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>> How are we doing Las Vegas! Let's go Vegas! Woo! What wants my jacket? Ladies and gentlemen, how are we doing? Sin city! >> Oh, baby Las Vegas you look beautiful. >> This is a packed how. >> Oh, it's packed. There's some seats right there. Can we get people in those seats. >> Hey you guys can you sit over here. Get in here. It's a full house. How are we doing? I see you. Right there.. >> Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of say it with us name your prize! It's good to be back. We had a wonderful show in Miami but I'm a little bias but I love Las Vegas. >> It's probably the best city in the world right now. >> Do we agree Las Vegas? Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for my fabulous co-host Mr. Willneff! And give it up for the biggest thing to hit Las Vegas since Elvis fell off his toilet and died, AustinShow! >> That's crazy. Will, are you wanted in the state of Nevada? >> Oh, yes. >> What did you do? >> A lot of child support I bailed on. >> Oh, my God. >> I think some of my kids are here right now. Daddy misses you. When get the milk, I'll come back. >> He's a terrible father. >> Terrible father. >> Great host. >> Give it up for Willneff. You guys are looking good today. Raise your name if you're dressed up for name your price today. About 10% of you. That's okay. We'll work on it. Are you guys ready for a great show today? [ Cheers and Applause ] >> We got a lot of really bigbig guests. >> We got a really big show. >> A really big show. Ladies and gentlemen, I just heard that Oprah Winfrey is on the show today. >> Oprah is here. Check under your seats. >> No. She didn't make it unfortunately. >> Sorry. >> But we got a lot of wonderful cast members on the show today. They're all wonderful and they're all very famous folks and we're about to welcome them to the stage right now. You excited? Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get into our introductions. Here we go. And my prompter is moving too quickly. There we go. Oh, there it is. >> Stall. >> Top of the introductions. Hold for applause. Ladies and gentlemen, last time this contestant was on this very stage victory was stolen away from him and he ended up with a second place finish. This time he is looking for redemption and if he gets it he's coming home with me. Give it up for George! Here he comes. Look at him. There he is. C'mon George, c'mon down. Here he comes. Look at his outfit. George, how are you? >> I'm so good. >> Well, you're looking good. What do we think about his outfit? You're wearing my pants. >> These are yours? >> These are my pants. >> Why do I have your pants? Oh, you left them. >> Don't tell them. Okay. Who thinks George is going to win name your price today? [ Cheers ] >> Here, jouGeorge I got someth for you. Take a cigarette. >> I love these. >> Give it up for George. George, everybody. >> Austin he wouldn't be the first contestant to get in your pants, right? >> Ladies and gentlemen, if you have information leading to the arrest of this next contestant, authorities are offering a reward for any information you may provide. Ladies and gentlemen, a loud round of applause for his first stage appearance ever Jermaine! Here he comes. >> Wow. >> Give it up for Jermaine everybody. We told him to go to the top of the cart but there we go. Yay! Here he comes ladies and gentlemen. German Knight 85. Welcome aboard the show. >> Thanks, man. >> You have been on name your price before and I believe you lost. >> No. I won. >> You won? >> I won. >> He won. >> I won name your prize the last time. >> You're going for two. You think you'll be able to win today? >> Maybe. >> Maybe. >> We will have to find out real soon. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for germA! >> Is this mine? >> It's you. >> That mustache means business. >> He looks really good. >> Might be a serial killer though. >> Honestly he makes me a little uncomfortable. Ladies and gentlemen, I need everybody to get on their feet Las Vegas because the next person that we are going to introduce is Twitch royalty, put your hands together for none other than pokeman. Come on out pokeman. Here she comes. Unbelievable. Look at that outfit. >> Unbelievable. >> How are you? >> Hello. >> I love you. We love you. >> Hi Will. Nice to see you guys. >> You look fabulous. Doesn't she look fabulous? >> I tried to be on theme, you know. >> She showed up in her own outfit. We had a wardrobe. >> You didn't tell me. I was DIY'ing it. >> She did it herself and looks fabulous. Who are you most excited to beat today on name your prize. >> Honestly that's not what I was thinking about. I'm always excited to be on your show, babe. I love you so much. >> Good answer. Give it up for pokeman. There she is. I love pokeman. A true icon. Ladies and gentlemen, our last contestant tried to hate crime me back stage. >> It's true. He's a foe. >> They had to call security. They're sitting in the wings. He's an LGBTQ foe. There's a lot of LGBTQ foes in the audience. Are you an LGBTQ foe? He's not even looking at me. Tonight fo folks, Hasan looks to steal a win if we don't redistribute his points. Give it up for Hasan! >> Hasan! >> Here he comes. >> Oh, yes. >> Oh, yes. There he is. >> If looks could kill. >> Oh, yeah, here he comes. C'mon down. Oh, yeah. Look at those shoes. >> Selling sex by the pound. >> Hey, how are you? >> I heard that. >> Yeah, you did. >> I heard all of that. >> I know. Look at these speakers, of course, you're going to hear it. >> I get standered, I get cheated. This time it's going to change. >> You think you're going to win today? >> I think I'm going to win. >> If you win I will not redistribute your points. >> Finally. >> What a bet. >> What do you think you're going to beat today? >> I don't know. I'm cooking George I think. >> I'm looking right at you. >> Who thinks he's going to cook George? All right. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Hasan everybody. And all four of our contestants. Let's hear it! Over here. There you are. All right. >> All right. Will, I suppose we have to go over some rules. We got some rules to name your price. >> We added rules. >> We added rules. Since last season we got in a lot of trouble. The whole show got canceled. We're back though. We're back. Here we go. There are rules in name your price. Will in round number one I'm going to show you a bunch of items we bought online and you're going to have to guess how much we paid for them. The contestants to the price we paid will earn 10 points. Okay. Here we go. In round number two it's dealer's choice where we play several mystery games and anything could happen. >> Anything. >> And this round is worth 20 points. Okay. In round number three we're going to be playing a game that will be involving members of our live in-person audience here. >> That's you Vegas! >> That's you guys. >> That's right. This round will be 30 points. All right. Now Will, this next round is absolutely terrifying. >> Oh, no, I feel it in my blood. >> I can't believe it actually made it out this time because in round number four, we are going to be bringing out the very dreaded haunted board. >> That is some good lightning. >> That is really good. We worked on that. >> A lot of coordination. >> Will how do we know the haunted board is haunted? >> It was made of the days since last accident board they used at Chernobyl. >> Oh, my God. Legend has it that it almost crashed on the way here killing all of our production team. >> And it was in my elevator and I almost went down. >> That's right. Will, it's a necessary part of name your price because it ensures that it's a fair game. >> It's the only way we can do that. >> That's right. >> And it could be anybody's game, right, right up until the end of the show, the haunted board. Yes! >> Scream! Lightning! Lightning! >> Try this one. Eagle. >> Yes! Yes! Yes! Wait, will it listen to me? Eagle. Yes! How about everybody in the audience, one, two, three. >> All: Eagle! >> Yeah. All right. Contestants do you have any questions. >> A lot. >> I know some of -- >> How much of the budget went to the eagle? >> Almost everything. >> Everything. That's actually a real eagle ladies and gentlemen. It's back stage. >> That's right. That's right. >> No questions. >> I think germa has questions. >> Did you get the same answer for what he was saying? >> I didn't -- >> We haven't started playing. >> Curious, what did you get? >> Seven. >> Seven. Incorrect. >> Incorrect. Sorry. >> All right. Ladies and gentlemen, before we begin our show, we actually have an opportunity for our contestants to win bonus points. >> That's right. >> We have chosen a Twitch streamer by the name of Datune. >> Give it up for them. >> To compete in a TwitchCon scavenger hunt. Here's the things he must do. He must take a photo with a streamer. What else? >> He also has to take a photo with a chatter, he has to take a photo with someone in cost play, a photo in the Twitch -- I can't read. I'm dyslexic. A photo in Twitch merch and a photo with a white food. >> There he is right there. Give it up for him. He's right over here. >> Now contestants you must predict how long it will take him to get through the hunt, the closest to the actual time. Write down your answers right now. How long do you think it will take him? >> He usually does paranormal investigation. I don't know if that's going to affect your numbers at all. >> It is. >> In fact, after the show he's doing an exorcism on the haunted -- >> Within seconds. >> When you find that white food, we want on the borderline of disgusting. >> Very specific. >> Yes. >> It's in your cue cards. >> That's right. >> Forefront, forefront. >> Question. >> Yes smokey. >> Does he have to wait in the merch line? >> We have no idea. >> That's a really good question. >> Thank you. >> You should have security with you. >> What if he doesn't get -- >> What's that? >> What if he doesn't get it done before the show is over? >> Then no one gets points. >> Can I get a relist of the things you have to do? >> No. >> Okay. >> Partner with a chatter. Or picture with a chatter. Picture with a screamer, picture at the merch and OTK booth and picture with a white food. >> You know what no more questions. Enough questions. >> That's it. >> We start with George. How long do you think it will take George? >> I don't know if this is likellike ridiculous. I put 38 minutes. >> I'm going to say did not complete. >> Did not -- whoa! >> Whoa. >> That's crazy. >> Queen, icon, pokeman. >> Drum roll. >> It's not in the budget. >> 28 minutes. I believe in him. >> Oh, do you now? >> I do. >> Hasan. >> I just saw what he wrote. >> You might believe in him but not as hard as I do. 11 minutes. >> 11 minutes. What do we think? We need to hit a dead sprint. >> Think longer than 11 minutes. >> That's it. Go! Give it up for him. All right. Contestants are you ready to play name your price. >> Yeah. >> Audience are you ready for name your price? [ Cheers and Applause ] >> You guys out here are you ready to play name your price? All right ladies and gentlemen as I said before I'm going to show you products and whoever is closest to the actual prize paid contestants will receive 10 points. Give it up for the queen Emirates, here she comes. Here she comes. All right Emirates. How are you? Where is our first item? >> We're going to have really fun first items. >> Bring it on out. >> It's too big for me. >> Bring it on out. >> Come on out. >> It's a stripper club. Ooh la la. Ladies and gentlemen, from the listing -- wow. >> You want to try Austin? >> Maybe I will. >> Is that thing load bearing? >> I don't know. >> Let me give it a -- >> It can be. >> It's not load bearing. >> This is what the listing said, they said I'm moving out of Las Vegas and need it gone as soon as possible. >> Quite a heavy load there. >> And it does spins or shoot me -- it's not in English. It ships from Las Vegas, Nevada, how much do we think you -- shit! >> Wait is that a problem for Emirates or are we assessing -- >> An item. >> Would you like to inspect it? What's the material? >> Plaster. >> It's stainless steel. >> Steel? >> You could expect that. >> We can walk around. >> Of course you can. >> How heavy? I don't really want to touch it. >> It's very -- >> It's like the end of a trampoline. >> It does not look clean at all. >> This was used? >> Oh, yeah. >> It's got sweat all over it. >> Do you have a sanitation device. >> It could be used as is. >> Or a weapon. >> I think you guys got it now. Write down your answers. How much do you think this is worth? What do you think in the front row? $5, really? $105? Got you. $300. 15 bucks. All right. Back over here what do you think? $150. Okay. Yeah, you. $20. Okay. Contestants let's see your guesses. How much do you think this stripper pole is worth? >> $124.37. >> I love that guess. 37 cents specifically. >> I got to win it wherever I can. >> Pokeman how about you. >> $150.01. >> All right. >> I think it's just a big pipe. $55. >> 55 bucks. A lot of people like that answer. George not found. How much. >> I don't have much experience so I don't know. But I take into account it was from Vegas. So cheap for shipping. I put $48. >> Smart. Smart. >> Ladies and gentlemen, the closest to the actual price of this item winning ten points for the first time here in Las Vegas is germa! >> Wow. >> Ten points ladies and gentlemen. The actual price that we paid for this was just $65. >> They have it in between the blades. It was -- >> It went down from $200. >> 200 bucks. I don't know. That's what -- >> Was it on the ceiling fan? >> No. >> Did they spin it. >> It was 200 bucks, got cut down to $65. >> It's crazy because it's literally his house. He's the one selling it. >> I saw. All right. All right. Our second item ladies and gentlemen coming on out the beautiful Emirates bringing it to the stage is a life-size Marilyn Monroe cutout. All right. >> Wow. >> Ooh. >> Oh, my goodness. Look at it. All right. >> Thick. >> From the listing it says it's up for sale. It's a vintage life size Marilyn Monroe in bikini wood cutout display. She is 60 inches tall by 20 inches wide. She's water damaged at her feet evidently. >> For the camera. >> She's been sitting in a puddle and ships from a Astoria New York. Who is from New York? Go ahead and write down your -- >> Is that life size? >> Yes. >> Really? >> She's that tall. >> This is how big Maryilyn Monroe was. >> People used to be much shorter back then. >> I don't know what she's doing. >> You want to look -- all right. >> I'm taller than her. >> Woo! >> Same height. >> All right. All right. All right. >> Just had to make sure I was tall. >> All right. >> He's selling that one, too. >> You think that came from germa's house, too? >> Is it vintage? >> Yeah it's vintage. It looks just like her. >> Because it's a picture of her. >> Been there a while. >> All right. Contestants, think long and hard. >> Somebody got it. >> All right. Let's start with George. How much do you think this Marilyn Monroe is worth? >> Doesn't look too valuable, $15. >> 15 bucks. >> That's nothing. >> $15. That's nothing. >> GermA, what do you think? >> Well you said it was vintage. I'm going to have to say it's a rare item probably $80 U.S. >> What do we think about that? All right. >> It was a good answer. >> Bad. >> Pokeman. >> I'm right in between at $65. >> $65. When they go high I go low. >> Not even that low. >> How much? >> That's not low. >> $38.42. >> $38.42. Ladies and gentlemen, I can't believe I'm saying this. >> I can't believe it. >> He's well on his way to winning his second name your price, it's germa again! 20 points total. He just got another 10 points ladies and gentlemen. >> Just keeps wracking it up. >> You guys got to really catch up. >> You really do. >> All right. Who wants a Marilyn Monroe? >> Here comes Willneff into the audience. >> Is he giving it away? >> Give it up for Willneff! >> $250. >> That's crazy. >> $250 for this. God damn. We really got ripped off didn't we? >> Rare. >> I'm not sure I was supposed to give it away. >> Ladies and gentlemen, here comes our next item being wheeled out on the stage because it's way too big. We have a 55 gallon drum of water based lube. >> Ooh. >> That's a lot of lube. >> Here we go. Here it comes. 55 gallon and I want to make it very clear folks, this is real. On the listing it's 7,040 fluid ounces of unscented four out of five star rating lube. They tell me it's compatible with most toys. Easy cleanup. White sheets, no problem. Doesn't stain and easily watches off equivalent to 888 ounce bottles and the pump is included, folks. >> It also expires at the end of the year. >> Now I'm certain these are germa's items. Now I know. >> How do you package that? >> I don't know. >> Very carefully. >> And I'm not even kidding they told us at TwitchCon if we spill the lube the show is over forever. So they had to bring it out here, I mean, I can't even open it. They're yelling at me don't do it don't do it. >> It's also hundreds of pounds. >> Absolutely. >> Does delivery, is the price included in delivery? >> Everything is included. >> What we paid for it. [ Overlapping speakers ] >> What do we think it's worth? Back here. >> Oh, delivery is. >> 488 th$488. [ Overlapping speakers ] >> Pokeman ladies and gentlemen. All right. >> Woo! >> All right. We're going to start with germa as you're in first plan and a man who knows his lube. >> Oh, yeah. How many ounces? >> 7,040 fluid ounces. >> 7,040. >> That's ten lifetime supply. $650. >> $650. >> How is your lube knowledge? >> Great. >> Great lube knowledge. >> I'm actually amazed that Austin managed to buy it as a coverup for himself just wanting it but I -- >> I couldn't use that if I tried. >> I use silicone. >> I put $2,000. That's a lot. >> $2,000. >> You have not been to a Walgreens, George. >> How many bottles does this produce again? >> 880. >> She's on it. >> That's how I made my guess. >> I guesstimated about $5 per bottle since it was bulk. So I went with 500-ish. >> 500-ish. >> If you get this correct I will be so amazed. >> Hasan, c'mon. >> Hasan. >> He's just writing it in. >> Point deduction. >> Bullshit. >> Originally, I thought wholesale, what are wholesale prices these days and I realize I'm going to cheat and it's $433.12. >> Every boo this man for cheating. >> This is what you get with socialism folks. Look at this. >> Your boos mean nothing to me. I see what makes you cheer. >> All right. Ladies and gentlemen, getting on the board for the first time in name your price Las Vegas, it's George! >> Yeah! >> What? >> Ten points. >> I'm a genius. >> We paid $1,320 for this lube. Who wants some lube? I'm just kidding. >> Don't you love the image of someone slagging a drum of lube around TwitchCon. >> Give it up for our producer taking away the lube. >> Joe Biden's America, lube prices are on the up. >> Lube. >> That's right. That's right. Ladies and gentlemen let's bring out our fourth item. It's terrifying scream, it's a giant shark head statue. Here it comes. This three foot shark head comes from of course Texas. It weighs 33 pounds. And it's very impressive. Take a look here. Oh, my goodness. Take a look. It barely stays on the board here. Look at that, huh? How about that? Are you impressed? What do you guys think? >> Can I have that? >> What's it made out of? >> Can you have it? >> Yeah, can I have it after? >> If you win the guess, you get it. >> You know what, Hasan, no, no, if you commit to coming on the next name your price which is in long beach California you can buy your tickets today, I'll give it to you. >> Wow. Are you going to ship it for me? >> I will. No, I won't do that. >> Okay. >> I'm driving home. >> Hasan is going to be on that show ladies and gentlemen. >> That's true. >> All right. How much is it? >> What is it made out of? >> It is made out of like a Plexiglass. >> Can we touch it? >> Go ahead. >> I'm very hands-on today. >> Put your head in it. >> Touch it. >> Okay. Be delicate, I want it later. >> Okay.. >> Mere thoughts? >> Let me check -- ooh, wow, yeah, that's razor sharp. >> It's a real shark. >> Oh yeah. >> Hey, hey, I made it up. >> It's a good quality sharp. >> Any hints? Oh, fuck my mic is on. Got any hints? >> I don't even know the price I'll be honest. Do you think I study before the show? >> Me neither. >> All right. What's your experience with fiberglass animals? >> Zero. >> Zero. I need you to lock in a guess. >> Lock in your guess. >> We need poke, Hasan are still at zero points. >> That might be high. >> You're first. >> It's probably upcharged a little because it's an interesting item but the material is not quite there for me but I think it's going to be $575. >> What do we think about that? >> All right. Hasan? >> I'm just glad to be in the vicinity in that price point, $450. >> I stole that. Wait. >> Oh. What happened? >> You just wrote that just now. >> It was written before. >> George? >> It was written before. Was it? >> I think we're on the same track here. Similar answers. I have $486.10. >> $486. Poke? >> I am in the four figure club. >> $1,000. >> $1,000. >> And if that's wrong, then this. Whichever one you want. >> Double it. >> We have two answers. >> I'm on the high end. >> The closest to the price that we actually paid is the LGBTQ Hasan! >> We got one. >> Ten points. You got really close. Show them the price you paid. $450. We paid $459.99. Give it up for Hasan, he's on the board ladies and gentlemen. >> I will drive that back for you. >> I want it for my good friend cool-ish. >> I'm trying to win the crown. I know what's happening here. >> Now ladies and gentlemen, let's take a look at our points. As the next round gets set up behind us. Hasan, ten points. Pokeman zero points. >> I think it's broken. >> But we love pokeman don't we? [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke. George with ten points. Germa in the lead with 20 points. >> Yes! >> Getting excited. >> Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for round number two. Which is dealer's choice. An envelope in just a moment here. >> While they're setting that up -- >> Here she comes. Come on out here. >> I want to give it up for one person, for this guy who is shining his ass off right now! >> Woo! >> Shining his ass off! Awesome job. >> Ladies and gentlemen, this envelope just came out and this will be telling us what is the next game we'll be playing on name your price. I have no idea what it is. >> No idea. >> It's called who is there. All right. Round of applause for who is there. All right. Now, folks, this is how it works, behind this curtain is somebody you might know. Can you see this curtain here? All right. Contestants you will take turns asking yes or no questions after each of you have asked a question, you will all guess who you think is behind the curtain. Okay? >> Okay. >> These people you will all know, too, folks. All right. Now, the person behind the curtain can't speak but they can reply to your questions with a thumbs up or thumbs down. You cannot ask if they are a specific person. So you can't be like are you the President of the United States for example. >> Joe Brandon is here? He leaked it. >> No. Donald Trump is here ladies and gentlemen. >> My president. >> Boo! All right. There will be three guesses, each one an opportunity to identify who is there. If you guess correctly, you will win 20 points. Let's see if we have our first guest behind the screen. Come on out. Let's turn that light on. Are we not ready? Here comes the lights. Oh, there it is. All right. Who is there? Are they there? >> Oh. >> Okay. Here they are. Stay right there. You can only put your thumbs up or thumbs down. >> I already know. >> You already know? >> I feel like I know. >> You want to forego your question? >> Do I get extra points? >> No. >> I'll ask. >> What's your question? >> Okay. Okay. Never mind. You go first. >> Poke. >> Are you a cutie? [ Laughter ] >> I already no. >> What did you ask? >> Are you a cutie. >> Oh. >> Do you sleep between six and eight hours a night? >> Ooh. >> What was the question? >> I know who it is. >> George, you can ask him a question. >> I got one. I got one. Do you sleep six to eight hours a night. >> Hasan? >> I think I know who it is. But I will ask have I met you less than in real life less than five times? It's me George. >> More than five then. You know who this is? >> Audience, do you think you know who it is? Don't say. Don't say. Germa? >> He already asked. >> Go ahead. >> Are you radiant in valor and in real life even though you're actually like gold? >> He's not gold. >> Do you guys have a good idea? >> I don't know what he is right now. >> Write down your answers. 20 seconds. Here we go. Think, think, think long and hard. No guessing in the audience. After they write it down before they come out I'll have you guys shout. We got it? >> Yeah. >> Let's reveal who you think it is. >> I believe it's Huno. I even drew a sprout. >> Poke, who do you think? >> Our shy king, our shy sprouts king Huno. Sorry. >> I also wrote Sykuno. >> How do you know how much he sleeps. >> I watch three, four times, quite a few. >> He watches him sleep. >> I think I spelled his name wrong but I also put him. >> You're right. >> Audience, on three, who do you think it is, one, two, three! Come on out mystery guest. >> Is he going to blow up -- >> Come on out. Come to the stage. >> Last chance. >> Is Sykuno. Come on out! Come on up. Give it up everybody! He dressed up for name your price. >> Look at the shoes. >> Are you enjoying TwitchCon? >> This is the only thing I've been to. >> Woo! >> So yes, yes. >> Thank you so much for coming on. Give it up one more time everybody. How does germa know you sleep six to eight hours a night? >> Same question. >> I don't know. >> Protective services is behind the stage. Go. You'll be fine. All right. >> Woo! >> All right. I believe we have our next mystery person coming up behind the screen. Come on up mystery person. Turn that light on. Let's see who we think it is. Who could this be? Audience, do you have any idea? No. Okay. All right. You guys want to -- contestants you want to ask questions? >> Again, I already know but okay. >> Don't ask you cheater. >> I'm going to ask. I have a question. >> Okay. >> Do you like to play music on your streams? >> Okay. >> All right. Interesting. Poke, do you have a question? >> I'll fold. I also already know. >> Okay. >> I kind of don't want to say it because it gives it away. >> Right? >> Do you know? >> I don't think George knows. Oh, no. >> George, do you want a question? >> Yes. >> Don't give him a question to help him though. >> My question is do we like know each other? >> Oh. >> Oh. >> Wait. Do you know me? >> That's two questions. >> Oh. >> Oh, shit, I don't think I know who it is anymore. >> All right. Get your guesses down. Get your guesses. Think, think, think. Chat, chat. Chats. Chats. Do you guys know who it is? No. Nobody knows who it is. You know who it is. All right. >> What did you write? >> What did you write? >> Give some love to that side of the stage. Look at that. It's time to think. >> All right. Here we are go. What do we think? Who is behind the curtain? Hasan your guess. >> Hasan was confident. I want him to go last. >> Mine was so inside baseball. >> George? >> I have no idea. I put Skeppy. >> I don't think he's even here. >> Skeppy is that you? >> Germa what do you think? >> I thought I was confident in the beginning but I'm not so sure so I wrote Hulk Hogan. Isn't that funny? >> Do you actually know the Hulk? >> You nailed it. >> Pokeman? >> I have no idea. >> Dan from Twitch. >> Dan from Twitch. >> Twitch CEO. >> Hasan? >> I wrote Daniel simulcast Clancy. >> All right. On three I want you to shout out who you think it is. One, two, three. That was -- I didn't hear. That wasn't even a thing. One more time. One, two, three. I can't even hear. Come on out mystery guest. Who are you. >> Come on out Skeppy. >> It's the hair. >> Ladies and gentlemen, Dan Clancy ladies and gentlemen. Here he comes. >> Austin, Will I love your little show here. I got something for you. >> What do you go? >> I got a little -- >> Oh! >> A little something. >> $2. >> Go get yourself a little something. But wait. I got something a little better. I think Will needs it, scan the bar code and get yourself a little 70/30. >> Yes, I did it. >> Scan the bar code. [ Overlapping speakers ] >> Oh, my God. Thank you so much Dan. Give it up for Dan Clancy everybody. >> Thank you for having me. >> Give it up for the CEO of Twitch. Who do you think is going to win the show today Dan? >> That's tough. I don't know what the current score is here. But I'm going with George not found. >> George! >> George not found. >> Thank you for having me. Thank you. >> Take care. Give it up for Dan Clancy, CEO of Twitch. >> These are fucking dirty. >> Give them a clean. >> Who wants $2? >> Hey, hey, hey, hey, I just got my 70/30. >> All right. Our third person behind the screen let's bring him out. Lights up please. Oh, who is -- >> That could be anyone. >> That could be anybody. If you don't have any questions -- >> We don't even ask questions. >> I know who it is. >> George, who do you -- do you know who it is? >> I don't know. >> Is it Skeppy? >> Please be Skeppy. >> Do you know? >> I have a question. >> Are you currently 265 pounds? >> Okay. All right. George, do you have a question? >> I don't know. >> Or George is getting absolutely shafted in the round. >> Do we know each other? It's George, me. Wait. Oh. >> I have another one. Can I ask? >> Yeah. >> Are you the two-time champion? >> All right. >> Hey, what's up. Just want to make sure you know I'm going to win the million dollars. >> Let's get our guesses. Ready? Write them down. >> I want to give George a hint so I'll ask a question. >> Go ahead. >> Do you stream both many, many of video games and IRL? >> George, I'm not going to lie, that's probably the most recognizable profile on our entire platform. >> Isn't it wild? >> It's not fucking Skepy. >> No. He's tricking you. You went with Skeppy last time. >> Let's see your answers. George two seconds. Did you write it down? All right. George, let's see what you got, George. >> Oh. >> It's Juan. >> I don't know. >> Good guess. >> I had two seconds, I didn't know. I didn't know. >> Germa? >> I'm going to say Espe. >> Pokeman? >> Espe my besty. >> Hasan. >> Come on out mystery guest. >> Unfortunately you got it wrong. That's safety for the Pittsburgh Steelers Troy P Polamalu. >> Give it up for Sfan everybody. Look at him. >> That's a lot of hair. >> Look at that. >> Back in the '70s baby. >> You grew this yourself. >> Last night. >> How are you feeling? >> Fantastic. >> You're going to be on the show right after this aren't you? >> I will be. I'm one of the teachers. >> He's one of the teachers. Thank you so much. And you look fantastic. >> Thank you, thank you. >> Give it up for him. Thank you so much. Sfan TV everybody. That's the end of that game. Let's look at our points. Hasan is in the lead with 70 points, folks. >> Wow. He might finally win. >> Pokeman and germa tied with 60 and George not found with 30 points. George, you laid an egg last round. >> I didn't know who they were. It's not my fault. I don't know. >> It's all right. We have got a lot of game to play, George, I promise. We have got a lot of games to play. Speaking of which we had a game that we started, remember detune ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen detune is back from his scavenger hunt. Where is he? Here he comes. >> Give it up for da tune ladies and gentlemen? Detune completed his scavenger hunts. >> Yes. >> Detune took a photo with a streamer, photo with a chatter, photo with someone at the Twitch booth. Photo with the food in the artist alley. >> Oh, he's good a lewd photo for us. >> There it is. Hi. >> Let's review the predictions of what the contestants guessed. >> Hasan, how long did you guess. >> 11 minutes. >> 11 minutes and 33 seconds or something. >> Pokeman guessed 28 minutes. >> I ripped mine. >> He said he wouldn't complete it. >> Did not complete. >> Germa is incorrect ladies and gentlemen. >> Good guess but you can still cheer. [ Cheers and Applause ] >> George? >> Oh, oh, oh! Everybody quiet. Bring the lights down. >> George 38 minutes. >> How long did it take me? >> He did it in eight minutes and 17 seconds. >> Yes! >> Minutes. >> What? >> Okay. I'll be honest -- >> He's a paranormal investigator. He was ready. >> Yeah. >> It was to spite germa who said I would not finish. >> Love you bud. >> There's so much traffic. >> Hasan, you're gaining 20 bonus points. [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Detune thank you so much for coming on name your price. >> I want to see the photos. >> You want to see -- >> You can't show them on the screen. >> No. >> Let me see. >> Oh. Somebody is sucking on -- >> Wow! That's awesome. >> Austin. >> I got to be honest, I have an announcement to make. Last night I found out the paranormal investigator that was going to do the scavenger and I analyzed these like a jockey like right before a horse race. >> You cheated. You want me to -- >> I lifted those legs and I thought those legs could run. >> For that reason we're giving ten points to George. >> You promised you would not redistribute his points. >> It's too late. >> You made a bet. >> You're right. Thank you for keeping me honest. >> I have to. >> I'm sorry. Put Hasan's points back please. I'm hopping made right now. >> Come on out with my -- the next envelope. Here we go. Give it up for her. Are you kidding me. We're about to play our next game. Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to play a never before seen game of siblings are da dating. >> I love this one. >> Ladies and gentlemen, our Sys siblings are dating or both. Sorry. That's for name your price mobile. >> That's our road show. >> That's right. These siblings are here live with us in the show right now. This is how it's going to work. We're bringing up members from the live studio audience to the stage. We're going to play siblings are dating. It's exactly how it sounds. You must guess whether each duo is a pair of siblings or they're dating. Each answer will get you 20 points. Let's bring out our siblings are dating folks. Here they come. >> Here they come. >> This is our first group here. >> Are they siblings? Or are they -- >> Can you get a microphone for me please. How are you? Doing wonderful. Nobody can hear you right now. I'll hand you this. You can hold this. Introduce yourselves. >> I'm Trey. >> You're Trey. >> I'm Shlee. Give it up everybody. >> You can't ask their last names though. >> Have you guys seen each other's genitals? >> You know what, you can't ask those questions. >> That could break either way in a week. >> You know what, no questions. >> Can I investigate? >> Do you want to investigate? Yeah. Sure. You guys signed an NDA. >> Hello. >> Or waiver. >> They signed a waiver. >> They have different color eyes. >> Ooh. >> Ooh. >> How old are you both? >> I'm 23. >> I'm 28. >> Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. >> What is your favorite thing about each other? >> He is pretty funny. >> Ooh. >> If they are dating you are in deep shit now. >> Go back to the podium. I'm sure you guys can guess from this. >> Okay. >> Siblings or are they dating. Guess, guess, quickly folks. Quickly, quickly. What do you think? Siblings. Siblings. Raven what do you think? Siblings. >> All right. We have our guesses locked. I'm going to start with Hasan in first place. Hasan, are they siblings or dating. >> Dating. Whoa. >> Oh. >> Ooh. >> Poke what do you think? >> To me personally it was giving siblings. >> Siblings. >> I also said siblings. >> Siblings. >> George? >> So I think they are siblings but for strategic reasons I put dating. >> Dating. >> Dating. >> All right. >> I understand. >> You two, are you siblings or dating? >> We're dating. >> Dating! >> Yay! >> All right. Hasan, you just got yourself 20 points. George -- >> Wait. Now that we know they're dating what's your favorite thing about her again? [ Overlapping speakers ] >> That's when I knew. >> She knew something about him but he had no fucking clue. That's why I was like dating, 100%. >> Ladies, those are not good standards. >> All right. Thank you guys so much. >> Thank you for that. >> Everybody give it up for them. They are a couple! >> Let's bring out our next group. Are they siblings or dating? Welcome them to the stage here. Here they come. All right. And are they siblings or dating. >> Oh, yeah. >> All right. Folks. I'll let you introduce yourselves. >> My name is AJ. >> I'm Isaac. >> AJ and Isaac. >> What do we think? >> Coming for another inspection. >> We're just weird. Inspect. >> Poke, what are you looking for when you're inspecting right now? >> Facial features especially eyebrows. But they could be half siblings, so tough tactic. >> Oh. >> Do you like one piece? >> I love one piece. [ Overlapping speakers ] >> Oh. >> Are you asking because of his wicker hat? >> I don't know what you're talking about. >> Wow. >> I would just like to know. >> Can we ask them to hold hands? >> Sure. >> Ah. >> That was really cute. >> Ooh. What do we think, siblings or dating? >> Guys, let's get those guesses locked in if. Let's get those guesses locked in. >> Take a look over there and ask them what they think in the far left. >> Over on this side, what do we think siblings or dating? >> Over on the right side siblings or dating? >> We're pretty mixed over here. >> It's kind of unanimous split. All right.. >> Germa is coming out to the front of the stage again. What is he doing. >> What do you think? >> They're dating. >> All right. >> I love that, they're dating, they're gay. >> That would be really unfortunate if they -- >> Well, you know -- >> Hey, you can date and not -- yeah, who the hell am I to say. >> It's 2023. >> Heterosexual men can gay date. >> Siblings or dating Hasan? Siblings. >> Siblings. >> Siblings. >> Poke? >> I said dating. >> Dating. >> Could be halfcies though I don't know. >> I also said dating. >> He went with the audience. George? >> I put dating. >> Dating. All right. They are siblings. >> Siblings. >> Woo! >> Siblings. >> They do not look that alike. >> Hasan increased his lead to the biggest lead he's ever had on name your price in history. Thank you guys so much. Give it up for our two siblings, take care everybody. Take care. >> I got them both wrong. >> How did you know? >> They both like one piece. >> Wow. >> In a couple there's one person who likes it and another person who is trailing along even though there's 7,000 episodes. >> Wow. >> He does this. >> All right. Folks, we have got our next couple coming out. I believe there's only one of them because the other couldn't be here. No. I'm sorry. Come on out. Here we go! A couple of siblings or a couple dating. >> Jessica. >> Reanin. >> Are they siblings or dating? >> What's your favorite number? >> 12. >> What's your favorite number? >> 17. >> And I can't go anywhere with that. Anybody have a coin? >> Where did you get your pants? >> I thrifted. >> They're nice. I like it. Unrelated to this. >> You guys are so cute. >> I'm 21. >> I'm 19. >> Contestants get to your podiums. >> I'm told by production that our eagle is getting restless. Eagle. All right. We need our guesses right away. >> Quickly. Right away, folks. >> Fuck. >> Fuck. >> Hasan, you are way out in front now. >> I guess immediately. >> Siblings. >> Siblings. >> Hasan thinks they're siblings. Germa? >> Siblings. >> George. >> I'm the same. >> I also was going to write siblings. >> And you guys are? >> Siblings. >> Siblings! Thank you guys so much. Give it up for them ladies and gentlemen. >> They're so cute. >> They both got drip. >> Yes. >> Now, our next group here, they only half of them are here and the other one that was unable to attend. Let's bring the one that was able to attend to the stage. Come on out. Give it up for Jessie ladies and gentlemen. >> Is he dating? >> Jessie, come down the stage. Awe or -- I don't know. Could be siblings. Jessie? >> Yes. >> Hello and welcome to the stage. Contestants are they siblings or are they dating? >> Where were you when you took that photo? >> Santa Monica. >> Santa Monica. >> Doing what? >> Could be a friendly sibling thing or a data. >> Were you on a date? >> Where do you live approximately? >> Where do I live? >> Do you live in California? >> I live two hours away from here in Utah. >> Oh. >> That could be a Mormon sibling fun day. >> It goes in either direction. >> Oh, boy. Oh, geez. >> Contestants -- not that kind of Mormon. >> Wait, how old are you? >> 26. >> How old is your something? >> 36. >> See, that throws a wrench in things, folks. >> I'm ready to fire it up baby. >> My guess is dating. >> All right. Dating. Poke? >> I said sibs. >> Sibs. >> I said dating. >> Dating from germa. >> Dating. >> Dating from George. Reveal -- and your sibling or who you're dating is named who Laura? Are you siblings or dating? >> We are dating. >> Dating. All right. Want to know how I did it -- >> Coming back. >> Let's give the points to Hasan. How did you do it Hasan? >> They have a ten year age gap. There is no shot that you would know what your sibling's age is if it was a ten year age gap especially but my man, again, always bet on -- >> It was a debate if I should lie. >> All right. Ladies and gentlemen, we have something unprecedented on name your price. >> We need it the loudest it's ever been. >> On name your price. That has ever happened in the history of this show. Not only is this couple dating, they have agreed to get married live here on this stage. >> Some noise folks! [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Here comes the bride Jessie. Here she comes. Ladies and gentlemen, please rise. We are about to wed a couple on name your price, folks! Here she comes. Isn't she lovely. Give it up for her. >> There she is. >> Here she comes. Can you help me out. Here she comes. All right. You look beautiful. Give it up for the lovely bride. [ Applause ] >> Her husband to be here in the center of the stage. >> Awe. >> Hold on here, folks. You may be seated. Thank you. Now, what made you decide to get married live here on this stage at TwitchCon? >> So my now sister-in-law for some reason ranks Hasan higher than like Leon Kennedy, Pedro Pascal and now I can rub it in her face that he was at my wedding. >> Yeah! >> You're now a brides maid. Get over there. >> Congratulations. >> I'm the bride's maid. Get over here. >> And you just went along with it, right? >> I had to say yes. No. But really we were dating for so long. It's been four years, almost five. I really would jump at any chance to prove my love and dedication for Laura. >> Oh, give it up for that! >> Now, folks, folks, folks, folks, you can't just get married without an official ordained minister. >> That's right. >> Ladies and gentlemen, this is Las Vegas sin city. And I've got a really good friend who happens to be ordained. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you the stage, the king of rock 'N roll, my good friend Elvis Presley! Come on down. It's Elvis Presley ladies and gentlemen! Get on your feet ladies and gentlemen! Yay! All right! All right! Woo! [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Swing that arm baby, swing that arm. That's it. Thrust that pelvis. Thank you very much. How about applause for this young man. [ Applause ] >> Elvis, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to join us to wed this lovely couple here in Las Vegas, Nevada. >> Yes, sir, Mr. Austin. Let me get going. Like this.. >> Oh. >> Vibrating. >> Oh, my gosh. Yay, give it up for Elvis ladies and gentlemen! All right. Elvis take the lead, why don't you marry this couple. >> This young man Jessie please stand here. And Laura Rose stand here and face your husband to be. Welcome fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada. You are all witnesses as we join this young couple in Holy matteryrimony before your eyes. Marriage is not something that just happens. It must be created. With that you must have trust, respect, love, commitment, sharing all those things together, that is the glue that will keep your relationship together just like this jump suit keeps me together. So I want you to know one thing, it's very important never ever to go to sleep angry. Every night you give him a big kiss, at least once a day you tell each other what? >> I love you. >> You tell each other what? >> I love you. >> How does it sound, you tell this man what? >> I love you. >> Awe. >> At least once a day. Maybe 20 times a day if you really want to keep it solid. Don't be shy. It's very important not only to marry the right partner but to be the right partner. >> Tell him. >> I am trying. I'm doing my best. Standing alone facing the world, your love keeping your strong against all odds. Because it is not expecting the husband to wear a halo and be perfect, that's just not realistic. It's not expecting Lara rose to have the wings of an angel and be perfect. But it is having a mutual respect for each other where? The commitment is not only reciprocal, it's mutual. It's not only marry the right partner, it is being the right partner. >> All right! And now if you're ready for the vows. Repeat after me. Look her right in the eyes repeat after me and say Laura Rose I promise to hold you both in sickness and health. >> Laura Rose I promise to hold you both in sickness and health. >> I will comfort you through the good times and the bad. >> I will comfort you through the good times and the bad. >> I will promise to always be there when you need many. >> I promise to always be there when you need me. >> For richer or poorer. >> For richer or poorer. >> 'Til death do us part. >> 'Til death do us part. >> Fabulous. [ Cheers and Applause ] >> We did say the good times and the bad right? >> The good times and the bad. >> Through the good times and the bad that's right. So now repeat after me. We do things differently in Las Vegas when we marry couples. This is Elvis style. It goes like this. Say Laura Rose baby and curl your lip and swing your hip while you do it. >> I don't know if I can multitask like that. >> The more you scream the more he shakes. [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Now, one more time baby. >> All right. Laura rose. >> Laura rose. >> I do promise to be your hunka burning love. >> I do promise to be your hunka burning love. >> And promise I will never ever leave you all shook up at the heart break hotel. >> I promise I will never ever, ever leave you all shaken up at the heartbreak hotel. >> Because remember there must never be any suspicious minds all right. I love that song. >> You want me to say that? Remember there will never ever be any suspicious minds. >> And I won't be a hound dog. >> And I will not be a hound dog. >> As long as you don't step on my blue suede shoes. >> As long as you don't step on my blue suede shoes. I don't have any of those. >> Very excellent job. Your hips are vibrating all over the place. I hope you cameras are filming him from the waist up. We got kids in the audience. Thank you very much. Now you put the ring on this lady's left hand, left finger. Wedding ring. You're doing great. You're doing fantastic. Repeat after me. >> Elvis, we got a show after us. We got to get these people married. >> Okay. And say with this ring, put the ring on. >> I have the ring. >> Please place the ring on her left hand. Fantastic. And say with this ring I thee wed. >> With this ring I thee wed. >> Perfect. Laura, say Jessie. >> Jessie. >> I promise to be your hunk of burning love. >> I promise to be your hunk of burning love. >> And to always love you tender. >> And to always love you tender. >> And never ever ever treat you like a hound dog. >> And never ever ever treat you like a hound dog. >> Because I always want to cuddle you like my favorite Teddy bear. >> Because I always want to cuddle you like my favorite Teddy bear. >> The ring is on this young man's hand. Laura will put the ring on. Fantastic. And with this ring I thee wed. >> And with this ring I thee wed. >> Ladies and gentlemen, by the state of Nevada, Mississippi, Tennessee, here we are and I now pronounce you for the first time I introduce you to the world husband and wife Mr. And Mrs. Jessie Laura rose Hernandez. You may kiss the bride! [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Woo! >> On your feet! On your feet! Whoa! >> Congratulations. >> Thank you. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Mr. And Mrs. Hernandez. Woo! [ Cheers and Applause ] >> And Elvis Presley! >> Woo! >> Thank you all very much. God bless you sir. >> God bless you. >> About that loop where is it going after? >> It's going to your honeymoon. >> That's all I wanted baby. >> We shipped them to your hotel room. >> And the pole. Give it up for Jessie and Laura, ladies and gentlemen. [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Wow. What a moment. What a moment. >> What a moment. Now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to move into round number four called show me the money. This is how it's going to work. We have hired a real auctionare to sell items. If you were given a card and this is where you'll use them to place your bid. We will collect your payments after the show. >> Items? >> Contestants you're guessing what you think these items will sell for closest to the actual price and win 30 points. Let's bring out our auctioneer. What is your name sir? >> They call me Bruno. >> Bruno. >> Bruno. >> Give it up for Bruno ladies and gentlemen! All right. How long you have been doing au auctioning? >> About six days. >> We have got an item. The first is germa's used tissue. >> Woo! >> What? >> That's right. >> That's a quality item right there. >> How much do we think this used tissue is going to go for? >> We stole it from your dressing room. >> Okay. >> I'll allow it. Contestants guess how much you think this will go for. >> It's time. We need that guess. >> This is real money? >> Yeah, it's real money. >> Oh, there's a lot of -- >> Gross. >> How much do I think? >> $30. >> $27. >> $27. >> I'm going high. Because I think everybody loves germa. $200. >> $200. >> You know what, fuck it, that shit is going for $1,000. >> $1,000! >> I have $80. >> 80 bucks. >> It's a tissue. >> All right. Let's cut the music and start this auction. Sir, come up here. You lead the way. >> Where do we start? How much was that? >> How much are we starting at? >> How about a dollar. Here we go. >> All right. We're going to start the bidding at one dollar. Do I hear one dollar. Got two over here. I'm looking for three, four? Got four over there and five in the back. I want more. Looking for six. Six over here. Can we go more. Oh, we got six over there. How about seven? Looking for eight. We're still going up higher. There's nine, do I hear ten? Ten over here. There's 11 right here and we want to go 11, 11. We got 11 here. We're looking at 12. Right over here. And one more 13, 13. 13 over here. Do I hear 14? Right over there. 14 going once. Do I hear 15, 15, 15? And sold at $14 right over there. >> $14. Raise your hand. Stand up. Stand up. $14. >> $14. >> You said $1,000. >> Very beautiful merch too. Ladies and gentlemen, Hasan was closest, $27. >> That was rigged. >> That was a hollow victory I'll admit. >> Why? >> People were willing to bid more. >> What did the basis of the boundaries, like how were we doing it? >> Don't ask too many questions. We're going into our next item. >> Do you want to hold it? >> Yeah, sure. >> Congratulations. Don't clone me. Thank you. >> Fresh mucous right there. >> Come on up. One second. Here it comes. >> It probably stinks. >> There you go. Congratulations. Get your money. Now, this next item are Hasan's used socks. >> That's a good item. >> Oh, no. >> Oh, look at this. >> Wow. >> They want those socks. >> They really want those socks. >> Stop bidding. We need guesses everybody. >> Guesses and we're not going to reveal them until after. >> Are you locked in? Don't show. Locked in? Locked in? Start the bid. >> All right. >> Right over here. >> We're going blind on this one. >> We're going to sort the bidding on this used sock with a little toenail fungus going on that creepy disgusting stuff here. We're going to start at one dollar. One dollar, one and a quarter. One and a half. One and one 75. We got three and a half over here. Looking for four. Got four, how about four and a quarter. Four. Five. I got six in the back over here. Do I hear 6.75. The big 7. Over here. Higher. 7.5. >> There are people standing over here. >> Do I hear 8, 8. 8 over here. 8 and a quarter over here. 8.5. Hear 8.75? 9.25 over here. 9.5 right over here. $700. >> It sold. $700. >> Does anyone want to challenge $700. >> What? >> $800. >> $900. >> $900. >> Woo! >> Who did we sell that to? >> Right there. 105 got two socks right there. >> $900. >> $900. >> Good purchase. >> Let's take a look. >> Hasan, how much did you think your socks were going to be sold for? >> $500. >> Wow. >> Not going to lie I thought a good amount for it. >> Poke, what do you think? >> I went high last time. So I went low. >> 50 bucks. >> That's what you think my dirty socks are worth? Whoa. >> I thought they were new. >> He said I got toe fungus in there. >> $200. >> George, this is your moment. You can come roaring back right now. >> I could. The tissue was $15 and socks should only be $45. >> So the winner is Hasan. Give it up for our auctionperson. Ladies and gentlemen. >> All right. Folks, this part of the show is quit possibly the most dreaded. It's quite possibly the most dreaded. >> Spooky. >> Because we are about to wheel out the very dreaded -- you're shaking your head you can't even stand it. The very dreaded haunted board! It's terrifying. Here it comes. Oh, my God. >> My goodness. >> Oh, my God. There it is. >> I'm gripped with terror. >> It's the haunted board. >> Can you show that? >> It's so terrifying we didn't even use new cobwebs. We recycled old ones. >> That's right. >> It's terrifying. This is how the game works folks. Behind each one of these numbers are points that you could win or you could lose. Thunder, lightning! Lightening! Screams! >> Contestants, what the -- >> All you have to do is guess whether this -- whatever item we bring out is worth more or less than this scrub daddy power paste. >> Ooh. >> Scrub daddy power paste. >> That's right. >> How much is this scrub daddy power paste? >> I believe it's $10. >> You know that's more than my hot sauce costs. >> Really? >> Neff, everybody. >> George, you're in last place. >> That's right. I heard you the first time. >> You're in last place, George. Pick a number from the board. >> I would love to have 6. >> 6. How many points. 35 points. A round of applause. That's good. [ Applause ] >> Remind me how much is this power paste worth? How much? I can't hear you. Say the damn number again. $10. Thank you. Is this toothpaste worth more or less than this $10 scrub daddy? >> Can I look at it? >> Sure. >> Bring it here. >> Do you have sensitive teeth, George? >> I don't. No. But I feel like this could -- it's a good size amount of toothpaste. It's specialized for some reason, you know, sensitive teeth. I think it could be more than $10. >> Do you think it's more than $ $10? If you get this correct you'll win 35 points or incorrect you lose 35 points. >> Can I open it? >> You think it's more or less? >> I'm opening it. >> No. >> There could be a snake in there. >> I think it's -- I don't know. I think it's more. >> You think it's more? >> It's more. It's more. >> George, that is incorrect. You have lost 35 points. >> No. >> And you have been eliminated. >> I would have said more, too. >> How much was it? >> Like $6. >> It was $6. >> It might be worth more. I don't know. >> George, you know nothing about sensitive teeth. Poke, choose a number.. >> Number 3. >> 3. >> Oh. Ten points. >> Poke? >> Yeah. >> He's going to eat this. >> C'mon bring out that next item. For ten points -- an easy cheese bottle. >> George is eating the toothpaste. >> Don't eat the toothpaste George. For ten points. >> For ten points? >> No. >> Ten points. >> Poke, for ten points is this greenies dental treats worth more or less than this scrub daddy power paste? >> I bought those for my cat like four years ago. >> More or less? >> Farley absolutely loves these. >> They're so nice. >> They're great. >> For ten points. >> Oh, these are for dogs. >> Yeah. They keep his breath fresh. >> I bought the cat one. >> They don't work too well. >> Taking a shot at Farley, I see how it is. >> More or less. >> MBoo this man! >> I'm going to guess less. >> Less. >> Woo. Less. >> I mean more. >> Is it more or less? >> It is more. That's correct. Pokeman ten points. Round of applause. [ Applause ] >> Thank you. >> Germa it's your turn. >> 1. >> How many points you need these? >> 100. >> 100. >> 100. >> Number one, you would like to -- [ Overlapping speakers ] >> I blacked out. Oh, Jesus. 45 points! >> Germa, all you need to do is tell us whether this oral care kit advanced clean not sponsored is worth more or less than this scrub daddy. Can we pick any more obscure of items. >> They're all cleaning items. >> There's a theme, Austin. >> I don't clean -- >> Think carefully. >> Think long and hard. >> Less or more? >> I'm going to say this is a specialized item. It's got a mirror, pick, cleaner. I think this is more. >> You think it's more? >> It's going to be like $11 or $12. >> Germa, you would be correct! 45 points. Now this is interesting folks. Germa is within shooting distance of Hasan only if Hasan is able to get this incorrect. >> Why are you phrasing it like that? >> What's happening here? >> If you get it incorrect Hasan germa will still be in the game. >> If you can do us a favor and get it incorrect. >> If you get this correct, you will put yourself outside of the range of any of these contestants and win name your price. >> Woo. >> All right. >> His first win ever. >> In the history of name your price. >> In five appearances. >> Do you think he can do it? >> Hasan, I need a number. Pick a number. >> 2. >> Here it is. >> 20 points. >> Oh, my God 45 points! >> Whoa. How did that happen? >> Little slight of hand in Vegas. My magic residency starts soon. >> Hasan, if you get this correctly you will win name your price. >> But if you get it incorrectly, it's anyone's game. >> That's right. >> Hasan all you have to do is tell us whether this lip balm, 100% natural evolution of smooth four pack with vanilla strawberry and sweet mint is worth more or less than this scrub daddy. >> Scrub cream >> More or less? Audience what do you think? What do you think over here? What about over here, what do we think? >> What do you think? >> My man's game is what I think. I wish I actually used this product but I don't. I'm going to say that this is less than $10. >> For the win -- >> I meant more than $10. >> No. We have to keep your first one. >> Got to keep it. And unfortunately Hasan, for five appearances you are correct! Woo! >> Hasan, you are correct! Give yourself 275 points making you the winner of name your price! [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Play my theme song God dammit. Give it up for Hasan Piker. [ Cheers and Applause ] >> Right now? >> We have the check that you have won. Hasan you have won $3. >> 3 bucks. >> Oh. >> Woo! >> On name your price. Folks, I want to thank you for watching. Give it up for our wonderful contestants. Play my theme song. [ Music playing ] >> Pokeman, germa, George not found, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to see name your price live on tour, we are going on tour. Our next stop is Houston, Texas on October 29th. George will be on that stage folks. Then we're going to long beach where Hasan will be on that stage. Ludwig will be on that stage and Willneff and I. Thank you guys so much for watching name your price. >> Thank you so much. You amaze me. >> Thank you so much. Have a wonderful day everybody. Thank you so much.
Channel: AustinShow
Views: 312,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: austin, austin show, the austin show, austin twitch, austin show twitch, twitch show, twitch dating, twitch dating show, twitch, podcast, twitch podcast, austin podcast, love or host, name your price, will neff
Id: Me4nexFHV4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 18sec (5418 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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