NAPOLEON MAP WARS - France vs British vs Prussia! (Minecraft)

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yep that's right 76 soldiers in the french imperial army forward hold guys are all you're pushing me i can't i oh my god this is just like war i'm being trampled i'm your emperor [Music] welcome atlanteans to the napoleonic map wars challenge down below is a recreation of the western and eastern european theaters i'm going to be playing the french empire aka napoleon and then over to my left kraken will be the british empire and then none other than cannibal crab we'll be playing prussia not to be confused with russia but uh you know over there you see the the winter wonderland yeah we just don't go there because that's where russia is and if you know anything about taking over europe you don't go into russia don't okay so we're gonna learn from napoleon's mistakes are you guys ready to start the first napoleonic map wars ever in microsoft excuse me it's tea time we can't have a war right now england yes yes i'm ready to start the mother russia no it's not russia mike it's prussia are you confused by a geography in history no no matter mother prussia you come to my country you find out what happens oh god all right guys so we can talk to our npc trader this is actually napoleon himself he's looking pretty epic there's our french napoleon muskets and then we have some french armor now i actually got a last minute edition which was a napoleon hat guys can i start off with this the modeler made it for me thank you ben no you can put it inside your trader and exchange it fine you know what i'm gonna edit the trader boom he will now give me that instead of the fluffy hat that the fluffy hat's pretty cool though wait it's the same strength right your defense yeah it's the same defense it's not gonna be any advantage all right three two and one so i'm gonna buy some soldiers right off the bat atlanteans and we have a special command mod wow i just got 10 soldiers that's really awesome i have a special command mod made so i can control these npcs and tell them when to go into battle look at them they are ready to go easy guys do not shoot me i am on your side i am your fearless reader leader okay i didn't do that lightning come with me okay there's three units and a couple more oh nope i forgot this guy i need to be careful of the radius because if i do over three blocks i might accidentally recruit napoleon and we need him to stay here uh hold position we need to build some roads guys get a network so we can find where england is oh there's just some civilians around here actually i should probably pick up some stone here so we can get oh stone age so we can get a couple furnaces we have to go out and gather resources to raise an army if you've never seen map boys well you're in for a treat and i've also got a gold blocked somewhere in france which i'm not going to disclose right now that if it gets broken i can no longer respawn so yeah every other player has the same thing and it's our goal to find it it's like bed wars but with guns hey hold up it is so much better i'm just kidding that was pretty cool uh sir do you have any resources sorry the your emperor needs them why are you in the battlefield get back to your farm i heard some good news that there is some better resources nearby but we have to invade a country i don't think they have a standing army right now which is kind of good we're gonna make our way from southwest france and we're going to invade spain they don't have a guerrilla warfare here in spain right what cody gorillas live in the jungle you idiot no no no no i'm not talking about actual gorillas i that was real everybody hold position defend if anything comes in range like this sheep murder it murder them all kraken so now that i have your attention let's talk let's talk big stuff how about we have a ceasefire no alliances we just want to talk about your mom that was the rudest thing i've ever heard in my entire life you said you want to talk about big stuff oh oh okay come on we have more common ground than you and russia our relations i mean i know we've had the 100 year war and all that but it could be better let's just forget all that nasty stuff in the past and let's be cozied up and uh britain doesn't need anybody we have ourselves i know i know you have yourself you're on an island you think you're all independent like but i've got to take over the entire world by ourselves i've got a lot of resources no you're not going to take over the world that's my job you're supposed to stop me do you even know how history goes i know britain tries to take over the world a couple times yes but they're also trying to be the key peacekeepers and also put their agenda first during the napoleonic wars they always have ulterior motives they're like yeah we'll come on spain and portugal help us take down uh napoleon he's so bad and then they come in they like they're the baddies sometimes i think everybody always has ulterior motives do you wait was your ulterior motives are you are you saying i shouldn't trust you oh yes that's exactly what i'm saying okay well thanks for being so upfront about that um you know what i'm gonna deal with the crab for a little bit mr krabs it's me cody oh well well if it isn't napoleon himself well some call me napoleon call me some come in the penguin something call me the cody but yes you know what i have to say to napoleon uh what who mega lol what did you do alone don't oh megalomi no crystal listen i got i gots a deal i got some intel on england so the british empire they particularly want to take over the world um i have no plans of that that there's not world domination is not napoleon's thing he just wants to take over um all of europe not world just europe is that a lack of decision or a lack of uh ability to do so okay just is that a short joke somewhere what uh it's whatever you think it is i'll have you know i am normal average size height okay so here's the deal i give you unlimited vodka you in return you give me protection from the accident is gone it is so far gone it's not even funny i've changed four accidents you've had four accidents yeah i don't have shoes do i need to prioritize shoes or i think i'm good with this particular outfit it's it's gonna be nice on 18 have you never heard of shoes no prussia strong people don't need shoes big feet big old feet yeah are you are you uh prussian well no actually you'd be considered german or polish you are polish i am polish in my real life yes is this not real life to you ah it's as real as it is to me is real this is getting really deep hey english what are you my shrink oh crap i uh exposed myself you can't just join people's discord call and not announce yourself that's funny you guys are talking mike's got like 10 different accents get out of here brexit [Music] all right spruce wood get that going looks like we're going to take over a few islands here boys uh so fallen to my position you guys don't mind if i take over some islands in the mediterranean correct nope no no opposition that is nice okay let's get in our robo and let's uh and get a roman get it because we're a freaking boat there's sheep okay there's no resources but screw it i claim this land in the name of the french empire oh there is we will be gathering your resources burning your crops and uh poisoning your water supply do not water make sure you drink the water the fluoride is good oh hey uh any iron no just tons of gold so we're gonna be able to get some musket ammo i think if we get three gold we can go out and we have plenty right now but we can get uh 64 musket shots keeping an eye on everybody nobody's made it to italy yet which would be kind of nice i'll do one quick pass over at northern africa okay we're almost in carthage actually i don't know what country this would be in the napoleonic era no resources it's all been stripped down by the roman empire hey we're at the we're at the foot the toes is there even sicily i don't know if there's sicily kraken's left the game cannibal did you see this that means he loses right uh he's automatically bad trash well he is on nintendo switch let's go okay the alps they have provided and we've also claimed all of italy this is ours not there's some gold over there i don't think i need the gold because we almost have the full armor set it isn't um doesn't have the best durability so it will eventually go down to nothing there's another iron deposit let's go there's gonna be like i think this is southwest or southeast france so this is kind of ours or maybe it's switzerland i don't you know what at this point we don't need to worry about the foreign relations because we're going to become the only relations one france empire george oh god okay guys they're they're coming i think they shot themselves oh no the british are coming fall in six troops i don't have a weapon actually screw no no mercy charging give me some delays we gotta build a road there's my other road we can connect up there it'll be much quicker to go along that path uh got him did he just shoot at me he kraken's got a musket that iron better be done smelting oh crap nice shot there kid oh a british napoleon musketeer got him not him i got the crack got the first shot and then i was just weakened all right i see you british empire you caught me outside that was not oh my a part of the rules of engagement you were supposed to announce three weeks prior to your attack crap crap crap crap bye musket and we need the 64 ammo perfect uh dwight i have everything and then we just need a few troops we gotta go defend my gold block all right napoleon i'm going to my gold block uh have a good day actually is any other ones done musket finally ready to go five more okay that'll give me 13 troops kraken had about what you probably had 20 troops 19 to be exact oh there you are again 19 troops uh i'm pretty sure i took some of them out hold and following nope still got 19 dude oh you have 19 troops yep um well you did surprise attackers that was pretty scummy of you yeah okay well anyways good luck we're going to uh get a new army yeah go get a new army oh they've been spotted charge up here to the left build up build up build up actually i think they went all the way back to england oh there they are there are you guys ready they gonna do a sneak attack we're gonna do a sneak attack chargin going up on the right flank taking aim oh that shot just i think i hit somebody i gotta shoot over the hats of my soldiers okay we're moving up they think they can take over our land good job we will keep them on that pesky island of theirs we could destroy their roads if we so choose those are orange roads i don't like the sound of that for the look of that hole position i hear mining ready your muskets i think the british are near very near there he is man let's go uh i missed what did you do you have no men left that's i literally have no man left what are you doing dude finish him your troops didn't go in the tunnel with you how dare you land on our beaches you know what we will destroy this no more bridges for you everything getting deleted dude that was a cheap shot i was mine oh crap we have london right there the london bridge is falling down falling down fall oh i fell headshot baby i fell all the way down all right looks like we gotta move that's prussia that's pressure that's prussia okay uh i should have went back and got some more soldiers i think he sees me oh that's a hit we might not be able to fight him head on but i feel like i can take him out or before he even gets near me and all of his troops go home that was pretty easy do you like uh being the front line the vanguard i really try not to but you know it's prush away i i do commend that but cannibal let's talk here i mean maybe if you ducked your head had a bit of camouflage you know the only one that needs to duck their head is you when i team up with kraken good luck he won't want to team up with you i i've offered him endless limits and supplies of vodka i'm sure he will oblige is that your only export alcohol oh god all right that's a lot of iron let's go 19 more let's get these soldiers all trained in the foot napoleon i need to check my muskets now you got to make sure you don't put too many on one square or they actually explode it i've seen it before it's not a pretty sight okay recruiting this is going to put us i think close to 40. oh my god wait it's only 25. oh i thought it was gonna have more than that look at the all lined up oh we just got hit prussia's making another pass at us you'll hold your position men actually nope charging give me cover hiding behind my men cannibals see that men they're hiding he's hiding behind his men but look at me front lineman believe in me we will go charge hold your crown guys don't please charge in the other way i need your backup fine i will make my own pass hide behind the unkillable napoleon wow that is pathetic napoleon come on shoot you oh my god is my gold block silly yes it is all right if he sees where i respawn he's gonna know where it is though i'm not responding we're letting our armies rip each other apart i'm not spawning in yet they're killing my traitor yes if he doesn't respawn his troops don't teleport that's actually a big brain they're preoccupied with the unkillable napoleon or actually i think he's only got 2000 health [Music] oh god moe through them hold out how did i whip that was basically point blank with the cavalry sword oh they caught me again uh i'm so nervous that block is going to be deleted by a cracking kid and then all my forces got wiped my god it's a massacre of your troops you mean what is it how is it serving you anything mike i can't really tell because i'm stuck in the spawn screen but i want to believe my troops are doing good they are doing good they beat me three times now yes just gotta buy time for kraken realizes what's going on here's the fire charges over the mountain destroys your gold block kills you coded blood how can i not reach this guy all right there we go oh he's charging it revenge kill okay they don't see me now swordsman time two more or three more missed it he's down he's down what one more in the back game oh firing beautiful just like the simulation so i'm gonna have about like 12 troops here and then i got some more iron smelting i don't know what they're plotting but i think they actually are working together which is not good news for me we have to get this out of here right now smelt smell smells i can't leave any supplies behind it's not gonna be enough wood to get perfect okay so we have uh i think 16 troops there we got seven more to spend let's get all these guys going seven more units i'm not gonna spawn them in right now just in case if i need them for like a last second assault come with me guys let's go check on our gold block yes had a battle okay i found kraken's cave well let's get a little closer look there he is let's hide let's hide let's hide we don't have the forces to compete they have like 30 troops they painted the red they painted the sea in red keep expanding man we must take british empire further and further we've now made it to england we are in enemy territories he is on the back side of this little hill oh my god i see the call block it's in my it's my range okay hold position guys do not give away your location [Laughter] shot me ah i got it i got it i just shot my friend wait mike died you walked right in front of me as i was shooting that was not supposed to happen you're going down dude you walked in front of the bullet dude oh yeah yeah is there prussian in british forces there have the height advantage aim down on them lock on their muskets lock your muskets on their skull i mean i'm out no i'm out kraken and the british have been defeated or not the british butchers still putting up a fight oh my gosh i had him lined up too mike he would have been dead ah i've died but i still have my gold block and some soldiers you guys hitting the trees actually i'm kind of disappointed you didn't go for the kill but it's all good kraken what happened to you dude i had you lined up then mike like stepped out oh my gosh i'm sorry mike stood down in front of me uh-huh yeah whatever oh my gosh so the british empire is down it just leaves prussia and the french who will go steal any resources i have left over there he's got to go through me i'm gonna watch your traitorous resources hey how's the british here cracking did you teleport to me no i didn't actually i'm still at my base half my matter with you take a rest man the war is not over but the battle was won based off their own blunder muskets sometimes uh they fire back do not point that at me sir i will shoot you okay i can't kill you but i will try but how'd you like to see a red cody that was actually pretty cool it took me a while to do i'll count it as my kill does pressure not have any more soldiers was he just himself kraken it may be maybe he blended it with your uniform so i just i didn't tell you i couldn't tell if you guys had anything else now if this isn't the finest group of soldiers i've ever seen in my entire life okay let's get you in and then the last group perfect how many do we have 26 20 20 26 oh god that's a lot of british soldiers cracking flying above us in the oh sky gosh i may be dead but my men aren't your men aren't attacking which is good as long as i don't tell my men to attack they will not attack oh no no they're getting your guy no they were just warming up cracking get no we hold oh there it is i was hoping they would just be ignored come on we're actually getting picked off they got the first wave oh my gosh come on man there's only three of you one of you left oh we just replenished our all right man and now we're down to 10 okay we lost 16 but at least the british are 100 out right yeah i'm a hundred percent out yeah that was the last of my troops oh geez yep that's right 76 soldiers in the french imperial army forward hold look how well-trained the train these soldiers are back in formation perfect rotate left i am a little concerned i have not seen prussia in a while this is freaking minecraft bro look at this there's a few stragglers forward hold these are as good of lines as we're ever gonna get reload the muskets russia has been turtling they've been silent ever stands to defeat in london die we're gonna meet them with force they must have been preparing their defenses waiting for us to attack i know i said i'd never do it but we're going into prussia and russia the famous last words and we're taking his roads these roads are a little too easy to take it almost seems like a trap you could be at any corner all right following guys sorry we much um so uh boys that's uh not really what i was expecting uh all right wait why is there blue roads here i was not at this yellow road i think cannibals is messing with me this is getting weirder and weirder and it's getting colder and therefore their winter is coming it's already fall guys we need to make this a quick in-and-out trip in russia um there's cannibal i don't see his troops maybe as we approach we'll see more oh my god oh to the woods i see you out there what do you do to my woods you're gonna freeze to death this is kind of giving me flashbacks of the world war two map horse witness the power of prussian technology in engineering it's not what you're gonna say and lawn care you'll never make it to my base you'll ever break in either oh that was a hit that was a freaking hit dude i'm a bop that who did that push up that was another i am too good at this oh i missed finally men of france we russian through gunfire we will die if we don't start running now all right charging through the fire in the flames they're coming let them rip shoot her all 73 of you everyone's rushed in everyone's rushing rushing in or russian gotta get to school gotta have a bowl of cereal turn around guys that's a hit reloading they're moving as slow as actual war back then oh now they're moving bit of lag guys you're all you're pushing me i can't i oh my god this is just like war i'm being trampled i'm your emperor so many guns poking through the wall scaring me dude i breached a hole where ah it's friday friday you'll never get my gold block gotta get back on friday there's a gold block crab show no mercy do not allow him to respawn i found the gold block it has been broken oh i've said holy do not listen the crabs george men a hundred men from the forest it was a trap all along i don't see them increasing fortifications no my men are too preoccupied trying to kill this traitor wait that's not 100 people fine crap it's just me and you 1v1 in there let's go don't shoot swords only no no no muskets you can go off roads yes whoa how did i just jump forward okay go to that tree line over there i go to the street line and whoever comes out is the automatic victor okay well i destroyed your gold block so that's that kind of true kind of true oh why'd you build a base in russia you just want to be russia what what are you talking about this is my people this is not russia this is russia not prussia all right three two one go did you shoot no we may oh you are hide behind the horse save me my valiant steed did that how oh you shoot my feline oh oh that was way too close for comfort violent oh oh my god my feet counter strike you know peak you know peaking i'm peeking the peak over watch dude that's all you gotta do state fps games and then eventually you'll win i have my gold block i yes i did lie a little bit but you you said that i win if i won so i am a man of honor cannibal won the 1v1 but he did not win the war because we will be back if you guys hit 10 000 likes i hope you atlanteans did enjoy and i'll catch you on the flip side atlantians united you
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 409,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: france, french empire, british empire, napoleon map wars, napoleon, napoleonic wars, napoleon bonaparte, napoleon game, napoleonic era, france vs british empire, minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, atlantic craft, mod showcase, build battle, minecraft war, war, minecraft battle, battle, craft, game, games, gaming, fun, epic, mod, mods, army, soldier, army base, global war, map war, risk, history war, strategy game, us, usa, french imperial army, musket
Id: Vd7mXbNgncQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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