Mystery unboxing: what's in the package from Austin's Creations?

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foreign so good morning everyone or what is it afternoon or evening or good 2 a.m which it is for a few of you i know i'm going through stream yard which means i'm not even sure if everything is working please let me know if you can hear me if you can see me anyway um so wrong account i don't know all right now this is a bit of a um an odd one colin 8am cool multi-audio john ah multi audio do i have an echo hopefully it's not picking up anything all right peter you can't see or hear me all right we're all good to go i always worry every time we ch i change like the way the software is set up where i do something unusual so time to look at my new furniture which has come all the way from canada and yes it's a new sofa all right good good to see everybody here uh cable tie terry dodgy here his independent texts here colin carlos station 240 douglas fantastic all right now i've done this at a bit of an unusual time well normal time different day because i couldn't wait there's a package that austin from austin's creations has sent me and i've been really wanting to i've been uh anticipating it for a long time it took a little while to get here and uh so someone pressed video and discord oh okay so is that you dodgy you're doing it you're doing it to yourself all right um and i didn't want to have to wait for next sunday because i am i am really curious to see what is inside this package so and also i have austin himself waiting here ready to see now ready to help talk me through all of this because i think i'm going to need some assistance once i get it open i want to do some i want to connect it up and see how it goes so what color is the sofa all right let's get straight to it there was an outer package that this was in and uh a note with some brief explanation but um the inside the inner package he double packed it so that i wouldn't actually be able to see what was in here once i'd opened the outer package [Music] russell russell this feels like christmas morning you know when you're sitting there around the tree and you're opening the presents [Applause] i'm back to being about 12 years old a few things what look at this steve that's a stand how is this done was that has that been printed onto it or oh i'm gonna have to is this 3d printed oh it is it's ready printed but it's been like post finished it's been sanded off to give it a really nice finish it actually seems like something that's been injection molded but on the bottom it's got this little texture from the build plate that is really cool so now we have a real steve oh hang on i thought it was illegal to send animals through the post [Music] hello i'm steve oh so cool austin [Music] this is crazy i definitely was not expecting steve in the package and steve has a stand that's brilliant we have a mascot we have the real mascot now i've got to find somewhere to put it there needs to be somewhere maybe what i'll do is mount this on my chair so i'm going to switch back to the front camera here um i can make up like a little bracket or something that steve attaches to so he can sit there looking over my shoulder on the live streams oh yes i wondered where steve got to steve ah austin that's funny that's really funny okay now which one of these first oh what's in here that looks like a little bit of din rail maybe it's hard to tell i'm gonna get that open and we need steve where we can see him let's have him just over the edge here is it din rail yes it's din rail and some brackets there's a very short length of it with some 3d printed brackets oh i wonder what's going to clip onto this why din rail and brackets so that's um that's a cool bracket design it's got a little captive nut in it and uh looks like an m3 bolt so if i back that off we'd be able to move that and then that clamps it back down neat design it's um it's quite this is aluminium din rail as well which is nice i think all of the stuff i've got steel this is really cool collect the design so i'm gonna i'm gonna be asking austin questions once i get him on like whether he designed this so you can see there that it snaps on and then you can snap it off again and once it's snapped on you can do up the screw there and that will make it captive and then you can't get it back off again so i'm just going to set this aside for now this is obviously related to something else that's in the package what have we got oh steve [Laughter] this is the not at all what i was expecting that is really funny that is so cool all right so we've got two more things in here there's an anti-static bag and oh look at this i can see usb ports through here check this out it's a usb hub there are buttons there oh okay so this is what the din rail is for it looks like these brackets yeah those brackets go on to there so this whole thing can be gin rail mounted so it's a din rail mountable usb hub there's power in the back there's usb so that would be the uplink is my guess and we've got four output ports it's in a 3d printed case and once again the finish on this case you would you'd think that's injection molded it's really smooth so i think what austin has done is 3d printed this and then he's sanded it to get that really good finish but then there's also added color to it so you can see it's got these legends engraved on it there is a an outline for each port and then it's got grooves for a little bit hard to see there on the camera one two three and four and i can feel that those are slightly inset so i think what is done is left a groove in the design and then very carefully painted into that i filled the groove with paint to give it that that finish which is cool so i wonder what the buttons are for something to do with each port maybe power to the port i mean i have questions so the idea will be that can be mounted on here i'm not going to mount it right now because i want to just plug it in and experiment with it and maybe take the cover off a little bit later but i won't do that until we've until we've got austin on so let's see what else is in here i'll just put that one back there for now what's in this other bag [Applause] something protective on there oh it's an esp8266 that was a header oh it's a light switch a super house light switch so same thing it's got all of these it's got the legend that's been recessed into it and then filled with paint is this injection no once again this is 3d printed austin how are you getting this finish i looked at this look how shiny this is see that finish if i get the light at the right angle it's really shiny when i first looked at this i thought that's a um a commercial face plate like an injection molded face plate that's just been modified but then i turn it over and you can see the see the surface texture on there and you can hear my fingertip on it fingernail that's been through this whole thing is 3d printed and it looks like it's i mean i've got my nasty fingerprints all over it now so i've been leaving smears on it but the finish on this it looks like it came straight out of a factory that is really cool but anyway getting back to what it is it's a light switch and it looks like it's illuminated you can see there are rings around each button and on the back we've got looks like a switch mode power supply we've got power in there there's a connection like a there's an ap8c socket same as i use on my light switches and an esp8266 so we've got reset and flash and i'm not sure what that header is but anyway pretty soon i'm going to have austin on and then we can ask him the questions so 7 to 30 volts input cool so it's a wide range voltage input which is pretty handy you can feed it with whatever you like so i think what i need to do i'm just going to put these here how do i stick this i'm going to sit this one like that so that you can see it and that one there somewhere like that that'll do and steve hang on i'm gonna put we need a din rail mounted steve there we go all right so what's the chat been saying uh sand and buff yeah ple no acetone austin said all right austin's creations has figured out 3d printing says scott absolutely this is like next level 3d printing that's amazing okay so i think we need to get austin on hang on he's waiting right here somewhere at the stream austin hello hey thanks for coming on the stream happy to join you um i was not at all expecting steve to join us either uh you could thank scott for that that was skype yeah good idea scott but before we get into the actual devices because those seem really cool as well when i pulled out this base plate my first reaction was how did you get an injection molded base plate that had steve written on it and it took me a few seconds looking at it to think hang on this is 3d printed how did you get that finish um so for 3d printing i almost exclusively do abs um because i like its sandability and i do a lot of practical prints stuff that has to be outside that kind of stuff um so with that uh i think i sanded that wet sanded down to 400 grit um the light plate is sanded all the way down wet sanded all the way down to 2000 grit with plastic polish okay but for all the embedded lettering and everything what i found works the best for that is nail polish and paint is nail polish yeah yeah because that dries up really hard and it's cheap yeah and you can get it in a pretty good range of colors too i've used nail polish for a few things it's um yeah and it's very fast drying very hard very strong paint essentially so it's great for that sort of thing um but now so nail polish has acetone in it have you had any problems with it etching into the abs not at all yep great it probably means that it bonds super well too because it's not just sitting on the surface of the plastic it'd actually be uh kind of etched into the plastic yeah so it'll be a very strong finish uh my local dollar store sells the bottles of nail polish for like a dollar 25 so i keep pretty much every color they have on stock uh the only ones i had to get from a different supplier were the colors to match super house and i tried to get as close as i could to matching that yeah cool you did a good job but you people can see there there's a reflection coming off this surface this 3d printed surface is like a mirror yeah it takes it takes about an hour to to get it that way um unfortunately even with the layer lines you get some minor imperfections so it's not always the best but overall i think it comes out nicely um and i typically do it while watching tv i'll just sit there and have a bucket of water and just going back and forth yeah yeah so you're um you can do it while you're not really thinking about it it's just a mechanical task yeah cool okay so i'm gonna stick steve back on his stand i can go back over there uh all right so which one should we look at first i'm i mean they're both really cool looking devices but the thing that i'm really super intrigued about is the usb hub so maybe what we can do is um you can just tell me because something like a custom usb hub is something i've been thinking about for a while i've i've had in my mind that i thought it'd be cool to make your own usb hub and a few years ago i did make a custom usb hub for a client to go inside a robot but i've never made a desktop type hub like this and when you make your own hub it opens up all sorts of possibilities of things that you can do that you couldn't do otherwise so maybe give me a quick rundown of what does this hub do because i assume it's not just a hub it's got to be more special than that um so this is the first version uh which utilizes uh usb 2.0 uh there is a hub chip in it so you go in from the micro usb and it can output to the four um usb a ports each port has individualized current monitoring as well as current shut off oh nice there's cur shut off for uh trying to overpower the whole hub so if you power supply is set for five amps and you have two ports set to three amps max and those two items try to pull the full amount it shuts everything off um it also has the ability to turn on a single press will turn on power for a port a double press will turn on uh power and data to the port and then you can either double press it again to shut it all off or you can single press it and go back to just power only um and everything is monitored and tracked sent both to a web ui as well as mqtt nice i've just grabbed myself a cable so you've got control over both power and data to each port so what you could do is have a port where you do charge only for example if you had a device you didn't trust or you can turn um so it doesn't get power off here it needs power in here is that correct yes it needs completely separated power okay cool um people can't really quite see what i'm doing here because i've just got the overhead camera but what i'm going to do i'm just going to grab a cable and plug it into my bench power supply so i've got a cable with a 2.1 mil dc jack on it and what should i be setting this to is it's 55 volts yes all right is it a 2.1 oh this cable okay what size can you use this plug says wonder why that doesn't fit i think this might be a 2.5 that would be annoying hang on i've got another one here let's see what i'm going to make a big mess knocking cables down off my bench all right does this one fit no that one is tight it is a tight connector too okay maybe it is just tight all right i'll go back to this one yeah that's it okay so bench supply i'm going to set vset 5 i'm going to set it to 1 amp initially turn it on all right so oh it just came to life yeah so right now it comes pre-loaded with uh an ap and ota code that i um worked on and scott had helped me beta tested a lot so on your mobile device you can log into it and set your wi-fi credentials and all your mqtt credentials and it will reboot and connect to your network all right cool i'm just going to switch the video layout so we can see more of this because i should be able to put my phone here and then connect to this correct correct all right uh now i'm gonna have to be careful about what i um uh what i connect to or what i show on screen but let's let's see what we can find all right so ah smart hub i assume that's the one correct all right so i click on smart hub and the does it matter if this password is disclosed uh no it's a generic password that i've used on all of them um so the password is sum s-u-m in caps and then some password uh yes the whole thing cool so it says connected no internet uh keep connection because my phone wants to switch away and then i've got to go to the ip address of the thing so let's find a chrome tab uh we'll do is that right the usual thing ah here we go okay so smart hub home home management config dark mode everybody loves dark mode let's go dark mode which i think gives better contrast on on camera anyway all right so we've got some information about it we've got the four ports visible there and management okay so you can do firmware updates reboot factory reset that's cool config okay so i can now connect this to my normal wi-fi oh it's got port one current so it's got three amp current limit on each one led brightness is configurable neat it's um it's very configurable all right so what i should do is set so ap ap ssid it says ap ssid equals zero so i'll just put it in there i type in my own wi-fi correct yeah all right i'm just gonna move my phone away from the camera and ap hidden equals zero so what does that do uh so that hides the ssid of the access point uh it kind of goes into the access point mode yep cool but everything else i've already set up uh like the host name and whatnot i've already set that to the uh the demo ahead of time so all you have to do is add your credentials okay port so i'm going to put my mqtt username and password in here once again off camera if i can remember what it is i type it in so rarely that i've got to stretch my memory oh and there's a capital in it [Music] i think that's it all right so now if i hit save it is oh i just saw the you probably couldn't see that because of the angle but the lights just flashed which i guess means it just rebooted correct and now it should be on my network uh and no if it's still red it's trying to connect to the network uh okay it should go white uh when it tries to connect to mqtt and then should go green when it's connected and then go blank okay now if it stays red for too long it should reboot the access point yep okay so it's failed to connect to my wifi so are these rgb leds uh ogb white all right and are they like on leads or are they surface mount packages uh surface mount okay i'm very curious to see the internals of this at some point too but for now i'll just try to get it connected all right so if it's failed to connect to my wi-fi it should show back up on your phone yep all right let's go back to my own wi-fi if i rather than waiting for it if i turn off power and turn it back on again will it go back to being an access point or will it go through the attempted connection and time out again uh it depends uh according to scott you may have filled in the wrong field uh so it might just go straight back into being an access point okay cool i'm not seeing it as an access point yet so [Music] yeah i probably wasn't paying attention and typed it into the wrong thing all right so uh is it okay if i take this cover off while we're letting it do its thing yep you can do that yep cool ah okay it still hasn't appeared as an access point so maybe i should take take off power again do i need to unscrew these a bit more well if you might be just a bit of a tight fit oh i see the cover actually goes inside the case all right oh clever okay so you've used these as like little light chambers painted white on the inside i had to add those extra pieces on that 3d print to stop the board from flexing as well okay so that's what these are sticking these posts that stick down yeah cool that this is why i was confused i asked whether they were surface mount because i thought the pcb has got to be horizontal yes and these leds it looks like just leds at the front so is that clear is that a hot glue glue or something hot glue all right so it looks like led lenses they actually look like round through-hole leds but it's actually just hot glue in a hole as a lens and then a light chamber behind each one that's really clever nice design yeah oh scott thinks you put uh your network information into the ap ssid so it's possible it started the access point but it's not going to show up with a name that's different to my game yes cool is there a way to do a factory reset on it or uh not without re-flashing it oh okay so i killed it damn all right let's um see this is this is where you can't trust users yeah so this is going to come up as the same access point as my house basically yes which i'm not going to be able to see because it already exists ah damn all right is there anything cool we can do with the usb connection like can we see any um is there any menu or anything does it come up as a device with a serial interface uh no the only thing that it will show up is uh that it's a hub okay i won't let you do anything more all right so without the um without the mqtt and all that sort of stuff can we use it as a hub like will these buttons and things still work uh it might i have not actually tested that oh looks like it did it went yellow went off yeah so it is probably turning on but the because it's still trying to connect to wi-fi it's gonna override it and go back to red so probably all the functions probably will work yeah it's just that it's updating because of the wi-fi status yeah yeah cool so um when uh okay a silly question what is actually running this like what's the uh there's an esp32 esp8266 on the back side okay cool i just can't see it and to get to it i would need to remove that socket in order to lift the pcb out it looks like yes so to re-flash it oh okay so programming rx and tx yes you can oh yeah flash i see so that's the um the boot mode pin yep yep so you can flash it to that header if you wanted to yep i most certainly will i will yeah i'll need to do that to change the fix these wi-fi settings that i've managed to break ah damn i'm sorry i broke that it happens it's something that i can add later to code i guess to fix it okay uh so there are some things that you provided yeah you've got a whole lot of node-red examples and things that go with this as well haven't you yes i do yeah oh my carbon says flash time all right so [Music] what would i need to do to flash this is it did it do it with the arduino ide like is there a sketch or something uh there is a sketch for arduino ide um and you can use um any standard programmer that has rx tx and ground on it yeah and then all you have to do is um you push and hold reset while holding flash yes the standard bootloader procedure cool so programming um rx and tx there and then ground i guess is the first one so common ground yep so uh is there a particular place that i can go to grab this because um this is so cool that i don't want to just leave it without experimenting further with it i'd rather come up with like yeah if people are willing to sit around while i mess around with it i would rather fix it than leave it like this so uh the code is on github um at the same length okay from last time uh just the next segment up got it it is the test 10 folder um and you need the whole thing because it's got everything separated into tabs for arduino ide yep um okay now one question is um if i do re-flash it oh okay no i can just refresh it so that it it blanks everything yeah that's all right i was wondering for a moment i was what was going through my head was whether the eprom would be retained uh so there's an option in arduino uh yeah everything yeah when uploading yeah which in this case you would want to do because otherwise it will retain everything you just tried to save yeah absolutely all right so i'm going to grab a terminal and i'm just going to grab your whole repo uh where will i put it instinct and then let's see uh no sorry off camera i've um i've just opened something and i'm going to hub all right here we go so this is the folder that i just cloned version one version two was it version two uh yes design two and then code all right and then test 10 extra and then there should be an ino sketch which then automatically opens everything else yep um just 10 extra there it is so i'm just going to switch back to front cameras for a moment because i um when i open the arduino ide it's probably going to open a bunch of including client projects oh yeah scott so i'm just having a quick look at the chat while this opens scott says i've i've booked mine a few times so scott you've got one as well how many people have got these now uh so scott was the first one uh just because he lives the next city over for me um there's one other person that got theirs but hasn't had a chance to play around with it uh and then there's one more on the way to someone uh still stuck in australian posts i imagine okay um and when sorry i'm clicking around and opening stuff while talking which is never a good idea so just looking at this there is a lot of work that has gone into into assembling this let alone designing it so are you planning to sell them make them available or um all the files are already on github um i have sold a few of them i kind of undersold them so that i could get them out there and kind of make a name for myself there is plans to do a usb 3.0 hub that will have seven ports esp32 uh ethernet support and uh usbc along with um uh usb pd uh power delivery yep um so that will be a much bigger project uh and then the current one as you can see with that code that's about 7 200 lines of code and many months of work for sure yeah it looks like that's for sure um so i'm just picking in the ide i've just selected generic esp8266 module is that correct uh i had mine set to d1 mini but that should be the same i imagine all right i'll i'll just make sure that i'm using the same as you you so uh volun d1 r2 and mini all right i've selected that and then you just have to tell it uh let me pull it up here um i'm just gonna grab myself a usb serial converter i should have a few of them right here and the first one i pulled out has a sticker on it that says 5 volt only because i managed to blow up the 3.3 volt regulator on it okay this one should do the job and i just need some jumper wires and so that'll it'll still need its external power sorry everybody's just staring at my screen it'll still need the external power while it's being flashed won't it so correct because all we're connecting is ground yes okay so i've got my little usb to serial converter which i will plug into my the connection from my laptop just make sure it's set in 3.3 volt mode and then some jumpers so i need that one we'll do for a ground connection what have we got here ground goes there and then i need a tx and an rx so [Music] what we got green and yellow that'll do so the rx is esp rx i guess which means that it needs to be tx from the adapter yes the classic problem and you can be guaranteed that it's like usb ports i like memory sticks you got to put them in three ways and you get them on the third try so okay we now have a serial connection and then the only other setting you would want to change uh for the tools and board is uh erase flash change it to all flash contents okay yep so i'll hold down flash reset then let go of flash so hopefully that's in programming mode i found sometimes with esps you've got to keep holding down the boot pin like the boot mode pin for a while so um okay back to here and i'm just going to re-jig this screen a little bit so we can see it a bit more no i do not want to go full screen not on this monitor okay so um you're saying so nothing should have to change in terms of this we've got a config in here but that can all stay the same i just need to go into [Music] erase all flash contents and apart from that should be right i'm just looking at the settings in here uh port which one is it i think it's that one i've got way too many things plugged in so i'm probably about to reflash some other random device the hub is a good thing to have exactly oh no arduino id oops um esp async web server no such file so i need uh is that just a library available somewhere which one esp async web server yeah it should be available from the board menu the library manager yep here we go got to wait for it to update its list of libraries hurry up it's really annoying it does this every time there needs to be a little refresh button down here next to the cancel button well i could cancel that but then that i think it closes the whole window or does it i don't know updating list come on there we go okay so async web let's see if that finds it async web server there are a few of them esp i want um esp async web server okay it'll be the one back up near the top let me check on my end yes p i think webserver async web server wt i know that's for esp32 i'd have to grab it from uh github oh okay yeah it's not showing up on my end uh it's on github okay cool so let's um yep one of the first things that pops up on google when you type in esp async sure so let's there you go oh me no dev okay it's me no devs um cool well how about i just download zip and then load that now one thing that i've yeah always annoys me about this is that when you do downloads off github it adds the branch so it's master so what i end up having to do is recompress oh no not duplicate fail uh compress that one there all right and then back into the ide and into [Music] manage libraries uh include library add zip and downloads so this is where you get to see everything that's in my downloads folder um where was it uh if i just sort by date modified that should get it free doom um espa sync web server come on where's the zip usb why oh there it is okay uh no confirmation message or anything oh there you go added done okay so i'm just gonna click upload again we'll see if it compiles ooh okay what was the error this time async tcp async esp async tcp no such file all right so that's something else i need to install esp yeah it'll be from here usb async tcp that's another one of mino dev's libraries which um i'm just going to grab it this way i assume it's not going to be available in the library manager if the other one wasn't it might not be and i know scott's probably yelling platform io because it does all this stuff automatically or you can easily link it to github you don't have to copy things over yeah but i wanted to i had been working on the hub for so long i just wanted to uh get the the code out um so that i could actually send the devices because people had helped pay for its development okay well that's good i think i went through four board revisions um and had to swap a few boats i initially started it almost a year ago when you first mentioned that you'd like to have a hub and then left it for a little while and then some people were like oh don't you try and see if it works yeah so then i started working on it um and yeah cool um so it's looking for the adafruit mcp2308 which i think is the old library because they've gone to the 23x17 library now yes i'm just going to uh they should be drop in as long as you change the name and the declaration i think okay come on cancel that update cancel cancel your update uh yeah i'm just going to check in here because mcp23008 i want to see if the old library is still in here oh there it is i might be able to have it installed alongside let's just try that and then you'll want the ina 219 library as well i'm pretty sure i've already got that one because i've used that that current monitoring chip in quite a few projects no don't do the update this part of the process is so painful ina 219 update yeah i've already got it but i okay what have i got 109. i've there been a couple of releases since then so i might as well click the update button uh installed all right i'm going to close that window ah why does this updating list take so long every time just stop it come on close [Laughter] okay yes i'll have everybody in the chat shouting at me uh compiling all right so um do you use platform io or do you normally use arduino ide i normally use arduino which is why i haven't really spent that much time with platform um because i knew like trying to do the seven line seven thousand lines of code for this would take me forever to try and learn all the nuances of platforms so i figured i'll leave platform learning to one i'm not trying to send a product out the door yeah um yeah it's one of those things the classic situation of you're busy getting too busy getting things done to improve the process to get it done more efficiently so it hasn't come up with any errors yet it still says compiling which is a good sign and colin in the chat said hot tip turn your stream off to get better bandwidth yeah it probably doesn't help all right uh on that subject i am going to have a quick look at my network stats what am i doing at the moment real time usage peak usage 4 megabits a second upload hmm yeah i should be way and i'm only using seven megabits a second download out of 100 megabit connection so it shouldn't be stopping it from working all right still compiling i don't think i've compiled anything for esp8266 for a little while so it's probably compiling a whole bunch of libraries and things i think chat really wants to see steve again yeah okay here we go hang on switch to overhead while we're waiting for the the compile and has my overhead camera locked up i have oh no it's just being slow in its updates have i i wonder if i've dropped to like one frame every two seconds because the because arduino ide is using my entire cpu that seems to be better okay here is steve yeah he definitely needs to be looking over my shoulder maybe he should be holding something too we could put something in his hand i don't know what could just be an led or something i'll get one of those led candles and salvage the the flame and led out of it yeah okay i've just clicked on upload and of course arduino has decided it has to compile the entire sketch again oops hopefully it'll be faster this time because i won't have to go through the go through all the libraries and things trying to sit this here so that we can see the activity leds if it gets to that point no it's still compiling ah station 240 says steve should be running back and forth across the desk oh colin suggested make it a to20 at least yeah oh um scott's dead steve needs a canadian flag to hold that would be appropriate i see some uh blinking on the yeah it's trying so i'm just putting it into boot mode still doesn't seem to be all right what have we got here so we've got ground green is rx into the thing and that's tx out of here so the tx and rx definitely from the point of view of the device it should be all right let's try that one again it uh it did the classic thing of timed out waiting for packet header which always happens when you're trying to do uploads that fail so i'm just checking upload speed i'm going to go for a low upload speed just to be on the safe side setting everything else to defaults except erase is all flash contents and okay oh aaron just said uh i should ask you about your other projects they're super interesting maybe a show and tell while we're waiting yeah so austin uh i'm gonna switch cameras back to here in fact what i'm going to do i'm just going to see if i can um if i can reverse i'm not sure if i can do this how do i make yours the large one no i don't know not sure all right we'll just have to settle for this i think um so what other cool projects have you been working on um hold on i'm pulling up yes the rx and tx are direct to the esp um but when you did it the last time it looked like the leds had reset so uh i don't think it had actually gone into boot mode yeah okay i am going to do the two finger juggle and so hold down boot press reset let go of reset let go of boot that should be in boot loader mode now well maybe i do need to hold keep holding it down shouldn't need to i didn't with my uh ch 340 programmer yep and aaron just said um to everyone make sure you check out austin's youtube channel and subscribe to show some love yes everyone should do that so what we need is a link to your channel in the chat so i'm just going to do a quick search for it now if i oh what i'm not even subscribed to you how can that be i thought i was unless i'm looking at the wrong channel no i think that's the wrong is it the right channel so do you have a link to your uh your channel somewhere um it should be posted in the chat oh good oh cool yes i am already subscribed good no i was looking at the wrong austin yep very good compiling sketch it still says compiling all right i'm gonna because i'm a little paranoid about this i'm just gonna keep holding the boot button down yeah uh scott said esp devices are happiest if you hold gpio zero low at least until they start receiving the flash yeah that's right so i've often found that i have to keep this asserted for a while it's not enough to just put it into bootloader mode and wait and then begin the upload so it still says compiling on my computer so i'm going to sit here holding this button uh my brain is still struggling with the fact that austin is in canada and not texas i either get that joke or the steve austin jokes okay all right sorry other projects um most of the stuff i've been doing lately is trying to um uh work on stuff for the oxxos ecosystem um so i have a pwm controller board uh that is designed to control your regular analog um led strips so this is the board here uh that's got some test pieces already hooked up led strips um and a few people have already um purchased a few of these um i plan to use them when i build my new workbench i plan to put in a lot of lighting everywhere so that i can do better filming and see what i'm working on but also makes it more controllable yeah and then i designed a controller to link up to that that uses an esp8266 um it sits in the same size as the rac32 not as long but it's shorter [Music] and that way you have something simple that you can has poe and a 2.1 millimeter input very basic that gets you to connect to this so you don't have to buy a rack 32 which is a little overpowered um yeah for just running an led strip yeah and so i have that board on the way and um uh then my other project is i like tower lights actually i like lights in general uh but i really like a good tower light and back when i started designing my own tower light i could not find a good seller for them and then had recently found a good seller for regular sized tower lights on aliexpress but it's still hard to get something that's like 180 degrees when i don't need a full-size tower light um and so i've designed this one and it runs analog so i've designed a controller that can run regular tower lights but also run mine and i've got parts on the way for that and part of the reason i use a tower light is i have a 3d printer which i plan to integrate uh octoprint into um and be able to um see the status on this but also put in the tower like say in my garage so if i'm working in the garage and my 3d printer is running in my office i can still know its status um and then the so there's a relative standard for what you're supposed to do with the tower light in terms of your uh red yellow and green and then yellow blue and white typically have no definition but it's common that blue is at least a notification light and then white is kind of whatever so in my case i've set up white to be my doorbell so i have a 433 megahertz doorbell that i use um and it links up to that and then through node red and home assistant i can get a mobile notification as well and the big reason for that is one can't hear the doorbell in the main lobby anyways and part of the reason for that is because i'm partially deaf um and then the uh and that's part of the reason for having something that's visual is because of my hearing impairment um but if i'm doing something in the garage where i'm using power tools and wearing hearing protection i wouldn't hear anything then either so yes and then blue is kind of a general notification light so i have a few other devices that have keypads and they do have master codes and whatnot so if they ever get triggered or whatever i can know that it's been used and then everything else hopefully i'll start integrating tools and when i build my workbench i want to have like a sonar for shelley connected to like my soldering iron a hot glue gun so if something hot is turned on i can have the yellow light on if the three is on but not hot i can set it to green if i'm running a print i can set it to yellow and so on and so forth and that way i can always know the status of various items yeah that's um it's really nice being able to display if something hot is on i like that idea because it so many times i've done something like leave a soldering iron on overnight you come back the next day and the soldering iron is still on because it's just it's not obvious typically so yeah if you can have that set up so that if there's anything in anything that's hot that's turned on the indicator is on that's really handy yeah yeah oh so i think somebody mentioned something about the din rail and the uh in the chat um yes that design is custom um i found a relative clip design on thingiverse that i liked and then i made it more compact as well as set it up so that when it's attached to that smart hub it's all in line centered um and then i just bought sample pack of dinnerwheel that came in four inch lengths to add to the package but the key slot is designed that an actual wood screw could also work obviously you can use a uh double-sided tape and the whole design is designed so that if you wanted to use it on the underside of a workbench you can do so without interfering with any of the connections on it yes which is exactly how i'm going to use it i'm going to attach it under my bench right in front of me so i can just plug stuff straight in yeah that's cool and with mqtt you can see the status of a port there's an override mode where it will actually disable the buttons but you still get button presses through mqtt and even not in override mode you can still see the button presses so you can actually have a button press linked to more than one thing other than the hub itself and it will do multi-press all the way up to five presses as well as a hold if it's ever in an overcurrent condition it will accept a triple press or a off command from mqtt to reset it and then you can obviously monitor voltage on the hub as well as uh the current being used on a port uh there are protections in place that if you're on over voltage it disables it if you're on under voltage it disables it and in the voltage conditions it won't reset until it's within a certain point and it does have a hysteresis to it okay it sounds like you've covered lots and lots of different edge cases like this i tried to i tried to think of certain things just in case yeah um clever um while we've been chatting i'm still trying to do uploads on this i'm just trying a different board profile to see if that works i'm trying it just with the generic esp8266 profile so if i can't get this working i'm going to play around with it after the live stream that it would be very sad if i can't demonstrate this on the live stream because the other thing to have a look at is the light switch sorry i'm half off the camera here because i'm stretching across to the bench holding down the the boot button so i may need to uh to figure out how to reflash this after the live stream is finished can you disable your wi-fi in the lab john um i could yeah so aaron just suggested i turn off my normal wi-fi the problem is that a few other people might get upset if i do that yes i could so in the unifi management system i could just disable that uh ssid temporarily or go for a walk to the poke yeah if it if i'm desperate enough i will do that but i'm not going to do it without warning people first because um yeah there are three other people in the house who are probably all actively doing stuff right now like school no no school tommy's on school holidays millie is doing uni assessment stuff so she may well need it no that last of him just failed as well and and will be working so if their internet goes away they won't be too happy well we can look at the smoke swatch at least um yeah let's check that out and i'll try not to break this one i'm just going to unplug this i should switch over to back to this camera and let's see what we can see on here all right it may well be that it's this um converter as well because that little box of uh of adapters that i've got a lot of them ended up in there because they were dodgy so it's quite possible that there is nothing wrong at that end at all it's just my converter all right so this is the smart switch so it's obviously a four button switch and you've got you've got clear rings around this you've 3d printed all of this yeah the rings are um acrylic it comes in a tube and then i have a uh a 3d printed jig that holds my dremel so i can use it as a like a mini chop saw yeah so you can cut little lengths of the tube cool all right so just to make sure i don't screw this up what should the process be for powering this up for the first time uh so that's applied power so i set that up ahead of time to use that external jack so you can do uh 12 to 37 volts to it uh it does have a jumper on it so you can use the lrc connection for power which again it goes through that regulator so it could be 12 to whatever voltage you want not whatever it's max is 37. um i missed a trace on that board so it has that little barge layer um but that diode array actually separates all the buttons both from the lrc and from the esp on board from each other so it keeps everything isolated um and in a future revision i actually have a i found um this really small uh w51 or 5500 uh module on aliexpress yeah um so i'm hoping that because that board doesn't have any space to go wider or longer so i'm hoping going using some z height will let me add ethernet support to that uh so that you could have both an lsc connection you can have ethernet and you could use wi-fi if you needed to yeah um but overall the price point of that i think is fairly good it's not when you factor in labor but in terms of somebody 3d printing and assembling them themselves it's a fairly nice board and i actually think all the parts on that board are something that um uh glc can do other than the leds i used ogb white leds um and i'm not sure that glc normally stocks those okay well i'm going to turn on power and we'll see what happens cool so we've got green coming on there so it's powering on so we'll just let it do its thing for a moment i would have expected it to go red by now so that'll be it goes red same as um as this it goes red when it's in access point mode and it's um it's ready to be configured yeah okay uh should i just press the reset button sure try that uh did you change your power supply voltage um it is currently set to 12 volts one amp is that adequate it should be yep i was using a well i was using um a three amp supply on my desk but yeah i don't see why it's only it's only pulling 40 milliamps or so which is less than i would have expected this is where we need the um the ut61e on screen thing so where is 3.3 volts on a um an esp-12 i can't remember which pin it is i'm pretty sure ground is up towards the top but i can grab ground from uh from somewhere else anyway oh i can just grab it from here let's just make sure i'm sending it the right voltage yep so 12 volts is coming in let's uh oh and 3.2 yeah 3.3 volts um all right i'm just going to turn it up power cycle it i set to enter so it's still pulling only 40 milliamps or so which suggests that it's not um it hasn't started up its wi-fi because i think it would pull a little bit more than that if it was running its wifi alright so uh try checking your phone just oh right it could just be that it hasn't changed the color on the led yeah that's a good point [Laughter] esp factory is that right yep okay so it is it's just not just that color of the led okay it was working cool password same password same as before so s u m as uppercase and then password and connect connected no internet and any moment now it should complain i'll say keep so now we'll go back to oh here we go smart home switch now this time i will try not to screw up this configuration so it looks like the same basic interface as uh as the um the hub yep yep so management once again we can do reboot and factory reset and config all right so host name is button switch ssid wi-fi password ap oh i see so in here where it says ap ssid that means when it runs as an ap not the ap that it's connecting to yes yes okay so that's where i screwed up the other one so broker username password so what we should be doing is putting it up in this area here that's where i need to put my password my ssid alright i am going to just do that off camera and i'll also put in the broker while i'm here and once again see if i can remember my broker password hmm all right i'm going to leave everything else the same save so this network will go away oh that's changed so now it's on what white is trying to connect to mqtt um if it's successful then it should go green and then blank okay um now i'm not used to it taking that long to connect to mqtt it's quite possible it's because of the because i stuffed up the authentication um but this will be on once it's white does that mean it's successfully on my wi-fi correct okay cool so now we should be able to pull up that management interface if i just look in my list of devices i will have its ip address somewhere so i'm going to go to where are we uh devices clients here we go come on unifi you can load you can do it all right i'm going to get out of arduino ide okay so is my unifi controller running i need that to be able to get to the list of ip addresses container hmm docker thinks it's running and the log says that it's up oh no okay my unifi controller's got a problem mongodb has freaked out so i'm going to [Music] restart the um the unifi controller and then and that'll take a little while so we can chat about other things so um maybe while that's happening what i'll do is have a look at some of the node red side of it because you've also got some uh sorry i'm just cleaning up my desktop here so i can get to the where are we here we go okay so there is in here if we're going to version two this is for the hub but i'm just going to go into this first and then into code and node-red flows so in here you've got some flows for managing the hub using node-red i'm not going to load those right now because i need to get the firmware for that working first but you've also got the button panel and this has uh nodereddemo.txt so how about i copy that and come into node red what am i revealing here i don't know live streams always make me nervous because i don't know what's going to pop up on screen um flow sorry import okay let's just stick that in there oh okay hang on i'm gonna i don't want to put that down in this in this flow uh you can just probably put it down and then control z it yeah undo it no it's probably fine i'll just take it in this flow sorry i'll just stick it so the only thing you'll have to adjust is there are four mqtt nodes that you would have to point at your broker um and then the um you'll notice there are i think three that are missing um which are the state machine yes uh one of them state machine the other one is a countdown node there it is yep and unknown traffic yeah uh oh you don't have traffic installed either that's a focus no i always find it interesting the different nodes that are included with various installations yeah what people don't have i've got a pretty basic setup i really haven't added very much to it so [Music] let's just do node red concrete traffic is that the one let's see here a traffic light node uh yep cool i'll install that and then there's one that should be countdown um and it will show up for two it's the non-two labeled one okay so there's countdown and countdown two and i should just do the regular countdown correct yep install and what was the other one called uh state machine good finite state machine or x state machine uh finite yep install and so that's installed uh am i missing anything now oh state machine that says it's still missing interesting maybe it just hadn't updated yet oops clicked on the wrong thing um unknown state machine hmm okay did update the other ones uh palette i'm just going to make sure that where are we state appearing in here now my night state machine so that's definitely the one that you've got node-red contrib finite state machine 2.0 uh not 2.0 okay um node red control persist uh fsm state machine ah okay state machine here we go node reconstruct persistent fsm so i've been paying any attention to our chat um so dodgy said would i be a creation assuming these are no red plugins uh yes there we go so we've got state machine in there now alrighty now where are we that to work out where your mine ends and your starts so this area here is all of the new stuff that has been added so we've got lwt setting here okay so you've just got some comments on what they are connection debug so our topic outgoing topic i wonder if my um for some reason the uh the unifi controller takes ages to restart whenever i think it's whenever i need to restart it i think surely it's had long enough and no it's going to take longer looks like it's not responding yet well what i might do while i'm still looking at this is i'm going to go back into my docker manager it says it's been up for six minutes and yet i still can't connect to it all right i'm going to shut down the unified controller there are other ways i could find out what it is i could probably the thing is if i did an ip scan there are a lot of devices on this network it does have a good uh debug output on the oh on the console nice actual device uh in the debug output window and it's super nice formatting as courtesy of scott i modified his debug library uh to work a little more nicer with the the way my code runs um there's not a single delay in any of it and which kind of makes it a lot harder to output stuff if you want them in order in a nice way to read it all right i'm just starting the uh the unified controller again let that do its thing okay so what i can what i'll do then is i'll grab this usb serial adapter i might if this adapter doesn't work i might try a different one too because as i said before that is possibly the reason we weren't having success earlier so in fact i i'm just going to go straight to a different adapter i'm not even going to try that one let me pull up the schematic so i can tell you the pin out of that connector i forgot to add it to the silk screen hopefully it's the same as the other board though um i think so that would be sensible [Applause] all right i just need some different jumpers here okay oh okay i can't actually there's no indication of which orientation it is so which end is ground uh so ground is the one that is um closest to the bottom corner okay that one there yeah and then the one up from that is rx and then the next one is tx okay so in this case ground is yellow and then orange is rx which is going to be that way so oops that one i'll do the classic thing kind of take a guess i think rx and tx are correct but uh i don't know once you open a debug that's right there are only three possible ways you can connect rx and tx so um what am i going to use maybe cool term and options so what is the board rate that i want for this um one thousand hundred and fifteen two hundred two hundred yep 115 okay sorry nobody can see what i'm doing right now i've just opened cool term but i'm going to switch to my desktop so i'm not even sure if i've got the right serial port selected at the moment let's uh i'll hit reset and see what shows up yeah we'll see let's see so reset let's see if anything appears nope all right i'm going to i just got to check whether i do have the right port so options it's a report i'll unplug that rescan oh it wasn't that one okay so we've got five selected hid p1c usb3 i'll plug that back in rescan must be that one okay and then connect now reset oh there we go aha there you go nice and is this going to disclose the username and password um it will probably show you wi-fi ssid but not the password okay uh so it is trying to connect to mqtt but it can't um if you scroll up it should give you wi-fi info oh did it not connect to wi-fi config initializing ssid so it is trying to connect to wi-fi but it doesn't show that it actually got an s um an ip address an ip address okay so that should be appearing in this area here no it would show it down below it would show it after device running so it probably won't show the message until mqtt shows up which is a known bug in my code and i know why because the mqtt connection code is blocking which is why it's not showing you the ip address yet yeah but that whole layout and window for that debug is courtesy of scott which i like because it keeps everything nice and organized and the end of line and start of line has different um uh characters used when something goes wrong or goes right so you can easily spot like an aoe or something yeah nice so it's got the plus symbol versus just the bar as a as a way i mean i think star for an eo star yeah yeah cool okay oh i've just lost it in the scroll back i didn't have enough history in the i just press the reset button so we can get this message again yeah cool so why isn't my unifi controller running that is really annoying this is a total fail on my part let's see if i can get any more information about what's going on with my unifi controller so that i can get this ip address it's all slog no it just says that it started six minutes ago so it should be ready to go hmm yeah oc 5 is authentication failure for mqtt okay well looks like i'm not getting anywhere with that with my um with my unified controller sorry i was just clicking around trying to get that user interface to load all right so is there anything else we can do with this without knowing its ip address i don't think we can no sadly sorry this is why i like sending devices out i learned all the nuances of things to to fix and update yeah and the um so the interface on it is just on the standard port 80 isn't it so i'm i'm tempted to start just trying to load random ip addresses in my subnet to see what comes up but yeah i could be here for a while it could be um any one of the number of any one of many different ip addresses i could do a take a little while to do a port scan hmm no i don't i don't think i will okay so in lieu of that one thing i'm really curious about is how you've done some of the mechanical side of this so while waiting to see if my unifi controller comes back oh hang on it has it just took a really really long time it really did yes now i'm going to get that off my screen because i'm about to extract the password from my unifi device well this is good news because now at least we can get into the smart switch all right back to clients and i probably shouldn't be revealing this stuff either um i'm looking let's just sort by uptime it should be whatever is new button switch there it is dot one five eight that's the ip we want haha nice now we've got the management interface for it which means i should be able to fix the config for the um let's try in fact what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch brokers 168.1.111 so this is my test broker that's unauthenticated can i find it change anything else to remove a username and password set them both to zero yep um that shouldn't matter the authentication on this one my code will though uh your code will yeah my code looks for it and tries it so i'm not sure how a book will actually react when it's trying it or not so it ignores it if the with mosquito if it's not set to use authentication you can send it username and password doesn't matter what you've sent it'll just ignore it oh okay sorry good to know i'm pretty sure it'll be fine anyway so nothing else should need to change i just want to make sure before i click save in case i um i kill its wi-fi and do something silly everything else will stay the same hit save save password no all right so if you look at the device hopefully the colors change oh okay yes hang on let's get this camera back onto it so it's green at the moment and it's just that one that's green yeah so it's probably waiting for wi-fi again okay and then hopefully it'll change or look at the debug output see if it showed anything oh yeah good idea still got the debug open so factory wi-fi not connecting wi-fi checkup so it's looks like it's gone into setup mode oh weird oh okay that might be because i saved it without putting values in for the others no it should ignore them oh okay well out of curiosity i'm just going to see if it has gone into factory setup mode i'm going to [Music] check if it's back up on wi-fi yes it is esp factory try resetting it sometimes it uh okay i've had that issue with my own wi-fi as when doing an updated yep comes back so quickly that the access point doesn't it oh it's done there you go now it's connected and now node red should work yes and i'm just going to switch back to the desktop so people can see what came up in the console so it came up with device booting and then uh came up with the mqtt topics it says device running it's reported its ip address signal strength yep fantastic okay so now if we come back into here we should be able to do some interesting things yeah so if we go say button switch output and i change that to my my unauthenticated broker and if i leave the settings so if i bring this back again it's so it's the actual topics are button switch and then an extension to it so if i leave all of these um these settings in node red it should just match what's already done correct yeah i tried to make the demo as straightforward as i could yep cool so i'll set these to be my unauthenticated test broker and that one and then once you deploy that you should be able to push buttons and have things happen yep um and you'll notice um for two functions um there's a flash speed uh you'll wanna start the timer um and then later you can play with uh the um there's a inject node for selecting which demo is running okay cool so this yeah so this one is currently stopped yeah yeah sorry further up it's right there right next to l yeah so that's your timer stop timer yep so you would want that running for one of the demos i can't remember which one it is but okay so if i now just press buttons on it we should get messages coming up in the debug here correct is that correct okay i'm just going to press you have to deploy it again i think uh no all i did was turn the yeah it's just the debug node i just turned it on and off cool oh hang on um i wish we could show both at the same time i think the overhead view is more useful at this point than what's in node-red but look you can see some animations happening there so these are not just a single led illuminating it it's multiple leds and then you can do patterns yep uh so there's that function which is a ring function so you can if you do another press single press it should change colors um so it changes um what you're allowed to be able to do with it so you can keep single pressing it um so it showcases that you can control all four colors and how many you're on um that one um so the top left is the timer function so you can [Music] have certain number on so the thought is that you can do it for like a bathroom fan and you can see how much time is left if you press it again and it starts [Music] and then once it goes down press it again and you can restart it again from the beginning and obviously everything is done in node red so you could have it for whatever timing you wanted on it and you'll notice now that you have another one doing the ring function on the bottom two they're actually synchronized to each other oh okay so if i start this one again the animation on those two now the time at which that moves down will match the time that this is changing no the the two ones that are rotating on the bottom they are synchronized to each other oh okay oh this one's rotating oh it is too i've been i'm looking at the screen and for some reason the camera doesn't pick up the distinction between blue and white very well but yeah it's it's rotating this one's rotating white and blue and this one's rotating black uh red and off and double press on them we'll turn them off and then the top one there uh that one demos the fading so it can fade between colors yeah and a double press on it also turns it off and it fades off instead of just turning it on and off it fades nicely as well and the reason for that is the led controller that i have also has that same fade function which uh ben was very very pleased with when he yeah got his in the mail okay so with the led controller you just tell it that you want it to transition and it takes care of it directly yeah there's a a math function built into it that can separate the values into steps so that it does it nicely over whatever number you have set for it yeah yeah that it looks really smooth i like the way it does that fade and being able to yeah and what i like particularly uh and i use the same buttons on the spout hub as i love the click these buttons have yeah they feel nice there's only a fairly small amount of movement to it but you can feel a very distinct click i really like this you've done great work with this it's um it's really cool not just from a functionality and like the design perspective but also the effort in terms of the fabrication to to make a wall plate like this that looks as good as something that you would buy in a shop this is amazing okay and what people can't see is that a whole lot of events have been appearing in node-red as well in the debug stuff so let's just drop over to back over to node red you can see on the right here it will output uh anything from a single to uh five press as well as hold um but in the demo i've only used single and double and double yeah very cool all right so um these are just the four different buttons during the different demos something like yep yeah so the bottom two buttons have other demos that you can enable with the inject uh that is above them oh here this one uh no oh no um right underneath the timer um timer next to the um [Music] yep demo one demo two demo three so if i click is demo one the default yes yeah so if i try demo two and then come back to this view we should get some different behavior yes okay on the bottom two buttons it should give you different behaviors um try the other button yeah so it's uh so you can have the viewing animation go on both directions but they stay in synchronization to each other yes i'm trying to get the angle on the camera right so the glare is isn't showing it up but yeah they're synchronized and they're going in opposite directions and if i remember correctly i don't think i set those to full brightness in case anyone's wondering so these are actually running a fairly lower brightness yeah yeah because the camera would just end up cleared out anyway yeah i set them so it can go all the way to 255 and i've pretty much set them all all to about 50. yeah so they're running at about one-fifth of their potential intensity i really like this countdown one the fact that the ring um you know decreases and then it eventually turns off yeah you can set uh what color each light is so like you you can tell it i want four leds on and then this is the color that all four would be which is how i've done it that way um and then as it goes down i'm telling it not only to turn off an led but also to change the color at the same time yep so it starts with green is good and then it excuse me it descends all the way down into red just before it's going to turn off yeah this looks so cool yep so at the moment all of this communication is happening over wi-fi so this is connected to my home wi-fi and publishing to mqtt and receiving messages by mqtt but you've also got a connector on here for the light switch controller and you're talking earlier about these diodes being for isolation so you could have this plugged into the light switch controller and so that means that you could for example use the physical actions of the buttons going into the lsc to control things but you could also i guess use mqtt to update the state on the displays is that right yeah you can have uh you could have an llc run your normal button presses you can um have it as a failover support uh and then obviously you're the only way to control the leds is through qtt which is also part of the reason i wanted to um add an ethernet connection to it because if i can fit that in there then you can just simply have two wires going down to your light switch um have an lse for power and then have the other one for ethernet but if it's going in a location where you don't have an lse or ethernet connection then you have the terminal block for external power and you can simply run it on wi-fi yep cool in which case all you need to do is get power to it and because you've got the switch mode regulator it's a um it's a wide range voltage input so you could have this on the wall with just a like a 12 volt plug pack or something supplying power to it and it would be happy yeah that that regulator is good up to 37 volts and then they have a high voltage version which is good up to 57 volts um and somebody in the chair has asked about the rgbw being expensive uh it is not the ogbw chips are the same price as the rgb ones um in this case the i believe the bill of materials just for the circuit board is about 15 to 20 dollars um and the idea was to try and come up with something low-cost that's relatively simple to assemble and then 3d printed so that somebody could 3d print their own and you could easily do um uh the uh embossing food lotto and if you wanted to yeah uh customize this and then put button labels or something if you wanted to and another thing i wanted to experiment with i have no idea if it will actually fit but with my led controller you can actually run color changing temp led strips and stuff like that so i want to see i know they make uh a um [Music] uh what i call it um oh a white led it has your warm white cold white and amber and then i want to try and fit and uh either a smaller say 35 35 rgb and see if i can fit both in there and get the full color wheel essentially available and the two m3 screws if you wanted to remove them you could uh i do because i know the people on the side really see the underside all the threading not the threading but the actual hex um positioning of them um they tend to strip out really easily with a hex key so just watch that i will be very careful okay so let's see if this is the right one no it's a smaller one than your normal a smaller one it'll be this one yeah all right i'm going to carefully do it while it's all still powered up because i want to see the i'll try not to drop the the screw across anything i want to see the led arrangement because i'm really intrigued you've got you've obviously got four leds per button so there are 16 leds on there that you're you're controlling individually and the other thing i'm curious about is the buttons themselves are they um the same ones that are used for the um reset and flash buttons oh really it's these little ones little surface mount ones oh just with caps on them oh and the caps are 3d printed too i actually thought that these caps must have been commercial like they came as part of the switches but no i'm going to lift one out just so that i can have it and i designed those with those cutouts on them to stop them from rotating and such and going all wonky when they're in those slots which is why it has a weird footprint to them yes and then the other reason for their footprint is their footprint is slightly wide enough so that the other version of this switch that i have um instead of lighting up as a ring it only has a single led that goes through the center of the button so for that design it has two uh smd um uh push buttons um so that uh if you kind of hit the button off center you're still pretty much guaranteed to push um the actual button in that version yes okay cool yeah because the button itself can't be in the middle now the um the design of this in terms of both this and the way you've done the little light uh light boxes and lenses in here i'm really impressed with the way you've managed the light the illumination on this because when we had this running before i'm just going to hold this in position looking at the front of this i don't know how obvious it is on camera but what it looks like is four segments on this top one you can possibly see it there's like a little shadow between each of the segments and the that is achieved by having a little cut out in the side here where the led fits in and then the button because it has this star-shaped back on it with the tab sticking out those tabs are acting like little light blockers between the adjacent leds sorry i'm just explaining this for people that can't necessarily see this so well on camera but that is a very clever design and the gap i wonder if we can see this and uh i know the microscope is not the best thing for this because it's you know i'm going to zoom it right right out and get a little bit more focus now if you do turn the brightness up that effect of seeing the segments does dissipate a lot it goes away yeah but i tested that brightness in my own room with my normal level and i found for the brightness level it was still good enough that i could see it if i turned all the lights off my room it wasn't glaringly obvious um which leads to the other point in the revision i actually want to try and see if i can fit a lux sensor and then have a small hole in the 3d print that goes into what would be your room um and that way you could actually have it adjust based on lighting or you could tell if you've told it hey i want this light in this room to be on it can actually confirm that said light had turned on or whatever okay uh along with possibly adding a temperature sensor yep so just to show the finish on this it's a little bit hard to see but this top surface has been sanded off and smoothed and it just looks fantastic in real life so in the middle here you can see the transparent tube which is acting as the little light pipe coming through the front panel and then each of these gaps on the side here so these four holes is where the leds fit in to pass the light down through the the light pipe down there to the front this is amazing okay let's go back to looking to the um looking at the other part of it so for reference those buttons when bought in a 10 pack um so 10 of them are 80 cents canadian so i like them because they seem to have a good um uh rating i think they're rated for like 100 000 presses or something um of the thousands that i've purchased of them so far i've only had one fail um and the price points really good they're easy to solder up um and they have a very good tactile feel which i personally like yeah yeah they do have a nice click to them they feel good and as for the 3d printer i'm running i'm running a prusa bug 2 that has had the upgraded magnetic bed which is how i got the texture on the bottom of steve and the texture that's on the smout hub case that's on the top and bottom of the smart hub case yeah yeah it's not so easy to see on camera but there is a i get the angle just right there is a little bit of texture on this it's um the texture that comes off those pei sheets is quite nice i like it wow this is fantastic austin um i'm since we're nearly at two hours already i'm not going to mess around more with the with flashing the firmware onto this i'm going to um experiment with this later although maybe it's worth one more try so this is a different adapter to what i was using before and we know that it's working yeah and now the port so let's give it one more shot on getting the usb hub flashed and and see how that goes so i'm just going to turn off power from that i've got to remember to change it back to 5 volts as well before i put power into the hub from here and so is this in the same order it probably is isn't it as the other one i'm going to unplug that one and plug ground ground in that way oh well we'll find out soon enough it's ground rx and then tx and the other one checking eagle on my screen and i keep opening the wrong window okay uh yeah they are in the same order cool and i just held it in the same position as i was switching it over so we should in theory now have a known good serial connection so what i'll do is switch back over i still got to put it into boot mode and do all of that sort of stuff i'm gonna have to launch arduino ide again and i've just been dropping things all over my bench i've got to keep everything together in one place make sure i don't lose any of it so these are the the brackets to mount it keep that over there and you set it to five volts fight i did thank you for checking i haven't actually turned it on yet i'm waiting until i've got the the thing ready to upload actually no i will turn it on now i'll just hit power all right so that's now alive and uh [Music] test 10 extra that was the one wasn't it correct all right so what do we have here just gonna disconnect cool term so it's not trying to hog the serial port then i'm gonna pick at the usb serial so we know which port it is uh i'm just clicking through and setting some options now all right what i might do just to be consistent with you is i'm going to change back to the d1 mini board profile so i want to eliminate anything that might be a problem if that's the profile you use then that's what i'll use i'm going to change the upload speed i do not have one of those flashes aaron i use a generic um uh ch30 and i got a little piece of tape so that doesn't hit anything metal on my desk uh with the lead for the rx tx because that's normally what i use on the devices just to cut on below materials and then when i use that mega most of the time i'm either using a dev board that has [Music] the [Music] uh what do you call it usb programming on it or i can uh use an inline programmer i typically like my devices starting up right away the only problem with adding the lithium ion backup to the switch plate would be power usage that esp will pull about 70 milliamps while it's running and once you factor in running uh the leds you kind of running out of power management it'd have to be a big battery and i wouldn't really trust that behind a switch plate you'd be better off using a ups attached to your lrc and powering it that way yeah have the power back up centralized um but if you yeah if you had these running on wi-fi just with local power supplies it could potentially allow it to work for a little bit longer but as um was it scott said i won't do much if the power is out yeah that is true yeah it's always funny when somebody asks what do you do when your power is out how do you use the lock well how do you use your lights it's like what do you do when the power goes out how do you use your lights yeah i know i get the exact same thing actually had the power go out in our house the other month um and we had someone new in the house so they actually came upstairs to try and check the wi-fi wondering why the wi-fi was out um not realizing the lights that we have in our hallways uh we have plugs in the hallways and these miniature lights oh it's flashing it is yeah we have miniature uh lights the night lights but they have built-in battery backup and they didn't realize those were backup lights [Music] so they thought the power was still on even though everything else in the house is off yeah upload completed and i've just hit reset so hopefully it will come back so once it resets it goes red doesn't it is that right it should i would expect it to oh you have to hit reset on the yeah on the board yeah to get out of boot mode i did that i'm just going to turn off power as well right power is off power is back on and nothing is coming up i wonder if i um i had some setting that so it did compile and upload but i wonder if i had some setting that has stopped it from working but just as a test i'm going to see if it has come up as an access point even though the leds haven't come on i can't see it at the moment uh power is on anything on the serial terminal uh good question does it have so it does have debugging on the serial terminal yes let's find out just got to set the um serial settings again okay connect oh it does oh it's in a boot loop of some kind um interesting hang on i'm going to switch to desktop and i'm going to disconnect cut here for exception decoder so there's a stack trace happening there may be something that i had misconfigured like the flash memory size or you know something like that so it's definitely booting like it's got and it's got your code running on it we can see that now so so what i'm going to do is just make sure that i've got my settings correct in the arduino ide so 80 megahertz 4 megabyte flash debug disabled feed tables flash exceptions disabled stack protection arrays everything ssl mmu yeah i think all of the um the compiler settings like the profile settings look okay uh flash size 4 megabits flash two megabits ota yes one thousand kilogram um cpu frequency i've got is 80 megahertz should it be 160 no 80 megahertz upload speed 921 600 yeah the upload worked so it said that it completed uh lwip variant v2 lower memory yeah that's the same i have on mine um v tables flash see exceptions disabled stack protection disabled i don't have those on mine oh okay which profile have i got selected i'm just making sure i've got the right one too so if at the moment i've got lowland wemos d1 r2 and mini selected correct yep okay so i've got the same profile hmm it looked like it was pull up the serial terminal again let's see what it said um so initializing config so it's reading it it's opening it closes it yeah okay so it loaded the configuration it's trying to uh knows its name and then it tried connecting the uh yeah the ina the current sensor the current sensor failed there i wonder if that's to do with something like the version of the the ina library so yeah well at least now we know that the problem was i was using a dodgy usb serial adapter so i can successfully load code onto it so i don't think um yeah i think maybe what we'll do is wind it up and i will um i will keep playing around with it but after the live stream i won't get everybody sitting here while i while i try different things yes um scott scott is on his rant we need a platform i o song oh the platform i o no we're not going to do an order zigbee awesome well um austin thank you so much for sending me these things and for sending me steve you're very welcome thank you for the content you've been making um these projects are both really cool and particularly this much which is cool as well but i'm really interested in the usb hub because it's it's a bit of an unusual thing and it's something that i think could be really useful to me i like something that i generally do in fact i should have right here on my bench somewhere it's definitely something that i can see make who's putting used to it especially with um i know scott was experimenting with it um with like platform io you could have a python script running where you could tell like okay i'm uploading like four boards and have them all plugged in you can have it turn on power and data upload and then turn off the data and have it just run in power only mode and monitor and if you needed to you could obviously have it keep data running while letting you look at it to a debug window and you can make sure that the device is using the proper amount of power that you're expecting it to and then you can essentially automate a production line if you want to uh yeah and then the idea with um the next version with usb 3 you could kind of do the same thing but one of we plan to have two versions of firmware the second version being designed around a data center or a small business that might be doing backups on hard drives throughout the week you could automate that and have it turn on and off hard drives right ah i see yeah so you can automatically take them offline and make sure that nothing gets written to them when you don't want it to be yeah yeah that's cool now there's one thing that i use quite a bit is i've got one of these little usb power meters so i plug that into my existing hub just to make sure that things are pulling a reasonable amount of power but having that functionality built into the hub itself on a per port basis that is super cool and being able to access it remotely and you know log it or whatever you want to do you can this sort of thing is just a display so yours has so much more capability than this yeah you can uh in the config as well as through mqtt you can actually uh set the current limit on a port anywhere from zero to three amps uh it's the scale is in milliamps and it won't let you try and set it higher and the limit is component based uh the max limit for the hub uh it only lets you set it to a maximum of 5 000 milliamps and that's a limit of the jack um so enough vision might switch to something like an xt60 so that you could actually push more power if you needed to um and then through uh mqtt it will actually output uh if it's just a singular port that's gone over current it will tell you that particular port i have an over condition and it will tell you the power it saw when that overcut happened okay now if an overcut happens where it's a combination of multiple ports running and it's over current for the whole hub it will show you what the total was that was being pulled and then it will show you what each individual put was pulling in total when it decided to shut itself off okay and it typically happened the counting in uh the code is about 10 milliseconds so it shuts itself off fairly quickly the accuracy anything below one milli amp will show as zero but the accuracy uh that the ina is rated to is 0.8 milliamps so you get a fairly good resolution that's very good that's better than i expected yes yeah um anything better than like 10 milliamp resolution is yeah even at that sort of level it at least shows you for example if you've built an esp-based board you know that it's going to spike to a few hundred milliamps at start up and then it's going to settle down um if you see it go up to like an amp then you know you've got a big problem but being able to measure down into the like milliamp sort of resolution that's really really cool yeah most of the d1 minis that i tried testing on it were typically sitting between anywhere between 40 and 70 um milliamps um and then like the atmega or the arduino mega i think was like 115 milliamps so for the most part it does seem to be fairly accurate and responsive to showing how much power is being used yeah okay great well you can bet that this is not the only time i'm going to be showing these devices on the video i think we're probably going to have some discussion about it on um on future live streams and things as well and the um yeah the usb hub in particular i'm going to get the firmware for that sorted out get it mounted uh up under the shelf so that it's right in front of me when i'm using stuff at my workbench what i've got at the moment is a usb extension cable that goes from my computer through to the back of the hub so i'll make sure that yeah i just found that's really super convenient when i'm sitting at the workbench with my gear and soldering iron and microscope and everything being able to plug usb in right there in front of me and have it connected to the computer is great and now being able to from the computer monitor the device in terms of its power usage do power cycling and things like that um you know from here instead of from over there and one of the node red uh profiles uh scott help put together it's actually a dashboard view that can show the color status of each port along with the power it's using um so you can even instruct that on the screen while you're at the bench and just glance over at it yeah and i don't think seon was able to make the stream um but i kind of thought once he sees it he might try stealing it from the bench yeah he may i may come here one morning and discover that the door's been jammed open and the usb hub is missing um yeah well this is fantastic thanks austin i really appreciate it and yeah thanks for being being such a positive participant in the community as well like in the chat on discord constantly and and on all the live streams so uh the url has been posted in the chat a couple of times i think aaron has posted uh austin's youtube channel so roboticsdude101 please go and subscribe to austin's channel yeah that was my old username and until i get to a certain amount of people it won't let you do a custom username and stuff with it but uh yeah i started my own business austin's creation so i've tried matching all my profiles to it okay yeah yeah gotta get that branding consistency all right well um thank you very much uh in terms of ending this live stream i've got to work out how to do it through through stream yard um but everybody thank you very much for coming along to this rather odd time live stream and i will see everybody soon so i'm just going to drop austin out here and go to the end alright thanks everybody see ya
Channel: SuperHouseTV
Views: 2,270
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Id: J88dhdCTUJ8
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Length: 139min 20sec (8360 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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