Naruto & Sasuke DEATH SQUAD Assembled - Why Kawaki Betrays Boruto & Amado is Otsutsuki? Boruto Ch 59

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back everyone and it's time to go today we are talking about boruto chapter 59 which means it's that time of the month again the cover pages of kawaki looking like an echo man as inu puts it and i'm starting to understand why everyone's sing for this boy holy moly borito chapter 59 centralizes on kawaki's character specifically his desire for power due to the empty-like state he feels without the karma a feeling that kawaki has had since childhood due to neglect rejection and being taken advantage of by those that surround him throughout his life as we stated last month kawaki is trying to change and in his attempt to reform his old ways he has gained positive goals which is to protect naruto the hokage and his new family since he was the first person to understand him directly and nurtured him with love fundamentally this is the way of shinobi a concept called ninshu that hagaroma propagated once he decided to teach the true meaning of chakra kwaki has never resonated with this feeling before until naruto came along now with this strong attachment in both chapter 58 we witness kawaki believing in any method to achieve his goals contrasting boruto's ninja way and the method that has been passed down for generations however as kawaki puts it there is not enough time for everyone to become powerful due to the nature of karma and their circumstances momoshiki's data is constantly being extracted by boruto's karma seal where he is already at 80 and code is way too overpowered for any of them to handle therefore in board to chapter 59 the story is elaborating on the fact that amaro is trying to take advantage of kawaki's desire and love for naruto what do you mean by that well stick around to the end of the video as i will explain exactly what i mean we definitely thought of a crackpot theory that armada could be the real villain all along boruto chapter 59 begins with a flashback kawaki experience whilst being adopted by ishiki otsuki or should i say again toad is jealous of kawaki because he's special i mean who would it be just look at my genetics bruh so true code is strangling kawaki and is angry with the fact that he was chosen for the karma seal rather than himself receiving a defective version called the white karma he literally tells kawaki that he would have killed him if he wasn't the chosen vessel a similar statement urushiki otsuki said to boruto when they had their bow in the time travel arm now obviously the storytelling is trying to sell us the idea that code even as a young boy was ruthless and disregarded other humans as mere barriers to his worship of his god ishikiyotsuski it's trying to make you believe that this is a boy worthy of killing naruto sasuke as the chapter later states that he would be capable of beating them one versus one whether or not you respect code enough to believe this concept and accept this fact that boruto is representing it's entirely up to you fan unacceptable kawaki wakes up from this nightmare where armada inquires whether he's having the reoccurring dreams of jigen's training again but he responds roasting code that it was involving his whiny resentful nature a model claims that kawaki without the karma seal is still indeed ishiki's vessel and that will never change this is because 80 percent of ishiki's data was still extracted within kwaki the same as boruto due to resonation right therefore making them both part aliens hey yo so kawaki needs to accept his reality he confirms once again that ishiki's soul has departed and he will not be able to possess him which again i'm just gonna say this it's disappointing since ishiki aka g again was one of the reasons why the manga reached such a great success ideologically and had so much potential expanding upon plot points that fixed the writing of naruto goodbye jigen you might be gone but you will forever be remembered by us thank you to those that bought our clothing shout out to all of you being displayed on screen right now we have jigen for sale as well as naruto and sasuke journey clothing currently there is 15 off if you use the code boruto so check the link in the pin comment amaro goes on to say that the plan to implant boruto's karma into code is not a bad idea theoretically but it lacks far too much practicality to be a realistic plan there's too many unknown variables and uncertainties when it comes to what the karma is able to do and let's not forget even if they managed to successfully implant a karma into code he wouldn't take that sitting there lightly as for the time it takes for him to turn into a perfect vessel for boruto he would use that time to kill boruto and all the others so that he couldn't be possessed to begin with amaru tries to provoke kawaki by utilizing his weakness his immense love and respect for naruto and that's why ladies and gentlemen kawaki is the fan favorite because he's pretty much representing the fandom's love for naruto through his character kawaki questions whether or not naruto can take down code like he did with delta although amado is unsure he suspects that without kurima naruto would lose against code in a one-on-one situation a lot of you may be wondering how strong naruto and sasuke would be without kodama and the renning gun i'm confused i'm confused right now g well lucky for you we already answered the question this is why it's so important to hit the notification bell for our channel so you don't miss out on important uploads that keep you on the same page as the rest of the community we covered it extensively proving that naruto and sasuke are still the strongest ninjas after their nerfs the link will be in the pinned comment so again make sure to hit the like button for the video and the notification bell so the algorithm helps you with that anyways in border chapter 59 we see balls deep prediction jutsu coming true once again we as a community made an extensive theory that amado will offer kawaki power and the karmacell once again since he knows deep down kawaki seeks power to protect his newfound family and achieve his goals with boruto amado uses my anime science degree and states that he can offer kawaki a karma that's purely a weapon kawaki calls a model a crazy bastard because out of everyone he knows how much trauma kawaki suffered because of the karma however he claims that kawaki is the same as him a rational person who wouldn't let emotion stop him from getting his goal this might be true for kawaki but he's also a man of his word the kawaki we now know and love is vastly different since the time he got to spend with naruto learning the meaning of chakra jutsu and the bonds it can make in borussia 58 he promised to his brother boruto that if he lost in their bow he will follow the ninja way and boruto's methods of training he indeed lost and had to promise this leads us to think that kawaki will be left with no choice in the future to take on amardo's deal through manipulation or witnessing a death that would trigger his old personality to return more prominently at the moment in boruto chapter 59 kawaki refuses to be implanted with another karma and he takes his leave but before he does amada gives him a reminder that it's his choice whether or not he wants the power is up to him moving on to borrows hideout we come to learn that ida was observing kawaki all this time she views kawaki as her prince and she would like to be with him even going as far to say kawaki shouldn't find out she is involved as she doesn't want him to hate her or have a bad impression why the you lying why you always lying either using her clairvoyance powers saw the interaction and is feeling sympathy she sees kawaki's despair of feeling weak and unable to protect naruto so either ox code if he could spare the whole car gate code rejects this request informing her how he himself is a bigger sim for the beloved god ishiki where even after his death code still has faith and he wishes to carry out divine retribution for the death of his god so obviously now using logic it completely makes us question why this boy is a stan and is worshipping someone who can die and is dependent on life itself which constitutes the human vessel and the chakra fruit he desired codes god needs chakra to live so why does he worship a being that couldn't fulfill his faith ishiki couldn't fulfill any promises or wishes that made code become a follower in the first place so his backstory must have the answer to these questions and we look forward to that i'm confused now we all know kawaki was the one to give ishiki the final goodbye so ida reminds code that he promised not to touch him however we know from the flashback nightmare earlier in chapter 59 where code tells kawaki he would kill him if he wasn't an ishiki vessel which encodes perception he wouldn't be anymore since the soul has now gone of his god he can still use boruto as a seed for the god tree to fulfill his plan kawaki's value has diminished in front of him so he doesn't have to feel jealous anymore we also believe code is going along with this plan because of ida's ability of making any man fall in love with her which code described as being so natural that it doesn't seem fake this could be causing code to go along with ida's wishes out of respect for her but states naruto is someone who he can't let go and must kill with his own hands this is number one we then get a back and forth on whether or not they should leave borrows base to avoid any more hassle from the gods which we don't understand why they are a problem in the first place why not just tell them boro has died and code is the new leader of kara with the facade of fulfilling their wishes of infinite tsukuyomi that borrows schemed in the anime therefore using these forces to close advantage i mean isn't that a good big brain idea to have since we know for five code has the intel from the anime on borrows hideout and his people like what but why why would you do that why would you do any of that anyways ida once again shows us that she knows everything that is going on in kanaha along with their plan to fight code informing him that both the hokage and kawaki are being guarded around the clock with the five great villages now being involved in the hunt for him she then mentions that they will only act when the opportunity presents itself which she will be able to see with her clairvoyant sarin gun eye senrigun senrigan how do i pronounce this san rigan senrigin alright i tried my best guys senrigun literally means clairvoyance but the way ida presented it gives us the impression that this is also a dojutsu ascendrigan also means eyes that can see things thousands of miles away however from a first glance this ability might be beyond the idea of a dojutsu we have to remember that ida is a cyborg and her knowledge of the past and present might be technological in nature this is where we come to another cenragon we have in our own world which is the name of a coms one satellite other than that we don't have much to go on like how is amado making cyborgs with these crazy abilities in the anime we saw denki and the team launch their first basic satellite which could only communicate comms so this just raises questions on who exactly is a model is he an alien with all this alien tech how do we even explain the abilities of these cyborgs with only the concept of science at this point there has to be a reason why these people have abilities beyond naruto and sasuke combined right this is number one boruto chapter 59 shows code agreeing with ida's plan because of his limiters he feels as though things won't be as easy as the manga then reveals that ida is in fact terrible at actual combat and can only perform basic taijutsu this weakness surprises code and he questions what will happen when she is alone with kawaki if he tries to kill her which he says is possible since they are both atsuski and her power doesn't work on them either not worrying at all informs code that it doesn't matter because she has another knight to defend her but we all know like let's be real man what kind of question is that what is a guy and a girl going to do alone in the room come on now i'm just saying what the so if we look back at borough chapter 56 armada said several of the cyborgs which were sent for disposal are super strong even more than g again so this must mean most of them are but others have busted abilities that are beyond the comprehension of what a ninja can achieve i mean to put it into perspective look at ino and the yamanaka clan who have been performing all they jutsu for over 100 years through training they helped in the fourth war and still utilize chakra jutsu and basic technology to maximize their utility but here comes ida that basically made their whole clan look redundant and meaningless in front of her powers anyway i'm passing the video on to yusuf now as he will cover the rest of the chapter and our theory on a model okay so chapter 59 then showcases kawaki thinking back to armada's offer but as these thoughts are running through his head shikara sees him and tries to greet him however kawaki just screams out shut up you know out of ptsd and you know because of the pressure on his shoulders to save his beloved naruto shikha dai understands he's anxious but states no matter what kanaha will always be kawaki's home because naruto decided so kawaki apologizes to shikadai however shikadai encourages him to keep his head high as those around him just fear what they don't understand the scene is meant to parallel naruto at the start of the story naruto was load and similarly people feared what they did not understand and ostracized naruto for something out of his control and knowledge in those dark times naruto had a ray of light in his life and that was the bonds he had which uplifted him from the dark times he was in one of those bonds was shikamaru as to this day shikamaru is still by naruto's side now both naruto's and shikamaru's son are paralleling this bond by having shikadai support kawaki since kawaki doesn't even know what to do now that they have a bigger threat ahead but cutting back to boruto chapter 59 the scene switches to amado working and sumida asks him what he meant about implanting another karma into kawaki our mother then suspects her being a spy as shikamaru may have put her up for it but let's be honest he's trying to change the subject because he's so possessed right now but to gain her trust he starts telling her an analogy of kawaki and the karma describing it as a home and a door with kawaki being the house and the karma being the door and the owner being ishiki with the karma gone the door was basically gone but the house still remained but since ishiki is gone and there's no one to enter the house which is still there it doesn't matter if there's still a door on the house since no one's going to enter it anyways koaki you know might as well fix the door i don't even know how you came to houses and doors and you guys are confused about right now i don't blame you fam i'm i'm confused i'm confused right now g but don't worry guys using my degree in anime science i'm gonna be explaining this to you guys amado basically is claiming that he's gonna open up the door or as soon as puts it reconstructing kawaki's karma and making it quite similar to how code's karma works it'll basically be a weapon a powerful tool to use against any opposing threat because remember guys kawaki is still eighty percent of suzuki and he has all of the suzuki potential within himself all he needs is that door that karma to tap into that utsutsuki power however sumire is left unsatisfied by this answer and if that's really all there is to it at this point a mother just becomes more sus because you know he just turns his eyes beyond the scope a natural human being should be able to do and just stares right into somebody's soul but we'll cover this more in detail in a bit because now we have another secret cyborg to introduce bug under the instruction from ada releases another one of mother's secret cyborg which was ordered to be destroyed however behind the poof of the smoke there was nothing but an empty chamber and suddenly some random 10 year old boy comes popping out like what damn we learned that this kid who just jumped on code and writes him like a jockey is in fact damon now going with the theme of technology damon could be inspired by the technology of a computer program running in the background a program in pacific like daemon tools shout out to our russian friends and those of you that use iso files you know what i'm saying the gods from borrows cult shows up and discovers that the plot needs them to die to showcase this new cyborg's abilities so you know they do they realize that these cyborgs escaped unexpectedly and under these circumstances they under the order to dispose of these rogue cyborgs one of the gods takes aim ready to fire his cannon at damon before he mysteriously managed to you know shoot himself yes that actually happens the same can be said for the next few gods who goes to swipe at damon with an axe only to end up landing a lethal blow to his head and to finish up damon beheads the final god we then discover that he's actually a blood relative of adolf and is her little brother his secret ability is to reflect what his enemies are thinking back onto them depending on their killing intent so what that basically means is that when that guy went to cut damon's head off with a sword to kill him because he had pictured this action happening in his head and his killing intent is at max damon is able to reflect that attack on the users instead this gives us the indication that if you want to have any chance of taking this guy down you gotta clear your mind first you can't be thinking about killing him even if you want to similar to how you always have to avoid looking into the eyes of an achiever now you can't think of damon or else you automatically lose you have to empty your mind be like water anyway guys luckily our folks over in the uzumaki house are the perfect counter as they carry no killing intent after all they're shown in mcs they want to save even the most evil villains or do they but anyways this is because the concept of ninju is the opposite of what daemon represents chakra and jutsus were meant to spread peace originally not war moving on however we come back to somalia who confronts amado about his true intentions questioning whether or not he's truly plotting something he interrupts somewhere saying she's either really smart or really stupid which is it it is then revealed that mado truly is the bad guy when he tells someone how she just stayed quiet she could have extracted more intel subsequently he goes on to call her stupid portsmouth but with that the chapter ends and from this free chapter that passes by we know that amado has been acting more and more sassy each time so with that let's use of all the prediction jutsu and analyze the possibility of a model being the actual villain now one hypothesis is that a mother could actually be an atsutsuki or have a karma of his own first off the theories surrounding ada being armada's late daughter is all but debunked with this latest chapter when ada revealed her actual little brother amada never mentioned any existence of a son which cancels out ada being his daughter now you may be asking yourself but why is this so important well we know that aida's lovability works on all except blood relatives and the otsutsukis amanda is not affected by this otherwise how did he create her in the first place and why didn't she just use his ability on him after she was upset but again as he's not her father the only other answer we have right now is that he has an otsuki connection or him purposely programming her abilities not to work on himself but the latter wasn't really mentioned by ada now amanda being a natsuki doesn't necessarily mean he had to have a karma because if he did you would have been asking the question that why didn't it resonate with g against karma or even kawakis or borotos so him being in the suzuki might be quite similar to how kawaki is in the sutsuki right now him having a suzuki dna but no dog analogy though there are also some other evidence out there which can point towards a model having a susi connection first off if you take a look at episode 188 of the anime during kawaki's backstory regardle we see amado and kashin koji watching over as kawaki awakens the third stage of his karma despite being with his co-conspirator in between g again and supposedly saving kawaki he was extremely happy to see kawaki reach a complete stage and become a perfect vessel furthermore we know amado is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to the osuski knowing how the pairing system works how the karma works how to even kill anoth suzuki even in chapter 39 he understood the concept of residence between the two karma something which ishiki was surprised to witness even if he was working closely with ishiki i find it hard to believe that jigen would reveal the ususki's true weakness after all ishiki ordered him to dispose of ada and damon as well as put limiters on code to suppress his power as ushiki was afraid that amado would try to pull a fast one on him and try to kill him if he was already that skeptical of betrayal why would he reveal all of his weaknesses logically it doesn't make sense which means for a mother to have such vast array of intel on how the ossutsuki work he must have had another source of information and if he himself is one or the vessel of one it explained how he was such a big brain on the topic even more though as so many points out in this chapter amada showed in genuine amount of compassion once kawaki arrived back with the fight with shiki making sure he was all right back in chapter 55 why would he care so much about kawaki's safety as well as him becoming the perfect vessel the answer to that could be because a mother wants to hijack the susquehanna and control all outcomes of the situation he was involved in as we know it's a completely utsutsuki fire vessel it takes a lot of time but with ishiki doing 80 percent of the work amada only has to finish filling in the rest with his own asus key data as amado described himself ososki's are parasites that adapt all data and life forms they come across with being able to take on attributes powers and dna of anything they consume so compatibility wouldn't really be an issue it was a modest plan all along to have ishiki do most of the dirty work this is also why he purposely made kashin koji weaker than jigen unlike his other cyborgs because nothing was really stopping a mother giving kash and koji and ios update before he fights ishiki to put him in a similar level to damien or idol or even code along with the other cyborg jigen was afraid of amado made it so that koji had enough in him to resurrect ishiki in his weaker form but nothing more that way ishiki was drawn out giving him only a few days to live as well as removing his own karma of kawaki making it so he would have to come back to get kawaki for himself however he'd had to face off against naruto and sasuke to do this which is the next part of amato's plan as this would also either kill naruto and sasuke or at least nerf them like he ended up doing so therefore leaving no one in his way or succeeding to his actual plans where shiki dead naruto and sasuke nerfed amarillo has a perfect vessel waiting there for him and nobody left to threaten him giving him a free run at kawaki as we know from chapter 35 there is still another susquehanna we don't know about there'll be no reason not to include them if nothing was planned regarding the existence and when you put the pieces together you can see that the groundwork is in place to reveal amardo as one of the secret associates or at least connected to them he being the big bad villain also complements the theme of boruto as we know in the time skip kawaki claims that the shinobi way is over if a model is truly the traitor we expect him to be it would go against naruto's ninja way completely as naruto is the one responsible for allowing armada to reside in the village as a civilian in the first place thematically it would make sense if a mother was the final antagonist as it goes back to naruto's message of ending the cycle of hatred and giving the people the benefit of doubt naruto trusted a model welcomed him into his village so having this message be questioned will be a key component to this series let us know what you guys think about this in the comment section below and don't forget to smash that like button and buy our merch with that guys we'll catch a lot next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 341,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boruto, naruto, sasuke, kawaki, boruto chapter 59, jigen, boruto 59, boruto manga, sarada, isshiki otsutsuki, naruto and sasuke vs jigen, boruto code, boruto eida, amado, boruto theory, naruto death, sasuke death, will naruto die, will sasuke die, otsutsuki god, boruto karma seal, boruto episode 204, boruto kara, naruto shippuden, boruto karma, naruto vs jigen, boruto vs kawaki, boruto timeskip, anime, anime balls deep, eida boruto, otsutsuki clan, rinnegan, boruto and kawaki
Id: 9enp1CIxs5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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