Hey good afternoon, my
name is Walt [inaudible] and I'm the director
of the Space Technology and Exploration Directorate
here at Langley and I want to welcome everybody. It was almost 39 years ago to
the day that on July 20, 1976, the Viking-1 Lander successfully
landed on the surface of Mars, and actually that was
40 years ago to the day that the Viking-1 Lander
was launched to Mars. And with the arrival just a
few weeks later the Viking 2 in September the same year
that basically set the stage for NASA's future
in Mars exploration. So just a quick show of hands, how many people were actually
live in 1976 [laughter]? How many people remember the
Viking Lander, very good? Well I happen to know that there
are a couple of the old Vikings, sorry there are a couple of
the Vikings more than a couple of the Vikings here in the
audience so if I could-- if you actually worked on
Viking could you just stand up. [ Applause ] >> So these are NASA's
original Martians, so it's great to have you back
here at Langley. I know we're in for a real
treat today with John Newcomb who himself was one of the
Viking management team. So he's going to share with
us some of the Viking mission. I've been working with
John on this little project for a couple of years. I was involved in some of
the follow-on Mars projects, but working with John in the
last few year or two and getting to know the history of
Viking, what led up to Viking and how Langley came to lead the
Viking missions is a fascinating story, so John is going to
share that with you along with some of his cohorts. So before I do introduce John,
I want to thank the Office of the Chief Engineer in Space
Technology Game Changing Program here for helping
sponsor this event and I'll give you a
little background on John. He started his career here
at Langley as a co-op, he was actually a student
at Virginia Tech as part of the co-op program
he worked on several of Langley's wind tunnels, a few of which we still
have here [laughter]. He worked at some of the
laboratories and what was at the time Langley's rocket
test site up at the [inaudible]. After graduating from Virginia
Tech he came here full-time to Langley as a young engineer. He quickly became
involved in two of NASA's early space missions,
the Lunar Orbiter project and the Viking project. John ultimately held
several positions as part of the Viking management team
and the Lunar Orbiter projects, these included positions of
trajectory design manager for both missions, he also
managed the development of the associated
operational software and was the operations analysis
manager for Viking responsible for developing the
mission operations protocol by which the entire flight
team conducted the mission. During the mission he was
staffed at a site selection team as they looked for landing
sites for the Viking Landers and I will tell you there's
actually a team that's going to meet in just a few weeks
down in Houston to look at sites on Mars for human missions, so think about how far
we've come in 40 years. So John later went on
to head up the physics and chemistry experiment space
program, conducted experiments in the 0G environment of
NASA's space shuttle and ISS, International Space Station. After retiring in 1984, he
continued to consult with NASA and to this day he teaches
courses on project management and systems engineering. So with that I'll
welcome John Newcomb. [ Applause ] Thank you Walt. Yeah it was 39 years, 10 days that the Viking-1
landed on Mars. The first time anybody in this
world that put a [inaudible] on that planet and
I was privileged to work on that project. Today we're going to talk
about Viking obviously. I'm going to give you a quick
overview and then I'm going to talk about three questions, how did Langley become the
project manager for Viking in the first place,
why was it successful, and what technologies
did we enhance in Viking? I will do that discussion
and then we're going to have some panel
members, Norm Crabill who was the mission
design manager for Viking, Gus Guastaferro who was Jim
Martin's deputy for management for Viking, and Paul Siemers
who was in charge of the-- all the analysis for the
entry descent and landing. And then our scientist,
Joel Levine, who has studied the
Viking results and many other science results
on Mars 140 going to come up and talk about the
Viking science results and how they have moved
forward into today's world. Okay in looking at
those three questions that I said I was going
to attempt to answer. These are the guys
that I talked to, to get their feelings as well. So you don't just have my
feelings, in fact a lot of these people on this charter
are in here today which is kind of scary, it means I got
to get it right okay. And also if there's
any intelligence in the remaining presentation
you better blame them, they're the ones that
put it there okay. Okay why did we do Viking okay? First we wanted to characterize
Mars, understand Mars, and we did it three areas. First from orbit
and we had cameras, we have thermal mappers,
we had water detectors and we were characterizing
Mars, but the big thing from all that was to find us a good
landing site and Norm Crabill who is one of the panel members
is going to talk about that in a little more detail. Then we had to understand
the atmosphere, we didn't know anything
about the atmosphere. We didn't know what
it was made of, we didn't know what
the pressures were, we didn't know anything. So we had to find that out
while we were doing the mission. And then finally, we
had to characterize Mars from the surface, surface
properties, magnetic properties, meteorology, but the big one
was the search for life okay. So that's why we were there. We formed the project
office in 1968, seven years later we had
the first launch of Viking and then almost over
300 days later we had to take type 2 trajectories
took a lot longer to get there, over 300 days later
we arrived at Mars with the landing on July 20th. Actually this is Viking 2, but it's on the titan-centaur
ready to go. In an interplanetary trajectory
this is what Viking looked like. This area from here
on up is the orbiter with the standard solar
panels, the stand platform with the water detectors,
cameras, etcetera, velocity control, engine
[inaudible] and so forth, standard kind of stuff. From this structure on down
is the Viking encapsulated in its cocoon for
maintaining sterilization okay and we're going to talk
more about that later. Once you got to Mars
and Viking landed and unfolded everything
it looked like this with the exception of the
fact Carl Sagan wasn't there [laughter]. But just in case there's
any doubt about that, he did lots of things,
but this wasn't one of them okay [laughter]. So up here you got
the high gain antenna, you got the meteorology, this is
one of the two lander cameras, this is one of the terminal
descent engines and so on. Now the question is how do
we become project managers for Viking to begin with? Well in order to talk about this
there's a whole lot we could say, but basically I got
to take you back to 1960, now we go a long way back,
we're at the beginning of the Apollo era,
we didn't put a man on the moon until 1969 okay. And the Voyager Mission was
introduced and this was huge, this was bigger than life, it
turned out to be much bigger than NASA could afford as well. It was to be launched on a
Saturn 5, the same thing we used for Apollo, so you can
see this thing was huge. It had an orbiter and lander
and the idea was to use that to explore Mars and Venus. During the next ensuing years
many studies were conducted, but one thing came out of
those studies, it became clear that Langley should be
the lander system manager with whatever we did to
go to Mars, Langley ought to manage the lander system because Langley studies
always came out much, much better than anybody else's. In 1967, the cost
caught up with it and Voyager was canceled okay. Now we've canceled Voyager, but
there's still a lot of pressure to do something and I captured
this quote from Harry Hess, he was chair of Space Science
Board in the National Academy of Sciences and his comment
is, great discoveries in this area can
only be made once, shall succeeding generations
look back on the 70s as the great era of soviet
achievement while we did not accept the challenge. That's a pretty tough
statement coming from the National Academy. Well he had good
reason to be worried. By the time we launched
Viking-1975, Russia had launched
14 spacecraft to Mars, none of them worked, but
they launched 14 spacecraft. Several of them were
landers okay. When I say none of them
worked I've always got to do the caveat. One of them made
it to the surface and actually broadcast
information for 20 seconds and I did that in quotes
because it broadcast 20 seconds of the Russian national
anthem [laughter]. Absolutely no data. Okay. The scientists
were worried because they were worried about Russia contaminating
the planet okay. NASA was worried because we
have had all these people that were working on
[inaudible], Lunar Orbiter, Surveyor, and if you don't
have something to follow on, then this area of expertise
will be dispersed and it's going to be very difficult to
pull it back together. So later in 67 headquarters
asked a few centers, Langley included, to give us
a more modest program nothing as expensive as Voyager
was going to be and Langley was assigned the
management responsibility for developing what we called at that time the Titan Mars
1973 orbiter and lander. And Jim Martin who had been
the deputy project manager to Cliff Nelson on
Lunar Obiter was set up as the project
manager for that activity. Now several studies, in fact
several, many studies were done, you all remember
those you Vikings. While we were doing this
and the arguments began. Who's going to manage what
and we had three things, orbiter, lander and project. It was very clear that JPL
ought to manage the orbiter. We were going to use
[inaudible] their spacecraft, they had flown a few of them
by that time, hands down. Langley ought to manage
the lander we had proven that in the earlier studies. The big one was who
manages the project. Langley had demonstrated it had
an extremely strong management team on Lunar Orbiter
and on other missions. We had certainly demonstrated
we had a strong technical team and the landers came. The lander is where you're
going to do your science, the whole purpose of this
mission is to get to the surface of Mars and institute
science on Mars. And the orbiter is a service
vehicle, the orbiter is going to carry us there, it's going
to find a place to land, and you know then it can go
out and do its own business. Well it wasn't as cut and dry
as that, but that's the idea. So the Viking project office was
set up at Langley in December of 1968 and Langley was
the project manager. Now that we've got Langley,
I'm sorry Langley, Viking-- now that we've got Viking
why was it successful? And in order to answer
that I've got about four different
things I want to look at. One was manager, then the team, there was some major
project decisions made that were extremely important in Viking's success,
I hate doing that. And we had some methodologies
that were very important. When I talk management, I
got to talk these three guys. You got Jim Martin who was hard
driving, straight shooting, absolutely honest
and required honesty and required performance. He set the culture. You had Israel Taback,
better known as Is, who was without a doubt the most
impressive engineer I've ever worked with who always
forced you back to basics and always asked
the right question. He was chief engineer. And then center director at
that time was Ed Cortright and Ed Cortright
was the bulldozer, he ran down the road ahead of us
and got the rocks out of the way so the project could move
forward and he was excellent and dedicated to that. In fact, when we were meeting
various people Ed would lots of time say I'm Ed
Cortright and I work for Jim Martin [laughter]
and he was serious. Okay the team. Many of us had worked
together on Lunar Orbiter so we knew each other,
we had respect for each other and so forth. It was a highly motivated
team, we were working-- highly motivated and
highly dedicated. I love this one quote
one of the guys said, he said we were crazy people,
we worked days and nights and weekends and we worked some
days we didn't even knew were days, you know. We were that way. We had a strong technical team. The management came from
hands-on environment, many from the sounding
rocket program at Wallops, many from working
on the bench earlier in their career developing
hardware and so forth. And I got to put this
and I wanted it to show up a little more, but the team
included the Langley support personnel, engineers
and technicians. Because we in the project
office would find problems, but then we would
go into Langley and say we need your help
and they always helped, they always came through. And they were an
extremely important part, they were absolutely a part of the team even though
they weren't in the office. Communication, we had all kinds of communication
personal and so forth. We had reviews, oh Lord
did we have reviews. But there was one important
thing about the reviews, we always focused on the problems not
the feel good stuff. Gus Guastaferro who
you will hear later on, I've heard him say a hundred
times, we always concentrated on the hole not the donut. We concentrated on the problems
that needed to be worked. We had a fantastic science team. There were many Nobel
laureates, guys like Carl Sagan, others and we brought them
early on and they were part of all the decisions that
were made on the project. This is a picture of the team
during Mission Operations voting on a landing site. They voted, there was one vote
that counted and Jim had it, but they voted, he even
wanted to get their opinion. They even decided what
science instrument [inaudible], we had four biology instruments
to begin with, we needed to go down to three they were
the ones that decided which three would go okay. Extremely important. I like this, we built a team
and then we could build Viking. Now I'd like to talk about
these four major decisions because these were made long
before you got operations, but they influenced ever so
greatly the operations okay. The first was the mission mode. When we were looking at Viking
we looked at direct entry out of orbit, hard lander,
soft lander, long duration, short duration, flyby orbiters. We looked at every permutation and combination you
could think of. And we proposed to
Naugle and Paine, Paine being the associate
administrator, I'm sorry NASA administrator
at that time, two options. One was direct entry
with a soft lander and a long duration
lander and a flyby orbiter. Another was out of orbit
soft lander, orbiter and lander have extended life. And it was option two that
Paine and Naugle selected. And that to me was
extremely important. The best we had as
far as information about what Mars looked like
was a thousand meter resolution for Mariner. You could stack up a bunch
of battleships on Mars and you couldn't see them okay
and we selected our sites based on thousand meter resolution. We ended up rejecting every site
that we had preselected and so to me this says we just
didn't know enough, we did not know enough to do
a direct entry at all and that out of orbit decision
was extremely important to the success of Viking
and Norm is going to hit that a little more too. Another was the launch
date slip. We had just kind of
gotten going on Viking and Congress reduced our
funding and we had two choices. We could go back to Congress and say we know you
reduced our funding, but we can still make 73 okay and we would have made a
whole bunch of bad decisions. Schedule driven decisions,
low cost driven decisions and we might have gotten halfway
down the road and had to slip to 75 anyway after having
made those decisions. So we did go ahead
and slip to 75 and that was a major,
major decision. Arrival times at Mars. I got to set the stage
a little on this one. First the Viking Lander
was designed for plus or minus 30 degrees
latitude okay and while the science
team was trying to figure out exactly what the
landing sites would be, we got some information
that there might be water at the higher latitudes
up to 60 degrees north. So there was a whole
push to go up there. There were many discussions
and many negotiations, but finally the decision
was reached Lander-1 will go to 20 north. If Lander-1 is successful
Lander-2 will go to 45 north. If Lander-1 is not successful,
Lander-2 will go to 5 south because that's the area we
thought was the safest area on Mars based on what
we knew at that time. So that was the preflight
mission rule if you will. Now at that time we had
30 days between separation between arrivals of Viking-1
and Viking 2 at Mars okay. And we started the mission
operations strategy development, you can call it the
mission operations protocol. It's the process by which the
flight team conducts the mission from the scientist saying
I think I'd like to do this until you have commands
coming out of [inaudible], what is that process in between? That's what we call a
mission operations strategy. When we reviewed this with Viking project
management council, the decision came back
there's too much going on during these arrival
times, it's just way too much. We've got to spread these
out, we got to spread them out to 50 days and
that's what we did. Now fast-forward you
to mission operations. We got to Mars, abandoned
the prime site for Lander-1, abandoned the backup site,
went into a mapping mode and finally got Lander-1 on the
surface 32 days after arrival. Then the surface sample
arm wouldn't work. Now if the surface sampler
arm doesn't work Viking-1 is a failure because you
can't deliver soil to the biology instruments
and we have to go to 5 south. If we can get it working
we go to 45 north. On day eight and if you
add those up you get to 40, on day eight the surface
sampler delivered soil to the biology instrument,
we got it fixed, it turned out to be
relatively simple or at least in hindsight it looked simple. And we were 10 days out, we had to make our last
midcourse maneuver 10 days before arrival at Mars. The last midcourse
maneuver was dependent on the landing site latitude
which was dependent on whether or not Viking-1 was successful. So 10 days out we made the
last midcourse maneuver and we headed for 45 north. Now we used every hour of those
50 days, every single hour. Now I got a question, if we held
the original 30 day separation where would Lander-2 be and
I'll give you an honest answer, I haven't a clue [laughter]
and I really mean that. And I really don't have a
clue where 1 would be okay. So that was an extremely
important decision that was made way before
you had all the problems. This was another kind of related
decision, but it was as a result of that same kind of a problem. When we originally found
that we could launch in 75, arrive in 76, we found that
we could land on July 4th, so of course that was the plan. We were going to
land on July 4th. We put that out to all
the press, everybody. Then, of course, we didn't do it
and there was a lot of pressure. While we were sitting
there looking at the prime, the backup site for
Lander A, there was a lot of pressure saying--
from politically saying, well isn't it good enough,
can't you just go ahead, you. Well we didn't know that. You know, Jim Martin, that
didn't worry him a bit. The part that was interesting
to me was after the decision not to land on the 4th
and we were trying to find a good site
was the press. They became very
excited about the fact that we weren't going tell
them when we could land. And one day in a
press conference one of these guys really kind
of came on aggressive and Tom Young was taking-- Tom
Young was mission director, Tom was taking the answers
and taking the questions and the guy came on, you know,
you told us you were going to land on the 4th and
you're not obviously and you're not even going to
tell us when, when are you going to tell us when you're going to. You know that kind
of an operation. Jim Martin was sitting
beside Tom, he reached over and he says I'll
take this question. We will land when I
consider it safe to land and not one minute before and
that kind of put the kibosh on these press guys who
were pushing us hard. Now another reason I think we
were successful was the way we worked with contractors. We had a manager for every
major subcontract that Martin and JPL had and that manager
was responsible to Jim Martin for the execution
of that subcontract, performance, cost and schedule. Just as though he were a Martin
guy managing that subcontract, in this case we had the guy
right in the project office who was responsible for that
contract and we did all kinds of things with regard
to those subcontracts. Honeywell was having a
problem with the computer, we found out how
to fix the computer and then told Honeywell. In fact, we got Honeywell over
to GE so GE could tell them. We took over jobs that
weren't getting done. Gus remembers this
one because the GCMS, gas chromatograph mass
spectrometer, was contracted under JPL and it
wasn't getting done. Jim sent Gus out there to
evaluate the situation. We ended up taking the contract
away from JPL, bringing it here to Langley, took them
completely out of the loop, brought the contracts, rewrote
the contracts [inaudible] to us, took them out of the loop
and completed the job. There were some teams
that weren't working. There was a camera
team and Martin and ITEC were sharing the
development of the camera, it wasn't getting done. We ended up firing
the team okay, we ending up causing Martin
[inaudible] to fire the team and I will say that having done
that they brought in a team of hotshots and they
got the thing done. So we worked extremely
closely with all of the subcontracts even though
they were to Martin or JPL. We pushed technology in
every area you could think of and in most cases or many cases
you've got a technology-based to work on and you extend
that, you build on it. Well Viking did a lot of
extending, Viking did a lot of extending and applying the
technology for the first time and there was some places
where we developed a first and there were some places where
we developed not only a first, but an enduring technology,
ones that others have picked up and used after Viking. And one of those was
enter, descent and landing and Paul Siemers is going to
talk in more detail about that. One of the technologies was
what we typically call the sterilization of Viking, but it
was really broader than that, it was the biological
protection of another planet. We had this rule that
we were not going to (a) contaminate Mars or b) we
were not going to take any biota into Mars and then discover them and then say whoopee we
found life, you know. So this kind of a requirement
filtered throughout the entire lander. Hydrazine was [inaudible] for the terminal descent
engines, it loves water. Anytime it gets close to
water it just soaks some up. We had to have-- we
could not spray water on the surface of Mars. We had to figure out not only
how to dry the hydrazine, but then how to maintain it
throughout all the processes that it was going to have to go through before it finally
got into the tanks. Tape recorder, normally you
can just use a normal old tape, well that contains
hydrocarbons, can't use that, got to use a metal tape. So with this requirement
filtered throughout the [inaudible] and of
course sterilization, you had to make sure that there
weren't any little microbes crawling around anywhere. So we sterilized
components as they came in, but then when we put
them all together, we finally encapsulated them
in the cocoon shown here, the bioshield cap and base,
hermetically sealed them and then we put them in the oven
and we cooked the whole thing at 120 degrees for 40 hours. Okay now we're dealing
with 1960's technology, take your phone and throw it in
the oven do that and then try to make a phone call,
I dare you okay. But that was the sterilization. Inside that cocoon, here's
the lander are all folded up, here's the bait-- here's
the part that actually goes into the atmosphere, here's the
base cover with the parachute and the mortar here, here's
the aeroshell down here, I'm sorry here's the
aeroshell down here. All of these clamshells
together as the entry vehicle and then you had your
bioshield base and cap that basically was the cocoon. Another technology, well
not another technology, the technology I've
mentioned a couple of times, was the whole entry,
descent and landing, which Paul again
will talk about. But we didn't know
anything about Mars again, I got to tell you and I got to
kind of push that a little bit. We didn't know what the
atmosphere was made of, we didn't know what the density
was, and so we were going to a surface of unknown
altitude, unknown varying strength,
unknown slopes, and unknown rock size. Other than that we had
it made [laughter]. And we had to build a lander
that would be capable of working with whatever it encountered. Now here's the enter, descent and landing schematic
if you will. First you've got
your separation, then the lander would make
[inaudible] appropriately for the entry, then at a
certain altitude pop the chute and get rid of the aeroshell
at the altitude mark, get rid of the parachute
and the engines at this point had been ignited,
and fly on down to the surface and that's the sequence
you would go through. Terminal descent engines,
the last thing that you need to get down to the surface. That was another complete
development and it kept-- I can't remember who it
was on the top 10 list for Viking for quite a while. Originally, the enter, descent and landing engine
had 5 inch nozzles. We had three engines and
each one had one nozzle and it was 5 inches and it
produced a pretty healthy plume. And in the rarefied
atmosphere of Mars that plume didn't dissipate, it was like a drill
when we tested it. And so we had to
do something else. So we ended up going
to 18 nozzles, each with 1 inch opening and these plumes
obviously were much shorter and would finally dissipate
before they damaged the surface. But that was an enduring
technology that has been used. Adaptive mission operations was
another one, oops I'm sorry. Adaptive mission
operations was another one. In many cases up until Viking, the missions had been
basically preprogrammed okay. You're going to make
a flyby of Mars, well you preprogram the whole
thing and set the spacecraft on its way and boom, boom, boom
it does its thing and so on. We had to have a very robust
mission operations strategy that would allow for real-time
mission design and we used that extremely, I guess
is the way to say it. Before we got Lander-1 on the surface we'd made a dozen
trim maneuvers in the orbit because we got to over here and
look, no that don't look good. We got to go over here and look,
no that don't look good either. So all these maneuvers
had to be done. Observation sequences
were changed continually to get the best photographs
back-- to get number one, the photographs taken and
then the best photographs back that you could get. In the lander, of course,
we responded to anomalies, but the interesting part about
the lander was we operated it like you would operate
in your laboratory. In your laboratory
you'll go in there and you'll conduct
some kind of experiment and then you'll get some kind
of answer and then you say, well gee whiz I'd
like to do this next. Well we did that
with the lander, only the lander was sitting--
we did that in our laboratory, only our laboratory
was sitting on Mars. It was a very adaptive process, not only in the orbiter,
but in the lander. Here's the orbiter on a lander,
wow here's the lander sitting on Mars, and we had
some more technology. The biology instrument, the biology instrument really
was three different experiments and they would fill a
normal sized laboratory. Now I've got to take
those three instruments, I got to package them in
a 1 foot cub and put them in the lander and not
only that, by the way, they've got to withstand
sterilization. And I've got to do
the same kind of thing with the gas chromatograph mass
spec. This was a real intense operation, miniaturizing and
packaging that instrument, that's a schematic of the
biology, instrument going into its little case there. The lander camera, the camera
were, there were two of these and they were on a staff-- two of each on a
staff on the lander. They had a mirror that nodded
up and down for elevation and then you rotated the
cylinder for [inaudible] and this camera would then
scan, move, scan and so forth and produce a picture. The servos on those two
devices that would move that and move an [inaudible]
had to be as smooth as silk because you couldn't get a
jump, you'd end up with a hole or you'll end up both
on overlap or whatever. Those servos were unbelievably
difficult I would say. Also in the camera
and I just listed because I can't remember it, you had all the high-resolution
sensors, you had different focal
distances, I think four, three visual color
detectors, three infrared, a whole command module, 10
preamps, 1000 wire [inaudible] and you get them all in about
a 2 and a half inch cylinder. It was another, not
only technology with packaging, packaging issue. However, it was that picture, well that camera gave us
the first picture ever taken from the surface of Mars
and this is it okay. And the first question
you're always going to ask me is Newcomb you had
this beautiful landscape you could've taken this picture
of this landscape out here and you took the
picture of the footpad, what are you talking about? One good reason, we wanted to understand what the varying
strength of that surface was. We wanted to understand how
the surface would respond to the footpads--
to the landing legs. And so one of the initial
reaction was to take a picture that included that footpad. That was the first. This is one of the last pictures
taken prior to conjunction, this is Viking-2 and this
picture was taken just prior to conjunction when the earth
was going to come between earth and Mars, sorry sun come
between earth and Mars and we would lose radio
contact for about a month. And so this was one of the
last pictures we took prior to conjunction which I
thought would be kind of a neat thing to show here. One thing that scares me
when I look at this picture, look at the size of those rocks. Geologists swore we'd have
sand dunes, we didn't. The lander was designed
I think for 90 days, the orbiter was designer for I think six months,
but we did okay. Lander-1 lasted five and a
half years, Lander-2 three and a half years, orbiters
four years and two years. The technologies worked. And when you think about this
whole thing, maybe the biggest of all the technology
challenges was to take all of the many varied
technologies, develop them, and then integrate
them into a system that successfully
landed on Mars. Thank you. [ Applause ] Now you're going
to have a chance to hear some other people other
than me and the first person I'd like to bring up, a member of
our panel, is Gus Guastaferro. He was deputy project manager
to Jim Martin for management and then after Viking he
went onto planetary programs, director in headquarters, and went on to finally
Lockheed Space Systems as a vice president for civil and space civilian
space projects. He also was the one
that took over the GCMS when in its darkest days and
made an instrument out of it. He now works with
William and Mary in the Mason School of Business. So with that, Gus. [ Applause ] >> Well it's a pleasure
to be here, the alternative is
horrible [laughter]. Before I start to
talk about Viking, I want to play a special
tribute to my good friend here. He's documented the
Viking story as well as the Lunar Obiter story in a
book called A Bunch of Plumbers and it will be published
in about two weeks John? >> Yeah. >> And I encourage you to do
it, I've had the privilege of reading it in its
early days and recently and it's about to be released. You wonder about the title
with somebody that wrote about space called
a bunch of plumbers. It's explained in the book
and it's very instrumental in the Langley story and
that is that Dr. Harold Urey, Nobel laureate out of the
University of San Diego, at the time of the decision
to let Viking be led by Langley Research Center. Harold Urey wrote it and he
said it's a terrible decision, there's nothing but a bunch
of plumbers working at Langley and how the hell could they
lead a scientific program and that became the
title of John's book, A Bunch of Plumbers [laughter]. I encourage you to get access
to it when it's published. John did a terrific job of
giving you a singular experience in a broad base that
led me to say, I could tell my story
hopefully in five minutes without a bunch of charts. That's one thing I learned
when I left Langley, how to give a presentation
without a stack of view graphs or what's now PowerPoint and so we'll see how
it comes out today. John, you want to
give me the next one? >> Okay. >> And I didn't bring
the clicker with me. >> Okay. >> That's the only
one I'm going to use. I want to raise a
couple of principles here that Langley needs to
think about as they go to the future programs because
a lot of vast opportunity is out there in terms of what we're
going to do in this country in further exploration of Mars and even beyond the
solar system. It's interesting that
one of the principles that helped us carry this out
and this was very critical in Jim Martin's thinking
and with the team, we became science driven
rather than aeronautics, rather than space,
rather than technology, we were science driven. And what that characteristic
provided was that we got ourselves
a biologist to lead the science
program and some of you might remember
him, Dr. Gerald Soffen. We on top of that brought
72 scientists onboard from the universities around the
country and they participated in 1968 through 1976 in
defining this mission. They participated in every
engineering decision we made, every design decision,
every operational decision, and that was the keystone to
making it a successful program because we never lost sight
of what our customer was. Our customer was
knowledge and science and not an engineering
trick and we focused that on the whole
team continuously. That led to some of the things that John talked
about in principle. The second thing is in
contrast to Dr. Urey and with all do respects to
him, Langley got selected for these three principles. Based on the planetary entry
technology they knew about, studying they understood
the atmospheres, both from an [inaudible]
and space viewpoint, and they could handle the
challenges that were concerned with landing on another surface. The second thing was
Lunar Orbiter success. Five successful missions
in the 60s leading up to what became
the Apollo program and selecting the landing sites. And the bunch of plumbers here
produced a fantastic program and demonstrated very strongly
that we could carry it out. And the last thing was the
science management approach that we were not going
to walk down the aisle without being married to the
scientist in the United States and the world really because we
had some from other countries. And that became really
the crux of-- John laid out a wonderful
roadmap and I'm going to try to tell you little bit
about some of the things that were done to navigate this
roadmap to a successful mission. And as I mentioned, the
PIs and we gave them that title even though
there was 72 of them, they were all called PIs
or co-PIs and they got to participate in every
decision and brought from their universities
their talent to every decision we made. There were over 400 meetings
between 1968 and 1976 and a lot of airline tickets
because it was in the days before data
management systems allowed us to do it on, you know, from
what do you call it today, that allows you to
stay home and work. >> Telecommute. >> Yeah telecommute. We didn't telecommute. I've got to tell you a
funny story about airplanes. We had in the days and [inaudible] will remember
this more than anybody from his days in Congress. NASA budgets in the
time of Viking were set with two separate things, the
salaries of government employees and the travel budget was
in one set of budgets. The project budget was
separate and therefore, that was for the
contracts we had and for supporting
the scientists and we didn't have
enough travel money. And one of the interesting
stories of the techniques of Jim Martin type of
approach was how were we going to beat the travel restrictions on this very complicated
program we set out to do with the vast army of people
we had working the project and how we were going to
go without travel money? So we said, gee we're
allowed to have a contract and if we could look at some
of the things we're doing and take some of the project
money and give Martin Marietta, who is our prime contractor,
some funding out of that and they could come in
with their executive jet which was stationed by the way
in Maryland and it would be easy to fly through Langley as
they drove us to Denver to take care of our problems. And for two years we operated
that way and we offset a lot of travel money so the rest of the center could go do
their technology things. And it finally caught up to
us in about the fourth year of the project, but
we didn't start this until about the second year of
the project and we had to admit that we needed our
wrists exposed and slapped very strongly for
misusing appropriated funds, but we got the job
done [laughter]. We never lost focus that we had
to keep the scientists involved and we did what we had to do. The second thing I wanted
to mention with Walt's help, when I originally took this job with John I had a 17 element
PowerPoint presentation and a five-minute allocation and you can't put 17
charts in a five minute bag. So I'm going to send
this presentation, which you're not going to hear
to Walt and anybody interested in it that I'm going
to comment on it within the five minute limit and then Walt will help
you get a copy of it. It's worthwhile looking at
it, not because I've done it, but there's an interesting
set of experiences. From there let me move on. I always use the
expression that we-- and John used this in his book,
we talked our way to Mars. We didn't have a spec
and so we did things by significantly talking to
the scientific community. For example, I mean my personal
experience with the GCMS I had to take it over from JPL and that was a tough
decision to make. I was the project manager
leaving my management job for Jim to run that project. The first thing I did was go
to MIT and walk into the GCMS, it's a laboratory
that fills this room and that's what they used every
day to do molecular analysis. And we were putting this
thing in a cubic foot that weighed 40 pounds, that's
all we were allocating for it. All of a sudden you start
feeling the challenges and that type of technique of
seeking out the best knowledge and then working with MIT
and Dr. Klaus Beermann and taking the problems
that were existing at JPL when we took over the
project, we quickly got set up and I moved to California
for the time period and took over the everyday management
of getting the GC MS built. Because if you don't get
it there you don't have the instrument and you
just have to-- but that was only an example
of the type of technique. When we ran into problems
with the computer, Is Taback and Phil [inaudible] who
is here with us today, took over that project from
whatever else they were doing to make sure that
we got it settled so we had a computer to go. Because the jump we took in
plated wire memory was going to give us the inability
not to communicate. And it was important that we
make that very strong step. There's a whole bunch of other
things that were important to the team and that was
Jim Martin had a technique of project leadership. That you had to organize to win. Now how do you organize
to win and this is part of the paper I put together? You had a team with people
that have experience. So even though we might look
that we were competitors to JPL and we had what is now the
Glenn Research Center doing the launch vehicle. Jim Martin worked very
strongly on forming an NASA team that was going to do Viking
led by Langley Research Center and they became people that
participated every day. This thing that John mentioned about assigning accountability
rather responsibility, allowed people to look at what
I call the triangle of cost, schedule, performance with risk
slash through it that says, that every decision has to be
focused on the mission and has to be thought about in
terms of trade-offs. And therefore when
schedule becomes your driver and we talked about what
happened to the 73 75 launch. We soon found out
that we'd have to give up so much technical performance and so much cost
that we couldn't get. So when two of the variables got
frozen we changed the schedule and we went two years later
and we did that at the risk of losing the program, but we
were honest, we were direct and it helped solve to get a
good mission that could be done. And rather than what becomes
fashionable today, say anything to keep the program and then
you have to live with the pains of that decision, we
decided to do that. Another thing I remember most about Viking was
effective communications. Jim believed in a
strong ethical shop that we told the truth all
the time that we concentrated on our problems, and they got-- and we put the resources on
to get the problems solved. And then when that was
done we rewarded people when that happened. We didn't concentrate our time
for somebody having a problem and then firing them,
we concentrated on helping them resolve
their problems, giving them the right
skills and people to get the thing resolved. Probably the other thing
I should have mentioned up front is that we had a
concentration on not process, but people make things happen. And when you design a winning
team and you talk about people that are going to carry
out their accountability for the project, you'd better
get the best people you can get. And if you don't have them and
we have many examples on Viking in what I call the
invisible badge where didn't have enough
people from a control viewpoint to control the resources
on the project, we went to General
Electric and Valley Forge and gave them a support
engineering contract because they had been
doing things for the Navy and we brought a team
of people here that some of them still work at Langley. We hired a support contractor
to help us carry out tasks that we couldn't fit into the
normal makeup of the people that we had and we
carried that other. The last thing I want to talk
about is the golden rule. Now the golden rule isn't
what you think it is, it says he who has the golden
rules and what does mean? That means that you
build a situation where you get a significant
amount of reserves and schedule and cost to have sufficient
goal to adjust the program. Therefore, you make the
decision and not somebody else and when you're in that
kind of a category, you could do a lot with that. And then the strongest lesson
learned is always remember who your customer is and the
customer was not the President of the United States, the customer was the
scientists of the United States. And if you never
take your eye off that ball you'll have a very,
very successful mission. I'm going to turn it
over to Norm Crabill now or John are you going
to introduce him? [ Inaudible Comment ] Thank you. [ Applause ] >> Norm was mission
designer manager for both lunar orbiter
and Viking. And then he was executive
secretary on the landing site staff
during the tumultuous time when we were trying to find
lading sites for Viking A and B. And not just executive
secretary, although that was an
extremely import job, he was a significant part of that landing site
selection activity. And then after Viking he
worked to bring weather into the cockpit
of the airplane, in other words the pilot
now has the capability to see exactly what
the meteorologist back in his office sees. And then lightning protect
aircraft where he was able to fly into storms and get
hit as much as 70 times in one storm while he was
testing that operation. And now he's still
working on all kinds of advanced aeronautics
[inaudible]. So with that let me
turn it over to Norm. >> Thank you John. [ Applause ] Well I'm really impressed
that there's so many people here interested
in all this ancient history, but I want to tell you
guys, you younger guys, you got a chance to beat this. >> Oops. >> So hang on John. >> I'm sorry I jumped the gun. >> I want to just spend two
minutes of my time on expanding on the theme that Viking was a
very old and ambitious mission because it accomplished in one mission what would
probably have taken 8 or 10 years if we had done
it what I call the safe way. The safe way would okay
send some orbiters to Mars to get what knowledge you can
from orbit, what's the surface like in detail and then send
some direct entry atmospheric probes and then you can
design and build the lander and the orbiter and test
them knowing what you got to encounter. And then you would
fly mission one and oops I learned
something I didn't expect, so we'll make changes
and fly mission two. That's what I call the safe way. We didn't do it that way, we
used the best available data and some engineering
guesses to design and build and test our equipment and
because of the mission design and the improvement
in technology, we had fantastic resolution in
our orbiter imagery and we used that and the data from
Arecibo radar in Puerto Rico to get surface details. And we had an ops team that
could handle what it's, you heard something about that. Because if you go there and you
don't know exactly what you're going to encounter, you
got to react to what you do and do the right thing. Now one of the things that Is
Taback told me, God what a man, he's the best engineer
I ever met. When it came time to start
the Viking lander design, it's going to land
on the surface, but what's the surface like. And at that time the best
available data, this was early, very early in the project,
the best available data came from a mariner 4 flyby of Mars with the available imagery
technology and it's turned out that this strip of Mars
that it scanned as it zoomed by, hey that looks like the moon,
but we know all about the moon and it's pretty smooth. All those black splotches
you see are volcanic outflows and they're smooth. So we designed the lander and
if you remember that picture that John showed, the distance
between the bottom of the lander and the surface was about
that much because it's smooth. So okay let's have
the first John. >> Okay. >> Marine 71 went into orbit
with improved technology, imagery technology and
they found this site, they imaged Mars and we found
the site by looking at it that that's pretty smooth. One of the reasons the
scientists picked this site for us, there was a canyon here, Grand Canyon would
have been invisible, this was 3,000 kilometers
long and 15,000 feet deep and 150 miles wide and it
had water in historic times and it came out and
it flowed this way and you can see the flow
lines around these islands. Well we're looking for life,
life means where was the water and so there was a few
gallons of water in that site, so that's our site, 20
degrees north roughly. And that's the landing
dispersion and yeah we got to look out for the few
bumps up in the north end and a few wrinkles down here,
but hey that's pretty good. So next, we took
pictures from orbit with improved resolution,
oh boy. You can see evidences of the
outflow here just ripping by there and guess what, it's
likely channeled [inaudible] and Washington State
on the Columbia River. A lot of rocks and boulders, oh what's that ground
clearance, about that much. I don't think we're
going to do it. So bump it. We started moving the orbit
and taking pictures moving to the west and that strip
there was not encouraging, well that's a little bit better. Let's keep moving west. Next, so. We kept moving-- by the way this
is about 1,500 kilometers away from my original site and
you know how many days. And looking at the imagery and these wiggly lines
are the radar returns from the Arecibo radar in
Puerto Rico, we're very lucky because the planetary
geometry was such that it could get coverage. It had a problem, the dish
is fixed in the ground, but we got data and part of
my job was to feed that data into the landing site
selection committee and so we were looking-it
shows the reflectivity goes from 5 percent over here to 8
percent at gamma site there. But it was smoother to east and
more craters as you go this way. So Jim says, okay we're
going to land here and that's what we did. So we didn't, you know, we got a
big surprise when we got there. We had to do something in real
time and we were able to do it and land successfully
and next picture John. We thought we were getting
away from the rocks [laughter]. But it worked and
for Viking site 2, we hoped that Hank
[inaudible] said, you guys got to pick a better
less rocky site. Now this one is going to be
about 40 45 degrees north, further north, closer to the
water at the poles and we stand at latitude, I don't know how
many weeks, but we finally at a point we were looking at
four different mission profiles and that's a lot of
work for a flight team that was supposed
to do one at a time. So Jim said stop we're
going to go for this site, do the mission profile for
that, cut down the risk of making a mistake in the
sequencing could be fatal. So we landed with one final look at the site [inaudible]
says okay, let's go. So next one, oh I
forgot [laughter]. No this, I forgot this is
the Pathfinder in 1997. It landed at our original
site the one that we rejected and they had bounced
down on a balloon, they're a soft lander
and it worked. And fortunately it didn't
puncture the balloon, but Golembek at JPL said he
made the right decision not to land Viking there. So then we went on--
okay now John. This is a Viking lander 2 and the geologist said there
would be 25 feet of sand over the rocks and when
I asked him the question where the hell is the sand, he said didn't you know it's
70 degrees north [laughter]. Now you tell me. Well I just wanted to hit just a
few things because between John and Gus they've given
you the overall picture. But there were some
things in there that just were big surprises
and you had to be able to react to the reality of what
you got and we did. I did my five minutes. [ Applause ] >> Well okay now that we found
the landings site, Paul is going to tell you about getting to
the land side from orbiter. Paul was responsible for all
of the analysis and testing of the entry, descent and
landing system in order to get us safely to the surface. And then after Viking
Paul continued to do a lot of research on the space
shuttle using the shuttle as an actual test vehicle
and he is the only guy that I've ever known that can
convince Houston to drill a hole in the nose cap of the shuttle. >> Fourteen. >> Huh? >> Fourteen holes. >> Fourteen holes, excuse me. So he's pretty tenacious okay. So with that Paul. >> Thank you. Well John has promised you that
I'm going to tell you a lot of stuff and then he
gave me five minutes and Walt told me I couldn't
have any view graphs, so I don't know how I'm
going to accomplish all this, but I'll do the best I can. First I want to say this about
people, I was very fortunate to be at the right
place at the right time to become a part of Viking. It was a wonderful experience,
I worked with fantastic people at Langley, both in the
project and outside the project and I look back at it,
it was a great experience and I thank you all. Okay first of all I want
to clarify one thing, at Langley's period we had
not coined the phrase EDL, we were split in different ways. I was responsible for the aero
thermodynamics resource required to characterize the
performance of the vehicle, I didn't do anything more
than go to wind tunnels and write [inaudible] and
generate a lot of data and analyze the data and turn
it over to the mission planners. They'd go do the mission
planning while I'd go run another test. So I want to take you back
in time a little bit to 1969 and try to imagine being tasked
to do that what I just said to define the aero dynamics,
the aero thermodynamics and the vehicle dynamics of
an undefined, but what turned out to be a five different
configuration vehicle for entry and to land on Mars which we
didn't know, as John has said over and over, what the
atmosphere really was. We started out the program,
we had five different models of what the atmosphere could be and before we launched we had
narrowed it down to three models of what the atmosphere
could have been. Now on top of that,
consider the fact that you have these constraints and this list could
be a lot longer and I just decided
not to be too boring. We had going into the program
we were the first ones, so there was no flight heritage
that we could rely on to say how to do the job we had to do. The second, there were no smart
phones, there were no laptops, there were no desktop computers,
there was no CFD for you guys who are now doing this work,
there was no PowerPoint, there were no conference
etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. So you can put anything on that
list that you want that wasn't in existence in 1969 that
is in existence today to help you do your job. But what we did have
was and this is kind of tongue-in-cheek a
central computing system, a building up the road here, to which after you
wrote your program and punched all your little
cards and put them in a box, you carried them to the central
computing system, you put them in the queue and then you
go back to your office and they call you when
your run was over. And that might take an hour,
a day, a week you never knew. You also had a secretary
that knew how to type and you had an illustrator
to help you make view graphs. So there was no, you know,
that was all manual work. But most importantly, we
had access to the expertise of the engineers and
researchers at Langley. We had access-- we
had a priority access to all the facilities that's
what Cortright did for us, had access to the
research facilities at Langley Research Center. And we had access to
other NASA facilities and non-NASA facilities. So in my position I could
go anywhere within NASA, particularly at Langley and
say I want to run a test at your facility and
the door was open and that was the way
the program worked. And we had access-- when John
brought up the Voyager program, there was at least
10 years of studies that were done technically
on the Voyager for the Voyager program, we
had access to all that data and that data included
definition of potential entry vehicles, the
aero thermal and the candidates that we had at the time
were 120 degree cone, 60 degree half angle or 140
degree cone, a tension shell and there were other
configurations that we considered early in the
program that might be candidates for the [inaudible] system. And then the accelerator
system, the parachute. There were flight tests on
things like a cross shoot, a ring sail, diskette band,
pilot chutes, [inaudible] and [inaudible],
supersonic [inaudible]. So all these things were part
of the Viking shopping list when we started the program as to things we could
potentially do. Oh we also had access to
the Navier-Stokes equations with many of the terms exed out because we didn't know
the answer and Newton's law. That was all tongue-in-cheek
too. So given all of that, the first
thing we had to do was to define and then accomplish a
comprehensive ground test and analysis program to
solve these problems. There was a great emphasis
on the ground testing because of the status of
analytics that existed in 1969. Before this task was over,
put it up, it included results from 23 test facilities
at eight locations. This is what I spent
my life doing. These are the facilities
that Viking tested in across the country,
AADC, we'll talk about some of these a little bit more
later, Cornell, [inaudible] Lab, Colorado State University, KSC,
AADC and all these facilities and Langley and I'm not sure
how many of them are still left. But they were invaluable to us solving the problems
we had to solve back then. This program proceeded
great without any glitches, it was a very smoothly run
program, just kept us very busy, a lot of data until
this happens. And what you see here is
a 10 percent scale model of the diskette band
parachute that were planning to fly the orbiter with,
I mean the lander with and it's full of holes. This happened at AADC, one
of the first trips I took down there and that was the
worst day of my life to have to call Langley and tell them that the parachute
failed in the wind tunnel. I could talk on this for hours,
but I don't have an hour. So this problem was mentioned
earlier about the top 10 list, it sat on the top of the
top 10 list for a long time and the solution became a
small project in its own. But it was solved by just
taking this parachute and moving it back in the wake
where after the wake turbulence from the fore body as it
entered, recovered the drag and eliminated the
turbulence that [inaudible]. So after we solved this
problem we had all the data, basically the data we needed to produce the aero
dynamics data book, the aero physics data book,
vehicle dynamics data book. This all took place in a period
of three and a half years. So it was a busy time. And we also supported the, BLDT
configuration as it evolved. And let's see what else okay,
where are we going here. And as a result of all these
tests and analysis of the data, the shopping list
was whittled down to where the baseline
configuration was defined to be the 140 degrees, 70
degree half angle cone, 3 1/2 meters in diameter. It initially started out as
a ballistic entry vehicle, but over time the vehicle got
a little heavier and heavier, so we offset the CG and it
became the lifting body. We had a single stage
to mortar deployed DGB and the parachute was located
at the trailing distance of 88.54 fore bodies
behind the entry vehicle and the propulsion system
John showed you [inaudible]. And the technologies that
I guess John would like me to speak about is the parachute. The data books that we generated
are still being used by and have been used by every
program that has gone to Mars and entered the Martian
atmosphere. It's the foundation, it's the
heritage that we didn't have when we started Viking. And what I didn't speak about was the heatshield
material was SLA561 with a V after it because it was
developed specifically for Viking and has been
then the TPS for every one of the entry vehicles
except the latest MSL which decided they
didn't like it anymore. But we go into that one and
talk about it a long time too. So SLA561V has been the basis
for every entry vehicle, the diskette band
parachute has been the basis, and the 140 degree cone
configuration has been the basis for all the Martian entry
vehicles we've known. So I guess I'm going to
say something a little bit and my only regret,
my one regret is that after Viking
Langley decided not to do anymore flight
projects like Viking because it diluting the
ability to do basic research and I think personally that
the research results that came out of the support for Viking
accomplished an awful lot and didn't get the credit
it deserved here at Langley. So thank you. [ Applause ] >> Now we've been waiting
to hear the science results because as Gus reminded us, the
science was the reason for going and we've got the perfect guy
to do that with Joel Levine. Joel spent 41 years here at
Langley as a senior scientist, he was the Mars scout
program scientist for the Mars exploration
program at NASA headquarters, he co-chairs NASA's
human exploration of Mars science analysis group. He studied the Viking
results and is going to talk about the new picture
of Mars from Viking. He currently is a
professor at William and Mary, so here's Joel. >> Thank you John. [ Applause ] When John and Gus said, Viking was a science driven
mission, they were right. Because the three engineers
were given five minutes and no view graphs, I
was given 10 minutes and eight view graphs
[laughter]. So if we can have the first one. Let me say first of all that what Viking accomplished
has never been accomplished by any NASA project. Four operating spacecraft
around Mars at the same time lasting
years and each landers with 13 instruments and
the orbiters with four. And I just want to
summarize the Viking results. I'll also say that about a year and a half ago I advised a PhD
student at Brown University, she got her PhD studying Viking
data from 1976, so each year about a half a dozen to a
dozen dissertations are given with Viking data. Okay Viking obtained
the first in situ within the atmosphere
measurements of the vertical distribution
of atmospheric density, pressure and temperature. We never had that before. Viking made the first
in situ measurements of the chemical composition
of the atmosphere of Mars. We never had that before. Viking discovered the
presence of nitrogen in the atmosphere of Mars. Nitrogen after water, nitrogen
is a key ingredient for life and Viking showed that the
atmosphere of Mars has nitrogen, which we didn't know before, it's not detectable
spectroscopically. The Viking nitrogen measurements
were very interesting because the mass spectrometer, the entry mass spectrometer
had the capability, it was such a good instrument
it could measure isotopic ratio of atoms and it measured
the isotopic ratio of nitrogen 14 to 15. Because 15 nitrogen is
15 is one atomic mass or one [inaudible]
higher than 14. For the first time we
could study by looking at the isotopic data, we
could study the history of the atmosphere of Mars
and the Viking data showed us that Mars probably lost
at least 99.99 percent of its atmosphere
over geological time. One of the most interesting, oh
and if Mars lost 99.99 percent, we understand the features
that Norm Crabill showed of flowing water on Mars because
Mars' atmosphere is too thin to support water on the surface, but if the atmosphere
were considerably thicker in the past it would
explain what we're seeing and we now believe that at
one point Mars was covered with lakes, rivers, and in
fact the northern hemisphere or the bulk of the northern
hemisphere was an early ocean that was probably 3 miles deep. That was reported
about three months ago. One of the most interesting
measurements that Viking made with the GCMS was no organics
detected on the surface, we did not detect organic
material on the surface of Mars, which was not very good if
you're looking for life. We now believe that the
reason there are no organics on the surface is
that the surface of Mars is very highly
oxidizing, very unique surface in the solar system and the
surface, highly oxidized surface because hydrogen peroxide and ozone impact the surface
making the surface very highly chemically reactive and
that explains why there were no organics. So the discovery of
the highly chemical, chemically reactive nature of the surface was
a major discovery. Next. Now what Viking measured,
not only carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and argon, but it
measured the isotopes of each of these things and also
neon, krypton and xenon and what's interesting on the
y-axis the Mars atmosphere as Viking observed in 1976 on
the entry mass spectrometer. On the x-axis are the chemical
analysis of air bubbles in Mars meteorites, there are about two dozen meteorites
we found on earth mostly in the Antarctic and Arctic and
when you analyze those bubbles and it's plotted
on the same curve as Viking that's how we
know they came from Mars. This is a major discovery
and a major advancement in our understanding of the
isotopic ratio of gases. Next. Viking showed that
the surface pressure of Mars varies during
the year by 30 percent. In other words, the atmosphere
at any given location varies from 30 percent over
the year and that's because carbon dioxide condenses
at the pole that's having winter and that's a very unusual event. You know, the atmosphere of
Earth varies by a few millibars from day to day, but on Mars,
it over 30 percent variation. We're looking at the-- the top
chart is actually Lander-1 even though it says Lander-2 and
you can see the variability of pressure at the two
light Viking landing sites. Fantastic variation in
density due to condensation of atmospheric carbon dioxide, which is 95 percent
of the atmosphere. Next. Now what we didn't
discuss in any detail is one of the reasons we want to go to
Mars, one of the reasons we go to the rest of the solar system
is to answer the question, is Earth the only object in
the solar system with life. And in the history of space
exploration Viking is the only mission that attempted
to answer that question. Now we ask a question could
life have existed on Mars. We talk about global
habitability, but we don't talk about life detection anymore. Viking is the only mission
ever launched anywhere in the solar system to have
a life detection experiment. There were by the time Viking
was launched there were three life detection experiments,
pyrolytic release, labeled release and
gas exchange. And basically the idea of these
three experiments is to bring in some material from
outside Mars, some Mars soil and to incubate it
with nutrient and see if we could detect
metabolic activity. And the results are
very interesting. Next. Okay this is
from the final results of the Viking biology
experiments. This is from the
September 30th, 1977, issue of Journal Geophysical
Research which was 1,500 pages of Viking results, 1500 pages
of Viking scientific results. The pyrolytic release
experiment, the results were a
biological interpretation of the results is unlikely. Let me skip down to the
gas exchange experiment, all the exchanges observed
can most easily be explained or demonstrated by
plausible chemical reactions that require no biological
processes. But let's look at the
labeled release, number two. As of this writing,
and this was published in a peer-review journal
September 30th, 1977, the labeled release results
are entirely consistent with a possible biological
interpretation. In other words, prior
to the launch of Viking the biologists
got together and said, well what would constitute a
positive result meaning Viking detected life and Gil Levin
who designed this concluded that his results are consistent
with the biological explanation. Next. Jerry Soffen,
the project scientist who himself was a biologist, concluded the biology
experiments of Viking, were by far the most complex
of all investigations. There was no unambiguous
discovery of life by the Viking landers and
all three results appear to indicate the absence
of biology in the samples tested,
appear to indicate. Nevertheless, the experiment
gave significant results revealing the chemical
nature of the Martian surface and at least one result that
could still be consistent with biological interpretation
is the labeled release. One experiment indicates that the Martian soil
has an agent capable of rapidly decomposing organic
chemicals used in the medium or that life is present,
okay so that was 1977. Next. The principal investigator of labeled release continued
working for years and years and is in fact still working,
he's now on the faculty at Arizona State Gil Levin. And he published a
major article in 1977 and what he did is he
analyzed all of the data over again labeled release
and is now even more certain that life was discovered
by Viking in 1976. About two years ago,
an independent group at the University of California, San Francisco microbiologist
took all the Viking labeled release data, analyzed
them, and concluded that the data is most consistent
with the biological rather than a chemical explanation. Next. And when that paper came out in a peer review
journal came out in 2012, at a press release, this
is from National Geographic which is the first one I
found, life on Mars found by NASA's Viking mission? New analysis suggests robots
discovered microbes in 1976. So in addition to the 55,000
pictures of the surface of Mars taken from orbit. In addition to the 5,500
pictures of the Mars surface, in addition to the first
measurements of the atmosphere, composition, pressure, density,
in addition to the discovery that the surface of Mars
is unlike any other surface in the solar system, it
just may be that in 1976, the people sitting in this room
actually discovered the presence of life on the surface of Mars. Thank you. [ Applause ] >> All right, now let's bring
all these gentlemen up quickly over here and open it up for
questions and [inaudible]. >> And that's a very
good question, the question was why haven't
we looked for life on anything since Viking and it's
ironic that in the new issue of Space News which is available in the library, a
lot of you get it. The new issue of Space News
Chris McKay, an astrobiologist at Ames Research Center asks that question during his
interview, he said the goal of exploration of planets is to
study-- is to search for life. To answer the question are
we alone on this life unique to this planet and he says, since Viking there has been
no attempt to search for life and that's a very good question. I personally served
on the review board that picked the instruments
for Mars 2020 Rover, that's a carbon copy
of Mars Science Lab and I was given the task of reviewing the life
detection experiments. And there were a number of
experiments that consisted of chips that could
detect the presence of about 250 organic molecules. It's been tested on
earth and in desert. We know a lot of information,
it's called lab on a chip and I was shocked when
the announcement came out on what instruments
were selected because none of these life detection
experiments which were probably two orders
of magnitude more precise than what Viking did,
not one was selected and you ask me why is that and
the answer is I don't know. >> John, I got a question
for Joel [laughter]. >> Can we have the panel
members ask other panel members questions? >> I think we're able
to do that [laughter]. >> Did you put up
the [inaudible] slide that showed the pressure
measurements, can you do that? >> I think so. >> On Lander-1 there was
a blip, a step function, meteor impact or what? Do you remember seeing
that in there? >> No, I don't remember
seeing that. But these were in general
averaged over some time period. >> You can see it there. >> Okay. >> The third one. >> Yeah the third one. [ Inaudible Comment ] >> There's a step function
there just before 335. On the top curve. >> The blue one. >> Oh okay these are [inaudible]
in two different years, they're two different years. >> But there's a step
function in time. >> Yeah. >> Where the blue
line [inaudible]. >> Yeah, yeah no I see. Maybe it's. >> No explanation? >> No, maybe it, no explanation. It's maybe [inaudible]. >> [inaudible] years. >> Yeah that's true. Maybe it was a calibration
problem. >> Okay. >> John and [inaudible] thank
you, [inaudible] question, 40 years ago, actually 39
years ago after you'd been on the surface for some time, how long did you think it would
be before we actually humans to Mars? >> Well I'll take a shot at it. I would say that I thought
we be doing it yesterday. No, it's just-- it's
pathetic for what's happened because the Mars
exploration program continues with repeatable work rather
than interesting steps and I think it's because
we don't have the courage to send humans with what we
know about the environment and the problems
connected with survival. And the public wouldn't
take sending people on a one-way ticket at this time and that's just my
personal feeling. If somebody else
feels differently. >> I'd like to make a comment. I want to read what happened, not really it's a book written
called the Martian about a guy that got left on
Mars [laughter]. He got back all right. >> Did you want to say
anything about [laughter]? >> I think the-- I don't
think there were any real technological problems that have
to be overcome to send humans to Mars and return them
safely and the I think to a large extent the
explanation is budget that it costs a lot of money
and the Congress is not willing to increase the budget of
NASA even the few percent to achieve this important goal. I mean Congress can't
agree on anything, so why would we expect them to
agree to send humans to Mars. I think given an increase in
budget, we could do it by 2025 and I think it's a budgetary
problem not a science or technology problem. >> Let me have that
a minute [laughter]. >> We have a question. >> I was just wondering how
big [inaudible] the heatshield [inaudible] landing
a human on Mars? >> That's your problem. >> I haven't studied that. Mark, Mar. Well the Viking was 3.5
meters, I can't extrapolate for you I've been
doing something else for a long time [laughter]. >> Neil Cheatwood what's
your answer, how big? >> Is Neil back there? >> Yeah Neil's back there. >> Fifteen to 20
meters [inaudible]. >> Say that again. >> Fifteen to 20
meters [inaudible] inflatable [laughter]. >> Okay that's your answer. >> Let me have it. >> Yeah. >> Okay I got one for you Walt. You want to send people to Mars
you want to get there faster and come back faster and a
guy named Diaz is working on ion propulsions
and he claims 39 days. I had an intern do a study
for me a couple summers ago to accelerate a 1G
halfway and flip and decelerated 1G you
can get there in 10 days. >> The [inaudible] with
that is you got to slow down the [inaudible]
so you don't burn up when you hit the
atmosphere right. >> No, no you. >> Decelerate the [inaudible]. >> Decelerate. >> Do you decelerate
the whole way down? >> No, you accelerate and
flip it and decelerate, so you got 1G all the time. >> Got it. [ Inaudible Comment ] >> Is there any data to indicate
whether the loss of atmosphere in water was catastrophic
[inaudible]? >> Global warming. >> The general consensus is
that Mars lost 99.99 percent of its atmosphere once Mars lost
its planetary scale magnetic field because the global
planetary magnetic field protects Mars from direct
impact of solar wind, high energy particulate
radiation, protons and helium ions that
come off the sun. And without a magnetic field
there's a sandblasting effect and that sandblasting effect in several hundred million
years would cause the loss of 99.99 percent
of the atmosphere. So that's-- when that
happened we don't know, but that's the best idea as to why Mars doesn't
have an atmosphere. Once the atmosphere was
gone, water couldn't exist under such low pressure so
the warder sublimated and once in the atmosphere as a gas
water vapor it was broken down by solar ultraviolet
radiation. >> What were your feelings
[inaudible] a timeline from when you started entry
and descent and landing down through say
when you [inaudible]? >> Hold your breath. >> That was going to be, that
was going to be my answer, it was a hold your breath the
whole time and it was even worse for Lander-2 because
Lander-2 was supposed to-- we of course had the timelines
and Lander-2 was supposed to arrive on Mars at a
given time and the key that would tell us that Lander-2
had actually landed safely was the first thing you'd see
was a bit rate change. So we were all sitting
there watching the computer or the console for
the bit rate change and when the time
came no change, 30 seconds, 45 seconds
no change. A minute after we
got the change. You could hear everybody
doing that when that happened because obviously absolutely
there was no breathing during that one minute I
can assure you. >> I'd like to have one more
shot at the human exploration of Mars and that I do believe
some positive things have taken place along with some of the
negative things that I mentioned and others have mentioned and
that is current experiment done by the twins, the two
astronauts one on earth and one on the space station, to determine what a
one year separation. See the big concern is really
not the physical, but the metal. Being away from-- you
can't trade somebody for 30 or 40 years, give them
a little bit of training and change their life
to such an extent that the communications change,
what you do living in a capsule or in a confined environment. What happens to you after
one year in space is going to be very instrumental in
deciding whether we go or not because I still think
humans are not expendable and we'll keep treating
it that way. In addition to the
budget problems and the science problems, I think the problem is are
we ready to send people where with the hope that
they would come back. You know, you can't make
the John F. Kennedy speech that said, we'll return
them safely to earth. That's the question I think
before the [inaudible]. Anybody disagrees with that
they could talk about it. >> Hang on, oh I've got one, have we licked the
radiation shielding problem to take these people
to Mars and back? >> Well I think we have, I just don't think they
have a good feeling for what the long
range effect is and then even the very
simple things that took place over this past year of
the recent [inaudible], there's more thinking now
that you're going to have to be self-generating, you're
going to have to be able to grow your own substance
to survive rather than depend on a Russian spacecraft
[inaudible], you know. And so the logistical problem
of keeping them alive all has to be thought out, along with
the ability for humans to adapt to that kind of existence. >> [Inaudible] we've heard
in a few places today about the management and
leadership of the program and how it contributed
to its success. So I'm wondering your thoughts
on lessons learned and sort of key aspects of that that
you think would be important to apply to any engineering
process and in particular, looking at getting
humans to Mars. >> John, if you could call up
my last chart, I happen to put that on a chart I
didn't show you. But that's only one person's. [ Inaudible Comment ] Opinion of it's not only Viking, but my 60 years in
this business so. >> Your [inaudible] last chart? >> Yeah it's lessons learned. Go to the one before
that, it's two pages John. >> Okay, all right. >> Okay this is as a pseudo
leader, what I would pass on to future leaders
is to consider this as you run any endeavor
that brings resources and technology together
and we lost it [laughter]. [ Inaudible Comment ] >> [Inaudible] I couldn't
find the [inaudible]. Okay [inaudible]. >> Okay. On an airplane trip
maybe 10 or 15 years ago I sat down and said I would
write 10 things about my lessons
learned experience and I said you know
what I better make 9, 10 is kind of a religious
[inaudible]. So I limited it to nine. Never lose your capacity
for enthusiasm. If you don't like
what you're doing, if science isn't important
to you, if engineering isn't and you're just doing a
project because you got to take home some
bread, don't do it. That's the first thing. Never lose your capacity
for indignation. There are days that you come
that you really got to stand up and say, you know what I
don't like what's going on and we're going to do
something about it and you got to be strong enough to do it. I'll tell you just one
story of that in my career. I was deputy at Ames research
Center and we had Carl Sagan under contract to
do some research on the post Viking data coming
from, not Langley but Ames to support graduate students
and that type of thing and he wasn't delivering
because he was busy doing the Cosmo series. And I had to have the
courage to get on the phone and tell him we didn't
like it, we were going to close down his contract. And before you know it
the data start coming in and we start getting
it all done. So you have to have the strength to not get intimidated
by position. You just got to do that thing. Never judge classified
people too quickly. First assume that she or he, notice I put she first I've
[inaudible] a lot [laughter]. That she or he is good. Always think the
best of everybody and that you have
the responsibility to put the square peg
in the square hole. They didn't come
with a deficiency because you created it
and you need to fix it. Never be impressed with
wealth or thrown by poverty. Both of those have evils
in them and to make sure that you don't treat
somebody differently because they could support you
and you don't take advantage of people who are in need
and that's a lesson in life that you need to carry out. If you can't be generous
when it's hard to be, you will not be when it's easy. And just go to bed that
night thinking about that. And the greatest builder of
confidence is the ability to do something almost
anything well. Another Ames story, I
like to tell Ames story because everything at
Langley is perfect [laughter]. >> Was. >> I had the [laughter],
I had the opportunity to be acting director for
almost three months and during that time period the 40 x 80
x 120 wind tunnel blew up. >> Right. >> And it's my fault and I
got to be able to accept that and I didn't know what to do
with myself, so I went home and wallpapered the
smallest bathroom we had. Because when I got done with it,
it builds up your confidence, do almost anything you can
get your hands on to feel good about it, it doesn't the
solve wind tunnel blowing up, but it puts you back in motion
of gaining the confidence to be a leader again
and just remember that. Can I have the next one John? >> I'm hoping you can. >> Okay and when the confidence
comes, then strive for humility because you're not that
damn good [laughter]. And the way to become truly
useful is to seek the best that other brains have
to offer and use them to supplement your own and be
prepared to give them credit and let the world
know that they helped. That's a key thing that
was true on Viking, it was true on everything
I've ever touched and the fact that no matter what it is
you can't do it all yourself and do your best to find
the people that can do it and reward them adequately
when you do it. And lastly, the greatest tragedy
in work and personal events stem from a misunderstanding,
the answer is communicate. Follow these rules
and I would say that you'd have another
successful Viking. Thank you [applause]. >> You need to talk to a
different audience about that. >> [Inaudible] know I'd have
the chart for that question. >> I think we're about to close
now, so I want to thank you and Joel and Gus
and Paul and Norm and all the other Vikings
that are here today. I will say since we have so
many of you here today we'd like to get a picture outside
if you want to step out and we'll just do it right
on the front steps there, I think that would be great. We'd really be honored if you
would allow us to do that. I just want to say to somebody
who had the opportunity and the privilege to work on one
of the follow-on Mars programs, Mars Pathfinder, and I know
we've got a lot of people here in the audience at
Langley who have worked on subsequent Mars missions that
we truly stood on the shoulders of the Viking Giants and
we thank you for that. >> Thank you. [ Inaudible Comment ] [ Applause ] >> I just want to put in one
pitch here for Rachel Tilman and her website is the Mars
Viking Preservation Project and she is collecting artifacts,
information, she has spoken to a lot of the Vikings
here and she's going-- and this eventually is going
to move into museums all across the country with
displays and so when you hear about Mars Preservation Project
think about that, help her and go to her website. I do want to just
put in that plug because she is truly
helping us carry the memory of Viking further. Thank you [applause].