Green vs Blue vs Purple CASTLE WARS! (Noob vs PRO vs Hacker)

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do you want to see tiny soldiers fight to the death whoa watch this video because it's gonna be amazing so in front of us Mike look it we got the noob aka crack kid and he's just dressing up his soldier for war what the yeah look at he's got a little blade he's got a shield take it that's pretty cool how many of these can you have like a hundred million we're gonna have like 100 million going to war oh yes he made a king he's the king maker all hail Burger King hey what are you what are you guys doing nothing nothing we weren't watching you he's giving it time you stop wasting all your time until this thing what does it do what does that do it does have a lot of your diamonds well maybe it conflicted with one of the other ones guys check out my little King noise any cute nice look at the shield in there boink oh it's a ghost it's a ghost of Christmas past anyways so yes we're gonna build a small tiny castle for our soldiers to defend and then we're gonna have a battle royale here in this little mini arena each team is gonna be a different color and then they're gonna fight in the middle it's gonna be insane they have different power-ups it's so cold we'll go over those in a minute and each team has around 200 soldiers last men standing Mike how do you feel about this challenge are you are you in for the challenge pretty good I'm more concerned about the spider that's floating back there um is there some kind of different mod oh no about we're not gonna get into science right now okay Stein's people are evolving spiders about what check out your King now what did you do ah oh I've been trapped also a LAN Tian's today I'm giving away a free minecraft account all you have to do is watch the entire video and look for a quick glimpse of a secret code this code can be activated over on the Minecraft net website for the free account yeah good luck good luck anyways so this mod has gotten is serious update these are all of our soldiers we have two stacks of lapis lazuli horses now we have sticks for weapons we have shear blades for even stronger weapons blaze rods for epic weapons that set the other ones prior these bricks will make them stay put so they can't move basically defenders you know if you want to have some Spartans and they sit there with the shields I'm like we should hold stern burden and fighting then they do that anyways so yes we also have nether quartz I guess it makes some pushback mobs gunpowder makes them explode if they die gravel makes it so they can throw stuff glistening melon I guess makes them healers so that's gonna be tough and then you know the gold nugget does makes your king he's gonna be so cool the other ones I'll go over a little bit later but I got to start building okay there's not much time on the clock here we got to build this I'm gonna build around the chest so I'm gonna have a little bit of a small vase cuz this is the platform I have nothing crazy I'm gonna go out one block here oh this is gonna look nice crap I need to move over one the stupid chest is mixing up my game plan we're gonna have a tower right here and we're gonna have a small gate the gate make probably like three four blocks tall then we'll go back up here and we'll continue around there will be a center building which you will be able to access it's gonna be like back here and then there'll be some area that is gonna be open which is gonna be right here and you could over view and look at the other enemies and fire arrows upon them well you can't really help out because I'd be cheating and we're kind of like 10 feet tall compared to the size of these guys like I'll swab one in yeah we're about like 15 sizes too big it's a tiny little guy he's cute though he blue my favorite color hey so I'm gonna start building a little bit of LAN Tian's I've had coffee today so don't worry I'm going to be speed building like you've never seen before ignore those mistakes and go them you didn't see them [Music] and avocado pass trio Phegley remember everything maybe I was crazy thinking [Music] exactly [Music] - I'm losing my innocence and you don't know my intent [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sick of living in the past feeling like I just keep chasing [Music] I'm losing my innocence and you don't know my intent [Music] [Music] he's the build guys it looks fantastic on screen is the reference that I found it was very good and I thought I would just be inspired by it and use some of the aspects that I did like I mean a lot of it I am coming up with on my own but yeah it's the castle not too shabby I don't think so let's put some fences there we'll see other thing I need to add is the blue banner to represent the blue team we cannot lose this war this was a great war the war that will decide or was color Wars in the future we have the blue team we had the green team and I think Mike's gonna be the orange team or something like that there's lots of colors yes there definitely the purple team over there look at Mike he stands upon his top of his build wait no it's not him no that's a that's a pig okay I thought that was Mike all right so my strategy I am going to be having Wallace q-tip I'm gonna be having my kingdom unit be totally decked out I want him to get free picks on all the great stuff and then we all have a vanguard unit which will be kind of or the King's Guard unit not a vanguard unit King's Guard unit that won't be rejecting him they'll be his loyal subjects they'll follow him anywhere and go into battle so I'll place those 17 down first and then afterwards I'm just gonna place them all down a cool thing that we've added or that they've added is an item frame if you put that on a chest and then you placed your color soldier so mine's gonna be the blue on it they can now grab stuff out of it so if I have block of iron they can just grab it or shear plates they'll grab it before you to place them down wait for them to pick it up now they will do it I'm gonna rally my men up like sure I probably should place this on the other side I want Riley but my men up here on in this area I'll block them in and later on release them out let's get some torches hopefully the torches aren't hot enough to set these clays soldiers on fire or melt them I should have tested that crap I'm gonna build it up one more hi there we go once the war is going to begin I'll start placing down the unit all right everybody so we have our builds where are they there's mics are you in there no I'm not currently well how do you enter in through here Oh God uh yeah so I don't know if they're good through fences or not but basically just your simple castle interior we got a castle tower a second-floor wall where do you defend from where's the struts coming out I found his defense it's over here it's a bacon it's a live one oh yes I did see him he thought he was you that is our Lord and Commander there's a spot Oh sir Piggly sir pick me sir pig diddly cuz what dead cuz it's really bright it's like a it's like a sore and a thumb basically H purple cuz I have the purple soldiers his dream house Barbie Dream House Barbie Dream House this is the throne room for the king ooh the throne is like kind of Angie though where's the king I can't find the king I haven't made them yet Cody where's the cat throne oh my lord Kraken hey it's not for big people it's only yeah oh yeah I'm tiny soldier I don't know okay well everybody get your men ready for battle and we will commence in just a moment it's going being sorry okay so make him charming gm0 that way I'm not cheating any any soldiers we got our one soldier that I'm going to place down he's going to be my king oh wow question for you Cody how's it going Kraken well are we spotting them all in right now are we trying to be strategic about it do whatever you want if you want to spawn them all in I just wanted my one King in right now and he is totally kidded out he's a healing king with gravel in his offhand and oh no he has clay that's marred by crap he is here's the brick that means he's going to stay put but I don't want okay that was pretty dramatic let's all calm down everything's fine right let's place it back clay soldier boom there you go um so yeah we want to have him be able to move the bricks make it so they stay we don't want that so I'm gonna put all this stuff back in the inventory he's gonna grab it all out again and hopefully this time he would be able to move so he also has the exploding thing so if he dies he explodes that's pretty cool now I'm going to create my Kingsguard they're all gonna have horsies oh he has a horsey tail there they go pick up your horsies pick up your stuff I'm gonna place out one more person because that they're also gonna need a horsey okay they've all grabbed the iron they don't have any shields that I want them to have shields can you guys not pick these up I guess there are a whole hands are full and instead of taking shear blades they took sticks oh that's not good the sticks are kind of trash I'll hold the sticks until the ones that are taken that I want I hold them okay more blue what they are really pushing me back here we go sixteen more they have the shield's nice they grabbed as many shear blades as possible it must be like the order you know what they are bowls of placenta melting up here put the glow of the bowls back and now let's just let's just start spamming them in oh wait horsies I'm gonna give that I have to what have the best ones that's horsies because when the horsies die other soldiers can pick the horsies up from other teams we don't want the other team getting the horsies so we want our horses units to be the strongest we're send them all in here comes blue soldiers here come blue so deserve ready to win the war we have five more stacks and I will place these ones strategically they are ready to serve the king they can do it they didn't that guy was using a freaking ladder okay you will need to a little too smart there big guy we all have our units ready it's time to break in the walls down cracking that was actually really you ready for this I am ready break the walls down let your chips go that they're all free they're all following my king and he does not want to move Oh ones out oh it's what we stop kickin it why is there a chicken in the battlefield I forgot the horses you've bought you forgot your horsies go horses riders of the night oh yeah they're dipping look at them charged in and pull the purple units the sherbet unit wait what do you call your troops like the sherbert Psychopaths the white move cuz they're orange horrible name attack up guys come on could we please move what's your army called the purple ponies actually yes my king I need to probably break Mike and I are having a full-blown war over here Oh somebody picked up the King I'm trying to blink trying to save him on what Ben I have no idea where my king wine all right I made just a fix stuff I'm gonna place these balls back the gravy the gravel of me not the gravy yeah I broke I got five guys that I don't replace eight horses when it broke crap all right they're all in place now I'm gonna break down all my walls Oh Mike wherever we're battling we're in a giant battle right now get out here all right all my walls are down my strongest versus your strongest Oh No look at all the dead bodies Greg are you dead no okay I did spawn in the last of mine I do have four more units it looks like Oh drive did you see that massive explosions can help you I don't know who's winning Mike why Sir Steve there's a rare Steve in the battlefield we're here to see this Steve is gone no he's still there legends tell of his heroics on the battlefield I am privileged to witness it first and I'm dropping my gold nuggets and gold ingot get the king watch one of Mike's guys get it uh-huh all that Mike's trips are dead I'm pretty sure be a bike like killed each other and then Cody just comes in from I didn't want it to happen my children too stupid here you mice are battling it out in this river yeah but your bike got like a one-on-one battle and then Cody's just like all day well here let's go you guys get to have sticks more stacks of soldiers each I'm still the castle cover oh you're still the cast okay I thought they were all dead oh wow so many okay break this open I have something in my castle - that won't believe just on one man to victory open all doors crackin and they'll be able to see him alright I'm breaking my castle sorry the one I thought we were down to like the last troops but no this is a war still that we had we have the forest buff my king he hides in the woods all my men are about to flank your vanguard your front lines are gonna crumble okay had a secret attack my king isn't God well what my disguise is if my castle it is on my horse is that master chief good God why are you and everybody your troops aren't attacking Kraken I know that some of them are dumb oh no it's because they have the call they got the pricks they got the brick feet you've go sling ones Cody's pushing up in my army is that my castle I heard an explosion reinforcements yeah he's playing until the cavalry has been summoned we must push forward pum pum pum pum pum alright Andrew hanen Mike got brick - yep sixteen over there yeah the brick are kind of bad I guess they don't necessarily charge forward so we'll move the next time here's my king the lone king of Valhalla no my the blue sherbert what no Sherman no the blue snow cones this whole colors of blueberry putt heads-up blueberry broadheads Judah battle we got the recomment got to pick up my dead bodies up I shall use my witches to cerise them and reanimate their bodies don't you can't reanimate no no all the good he owned yeah Mike we got rekt you still have troops Kraken you have won the river hashtag orange justice the Owens justice soldiers await there's an imminent doom here my man push up slowly but quickly slowly but quickly look at this guy he's not either waiting they're waiting they're like come on now come on the horses don't have brick feet let's go I'm breaking all my brick feet once and I'm gonna respawn him without the bricks you can do that if you gm0 but make sure you delete all your troops in your inventory before you pick some of this battle is looking grim yes ring the bell the peasants must fight Oh Kraken folks in from the rear he comes on horseback true circle corporal army okay all the bricks are gone boom oh the purple playdoh czar charging we found their little oh my god imagine this in real life is like a canyon this was worth 300 yeah you got marches up here you're ten soldiers back and they're like hold this pass we shall not let them destroy Greece oh oh oh I forgot how much I love this mod Spartans what is your profession Oh owner Bert I love 300 I'm gonna realize that all right they're cleaning up leaving no survivors the purple shirts are gone now I still have two specs I saved it to the end now we win the battle do you win oh god oh god they have not had a chance to get all the Opie stuff my men some bloodbath have sticks they have shields they have reinforced shields they have everything that they need they are supercharged soldiers posters has heart that voice just blew bro is there any cracking men left all this guy there's there's a few but they're they're like dumb whoa just blew up yeah one B one battle right over here Bobby oh he killed my blue guy he's doing willing shanks he's flanking his Acuto uh it could be Cary jail bro he's gotta go what do you see a blue horse like boom boom boom floss which I see two purple guys oh we're bouncing he got killed he retells dead oh there's somebody in the middle passing out things are dropping left and right what is going on Mike I think you know what to do kid it does in the middle of it huh Oh character died they can't affect his health 4yr if I meant tweaking out Oh cracking no he's cheating Mike I need some assistance here from the heavens fine if you're gonna ruin this battle then I must ruin your lives although you want the battle oh my god joke's on you sherbert is immune to lava love in the volcano pump hey this is literally creating Pompeii oh there's a battle right here he's gonna lose alright guys this has been the video for today if you loved it hit that like button and subscribe with notifications on so you don't miss the next time upload House tab would that be Mike start crying that'd be awful right don't cry that's ugly ugly crier ladies you know [Music]
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 3,530,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, atlantic craft, cody minecraft, castle war, castle wars, noob, pro, hacker, build battle, castles, castle, minecraft castle, minecraft war, war, blue, green, purple, minecraft battle, battle, castle siege, siege, noob vs pro, noob vs pro vs hacker, noob pro hacker, minecraft noob vs pro, minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker, craft, game, games, gaming, fun, epic, mod, mods, minecraft mod, minecraft mods
Id: RqUF_jqFYik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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