Narcissism: A Defense Against Borderline | OTTO KERNBERG

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the narcissistic personality disorder is one of the severe personality disorder that presents borderline personality organization is secondary defense against the fragmenting of one's self concept and of one's concept of significant others and all this struggle between idealized and persecutory segments of experience they have managed to construct what we call a pathological grandiose self that is constituted by combination of ideal aspects of the self ideal aspects of others that have been incorporated as if one possessed them and ideal aspirations of the self as if one had achieved them while at the same time once need of others if the night is divided others are devalued we don't need them we are fine I'm just great by myself and don't need anybody else there is an ideal internal world of grandiosity and self sufficiency and the rest of the world is constituted by depreciated worthless people those who are great and one still has to admire in order to incorporate everything they have and also potential enemies one has to fight off that structure means that the person seems to be integrated in a way he is not divided and becomes quite secure they look much better than this other severe person are disorders they show on the surface self-satisfaction grandiosity excessive concern with themselves it remembers me to be admired but without many mutuality of the relationships so there is an abnormal love of the self incapacity to love others in internal sense of grandiosity and emptiness at the same time in the treatment there are grandiosity becomes the dominant transference issue they have to show their superiority to the therapist and keep themselves superior to the therapist because the only alternative is then if they would need the therapist it means that the therapist is superior to them and they would feel immediately inferior lies humiliated so there is a long term struggle who is going to be superior who is going to be inferior without the capacity for real dependency that gradually has to be clarified and and resolved and then the underlying problem of severe splits between idealized and prosecutor relationship come to before the underlying borderland structure against which the narcissistic structure was a defense
Channel: BorderlinerNotes
Views: 175,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Transference-Focused Psychotherapy, Otto Kernberg, Borderline Personality Disorder, TFP, Narcissism, Borderline, BPD, Dr. Kernberg, npd, narcissistic personality disorder
Id: DlopY4DfFV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2017
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