Nail pops why they happen and how to fix them

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welcome this video is about nail pops how do they happen and how to fix them nail pops begin when the drywall is installed the Installer didn't notice that the nail only penetrated part of the stud and didn't get a good connection or didn't notice that the nail was driven into the beginnings of a crack it then gets three separate coats of joint compound primed and painted it may look really good for a number of years over the years the house is subject to weather hot and cold wet and dry a continual dance of expansion and contraction until pop edy penetrates the finished surface of the drywall in the old days about 35 years ago or so the only way to fix a pop was to take another nail and nail it in alongside of the popped nail the new head would keep the old head secure then you just applied three coats of joint compound let that dry sand prime paint and you are good today instead of trying to put a nail in alongside the old now just remove the nail use a pair pliers a small claw whatever it takes to get the nail out use a utility knife to remove any paper that has separated this will keep the patch from separating and bubbling go up and to the side about three quarters of an inch and carefully install a new screw if you hit hollow wall remove the screw move it back the other way about an inch and a half and insert the screw I prefer using a variable speed drill motor with a Philips screwdriver adapter to insert screws if you don't have one use a regular Phillips screwdriver install a new inch and a quarter screw carefully so that they had does not penetrate the paper of the drywall if it does penetrate the paper just insert another screw above it or below it use a four inch drywall knife to slide across the surface of the drywall to make sure the screw is low enough if there is a clicking noise they need to be set lower or deeper use the metal cap at the end of the handle to work down any paper edges around the patch work them down below the surface of the drywall's I'm using a speed set joint compound to make things go faster if you are using a standard joint compound just let it dry in between coats after applying a coat of mud you may need to work the edges down again and reapply the first coat use the edge of the knife to scrape up any burrs or debris apply the second coat again scrape off any debris with the knife use the metal cap on the handle to work down any problem areas apply the third coat you may need to sand the spot a little you also may need one more coat on the surface sand lightly match texture Prime and paint thank you for watching please subscribe like and share and come back and see my other videos have a great day
Channel: Stan Stallings
Views: 119,019
Rating: 4.9277506 out of 5
Keywords: Drywall, drywall repairs, home repairs, do it yourself repairs, before you paint repairs
Id: 7rGL0pU9SCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2015
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