Narcissistic baiting & how deal with it

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remember how you thought once upon a time that this relationship you had with this person was so open and they were sharing so much so you could be so vulnerable what would unfortunately happen is that all of those vulnerabilities traumas family issues even past experiences you felt bad about that you may have shared are all brought back up and used against you today we're going to take on the issue of baiting and before I begin I'm always going to ask please hit the bell and subscribe to this channel because not only will you get notifications each time a new episode in this series comes out you'll also get notifications about the videos we put out every week as well as any special other special series and Live Events we're doing so let's talk now about baiting so when we think about baiting let's think about someone who is finally understanding the narcissistic story The narcissistic narrative or relationship that they are stuck in the person decides to disengage or they don't fall for the love-bombing part 10 or don't succumb to the hoovering and I'll be talking about all these terms in this series a narcissist is actually on a sort of single-minded struggle to have one thing in a relationship and that's power they had the power when they love fondue they have the power when they discard you they have the power when they manipulate you and they have the power when they Gaslight you it's very much a primary driver in the narcissistic Dynamic the drive for power so because we don't like power imbalances you might watch these videos and try to take the power back and you don't engage and you don't react and you don't explain and then what happens always The Narcissist will switch up their tactics and they're going to start poking at you and jabbing at you they may do something like make fun of a physical quality that you're insecure about oh yikes that dress got a little bit tight or look your sister picked another loser or how interesting that your boss didn't get your evaluation back yet that may not be very good they may say these cruel and dismissive and unsupportive things they may start accusing you of things that aren't even true they accuse you of cheating or stealing they're trying to get to you just when you set those boundaries down they try to get to you and it's a normal human instinct to react when you are provoked especially when someone's accusing you of something especially something that you haven't done but when someone is criticizing you about things that you may be particularly anxious about or may say hurtful things about people you care about in fact that's often how a narcissist gets to you maybe not even going at you but going after the people you care about you may have even learned in trying to manage your narcissist to keep quiet when they insult you but you can't keep quiet when they start going after the people that you care about and if you do not understand the narcissistic relationship dynamic then you may have and you're I almost guarantee you will have a really strongly emotional reaction to them you may Raise Your Voice you may cry you may yell you may get really agitated it's going to be very clear that you are upset you may even look a little bit unhinged and then The Narcissist steps back with the look of very glib satisfaction and uses this as the perfect entry point to Gaslight you what's the matter with you you look like you're totally out of control you're crazy you must have some kind of mental problems you need to calm down you're too sensitive you know the drill well they'll say it with this very even voice just when you became reactive and you literally will believe them and start to feel like there's something wrong with you you get so angry at yourself for reacting because you know better and now you know what you just did sadly you just delivered them a different kind of narcissistic Supply you left the narcissist feeling Superior because now the narcissist is calm as can be while you're all kinds of emotionally Frost up which please let me normalize that for you it's a totally appropriate and normal reaction on your part to someone saying terrible things to you normally we react but the narcissist they're almost like they're relieved or they get off in the power on getting the upper hand by being non-emotional calling you out and then walking away this whole sequence is called baiting baiting is a very common narcissistic technique that often blindsides people baiting involves the narcissist sort of engaging in Behavior that's designed to provoke an emotional reaction from you and it tends to be an escalating process they will keep pushing the envelope they will keep pushing the cruelty of the things that they say until they get an adequate rise out of you until they're satisfied that they rattled you enough so let me give you an example here 's what a Let me Give an example here's what a baiting sequence can look like so let's just say you're getting a little bit more wise to your narcissist so you're doing all the things you're supposed to do you're limiting your engagement and you're generally becoming more distant or let's just say your narcissist discarded you and now your narcissist is trying to suck you back in they're trying to Hoover you and yeah you're not even actually that interested this time around at that point The Narcissist May Reach Out you kind of discarded them or they've discarded you whatever they might reach out if that doesn't work trying to pull you back in they might ask you more pointed questions if that doesn't work they may start calling you out for being a jerk or start cursing at you or calling you names then they may double down and comment on something that makes you anxious something that they know about you that they know will set you off and here's where a narcissist's behavior can be so atrocious because nothing is sacred you've probably shared your vulnerabilities with them and they know them so they may go after whatever your thing is your appearance your family your children maybe a medical condition you may have and at this point they may also start hurling all kinds of accusations at you and this may even be sort of bizarre stuff from Left Field like they might say something like oh so I guess you must be a gold digger and replace me with a rich guy which is going to be news to you because that's not true or they'll say I get it I get it you're just too good for your family you're ashamed of us and who we are and what we stand for so you decided to go around town passing rumors about your pitiful family and you're like huh so now you're almost blinded by the gaslighting it's like being in some sort of Carnival House of mirror you don't know which way to turn but let's say you still keep your cool in the face of this now they may double down again with threats so how would you feel about me telling your boss what you really think of him or something like should I tell your sister about should I tell your sister that I know about that STD you told me she got or It's A Veiled Threat you know what I know sure would be a shame to share it with the world and you know what even if you go after me for saying something the world's already Gonna Know they are very good at throwing those threats out there and it can be really unsettling and this is the point when most people break and they succumb and they get back in touch with the narcissist if you didn't break earlier in this process right if you were in an intimate relationship with someone the odds are that you did share confidences with them and you did share them with trusted information and they may actually have some proverbial dirt on you so you agree to talk to them even though you had set a boundary and didn't want to talk and didn't want to fall for the baiting you agree to talk and you know what and I could guarantee you trust me on this one the narcissist can smell your fear once you are back at the table it tends to be business as usual invalidation and basically once their baiting Works they'll look at you with contempt with the stance of how dare you think you could avoid me now at the most extreme if you really don't crack under any of their baiting baiting can even result and keep kind of escalating into them doing things like filing frivolous lawsuits against you and that might then force your hand to take on the cost of a lawyer or going back to court and asking more for more custody and that starting that entire process again or just pushing for investigations these sorts of things can be costly they can be time consuming they can be anxiety provoking now not all baiting goes this deep or this dark in most cases when you're in any kind of a narcissistic relationship baiting often takes the form of Simply being provoked or getting provoked by them and giving in to their provocation with a strong emotional reaction now baiting gives any kind of narcissistic difficult toxic people a sense of power you becoming unhinged is a source of power and narcissistic supply for them again it sort of Fosters their cold sense of superiority but keep in mind that is just so they can feel in control again because you got to remember they're very insecure so when anyone starts pulling away from the narcissistic person or a very toxic person they don't like the loss of control that comes from someone else calling the shots and that comes from losing that narcissistic Supply that they were accustomed to getting so the idea that they can get it back through bullying and manipulation and intimidation and all that that's really a core of baiting to maintain that sense of control now baiting can take lots of forms there's lots of things that narcissistic difficult people can do they they can push your buttons they can be cruel about sensitive issues they can say unkind things about important people in your life they can make bizarre kinds of accusations about your behavior such as I don't know infidelity or make bizarre accusations about theft they may make underhand sort of passive aggressive comments or they they may just do anything that they know that then this is after years of studying you and learning you and getting to know you that they know will upset you and it raises that sort of paradoxical and interesting point narcissists actually don't fully lack empathy and they Assurance hack Don't lack awareness of other people they actually really clearly learn and recognize the vulnerabilities of other people they just exploit them instead of protecting them it's sort of the opposite of empathy knowing what someone's vulnerable to and using it to hurt them a good defense though against baiting is to know that it's coming it is the dark side of what happens when you do no contact or gray rock things that are also talked about in this series because a narcissist cannot tolerate being ignored they will bait to draw you out to get your attention and then keep ratcheting it up knowing that it's coming can make it feel less scary and also you feel they're baiting getting ratcheted up it is important to get advisors on debt people on your team who you may or may not need but this may include things like attorneys or other advisors you can turn to for guidance or punt this whole mess to narcissists almost always use chaos to their advantage and under pressure when you're drawn into that chaos it's harder to get things organized like getting advisors on board so that begs the question why do narcissists engage in baiting well first of all they love a fight they are much better at fighting and at antagonism than the rest of us it's almost like they're always uncomfortable so they always want to they want to punch and fight they are also triangulators and they are experts at exploiting chaos for their advantage now once they bait and you go for the bait they are able to use your anger and the other emotions that you express to their advantage The Narcissist sort of limited empathy also means that they don't stop to think about how they're hurting you if they're hurting you in fact in some ways they kind of hope they are because it's going to get the rise out of you and because they lack what we call self-reflective capacity they can't stop and think how is my behavior affecting someone else they lack awareness of how they're baiting is experienced by other people like you so baiting in some ways is a way of projecting and of externalizing their inner battles and throwing them onto the World At Large especially those closest to them but when it's all said and done something I've said before the narcissist is a petty Tyrant and a spoiled child that is angry that someone is getting the best of them they have to win narcissists have to win and it can be hard to hold on to your commitment to no contact but it is really important you do so whatever it is no contact or boundaries or whatever if their baiting works and you do find yourself pulled back in go back to gray rocking go back to being the robot and keeping the emotion out of your reactions they're counting on you becoming all kinds of hysterical don't deliver that to them it is really important that you stay as cool-headed as possible and I know that's really hard when somebody's really getting to you it's very hard to do that but once they've stepped away once they've disappeared the moment you're alone cry and yell it out just don't let them see it don't give them that satisfaction one question that many have asked me is do they ever stop baiting over time in most cases yeah they do at some point they're going to find new sources of narcissistic Supply and frankly they may just get bored with you they may they just sort of they fling you away like a child toy that they don't want anymore but that's not always the case if your situation escalates to the point to threats that are dangerous or actions that are dangerous please contact law enforcement or other appropriate agencies and also ensure that you speak to some form of legal advisor baiting is one of those patterns that in some small percentage of cases can escalate now in most cases baiting does not happen at that level baiting really is a form of poking at you to get a reaction out of you and if you can remember that if you react in an emotional way you are giving them what they want and if you remember that it may help you temper your response and make you think I don't want to give them what they want over time baiting can and will take a toll on you so you need to make sure that you have supports in place to take care of you to talk to and also learn to take care of yourself years of enduring this pattern of baiting can really take a toll on your mental and physical health and some people will say they often find it hard to even find someone to talk to or unders who understands this pattern even some therapists who may not understand baiting a narcissistic relationships may not understand this and it can really be destabilizing do you feel like you're talking to people and they're saying oh you're being paranoid so remember it's very important you find those people you find your people that hear you and believe you and can bear witness to the struggle you're in I hope that this video clarified this concept of baiting the narcissists poking at you it's a terrible cycle and if you've been through it you know it if you haven't I hope it doesn't happen to you but you need to be aware it may very well happen to you whether it's a family relationship a work relationship or an intimate relationship baiting is one of the most nefarious and Insidious dynamics of the narcissistic relationship as difficult as these relationships are many people feel that they can stay the course of gray rocking firewalling not engaging but when you are poked or baited it can feel like all bets are off many people have said to me come on expecting me to stay completely neutral in the face of someone insulting my kids or my family or my work or my traumas I feel like I'm disrespecting myself if I don't fight back I get that baiting is a Gambit that works really well for the narcissist and it pulls you in multiple directions I know I'm not supposed to respond but I don't want to be a doormat and then I hate how I feel afterwards when I don't engage it's very complicated one thing that can help is to recognize the different kinds of baiting and listen I only know what I know if there's a kind of baiting that you have experienced that I don't talk about here please let all of us know about it and please drop it in the comments so let's start with number one how dare you gray rock or firewall me baiting gray rock and firewalling the non-emotional responding style to a narcissist is a tool for existing in the relationship if you can't leave it it involves being neutral sometimes flat emotionally and not sharing about yourself the narcissistic person does not like that your calmness means that they aren't getting the satisfaction of a rise out of you and they want to know that they still have that power so they bait and if they bait enough you will break and they will get the satisfaction of seeing your emotion which frankly regulates them they do not like the idea that someone stops giving them narcissistic Supply in any way and you getting upset it's a form of narcissistic Supply number two is the I want to feel better after my tantrum baiting narcissistic people are often quite dysregulated especially when they do not get their way but they also know that to be too region screamy is not a good look their impulsive rage means that they regularly have unattractive blow-ups and in more cases than not they know that those blow-ups make them look bad misery loves company and foolish Behavior looks less foolish if someone else is behaving in a dysregulated bad way at the same time so they want other people to throw Tantrums too right it makes their tantrum look less bad so they will bait you after they have one of their meltdowns maybe they will blame you but however they do it then you're visible or anger anger or your visible emotion means that their tantrum at least in their eyes wasn't that bad number three is the I am going to use your vulnerabilities against you baiting remember how you thought once upon a time that this relationship you had with this person was so open and they were sharing so much so you could be so vulnerable what would unfortunately happen is that all of those vulnerabilities traumas family issues even past experiences you felt bad about that you may have shared are all brought back up and used against you for many people this can foster a sense of self-blame because people will blame themselves for sharing about themselves and please don't do that to yourself it's natural to want to have the connection and the intimacy of sharing and when the narcissist throws the vulnerabilities you shared back at you and you react strongly you'll be caught in the mess of feeling a mix of emotions of having this past experience thrown at you and managing the emotions that you may Express number four is the I am going to make you look bad in front of other people baiting when you're in a close relationship with a narcissist they actually do love to make you look bad in front of other people it allows them to maintain dominance and superiority in front of others while leaving you looking sort of foolish or somehow less and maybe even leaving people feeling that the narcissist is the unfortunate one if they have to be with someone like you who is just not doing so well isn't as good as them so the narcissist may say things in front of others that you may feel compelled to defend you might be horrified that they were shared and you may either react and get upset in front of those people or react later in private but if you don't react in real time for many people they'll often become quite quiet and other people may perceive that negatively and then the narcissist still gets to look good this is a tricky thing though for narcissists to do they need to be very subtle in how they bait you in front of other people it may be a tiny little Barb that they throw in and try to play it off as a joke that leaves you feeling unsettled or it may actually be something embarrassing and if you react badly and strongly Others May look at your reaction oddly or think that you're overreacting number five is the I need to feel better about myself baiting now this is similar to the I need to feel better after my tantrum baiting but baiting as we know often sets up a whole gaslighting cycle they bite they bait you bite you react strongly they keep their voice very calm and talk down to you saying it's like my you're getting a little worked up I think you need to work on that temper of yours they then look like for a minute like a very well regulated reasonable person and you feel as though maybe that maybe they're right that you're too sensitive or too emotional but you're also really upset again it's a dominance move for them and it's very upsetting for you because you're having a normal reaction to a situation number six is the I need to regulate baiting sometimes the narcissistic person is just craving a fight they need a fight to regulate narcissistic brains like quick fixes arguments can often give those to them so you may just be minding your business and it may feel like they are looking for a fight and no matter how deep you are or gray Rocky or fire Wally they just keep pushing and pushing and pushing until you snap a bit and then they can let it rip and fight with you and that regulates them and then perhaps they even calm down narcissistic people cannot regulate themselves they need stuff outside of them drugs alcohol sex spending or yelling at people don't be their drug if it's possible get out of the space now it's interesting where I have seen this I need to regulate baiting happen and where it is inescapable is in the car and many people will report the narcissists using their their sort of baiting meltdown in the car where you can't get away baiting to me is one of the most toxic Dynamics in the narcissistic relationship because it really magnifies the self-doubt the self gaslighting and other dynamics that leave a person blaming themselves gaslighting themselves and questioning themselves which ultimately weakens your resolve now we will be doing more videos on how to cope with being baited but let's face it when people go after you and say things about the sacred stuff in your life your children or your beliefs or things that matter to you sometimes we just take the bait we aren't robots we're human beings and we're going to react the key is having self-compassion with yourself afterwards and recognizing the different types of baiting so you can understand what is happening and have more tools to cope with it so let's talk about birthday baiting Okay so it's your birthday someone's watching this it's your birthday happy birthday but it's your birthday have you ever had this happen you're a narcissistic family who regularly invalidates you manipulates you maybe even criticizes or insults you they get bent out of shape when you do not respond to the text they send you on your birthday right it's your birthday and they get mad at you for not responding one of the most galling aspects of the narcissistic relationship is that narcissistic people respond when they want to respond you'll see this trend most often in narcissistic families and narcissistic relationships that are no longer in the devalue that are no longer in the love bombing stage and are in the devalue discard stage you just they'll respond when they get to it birthdays are interesting birthdays become a way to force contact with you under seemingly legitimate circumstances right more than a few people have written in a question or a comment to this which to this effect and they ask my parent or my sibling or some other narcissistic family member got really angry and called me ungrateful for not responding to their happy birthday text to me this comes on the heels of us having numerous horrible disagreements or me going low contact or disengaging more there have been multiple years when I reached out to them on holidays or birthdays or whatever and they responded whenever they felt like responding or not at all and I had to get to be fine with that and I wouldn't say anything but when they reach out to me on my birthday and I didn't respond the entire family made it about me being cold or ungrateful or manipulative or they said they were so worried because they thought something bad happened to me because I didn't respond to their birthday message okay this is birthday baiting birthdays are complicated for us as individuals right some people hate them especially as we get older some people ignore them some people actually like them and they enjoy the day and allow themselves to have a special day because maybe they're going to have dinner with people they like or just give them themselves in the day off or they enjoy hearing from Old Friends birthdays can be really existential days when we take stock of another year past and a lot of us are often in a weird head space on our birthday so when the narcissistic people with whom we have a complicated relationship particularly family members start reaching out on that day it can feel complicated again it all goes back to that damn birthday Obsession thing with the narcissistic people now add to that grandiosity grandiosity is a funny thing it often means that if you aren't top shelf supply for them right now they will only communicate on Big Ticket days like birthdays and I know lots of people do that people even who mean well who aren't narcissistic and they'll text your email or call you on a birthday something they wouldn't do on another day however in an ideal circumstance these text messages and emails shouldn't create work for the person having the birthday they should just be able to happily receive them and not have to respond back to them well that doesn't work if the narcissist is the one texting you because they love the grand gesture and they believe that when they've been so wonderful as to remember your birthday that you have to engage with them or re-engage with them if you've gone quiet with them for a long time narcissistic people use birthdays or other significant dates like holidays or anniversary dates as a way to re-initiate contact with somebody they feel entitled to it and above all they feel entitled to a response again this gets tricky with narcissistic families who have one set of rules for themselves and one set of rules for everyone else in fact more than a few survivors of family narcissistic abuse have said that they dread birthdays because they know that their narcissistic family will attempt to contact them and it will start a whole brouhaha if they do not respond to those texts which will then start a whole Cascade which sadly can spoil the rest of that person's birthday the narcissistic person's entitlement they feel entitled to communication on their terms and contact on their terms when they want how they want it and it can be so frustrating because of the hypocrisy and because you can work your ass off for months setting better boundaries and disengaging in all of that but then your birthday comes around and the narcissistic folks feel that it's open season on you again and want you to respond to their text which really is a glorified Hoover so what do you do what's the Mantra to a narcissistic relationship yeah you can't win if you do respond to their text you might find yourself pull down a baited Rabbit Hole or even having to endure their anger for not being included in the birthday plans you already made if you don't respond then you are the mean and awful and terrible person who isn't even decent enough to let them know that you are okay on your birthday and really so you can tell them how nice they are for remembering their birthday right if this is happening on social media you're really in Double Jeopardy because they will see that you are perhaps responding to other people's well wishes or heaven forbid showing pictures of yourself having a nice time without them that's going to start off its own Cascade too so pick your poison you owe your narcissistic family members nothing and in fact I'd argue that the greatest birthday gift you can give to yourself is to maintain those boundaries and keep them strong for another year so I'd love to see in the comments if any of you have ever gone through the birthday bait where your birthday was used as a way to pull you out of low contact or no contact and then having to face the rage because you were the one that didn't say thank you for them saying happy birthday to you so I was watching succession last night oh my God it's like the altar of narcissism shows right it's the best every character in the show is narcissistic which is fun but it's not so because everyone's narcissistic now I'm trying to figure out what kind each one is in this scene two of the brothers were going at each other one is a more malignant cruel narcissist the other one more vulnerable and broken the vulnerable and broken one appears to be trying to be a bit gray rock giving one word answers and even just going along with the malignant brother but then the malignant brother just says come on fight with me get mad it's as though the malignant brother couldn't release the tension until the brother we kept taunting and insulting and bullying finally broke and showed a little emotion and fight largely because it appeared that the malignant brother wanted to destroy him so that was one of the best examples I'd ever seen of baiting was not seen in succession so baiting is how they pull you in how they draw you in into conflict narcissistic folks love the fight they Thrive under conditions of antagonism so when you are trying to gray rock or disengage they aren't having it they need you to be messy and chaotic so not only can they get the satisfaction of the fight but also so you get so frothed up that they can contemptuously write you off as being unhinged and shame your feelings calm down you are too sensitive you are out of control the challenge is that if you don't take the bait they escalate and escalate to the point that they are saying such cruel and awful things that you have to weigh out what is worse getting into the fight with them or standing there while while a person says awful things to you and not take the bait I'm not sure what the answer is and that's what baiting is it's what makes these narcissistic relationships feel impossible because just when you think you have gray rocking and not going deep wired they bait and bait and bait and you may react and then you feel remorse after not reacting for so long be kind to yourself it's only human to react and take the bait and that's what the whole setup is so that's what baiting is the bigger question is what isn't baiting number one it isn't just a person asking a question or making a simple request maybe that you don't want to do so if a person asks a question is your sister coming do we have to pick them up from the airport or can you not post that picture those kinds of things the simple requests the question is your sister coming do we have to pick that person up at the airport that's a question that's a request now the requestion the question or the request may not be something you want to talk about like you know for example they don't like your sister but if it fits into the conversation it may not be baiting number two baiting is not having a different opinion from you if they say I like such and such candidate in the election and tell you why and with a normal non-taunting tone of voice and without disparaging your preference that's not baiting now if you tell them specifically I don't want anyone to talk about politics at my birthday party and they bring up the candidate conversation that may be baiting but even Beyond politics if they say I don't like this restaurant or I don't think that's a mechanically good car then that may not be baiting if however this is bringing up a long-running conflict perhaps about a certain restaurant and then they drop the restaurant bomb then that may be more in line with baiting you can see it's a little bit hazy but just a normal difference of opinion that's shared in an appropriate manner not baiting number three a person is just living their lives maybe a friend goes to a birthday party or of of a person you don't like so your friends go in your birthday party of a person that you don't like or they plan a trip that coincides with your birthday because that's when their vacation time fell or a person goes to the grocery store without consulting you first that's probably not baiting you may be hurt or frustrated that they remain friends with that other person who might have been hurtful to you or that they may miss your birthday dinner which they didn't know about because they got their vacation time a while ago or that they don't bring home the eggs you wanted but if they're not doing that not if they're not doing them and not in response to something you did that's not baiting even if you don't like what they are doing number four a person giving solicited feedback is not baiting if you ask someone do you like this or can you let me know if this is a good idea or what are your thoughts about this and they answer you honestly and constructively it may not be baiting now if they are forwarding their own agenda and not being honest about it like are you sure you are ready for that job it means more time spent traveling and they don't want you to travel then that may be baiting because they may want to draw you into a conflict and they aren't being transparent about their criticism or they're undermining now if they came out straight and say Ugg that actually seems like a great job but the travel concerns me then that is not baiting because they are giving you feedback and being transparent about their concerns so it's again about that transparency piece a lot of the things that are not baiting are a little bit hazy because they can become baiting depending on the context if their behavior or words are reactive or inappropriate to the situation then that question or that opinion or that feedback may qualify as baiting if it feels like it pings on a standing conflict while the words themselves may feel neutral it may be baiting baiting can take so many forms Behavior sins of omission taunts Jabs mockery jokes at your expense insults or criticism of things that were people that matter to you passive aggressive sulking as a result there are lots of things it is ultimately baiting is a dominance move for them sometimes it's a victimhood move and ultimately though as a dominance move people who are narcissistic are always seeking dominance however what can happen is that the baiting is such a regular fixture of these relationships that when someone comes along and engages in behavior that may not feel good we may be tempted to call it baiting always remember the goal of baiting is to draw you into a conflict a defensive posture or a reaction if that is not what is driving a person's Behavior then it's not baiting unfortunately however you're not always privy in fact you're typically not privy to other people's motivations baiting sucks because it is meanness and gaslighting all wrapped into one but it definitely allows the narcissistic person and others to maintain the narrative that you as the other person in the relationship may be the one who is the one who is emotionally reactive and dysregulated simply because you are reacting to them when enough baiting occurs more than a few people feel that the only path forward is disengagement and even no contact and that can be a painful recognition keep in mind too a sentence that may be completely neutral can be turned into a bait sentence simply by tone of voice are you are you going are you going to the store ugh you're going to are you going to the store so you can see that just that are you going to the store can be are you going to the store question or are you going to the store contempt so in that understanding how tone can even take those points I made and transform something into baiting something I'm aware of and because it's so hazy a lot of people aren't always so sure but I will tell you this if you feel like you need to defend and get in there most likely it's baiting hope that clears it up thanks again
Channel: DoctorRamani
Views: 133,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4DgFeWRRcXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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