Breaking The Habit [Official Music Video] - Linkin Park
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Keywords: linkin park, breaking the habit, linkin park breaking the habit, breaking the habit linkin park, linkin park habit, breaking the habbit, breaking a habit, breaking a habit linkin park, break the habit, breaking habit, breaking my habit linkin park, linkin park meteora, chester bennington, linkin park songs, lincoln park, likining park, linkin park albums, linkin park hits, linkin park music video, linkin park youtube, warner records
Id: v2H4l9RpkwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 18sec (198 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2009
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The relationship between Linkin Park and Anime has always been fascinating. No one ever really questioned why Linkin Park songs were used in countless of AMVs, it just sort of became an accepted norm.
I just wonder, did they know how much of an influence they had on an entire medium? Did Chester know how influential the music he helped create was to an entire generation of similarly socially awkward kids, who also struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts?
My heart is broken today, as both a music fan and an anime fan. My heart goes out to the family and friends he leaves behind, and I hope we can all take something and learn from this tragedy, and loss of life.
Dang...Hybrid Theory was my childhood. I remember listening to that album over and over again with my brother, sister, and family friend in our cramped little room while playing video games together. It was with me for the best years of my life.
RIP Chester.
The link is a playlist, but I suppose the animated song is "Breaking the Habit", right? It's my favorite from Linkin Park. Still, it's a really sad way to die.
So Sad :(
I always found Linkin Parks music went great with AMV's, I fondly remember watching clips of Naruto, Bleach, and DBZ to their music back in middle school.
Wait for real? Damn..
You know, up until this point, I've never been affected by an entertainer's death, because I've had no connection to their work.
This one.. This one hits home..
IIRC, he reacted badly to the reception of Linkin Park's most recent album, because how different it was from their early work. While that certainly must've been a factor, I hope it wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back.
Anyways, time for a Hybrid Theory/Meteora marathon..
This was pretty shitty news to wake up to.
Always loved this vid, never realized it was animated by Gonzo.
His death has made so many of their songs depressing to me now. Today is truly a dark one.
Just awful news.
I was listening to music on random yesterday and Castle of Glass came on. I haven't really listened to Linkin Park in years, but he was a great singer.
Well shit. Man this is depressing news. Back in the day when youtube still had that broadcast yourself only thing it had on it was webcam vlogs, cat videos, and amvs blarring linkin park music. Swear I watched over 100 different amvs using the same clip of naruto on the swing CRAWLING IN MY SKINNNNNN