Beer Braised Beef Ribs

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hey everybody I'm chef tom with HC bvq calm and this is beer braised beef ribs now smoked beef short ribs might be my favorite barbecue protein of all time but there's more than one way to cook beef ribs in fact brazing is a pretty popular way to cook beef ribs or any big piece of meat and that's what we're gonna explore today we're gonna put our ribs into the pot with some aromatics and then we're gonna cover it with beer and just braise it until it's really tender now the thing about braising is by the end of that process that meats just gonna be kind of gray and soft on the outside not super appetizing so we're gonna fire up the grill we're gonna put some rub on the outside a little bit of honey mustard and create some caramelize ation get that my yard reaction going so we've got some really great flavor and crunch to the exterior as well so we're gonna start by breaking down some veggies here starting with an onion when we're doing a braise you can cut your veggies pretty big because we know that they're gonna be in there for a couple of hours we get that whole onion in there large dice we'll call that about three cups next we're gonna add some carrots and carrots add a nice sweetness to the brace and these as well we can do in a large dice with just big rings or disks of them I guess I should say rings so that's gonna be about a cup and a half and these measurements aren't super important honestly two times as much onion as carrot next we're gonna break down a whole head of garlic and throw all those cloves in there as well these are some massive cloves of garlic but we've got a long braids so I'm not worried about it just throw them in crushed but to be honest and probably don't even have to peel these because of the braise we're not gonna eat in the end anyway but I just don't want to have to worry about it getting stuck to the meat possibly so I'm taking the paper off so next we're gonna add some chipotles in adobo and about a half cup of that the chiles and the sauce you can adjust this how you like the spicy level just throw one in if you want it to be mild but this adds a nice smokiness because these are smoked chilies and then the sweetness from the adobo sauce now we're gonna bring some barbecue in the mix here with some barbecue rub and I'm using the Plowboys bovine beef this is one of my favorite beef rubs use it on brisket all the time it's great on short ribs let's do three tablespoons so here we have a five pound slab of beef ribs I'm not going to do any trim into these really we're just gonna slice them individually so that they'll fit into our Dutch oven now working from the bone side obviously the easiest way to figure out where to make your cuts right in between each of those bones now as far as this backside goes there's this skin on the backside that's kind of holding that bone in so if you want the bone to just pop out then take your knife and slice straight down here and that bone will be gone if you like the look of the bone just leave it just the way it is so now we just gotta nestle these guys in here but try to keep the meat down as much as possible but it is gonna move as it braises so we can make adjustments later all right the party time dumping them double-fisted tell they're all the way covered well let's say 95 percent covered stop that one's for later all right everybody get to know each other you're gonna be hanging out in there for a couple hours got me so now comes the brazing part we're gonna cover this with a lid so that we trap that heat in there and we don't lose all of the beer to evaporation this will also decrease the cooking time you're gonna get this done in a couple hours rather than a few hours so the other thing that we need to think about is if we're cooking this in closed anyway where should we cook it now you can cook it on the grill if you want to it's gonna change your timeline from what you see today because today we're just gonna throw it on the stovetop that's where we can get the most efficient heat right now without wasting the fuel on the grill we are gonna finish it on the grill with that high heat sharp so be ready to fire it up here in a little bit so as soon as this all comes up to a simmer we're gonna turn the heat way down you can start out high at first just to get it going but then I'm on I'm gonna keep that heat just about as low as it can go but I constantly want to see some bubbles so anytime I peek in here there should be some bubbles going on on the surface but we don't want to boil it too hard well that ribs have been simmering away for about an hour and 45 minutes now they've crossed the 200 threshold on the internal temperature so it's time to fire up the grill so that we can hit these with the sear we're gonna be cooking on the Kamata joke classic 3 today build a really hot coal bed so we can get a really great color and crust on the outside of these ribs so we're gonna load up the basket with some lump charcoal replace a couple starter cubes around here get it fired up so I'll just let this get going for about five minutes before I shut the lid down and open the airflow up well we're at about two hours and 15 minutes now that our beef ribs have been braising in the beer and our aromatics and to see what they look like we lost a bone on that one get these out of the braise and I can show you what I've been checking on so essentially I'm taking my instant-read thermometer and just probing for tenderness there's not a lot of resistance right now and we want to catch it before it starts falling apart we're looking at internal temperatures 205 to 207 on most of these guys but again when we probe the important thing that we're looking for is just not much resistance but the meats still holding together so here is our ugly delicious gray meat that we talked about early on not gonna look pretty coming out of the braise but it is going to taste great so now we're gonna move on to the barbecue portion of this recipe then we're gonna start by slathering it up with some honey mustard this is the big Rick's jalapeno honey mustard not just a binder but a good slather we want to taste some of that sweetness and some of that tang and then we're coming back in with the bovine mold that we used in the braise and we're going to hit the outside of the beef ribs with that so great barbecue flavors in here some salt some sugar that magical celery seed hanging out in the background boy if we were too rough with these right now we could just tear these things apart that's why we need our grill to be nice and hot so we make this a quick sear now with the top and bottom vents wide open this entire time we're sitting at 525 to 550 on the temperature range so really hot all right so we got a couple different levels going on here so we can make some moves if we need to we're going to start down low close to the charcoal as possible all right check this out look at that sizzle going on getting the char that fat starting to drop which is creating that flame so we're getting good color on both of the sides here I'm going to move them to the top rack now where we can kind of stack these next to each other and get that third surface so what's happening now is this fad starting to drop out of the meat and on to the coals which is why we're getting this fire but that actually adds a lot of good flavor back to the meat in the form of that fat flaring up and we're getting some great color thing to remember here is that these have been done these have been done since they came out of the beer so we're just putting color and flavor on the outside at this point so we got the char where we're looking for to really add that smokiness to this because remember this wasn't a long smoke you're not gonna taste smoke unless you get some good color on the outside give them about five minutes to rest they don't need a long time to rest this isn't a big roast of meat so the good news is we get to eat pretty quickly let's slice them open so here's the one where the bones already come out on its own you can see here in this opening this is where that bone was and there's this really tough stuff around it but we're not going to eat so we're just gonna cut right around that stuff and then you can check out in there that's all that fat that's been breaking down and those in-between spots and that's what makes this taste so juicy because when you get that fat broken down still just holding together so it doesn't shred but adding tons of moisture for these guys that are still on the bone we can just cut right along the bone there or you can use it as a handle however you want to do that just a little bit of that rubbery stuff to take off like you could also even just slice this just like this and note to self don't eat the bottom part oh yeah look at that we got just beyond where that fat was broken down I don't know why that got me kind of excited that's that perfect that perfect spot where the collagen is broken down so it's ready to fall apart but it hasn't yet you're getting just the right amount of bark from the char there's some fat in there there's some beef in there it's official it's just my favorite cut it's so good I'm getting beer right off the bat which is great that's why we braised it in the beer so we could taste it later it's not overpowering but it's there you can smell it too when I smell what's going on before I even take a bite I get beer and honey mustard what more could you want and you can taste those things the saltiness from the rub just barely comes through we really didn't overdo it with that and I appreciate that it feels like it's pretty well-balanced it's not a smoked rib but it is a really tasty rib look at that that bones done we get in here and chunk up some of this stuff put a pile of that together with a little bit of sauce on the side that'll rival burnings for sure thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out ATV BQ comm for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoyed the recipe hit that subscribe button if you have any questions or comments so there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to eighty b BQ comm slash the sauce all things BBQ where barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 66,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atbbq,, the sauce, chef tom, allthingsbbq, all things bbq, all things barbecue, bbq, barbecue, beef, short ribs, ribs, beef ribs, braise, braising, braised, lodge, cast iron, dutch oven, direct, grilling, grill, charcoal, Kamado Joe, ceramic, lump charcoal, beer, pbr, plowboys, honey mustard, bark
Id: gczHYhTbwnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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