I built the Most Expensive LEGO Napoleonic Army... RARE + EXPENSIVE MINIFIGURES

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I spent over one thousand dollars on Napoleonic Wars Lego Minifigures and honestly I wish that I didn't but what I will say is that a bunch of these Lego Napoleonic Wars minifigures are amongst the most rare and high quality that I've ever seen for example this one here that I had to spend 150 pounds to get as you can tell from that very professional preview I will be saving the most expensive and rare LEGO Minifigures until the end to force you to watch the entire video how else am I gonna make my money back I suppose I could just start a crypto Scout anyway all of these Minifigures are from the United bricks Napoleon day they had a ton of new and unique Minifigures to choose from and I kinda just got them all including multiple Lego build kits also did somebody say custom Lego cannons if you look on the United bricks website you actually can't get any of these Napoleonic Minifigures because they've now been removed so maybe it's an investment either way let's crack open the box and see what's inside we're gonna create the Grand Army on this base plate and we're gonna create the Coalition Army on this base plate now being from the Glorious nation of Scotland when I saw Scottish Lego Minifigures I'm gonna create my very own Lego Highland Brigade but as you know you always save the best till last so let's start with the French I'm gonna pour this bag back into the box that's right you don't get to see the good stuff until later on mute and let's start assembling our first French line there's actually a silly amount oh let's I'm gonna hide the good one okay I believe if I'm not mistaken this might be our first French ranker now I do have muskets before you before you get upset oh no it was not a graceful Landing now this is the most basic French ranker we've even got here and by the way this is real Lego no knockoffs around here so there we have it we've got our first French ranker he's got musk in hand they actually hold them pretty nicely seeing as these are the the chore infantry let's get them in the front of the Disposable the Expendable infantry back into the box we go okay I think that's another two of the same so these are French fusiliers they're like the basic French infantry but we will give them muskets and we will send them into battle with no training now the one thing to note about these Lego Minifigures is this is real Lego that's been UV printed over but if you open up his legs and you look inside I wonder if you'll be able to read nice basically what I'm trying to say is that this is real Lego we're going legit here I think the only part that's not Lego is his hat because I believe that's 3D printers the rest of him is good to go look at that we've actually got our first Napoleonic infantry line but what is a line of rankers without an officer to command them back to the Box we go that looks to me like he will do nicely that looks to me like a just a French Field Marshal yeah honestly the level of detail in these United Bricks Lego Minifigures really does not stop impressing me this guy looks so good let's give him a Flintlock tell you what yeah he can dig a Flintlock and then let's slap him down on the base plate there he will be in charge of leaving this French fusilier line I'm sure you'll agree that we're off to a good start but of course you can't send infantry into battle without the cover of or tethering next on the build list we're going to construct a Napoleonic Lego Canon okay let's get started this is where it gets juicy allegedly difficulty is one star as you can see it says 14 plus which means that I am not equipped to deal with this they have got instructions just in case but let's Shuffle that back and let's see what we've actually got here so this Lego build kit of course comes with two additional Lego Minifigures these are the operators of the French Napoleonic horse artillery so whilst we build the Lego cannon for them to operate let's just get the actual two dudes just chilling there right let's uh let's tackle the challenge [Music] okay we're on to step 10 and it is actually starting to take shape and the final part goes on here okay so there is our clicker sorry I mean artillery I really didn't think I was gonna use the whole base plate when I started this but you know what I actually am oh we can even be pressed into the base plate to hold it still oh my God it gets better right then let's get the actual Gunners look at this base plate we've got so much more to make that I'm taking way too long this is a French artilleryman but he doesn't have a gun to fire so what we're gonna do is I'll just pop him there for the time being now building Lego build kits can be incredibly expensive I speak from experience so I want to see if I can build the Frenchies a cannon using the Lego bricks that I already have uh spoiler I can I've already collected the bricks what you're looking at is the makings of a custom Cannon now I am gonna try and build this one mute without looking at the instructions the Bold strategy cotton let's see if it pays off for him [Music] ah okay is that how that's no that's that can't be right I mean it's it's definitely going to be a little bit smaller I didn't realize that the wheels were a different size but you know I've just realized I've got the wrong part into the box we go uh you know where it's gonna have to happen you know what's gonna happen here okay [Music] um I've got the parts I need I enjoyed that I'm lying right so this will make sense to you in just a moment okay so the reason why I was like I was like how do I connect this back end on and the reason is is because I was using this piece here but what I should have been using was this piece here so it actually has it's got like an opening on both sides Hey look it's not going to be totally cringed it's not going to be perfect but it's not going to be complete disaster so it's actually you know what considering the hurdles that we've just had to jump over to get that I'm happy with that okay oh his hats come off that is actually one criticism of these uh of these French Minifigures is the hats the Tolerance on the hats they do fall out quite easily too easily in my opinion but let's get him on his little baby Cannon there so there we go we've got the good artillery piece and then we've got my artillery piece I'm glad that I got the good ones you know because if it was just this then that would well just would have been a shame wouldn't it come to think of it I've actually got the parts to build a lot more cannons but considering how that one turned out I don't think I will but what we do have is a lot more Infantry that needs to go onto this base plate so let's do that alright so what we've got here is we have got four French voltage gears and four through no that's three I can't count Three French grenadiers let's start slapping these guys down no time to waste now if you didn't know the voltage gears are basically just a slightly more Elite line than for example the fusiliers so these guys are basically just better despite they've got the nice green shoulder pads look at that that's actually pretty cool we've still not even got the grenadiers on actually let's do something I will treat you to one of the rare expensive Napoleonic Lego Minifigures let's pick one now for the high command officers I've also why is there a okay hold on there's a there is a green I don't know space sword in here for some reason but what I was gonna say is there are also Sabers like officers Sabers in here so there we go the first French line has got a field Marshal and now Alexander something Dumas I've forgotten his name again is going to be leading the voltage gears look at that there we go that looks good we've also still going to put these grenadiers down these are the next level up so we'll have the fuseliers both the gears and then the grenadiers will be at the back because these are the experienced infantry that you don't want to just die in the first volley now the French have also called up some allies in the form of wurttemberg let's get these guys on the playing board you know actually considering those hats are 3D printed they work really well I'm Gonna Give You muskets but what we're gonna do is we're gonna put them on the front line they're even less important than the fusiliters because they are not actually French they are simply just allies and they will be used as Cannon folder okay so what we're looking at here is is not even it in fact actually I'm gonna have to move the Canon and artillery to make room for more French rankers and then the special Lego Minifigures that will be taking his place so let's move the cannon over in fact you'll have to I'll have to move that as well let's get out the next line let's heat the Box away over there because ladies and gentlemen the Imperial Guard grenadiers so let's get these guys at the back and what their job is going to be is they're going to be protecting the VIP the best and most important Lego minifigure will be right at the back down here and their job will be to protect him now I also got some French Cavalry but unfortunately I I forgot to get a horse to put him on so he's just gonna I suppose we could give him a I'll give him a damn his his like his helmet hold on let me show you his helmet like look at this guy here like is that helmet is that hand painted it does look hand painted and actually if I'm being honest the pain on that is that's it doesn't look great to be completely blunt the shape of it is great the paint job not so much but let's get him down nonetheless so this should be enough Lego Napoleonic Wars minifigures to spam a bunch of mocks right well believe it or not there are three Minifigures yet to go onto the French base plate I'm still holding off on the really expensive and rare Minifigures that you have to wait and see don't you dare skip but let me give you another sneak peek I know right looks good but now it's about time to start building the Coalition Army on this base plate oh there's a lot to get through so let's get stuck in yeah I am never going to financially recover from this so let's make the most of it now what we've got here is three Prussian hussars Ferdinand Von schill and Von blucher the level of detail in some of these uniforms is honestly incredible but one thing I will say is I I actually have absolutely no idea who Ferdinand Von schill is to be honest he just looks like a slight variant of these three Prussian soldiers I may have under bought well actually I probably didn't under buy the muskets I probably overbought the Minifigures so let's dig out a saber now obviously at the end once we've got the two armies what we can do is we can push these two base plates together and we'll see the standoff and actually that will look like a proper battle I didn't even intend for that to happen but what we should do now we should get the not Prussian rankers the British artillery so these two fine gentlemen but they are not alone now we've got cannons for the French so obviously we need cannons for the Coalition preferably ones aren't made by me I might even actually completely get rid of it from the French base plate and we will use this instead because this is actually good oh yes more instructions give me give me give me I was seeing as I've already built one of these I I should I shoot and I'll use the word shoot one second this is very very important you should be capable of actually building this one without making mistakes I think I did it right [Music] oh no okay hold on hold on okay so this is what I've made this is what I've just made there so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab the existing one and see how I did I think I've smashed that oh my God right maybe you're not that impressed with what's just happened there seeing it is a relatively simple build but I'm not gonna lie these instructions yeah bro let's put it right behind the Prussian so that if it does misfire it murders all the prussians and not any of the Highland Brigade which we will be putting down next let's move this base plate here for a second I just have to I have to do this because I just don't like this cannon that I've made now if you've been subscribed to the channel for a while when I create a build that I don't like we have a like a general routine or a procedure that we go through oh no I hit the sound proofing what an anti-climax the last time I smashed something off those white boards it damaged the Whiteboard as well so it's gonna be like it's gonna be like um a planet with like scars all over it so let's get it done this time anyway okay so nothing happened there whatsoever but what we will do is we will give these French artillery operators their Cannon back shall we right let me move the French back over here we're getting back over to the Coalition Army where it is no time I believe to start populating this base plate with the Highland Brigade I spent a terrifying amount of money on bits of plastic that somewhat resembles Scottish regiments now I actually completely forgot about this Soldier this I bought from the United bricks I don't know when months ago but let's just slap him down I guess I think you'll be a one-on-one but there's another thing that I forgot frankly I don't know how I could do this to them but I forgot to give the French their baguettes money well spent did these even fit onto no they don't connect what do you mean they don't connect how are the friends supposed to consume their baguettes if they if it doesn't okay let's get started shall we so what we've got is we've got the third foot guards better known as the Scots guards and we've got the 71st Regiment of foot better known as the Glasgow Highlanders even though they don't have Kilt they are still very much Scottish regiments and then of course we also have these bad boys here but let's leave them for a minute let's put the scores guards in front they're not hiding from the battle and yes this is going to be cripplingly unpainfully biased again I did unfortunately grossly underestimate how many weapons initially the Coalition Army is just gonna have no weapons I could Rob the fake Lego weapons but I don't want to touch the fake Lego until the end because it would taint The Experience so there we go and also you'll notice by the way that there's a bunch of spaces in this formation that's because we've still got to put down the rare and expensive Lego which I have been baiting for this entire video but now let's get the 90 second Regiment of foot better known as the Gordon Highlanders you might not know that I live in Aberdeen which is actually the home of the Gordon Highlanders in fact actually the museum for these guys is around the corner and they sell these Minifigures I have five of these Lego Minifigures are just your average rankers this guy however he is the sergeant now because he is going to be the standout 90 second sergeant I have got what can only be described as the most detailed Lego musket I think I've ever seen this cost 16 so what we're gonna do is we're gonna give the absolutely insane looking musket to the 90 second sergeant okay tell you what the Coalition is starting to come together it's I don't know actually who has more Minifigures I can't be bothered counting that'll be up to you but looky looky what do we have in here is it the rare and expensive Lego Minifigures I've been basing this whole time so I would say that is a relatively conclusive Napoleonic Brit well it's not really British I suppose it's a coalition Army it might even be a match for the French Empire now remember earlier in the video I gave you some really professional sneak peeks at some of the most rare and expensive Lego Minifigures that I've been teasing in this video well I've decided that I'm just not gonna show you them what uh have you made it to this point in the video then you have earned it to get this minifigure I had to spend more than 150 pounds so I think it's safe to say this is going to be a rare and expensive collectible and hopefully not a complete waste of money now you may be acquainted with the Duke of Wellington vice admiral Nelson and the original Napoleon all three of which I have got nicely lined up for you here but what you probably won't have seen there is a new and much more rare Napoleon minifigure it's Napoleon but wearing green I didn't really sell it there I definitely shouldn't be A salesperson no I think it's about time we stick these on the base plates with the Grand Army of the French Empire over here and the Coalition Army on the other base plate let's put down the commanding officers I believe that this is actually the king of Naples so obviously Naples being in Italy I'm not sure which team to put him on because he probably wouldn't have known either the scene is this yeah this artillery Cruise missing a man there we go now we've obviously then also got two Napoleon Millions now one of them is the beta average Napoleon you can get on the website right now the other one is the one that you can no longer get so we're gonna have some sort of like weird Death Match thing having taken place here where this Napoleon's murdered the other one it's really all falling apart now isn't it then let's get the Duke of Wellington over here and vice Admiral Horatio Nelson can go sure he can go there so it's the Moment of Truth we are going to put these two base plates together and look at that do you want to know what's even funnier than this Lego video crippling my finances it's that if we push these dudes up here well what that does is that makes room for um that makes room for these somebody help me please I'm begging you so here we have the Grand Army of the French Empire and we've also got the Coalition army with our very own Highland Brigade to help me avoid going bankrupt and starting a pyramid scheme to cover my losses subscribe I mean definitely subscribe if you want to see more Lego Napoleonic Wars because I feel like I'm gonna have to make a few more videos to to justify this expense
Channel: Scots Plastic
Views: 281,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plastic scot, plasticscot, scot, scots plastic, scotsplastic, lego war, lego military, lego wars, lego military base, military lego, lego army base, lego war moc, building a lego army, lego army war, lego, lego army, army lego, brickarms, brickmania, lego napoleon war, lego napoleon, lego napoleonic wars, lego waterloo, waterloo, napoloenic wars, napoloenic wars lego, lego history, lego battle, lego napoleonic, legos, napoleon, war, army, battle, napoleonic, lego napoleonic war, moc, nw
Id: JTcMibzE1X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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