The insane battle between 17-year-old Gukesh vs World no.1 Magnus Carlsen

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look at this picture closely this was the game between gukesh and Magnus Carlson at the sixth round of the super bet Grand chess tour happening in Poland waro uh and you can see guuk smiling there Magnus analyzing what happened in their game let's have a look at this encounter and I can tell you it was filled with some amazing moments okay so gkes is with the white pieces Magnus is black and off we go one E4 by gkes Magnus responds back with the solid E5 Knight came out to F3 Knight C6 and now gukesh plays the Italian with Bishop C4 Magnus plays his Knight to F6 and here of course me like everyone else felt that the move that GES will play is D3 which is played so often at the top level you Castle here then you play C3 and so on but gkes went all out for the Fright Li attack he went for Knight G5 now you are attacking here uh on F7 and D5 was played in this position takes and we all know that this is not a great move because of Knight takes F7 leading to a completely uh great position for white with Queen F3 coming up and then later breaking in the center and so on so the main move here is Knight A5 and then black generally sacrifices a pawn and then the bishop goes back generally let's say Bishop E2 there's also Bishop D3 here lot of theory H6 Knight F3 E4 Knight E5 Bishop D6 is is well known in chess Theory now Max because he was surprised here he decided to surprise gukesh back by the move B5 and why is Magnus surprised because this Moon Knight G5 I guess gkes has never played before so that came must have come as a surprise to Magnus B5 was played and the point of this move is that if you take here then I take on D5 attacking your bishop and pawn and this is already good compensation like if you if you have to go back like this this is already not so great because black is developing very quickly and if you have to take on C6 Queen C6 and Castle this can get very risky with bishop and queen lining up in this diagonal uh this is already not that great so here the main move and the main theoretical move is something that you all should know and if you do not know try to pause this video and think what would you do here as white yes the move is the very special Bishop F1 it is actually played against Queen takes D5 because now that G2 is defended there is Knight C3 which hits the queen and the pawn so Magnus decided to take with the knight uh now gkes to on B5 so that if you take this Knight I will take your knight on C6 Bishop B7 and he pushed his Pawn to D4 opening up his pieces now the only thing that black does white does not have as compared to Black is the development so after takes now um you can think about Queen takes D4 because the Knight is pinned but then Queen E7 is a little bit irritating move to meet here already with long castling coming up next this opening up this opening up and so on so that's the reason why first gukesh castles Magnus plays Bishop E7 and here gkes knew that the main move is Queen H5 attacking here G6 Queen H6 and this is what modern theory is all about it is not about U or modern chess opening is all about it is not about finding new ideas it's basically surprising your opponent and this is what Magnus has done here and so gkes said I don't want to go into lines where Magnus might be better prepared I might just lose in the opening and I might not remember the theory so he played the more calm Moon Knight F3 but that simply allowed Magnus to Castle and now uh taking on D4 is definitely an option this position with uh maybe A6 followed by Bishop F6 or Bishop D6 black has full compensation for the pawn but instead gkes took here took here and then took on D4 Bishop B7 and once again you can see that this position is not easy for white to play because imagine a move like C4 already Knight B6 and I'm attacking here it's how do you defend it B3 would run into Bishop F6 and if there's any other move like if you play Knight C3 then I can take take and already spoil your structure Bishop F6 with C5 coming up so this bishop on B7 is an absolute monster on this long diagonal so uh here Knight D2 was played by gkes and he thought he will put his Knight on F3 or this Knight on F B3 play C3 have some solidity in the center but this turned out to be a mistake and the reason is I go Knight F4 and I'm I'm sure that gkes had in mind uh to put his Knight on F3 but here is where I want to ask you what is the move that you would play for black black to play try to pause the video and think so very very good idea here is Knight takes G2 it's excellent move King takes G2 and now Queen D7 and this is brilliant compensation why because I'm going to play my Rook to d8 Queen G4 let's say even if you stop it I go Rook a d8 and next move I'm going to play C5 this is a massive pin and this is big trouble so gkes I don't know how he would have met this move Knight F3 uh sorry Knight F4 so Knight D2 wasn't the best there Magnus uh I guess would have studied this line and seen the benefits of putting his Rook on E8 and that is exactly what he does he puts his Rook on E8 which is good GES plays C3 offering another chance to Magnus to play Knight F4 uh when things could have gotten very very nasty this time with now Rook on E8 adding more Venom to the attack black is winning here but Magnus went C5 which is pretty good knight F5 trying to win win this bishop Bishop f8 Knight F3 and now the queen came to F6 now the queen is very well positioned attacking the Knight the other Rook will join in and blacks look at Black's pieces so beautiful while white is struggling with the development of this bishop for the time being the Knight comes back and now there are some ideas with Bishop G5 in the there but Knight B6 would have soled them because now Bishop G5 doesn't work due to Bishop takes F3 the bishop would be hanging the queen is attacked um yeah this is a very special move actually Knight B6 and maybe for gkes it wouldn't have been so easy to react to it with Knight C4 coming in and B2 hanging and so on so H6 by Magnus slightly slow Queen C2 played by gkes and once again I think it was important to open up this Bishop's diagonal so Knight E7 was a very special move here the point being that I'm attacking your knight and let's say how do you defend it for example if you go Knight E1 I already get this Knight rolling from the other side so Knight E7 very deep positional maneuver uh and generally you don't make make such backward moves Knight D2 uh maybe here there can be be the move uh Rook a d8 F3 and you can sense that white is trying to solidify a bit but once the queen moves and F5 comes in that solidity is not going to remain but Rook ad d8 was played by Magnus and gkes found this move Rook D1 fantastic defensive idea trying to trade at least one pair of Rooks Knight went back gkes quickly traded and now played this very cool move Knight E1 I really liked it the Knight is now no longer being attacked and the pawn is defended for all the pains that gkes is going through making these defensive moves he has one Pawn so and one very healthy Pawn Rook E8 and now Bishop comes out to E3 so the bishop basically uh develops Knight C4 four and now mag gukesh plays another nice Moon Knight F1 so you can see he's completely on the last rank but now he's kind of stabilizing his position Magnus took PA take Knight takes and now finds another excellent move I loved this move by Magnus which is C4 and this shows magnus's deep understanding he's Pawn down he's ready to give up another Pawn here the point being Queen G5 threatening Rook E1 Rook E1 and queen G2 mate so you might have to go back then the bishop comes in and already you can sense that there is a lot of play that is there in the position here maybe take Rook E3 black is doing very well here so maybe some other improvements for white in this line but taking the pawn was risky perhaps the safest move is Queen D2 and then after you put your Bishop here on C5 maybe Knight C2 and uh yes black has full compensation but white is still hanging on there he's doing pretty okay it should be equal Queen A4 was played by gkes and now Magnus to play what do you do black to play pause the video and think yes the Queen is attacking the rook and the pawn and so black chops off the Knight Rook takes E3 F takes E3 and now uh the point behind it is Bishop C5 so very Fearless play by Magnus and here gk's best defense was to give a check King H7 Knight F3 takes Pawn takes Queen Queen takes and rookie one and I think white is around uh equal although um white is an exchange up is's very passive but black cannot do much with his Queen and Bishop so in the end maybe a Perpetual will have to be agreed for somewhere Queen H4 King G1 oops sorry I can't Blended The Rook King here Queen H3 King G1 check and maybe it's a draw there but he went for the move Knight to F3 and which is a mistake because of takes and now two moves are possible King H1 and King F1 if King H1 I would like you to pause the video and find what is the winning move for black if you thought Bishop F3 you are in for a surprise because after Queen E8 here and queen E3 it's white who wins so that's gk's defense but of course the winning move here is the spectacular Queen takes F3 kudos to you if you found it take take mate so that's the reason why here very important uh move that gkes had planned was King F1 and here um I want you to again pause and think what should black play Black to play well the the point here is that Bishop C6 is the winning move here not Bishop takes F3 because of check and again I take here with a great position for white but Bishop C6 stops Queen E8 and I believe that uh gkes had in mind Queen A6 here that's what he said in the Press I mean the interview after the game that I'm pinning this bishop uh and I think they both analyzed this line which was Queen G6 after the game they analyzed Queen G6 Rook D1 Queen C2 threatening mate here and now um this is trouble yes I think uh already there is no way to I guess there is some defense with Rook D2 perhaps which is playable uh but Queen B1 check King E2 and somehow Queen E4 black keeps the advantage and another Point here is that instead of Rook D1 if you play Queen take Queen to C4 then there is Queen C2 Queen E2 and now this very nice little move uh try to find if you if you can hear yes Bishop B5 and this is spinning here if you take I have Checkmate so a pretty little variation uh Rook D1 was played uh if if played here Queen C2 is very strong so maybe this was but here by the way there is a strong move according to the engines instead of Queen G6 which I am sure that Gish and Magnus both hadn't seen which is King at s and uh well it's just an improving move stopping away all the checks Bishop can come back and essentially what it's saying is that uh black is winning in this position so Queen D1 is what gkes played he wants to defend the Knight with his Queen and here once again the final move that um Magnus needed to make in order I thought this is now just completely winning and Magnus finds this move what is it Bishop E4 fantastic move trying to come in to give a check gukesh played this move again he's just coming here he wants to create this problems of Queen E8 and so very logically Magnus goes King at 7 but actually the winning idea was a slightly trickier one check King E1 and now this very very nice move Queen B6 defending the bishop attacking here so that Queen E8 check this bishop is defended it's tough move to find you know like something like Rook D1 if I play there is Bishop F2 and queen E3 which is already a Checkmate so there was this entire threat but couldn't work uh Bishop D3 is uh a very very nice move here but Magnus played King H7 and that gave gkes the only defense here and I think this is the final move which you need to no there's one more move what would you play here with white King E2 very important move because now if you give a check your Bishop is hanging and so he had to give one tempo and gkes once again finds the only move here white to move what do you do he brings in his Rook to D1 well you could play Rook E1 Rook D1 here but then Queen G6 is already very tricky to play because you you might want to run away with your king here but it's already a mate so that's the reason why the right move is Rook E1 and after Queen G6 again you have to find the only move for white you can see how many only moves gkes found in order to hold this King D1 fantastic move and now after uh Queen takes G2 he took the bishop and finally we came to a moment where Magnus had to agree to a Perpetual check and the game ended in a draw so this was a very very interesting battle between the world championship Challenger and the world number one Magnus and gkes and there are some nice pictures this is of course after the game where they analyzed a bit this was at the start of the game where they had this very nice handshake all by lard Utes this is right in the middle of the game where I think Magnus has missed the win and he's not too thrilled about it but he was very happy in the middle of the game he had he played really well and here uh the final handshake between the two so these were some of the very nice images from this game I would say Magnus played really well apart from missing that one idea uh gukesh I think also defended excellently many players would have collapsed against Magnus under such attack but gukesh did not and after day two of the tournament these are the standings we have Magnus and V leading uh prag shevchenko are on one one point behind nbe gkes and Arjun are just two points behind so one win and they are right up there Duda on five Vincent on four and Anish is struggling here with three points but I hope that he would have a better day three for now this is sagasa signing off bye-bye
Channel: ChessBase India
Views: 160,929
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Keywords: chessbaseindia, interviews, chesstraining, improvechess, chess, how to play chess
Id: 5ci48K8vITY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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