Deku WORST NIGHTMARE – Every League of Villains Story & Awakened Quirks Explained (My Hero Academia)

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spoiler warning spoiler warning spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler warning [Music] welcome back everyone and it's time to go balls deep today we are covering the law of the league of villains to platform the upcoming arc in my hero academia season 5 called my villain academia this is one of the best arcs in the my hero academia manga so we thought this is the best time to cover the league of villains for you guys as they take the spotlight soon we will be explaining the members of the league of villains so that you can understand it better and refresh your memories on what exactly is going on but before i dive any deeper i need to mention a great game you need to play i would like to talk about atelier alchemists of brazil this game reminds me of the days of enjoying rpgs such as final fantasy the graphics slap the gameplay and aesthetics are top tier for a mobile game and the gameplay is damn right addictive yeah baby the atelier series is coming to mobile it's a free-to-play adventure 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into a larger group called the paranormal liberation front this is after they merge with the meta liberation army in the aftermath of the my villain academia arc basically the league of villains has expanded much beyond their introduction in the usj arc but our focus of this video isn't an in-depth history lesson but more like a highlight of every character's backstory and what powers they possess as i said earlier the big bad all for one is the creator of the league of villains and has been overseeing all of its strategic actions from afar in fact he may be the actual leader because he is trying to take over shigaraki's body he knows everything about everyone and has been doing this afar with his multiple quirks he has the quirk all for one hence his name of course and he's the creator of one for all the two most overpowered quirks in the series the all for one quirk gives the user the ability to steal the quirks of other people whilst also using them as their own all done with a simple touch the user can also give these stolen quirks to other people as well as pass on the all for one quirk itself and when this happens the new user gains a mental link with the previous user very reminiscent of deku's connection with the previous one for all users this is because every quirk in my hero academia has a quirk factor which holds your dna and therefore this is why all for one is so powerful in his tyranny as when he's giving away these quirks or has taken away other people's quirks he subconsciously can't control things as the quirks do hold a part of your consciousness all for one is the original shigeraki giving tomorrow his namesake when he took him under his wing however in his prime all for one was the most powerful villain in japan due to his overpowered quirk and of course the manipulation of people when quirks started coming into the world around 150 years ago japan struggled to adjust and this caused an age of upheaval to occur this is when all for one started using his quirk to steal other people's whilst also bestowing quirk onto others for people who were mutated or hated their quirks all for one would take them away and give them salvation and a better life this was in order to make them feel indebted to him by doing what he considered a favor thus raising his reputation and influence among people he would sometimes give these quirks to other people and groom them into his personal assistance league members like gigantomachia are examples of this but we will cover him later on in the video all for one continued his plot for domination by planning to pass his quirk onto his younger brother yuichi but he opposed his evil ways seeing through his false good yoichi tried to rebel against his brother but he was quirkless so he was easily defeated by over one's bodyguards and was imprisoned soon after all for one decided to force a stockpile quirk onto his brother yuichi in order to force him to submit this backfires though because yuichi had an unknown quirk that could only be transferred to others causing the stockpile quirk and the unknown transfer quark to combine to form one for all the ability that we use to defy all for one for years to come is the one and only quirk that is destined to go against all for one's tyranny and his entire plan this is because they also has a subconscious realm one for all is the only quirk that he cannot steal and is powerful enough to destroy him as long as the user of the quirk has a strong enough will to go against his quirk that steals your power now fast forward after generations of battles with eight users of one for all all for one finds the grandchild of the seventh one for all user named nana shimura and raises him that being the character we know as tomorrow shigaraki he has been completely manipulated due to the return of all mai after the death and sacrifice of nana shimura over one begins to take major losses all might starts to dismantle over one's criminal empire bit by bit forming his title of the symbol of peace sensing a looming defeat all for one took certain measures into play such as sending off gigan tomakia into hiding secretly but most importantly all for one duplicated his own quirk giving the doctor garaki guy you know dr saab banchod he gave him an opportunity to experiment with it the true goal for all for one however was ultimately to pass the quirk onto tomorrow shigaraki creating a new legacy eventually a major battle between all mai and all for one broke out both fighters sustained big blows causing all might's legacy as a user to begin to fade whilst all for one hides to heal from his wounds this is when all might got the injury and his rest support and his respiratory i can't say the word guys this is when all might got his injury and he displayed it to deku in chapter one now in this time period the beginning of tomorrow's grooming to be the successor began after deku received the one for all crook from all might to become its ninth user all for one turned his attention to him leading a breakout mission into tartarus releasing all of the locked up villains and making them his assassins to go after deku which was all part of his grand scheme to break deku both mentally and physically by making deku feel the weight of everything on his shoulders sending him down a dark and lonely path to break his will with this in mind the league of villains was created as a front to all for one's ultimate goal and as a medium for shigaraki to grow and manipulate the world in chapter 316 at this point in the manga we see another side to all for one as with this interaction with deku it seems as though he is trying to reason with him giving his perspective all for one for now sees deku as his direct rival deku leveled up to the point of being worthy for a dialogue he goes on to tell deku that he did not force lady nagant to do what she was doing rather it was her decision to fight him and try to assassinate repeating the same rhetoric he did with his brother we see in chapter 193 he gives a choice to his followers helping them in their problems in return they stay loyal to him later protecting his goals all for one states in chapter 316 how the people who fall are the ones who are labeled as villains as the failures of society who do not conform to the norm or have moments of mental weakness are shamed instead of given a support system he mentions how there is no such meaning behind taking pride in your individualism and quirks as at the end of the day we live in a controlled society and if you do not fit in then you will be excluded and put as an outcast eventually being led to few ostracized developing mental anxieties and disorders this exclusion brings rise to the villains the heroes are set to fight and ultimately oppress all for one adds that this system is instilled with the nature of us humans regardless of quirks there are no exceptions it doesn't matter if we live in a democracy or a dictatorship the origin is all the same all for one stating that this was an issue even before the first traces of society emerged goes on to show how much he studied human behavior separating his own emotions from it and deduced the perpetual cycle of hatred that forms from discarding the misfits abnormal and weird from society fundamentally this means that being unique is a problem if it goes outside of the boundary that determines what the limits of the uniqueness is this also goes back to the concept of quirks as the name itself implies a peculiar aspect of a person's character or behavior all for one understood that no matter how we look at the world no matter what humans will never come to unconditionally accept everyone for who they are or want to be so in the end order and acceptance is a facade to him leaving all for one to believe that chaos is the answer taking us back to chapter 193 where he told his brother that the chaos he is creating will end up bringing true order now we cover my hero academia on a weekly basis if you are still confused regarding what the hell am i talking about what are you talking about that you're getting lonely going down a dark path what is going on all for one wants to steal one for all and break deku's will i'm i'm confused what bro what are you talking about man well we cover my hero academia on a weekly basis the manga is absolutely flames right now and i want you to hit the notification bell for the channel right now smash the like button and support us i trust me you won't regret it we cover it bold sleep style in complete detail join the community [Music] so let's move on to shigaraki the successor of all for one and the current leader of the league of villains homura shigaraki was formerly known as tanko shimura this is before he was adopted by the strongest villain to exist in the world a powerful force in the modern villain society shigeraki was born in the family of the seventh one for or user nana shimura tenko's parents were nao shimura and kotaro shimura with an older sister named hana shimura when tenka was a child he had a fascination with heroes he actually wanted to be hero like deku did just as deku sees olmai as the symbol of peace and idolized him shigaraki idolized his grandmother and wanted to be like her but his father did not tolerate him acting like a hero and would send him outside for punishment and even doing physical abuse as a child it was unclear if he had a quirk but he had a physical change where he suffered from which were unknown to the family but this didn't stop his mother and grandmother from supporting him on top of that this condition was that he always felt itchy and would scratch himself his sister hannah even showed him pictures of their grandmother nana shimura to indulge in his love for heroes unfortunately their father finds out about this and punishes shigeraki where he rants about how heroes abandon their families he is projecting his own insecurities about his own mother nana shimura where she abandoned all of them to save society using one for all against all for one nana deeply regrets this slayer in the manga as she knew she was part of the problem and why shigaraki turned out the way he did because the cycle of hatred continues where their father actually ends up abusing the grandson due to the feelings he had about her while shigeraki's father will do these terrible actions to him the other family members watched it was this negligence that pushed tenko over the edge crying and holding his dog expressing how much he hated his family why is no one helping him while heroes not doing anything everyone is fake this is when tanko's quirk decay activates causing his dog to break down into pieces whilst within his arms the quirk decay disintegrates whatever tanko touches with all five fingers and it doesn't matter if the object he is touching is organic or not it also disintegrates very quickly and he can even spread it beyond what he touches giving him the ability to hit multiple groups of enemies at once over a large surface area the initial use of decay was primarily out of tenko's sadness and hate for the situation he was facing at the time causing him to use the quirk on accident this panic situation and confusion is ultimately what put tenko on the path to become shigeraki soon after hannah his sister comes outside to apologize for not helping him and lying to their father but instead she tries to run away in horror after seeing what he did to their dog tenko wants to explain himself but tragically this fails and he reaches out to her disintegrating his own sister this is a repeated process as his mother and grandparents come running outside to see what was happening leading tanko to also use decay on them instantly due to his panic from killing hannah now this is where the difference comes in when shigeraki's father came to face him he grabbed a garden tool scared of what his son would do so this is what enraged tenko because he's not loving he's not caring about his own son instead he's scared of him and wants to discipline him again tanker with his own feelings he was first scared of what he did but now the difference is with his father he admits to himself in his inner monologue he had the full intent to kill him he wanted to kill his own dad and he succeeds in doing so leaving him to fend for himself on the streets he ended up becoming a orphan even on the streets as a child and an orphan tenko received no help because people assumed a hero would handily with no one coming to help tanko he was left crying under a bridge until his new papa all for one came to save him and show him a place where he can belong all for one use this terrible past that he himself manipulated to build on tanko's hatred for heroes and hero society bestowing him the name tomorrow shigaraki the successor of all for one's quirk now the reason all for one manipulated tenko to become shigaraki is because he needs his hatred and his will to combine with his own to overtake deku's will and therefore allow him to eventually overpower and steal one for all this is the only way he can do it by making shigaraki hate these people so much now during this adoption shigaraki suppresses the memories of his family over time replacing them with the new life author one had given him eventually these memories returned when facing the liberation army specifically during his fight with redestro shigaraki was treated terribly by his father and because of his father's hatred for heroes if heroes never let his father down if nana never made shiggy's father feel despair then all his pain could have been avoided if heroes were truly heroes then they would have been there to save him from his parents right if they couldn't do that they would at least come to help him after he was trying to find a new home and control his power but even then they didn't all for one took advantage of this and even told him go kill the people that bullied you technically speaking all for one was the only one that was there for him opening the door to be free to mark the world and change it as he sees fit that is what the league of villains embodies for shigaraki the upheaval of the hero society by destroying the symbols that keep the faulty system of heroes going the heroes themselves fast forward after multiple clashes with the ua students shigaraki is facing the internal and external conflicts that will ultimately decide his future specifically the events of my villain academia are huge because he goes plus ultra when up against the liberation front it is during his battle with redestro where the decay quirk experiences a re-awakening within shigaraki essentially shigeraki unlocks a new effectiveness of his quirk giving him the ability to expand the reach of his decay so that he no longer needs all five fingers shigaraki shows himself doing this when he partially damaged rydestro's giant pointer after getting two of his fingers destroyed it is important to note though that the decay is much slower than when he uses all five fingers it gets to a point that shigaraki can decay things that touch objects already being decayed which is absolutely busted shigaraki's prowess had been suddenly enhanced to levels beyond his natural parameters according to redestro if shigaraki had his newly increased physical parameters during the kamino incident he would have easily taken out at least one or two of the pro heroes during that event even without his decay cure after a face battle with him he was not only able to defeat reydestro to gain control of his army but also tame a triple s villain known as gigantomachia with his accomplishment this grand awakening from shigellaki not only makes him much more powerful but also shows the understanding he has of his quirk indirectly expressing his mentality growing as well and maturing shigaraki's will for destruction had expanded just like his quirk decay capabilities making him an even more mental threat to the hero society as he falls deeper into the succession plan all for one had for him look at his bloody quirk he destroys an entire city fam and this isn't even the end of it because later on in the manga all for one's doctor ends up doing experiments on shigeru's body this is because he wants to take him over and gain a body that can withhold all his power and quirks this experiment was so insane that tomorrow shigeraki becomes way too op after the surgery tomorrow's natural physical strength was augmented by several levels allowing him to move freely in the air with only his arm movements similar to all might endeavor went so far as to compare shigaraki strength to all might though dr garaki stated that tomorrow's strength is not quite on par with him since any further remodeling of his body would have overburdened his mind now this is only when he's at 70 percent currently in the latest chapters all for one is waiting for tom and shigaraki to reach 100 percent after the surgery when we look at tomorrow's speed it was also significantly enhanced by the surgery allowing him to outmaneuver endeavor and move across jaku city in very little time he was able to outpace several other heroes and catch up to deku and bakugo at the same time when pushing his body past its limits his speed increases even more managing to catch up to gran torino one of the fastest heroes in the entire world and he also impales his chest before he could even react when we look at his durability the modifications to shigaraki's body significantly increase its durability allowing him to withstand endeavour's strongest attack point-blank range fan shigaraki was also able to take the ap machine gun from barca go and calling it mere fireworks but that's not all guys after all of that he was also able to tank deku's 100 percent one for all repeated succession this means multiple 100 punches from deku whilst isawa had his quirks a race he is completely busted and opie after the surgery next up on the list is kura giri the initial right hand to shigaraki also the protector of him assigned by all for one kuregiri does not play a direct role in the event of my villain academia but he is still a key player due to his role of releasing gigan tomakia who was a crucial wild card hidden by ulfa 1 so that shigaraki could grow further as a leader of a villainous uprising specifically kudagiri is a nomu created by dr garaki from the corpse of obara shirakumo well i butchered that sorry guys uh please forgive me this backstory is expanded upon in the my hero academia spin-off vigilante where it's a tragic story connecting kodagiri to aizawa aka eraserhead obara shirakumo had the quirk ability called cloud which granted him the ability to generate clouds of course these clouds are dense enough to be touched and can carry a relatively large amount of weight even being able to store objects which is the base factor for kurigiri's quirk called warp gate obara shirakumo was a student in class 2a at ua high school training to become a pro hero he was in the same class as shoto aizawa and hizashi yamada he was killed during a battle with a villain during his hero work studies now warp gate is a man-made quirk combining the cloud cork with several other ones the actual quirk ability allows kudagiri to create and manipulate a dark fog from his head and hands this frog acts as a portal to another location as when he produces a mass of the dark fog it transports anything it comes in contact with to a location of kodegiri's choosing is coordinate based so in order to use it he needs to know the exact location where he is supposed to open the exit portal this quirk was used crucially multiple arcs such as the attack on ua trading camp arc and the hideout radar it is in the overhaul arc kuragiri's role as shigaraki's protector comes to an end once he is captured by gran torino and sent to tartarus now with all for one also held captive in tartarus kurigiri begins to uncover the cards all for one had set aside for preparation when he is captured however after the events of chapter 2097 and the attack on tartarus the chances are that we could see kudagiri's role in the story become more prominent once again so as ardel pointed out giganto makia being all for one's former bodyguard technically makes him one of the first legal villain member coming before shigeraki himself this monstrous servant was lying in wait for a time that he would be led once again by his new master that being shigaraki once he fully realized his ambitions now all that is really known about giganto makia is that he once worked for all for one and has heavy loyalty to his cause we have yet to get any other information on his origins it is more likely that he was given a quirk but all for one or saved by him in some ways to gain his admiration and respect but as we know from dr saab in chapter 283 giganto marquee is also the basis for the nomus and this does make a lot of sense considering gigantomachia possesses seven known quirks like that of a high-end nommos these seven quirks are endurance pain blocking gentrification dog energy efficiency tough muscles and mold now let me get into these quirks individually the endurance quirk is basically gig onto marquis original quirk which allows him to convert his morale into physical energy and stamina literally his willpower makes him stronger the more emotions he feels in a fight the stronger he becomes pain blocking comes next which obviously by the name you know you could tell that it means he's unable to detect any pain you guys can read more about this in chapter 279 now the next one is the obvious giant suffocation which allows the bones in gigantomarkia's body such as his fingers and teeth to grow to exponential lengths when agitated to increase his defense and attack power now potentially as a side effect his flesh seems to protrude unnaturally looking jarring at times but this quirk works similarly to mount ladies aside from a few differences here and there the next quirk we have is dog which provides gigon to make you with a keen sense of smell in sight just like that of a hound dog then we have energy efficiency which allows gigan to mark his body to be able to conserve nutrients and water allowing him to process without much sleep making him like a living machine dang man if you guys want he's already broken wait we got more there's tough muscle which allows gagon to mark his muscle to harden to ridiculous levels this again increases his defense power above reason then we have his mole which allows gigantomachia to grow mole like claws from his fingers to help him dig through the earth as well as tear through obstacles such as buildings now giganto marchio may have many other quirks but by now you guys should kind of have the awareness for gigan to mark his arsenal of quirks and understand that giganto make it as an extremely powerful player within the league which made his retrieval extremely important after being found the kurugiri gigantic goes into battle with gran torino and the other heroes causing major destruction thus forcing their heroes to retreat as they were able to arrest kurogiri but that didn't really matter much as gigan tomoki being the main target for kudagiri allowed shigaraki's growth to continue at some point after this gigantic means shigaraki and the others however even though shigaraki seemed excited realizing gigantomoccas was the power the kurukiri went after this excitement didn't last long once he learned that gigantomachia wouldn't really do shikaraki's bidding without any question he had to prove himself gigantomachia is a monster who needs a powerful master to serve so he demands a fight with the league to see the worth but as giganto makia absolutely demolishes himiko twice and mr compressed he cries out in disappointment as how weak shigaraki is this disappointment even brought him to the point that he questions what of one truly had planned for them after this terrible confrontation shigaraki has a tantrum claiming he did a to mock you anymore due to being loyal to over one to a fault basically he had to face the fact that he's garbage know your place trash so dr garaki saab had to convince sugaraki that gigantamaki could still be very useful to him if you could be tamed being an indispensable asset it isn't until gigantomachio witnesses shigaraki's quirk awakening that he cries in acceptance seeing the young progeny obliterate half of daika city whilst forcing reed destro to submit to him having gigon to make it on the league side is like having an army or two if you think about it during the fight against the league higamaki was able to take on shigaraki darby himiko spinner and mr compressed with ease and defeated them repeatedly this battle went on for over a month where gigantomachia attacked shigeraki for over 44 hours and 44 minutes at a time whilst only resting for three hours he gone to mock his enhanced senses made it impossible for sugarrock to hide or pretty much do anything against it and it's not that shigaraki is weak it's just that this dude is a monster and if you do come to a strength your gone to market can easily destroy many buildings if not an entire city by himself let's not forget his crazy input during the war he was able to constantly tank every attack that was given to him and also take on the gigantic mountain lady and toss her assad like she's just a piece of rag doll and being so big as he is it doesn't take away anything from the speed as in chapter 288 it was recorded that gigantomachia was able to go up to 100 kilometers per hour which is approximately 62 miles per hour that's freaking fast guys that's nearly as fast as a cheater which can run up to 130 kilometers per hour and even though we don't know gigan to mark his weight by this we can kind of get a rough idea on the force that's applied by being hit by such a monster and again this force is illustrated in chapter 288 with the buildings literally falling apart like paper every time it grazes gigantomachia now i can try to power skill gig on tomakia but after researching everything it's clear that gigantomachia is possibly the strongest physical being in the whole of my hero academia it's likely that his power is on par if not greater than all might okay with that we move on to dr saab himself the secret weapon of all for one dr kyudai garaki is the core experimenter who could be accredited to the creation of the nomus kuragiri and the one to power up gigantomachia this doctor who's also known by his alias daruma ugo was hidden by all for one for years but either way dr garaki is very important to the league's operation being around 120 years old he is able to retain a more youthful appearance because of his quirk ability life force giving him longevity in his life the downside to this quirk is that it affects the user's mobility over time but in chapter 270 we learned that dr garaki offered his quirk to all for one and the quirk that he has at the moment is just the duplicate of the original one now we don't really know the difference between the original and the duplicate maybe there's more side effects for the duplicate or doesn't work as well but dr garaki's loyalty does have some bases as it was around 70 years ago when the doctor theorized the quirk singularity the concept that works over generations would become stronger and stronger to the point of being uncontrollable this is because that even though the quirk itself is evolving the human body is not evolving fast enough to keep up society however dismissed this theory perceiving it as the doomsday conspiracy being blackballed and seen as a nut job by society and his peers made dr garaki ostracized from society to the point that he went into hiding and disappeared this is when awful one approached him entirely believing his theory all for one with his ability to use many quirks had the idea that his body was not able to adapt being very detrimental to him so offer one offered his help to the doctor in his research and investigation all in order to find a solution in the process the idea of creating no moves came to be dr garaki eventually became the one to modify shigaraki's family's hands to be used as his villain costume as well as becoming all for one's position after his critical injuries dr saab led multiple experiments with the nomus testing multiple quirk factors to create the best weapon to be used for the league the doctor even considered normals his children quite like dr frankenstein and his monster and on that note let's quickly go over these normals who are artificial humans that ranges in their mental capacity and quirks strength created from corpse of people the word normal itself in japanese means brainless pretty accurate and straightforward to what they were when they were initially introduced in the series there are completely sentient moves like the previously mentioned kurugiri and then also ignorant numbers that the first one introduced in the raid on uart each of these nomus are given multiple quirks to be super soldiers of the league in order to kill powerful heroes like all might there are multiple hidden labs where the normals are being made and these normals are broken down into multiple tiers lower tier middle tier upper tier near high end and high end these ranks are distinguished based on the physical boost plus number of quirks within them the lower tier nommos serve as foot soldiers and mindless fighting machines they actually have enough power to take down weaker pro heroes but struggle on more experienced ones now the only difference between lower tier and middle tier is that the minor strength increases and the color of their skin the same type of quirk have been used as well as quirks like tool arm and an unnamed mutation quirk that has allowed one to fly now the upper tiered normals are well able to fight against the top pro heroes usually coloured black possessing the super regeneration quirk and sometimes shock absorption dr garaki says these normals are at least as strong as 10 average pro heroes combined we then come to the near high ends the incomplete form of the strongest normal type which are creatures that are as powerful as the high ends but the only difference between them being the fact that they are yet to develop the ability to think for themselves which brings us to the actual high-end nomus these nomu truly are league above the rest being a major threat to even the strongest of heroes these nomus have up to six quirks whilst having the ability to think intellectually and retain their original personality which is the source of their terror even the hooded nomu who fought endeavour displayed the ability to understand his quirk in order to exploit endeavour's limits and weaknesses another example is the woman nomu who realized a razor head's quirk ability then instantly maneuvered out of his line of sight to counter it that being said without author one the process to create them is now much more difficult what really makes their creation twisted is that dr garaki purposely chooses powerful and twisted villains as the canvas these chosen corpse then have to be modified and then prepped to get their quirks transplanted through surgery which requires at least three months to stabilize the known quirks they have possessed are shoulder mounted jets power transforming arms super regeneration liquefication and rapture the only normal shown to be above the high end is of course kurugiri due to how superior his intelligence is when compared to the others moving on however we have the vanguard action squad this was a group of 10 villains that completed offensive missions for the league but the only important ones are dabby twice himoko toga who dr compress and spinner eventually going on to surpass these roles once the league disbands it was a group formed to attack the ua students and capture back ago in the forest training arc before the league combined with the liberation army to become the paranormal liberation front the members mentioned the ones who fight during the events of mva and beyond so we'll be focusing on them today dabi originally toyo todoroki the older brother of chateau who is one of the leading villains in the league of villains he is currently the commander for the vanguard action guerrilla warfare regiment violet dabby's quirk is cremation giving him the ability to create highly destructive blue flames out of his body due to his mother being an ice quirk user dabi has a natural weakness to fire and heat making his own ability damaging to his skin hence the burns and scars we see all over his body his flames are naturally stronger than his father's health flame quirk and when dabi feels strong emotions his fire burns even hotter giving him massive destructive potential dabby joined the league of villains after seeing stain become such a prominent figure in the hero society expressing that he had personal disdain for the hero world and that he plans to make stains world of reality this becomes more clear in the recent war arc between ua and the paranormal liberation front when debbie reveals to the world his true identity being the oldest son of engie torraki aka the current number one hero endeavor debbie reveals the truth behind his childhood death giving the backstory to endeavour betraying his trust as a mentor and a father being born with such a powerful quirk endeavour had engraved in debbie or tyre at the time that he could become even more powerful than all mikes this turns out to be untrue due to the complications with toyo's body which ultimately led to the birth of choto the perfect combination of fire and ice after finding out about his inferiority tyre is consumed with the desire to prove his worth to his father even attacking chateau as a baby after noticing he was all endeavor paid attention to hey yo after years of being told he could become a hero it became impossible for tayo to believe he was incapable of achieving it especially since endeavour was his father taya became close with his siblings aside from shoto who was raised separately eventually the abuse neglect heartache and anxiety build up from life with endeavour pushing tyre to the edge causing him to try and confined natsuwa one night complaining about endeavour's action and even calling out the morality of heroes that's what brushes this conversation off which taya takes is a sign that natsuo does not support him eventually tyler learns how emotions make his flames stronger exploring this at sokoto park learning this tyre tells endeavour excited his belief in becoming stronger as shown in results however endeavour then sees more burn marks on toya than frustratingly yelling at him for still training endeavour takes this out on rey tyler's mother however taya goes back to sokoto park again to meet endeavour who never shows up in the disappointment and turmoil toya loses all control of his flames creating a giant wildfire exceeding 2 000 degrees celsius which is almost double the temperature of lava yeah deal it is due to this that dabby has all the scars and stitches on his body in fact the only thing found was his jawbone making his family believe that he had died but we know he survived living on as dabi living his new life as a villain plotting to destroy endeavor and the hero society moving on to jim bubigawa more commonly known as twice twice is a fan favorite villain as well as being a major player in the league of villains as his powers could potentially single-handedly take down an entire nation that is how dangerous he is whether he didn't start out being this powerful twice his double-sided personality at the start is a result of his existential crisis not knowing whether or not he was the real jinn due to an event in his past which i will touch upon in a minute this is why when we first meet him he speaks in a contradictory manner where he would say one thing but then contradicts that in the very same sentence you see jyn had a very unfortunate life as he lost his parents to a villain in middle school becoming an orphan but whenever life looked up for him finding a job having access to food and shelter he lost it all thanks to a series of unfortunate coincidences jyn finds himself without a home and the job and worst of all he finds himself lonely this is when he uses his quirk double to combat his loneliness how double works is he can create a copy of anything two at a time through touch jin can also produce replicas of anyone which can be greatly beneficial to provide support in numbers in order to conceive a perfect clone jin required the knowledge of precise measurements and physical features of the person or object he is replicating if he is copying a person even their personalities would be the same making it almost impossible to tell the difference between the two there is a paradoxical effect with the double in this regard because it even copies quirks allowing jin's clones to make clones theoretically being able to make an infinite number of clones however double is also a double-edged sword and is the reason for jin's unstable mental state he started using his clones to dive into crime while also forcing his copies to do his bidding but the sharing of personalities led to a major clash causing fake gins to feel as though they were the real gin this causes them to fight for whoever they thought was the real gin where the gin copies eventually started killing each other coincidentally jin is the last one standing traumatized by seeing himself being killed over and over again by himself it makes him too afraid to use his quirk on himself anymore and he's too afraid of knowing whether or not he is the real gin he takes on the name twice and wears a mask claiming that if he takes it off he will split himself in real life what jin suffers from can be identified as a dissociative identity disorder when he doesn't have his mascot he also starts arguing with himself but the mask makes him feel whole which makes him act in a more neutral way about his contradictory manner he was freed from the shackles of loneliness when society wouldn't accept him the league of villains did as despite his crazy personality they took him in they gave him purpose and he finally found happiness which made him determined to protect his new found family twice originally used clones to compensate for his desire for friendship but because of this deep desire to find friends he trusts others far too easily and is prone to betrayal far more than most this is apparent with his relationship with characters such as hawks however it isn't until the events of my villain academia where his determination is put to the test where twice witnesses his comrade toga about to be killed tortured by skeptics clones and taking a lot of damage he realizes that he is indeed the real gin all it took was a bit of damage to see if he was the real one or not but he was too afraid to disappear but with this knowledge in mind it managed to heal a bit of twice his trauma and he finally dared to make clones of himself setting aside his own existential crisis for the sake of the league of villains the power which he unlocked by overcoming his trauma was infinite doubles sadman's parade since his clones can also use the quirk double he can create clones which can create more clones and those clones continue which create an exponential increase in clones allowing for ridiculous numbers this is the power which can overcome entire nations and is exactly why jin is the single most dangerous league villains member when it comes to war as his ability will always no matter the situation outnumber his opponents by a significant amount you see twice was really close to hawks who had joined the paranormal liberation front as a spy and thanks to jin's trusting nature he tells hawkes essential information about the plans of the villains which leads to the raid of the paranormal liberation front's hideouts once the raid had started hawks had already pinned down twice considering how big of a threat he was hawks was originally planning to simply hand him twice as a villain but after getting close to twice he realized that he wasn't a bad person but had only suffered at the hands of misfortune and was willing to vouch for jin so that he could start his life over however jinn was having none of it since this betrayal came at the cost of him disrupting the plans of the league of villains his family he felt guilty for being deadweight that his trusting nature and his actions had led to the death of magna when he bought overhaul to the hideout jinn no longer trusts hawks and is overcome by anger and fury for this betrayal he doesn't care about himself at this point and is sadly killed by hawks in the encounter however his final thoughts were never that he had led an unfortunate life but rather that he was happy to live the life he had lived being with the friends who had accepted him for who he was before he could even accept himself for who he was the clone of jinn got to spend the final moments with his friends and not the real gin which goes to show it never mattered who was real enough because in the end they were origin himachal toga is probably one of the most standout members in the league of villains considering her twisted personality and showcasing of a very morbid view of love and friendship this is due to toga's quirk where she can transform into anyone as long as she's consumed their blood wanting to torture someone and suck the blood from them is akin to kissing in her view as a casual expression of love as she thinks it's the way to learn about others since she wants to be the people she loves hence her quirk transform transform gives toga the ability to change into another person and even use their voice the more of that person's blood she drinks the longer she can keep up the form and she can also switch forms if she is ingested in multiple people's blood we learn in chapter 234 that quirks are actually born from a person's nature something they have no control over that's why people in the society of my hero academia are shunned since they don't fit in with the world's ideal of how society should function however toga represents the idea that no matter the nature you possess when you're born you should have the right to express yourself and that with a society so wide in terms of individuality there's bound to be people who can't conform to the ideals of society leaving them to be the outcasts growing up toge's family were often disgusted by her obsession with blood and deeming anything gory to be cute this makes them try to force her to be normal this was something toga hated very much but it caused her to feel the need to change herself it worked for some time however that was until together witnessed a boy in school named saito be beat up making him bleed all over this caused toga to feel abnormal again making her believe she had a crush on cytome later she succumbs to her nature and tries to express her love for saito and attacks him with a box cutter it was at that point that toga accepts her abnormalities believing she has the right to love who she wants and be who she wants since her conforming to the norms of society was just not going to happen thanks to her nature after accepting who she is toga joins the league of villains where she begins her journey of truly finding herself ultimately going on to be one of the nine lieutenants of the paranormal liberation front and the commander for the vanguard action intelligence regiment carmine despite her crazy facial expressions and morbid view on friendship and love she's actually very compassionate showing compassion to twice and is visibly furious after he dies as well as trying to take revenge on overhaul because of magnus death toga similarly to twice was accepted into the league of villains where they accepted her for who she really was and her tendencies she had found a place to belong to when the rest of society had shunned her which explains why she was so loving towards them toga's quirk makes her perfect for stealth operations since she's able to infiltrate and act perfectly like the people she disguised herself as like we saw her do back during the provisional license exam arc when she disguised herself as kami however despite her stealth related purpose at the quirk together still has combat ability as a quirk went through an awakening similarly to many of the other members of the league villains during my villain academia in the events of chapter 226 toga unlocks her quirk awakening in battle with the liberation army member curious and her soldiers through the fear of death her awakening allows her to not only replicate the external features of those whose blood she has consumed but also utilize their quirks too if she has a sufficient understanding of that person's quirk making her a very dangerous ally for the league following on from toga though we have atsuhiro sako or as he's better known as mr compress he is the great great grandson of oji harama a legendary criminal from the past who stole goods from false heroes preaching reformation while giving to the poor like robin hood at sukhiro being from a family of thieves gave him a background of being raised to fight corruption and expose injustices his reasoning for joining the league stems from this his lineage is all about exposing sham heroes and delivering true justice to the world his namesake mr compress derives from his quirk name allowing him to compress anything in a spherical area around his arm into a small marble like object without actually damaging it however he can only compress his target if he is touching it the weight of the target is reduced alongside them making them very easy to carry if used on a person it effectively entraps them as we saw with bakagoma tokiyami in the forest training arc effectively giving him the power to terminate a fight instantly and allowing mr compressed to abduct his target without any difficulty the quirk can also be used on select body parts removing limbs from a target including himself which seems to be a seemingly painless process in fact this is exactly what he did in chapter 294 to escape the clutches of best genius as he compressed a portion of his torso and bought time for spinner to wake shigaraki up shirochi iguchi or as he's better known as spinner has the outer appearance of a lizard due to his quirk gekko all that is known about gekko is that it bestows the lizard-like appearance and allows him to stick to walls like a gecko it's pretty damn lame to be honest when you compare it to the others that being said what makes spinner interesting is his past facing much discrimination due to his appearance while receiving no help from any heroes being labeled as a freak by society and even those he lived with which caused him to feel empty however this all changed after he saw stain's final stand on tv causing him to join the league of villains to make the world better in fact he looks up to saying so much that he will even let a true hero run free like you saw with deku in chapter 78 it's also implied that spinner has a sense of morality when it comes to innocent civilians trying to not get them involved with their own affairs which we see by how terrified he appeared to be upon hearing shigaraki's goals to destroy the world rather than reshape it like you'd hoped spinner like a lot of the league of villains members was inspired by staying and joined them to reform the world as mentioned by mr compress in chapter 294 he is shigaraki's most devoted follower this is why he can tell when all for one possesses shigeraki's body and the world of destruction that all for one seeks isn't what he wishes for spinner does a lot for the psychological exploration of the league as a group being the character that narrates their moments logs every member's thoughts and morals while making his own very clear he is far from powerful and is ranked lower on the threat list than every other league member talked about in this video but seeing how he analyzes the path the league is on makes him indispensable and that is all of the major members of the league of villains explained we made sure to go balls deep into the characters and what drove them to join in the first place as well as how the league has changed them as well as their quirks make sure you get in the comment section down below and let us know who your favorite member of the league of villains is also be sure to hit the like button if you enjoyed this video subscribe and make sure to hit that notification bell also make sure to check out our merch in the description below as well as all of our socials but with that out the way we'll be seeing you guys next time
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 237,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my hero academia, boku no hero academia, my hero academia season 5, deku, shigaraki, league of villains, shigaraki vs redestro, tomura shigaraki, my hero academia manga, dabi, gigantomachia, shigaraki vs gigantomachia, twice, himiko toga, quirk awakening, awakened quirks, league of villains my hero academia, league of villains explained, shigaraki quirk awakening, twice quirk awakening, anime balls deep, every villain in my hero academia, redestro, anime, kurogiri, my villain academia
Id: uYv6o1F6tPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 29sec (3209 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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