BREAKING: 'Good Friend' Testifies Fani Willis & Nathan Wade's Romantic Relationship Began In 2019

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would you like me to swear her judge or think we need to make sure there we go Deputy Scott if we could SAR in the witness Miss YY can you hear us yes I can all right raise your right hand Ma you 12 f you get a court would be the truth truth will help you yes would you please State and spell your full name for the court ring the tree YK thank you Miss YY um thank you for being here can you can you tell the judge um when you first met Miss Willis um in college Okay so 19 probably 90 or 91 okay and have you been friends since 1990 or 91 yes okay um when was the last time you spoke with Miss Willis um March of 20 March of 2022 okay um from 1991 is till 2022 were you what you would consider good friends with Miss Willis yes um and did you all share personal information regularly yes and um did you even come and work with her at the DA's office yes and um when she needed a place to stay um did you let her stay at your apartment you're it was a condo right condo yes okay do you remember approximately when she moved into your condo um it was April of 2021 okay great and um you know that Miss Willis and Miss Wade met at a Conference in October of 2019 I'm going to object to that your honor without a foundation for how this witness would know that if Miss Merchant can establish she has personal information of that then um certainly that's something the witness can testify to but if it's she heard miss m cross all right Miss uh Merchant if you could lay the foundation do you have information that Miss Willis and Mr Wade met in October of 2019 I'm going to renew my objection your honor information is not source to personal information if the question can be rephrased then that may address my concern so so judge I let me I just want to make sure that I understand so they've objected to me calling Willis and Wade it's just it's just a matter of foundation if you can just rephrase do you have knowledge of when Willis and Wade met I'm going to object again personal knowledge overruled thank you do you have personal knowledge of when Willis and Wade met yes she told me that they met at a conference I don't know what okay I'm going to renew my objection your honor clearly this is not firsthand information from this um witness it's here say that was she said she told me yes it's it's statement against interest judge if Miss will just pause I'm sorry okay Mr Cross the representation of the witness the testimony of the witness was that Miss Willis district attorney Willis had a conversation with her there is no statement against interest district attorney Willis is not a a party opponent in this case the information that the witnesses testified to came from Miss Willis and there's uh we have a hear objection to that why wouldn't she be considered a a party opponent in this context he is a representative of the state your honor this isn't private litigation or civil litigation obviously the the course where this is um Miss Willis is not on trial Miss Willis has not is not a party to the litigation outside her obligation to pursue criminal charges for the state Miss mer I guess I guess it's it's evolved into a hearsay objection yes judge and um we plan on calling Miss Willis to the stand she's under subpoena so hearsay will be cured uh if there is a hearsay objection as as far as that issue but we do still think that it's a statement against interest um Miss Willis has filed a document that states that they met at this Municipal Court conference so I'm you I think maybe I can streamline a little bit state will stipulate that district attorney Willis and uh Mr Wade met in October 2019 at the judicial conference that we've been talking about there's no reason to get it secondhand from this witness well that that's true all right you accept the stipulation Miss Merchant yes all right am I permitted then to to ask questions about that since it's now not hearsay uh if it's just to a stipulation if it's just to that basic fact I don't think we need a question but if there's a followup that you think is admissible go for it Miss YY um you have personal knowledge that Miss Willis and Mr Wade began their romantic relationship soon after this time that they met at the municipal court I'm going to object to that question that certainly is a leading question no Foundation has been laid for how this witness would have personal knowledge of that until that's happened in the state of JS judge I think you can do a yes or no and then follow up with how she knows it thank you um do you know if Miss Willis and Mr Wade started dating in October of 2019 I don't know if it was October of 2019 could it possibly be November of 2019 could possibly okay and when we spoke you said it was shortly after the Municipal Court conference though correct yes okay so you know that their relationship their personal relationship began shortly after this Municipal Court conference yes and when I say personal romantic is that is I just want to make sure we don't get in an argument over what personal and romantic is later when I ask you personal do you take that to mean romantic yes okay and do you understand it that their relationship began in 2019 and continued until the last time you spoke with her yes and you were essentially her best friend during this time right not best friend good friend good friend okay close friend and so would you frequently socialize with her yes um and you saw her at work every day yes so you had a chance to see them interact together on a personal level yes um and so from everything that you saw heard witnessed um it's your understanding that they were in a romantic relationship beginning in 2019 yes and um when you left the da oh I'm sorry let me ask you um you said that Miss Willis came to live with you in April of 2021 I'm sorry April 1st 2020 or 2021 I never I never live with her okay I'm sorry she took over your lease in April April 1st 2020 correct no 2021 20 okay I'm I had it both ways so I'm glad you clarified so when she took over your lease in April 1st 2021 it's your understanding she moved out of the house that she was sharing with her father and started staying at the condo yes and is it your understanding that that's because she needed to have her own space yes away from her father Yes okay um when you left the DA's office was it um were you fired no I resigned you resigned okay just one moment um can you tell us why you resigned to the DA's office um the number of things that was happening a number of things that were happening is that what you said ma'am yes okay what what was happening that you that caused you to resign um it was a spiral of things so um I guess the the last draw is I was put in a department that I knew had no knowledge about something happened and I didn't like it they didn't like it and that was it okay did you have any falling outs with Miss Willis well we never spoke after that you never spoke after that okay um and so you're you know without going into all the the painstaking details there is no doubt in your mind that from 2019 until 2022 um Miss Willis and Mr Wade were in a romantic relationship what's the question um you have no doubt that their romantic relationship was in effect from 2019 until the last time you spoke with her no doubt okay and that's based on your personal observations and obser and you know speaking with them and seeing them together and things like that yes okay no other questions thank you the other the other folks may have some questions for you st down you want me to go to uh if it's more than a couple questions then sure but if not it's only a couple question I think can the court reporter hear me okay U ma'am let me be very specific did you talk with Miss Willis about her romantic relationship with Mr w yes did Miss Willis tell you on more than one occasion that she was engaged in a romantic relationship with Mr Wade prior to you leaving the District Attorney's office did she tell me or did I observe I'm stay right now with to tell me yes did she tell you that in the year of 20120 yes in the year of 2021 yes are you certain that Miss W told you I'm Sorry Miss Willis told you about the Romantic relationship with Mr W prior to November 1st of 2021 yes now did you also have observations of Mr Wade and Miss Willis together prior to November 1st of 2021 yes and are those observations were those in a social setting yes and Did You observe them do things that are uh common among people having a romantic relationship yes such as can you give us an example hugging kissing dis affection all of all before November 1st of 2021 correct yes that's all I have Mr STS ma'am did I understand you to say that there was a period of time when you and M will live together no Mr Durham no nothing for me your honor Mr McDougal nothing your honor Mr rice good morning Mr y um are you a were you aware in 2021 of any trips social trips that Miss Willis and Mr Wade took together no are you aware of any social trips that Miss Willis and Mr Wade took together in 2022 no and are you aware of them in 20120 or 2021 spending the evening together overnight no no Mr Gillan no question Mr McCulla and Mr Cromwell question Miss cross I do have some questions thank you J honor is y we haven't met before is that correct correct you're able to see and hear me okay yes all right I want to start with a couple things now I think you've made it it clear that you never lived and we'll call it the South Fulton address the South Fulton condo that you releasing you never lived at that address with the district attorney Willis correct correct and at any time never all right you never observed or have any information about district attorney Wade and district attorney Willis and Nathan Wade living together correct correct you don't have any information about that no I don't anybody said that that information was sourced to you then that's incorrect that's incorrect did district attorney Willis pay rent at that establishment at that condo while you while she lived there and you were living elsewhere yes who paid the rent she did Nathan Wade ever pay the rent no and you never told anyone otherwise I didn't answer I didn't hear your answer there miss y did you ever tell anyone otherwise no all right so let's talk for a second about your time at the District Attorney's office you were disciplined several times in the district attorney's office during your employment there correct no you weren't written up ever for poor performance Mr y once not several one time you were written up for poor performance where you counseled several times about your performance in the district attorney's office that was subpar no did the district attorney tell you that your performance was insufficient and that you were going to be fired no that never happened no maybe when we went at the end what's the question question Miss YY was did the district attorney ever counsel you on your poor performance in the district attorney's office uh prior and inform you that you were going to be fired um I don't really know how to answer that I'm looking for the truth I I I don't really know how to answer that I mean a a situation happened that wasn't my fault and I I either was going to resign or be like oh so you understood that that was the situation you could resign or you could be let go correct yes you were not luy to stay no and the conversation where you were informed that you could resign or you could be fired uh that conversation was not the first conversation you had with the district attorney about your core performance in the office correct well it was kind of a spiral but no yeah it was whatever the situation was com question understood Mr s m cross Miss YY the circumstances of your leaving the District Attorney's Office uh ended your friendship with the district attorney Willis correct yes you all haven't spoken since no all right I want to talk about the representations that you made here um this morning Miss YY about any relationship between district attorney Willis and Mr Wade I wanted you to tell me what was the first time any let me ask it this way you said that district attorney Willis personally informed you of a romantic relationship is that what you testified to yes when did that conversation that you purport to have uh to recall when did that happen I mean I don't have a month or or a day but just talking just talking in general you want to you'd like to keep this witness under um Suba but that's all the questions I have right now all right thank you m cross ioss I mean redire sorry all right on those points only yes just those points um the state asked you a lot about um when you were let let go when you resigned um did something happen as far as um purchasing that you didn't feel comfortable with purchasing things through um the county from Miss Willis that caused you to to not be comfortable working there anymore no um and I didn't tell you how to testify here today though right right okay and everything you've testified to is from your personal knowledge yes okay and um you've told the truth here today yes okay um judge I believe she's only under my subpoena and I'm fine releasing her from that subpoena oh I'm sorry by show of hands from other Council starting with Mr sown you honor I believe the door has been open now to ask this particular witness about statements um
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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