NASA Talk - The Next Human Spacecraft: Orion and the Launch Abort System

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CHRIS GIERSCH: Thank you for joining us this morning again. Steve Sandford who was here last week introducing the last week's lecture could not be here, he is actually at NASA Glen on travel, so he asked me to go ahead and introduce our next two presenters. As you know if you were here last week we had a great talk about the path to Mars and the Asteroid Redirect Mission by Pat Troutman and Dan Mazanek. Now we are going to shift focus to our transportation architecture, looking at the Orion spacecraft and specifically the Launch Abort System. And joining us today we have Kevin Rivers who is the project manager for the Orion Launch Abort System and the lead flight dynamics person is John Davison. They are going to give you an excellent talk over the next 50 minutes to an hour on that system, and hopefully some of those videos will work, we will stay tuned, we will see what happens. I am going to turn over to Kevin, and enjoy the presentation. [Applause] KEVIN RIVERS: Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to spend some time with you guys today. I am Kevin Rivers and I do manage the Launch Abort System development for the Orion spacecraft, so I wanted to kind of talk you through that particular development. I think I need to begin though with a little bit of history of human space flight, so I thought I would start from the very beginning with the Chinese. You guys may know that the Chinese invented gunpowder and as a result fireworks and they very quickly weaponized those fireworks in the missiles, those missiles were called fire arrows and about 900 AD is when they first were used in warfare and I can just imagine if you were used to a regular arrow coming sailing at you, if you had one that was rocket powered coming at you that would really ruin your day. But this technology advancement was enabled through the invention of the gunpowder and exploration through fireworks. So, there are some early pioneers that need to be credited for space flight. Space flight, actually human space flight is something that has been in mind of the mankind for a very long time. As a matter of fact as long as we had recorded history mankind has dreamed of traveling in space. Constantine Topovski was the first person to actually write about it. He has the first published works on space travel and could be considered the father of space travel. Our very own Robert Goddard here in the United States actually invented and developed the liquid rocket and then many of you are familiar with the father of rocket science as Wernher von Braun is often to, he is a German scientist who actually came to the United States after World War II and became US citizen. The reason I bring all these folks up and you can see on the photographs on the slide, the different dates of when they actually did these things, Topovski actually at the turn of the century as well as Goddard and then von Braun actually led the development of the Saturn rocket for the Apollo program in the '60s. The required technology for humans to fly in space really did not become available to us until the '50s, and that's why as soon as we had the technology and the capability we certainly took advantage of it and moved quickly into space. The first US program for human space flight, the Mercury Program, ran from 1958-1963, and had some very specific goals. First goal was to orbit manned spacecraft around the earth and return the occupants safely to the ground, to investigate our ability to function in space was also a very important goal. This was actually a very impressive program and it was led here at Langley back in the '60s and it is very impressive to me, they flew six crew flights from 1961-1963, which I think was very impressive, and laid the groundwork for our understanding of how humans react to the space environment in that situation. So, following, I am sorry--actually there are several important things that occurred in the Mercury Program. You guys are probably familiar with Alan Shepard. He was the first American into space in a suborbital flight in 1961. Astronaut John Glenn actually was the first American to orbit Earth, he did that on February 20th, 1962. And then after the conclusion of that very successful program and on a path to send humans to the moon the Gemini Program was conceived and it was actually operated from 1962-1966, it was a four-year program, and the goals of that program were to develop key technologies necessary for humans to travel to the moon and back. There were some amazing firsts that occurred. Edward White was the first human to actually get outside of his vehicle in space and he was the first space walker. He did that on June 3rd, 1965, and Walter Schirra, Thomas Stafford, Frank Borman and Jim Lovell actually were the first people to accomplish space rendezvous. They on Gemini 6 and 7 actually rendezvoused those two vehicles which was a critical technology that we needed to develop and demonstrate successfully in order to go to the Moon. Following the Gemini Program the Apollo Program, very successful, and probably the most widely known human space program in history. That program was from 1963 through 1972. Obviously the purpose as it was so eloquently expressed by President Kennedy was to deliver human safely to the Moon and return them safely to Earth afterwards. So, there were six missions where crews landed on the surface of the moon, there were three other missions where crews orbited the Moon, one of those three of course the ill-fated Apollo XIII mission which you maybe very familiar with. Apollo XI was actually the first mission where humans actually reached the surface of the Moon and Neil Armstrong actually was the first human to walk on the Moon. So, the Apollo Program was extremely successful in understanding of how humans interact with the environments that they are exposed to when they go extraplanetary when they go to other planetary bodies. This is just a photograph of the lunar lander and the buggy and I believe that is Commander John Young, I think that might be him, I am not real sure, so anyway. These guys did a lot of exciting things while they were on the surface of the moon. So following the successful Apollo program, NASA actually successfully executed the Apollo-Soyuz test project in 1975. This is where we docked our American developed Apollo vehicle to the Russian developed Soyuz vehicle. This was the first international partnership where two countries worked together to successfully execute a human space flight endeavor. And if you are interested this is Astronaut Don Slayton and Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. This is Slayton, that's Leonov. And that's their greeting each other after the mating of the vehicles. So, following that program the Skylab was launched. Skylab actually was a converted third stage of the Apollo IB. We put this vehicle up in orbit in May of 1973. There were three crews that crewed the vehicle. The longest any one crew stayed was almost three months before the vehicle deorbited and reentered the Earth's atmosphere. This is Skylab IV Astronaut Gerald Carr and William Pogue. They are shown in the OWS and I would have no idea what an OWS is, but they are in it. One of them is upside down, I don't know which one is upside down. It could be him. And then following that successful program obviously the space shuttle was developed and flown. The first orbiter to fly was Columbia and that was flown on April 12, 1981. Commander John Young and Robert Crippen flew that vehicle successfully to orbit and back. This is the first spacecraft that was capable of routinely launching and returning from orbit and it was the first reusable spacecraft to be developed. The space shuttle had about 40,000 pounds payload capability and the marvelous thing about this machine is not necessarily that it could take 40,000 pounds to orbit, lot of vehicles could do that, it is that it can bring 40,000 pounds back, which is very amazing. So, that program ran through 2011 and the space station actually on orbit today that program started in 1998 and the vehicle is in its full configuration currently in orbit above the Earth. The first crew actually arrived to the space station in 2000. So, that's kind of history of where we have been. Now I am going to talk a little bit now about where we are headed. Where we have been, obviously in the early '70s we put humans on the Moon which was an amazing fete, but most recently we have spent most of our time in low earth orbit and I show this chart, and I know that you guys last week if you were here you actually heard the story a little bit. Our current systems are Earth dependent and low earth orbit is only 200 miles away, that's trip to DC. So, it's although in a much bigger vehicle. So to put things in perspective the Moon is 240,000 miles away and Mars is 35 million miles away, quite a big difference in distances. And so as we move towards that mission and try to realize the opportunity of humans exploring Mars we have to develop new systems to do that. So, we need to move from these Earth reliant systems that we currently have and out, when we do explore Mars in the 2030s we are going to need to have systems that are planetary independent in order to explore Mars and its Moons successfully. So, what we are doing now is we are in that middle proving ground. So, we are trying to prove out some technologies and capabilities that will allow us to do that. The Orion vehicle is obviously the crew vehicle that we are going to use to do that and flying some of these intermediate missions like a mission to explore an asteroid are opportunities for us just as we did in the old days with the Gemini program, just where we can prove out the technologies that we will need in order to successfully explore Mars. So, this is the rocket that we are going to fly on. It is currently under development by the Marshall Space Flight Center. This is the Space Launch System, the SLS if you will, I like to think it is an elegant combination of the shuttle and Saturn. So use the shuttle parts and it was painted like the Apollo, like the Saturn. So, this is the SLS. The core stage is the primary vehicle. It is actually propelled by the RS25 engines. These are the engines that propelled the shuttle, these are the shuttle main engines, and then it also has solid rocket boosters to add thrust in the initial stages of flight. The vehicle is 321 feet long. This actually shows the configuration with the Orion Spacecraft to top it. The thrust of this vehicle at liftoff is little over 8 million pounds, that's 8.4 million pounds of thrust whenever it lifts off. Just to compare the SLS vehicle to other vehicles that have existed or do exist, I have shown the payload capability, mass is in blue, volume is in orange and you can see here, maybe my joke makes sense now, we decided to go back to the Apollo Saturn paint scheme. But anyway, the first SLS that we will field will have a little bit less capability than the Saturn V, maybe 2/3rd of the capability for payload, but ultimately we will be able to do more than we could do with the Saturn vehicle whenever we implement the second iteration of the version or the payload carrying version of that vehicle. So, this is schematic showing the various components of the Orion vehicle, so I am going to move in and talk a little bit about our human vehicle, the approved vehicle. This is the Launch Abort System, this is the system that John and I work on and John will give you a lot of great details on that system in a little bit. The crew module looks a lot like an Apollo capsule, it is a conical vehicle and reenters the Earth's atmosphere on ballistic trajectory. And then that vehicle is supported during its space travel by the service module which provides all of the power and utilities and things that are needed by the crew. The vehicle can support crew members for short or long duration space flights currently up to 21 days, and it supports a crew of anywhere from two to four astronauts. You might ask how is that different from the Apollo vehicle? This schematic shows, actually the Orion is quite a bit bigger than the Apollo vehicle. The Apollo vehicle could hold a crew of three with a habitable volume of about 218 cubic feet. The Orion vehicle can hold a crew of four and if we were going to low earth orbit we could actually carry six crew members with a habitable volume of about 350 cubic feet, so almost twice as big inside as the Apollo vehicle. So I just want to show you a little video of the Orion, highlight of the vehicle and its development. [Video Presentation] So, that's Orion in 30 seconds. AUDIENCE: Pretty good. KEVIN: Yeah, we like our music. So, anyway, the Orion vehicle is quite a marvel and as you can see through that video developing a vehicle like this is a very complicated activity and actually takes quite a few years. This kind of shows some of the developments that we have been involved in to date and I apologize that all these pictures are so small, but you can just see by this host of activity early since we started back in 2005 until today, a lot of development testing has occurred including the Pad Abort 1 flight test which is the demonstration of the Launch Abort System, and that was in 2010 when we flew that. We are gearing up now for our first space test flight which is Exploration Flight Test 1, that's where the crew vehicle is actually going to go into space and then ultimately we will fly a couple of other test flights as we certify the system for human space flight which is not an easy endeavor and then ultimately we will fly our first crewed mission in 2021 which is the EM-2 mission. So let me tell you a little bit about some of the details of this as we move forward. So this is the EFT-1 mission, we are going to fly two orbits around the Earth. On the second orbit we are going to swing out about 3600 miles which is the reason we are doing that is so that we can actually reenter the Earth's atmosphere at near lunar reentry speeds. We can't quite get lunar reentry speeds but we want to get as close as we can, and obviously we are doing this test to demonstrate some of those critical systems like the heat shield, the thermal protection system, the guidance, navigation and control system and then finally the parachute landing recovery system that's required. This test will demonstrate all of those high risk areas which we believe will put us pretty far ahead of the curve on development. So this is just a photograph of some of the hardware for that mission. It is going to fly on December 4th out of Cape Canaveral. This is, this picture I am sorry is very dated, actually the vehicle is completely closed out at this point and they are fueling the crew module right now in preparation for integrating the Launch Abort System on top of it. But I have a video, and this is a video that may or may not work. So, let's see if it works. This is the EFT mission. So we are flying on top of a Delta IV Heavy for this mission. [Video Presentation] KEVIN: So this just shows that we are going to orbit the Earth twice, on the second go-around we are going to slingshot out. Get the vehicle up to near lunar reentry speeds and then as we return the crew vehicle will separate from the service module and reenter. That's that slingshot maneuver. And we actually are going to use this upper stage to accelerate once we are coming back, we are not just going to throw it out and let it fall back, we are actually going to accelerate it back. This is what the view would look like if you are crazy enough to ride it. There we go, now there is the crew module separating from the service module and then reentering the Earth's atmosphere. And I apologize I don't off the top of my head know what the heating rates are for this vehicle when it reenters but it is significantly higher than the vehicle experiences when it reenters the low earth orbit. Then ultimately the parachute opens out and the vehicle will splash down in the Pacific Ocean. I do want to point out, the recovery of this vehicle is being performed in conjunction or in cooperation with the Navy and so the things that we do are sometimes very complicated organizationally because we do have to work across multiple agencies to get things done. So, that's some example of that. So that is the EFT-1 as it splashes into the Pacific Ocean. AUDIENCE: That's got to be coming in at 25,000 miles per hour? KEVIN: Yes, it actually will start its entry at 20,000 miles per hour. And we believe it will splash down somewhere around 18-30 miles per hour, so quite a bit of deceleration there. So that's the Orion. The other two missions that we are going to fly, the first one obviously is to demonstrate all of the deep space systems that will need to successfully fly through, that is EM-1. We are actually going to fly that vehicle around the Moon and that mission is actually maturing a little bit now. We have actually probably made a change or will make a change in the near future to fly actually to the Lagrange Point, which we don't know what a Lagrange Point is. Lagrange Point there are actually three, that's the point where all of the gravity influences are negated by each other, so it is a point where if you actually went there you would require no energy to stay there. So there is a point between the Earth and the Moon, there is a point on the other side of the Moon and there is also a point on the other side of the Sun, where the Sun's, Earth's and Moon's gravity all equalize each other. They are called Lagrange Points. We are actually going to fly to L3 which is a Lagrange Point out behind the Moon. We are not going to go and stay there, we are just going to go and do a flyby because we believe that our next mission is actually going to be to fly to a Lagrange Point and allow a crew to operate from that point. And then our first crewed flight EM-2, obviously this shows schematically that we are going to put the crew in orbit around the Moon. For those of you who are familiar with the Apollo program, that was actually the first crewed mission for Apollo where they put the crew in orbit around the Moon and they did so on Christmas Eve. So, what a Christmas present. So, I mentioned that it is very complicated to do this technically but it is also very complicated to do this because we have to partner and collaborate with multiple entities. Actually our NASA team, you can see here that all of our NASA centers are involved in this mission. Obviously Johnson Space Center is where the program is led. Langley is where we are doing the Launch Abort System, etc. But a lot of people are contributing across the country to this program. So, Langley actually is contributing in multiple areas and this kind of captures a multitude of those areas where Langley is contributing to the development of Orion and I would like to go through this real briefly, if you guys don't mind. Obviously Langley has wind tunnels and we do a lot of aero-sciences work, so we are doing a lot of wind tunnel testing. We also have a facility which you can see from pretty much anywhere on the peninsula, it is called the gantry where we do the drop testing, so that we can understand the dynamics of and loads associated with the vehicle when it enters the water. And we have a group that does the trajectory analysis for all of these entry simulations so that they can understand the heating environment, etc., etc. We are developing the Launch Abort System which includes doing the guidance and control and design as well as the performance predictions for the Launch Abort System which is what Dr. Davidson does for us. We have obviously done computational flow dynamic studies which is basically wind tunnel is on the computer as well as investigating some navigation systems and the like. So, this is, I think I am going to show you a video next. Yeah, this is a water drop test that was performed at the gantry that I mentioned. [Video Presentation] KEVIN: So, we have actually performed several of these tests. This was a pretty extreme impact and that's why the vehicle actually rolled over. Don't worry though, there is a riding system on the vehicle, it is not on this test article, but the actual vehicle actually has a system that allows it to flip back over and top up. So, this is just a little bit more detailed view of the vehicle as it impacts the water. So, these entry loads when it impacts the water actually drive the size of the lot of the structure and the secondary structure and so it is very important that we understand these loads are hard to predict and that's why we do test so that we can minimize the mass of the vehicle to the greatest extent possible. So, Langley also was very involved in the development of the heat shield. This is actually a photograph of the EFT-1 heat shield. This is at Textron Industry in Boston. This heat shield, actually the material is AVCOAT material, it is the derivate of the material that was used in the Apollo program, and it was quite difficult to develop actually, because we lost the recipe and actually took us about three years to reconstitute the material and demonstrate it successfully in ground testing. Langley was in the middle, very actively involved in that activity in collaboration with Johnson Space Center and with the Ames Research Center out in California. And then the Launch Abort System I mentioned that, we lead that here at Langley. The reason we lead it at Langley is because Langley has a breadth of skill sets that's probably unique across the agency in that we have the guidance, navigation and control folks, the flight dynamic folks like Dr. Davidson. We also have the structures folks and the loads and dynamics folks, so we can take a very complicated vehicle like the Launch Abort Vehicle and analyze it through all different phases of flight and so we have had that responsibility since 2005 and successfully demonstrated the Abort System in Pad Abort 1 which was in 2010. Little bit about the Launch Abort System. Obviously it kind of makes Orion unique when compared to current and existing systems or systems that we recently fielded like the space shuttle in that we can actually recover the crew if we have a launch accident and safely return them to Earth. That makes our system substantially safer than the shuttle was, and actually significantly safer than the Apollo even though it has a launch escape system. This system developed back in the 1960s actually was very limited in its capabilities. There are actually many phases of flight where it couldn't be used and our Launch Abort System is designed to be operable from the pad all the way up to 300,000 feet through all phases of flight and all speeds. And what allows us to do that is we actually have implemented an active flight control system and actually I guess at this time, John, if you want to come up I will let you describe that system and talk a little bit more about the Launch Abort System. JOHN DAVIDSON: Okay. Thank you. KEVIN: Thank you. JOHN: So the rest of the talk is just going to focus on the Launch Abort System. As Kevin said, we have done a lot of work at Langley, worked at design and development and also analyze the performance of the Launch Abort System. So, as Kevin said, the Launch Abort System provides the capability to do aborts from the pad all the way up to approximately 300,000 feet. Above that you can use the service module to do aborts, that's because we are essentially outside the atmosphere at that point and don't have like atmospheric drag and things like that to overcome. Have got just here a graphic of the Launch Abort System in Orion on an SLS and just a graphic of what that abort system, the big abort motor firing would look like. As Kevin said, similar in appearance on Apollo they had a tower escape system, but the Orion system uses what's called Active Flight Control, and that's a big difference between us and Apollo, Apollo was a passive system. And so what the active flight control does for you, it allows us to actually steer the trajectory and also control the attitude of the vehicle during the abort, and that capability significantly, as Kevin said, improves the crew's safety over a passive type system. So, this is just a graphic showing an overview of what the abort sequence would look like, should there be a problem on the launch vehicle, you know you have sensors on the launch vehicle and they tell you there is a problem with an engine or you off course or something like that, you will detect the abort and you would have a signal that you need to do the abort and the abort sequence would look like this, first when you start the abort, there is a big abort motor that fires, that quickly pulls you away from any trouble that might be occurring on the launch vehicle, and at the same time there is this called an attitude control motor, so a motor that produces thrust and forces to stear the trajectory and keep you pointed nose forward. The abort motor burns only for about four or five seconds but produces like a peak of 400,000 pounds of thrust that gives you about 12 to 13 Gs of acceleration that is to get you away quickly from any problem on the launch vehicle. You then coast for a while under control with an attitude control motor keeping you in a nice stable nose forward condition because you are probably going very fast coming off the launch vehicle, you need to slow down, because what we need to do is we need to turn around because the parachutes were used, we use the same parachutes that are on top of the crew model. So you need to turn around, slow down and turnaround maneuver we call it reorientation maneuver that heat shield forward and that's done again using the attitude control motor so you need to get a turnaround in a steady condition heat shield forward and that's another benefit of this attitude control motor that it does that for us with the active flight control. You then once you get steady you fire a Jettison Motor, pulls the Launch Abort System off the crew module and then you can, there is a little cover that is called the Forward Bay that comes off that's a cover on top of the parachute that comes off and you go through the regular parachute sequence down to the water. As Kevin said, we are designed to do water landing similar to Apollo. So, this provides the abort capability up to 300,000 feet and as you might imagine this happens pretty quickly, so right now, when you are at high altitude the time from abort initiation from leaving the launch vehicle all the way to LAS Jettison is on the order of 25 to 30 seconds for this whole sequence of events. When you are doing like a pad abort as you might imagine it has to happen a lot faster because you are near the ground, because you need to get up, out over the water, turned around and got to get the system off and parachutes open so you have enough time for the whole parachute sequence, as you saw in the video, there are a number of parachutes that open, they have to be of course fully open to get you down to the water safely. So when you are doing a pad abort it happens more on the order of 15 to 20 seconds. What I have here is an animation, apology it is an older animation but it was an early concept for an abort test. Kevin talked about we have got an ascent abort test coming up in the 2017-2018 timeframe, so this is an animation showing about what that would look like, and I apologize this is using an older launch vehicle that we are not using anymore. So this is not going to be the launch vehicle that is used in the ascent abort test, but it is a good animation video that shows you what the abort would look like. [Video Presentation] So we fire, fires the abort motor to get you away, the attitude control motor is firing to keep you on course, there is the controlled reorientation to get you back, this heat shield forward condition, then Jettison, the abort system, that's that cover on that top called the abort bay cover, and then you go essentially into the standard entry sequence. The drogue parachutes that come out when you are in higher altitudes to stabilize the capsule before the main parachute. Then cut those away and then go through the main parachute sequence. It fires out small parachutes called pilots that pull out the main parachutes. Just interesting, they open, they are called reefed, so they don't open all at once to reduce the stress on the parachutes, so they go through a sequence of opening smaller and then slowly open larger called reefing. Yes sir? AUDIENCE: During the abort sequence, if there is a problem with the reverse sequence is there enough room to try the reverse again? JOHN: It is a solid rocket motor so it has a fixed amount of burn time, but right now the control system, because we have this active control system, it is all computer controlled and it continually senses your attitudes, the way the active control system works, the computers in the crew module that sends signals up, that sense your attitude, make steering commands, send those up to this control motor which we will talk about and that provides the turning. So the computer on board is constantly determining you attitude to get you on the right trajectory, so it is not controlled by the crew. Yes sir? AUDIENCE: What assures that the capsule will land in the water during an abort? JOHN: That you land in the water? AUDIENCE: Yes. JOHN: Yes sir. The trajectory we have right now for like going to a lunar orbit, going to an orbit first that will then take you on to a lunar orbit is out over the Atlantic Ocean, and so the Launch Abort System the farthest that you would abort going out over initially is 300,000 feet in the orbit, puts you out about a third of the way or so out into the Atlantic. So higher than that you do a service module abort which then you can target where, you are high enough up that you can actually target where you reenter. So you can probably skip back over, go high enough up to reenter in the Pacific. AUDIENCE: Do you still have on-board measurements to show your position? JOHN: There is an inertial measurement unit in the crew module to give you information about your attitude and accelerations and positions and things like that. AUDIENCE: Attitude control? JOHN: Yeah. AUDIENCE: Will they be using reentry tile protect the heat and if you do lose tiles how do you prevent that becoming a disaster? JOHN: Yes sir, like Kevin showed earlier we are using a system similar to Apollo which is the AVCOAT design, it is a monolithic, so there are no tiles, it is a single piece. AUDIENCE: So it is going to be a single piece? JOHN: Yes sir. AUDIENCE: If during the launch, something happens to the computer that controls the abort system, is there a backup? JOHN: Oh yes sir, we have got redundant, Apollo and the shuttle, most commercial and high performance aircrafts have redundant computer systems. Yes sir? AUDIENCE: Would you lose consciousness at 12 or 13 Gs? JOHN: Oh that's why the system is all computer controlled so it does not require crew intervention, that's why it is made computer controlled, should the crew, I am not in the human factors area but I believe the humans can take short periods of high Gs and still remain conscious but you can't sustain high Gs for long periods of time and still remain conscious. So we just have a peak of on the order of 10 to 12 Gs for a very small period of time. But as I said, it is computer controlled, so it doesn't require crew intervention to do anything during the abort sequence. Yes ma'am? AUDIENCE: That answers actually my question because when we brought back Apollo XIII it was interaction between mission control and the astronauts in the capsule that made the safe return and I was going to ask basically the same question. JOHN: Yeah, that's an advantage of our system is the abort system over Apollo is portions of the abort with Apollo especially high altitude will actually require crew intervention like to do that reorientation to get to a steady heat shield, the crew had to take command and actually fly it back to heat shield forward. Our system is all computer controlled with this active control system for the abort system. Yes sir? AUDIENCE: This is probably more for Kevin. These flights create an awful lot of debris, what happens to them? Lots of stuff gets peeled off, where does it go, what happens to them? KEVIN: So, that is actually a very good question. For any launch that we do, we actually in order to satisfy the requirements of the range the Air Force that controls that space is we have to demonstrate that we are not going to leave what is referred to as a water hazard, meaning we are not going to leave something large floating around on the surface of the ocean that a ship could actually impact and be damaged by. So we actually do very complicated analyses, and for the Launch Abort System, for this upcoming EFT-1 mission actually we hear Langley did the water impact analysis. John actually provided the boundary conditions, the initial conditions for our structures analyst to do those analyses to predict how this large piece of hardware behaves whenever it impacts the water. So, I don't have that simulation, it is actually very interesting to look at it. But essentially this 30 foot tower actually is compressed into a very small 5 or 6 foot tall column of metal whenever it impacts the water and actually sinks to the ocean floor very quickly. Yes sir? AUDIENCE: If I was interested in composition, history, development, and evolution of propelling systems from the Saturn or i.e., the propellant fuels both solid and liquid, where would you direct me to go? JOHN: Marshall Space Flight Center. KEVIN: Okay. Let me see if I can, I will see if I can help answer that, yeah you could certainly get that information in Huntsville, Alabama. So, there is a lot of information about the historical systems and materials that were used for the liquid fuels. Obviously we NASA primarily use hydrogen fuel and we have to carry oxygen with us, so we have a lot of liquid oxygen that go along with us. Some of the other rockets that are out there, for instance you guys may see in the news SpaceX and Falcon Rocket they actually use kerosene as their fuel and a lot of like the Atlas V uses kerosene, the Delta IV Heavy that we are going to fly on in December uses hydrogen. Now, when you talk about the solid propellants, that's a little bit more, sorry I can't help you, because those materials are used in missile systems and weapons systems by our military and their composition is tightly held and controlled information. Now, you maybe able to find out some information about older systems like the solid materials, propellant materials that were used in the launch escape system for Apollo, that information may actually be out in the public, but materials that we use, we cannot tell you the composition. I can tell you that the solid fuel it is like an elastomer, it is like a rubberish material. I can tell you that the solid propellant contains the fuel and the oxidizer in a very precisely controlled mix, so we don't just have like hydrogen and oxygen that is all mixed up together so that when it burns we have to supply our own oxygen to keep the fire going so to speak. And I can tell you that our propellant systems, our solid propellants are actually based on, for instance the Jettison Motor propellant is designed to be a very clean propellant. The reason it is designed to be clean is because we use that motor for every mission and we don't want to fire up that Jettison motor and contaminate the star trackers that are on the surface of the crew module or the windows or any of those kinds of things. So that propellant actually is designed to burn very clean without any particulates or aluminum particles and things like that flying out here and there. And I can tell you that most solid propellant systems are, the fuel is primarily aluminum but there is lots of other magic fairy dust in there that we can't talk about. AUDIENCE: Potassium and Hydrogen used for separation maneuvers? KEVIN: No, primarily the separation maneuvers are done with solid rocket. AUDIENCE: Can we go back to the Orion entering into the atmosphere? You said that as the capsule is going to accelerate? Did I understand the correctly? KEVIN: Yeah, I apologize, if I said that I misspoke, it is not accelerating as it enters the atmosphere, it is accelerated to a very high velocity before entering the atmosphere. So we accelerate it up to 20,000 miles per hour so that we can simulate the speed that it would enter the atmosphere if we were returning from the Moon for instance. So it is not actually accelerating when it enters the atmosphere, it is actually decelerating. AUDIENCE: Perhaps I did not understand the answer which you gave to sort of the earlier question, that service vehicle, does it completely disintegrate since it has no heat shield when it comes over, all as it is into the sea in single piece? KEVIN: So, I am a little bit out of my technical area of expertise but there have not been large segments of these vehicles to impact the earth whenever they reenter. For the most part they are consumed in the atmosphere, if you recall the shuttle, external tank is a very large structure. That vehicle reentered and burned up in the atmosphere mostly. I mean there were some parts that actually did make to the surface of the Atlantic but they were very small. So, for the most part, no, it is not a large structure that impacts. JOHN: During a nominal entry there are maneuvers to separate the crew and the service module and the trajectories are chosen so that the service module hits the water first and it is in a cleared corridor as you are landing and then the crew module lands closer to California. AUDIENCE: Could you distinguish between the SpaceX rocket and the Orion? JOHN: Yeah, a big difference between the commercial crew and Orion is commercial crew is just focused on low earth orbit. Remember the graphic Kevin showed you taking crews up to the International Space Station and also cargo up to the International Space Station. And the International Space Station is in relatively low orbit and so like 100 miles or so, 200 miles or so and the orbit where the Orion is being designed for going beyond low earth orbit, going out missions to return to the Moon, go out to near Earth asteroids, missions like that. Yes sir? AUDIENCE: It's probably safe to have a pre-determined re-entry position, so you can service the vehicle easily. JOHN: Yes sir, so right now our nominal entry for a mission is off the coast of California, so close to you know where we have large naval bases that can send the ship but there is uncertainty due to the winds and things like that that are taken into accounts so you get essentially like a landing ellipse almost, it is steered as it enters to try and reduce the variability of the landing point, but you try and reduce that, and you do analyses, there are a number of analyses that are done on the day of the entry to try and more pinpoint where the landing is. AUDIENCE: So what's a regular analysis? JOHN: I am not familiar. I am in the Launch Abort Office, so I have seen analysis, a lot of the analysis done by the entry people but I am not that familiar with it. Questions? Okay, I think we had some great questions here, we have already gone through some of the issues of why it is hard here, but I have summarized some of the key issues, as you might expect this is a difficult technical problem, talking about the Launch Abort System, designing the abort trajectories. One of the big issues is like we talked about, we have to have controlled flight flying nose forward, we then have to slow down and then do this reorientation maneuver and get into a steady condition heat shield forward. So the reason the attitude control motor and active control allows us to do that because as you might imagine if you got an out of control launch vehicle or an explosion you might have severe initial condition, a large tach slip, that system can take that out and get you back steered on an appropriate trajectory and control your attitude. Also as I talked about getting steady heat shield forward is very important, both to get a clean separation of the tower and a good condition for your parachutes to deploy during entry. As you might think about it, you know we have to design here a system that can both fly well forward and backward, and you really can't say that for any aircraft you have ever flown on, you are only really designed to fly forward. So, we almost have twice the problem here as far as the control design. We also have to operate over a very large altitude and speed regime, going all the way as we talked about from the pad up to 300,000 feet, so through most of the atmosphere and there is a large amount of atmospheric change, the properties and density, the temperature of the atmosphere change a lot over that altitude range. And also that takes us a speed range of course from Mach 0 which is you are not moving on the pad all the way up to hypersonic Mach 9, 9 times the speed of sound up at the 300,000 feet at the top of our operating condition. Also there is transonic region. The region what we refer to as around Mach 1, actually is a very challenging region to model and test. Here is just an example of what that, some of the issues here, this is like Kevin talked about computerized wind tunnel CFD visualization. You see these are plumes from the--control motor plumes from the abort motor and there is very complex interaction both with the flow field because you are moving very fast and the wind is blowing those plumes back and also interaction between the plumes and actual the geometry of the body and that makes it very difficult to get good aero database models that we can use in our computer simulations. So, we have done a lot of work at Langley in some of the big wind tunnels to support development of the aero database. It has been critical to the program. So here is just an example of one of the launch abort system models in the NTF in one of our 14 x 22 wind tunnels and also here in the vertical spin tunnel, tunnel that allows dynamic--observe dynamic motions of the vehicle. Quickly, some of the parts of the Launch Abort System, as Kevin said the tower itself is approximately 30 feet tall but if you include the ferring the whole thing is about 50 feet, 3 feet diameter at the tower and 17 feet to clear the complete crew module at the bottom here of the ferring. We have got from the top got a nose cone, we have got this attitude control motor which is actually this motor that enables the active flight control for steering. It is the motor that produces pitch movements to give us the steering of our trajectory and controlling our attitude, really enables the active flight control. Jettison Motor, which as we talked about at the end of the abort and on a nominal mission that is a smaller solid rocket motor that will pull the Launch Abort System away from the crew module. The abort motor is this really big motor here all the way from the nozzles, all the way down here about to down here, it is called reverse flow, the nozzles are actually at the top, it is what that means the propellant is below. So it carries enough thrust here to quickly pull the crew module away if problems exists or happen during the launch, and as a peak we talked about 400,000 pounds of thrust which is only order of about 10 to 13 Gs of acceleration. And also then at the bottom we also have this what's called the boost protective cover we called the O Drive Ferring, and it is a ferring that protects the crew module during a nominal launch, it just protects the crew module from any aerodynamic loads and heating, also reduces the drag of the launch vehicle a little bit but during an abort also it protects the crew module from the abort motor plumes as they fire. So, I don't have time to talk about all those motors. All those motors, as Kevin said, are solid rocket motors and were designed especially for the Launch Abort System. So, I am only going to talk here about one which I think is the most amazing of our motors developed by ATK in Elkton and it this is attitude control motor. So, what it actually is, is a motor that as talked about gets commands from the crew module, go up to this motor and it produces thrust and pitch and yaw moments which is thrusting in both the longitudinal and lateral plains to actually allow us to initially steer the vehicle and control the attitude. It is actually what's called a Controllable Solid Rocket Motor, so you can actually control where the thrust output goes which allows us to do the steering and it can exert up to 7000 pounds of steering force to the vehicle. So, here I have got a video of a ground test that was done, we did a number of ground tests before the actual pad abort flight test for development of the motor. So just walking out, I saw this motor before the test and it doesn't look very impressive, it just looks like a big oil can, oil drum, but here if you see it firing it is quite impressive. [Video Presentation] It is going through a set of preprogrammed maneuvers here just to show you to show how you can steer the thrust to any direction you want. AUDIENCE: It's pitching up? JOHN: No. It is pitching yaw moments. So, let's talk about Pad Abort 1, Kevin talked about, we had a successful flight test. First flight test of Project Orion successfully conducted May 6, 2010 at White Sands Missile Range, that was the same location, that was same area that was used for the early Apollo test. It was the first test of an active Launch Abort System, and just some fun facts here. It was 135 seconds flight from launch to touchdown. We had about, we had, this was an earlier motor that produced acceleration, it was little warmer days, we actually got to be 15 Gs of peak acceleration, no crew, this was just a test flight. Max velocity of 539 miles per hour and we got a max altitude of 1.2 Gs. And of course you are with the NASA talk, I couldn't--had to include some technical data to show you. So what our group does here in the Launch Abort System is we run big computer simulation models that actually try and predict where the trajectory looks like, where you are going to go before the flight, so you can answer the questions like how far I am going to go, how fast am I going to go, where am I going to land, am I going to land safely, things like that we can do with our computer models. So this is just an example here of altitude versus time clock, so how high up you are going with time and what we did before the flight test, it is very difficult to predict the exact winds of the day and the exact temperature, there might be some variation in the weight of your vehicle, so we run our computer simulations over and over again changing these things a lot, do a run at one temperature and one set of winds, do another run, another temperature, another way, another set of winds, change the aerodynamics, things like that, and do a lot of computer runs. So this is like about 2000 computer runs, we were varying a lot of things that we think might vary on that day of flight and that gives us a bound on what we think the predicted performance should be. And then we have like what we think is the nominal condition we are going to fly at. So, that's what the blue is here. The light blue are all our varying simulations, varying a whole bunch of things, trying to predict the performance before the flight and the blue darker blue here is what if everything is nominal the way we think it is based on our information, best understanding of the winds, that's what we think the trajectory was. So over-plotted here in red are the actual flight test results we got after the flight just to show you. So, one actually we are pretty close here to the actual prediction of the nominal performance, and you can see here we are well within the band of given the variations we thought could happen on that day. So that is just an example of some of the analysis we do. So, of course, we do this you know over and over and over again a lot because as the design changes, we continually update our computer models, some of those wind tunnel tests that we talked about generate force and movement information and we use that in our wind tunnel models, motor information and all that. Okay, so coming up next I have got a really nice, it is about a three minute video on the Pad Abort 1 flight test. It is a summary. First includes some of the firings, test firings and some of the different motors, you will see the attitude control motor again, the abort motor test firing those are done on the ground, the Jettison Motor firing and then compilation of some of the videos that were taken during the actual PA-1 Flight Test to show you what that looks like. [Video Presentation] JOHN: That is the Jettison Motor, that's the trailer we used to put all the parts together. KEVIN: So, I believe that's it for us. Just a slide to wrap it up, and then if we have time which I do believe we will have a few minutes we will take some more questions. So, just in conclusion the Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle will serve as a next generation space exploration vehicles. It is being worked by multiple NASA centers and our prime contractor is Lockheed Martin. Launch Abort System is being designed to significantly improve the safety of this vehicle by allowing us to recover the crew in the event of an emergency and deliver them safely to the ground and then as John mentioned earlier, there are number of test flights that we have planned. EM-1, the Ascent Abort Flight Test 2 and the final crewed flight EM-2 which is in 2021. AUDIENCE: What kind of score did the December 4 test, that you mentioned? KEVIN: Certainly, and I will get to your questions here. Briefly, Exploration Flight Test 1 is going to fly December 4th, probably about 8 a.m. in the morning out of Cape Canaveral. We are flying on top of a Delta IV Heavy. We are going to do two orbits, accelerate the vehicle to 20,000 miles per hour and then reenter the Earth's atmosphere at that speed which is just slightly below the speed that we would reenter from if we were returning from the moon. Our primary purpose for doing that test is to demonstrate the heat shield which is a very important and critical system as well as demonstrate the flight control and the parachute or landing recovery system. So, it is a very important test for us to buy down what we believe are some of our highest risk. We talk a lot about risk in the space flight industry, so we want to make sure that we understand that risk and that we address them appropriately and so that's why we are doing this test. Thank you. Sir? AUDIENCE: You indicated that a set of tiles that you recovered, that you indicated had that paint. After it expands through that atmosphere that heats it up, after you reverse things and turn it around, is there any concern that there will be a lack of contact after it recovers from the heat? KEVIN: So, if I could explain a little bit more about the thermal protection material, it is obviously, we call it AVCOAT, it is fabricated by Textron Industries in Boston. It is the system that was, it is a reformulation of the system that was used on the Apollo vehicle and if you ever find yourself at the Air & Space Center downtown Hampton, there actually is an Apollo vehicle there and you can actually go look at the surface of the vehicle and see that material. It is actually, if you are familiar with honeycomb structure, it is actually a honeycomb that is bonded on to the metal surface of the vehicle and they fill each little cell of the honeycomb material up with this AVCOAT ablative material. So, it actually, the way that, it is a passive system if you will, the way that it keeps the heat managed is through ablation. So, actually it is charring, it is slowing burning away as it is reentering and actually we size it to a certain thickness knowing that it is going to burn away a certain amount and we want to make sure that we have enough insulation whenever we get to that point that we don't overheat the substructure below it. So that's kind of how it operates. Now, the back shell, the conical section of the vehicle actually is protected with tiles that are similar to the tiles that were used on the space shuttle and to hopefully preemptively address a question that might come up, I believe if those tiles were lost during flight it would probably not be a catastrophic issue because it is on the back surface of the vehicle, so we might have some local heating issue, but I don't think we would have a catastrophic failure. Does that answer your question? AUDIENCE: Yes. KEVIN: Okay, thank you. Yes sir? AUDIENCE: If anything happens just after the launch pad, do you wait till you clear the atmosphere or do you do something prior? KEVIN: Yeah, actually very good question. So, you know, dependent on where we are at, you know from the ground all the way up to 300,000 feet we can successfully abort. So if it is just after launch we are not going to be that far from the ground, so we are not going to fly that high. Just like if you fly off of the pad you are only going to go a mile high, if it is early in the flight we are going to move as quickly away from the vehicle as we can but still it might not be that far. So, for instance, if we were launching and we were a mile above the Earth's surface we would probably at that point fly another mile or two away from it. JOHN: That's another thing that makes this such a challenging analysis problem is you don't have a definite starting condition, it could be somewhere along a trajectory, but you have to analyze a trajectory all the way up because you could abort at any point along that trajectory. AUDIENCE: What controls the orbit? KEVIN: What controls the orbit? JOHN: Well the trajectory gets this up into an orbit, the launch vehicle gets this up into orbit and then to de-orbit, I believe there is de-orbiting burn. AUDIENCE: Could you show a picture of one where you changed the orbit? KEVIN: Oh yeah, okay, I am sorry, thank you, now I understand your question. So, you noticed in that animation of that launch that there was a rocket engine on the end of the vehicle that's what the industry refers to as the Delta IV Kick Stage, it is the upper stage of the Delta IV vehicle, and that stage and that rocket motor are what are used to change the orbit. So we ballistically enter into an orbit around the Earth, just an elliptical orbit and then by igniting that motor we can actually accelerate ourselves out to a higher orbit, actually we go out to 3600 miles before we turn around and, as I mentioned, we don't use all the fuel getting out to 3600 miles, we actually keep some of the fuel and turn it on and actually accelerate back in when we are coming back. Yes sir? AUDIENCE: Tell me something about the models you have up there. KEVIN: Yeah, John, you want to? I will let John be my... JOHN: So, starting here with the model of the SLS, as Kevin said the full scale vehicle is about 321 feet, 1/200th, so 200 times bigger than that, so all of this as said is the space launch system, the new rocket is being developed to take us beyond low earth orbit, the little part on top which we think is the most important part is the Orion where the crew rides, there is launch abort crew model is in there, service module. So we got a smaller model here just of this upper part, so there would be the Launch Abort System. KEVIN: As John said we think this is the most important part of the vehicle, we definitely want to take it off and carry it with us. So, this is that kick stage that I was referring to earlier. This is actually the upper stage that allows us to accelerate in the higher orbit. JOHN: And Kevin showed the different part, service module. And this is earlier design of the solar panels, now we are going to more, we are partnering with the Europeans for service module and the design now is more rectangular looking solar panels, so that's an earlier design, so crew module and launch abort, and just a larger scale so you can see the same thing of the crew module of course, in there like that flying when you do with your Abort, and you have to do the reorientation and that is Jettison. AUDIENCE: That telescopes to ten feet? KEVIN: Yeah, it actually compacts. Yeah when you hit the water, our simulations indicate that that 30-foot long tower actually is compacted and down into a space that's about 6 feet. When we flew Pad Abort 1 and this is just a little bit of interesting trivia, we flew Pad Abort 1 and the tower as you saw is streaking down to the ground whenever the crew module is so beautifully floating to the surface under the parachute. We decided to get there a lot faster. Our Jettison Motor actually ended up in the manifold of the abort motor whenever we pulled everything out of the ground. And the whole vehicle was about 20 feet in the ground I think. I think it buried itself right down in the ground. But yeah we actually put the entire, I want to make sure you understand, the entire Jettison Motor was compressed and shoved into the little manifold which is where the nozzles are on the Abort. So, that entire structure was compressed and stuffed inside that little manifold from the impact. Yes ma'am? AUDIENCE: Is the Orion in the video, is that a test vehicle or the real thing? JOHN: Actually, you just saw that vehicle fly. That's the one that flew. And it was, that vehicle was designed and fabricated by NASA Langley Research Center, we are very proud of it, and you can go see that. And it is interesting too to see that because it is full scale, we have made a few changes since then, the cone, the back cone actually we have changed that to make it a little bit wider at the top, we did that because we realized we needed bigger parachutes after we did Pad Abort 1 flight test. So it is just a little slightly different production vehicle. AUDIENCE: So most of the people who were living here, the President moved to Houston to work at NASA there, I don't think a lot of people know that. KEVIN: So yes we are actually doing fine. I have read a lot of the history of NASA and that whole activity and it is very, very interesting. That that team of people who left this area and went to Texas were a very interesting group of people, they were young, they were excited and they were willing to take risk and they did that very thing and so they were willing to go boldly forward and we are glad that they were leading us at that time quite frankly. But we didn't, Langley wasn't left in the lurch at all and we are very excited to be I think at the epicenter of activities of developing the new vehicle. AUDIENCE: Is any thought given to an abort landing close to ocean? KEVIN: Actually that's an excellent question. When John and I were putting these pics together we actually thought about putting a chart in to kind of describe why we didn't do that. When we initially started this program in 2005 we wanted to land anywhere, please don't take that literally. We wanted to land on the water and on land which does significantly expand our operational capabilities, but what we learned was the system to land on the land cost us about 600-700 pounds of mass, that 600-700 pounds of mass that we would have to carry with us to the Moon, to the asteroid, eventually to Mars and it just was too costly to do that. So, we had to get rid of that system and rely on the water landing system which is much more mass efficient system that we can use. Now, you will notice, as John said, the commercial guys are only going to the low earth orbit and some of them are actually proposing systems that will land on the land and the reason we can't do that is because you just can't carry that much weight with you whenever you are going so far away. Another differentiation or question that might come up is why do we have a tower that is pulling us off the vehicle, why don't we use the service module, it is a giant motor, why don't we just go ahead and use it for all of the aborts, because as John said when we get above 300,000 feet we can use the service module to abort to orbit for a rapid reentry. And the reason is our service for the Orion weighs about 36,000 pounds. We need that large vehicle with all of the fuel that it carries with it in order to explore to the Moon and beyond. It is just a matter of physics, we just need that much propellant to take with us so we can get back, get off there and get back. Whereas if you are going to low earth orbit an equivalent service module system would only be about 12,000 pounds, so it is about 20,000 pounds lighter. So when you are talking about getting away from a launch vehicle which we have to do very quickly, if you are trying to push yourself a 36,000 motor off it is just not practical. So we had to go with the tower system on top so that we could manageably remove the crew module over that full flight regime successfully. [Applause] CHRIS: Thank you Kevin and John for giving us the opportunity to presenting today, and next week, next Thursday we are going to be talking to the Space Launch System guys, who actually built the launch vehicle and they may have a different story, they think this is the most important part! So we need to see how that plays out, you need to judge next week. Thank you very much. [Applause] macaroni
Channel: NASA Langley Research Center
Views: 46,682
Rating: 4.6478872 out of 5
Keywords: NASA, Langley Research Center, Orion, Launch Abort System, LAS, talk, Christopher Newport University (College/University), human spaceflight, future
Id: 0uhfD3nEWNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 38sec (4538 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 21 2015
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