200 players simulate Civilizations and Nations in Minecraft! [Full Movie]

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hello everybody I'm Captain Nate and about a year ago I started a server called rise to power and we made a lot of episodes on there and I thought it'd be really cool to put all of the episodes together um and make a full movie so enjoy the entire rise to power movie starting [Music] now the first thing I did was run away from that giant mob of people until eventually I found a really nice place to settle down I made this small little Shack and tried my hardest to survive in the wild I got a gun in Minecraft also it's night time and it's very scary out here in my little Shack I'm terrified I'm going to go inside now so I don't die after a while living alone just wasn't fun and I wanted to join other people luckily there were things happening in other parts of the world there are currently five nations meaning I had five potential homes my first option was this nation called naria when I got there they were planning a meeting with another Nation called choria I think that's how you pronounce it TV what if you guys what if you guys both give each other gifts and then you move on and you become friends they stole from us we have nothing oh you killed Ryan sorry I I I didn't know the context oh I didn't know it was that serious to be honest I didn't know there was murder involved I'm just kind of here to be honest I I live in the woods I mean reasonable apparently someone killed a guy and then one nation stole from the other and now they're both very upset and after I failed to ease the tension I decided to leave I mean I mean you guys stole our uh enchanting table and you killed our because this get escalated possib someone is escaping is escaping is escaping what do you mean escaping he's escaping what do you mean escaping escaping running I just want to be I'm getting shot at oh my God oh my God I don't want to be anymore I want to go home I ran all the way back home and then just as I got home naria declares war seeing this happen made me realize that I didn't want to live in any of these nations so that narrowed down my options to three nations oh wait the war is over jakoria surrendered with no real fighting taking place then naria said listen come back give us a second chance and pretend this whole War thing never happened so I went back to naria hello hello hello you see that spy glass in front of you I Nate spy glass do oh this meeting went way better and they were really nice to me our nation was founded by myself and escario that c there really like spy glasses yeah yeah yeah we have spyes staring me down uh yeah that's that's the King The King The King takes a shining to you Nate uh we also I think we're one of the funner Nations I mean hey every time I've been here something fun has happened so yeah we like to have fun we don't like to all work and no play cuz all work and no play makes us uh sad uh well cool seeing you uh hope you consider our nation and I definitely will and I'll if I if I this nation I'll come back bye lat nighte bye while I was in naria a new nation formed in the southern hemisphere called Shoto this nation was located on an island surrounded by water and I didn't know much about it so what could go wrong ow what the I'm I'm leaving no don't leave no I'm leaving I join here and you accuse me of teleporting and oh no now I'm defit leaving why you leaving he looks like he's going to put me in some kind of bank fraud why you leaving Nate I don't want to get into that I I have a good credit score I don't want to ruin it I'm just going for a stroll don't follow me I'm not follow you don't worry I I feel like you are actually I'm just getting some fresh air over this way me too you know in my defense what did you get away don't you don't you run you stay here what stay oh yes now can talk I don't like this I this is scary you want to know what we based our nation on I North Korea yep I got kidnapped in Shoto and after they robbed me and took all of my things I was feeling pretty hopeless luckily for me naria was aware of what was going on and sent someone out to come rescue me hello oh hello hey you're not allowed here yeah why isn't he here cuz I said so is he in your I don't really care come on who block I'm just going to I'm just going to I'm just going to go this way going this way you leaving no no no no no no I'm not we not leaving we're not I'm not leaving I'm not leaving Nate get back here I'm not leaving I'm going to the beach oh he oh my God he shot you oh go go go go go go go go go now no no come on that's where you are chop um maybe maybe we'll meet again sometime what come on I built a whole house for him he brought me back to naria and once I got there I officially joined their Nation now I know you're probably wondering what's going on with those other nations well there is now Seven Nations and the largest one is the Red Knights the Red Knights currently have two colonies and have the largest population on the server they recently had a meeting with naria and the two nations are in good relations the northernmost nation is the great North I do not know much about them at the moment same with dotopia and archipelag one of the naria members decided that he was no longer a proud member of naria and this made the rest of naria very upset if you don't like the nation I guess we'll just have to kick you out nope what no you can't do that why because if you do we're going to be very upset for really no reason at all and maybe even invade you hey that's not nice and so out of fear of being invaded naria wait where did they go after naria was threatened to be invaded all the members went into hiding pretty much abandoning the country we all lived in a cave for a while do you want armor no do you want a house make a house no no no no last time I N armor he lost it within five minutes that is true full netherite and man's died we should decide on a new base location by the way talking about yeah we should if only there was a dying Nation with a very small pop population looking for someone to lead it Oh look The Great North has a very small population and is looking for someone to lead it if I take over the great North I promise that if you guys get into any wars we will help you oh don't worry we won't get into any wars look at me I am the leader now okay okay this is this is the great North uh I I just became one of the leaders today so not much has happened here cuz I just got here but I do have a lot of plans for this place and the first plan was to raise the population cuz right now the great North has the smallest population on the server hey want to join the Red Knights no who said that he wants to join the great North and after convincing some people to join the great North instead of the Red Knights I had another idea the Red Knights were divided into three sections the mainland and then two colonies currently the Red Knights have the largest population but if I could convince one one of their colonies to leave and join the great North we could potentially have the biggest population hey AA what if you left the Red Knights and joined the great North you know that doesn't sound too bad hey I declare war on you well if you declare war on him I declare war on you yeah well if you declare war on him I declare war on you why apparently someone killed a guy and now Wildwood and the Red Knights are at war with North IA and chakor yes it's pronounced choria I got it wrong last video deal with it one Wildwood member and the Red Knights made the long journey to get to northia but just as they got to northia shakoria and northia snuck around and went to the Red Knights Capital when the knights realized that no one was in northia they turned around and went back to their land only to be [Music] ambushed yeah oh they're all there they're all there got another one [Music] after a long battle the Red Knights had to surrender ending the war the Red Knights end up losing both of their colonies cinto becomes independent and AA is now under the control of northia Wildwood then has a meeting with the great North to try and rebuild reputation and create new alliances yeah would definitely I think an alliance would be good um one thing I would want to see is the ability for your nation and my nation to be able to go to each other's lands be friendly and peaceful I want to make sure you don't have any um partnership with the Red Knights or chakor um we just started an alliance with the Red Knights I'm not sure if I'm going to we're going to stay that with the alliance so yeah I have and I have people I have a good reason not to um I I have I got Insider information I think You' want to hear this this this came straight from the leader of the Red Knights he said since the fall of nario we still need to get rid of the rest that remain even the ones that didn't die it's very important that trk continues to control all aspects of the server so I don't know about you but it sounds like what they want is total control and I wouldn't want to be teamed I I wouldn't want to be allies with someone like that after meeting with Wildwood and now with no Wars it was time to try and get osta again hey OA how do you feel about being a part of North umia it's not great to be honest well what do you say you join hey I declare war on you naria used to be over here but all the members moved and renamed the nation to feed whatever and because I promised to help them the great North had to join the war luckily for me there was confusion in northia and they started attacking each other so by the time Phoenicia got there they were able to take out the remaining North umans ending the war and the great North never had to fight after the war north umia disbanded meaning AA get in hey I declare and now that AA is finally mine I officially made the great North the largest Nation by population yes thank you thank you and life was good for about 3 seconds oh hey a new nation formed and look the Red Knights are gone oh a revolution just failed in shakoria oh no the new nation just invaded shakoria and took them out oh no they're threatening to go to war with Shoto oh hey what is this wait they're going to do what after finding out about kajar Dynasty's plan the other nations were very upset it's time for war however I had a couple things I had to do before War number one show Shoto my house guys here's my beautiful home and then I have um oh no a shrine a shrine of um our goddess number two make a beacon number three make a nether portal and number four pray this is this is the goddess I pray to please bow for her and after all that we were ready for war now kajar dynasty was a pretty strong Nation so it was going to take a lot of people to defeat them and a lot of people we had do you have the TP that night yep everyone why do I feel like I'm going to be dead after this they haven't toen it yes how do we actually get to from him go back through the ball uh you're going to go this way do we just go through and and then run away from it because we can go in we just can't attack it might be a trap so we just need to send one guy that has nothing someone go go David go David you got this go David you got this you got this we believe in you there's nothing here does have a is over it's going to start another CH come over here let's go Z's already down nice take his make sure you take graes take the graes graves okay nothing useful God some [Music] stuff wait can someone make their thing a public way point please H somebody help sleep help me with sleep right now where I'm coming I'm coming where are you I'll I'll I'll yo Commander just got screwed up sleep run over him I just drank Arrow go where's oh there his helmet's broken nice nice look all I know is I've killed Bim and I don't know whose side he was on the the grave before he TPS back to it my goddess we have one thank you after the defeat of the kar Dynasty we held a meeting for negotiations and ruled that the kar Dynasty had to disband two of the most aggressive Nations so far have been wiped off the map and in their place new nations rise Shoto gets the old Kar Dynasty land and in the Northwest a new nation forms called the not going to even try to pronounce that name and in the Southeast a new ation forms called nordor how do people come up with these names what are these I then had a meeting with the other leader of the great North that's right I'm not the only leader uh in the nation I think what we should focus on at the moment is is building and building and yeah building getting materials and just kind of let's just kind of take it easy right now good talking to you yeah thanks long live the great North yeah long live the great North bye bye after a war against North umia the great North got a hold of the colony OA but after all the people in The Colony somehow disappeared Marxist hobo and myself went to check out the colony I don't think this is the actual City though no there's no way if this is what I was fighting so hard over I'm going to be upset this this can't just be it there has to be more and that was it we then went back to the great North but when we got back we discovered something terrible the Natalie Portman Shrine was gone and we know who did it cuz he sent us a picture but this made me very angry hey cool bear so max stole the shrine and he's part of nordor so I really want to go to war against them no that's dumb okay fine I'll make my own nation and fight them so I created my own nation and got ready for war hey Commander Nate I'm leaving the great North and was wondering if you wanted to be the leader of it yes so I went back to the great North and now as the only leader I changed the name the flag in the location now I was ready for war wait what's going on over there hey I don't like you oh yeah well I think you look like the backside of a camel what a newly formed Nation started to get some pretty power hungry ideas they want world domination and they claim that Phoenicia is in their way somehow so with the help of norda they all traveled to Phoenicia in a large Gathering forms how you guys doing today do you know what our mission is do you know what our mission is no clue we want world domination okay you guys kind of stand in our way we will not stand in your way wait hold on go back a little bit okay right there aha that's Max the guy who stole his Shrine okay Max is currently in Phoenicia over there I have two options I can either sit here and wait for them to fight and then after whatever War they get into is done I can go and get Max or I can go over there now demand they give me Max right now and risk getting into a war do after you stole the IR come we're still we still have I wanted to do that man I'm sorry I wanted to do that I mean we can come to an agreement if you give all the iron back oh ohen guys I'm sorry to interrupt I just want Max Nate shut up Nate shut up I just want max if I can politely have Max I'll move on and I I'll pretend this never happened wants Max you have Max I understand no Max I need you come here you're mine now Max you're mine now hello Max no don't run away don't make this harder than it has to be Max just stop running I'm not going to hurt you if you stop running but if you keep running I'm going to hurt you just stop running I just want to talk why is there a wall Max please I just want to talk this is China I just want to talk talk Max please what please Max okay talk while talk while no I no I I can't I can't run and talk at the same time it's it it's too difficult for me you got to stop running don't get on that um so for all of your crimes that you committed you get this I'm going to keep you in here and and if if you escape then I'm going to have to do something bad to you do you have any food on you no are you sure yeah are you sure if you have any food I would I want that food right now and I'll give you better food in exchange I don't I don't have any food I'll give you better food in exchange Max please give me food give me the food you have no you're lying Max you're lying give me the food give me the food give me all the food you have all the food you have that's not food max don't make me pull the trigger no no oh oh Max you're going to regret this Max no why why he's so oh God he put so much dirt no no he put dirt there okay guys have have have any of you seen Max should we do a preemptive attack how about this join us join us cuz Max is in nario we'll give you Max that's all I want all I want is Max if they Declare War I will side with you guys and as long as we get as long as we get Max and whatever other PL arm on our side server in the Quest for world domination they hoped to declare war on Phoenicia and claim their land but once they found out that Cento and Sheed would be helping Phoenicia they decided that war just wasn't what they wanted but now knowing the idea of world domination Phoenicia wanted to put a stop to this so they declared war on them and corinto and she did too and this e why is that n norda man here what's up we have decied we will not be war on you guys okay not be declaring war at time built like a man taking my my mom is built better than you a preemptive attack should we decide to yeah the best Strat will be a complete offensive on them we can easily decimate them they have nothing against us a good offense it's true yeah I mean it's it's basically inevitable that they're going to attack us at some point beat them to it no that's true they made it very clear they want world domination they did they they've told us that they want world domination and they actually demanded we give them all of our territory we kind of we kind of want it you know and after a while they decided to run back to their nation and it was time for us to go invade them but before we can do that I had to go to corinto cuz I had some unfinished what's it like coming back here wake up uh it it's honestly a little sad hey let me turn okay all right we're okay we're attacking a nation with no people let's go hello oh how dare that person who did that you can never be twice as smart straight South straight South everyone goes south is this all they have I think so once we got there the city was completely abandoned and so we just kind of stood around for a little bit and then went home in the end I think we technically won the war still not sure they did abandon their own Nation so sounds like a win to me anyways this was probably the worst Minecraft war ever so I'm glad you sat here and watched it I'm going to steal your horse and uh kill your dog hey that's not nice oh wow I hope that doesn't doesn't start any type of conflict last video I became the leader of the great North and the old co-leader cool bear left and after I moved the great North and created Sheed cool bear formed his own Nation near Wildwood called the tropical Kingdom and wildwood was not happy you can't be there why not because it's mine but you don't own it not yet wait what so Wildwood did the only thing that made sense they declared war and not long after the tropical kingdom was forced to surrender and wildwood claimed their land expanding their empire now remember last video nordia and sonaro starting to go to war against phenia but when they found out that Sheed and Kento would be helping Phoenicia they backed off but then phenia declared war on them and when Phoenicia sheet and kinta went to attack the Saros they abandoned their land and there was really no war well tensions between Saros and krto are still pretty high and remember choria they got invaded by the kar Dynasty and disbanded well they're back and they are now the ucsr and they are on cinto side along with Sheed Phoenicia and Shoto while only one nation is supporting Saros which is norda the Saros would be crazy to declare war so for now there was peace for about 3 seconds with the Saros continued threats to invade Cento Corino had enough and declared war on the Saros Sheed Phoenicia Shoto and the ucsr quickly joined in against the Saros the plan was simple send everyone to their land and hopefully have a quick Victory let's go men everybody ready to get your Gap and everything there we're going to we're going to flank we're going to flank Nate please don't die let's go men we invaded here again just to find nobody it really is you know I've we've done this before once we got there it was empty and we feared that this would be the same outcome as the last war but then we found out that they were in corinto so half of us went back to corinto and fighting broke out in the city have one I need to have okay so they're all at it they're all they're all there any I just need one so get down I gave you one they they're they're they're on their way and killed a bomb me fighting broke out and members of nordor showed up confusion spread throughout the battlefield and over in krto the Saros were winning them bro I can't keep firing hold them back on the capital capital I wouldn't recommend going in the water it's going to give us a disadvantage he's right here I'm keeping holy damn get let's stay let's stay over here on land their advantage is water oh God can someone can someone kill el guys please got my hey don't me don't oh my God for real if we get here if we get off their land they can't use TNT mine carts who do I shoot out charge boys is that Woody oh my God oh my God he's here I know I was doing things it's crazy why is that guy who is who I know this is the most confusing thing I've ever done who is this could I need to I need to figure out what's been going on get in here get in the ocean they're in the ocean they're right over there come on in the oce I'm so confused I don't like it here ready know bro where is everyone I have a wooden sword Nate oh Nate Nate I guess it it was never me guys no no please please I can't I I can't I can't I can't oh my God that wasn't that was crazy is archipelag fighting too no one so everyone pretty much everyone died that went to their Mainland and I don't know where everyone else was there was half of us missing from that fight I don't know where they were kak con was shot by J two of those Nations aren't even in the war they never declared I'm so confused who is fighting who when did this become an allout World War we're going to chill here for the rest of the war I give up it was good if was fun while it lasted I'm safe I don't know how I now it's time for the war negotiations and here's kind of how they went okay so I want your land but you get to keep it so is it my land or your land well I want to claim your land but you get to do whatever you want with it so it's yours but we want it okay so it's going to be our land we will claim your land but we won't touch it and you can do whatever you want with it we just want to say it's ours but it's really yours but also ours so was it your land and this went on for quite a while but eventually they agreed that kinta would become a colony of Saros and Phoenicia would give up their Mainland meaning Phoenicia still had some land up here but after losing their Capital they wanted more protection so they became a state of Sheed with a growing population Sheed wanted something more so they called the pope over for a meeting hold up technically since we have the pope under our control we can declare ourselves the holy Empire we we really could we could cuz cuz uh know and then make you Emperor me I actually might become a saint from from the pope but yeah what do you how do you feel about the the holy the holy nazonian Empire holy naian I like that name I think that's a good one get the Pope get get the Pope in here to make it yeah so Pope um since you are the pope um we called you here today because we want you to declare us as a holy Empire and of course we claim the holy land so it's protected by a nation as well exactly oh damn this is the big call boys you know this PO I I hope I want you to remember that through all of your times of struggle Sheed members have always been there for you I'm I'm right in the where I'm proclaiming all the Sheed members to be holy Knights for the church oh that that sounds so cool sound cool I'm I'm on two different block we can't we can't get made fun of anymore guys yay what if they bully us for believing in a God I mean goddess I will kill them after thinking about it for a while I decided to step down as leader and hold re-elections for a new king through War Triumph and prosperity I have been your leader I led this nation from a frozen tundra to a prosperous Empire today I feel that I am no longer capable to lead I am growing weak we need a leader ready for a fight and one that represents the strength this nation has today I officially retire and I ask you the people to decide the future of this Empire I will uh make sure that the Empire grows stronger and that we improve relations with every country that we can that's it I can't think of any of other words I believe in the strength of our Union should any of us win this Union of States needs to be protected and held dear at all costs we will follow the lead of the Pope through anything that happen and we will stick with our allies through everything witty ended up winning and he became the new leader of the Holy nazonian Empire but over in the South a new nation had formed and they were growing quickly claiming land and taking over other nations and they were allies with the Saros the holy nazonian Empire was quite scared of this new nation fearing that they might help the Saros take over the world and another new nation formed over in the Northwest and they were quite underdeveloped and lacked resources making them a good Target for Moon landia protecting Every Nation from moia or the Saros was very important if Too Many Nations fell there would be no one left to stop them from taking over and without hesitation moia declared war on the kingdom of ulia and here's the problem the holy neonian Empire really wants to help in the war to take down moia but if the hly noonian Empire gets involved then the Saros will join Moon IIA so I left the Hol andonian Empire and joined the kingdom of ulia to help them in the war and prevent the Saros from joining we then waited in the capital for Moon landia to attack to lose so I I'm telling you if you're low don't stop just don't stop fighting the lowest you can get them is the is better we're just going to like do this so there's like only one way they can go on the ladder which is this way oh there you go that's good okay well we have 1 minute so we have one minute one minute and they're okay whenever at this point whenever you see them you can start firing whenever you see them hey someone look someone look out the other way too to make sure they're not coming up from behind us oh look at wait where are you here they are here they are okay they're they they're coming for this oh that's smile that's smiling they're pushing uh they're pushing from the left I see I see they're fighting someone oh you're down there smiley is down there can someone help smiley smiley just keep keep fire oh oh God they're up there they were up here a I didn't no one said they were up there the first battle was a huge loss for the kingdom of ulia we got pushed back to another city where we had our final stand myself a get ready for anything over here they're over here they're over here they're going they're going shoot at fire him oh I Pearl Pearl oh I'm dead okay I'm dead already sorry oh hi mhm okay I got out of there keep is here on the bottom why is he going for me what have I done just kill the weak people okay Nate is lit she shredding people so I think they could actually win this war no that's not going to [Music] happen we haven't killed a single one of them we never in this world n near the water you can go near the water this water they took my chest plate come on okay all right this could be there could be one more we could have one more battle and this will be the last battle no well I don't no he didn't let me he didn't let me surrender after the Second Battle the kingdom of ulia had no choice but to surrender and moia claimed them as a colony I went back to the holy nazonian Empire feeling defeated and it only got worse rumors spread that the Saros Moon landia and wildwood would invade the whole lonian empire so with Nothing Left to Lose the h& declared war on Wildwood many people in the Holy nazonian empire did not agree with the war so only a few went to fight and with the lack of resources this war was a disaster we invaded their Capital but got pushed out quickly so when you see them shoot them kill them murder them they need to pay for all of their crimes is no just run just run this way Run This Way run this way okay behind you oh that's not good what is this after a short amount of time Wildwood was able to push us all the way back to our land yeah wait does one have any allies what what happened who declared one who uh [Music] the holy nazonian Empire lost the next battle and had to surrender yeah you you you're the one that that wanted this war before you do anything before you don't do anything and make any decision I would like to point some things out to you okay um I think we're pretty even now you know you declared war on me I declared war on you it was all for fun we're even and and we didn't really have much of a chance so like you know there's no point to to do too many bad things us Nate I will just say this cuz like it was you know we're even so I feel like you know the punishment was made I was having I was having a nice little you didn't get a punishment for declaring war against us so I don't you know I don't this war was supposed to be your punishment but you failed miserably Nate yeah and that was my punishment I agree Nate we can move on and I will never the the holy Nan Empire will never go to war with you again here's the thing Nate you barged into my country speaking War you you wanted me gone as the leader I still do but that's besides the point I want you gone as leader Nate I want you well I'm not leader so that's done done I want you step down of what whatever I want the leader to step down I what whoever's the leader I I want you he's not even here so he didn't even fight it's kind of that's kind of rude you know well aren't you the Emperor or something no I'm no me unfortunately you got me at a at a good time as I was already hurting from last war but that's I you know I still wanted to at least fight I'm not a coward better to die honorably than surrender even though I did surrender but i' at least fought in a war these are my terms I would like you to be exile from this nation and not to come back not to step foot ever again in in Wildwood land I want you gone you want me gone I was exiled and the h& lost all of its colonies after seeing this the pope denounced the Empire as holy and it became just the zonian Empire Saros moia and wildwood have grown while I have lost everything I have worked for after I got exiled I just got in a boat and sailed i' I've been boating for a long time I don't know where I'm going where what happens now I just keep boating now me getting exiled was not the only part of the deal Wildwood also made witty step down as leader and made Marx's hobo the new leader of the NH the NH was clearly now falling apart and people started to leave then the final blow to the NH happened when the pope removed the holy title and removed my role as saint of the church now this was outrageous it was unfair how can you make the religion but not be granted a role in the church and just like that the popee was dead and now with the Pope gone Marxist hobo had the freedom to do whatever he wanted with the nazonian Empire it was his time to sh the naian Empire is going to merge as Shoto now the holy noonian Empire was neither holy nazonian or an Empire and after traveling for a while I ended up in Shoto and decided to live there and after the nazonian Empire merged with Shoto Shoto became the most populated nation and things in Shoto were quite nice they had nice buildings a lot of resources their own currency and slave but over on the east side of the map a newly formed Nation had growing tensions with moia after seeing the NH fall vnova was scared that they would be next then members of moon landia went into vnova and after some confusion vnova people started attacking the moonans the prince of vnova ordered the fighting to stop and requested moia to leave the king of moia was not happy about what happened how could they do this we did enter their land unannounced whose side are you on I'm calling the Saros and we are going to attack those ruthless barbarians mandia then declared war on vnova with the help of the Saros the Saros and mandia moved in towards the Border then fighting broke out vnova was quickly pushed back into their capital city but all they had to do was hold out just a little longer until backup would arrive I do not like Moon landia Wildwood or the Saros so do you want to go to war with them I say we declare war and take them out eventually the ucsr and alysium joined the war to help vnova two corinto members then joined to help fight off the Saros in hopes to gain independence then they made a huge push and sent them into full Retreat and after the major loss moia surrendered ending the war during the negotiations ulia gained independence from moia and corinto finally gained independence from the Saros then to avoid paying reparations the leader of mandia disbanded the nation uh Hey so moia just disbanded well look at that they probably heard us talk about war and they were so scared they decided to disband ah we are amazing uh no it's because I just defeated them in a war yeah you in a war come on you never fight in Wars I've fought in many wars okay oh leave it to us we'll take care of this but they're already gone now with moon landia gone it was time to go after the Saros and wildwood but there was one problem I was poor and if I was going to have any chance at fighting this in ouros I would need to get to work taking this it's partially Enchanted oh hello you made it back yes I definitely did not get stuck in a concentration sorry what here I'll buy you some you need prote what is happening oh my God oh my God and then don't no no no no put the block three blocks away from on the bed after we all got prepared Shoto then declared war on the Saros and the ucsr and alysium joined to help Shoto and after spending hours getting resources and preparing there was no way I would end up dying within the first 2 minutes because people from Nations that never declared killed me oh thanks we're going to walk we're going to walk the oh never mind the battle lasted a very long time with casualties on both sides but after what might be the longest battle on the server so far are the Saros won but with so many casualties they were not able to fight in another battle and with Shoto ucsr and alysium still with players ready to fight the sonaro surrendered ending the war now with moia gone and the Saros gone all that was left was Wildwood Wildwood is going to merge with Shoto Shoto now had more land and more people than any other nation and the three big bad nations were gone life was good IA hope another Nation doesn't get super powerful and becomes a real pain in the now after moia Saros and wildwood all seized to exist a bunch of their members moved to nordia then after some confusion and nordia claiming to invade Shoto hey we're going to invade you yeah us too who the are you Shoto decided declare war on them before they could invade the ucsr joined shot toide and both nations were hoping to take out nordor as they were the last of what some people call the enemy Nations but with so many people now joining naria this was not going to be an easy fight and after getting prepared for war we then went over to vnova oh they know we're here yeah it is straight East from here is their Capital uh obviously ucsr going to go around before we even had time to react nordia was attacking us and we got hit hard they're going to be on the side of this Ridge up here probably oh I see fireworks is probably oh yeah I see members what the heck definitely not our proudest moments but we lost that battle and nordia pushed us back to Wildwood where we waited for them to eventually invade guys I think we should make like sniper tow Towers I hit one I mean it's believe they're done can I just like wait can I SP hey here someone team up they're teaming up they team up they team up team up team I got three them apparently I got you Nate I'm dead I'm come onj come come after me huh stop picking on Nate come on come on can I just like give can I give you you guys like TNT cuz I can't fight anymore but I have a lot of TNT there's no water no oh after a long fought battle nordor got another win we all went back to the capital of Shoto to get gear and resources get ready if you have strength arrows use them on yourself if you have harming arrows use them on them every single last one if you have an ender pearl make sure you've used every one by the end of the battle every gapple every single durability on your armor is used up before you die I see a boat I see a boat I see a boat norda invaded the capital and fighting began this would be another long battle let them come to us back off if you need to some of some of them are coming from the north they're flanking oh yeah oh I see them I'm attacking don't let people fight alone I'm coming back to you guys I think they got quarantino on their side oh he's while he's taking who blew up the TNT oh my God running the other way running the other way oh my look the oh my God it's a raining TNT they weren't even there oh BW it up oh my Lord them on me thank you again it worked well before keep doing it wey he's still here the thanks guy who the hell is this kid oh my God I am after a third defeat Shoto surrendered and peace negotiations between the two Nations began yeah but they never fought wantate Exile from Shoto Shoto had to give norda some of their land and norda was on the rise now other nations were looking to gain Victory themselves and tensions between the Republic of karia and the kingdom of aidonia rose and after the death of the Pope the church requested a new pope be found with war looming and religious tension on their eyes many changes are on the way in the last episode Shoto and nordor went to war and nordor ended up winning surely things couldn't get any worse I don't even I I still don't like I say we all go to war are fun it might make money everyone quiet down my name is Renta I'm here to take down all of you pathetic little baby losers hey that's not nice rento was a newly formed nation in the northmost part of the map and they wanted blood hey UCS are you're looking kind of bumfuzzled over there what did you call me I'm going to declare war on you hey don't do that because if you wait is that norda oh no they don't and so Renta declared war on the ucsr and with Shoto too busy being mad at norda there was no one to help the ucsr then norda merged with Shoto and Renta made it clear that they wanted to attack Shoto next So to avoid war me and the leader of Shoto had a meeting with an ambassador from Renta wake up oh my God okay okay okay yeah a as as the ambassador of Renta I invited you all all here today to talk about something very important as you know we are going to war soon what sire I have talked to Shoto and we have agreed to not fight we are at peace can I can I see that real quick yeah sure all right let me just grab this right here and do this and then um let me just oh whoops uh what are you doing here tell Shoto that they can go kiss my ass well now that there's going to be no more Wars ever again I can finally finish building my city hey so the king of resenta told me to tell you to kiss his hey that's not then resenta declared war on Shoto and Leonia Kia and snowfall joined Shoto side and eurosia Phoenicia SeaWolves and ulia joined resenta side because who doesn't like a good old world war also I'm going to call this side team a and this side Team B um so with all that out of the way this is what the map looks like this would be the largest War ever on the server and the first battle takes place here team a all met in norda which is now owned by Leonia then Team B arrived and the battle began this would be the largest battle ever on the server with over 50 players fighting team B hoping to win this battle and maybe force Leonia out of the war but team a was very [Music] prepared after a very long battle team a was able to push out Team B winning the first battle battle okay we lost the first battle but the war is not over we can still win this wait where are you guys going wait no come back ulia decided to join team a and eurosia backed out of the war then corinto joined the war and joined team a nothing could stop team a and so they decided to invade Renta and the Second Battle began Team B was outnumbered and and eventually they had to retreat to their Capital team a won the Second Battle okay we lost another battle but it's still not over where where you oh okay Phoenicia got out of the war and now it was nearly impossible for Team B to win team a invaded rent's capital for the third and final [Music] battle [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] team a was able to win the third battle taking out Renta and ending the war renta's land was split between Shoto and lonia now for me a simple penguin living in Shoto I was tired of all these world wars I was getting into so me and a small group formed our own Nation we called this nation antaris and our flag was beautiful we then went to the Cara leader and said hey you should join us okay and we had Big Dreams we wanted to manifest our destiny and claim all the land we could oh yeah wait did moonram just claim land that we were going to claim surely a simple War would solve this hey munum I declare war on you okay wait why aren't you scared because you made a mistake come here boys we all declare war on you
Channel: CaptainNate
Views: 852,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rise to power, minecraft, minecraft ntions, commandernate rise to power, commandernate, minecraft smp, minecraft war, 5000 days, minecraft movie, minecraft 5000 days movie, 100 players minecraft civilization, 200 players, 100 players, 100 players simulate civilization in minecraftn, 100 players simulate civilizatio
Id: ntC5oHuK2qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 13sec (3373 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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