office as well correct I did and I think I'm up to judge 13 marking that is number 13 approach judge you showing you a copy of what I marked as number 13 um if you could take a look at that and tell me if that is the confidentiality agreement that you find it is it is okay and this basically says you can't talk about anything that happens inside the DA's office right no it doesn't say you can't talk about it no no no you said it basically says that I can't talk about anything that happens inside the DA's office and that's not what are you tendering this exhibit I am yes um we would tender 13 Miss cross fail to see the relevance L A relevance objection but otherwise this Merchant relevance to this judge it's relevant to his testimony if he signed an agreement that says he can't talk about things that happen in the district attorney's office I think that's relevant to to this I also think how that he because it's motivation in his testimony I mean whether or not he's going to testify to something it's also been certified I mean it's part the record as from what Fon County gave us um sure but he hasn't said that that's preventing him from testifying in any way today is it go then I can ask him about that Mr Wade is This Confidential agreement affecting your testimony today no sir okay all right that's fine um let me see the contracts judge um and the invoices that I wanted to admit I wanted to admit all of his invoices and contracts with um Fon County I have them CER I I guess I have them certified through Fon County so I wasn't sure if I need to do that I just wanted to know if the state had an objection to those before well they haven't had I don't think they've had a chance to look at them so is that that's the sole remaining U exhibit in line of questioning here yes and in terms of the follow questions would it just be for him to say what's reflected in these documents themselves if they have an objection to the certificates that Fon county has given I would admit them through him because he could recognize them but assuming they're admitted would they actually be anything substantive he would add other than the documents themselves all right okay so subject to that qualification do you have any other questions to this witness um May I just have a moment sure thank you is it possible actually we take a quick break we're getting there okay thank you we certainly have the opportunity over lunch to take a look at these docum work out whatever we um did you just discuss your relationship with Miss Willis in Social settings help me understand your question did you discuss your relationship with Miss Willis in Social settings no I heard the question I just I just need to understand what you're asking me like uh like what relationship when your personal relationship with Miss Willis un qualified I'm sorry did you discuss your personal relationship your private personal romantic relationship with Miss Willis and social setting no ma'am you've never discussed it in Social settings no ma'am um did you ever discuss it in front of Robin YY in a nonsocial setting no ma'am Miss Miss Willis is a very as in my we we're private people not our relationship wasn't a secret it was just private so not at all I wouldn't have discussed my relationship with with Miss YY or anyone else publicly okay I actually did have some questions just about the um the invoices we want to just these are the documents that you're referring to yeah they are it's all of his invoices I mean what kind of questions would these be other than the invoices say what they say it just that yes that they say what they say all right just talk about them that's fine no all right thank you all right at this point uh we'll take a break I'll ask uh the parties to take a look at what did you did you mark as a defense exhibit um I have his contracts in his invoices that I'm about to Mark um so before he leaves me I just want to make sure that the state doesn't have any objection those are marked as they about to be marked um as exhibit 14 14 15 16 17 and 18 all right so 14 through 18 so ask State take a look at those we'll take a look at those and see if I can match them up with the certified documents that we all right and then we'll address whether they are tendered for the record when we come back and from there then we would turn over to the remainder of Defense Council and then the state for any uh examination as well so to that end uh let's take 45 minutes we'll be back at 1:00 Mr Wade uh you're still under oath and I'd ask you not to speak um with any other Witnesses about your testimony or about any testimony that's already occurred yes sir all right we'll be in recess well they're in my phone m not
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Id: lGiTRl9wqaM
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Length: 50min 33sec (3033 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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