NASA Talk - Path to Mars and Asteroid Mission: The First Step

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STEVE SANDFORD: My name is Steve Sandford, some of you may know me from last March, I believe, when I came and spoke and what we are going to do for the next five weeks is a little bit of a continuation of what we started back then. I came and spoke about the history of the space program with an emphasis on the national benefits that we accrued from undertaking that great adventure, even going back to 1917 in the beginning of aeronautics in this country, at least aeronautics research. And so what we are going to do in the next five weeks is give you a much more detail about what's going on now. What NASA is planning and how we intend to take the next steps into deep space. Today we have got Pat Troutman and Dan Mazanek here. They are two of NASA's leading space architects and have been intimately involved in the agency working with centers across the country and planning the best way to move into deep space, building on what we have done in the past and on the capabilities of the International Space Station that we have up there now. I am going to turn it over now to Dan and Pat and let them take it away. PAT TROUTMAN: Thanks Steve. Sound check, can everyone can hear me okay? DAN MAZANEK: And how about me? AUDIENCE: Good. DAN: All right. Welcome and thank you for coming out this morning. We appreciate you coming. What we are going to do is we are going to talk about a future history of human space settlement. Now this is a history, this is we are going to tell you how this might take form, and what I am going to first do, we are going to talk about the first steps, the Asteroid Redirect Mission and the path to Mars, but before that I am going to take you a little bit farther into the future. So, I want you to, and first there is a disclaimer here in that this presentation is meant to educate and evoke discussion, so at the end you know hopefully you will have some questions and we will be able to answer those for you. It doesn't entirely represent the official position of NASA. There is plenty of official information, projects that we are working on but certainly this introduction is fictional. And I want to take you, imagine for a moment that you are in a history class in the year 2776 and you are in a high school at First Colony High School on Planet Nova. So, this is our history. About 800 years ago our ancestors here on Earth they had the forethought the economic fortitude and the know-how to take the first steps in spreading out from the Earth. And this is our new home, Nova. We have been here a 100 years. It was originally discovered on November 21st, 2012, now that's in Earth years, and we have been here 100 years since our first settlers landed, that is about eight Earth years. Soon after we arrived all Earth transmission ceased after we suspect because of the transmissions, viruses released from biological warfare spread through the solar system. Here is a picture of the sunset on Nova and you can see it is a triple star system. Nova orbits Gliese 667C and it has two twin stars. Nova as we called it is a super Earth. It is about four and half times the mass of the earth. So the gravity is little more substantial for the colonists than we experience here on Earth. It orbits, its parent star will be 28 days, so pretty much the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. It is located 22 light years away from the earth. So, that's about 1.4 million astronomical units. Astronomical units is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. So it is a little bit of a haul to get out there. So, how we got here? Three generations traveled in 12 artificial space arks and devoted their lives to the journey to the Gliese system. So you think about it, it is 22 light years away, it is even if we can obtain a fraction 10th the speed of light, which maybe we can someday in the future, it is a multigenerational trip. So we had over 7000 colonists at first departure, of course many more were born and many passed away during that time. More importantly we housed all the terrestrial life forms that could be transported. So, it wasn't just taking a colonist and going to a strange new world, we brought what we could with us. It was constructed in the Jovian System out of materials process from asteroids and the moons of Jupiter. It utilized advanced fusion propulsion using Helium 3 and hydrogen extracted from the Jupiter's atmosphere. And the colonists left in the year 2560. So, the journey took little over 200 years to make. So, I ask the question that sets the stage, why should humans explore space? Certainly we live on a big spaceship, we are constantly going around the Sun every 365-1/4 days, we are on this spaceship, and we are in a single spaceship right now. We have multitude of things that we need to be concerned about, just hazards in the solar system. One of them is comets and asteroids and I am sure most of you probably are aware of this but we live in, we kind of call it cosmic shooting gallery, this is just the leftovers from the creation of the solar system and it is not that these asteroids or comets have any ill intent, it is just they are orbiting with us and every once in a while they run into us, as a matter of fact we had a very close approach this last week of a very small object, about 40 feet across that came by 2014CR, came just outside of our geosynchronous satellite orbits, but it is a constant reminder that we have threats that come in from outer space that we have to worry about. So, we have to worry about ourselves and what we experience outside. This next animation depicts what the final state of our Sun would be, a red giant, and how it will eventually consume pretty much out to the Martian orbit. Our Sun is going to expand. Now all estimates are this will be 4 billion years or so from now, so we have nothing to worry about from that standpoint, but someday we will have to leave, and you make, when we start out we are talking about making those baby steps to begin that process. PAT: Point here Dan is yesterday there was a major solar storm with a coronal mass ejection, it is heading towards earth, it is going to hit tomorrow sometime. People as far as south as Michigan might be able to see the northern lights. You might hear some stories that it disrupted radio transmission and power grid outages. That's just a small sample of what could happen. Back in 1869... DAN: '65, the Carrington event. PAT: The Carrington event wiped out what was the major telegraph infrastructure of the United States at that particular time. So it is not just end-of-life things we have to worry about. We have to worry about the solar system throwing things at us constantly, and civilization is a very fragile state sometimes. It only takes a short little push one way or another to get us to the point where we cannot actually sustain going into space. It is not it wipes out humanity, it removes our ability to spread humanity's seed. So, just a thought. DAN: Yeah, and to follow that up you know the Carrington event they actually were such a strong solar storm that railroad tracks actually ignited because they acted to conduct the energy, the particles that came in and of course and the wood and the tar and all the ignitable things actually caught on fire. If we had a similar circumstance like that as Pat mentioned, you know it would affect society. The question is we have reached this point in history of human kind that we actually can contemplate our place in the universe, and we can actually go out, we have proven that we can go to the moon, I mean we know that we can explore beyond the moon and Pat and I are going to talk about that. But what if the clock got reset? What if we did have something happen where we were sent back to the Stone Age? Would we ever be able to recover back to the point we are. So it is interesting to think, I like saying to folks just to ponder that the telescope and the rocket and the final analysis maybe the two most important inventions in all of human history because for example for comets and asteroids first of all we have to be able to see them, we have to be able to know where they are and of course we have to get to them before they get to us if we want to do something about it. Similarly, if we want to find an Earth like planet in another solar system and we are doing it right now, we need telescopes, very sensitive telescopes to be able to see those, and of course, if we want to get there we need a rocket, it is going to be a different rocket than we are thinking of today but we need the propulsion to be able to span the gulf of interstellar space. So, in some sense if we as humans become compromised, I will say extinct, because species go extinct over the periods of millions of years, but if we don't have either the extinction or the capability to travel into space at some point in the future we are kind of stewards of all the life here on earth. So to think about that, we have that kind of that responsibility and we have been blessed with the tools to be able to do something. So, with that I am going to let Pat takeover and kind of we will pull you back to human history, a more recent history of space travel. PAT: Yes, now you are in Ancient Human History 101. Since I am the oldest I get to preach that. Dan and I were actually talking about do you remember the Apollo Lunar Landing? Well he was 2-1/2, he actually remembers it when it happened. I was 8, I actually remembered when it happened and it both involves a grainy black and white TV sitting in some place. And so it is, you go back, that's the dawn of human expanding their seed. And Apollo is special in so many reasons. First was because the tremendous amount of capabilities we developed in the leaps in engineering and technology that were accomplished in that time frame, just phenomenal. We had never duplicated that since. There are reasons for that. Now everybody says well it is because we are in a race with the Russians or we had infinite money, there are other things too that allowed that to happen and that is reflected very much in things like SpaceX now, who is building rockets and making great progress and doing great things, they have a very young fresh workforce. And believe it or not back in the Apollo days NASA's workforce was young 20 something stewarded by some senior folks and they worked 80-hour weeks, they lived, ate, and breathed it and by the time we landed on the moon we were spent. The NASA divorce rate was incredibly higher than everyone else's. We were on a war footing with that. We wanted to achieve that was never been achieved before. We wanted to beat the Russians and we dedicated everything we had to do it and we ran the whole marathon at full speed. When we go the end of Apollo the country was a little tired, been there, done that, the workforce was just expired and actually we didn't actually know what we wanted to do after we got to the moon. We were running so fast, we forgot about the rest of the journey. So, Apollo taught us a lot of things and of course at the dawn of the Apollo era NASA was not a bureaucracy. It was a young agile organization that didn't care about sustaining about itself for long periods of time, by the time it reached the end of Apollo NASA was full of bureaucracy and we still are today. So, I am not making excuses, I am just saying that's the way it is because throughout the history of space exploration Apollo to 800 years in the future, bureaucracy and political momentum and budgets all play a factor into how we have to accommodate and how we have to plan for the future. So, it is not nice, I want to talk about rockets and warp drive and all this great stuff. That's only half the problem. It is getting people, stakeholders, Congressmen to understand that this is worth doing and to give up something old in order to do something new. So you will see this repeatedly happen through history. So, I am going to tell you a little about that. So, Apollo, great wonderful thing. After Apollo we got there and as I said what were we going to do? Well we had some leftover rockets. We just spent 10 years beating the Russians. We said well maybe we ought to start making good with the Russians. So you this idea of reusing what we got, making it do something else and doing in a way with international partners to help get that political stakeholders that we don't have, with just the mission alone. So, by involving other countries who also want to invest in their space program and give it a reason for being it just adds another reason to go do it. So you will see this theme where we take hardware, we reinvented little bit, applied something else and then we go do it with the internationals because hey if their congress wants to do it and our congress wants to do it then we will get to do it. So the Apollo-Soyuz program was that it was bringing the module, uniting the two programs, instead of running against each other we were shaking hands. After that came the space shuttle. And what was really interesting was this space shuttle was well now we are going to completely change our mindset, we are going to do a total reusable system, we are going to launch 100s of times a year, we are going to enable this whole industry in space and take care of it self. That's how shuttle was sold. It didn't really turn out that way. It is an amazing engineering fete, in fact much more so than the Saturn V rocket, because there were miles of wires and circuits and stuff and 10s of 1000s of millions of parts on this thing and they all worked. Yes, we had some setback and some tragedies, but the fact that this system could go up, go to space for weeks at a time, come back, be refurbished and used, it really was something. But then we had Challenger, we have had Columbia. And the role of space shuttle was muddied a little bit. It is a reusable stuff, it takes satellites and everything back and forth, but then we didn't want to jeopardize people's life in delivering cargo. So we had a separation of crew and cargo and space shuttle was only to be used for human missions. So we have to have a lot of human missions to use the space shuttle for. We looked across the seas to our friend the Russians and we said you got a space station, we got a truck, let's get together. And we did, that was the Shuttle Mir Program. So I was fortunate actually to be on the beginning part of that particular program. We went over to Russians and we negotiated and we setup a series of protocols and sure enough they had launched space station, we are flying back and forth and we are going to experience and now everyone is happy that we are working with our friends. It was an international experience and we were learning how to operate in space on Mir. Then we did that a bunch, it's like what's next? Well, Mir was coming to the end of its lifetime and so we built the International Space Station. So I am going to talk about that a little bit. So right now we are at, the space shuttle has retired, International Space Station is operational, what are the next steps that we are going to do? What is our journey to 800 years...I forget the name of the planet... DAN: Nova. PAT: Nova, Nova, okay I can remember that, Nova. Dan and I carpooled everyday back and forth to Williamsburg and so we discussed this as we carpooled and our offices across from each other and then he goes to all his meetings all days, I will go to all mine, then we get back in the carpool and we discuss it. So, this is how we integrated this thing together. So, as I mentioned politics is an important part. Every new President that comes into office says, "Well, NASA now works for me, I am going to tell NASA what to go do." And what's very interesting is that sometimes the presidents have different implementations, but their higher level themes are very close. This happens to be a statement by President Obama, and the points I want to point out here is "our goal is the capacity for people to work and learn and operate and live safely beyond earth for extended periods of time, ultimately in ways that are more sustainable and even indefinite." That is the path for expanding human presence. Now what's really funny is that eight years beforehand George Bush came out with the vision for space exploration and he said the exact same thing. But then the spin masters came in and they took George Bush's thing and said, oh that means we are going to go to the moon. And then when Obama came in, the spin masters came in and said, why go to the moon, let's go to an asteroid. And so we lose sight of the long-term goal of extending our seed and learning to work in space by the short term goals of well by the time my administration is done we are going to go do this, so I can hang up on my wall and say I allowed NASA to go to an asteroid and go to the moon. You need short-term deadlines in order to focus. The problem is that what you have to invest to go to moon may not be the same what you have to invest to go to an asteroid, they are different things. So, NASA does this game where we sort of do the hula as we are trying to adapt to the current administration. So, our strategy is something now called the Evolving Mars Campaign where we are focused on creating infrastructure capabilities, a logical path that it doesn't matter if whatever the next president it, doesn't matter it is a red state or a blue state, when he comes in 95% of that work after we are done is not going to have to get redirected and refocused. So, our goal is very much as the President has said, doesn't matter whether it is Bush or Obama, to find the pioneering strategy for extending human access and operation capabilities in the journey towards the Mars system. So there is our horizon goal. So we want to focus on going towards Mars, because whether we go to the moon, whether we go to an asteroid, that's the next hump, so it gets us across that specifying certain things to go to a certain destination. So we are laying this foundation for going to explore. So, it doesn't really say that we are going to land on Mars at this particular time. You saw Mars vicinity in the 2030s. Mars vicinity can be interpreted as going to the moons of mars, can mean to go to the surface, can mean just going in orbit. The President did later come on and say after he talked about extending human presence, he said, well by the way I want humans to go to an asteroid in 2025. So he had to have his own date. So that immediately became Dan's headache. So, we will talk about that. So, my headache is Mars, his headache is asteroids, and we have to figure out how to weave a thread between those two because we don't want to invest in one that doesn't enable the other. So, we are all on the same page no matter what we do. These particular things are the guiding philosophies. Bottom line is it needs to make sense. It needs to get to a point where we are not dependent on Earth and it has got to start off with budgets and grow to something based upon projected future NASA budgets. So, this is not a plan, this is a philosophy. So, it sort of looks like this. On the left is the International Space Station, that's where we are at today. It is complete for the most part. 30-40 shuttle flights to assemble and put that together, nations across the world including Russia who owns half of the space station. They have made some comments recently about well, 2017 we are just going to break our part off and fly away, see you guys! There are pros and cons to working with the internationals because relationships can change as we are sort of seeing in the world stage right now and we have to adapt to that. So even though we want to include an international perspective in everything we do, we still need a fallback plan if key partners go away. So, that is part of the strategy we are putting in here. So, you see these bubbles, the big bubbles, International Space Station, something here in the middle of the chart called a proving ground, that's the lower center of the chart, and then bubbles for the Mars moons, into the surface of Mars. Each time we go through those it is a large capability investment. Billions of Dollars to make the next step happen. So, it sort of looks like this. In lower at the orbit space station is there, that answers couple of questions. It was initially put there to say can international communities work together to do a space based engineering project of the scale never seen before? The answer was yes. We could figure out and put together, take everyone's parts they fit in space and they all worked, much more successful than a lot of us thought. That was my first project coming to NASA with International Space Station. Through 20 years it went from notion to operation to being finished. And now it is my job to figure out what to do with it afterwards. So, the first part was engineering and operating. The next part is how do we use that as a test platform to understand if people can survive for years in space. And in space there is no gravity, no one can hear you scream and there is radiation. So, we have to test those things on space station, so it is an ideal platform for doing that. So, all this zero G human factors, long duration systems, highly reliable systems at those space station to prove that. The point is though as we prove those out on space station in order for us to go on to the next destination, space station should go away. Now what happens with bureaucracies and institutions? What is their main goal in life? Survival, to sustain themselves. So, we have a space station, 10 years we could be finished with everything we need to do on that. Nothing more. All the research will be done and we can move on to next target. Space station doesn't want that. The congressional delegation in Texas and Alabama they don't want that because their jobs now that are running. So this is the dilemma we face. We can't move on to the next step unless we can reduce investments in current things. So it's a challenge that we are always fighting. But to get to that next step, to get the on low earth orbit you heard what Steve talked about, investments in major transportation functions, that is the space launch system, that is the Orion Space Capsule, that is what Dan is going to talk about solar electric propulsion to get you into deep space efficiently. Space station was billions and billions of dollars. Space launch system Orion, high powering space propulsion, billions and billions of dollars, how do we pay for these extra things? Now, why don't we just decommission space shuttle, so those funds in the NASA budget use the pay for space shuttle, now we are reprogramming the pay for SLS Orion and hopefully the asteroid mission. So that's where that box is being paid for. But if space station doesn't go away how do we get to this next box on the right which the Phobos and Deimos Mars orbit? This is where we go from on space station we are one day away from the surface of earth. We just hop in Soyuz, not an American vehicle, a Russian vehicle, because we had no American vehicle that gets back and forth space station now. We hop in the Russian vehicle, get back to the surface. When we are in the, what we call the Cislunar space, this area here, where SLS and Orion will be able to take us to, that's days to weeks away, not bad. Our current systems on space station are fully sufficient to keep the crew surviving. When you start talking about years away from earth and years away from coming back which we were talking about in the Mars system or going to asteroids themselves in their native orbits, we have a whole new class of systems. So we are on space station where we can order up spare parts you know every few months, they come up on the Russian or the SpaceX or the orbital delivery systems, we can't do that in deep space. So things have to be more reliable, spars parts have to be common and unique and we are not there yet. Systems have to last long. And then we have to get to this next level of propulsion, hundreds of kilowatts of power pushing the spacecraft out to deep space. So, it is like a billion or so, couple of billions, it is not 10s of billions, its billions to get out there. But we see going to the Mars surface that is a huge set of investment. As Steve said we don't know how to get people down there yet. These little boxes you see on this page will be hanging there for a while. So, the next box will be hanging will be this one here at Cislunar space. Space station, I just talked this whole chart basically. We have to adjust space station so we can answer those questions about how people survived long duration flights. We need to increase the duration of crew going to space station. Right now they go 180 days, they come down. That way all the astronauts from all the countries get to fly the space station. That is not telling us anymore the need about to go to Mars. We need to have them up there for one year, two years, see what happens in this environment. So again getting the culture to accept the fact that we need to go do that. As I mentioned we can't go to space station right now unless we buy a Russian ticket. There is some place in between that if this geomagnetic storm that is coming tomorrow could be a destination of very much interest in this geostationary orbit. Those satellites up there, when I give this lecture to teenagers it horrifies them, I say one bad solar storm it is going to knock out your direct TV, your cell phone, your GPS and your texting. They go, my daughter is going, oh no that's terrible. So from a tax payer perspective we need to guard and be able to in geostationary orbit. Right now it is not a destination because it is seen as routine, but if we are to lose one satellite and it were to break apart in geostation orbit it can ripple and take out all the satellites. So, the ability of sending people and robots to geostation orbit to repair spacecraft is a very important thing. It is in the back of our mind. So, when you have seen NASA talking about going to moon or the Mars are also building systems to go rescue our basic infrastructure in geostationary orbit. It is not glamorous and sexy but it is very important. Next step along the way, going towards Nova is what we called lagrange points. This is the place where the space launch systems and Orion can actually get to without additional investments in transportation, and these are far side of the moon, lunar orbit, places like this. And this is where we get exposure to the deep space environment, low earth orbit we are protected by the earth's magnetic shield until the solar flux hits and we are still protected, but not as much. By having systems out in deep space we will expose them to radiation that Steve is talking about and understand the implication on human rated systems for long durations. And there are other activities that we can do here like tele- operating robots on the surface of moon, laying the ground for people to eventually go there. Sample return where humans actually bring back the samples. Right now this is where we are going to get to with our current investments. This is that next box we are talking about there. So, we are talking about lot of activities that go to this position and Dan is going to talk to about the asteroid redirect mission that takes advantage of this place too, where it also comes together in a reasonable place. The moon, yes, we have been there done that. Prior to the last administration change that was our destination as I mentioned before and we worked very hard with internationals to come with integrated strategy, we are all doing the same thing, we are singing Kumbaya and we go off to the moon and explore in a way not that was like Apollo but in a way that led the groundwork for sustained presence, like we are talking about with Mars and Nova and these other places. Again, next president came in and they changed the destination to an asteroid and this sort of fell along the way, but going to the moon would give us all that experience with long duration, low gravity systems and a dusty surface. And if we don't do that at the moon when we get to Mars we will be trying it for first time there. So the moon is still very important in moving out into the solar system. ♪[music]♪ Near earth asteroid. So, this is, I am not going to be talking about this, Dan is, because this is his passion. He has been working near earth asteroids, comet asteroids, protection schemes for his whole career, but it is part of my job too in that they represent a good segue between what I am call the Cislunar space and actually getting into Mars. The problem with asteroids is that each asteroid itself has a predictable repeatable orbit but we don't have opportunities every two years like Mars, we can't go every day of the week like we can to the moon. So if you miss a window for asteroid you got to find another one. So it is hard to plan human missions decades out to an unknown particular target. Again, Dan is going to talk more about that. DAN: There's lot of asteroids out there. PAT: There's lots, they are always coming along. So the thing about the asteroid mission is that everything you need for an asteroid mission you need just a little bit more to do Mars, so it is a great stepping stone but it is only a one-year mission at most compared to three-year mission like we are talking for the Mars. So a great next step beyond Cislunar space. Now, when the President came out, last President came out and said you go to an asteroid, we said yes sir, we are going to plan an asteroid mission for you and he didn't say I am going to give you a budget increase to go do this. So, we said, okay, what would be an interesting target, in the late 2020 timeframe, and there is an asteroid called Apophis that's on its way. So I am going just going to let this play, let you watch it and enjoy it and I will tell you a little about it later. [video presentation] PAT: So, we came up with an asteroid mission, then we costed it, now we can't afford to do that. It is very important why an asteroid mission. You know of course we talked about the whole planetary defense nature and you now the asteroids have shaped our past and they will shape our future. Asteroids offer a vast potential of resources that allows sustainably explore the solar system. This particular one as you say is going to come by very close and then it is going to pass through a gravitation keyhole. And if it passes the wrong way it could come closer. Right now they don't think it is going to hit. But you would want to put a tracking device on there. You would want to put remote telemetry on there, you want to put a science station on there. You want to understand your enemy, so intelligence is very important. So if you had to go to an asteroid, resources, planetary defense a big reason to go there. But the problem we had is that back in 2009 when we did that the budget wasn't there to do that mission because we had to bring all those systems further in time until about 2028, we had to have both the long duration habitats and year in space, we are close but we aren't right there. So, this particular mode sent a crew to the asteroid in this native order. And one day Dan was at a meeting out of JPL and they were talking about, well what if we just bring the asteroid back to the humans and meet them halfway. And hence was born Dan's job and so he is going to tell you about that now. DAN: So, Pat said asteroids and comets are my passion, I don't know little passion of me has rubbed off a little bit on Pat here and all our carpooling. Okay, so I am going to talk about what I really think is the key. We talked about what motivates us to leave the earth, and in simplest terms there is a difference between exploration and settlement or you can call it colonization, some of you would not like that word, but staying. When we go out and anything we do, you go explore something, there is got to be a reason to stay. You explore, okay that's great, and you go home. But if you go and there is stuff there, there are things that you can do, there is economic potential that's when you stay, and that's been the history of mankind in terms of exploration. So that is really the key and part of the motivation was the ability to get to an asteroid and having the funding and be able to make those steps out into deeper space. But another big part of what I am going to talk about is the potential for resources and how those resources can be harnessed to help us explore space as well as potentially return to terrestrial markets. And I personally think that when you start talking about economic expansion, we were all driven by that, whatever society we are here on earth, we like our stuff, we need stuff, we need food, we need shelter, we need clothing and we like all the things that come along with that, or come along as entertainment and travel and all that. But you have to have an what I call an economic backfill, if we go out in space there has to be an import back to the earth and export from that location. So, I am going to talk a little bit about NASA's asteroid initiative and part of it is to combine the aspects of planetary defense and these represent natural hazards just like hurricanes or earthquakes, but we actually can know about them and actually do something about them, and also the asteroid redirect mission and I will explain what that is in a moment. But basically we have adopted this grand challenge within NASA to find all the asteroid threats to human populations and to know what to do about them. And I think that is actually pretty remarkable. Like Pat said I have been interested in working this problem pretty much my entire career at NASA. I started off with the space station as well and worked on some other projects, but in my undergraduate work at Virginia Tech I became very interested in process of impacts and mass extinctions and the potential for bad things to happen because of stuff coming to us. So, that's a huge jump, a consciousness shift that I think has happened within the population because we understand it and within NASA. So, I am going to talk here about the asteroid redirect mission and there are basically three components. There is an identify component where we have to find objects, characterize them and know what they are all about and as Pat mentioned they go around the Sun just like the other planets and sometimes they are in good position, sometimes they are not too in good positions. But it is the same characterization that helps us find those that are a hazard that might be a problem for the earth. Then the second part is what we call the robotic redirect portion, and that's where we use advanced propulsion technology, in particular solar electric propulsion and it is kind of, it has a very high specific impulse or ISP, you might have heard that term, it's basically the gas mileage that you get out of your space vehicle. So, it is very low thrust but it can move for every pound or every kilogram of propellant that you bring you can get a lot of momentum transfers, you can move large objects, albeit slowly kind of like a tug, a tub boat. We have got two options, one is to find, characterize and capture an entire small asteroid, kind of on the level that kind of came by somewhere around 4 to 10 meters, the one that came by this past weekend. Something that is not a threat to the Earth. We actually have, you know the Earth is really cool, we have a couple of force fields, first of all we have our atmosphere that stops a lot of stuff from coming in, and every comet, every meteor shower that you see during the year, you go out and watch the shooting stars that's our atmosphere stopping these little pebble-sized, pea-sized grains from coming in. Sometimes we have bigger stuff, the size of softballs or footballs or even a car or house every one in a while and they burn up in the upper atmosphere. So, we are talking about bringing back an entire small one or we have a second option, that we call option B, of going to a large asteroid and capturing a boulder and bringing it back off to surface, a multi-ton boulder, and then finally the third part is to explore this return material and we are going to bring it to a we call it lunar distant retrograde orbit, right now we are looking about 70,000 kilometers from the moon, the moon is about 400,000 kilometers away from the earth, so it is on the moon side and it is in a stable orbit so it will stay there for 100s or 1000s of years, but we are going to use the SLS and Orion to send crew members out to it to do the first initial exploration. I like to call it first contact because we have the resources and we expend the energy to bring this material, this asteroid material back and if we bring the right kind of material we can start looking at how we can process it for resources including water, metals, radiation shielding to start to look at some of these issues we have in space. But I like to call it first contact because we are going to take that effort, I hope there are a lot more missions to this returned asteroid material that we will do. In a nutshell the objectives of this mission are to prepare for human exploration in Mars, as Pat mentioned our horizon destination, demonstrate advanced solar propulsion, enhance the detection, tracking and characterization to defend our home planet, so those are the good things there. We are also planning on demonstrating basic planetary defense techniques while we are at the asteroid. And if we go to a large asteroid then it is a very relevant, it is on a relevant size, something that could be a threat, and if we go to a smaller one we can see the effects of that planetary defense maneuver faster because it is less massive and we can extend that to larger asteroids in the future potentially. And then finally it is we have adopted another objective that we want to know more about these celestial bodies for the scientific knowledge and what we can know about resources to enable the mining of these assets in the future. And there are a couple of companies that have setup in the United States, Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries with the goal of characterizing and mining and one day returning materials to the earth. This is a video... [Start of video presentation] FEMALE SPEAKER: NASA is developing the first ever mission to identify, capture, and redirect a small asteroid or a piece of a large asteroid to orbit the moon, then send astronauts to visit it and collect samples in the 2020s. Using telescopes in space and on earth NASA and citizen astronomers are studying the thousands of near Earth objects around us including good candidates for the asteroid redirect mission and hazardous ones we want to track. The robotic capture mission will prove a number of the capabilities humans will need to reach Mars in the 2030s including advanced solar electric propulsion, an efficient way to move larger cargo payloads into deep space. NASA is studying two robotic concepts to capture an asteroid. The first concept would fully enclose a small asteroid in an inflatable mechanism. The second would use robotic arms to retrieve a boulder from the surface of a much larger asteroid. Each concept also provides opportunities to demonstrate techniques to alter the course of large objects in deep space, a capability that could help us defend earth from impacts in the future. After capturing an asteroid, the robotic spacecraft will move it to a stable orbit around the moon where it could remain for hundreds of years. The asteroid will be so small that even if it did approach the Earth it would burn up in the atmosphere and disintegrate before it could reach the surface. In the 2020s astronauts aboard an Orion spacecraft and space launch system rocket will launch towards lunar orbit gaining a boost in speed from the moon's gravity to rendezvous with the asteroid. The journey will be the farthest humans have ever traveled into deep space. Orion will dock with the robotic spacecraft carrying the asteroid. Astronauts will conduct space walks to collect samples of the asteroid that could hold clues to the origins of our solar system and life on earth. The crew will return home aboard Orion having ushered in a new era of human space flight and scientific research. Groundbreaking work is underway to prepare for these human missions to deep space. This year NASA will conduct the first uncrewed flight test of Orion. Aboard the International Space Station, NASA and its international partners are learning how humans can live and work in space for long periods. Astronauts on earth are using underwater environments to test spacesuits, tools, and techniques they will need to explore an asteroid. The lessons we learn and new technologies will be proved through the asteroid redirect mission will put humans one giant leap closer to Mars. DAN: We can see that last image, that is actually using the asteroid redirect vehicle to use the technologies that we develop to head to the Martian System. So I think that animation--that video does a nice job of pulling everything together. She said a lot of things I said, so she repeated in there. But again these are the two mission concepts, capture a small asteroid or a robotic boulder capture, and again if we go to, if we use Phobos and Deimos as a gateway to the surface of Mars they are either very large captured asteroids that may have come off of the Martian surface from a collision. Their origin is still being debated among scientists. But one way or another they are proxy for asteroids. So, as we move out and we understand how to interact with asteroids, we send humans to asteroids, if we use the Martian moons we will gain a lot of knowledge there and information. I am going to kind of skip this a little bit, but I will say that we have currently known candidates for both options, several small objects, and then we have objects that we have sent, robotic precursors, one asteroid Itokawa, this was a 3000 scale model of Itokawa, so you are talking about four or five football field in dimensions. It is about 500 meters across. And Apophis that you saw in that video is about 325 meters across, these are very large bodies. We have also got 2008 EV5 and Bennu, this is a model 2008 EV5 to the same scale and this is one of the potential targets for the option B and we have got Cyrusrex and Hayabusa 2 both traveling to large asteroids to give us reconnaissance for that mission. You can kind of see here this gives you a relative scale, there is Itokawa, there is the asteroid redirect robotic vehicle and in terms of how much we can bring back, we potentially can bring back with option A up to 500-1000 tons of material given the right asteroid. We can do that with option B as well but we have to contend with pointed off the surface, so right now we are looking at something that's probably about 50 tons. Well if you compare that to what we returned so far from any location it is pretty outstanding. It is just kind of mind-boggling to think we might be moving around even 25 tons of material. It just so happens those are the same types of masses that we need to move around like habitats and landers and things like that. So there is the applicability of using the spacecraft, the ARV as a space tug, and of course this just makes the point that if you go to a metallic asteroid versus a stony asteroid or carbonaceous target, the densities are different, so the size relates to a different mass. Styrofoam ball versus a bowling ball, size and density really matter. And of course the carbonaceous objects they may have up to 20% water contained in them locked in hydrated minerals that you can extract and process. This is just a comparison of an ARV to a human. To give you an idea of the solar rays we are talking about it is a 50 kilowatt SEP, which in order of magnitude larger than anything we have commercially flying in geostationary orbit, so we are pushing the technologies there. It is about half a football field for this upper configuration which we call the ROSA Rays, the rollout solar rays and the megaflex which are king of a Chinese fan type deployment is shown in the bottom. It is a large spacecraft when you put the solar rays out fully extended. We are doing solar ray technology work in 2014, there are examples of both of those technologies with humans in the scales, you can see how large they are, and it is big, it is not definitely as large as space station, it is still a large space craft. Working on electric propulsion and this is really the key. We could not contemplate doing this with chemical propulsion, meaning like liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen rockets things that power the space shuttle and the Apollo. This is really a new technology that has been demonstrated. We actually have, Dawn has visited Vesta, it is a robotic spacecraft and it is on its way to Sirius, which used to be an asteroid, it is now a dwarf planet like Pluto, so Pluto got demoted and Sirius got elevated. But there maybe an ice sheet maybe 100 kilometers thick on Sirius and someday it could provide an oasis, literally an oasis in the main asteroid belt for exploration. We are also doing a bunch of internal risk reduction tasks for both options. The deployable bag that you saw in the animation and the robotic system for option B. I am running a little bit short on time, so I will just say that we have looked at different operations and different configurations for the option B and I have been leading the studies here at Langley in that effort, here locally in Virginia. I have got an animation that shows the process. [video presentation] For ARV we are trying to take what we call a modular approach. Just like a tractor trailer has a cab and the trailer, to be able to break it apart we want to be able to have a spacecraft that we can use for other missions, like slow boating material around the solar system, so we have got this SEP module and a mission module and those form really a spacecraft bus. You can do what you want with it. You can do a scientific mission. You can push a habitat or a land around, push some fuel somewhere, but we have this capture module that we would put on the front for either option and then you have some sort of common interface so you can put other types of modules on it. So one of the things talked about was the ability to do planetary defense demonstrations when we are at the asteroid. And I think this is really a very important and key aspect of this mission in addition to the exploration value and the resources, we can demonstrate, we are planning for option B we demonstrate what we call an Enhanced Gravity Tractor. So, gravity tractor, it uses Newton's Laws, and you kind of saw in the video in the animation, just go into a halo orbit around and station keep with the asteroid. You can standoff or go into an orbit. But as the asteroid is turning the spacecraft is just there. And the two actually attract each other very, very minutely, but it is enough that if you can hold the spacecraft in one position it literally is a gravity tractor being that will move the asteroid. Now the bigger the asteroid the harder it is to pull but of course you can just like a team of horses you could actually put multiple spacecraft in that orbit and just pull and provide more of a force on the asteroid. And what we are talking about doing in option B is going down to the surface and actually picking up a boulder off of the surface that is many times heavier than the spacecraft. Now we have got this massive spacecraft in orbit and that amplifies that tractor being effect to the point where it may take, for a very large asteroid called Itokawa it might take 100 years or more for that spacecraft to move it enough to make it miss the earth with that with a boulder or material you could collect a boulder you could scoop material in the final planetary defense mission, but if you could get about 250 to 300 tons of material off the surface you could move that same asteroid in about three or four years. If you had multiple spacecraft you can do it in just couple of years. So there is a lot of power in that ability to go down to surface and get mass. We can also use the ions that actually come out of the thrusters to actually hit the asteroid and literally push it with the exhaust and that is another technique and the big advantage of that is you don't have to touch the asteroid, you don't have to come anywhere near it. Another technique that is called a Kinetic Impactor. We can also demonstrate with option B, we don't have that in the baseline program right now because of the additional cost, but basically the ARV would watch as another spacecraft came in and impacted the surface and then we could measure and see what the effect of that was. This is probably the most viable short-term technique in the planetary defense system or set of techniques that we could use. Another one is surface ablation. That uses a laser beam, kind of like the ion thrust hitting it, but now you focus a laser beam on it, you burn off portions of the asteroid and that causes a momentum change. And I could talk for an hour on all of these. But we don't have an hour. PAT: Yes, you can. He does it every night on the drive home from work. DAN: So, I don't know how to respond to that because he is right. I am just going to close with this and turn it back over to Pat to finish up. There is a distinct connection between the threat that asteroids are, the hazard, I only like to use the word threat because that kind of makes sound like an enemy, they are just doing their own thing, they are not trying to hit us, we just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but the asteroid hazard is also combined with what I talked about, the economics of space. They are a valuable resource, they may have everything from water which we need, to metals, platinum metals that we may need on earth some day, hopefully we never have to import water from space, that we can manage our resources in that manner, but there maybe materials on asteroids that we have never seen before because of the conditions of the microgravity and the conditions that they are created. So there is a lot of potential there and I will just close with what I think is kind of a key aspect is, right now we talk about planetary defense, we are talking about doing techniques, but we don't have a dedicated planetary defense system. It is a very infrequent hazard. It could happen tomorrow but not that we know of. We don't know that there is anything on a collision course, but for example comet 2012A1 sighting spring is going to make a close pass by Mars in October of this year, so close we are taking NASA agency and other international partners are taking precautions for the satellites that are in orbit around Mars to make sure there are no effects from the comet. But you have got a fairly large body coming in that we just found 18 months ago or so. So, there is the ability to have kind of an integrated solution and the analogy that I give is bulldozers for snowplows. You need snowplows to plow the roads during a snowstorm, right? It is a natural hazard that we have to deal with. Problem is if you try to sell snowplow to say the Tallahassee Municipal Government, they are going to go we don't need those, we have never had a snowstorm. Well, not in the recent past but there actually has been snowfall in Tallahassee, climate changes, we could have a change in the weather. But you can't sell them bulldozers. But you can't sell them bulldozers. You can do construction, you can be productive and in a pinch you can turn those bulldozers into snowplows if you ever had this blizzard come along. So, it's that idea of leveraging the capabilities that we have for human exploration and for mining the resources of asteroids that could one day help us with the planetary defense aspect as well. So, there are opportunities and extensibilities for asteroid mission in addition to planetary defense, the science and the extensibility. So, again the Mars forward path and I am going to turn it over to Pat is what the asteroid redirect mission helps us focus on in the near term within the budgetary constraints that we have at this point. And with that I will give it to Pat for the closeout. PAT: You went longer than me. DAN: I was supposed to go longer than you. PAT: All right, so we start at Nova, we went back to low earth orbit, we progress to geo space, we have gone to Cislunar space, we have gone to asteroid, our next step along the path to the future is Mars. [video presentation] Mars is a good candidate for establishing the human seed someplace else. It has abundant resources on its surface. It has glaciers with water, it has all the natural materials in there. It might be hazardous to human life, we are not sure about that, that's why we have to go check it out with robotic missions. Huge problems in getting there, Steve mentioned, getting to the surface. Mars atmosphere is very, very thin. It is like being at the top of Mount Everest or something worse than that. Its gravity is one-third that of earth, so it is twice as much as the moon. So parachutes don't work well and if I am using rocket engines like I am doing on to get to the moon because there is so much more gravity, that doesn't work too well either. So we are sort of stuck somewhere in between. So can give a big lecture on that. So, it is hard to get to the surface that requires a leap in investment and capability, but that leads other things. There is the Mars system. Now, for the sake of time I am going to skip this entire section. Dan did an excellent job of talking about how we will use solar electric propulsion to get there. So I am going to summarize the next three slides in this way. If you look at this chart and you look at the little things where the thrust is coming out, those are basically two of his vehicles that he uses to go get an asteroid. If you look at the big solar rays on there they are much bigger than his, because Mars is farther and harder and we are taking people there and back and they are lot heavier to get there, not heavier coming back. So, there is a good synergy as Dan mentioned, because how we get people back and forth the Mars and what we are exploring with the asteroid redirect mission. By the way this vehicle is fully reusable. You fill it up and Cislunar space, it takes all the way to Mars, everything comes back gets refurbished and reused in Cislunar space. We are not throwing away things like we used to do. This is not Apollo. Because if we are going to go beyond the solar system to Nova you need spaceships that last long time and are reusable. So this is what we are trying to infuse into our architecture. So, another course we will talk about this. But let's talk about what to do while you are waiting to get to the Mars surface. Does everyone know that Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos? Some people think they are captured asteroids. Some people think they are part of the creation process of Mars itself, answer is we don't know. Almost everything we know about those moons is captured in these pictures. We have got pictures. We got some spectrometry. We have never sent a probe there. The Russians have tried to send two probes there, each one has failed. But they offer such unique platform because you can land on these, they are very, very micro-G bodies, you can use the bodies to protect you from the galactic radiation that we have in space, so we solve part of the radiation problem by actually going to these moons or the surface of Mars, but these again are lot easier to get to. So, one cool thing about them is that, as I said they are micro-G bodies, so me with the spacesuit on I would weigh 0.3 pounds on the surface of Phobos. An entire 50,000-100,000 pounds in English units weighs 63 pounds. So, moving around these planets is incredibly easy to do. So basically if I were on the surface and I did this I could go six or seven miles in one leap and I do it slowly. In fact if I did it well enough I would go into orbit and I would leave Phobos and go into Mars orbit, but what that buys you is the ability to navigate to explore with very little energy, very little propulsion, you just have to be careful. So what you see in the bottom here is an engineering sim showing growing going from there is a larger crater called Stickney crater and it is a big place, it looks like someone took a shotgun to it. There is a habitat in there and they are doing a 30-minute commute. The same time that Dan and I go back and forth from Williamsburg to Hampton they go miles in this area. So they just did a hop, basically a 4 meter per second hop and they are flying up, they are going over from this side of the moon to the other and they can fly those crater. See little shadow down here, they are just going to get close the crater rim, as they get to the crater rim they are going to spin on by and you will see the shadow fall away. These are very daredevil type pilots. Now here is another view, this is the Hollywood view they call it. There is the habitat down the bottom of the crater, it gives you a rough approximation of scale. And there is the vehicle, looks like a little bug, all it does is it pushes with its legs and does a little thrusting. And there it is shooting right over the rim of the crater. And lo and behold what is this thing you see here coming up here? You guys heard about the monolith on Phobos? That is actually to scale. It is about 100 meters tall and it is a big rock thing sticking out the surface. We don't know what it is. It could just be a rock that hit into the moon and landed sort of funny. It could be something from space 2001, we just don't know. So there is abundant science there on Phobos and Deimos. In fact, impacts on the surface of Mars from asteroids throws up regolith, so there are pieces of Mars on Phobos. 50 million years from now Phobos' orbit is going to decay, it is going to breakup or it is going to impact the surface of Mars. Maybe we want to know what is going to happen to Mars, understanding Phobos is doing to tell us that. So lots of good reasons to go there. Lots of cool ways to explore. So, that's why the moons of Mars will be our next step. We are not going to go direct to the surface, we are going to go to the moons of the Mars, stage ourselves and get ready to go to the surface. Operate robots on the surface of Mars while we are in the moons of Mars. That's the next step. So, Dan already talked about this. He pointed out there is the Mars, the Phobos vehicle, there is the asteroid vehicle. This is early 2020s, this is mid 2030s. They look about the same. So, again we are investing to go multiple places. Mars, the way you want to do Mars in a sustainable way. So, we are rethinking Mars. Before the last couple of days we have been thinking Mars missions, we will go down, we do some science, we bring out some rocks and then we never come back to that site again and we throw everything away. That's not extending the human seed. So we will take advantage of the resources on Mars, go to the same spot over and over again, build infrastructure, extend our presence, but that's child's play because the next place you want to go is the Jovian System. AUDIENCE: Can I ask a question? PAT: Quickly, yes. AUDIENCE: Continuing in this scenario let's make believe I am King Ferdinand and you are Christopher Columbus. You said before you had a budget, so how much money do you want? PAT: You can't quote me on this but I did see some budget analysis today that said if we were to terminate space station before 2028 we would have enough budget within the existing NASA guidelines to go to Phobos in the mid 2030s. AUDIENCE: I'm King Ferdinand and you are asking me for money. You want to go someplace. Give me a dollar amount. PAT: The current NASA budget is $8 billion a year, that's the current NASA budget, $8 billion a year, I was trying to get there, that includes the launch vehicle development and everything else. AUDIENCE: In how many years? PAT: From now all the way to the surface of Mars, what is that, 20 years from now, that is 20 x 8, $160 billion. And if we don't go anywhere it is still $160 billion because of the political aspects of it. So, we want to take that $160 billion and do something good with it. And so now let's talk about 20 years beyond the surface of Mars, Jovian System. Dan showed a video where the Sun turns into a red giant. Eventually if that ever happens it is actually start getting warmer rather than ice in the Jovian System, for a time. Jovian System is full of hydrogen, water, it has moons, cleistogamy that are all made out of ice and water. So what you are seeing here is little animation of mining ice and using it as a way point to go to future destinations in combination with the asteroid belt and other resources in the solar system. Dan showed you configurations where we had kilowatts of power. We need megawatts of power. Nuclear in space power or some magic fusion or something like that that comes along to get to this point where we could go back and forth to Earth and power these large solar system class spacecraft that have rotating sections and the crew buried in hydrogen tanks to protect them from radiation, you have to go to the next step because the journeys are long even with all that power, but that's an interim step to what we are talking about here, which is other solar systems. So, we start smaller orbit, we progress our capabilities, we get to the point where we are going from years to decades and centuries and travel. So, we want to end up where we started that right now as a civilization we are pretty at our peak from a technology perspective. We can argue politics and social and stuff like that. Technology we are really, really good. There is enough financial means in the world if applied properly to begin doing this. We don't need budget increase, we need budget redirection, budget focus. But as we all know this window doesn't last forever. Crisis happen, Ebola, whatever it is and this is something as we have shown takes decades and generations to actually accomplish. So if you say well lets wait until the killer asteroid comes or lets wait until a million years for the Sun goes red giant, it is going to be too late by then because maybe we will pass through this opportunity we have right now. So, one day we have to leave the cradle, we can't stay in it forever. So I think our point is that this is how we would like to proceed. This is our plan, this is our strategy and with that we have a few minutes for questions. Yes sir? AUDIENCE: How do you life is going to be more sustainable on Nova or whatever it is? PAT: We don't. And in fact I pretty much say that any natural disaster that happens on Earth, Earth will still be the most habitable place that we know of, it still will be, however, if there is decay of civilization, Earth is still habitable but civilization might be at a better peak some place else because of having the cross pollination. So, you are right Nova will be a, if we send a probe out there we are not going to know, but remember we are going spaceships that keep people alive for 200 years, so if it is a bust you are just orbiting Nova or extracting resources to figure out another plan. DAN: Yeah, let me just add. We are finding more and more planets every day. I mean literally we have got more advanced telescopes. One of the aspects is if we find the right planet, okay, again Red Giant, Sun stops sustaining light, that's probably billions of years, but orbiting a red dwarf as actually Nova does it is a much longer lived star, tens of billions of years. So there are different classes of stars that have longer lifetimes. If you find the planet what they call in the 'goldilocks zone', right place for liquid, water, and right temperatures can exist, it is finding it. AUDIENCE: It is wrong for them to use the word indefinite. DAN: Well, yeah, technically indefinite, there is no such thing, you always have to move from one solar system to another in the big scheme. AUDIENCE: You talk about it takes a long time to get to the outer space, but what is the minimum age when you send them up there? PAT: This is why the pictures that we showed here, these are big self-sustaining, these are generations that are living, now the good news is that the older you are the better you are as a space candidate because the bad implications of radiation only impact you 20-30 years after you go, so statistically speaking older people going have a less chance of developing cancer and bad things because they will pass before they actually take. So, we always say the ideal astronaut candidates are women from Nepal who are already senior citizens, they are perfect to send to space. DAN: To add to that, Pat is talking from an astronaut standpoint. I wanted to be an astronaut at one point and that's never going to happen. I would like to see space opened up to all of us, and that's going to happen through commercial endeavors, etc., just as everything has happened. I personally think one day we will colonize the moon and I would love to see, before I retire or after I retire, I would love to see a retirement community on the moon. You know you think about how you would react in 1/6th gravity. You know you wouldn't have all of the issues. You could go out and play golf and play basketball. PAT: Everyone hits a 500 yard drive easy. So space is for everybody. We just have to find the right way to get it. PAT: We are at the explorer stage, explorers were the rough guys who says they knew the risk was really bad, we are trying to get explorers to be pioneers, and that's a different mindset right now, that actually, we want to get to a point where everyone can eventually get there going. Right now we have six astronauts in space that one out of billion people in the world get to go to space. We got to up that ratio a little bit. AUDIENCE: Whether you breathe the fact or go up... DAN: Are there any other questions? Oh yeah, back there, yes sir. AUDIENCE: If you are looking for another location somewhere in the universe. What is the likelihood that you find something and it is actually habitable. This is the goal right, to find life forms? If there aren't life forms, there are these types? DAN: Very possible. Okay, so, again right now we don't have any proof that there is life beyond the Earth. That's just the fact. We haven't discovered it yet. My personal opinion, the galaxy, the universe is probably teaming with life. So, you are absolutely right, we kind of avoided that question, probably an entire philosophical discussion to be had. PAT: In fact about Mars. DAN: Yeah, and Mars itself. There could be microbial life on Mars. How do we deal with that, okay? That's a big question and we need to start talking about that and learning that now so that we are ready. Typically what happens is whoever is exploring and colonizing adversely affects the life forms that are there and there can be vice versa. PAT: As history has shown. DAN: But when it comes down to it, you know in terms of survival and extension of human and other species on Earth you know that's where there is a philosophical discussion about it and hopefully you can find a planet that is not inhabited or that you can share that planet that's something to be talked about. PAT: And frankly you probably will not know until you get there. That's the sad part. DAN: I mean they are already talking about sending probes to planets and other solar systems. It is going to take a while with our current technology to actually get there but you know eventually that's what we would probably do. Thank you all very much. [Applause] STEVE: Thank you guys. That was great. I hope everybody is now interested in where we are going in deep space. Next week will be Orion and so hope to see you here. [Applause] macaroni
Channel: NASA Langley Research Center
Views: 45,231
Rating: 4.635179 out of 5
Keywords: NASA, Langley Research Center, Mars, asteroid, mission, talk, Christopher Newport University (College/University), space exploration, future
Id: uRVKtWlV4A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 18sec (4878 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 21 2015
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