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using an innovative and integrated approach nasa's demeter mission demonstrates the emerging technology that measures the earth's radiation budget from the top of the earth's atmosphere demeter preserves the existing erb data continuity while increasing capability with a solution that reduces cost size mass and overall risks associated with data gaps demeter's right-sized erb sensor craft will fly as a constellation of small sensor craft in multiple low earth orbit planes current constellations contain nine significantly larger observatories that are distributed in low earth and geostationary orbits demeter reduces the mass on orbit by a factor of nearly 70. the radiation budget for the earth is a balance between the energy it receives from the sun and the energy it radiates back into space demeter will measure the total broadband radiation leaving the earth's atmosphere system which includes reflected solar and emitted thermal or outgoing long wave radiation a delicate balance of incoming and outgoing energy makes our planet conducive to sustaining life continuous measurement of this balance is fundamental to enabling humanity to adapt to a changing world for generations to come demeter's wide field of view push broom observation approach will produce calibrated data that is accurate and stable for climate monitoring while significantly increasing spatial resolution compared to its predecessor instruments demeter will also incorporate intelligent onboard data processing capability that allows for rapid data distribution to the science community such as the series flash flux product stream to support scientific field campaigns enable educational data exchanges monitor solar power production and building energy efficiency and provide data for in-growing season agricultural modeling demeter's drastically reduced form factor using novaworks cellular configurable architecture enables low-cost flight opportunities which significantly reduces the risk of a gap in the multi-decadal climate data record and also facilitates future technology infusion the demeter team capitalizes on more than 40 years of earth's radiation budget measurement knowledge and strategy at nasa's langley research center demeter could tentatively take flight in 2028 [Music] you
Channel: NASA Langley Research Center
Views: 1,392
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: NASA, Langley Research Center, aeronautics, exploration, science, research, technology, engineering
Id: vFDcaWD_m7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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