Assembly time! First prototype of the Universal Rack Controller ESP32 board

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[Music] [Music] please i think that's enough of an intro um i have this very strange urge to say good morning everyone but it's friday night a bit of an impromptu live stream kind of impromptu let's get right into it ah dana hey thanks for coming along heinrich g'day god bless you ah my turn to have a birthday and lock down no i've had two birthdays in lockdown now great timing all right so ah what are we gonna do today brain i because this is at an unusual time i feel totally out of place like this is not what i'm meant to be doing at all it doesn't feel like i should be live streaming all right so the mission for today is to put some of these parts on a board and i have the board here so maybe we'll get there maybe we won't maybe it'll work maybe it won't let's give it a shot i'm gonna get some focus on there otherwise i can't zoom uh yeah so hang on gotta zoom that way it's really annoying and eagle that you can't pan once you hit a certain limit unless you zoom in or out and around and about now uh oh cable tie no live stream or party poppers no i've got party poppers you're not that far from me we can arrange party poppers i could drive outside your house and blow off some party poppers so what we have is this and that is what we have been excited and anticipating for the last little while getting some parts onto this board and i do not yet have the poe regulator that goes on here but just today i got a delivery from digikey so which got me some extra cp 2102ns and i got a delivery from oh yeah i got the delivery from arrow with the w5500 although i already had some of those but now i have more which is good so i'm i do actually have a stencil for this but i'm not going to use it i am going to just paste this one up because i'm going to do this kind treat this as a kind of piecemeal so i'm going to come over here and bring this chat up bigger because i want to at least keep half of an eye on the chat as i'm doing this it's too far away i don't need his chat on the bench right here i should put it up on this other monitor so what i'm going to do is just hand paste this which is well it's okay hopefully not too much of a disaster uh it might take a little while actually there's a a little bit on this board but um i don't know what i will do while i'm pasting up will i what do i talk about uh okay hopefully i am terrible at multitasking it's one of the limitations that i've learned about myself over the years i need to just do one thing and while i'm doing it that's what i'm doing i'm much more efficient than trying to do two things and failing at both of them but i might be able to talk about something ah so i need to relax relax all right um yeah am i going to do each of these yeah i'm probably going to end up reflowing this anyway so i'm just going to smear some paste around the pad sort of area what often ends up happening with these qfns if the paste isn't just right then you end up with bridges and things not working properly and i'm not going to be able to get the pace just right by doing it with a syringe so what happens is i get it in place run it through reflow and then typically i will if it doesn't work straight off which often it doesn't just put a bit of paste in those big mechanical holes um which reminds me can you see this yes you can very good [Music] um what is the tool that i'm using to put solder paste just a syringe nothing more exciting than that so i'm using this just chem tools solder paste very easy um what was i saying that's right so yeah what ends up happening is i um i take it out of the oven and then often have to just put some flux on it and hit it with a hot air wiggle it around a bit that makes all the solder even itself out i'm really budging this up it's um it's not releasing from the tip of the syringe very well it's and as you can see the tip is a bit mushed around this one's a bit bent okay oh oh no that's all right there are a few parts that i don't have and i prior to this i got out the the pcb pre-heater and the hot air and i warmed up some boards that are in my uh my trash pile and pulled off some bits because there are some of the parts for this that i've ordered but haven't arrived yet and it's better it's releasing from the nozzle tip better now and um one of them what reminded me is this part right here this is the um the poly fuse the ptc so 500 milliamp fuse to protect the host computer if you plug this into a usb port and i have actually run out of poly fuses in fact i've assembled a bunch of esp flashes and i didn't have enough poly fuses for them all so i've got what else i miss parts down there yeah how will i do this and go um i think i will work down one side of the board because it's kind of long and narrow yeah okay what part is this i can't remember oh this must be the temperature sensor yeah it would be mcp9808t which i've just started using on quite a few projects i used to put bme 280s on just about everything and they went up in price quite dramatically because of the whole chip upon chip aqua lips and so i was looking around for an alternative cheap and well supported temperature sensor and the mcp9008 seems to be a pretty decent one so i've ended up putting that on a bunch of projects over the last month or so probably back down to here what have we got what is that oh that's a tenderloin capacitor i don't even know if it needs a tantalum there but that was what was in the reference design it's what i've always put on the um the ether mega and ether 10 and now on the ether uno although i can't actually produce the ethereum at the moment because of lack of parts so i normally try to avoid tantalums just because they're so expensive but um do the dodgy run a bead across all the pads thing probably have to clean this up in post as soon as the solder paste gets warm it all runs everywhere anyway it follows wherever gravity and surface tension decides to take it um that's right i was going to say something about stencils so i had a stencil made for this but the time involved in setting up the um the board holder to get it in the right position and cleaning the stencil afterwards and things it's not really worth it just for one board if it was a more complex board i would probably use the stencil even just for one like this but it would take me longer cleaning the stencil afterwards then i will spend now just putting this paste on by hand so and i'm not as precise as the stencil but hopefully it'll get the job done now you can see that a lot of these pads don't aren't actually connected these ones down the middle and i'm putting solder paste on them anyway i just i got into the habit of doing that like i paste stuff up on parts that have got multiple uh what am i trying to say i end up putting paste even on pins that aren't connected simply because it makes the surface tension even up better and stuff doesn't tend to move around doesn't get pulled sideways now in a moment i'm gonna take a squeeze in the chat just in case i'm missing anything important oh look squirrel is eating the v-rag there's steve all um and i am going to see we've got a through-hole regulator here this is uh and i'm going to paste that up because i'm actually going to pre-cut the leads like bend and pre-cut the leads on that regulator and stick it in and have it sitting in the board with the leads going through these holes and have it on when it goes through a reflow because that way this big thermal mass right here will have the best possible chance of all being flowed properly now i think that is all pasted up i'll need to do a quick look at the board overall but while i've got it under here a couple of things i did one is you can see the sides here it's got thermal relief on this pad but that works against you when you want to try to get heat off the voltage regulator so you can see the very small connection there there's a small connection there this is the normal thermal relief connections but what i did on the board layout was i ran a thick track from the center of this pad straight out and that's why this connection is thicker and then i've put wires here for thermal stitching and wires there so it's a four layer board with thermal stitching through to the other layers three of the layers have ground pores on them and one has a 3.3 volt poor so we have 3.3 volts everywhere i think i got all of the the things now i'll move it over to this camera and what i usually do at this point is basically hold it up and get the light shining off it like if i get the right angle like this it's um it's not very easy to see on camera i can see it much easier with my own eye but this is a test to see if there are any pads that i haven't pasted up because there should be the the dull gray color everywhere and if i tilt the board around and get it at different angles if i see bright silver shining off different pads that's an indication that there are pads that i have not yet um that i have not yet put paste onto okay uh mihu having breakfast um oh sorry carlos asked why not a stencil yes and i don't know you were arting for a bit aren't you always arting that's kind of your thing isn't it when you're not messing with people's minds making me question reality uh actually on that subject there was a um a thing you posted on twitter i don't know maybe a week ago where you're messing around with a well there are a couple there was one where you were messing around with a keyboard and blanking out some keys using tools in photoshop to pull it out but that was so fast i sat there watching it and in the space of like 30 seconds you'd basically like uh de-buttoned a part of a keyboard is that really how fast you can work because that was amazing so uh wow we're up to 90 viewers for a bit of a silly impromptu live stream we've got more people on here now than we often get on a sunday morning all right now what i would like to know is okay well ty says what do you art in to dana yes what dana arts in is uh gaslighting us and trying to convince us that what we think is reality is not reality or that figments of dana's imagination are reality and either of those can be equally horrifying or inspiring amazing there are some things that i um yeah that i just want to build all right so now i wanna no one's commented on this um uh so mr x mr y what time is it here it is now almost nine pm yeah i was intending to live stream this early this afternoon and the day got away from me all sorts of things happened and that's just the way it ended up being okay now i did something this afternoon in preparation for this live stream that no one has yet noticed or commented on so pay close attention and see i just want to see if anybody notices what's going on here so let's just have another look at this under the microscope and i no real reason other than the fact that i wanted you to look under the microscope again um yeah that that pace job around there looks pretty dodgy but now i can just slide across to here and we're on the overhead camera hmm i know i am pretty proud of that um i don't know if anybody's noticed yet what happened all right back to here microscope overhead camera all right now we need some parts to put on this board usually at this point cable tie got it yes um video tracking so what it actually is if i switch so i'm going to manually switch to the side camera um i'm not going to put my hand in front of it just there is an ultrasonic distance sensor attached to the front of the microscope so and that's attached to a leo stick which is sending key like hotkeys to obs so if i put my face in front of the microscope it switches to the microscope view and if i take it away it switches to the overhead view so if i just put my hand in front of it now it goes to microscope view take my hand away overhead view microscope overhead um so i i thought that would be a cool thing to have while doing assembly because what i'm what i can do is be sitting over here putting parts on and switching between being on the bench and using the microscope oh def pom said i built an ir sensor for my desk to do the same thing also using a leo stick awesome ah okay now i need some parts so that's right what i was what i was getting at before is normally at this stage of the thing what i have is an assembly guide and i have not yet created one for this board so this is my normal process i'm not actually going to go through it all now because it's kind of annoying to um to see it it'll take a while so what i would do is go grid let's make it 0.1 millimeter so i give it a really small grid i'll do change size and i'll make it 0.8128 and normally you do like to the quick way to do this is a a group select and then do a group change so change the size on all of the values and my personal preference is that on assembly guides i don't have designators i only have values so when i'm doing assembly i don't actually care if for example this capacitor what is it well we know it's 100 nano farad but what is it it is c7 but who cares if it's c7 i want to know if it's 100 nano farad so um what i do is go through and put um make all the designators 0.8128 and then with the um the grid nice and small i just put all the values in an appropriate place like this oops spin it around and let's move these out of here to clear up some room where is that one living that one is that one there it's 10 micro farad that's 100 nano farad and in fact switch to t values as the primary focus layer so yeah what i do is just go through and put everything where it's meant to be like this and then i actually print out a hard copy so normally when i'm doing assembly i will have a hard copy of this sitting on the bench right beside me and then i can just look at that and see oh i've got to stick some 10 microfarads down there there and there and i don't have to keep looking back over it eagle or anything and you can see in here it's a bit of a mess it's a pain so that would need to be cleaned up but i'm not going to do it right now i'm going to do it the the dodgy way of sliding across to the screen i think but what i have if i um i'll show you some examples of what's normal better move that out of the way so um so i've got these plastic slips uh they're just you know designed to have documents shoved in them and then i just print out so this is the linmod module linmod so this is the linbus interface module that i use for controlling the electric the motors in my electric windows in the house and you can see it's just got the values and i just print it a4 you can see in the little view there i just zoom it so that it's as big as possible and all it does is show the values what else have i got that's an assembly guide for the i o relay 8 all the values there what's that one uh oh that's a wheelchair um breakout anyway lots and lots of them so i've got a big stack of these assembly guides din relay eight oh that was something i never released i made one and it was cool but i got scared off by the idea of releasing something that that switches mains and there's a whole certification issue going on all right so let's put some parts on the board now the other thing is that i could be picking and placing this but i'm going to be the pick and place machine for today hi i'm john and i will be your pick and place machine so which way around what do i need let's start with start with um let's just start with some resistors grab the resistor kit uh that overhead camera is really zoomed in oh that's something else that i'm working on doing this is not um uh yeah this is a 3d printed ring that's going to go around the camera with the gt2 belt on it going to a stepper so that i can remote zoom the camera but that's a project that is currently a work in progress all right so parts on the board what do i want four k sevens where do the four k sevens go uh let's go to i'm going to sort by value i know you can't see this i'm sorry and step through the location of the parts all right i've got a bunch of 1ks to put on there's a 1k there's 1k this is really not going to be an exciting spectator sport but if you were foolish enough to come along to this show what where am i looking at on the board there how have i lost that power have i got it upside down which way am i even looking at this i yeah i ended up orienting the board in yeah in eagle kind of backwards conceptually because of the way the silk screen works and because of the way it's going to fit inside the rack enclosure so what am i looking at here uh there oh it didn't switch that's better um because of the way it's going to fit inside the rack enclosure which means that when it's up against the um the edge of the uh the case and why are these 1k resistors oh it's because they are not blue in fact while i'm here let's just stick them on what have we got tx uh it says green and yellow but i'm just going to stick green on both of them because that's what i've got in my hands and they are which way is the anode anode is down which is lucky because that's the way that i picked up that particular diode i've got to pick another one up the same way around yes that way um else do we have in this area rather than going by value i'm just going to work through different zones of the board it's going to save a whole lot of scrolling around so i've got a bunch of 10ks to go on there and one microfarad but i'm going to leave the caps for a little while so [Music] yeah at this point actually most of the time i don't even use the microscope when i'm doing this part of the assembly for these bits where is it got to get it in the view of the overhead camera it's it's quicker not to use the microscope because it means moving your head uh over it and then pulling back out to change your field of view etc and it can be quite slow it's quicker just to put them straight down provided you can see them clearly enough what am i looking for 10k goes there and then we can look under the microscope later and see what i stuffed up well i've got the 10ks open i think there are some resistor networks those are 10k as well 10k what i should have is the do i have screen nah no what i was going to do was add a little side view of my desktop into this same view so that you can see what i'm looking at in eagle but i don't think it really matters all right 10k resistor networks let's put those in there and that was it that was the only 10k resistor network i had my little box which i don't normally have in there anyway it's just that i had one that had come off a um come off the tape on the pick and place machine so i chucked it in with the o603s um yes uh what am i looking for here what part of the board are we at up there one meg let's put one meg up there on the where is it just next to there okay one meg and we need a couple of 18 picker fair red caps now i'm going to leave the caps i'll come back to those 4k sevens there'll be a couple of 4k7s on the board 21 there we also will need them for i squared c pull ups of course so that one goes on there i squared c pull ups what are they there so those two will also be 4k seven and they are that one there and the other board that arrived in that in the same shipment is uh these ones the little breakouts for the spi lcd so i'll have to assemble one of those at some point as well probably not tonight though all right so a bunch of 470rs that's a low value that's for the the activity leds for ethernet they're only running on 3.3 volts so 470r i suppose is reasonable well i had the leds out earlier i should have put those on maybe i should look at my my miscellaneous led color pack and put some since this is a prototype we can go a little bit crazy and put some bizarro color leds on it [Music] so ah weird thing is i was just about to try to zoom in the overhead camera view that doesn't work i scroll on it 470 so what have we got 10k [Music] 10k we've got another 10k up there uh that one i'm gonna try to do this without sticking my head in the view of the thing how far can i get about there you don't want to be looking at the back of my head or the front what else do we have all right let's do yeah there are some odd values here there's a 12.4 k one percent there are a couple of reference resistors that are used by the ethernet chip that are that are very specific and that i do not have uh reels of i've only got like small numbers of them in my resistor kit while i'm here i'm going to chuck on that tantalum that i've stripped this off a um another board just earlier in fact i've got a few parts here um this is the sd card socket and you can see it's kind of looking a bit horrible i um i put a bunch of flux on it put it on the preheater and reef and flowed this off another board and then put it in the ultrasonic bath and chucked it in the dehumidifier for a while and it's still got those discolorations on it which is a bit unfortunate but at least it should allow us to test the functionality so looking at um there's a 1k when i'm actively doing something like this on a live stream i need i need an offsider i need a partner someone here to talk to you all so a couple of 49r9s yeah those that's another very specific value 49.9 ohms is typically used in uh say these ones right here they're typically used in [Music] there in ethernet connections and i am going to rearrange these ones just to make it a little bit more logical and i should resize that but i won't spin the anchor and yeah so 49 r9 is a value that you see a lot in stuff with ethernet on it and unfortunately that's also one that i do not have as a real i don't think i do maybe i bought a reel of those i can't remember my my um my real inventory management system is looking at the pick and place machine and seeing and taking an estimate of how much is left on it and i need to build one of zeon's really cool little real management systems because i just have like a big box full of reels it is not at all a neatly organized collection know every now and then i look through the box and go oh that's right i forgot i had those parts what have we got there 4k seven i've done that i've done that um there are a couple of yeah these specific values here as well 47.5 k and 22.1 k these are part of a reference voltage divider that goes into the cp2102n and also 5.1 k you see those anytime that you've got like a usbc connection that is being used in usb v 2.0 compatibility mode if you put a 5.1 k pull down resistor on these signaling lines it indicates to the host that you want power give me power please so uh i do have a reel of those because they go on everything pretty much everything now like in recent times there's only one thing that i've designed that has had a that hasn't had a usb-c connection on it it's had a usb type b one of the big square ones and while i'm talking i'm not getting anything done what am i looking for 47.5 k 47 there it is 40 ah there aren't any 47.5 k's left not in my little kit i thought i had some oh there we go yes i've got a whole reel of 47s but it's on the pick and place machine so i can fudge it drag the tape through the machine and scavenge myself apart next time the machine starts up the um the cover tape on that reel is going to be slack and it's going to detect it and roll it back up again so where does that go 47 where oh there 47.5 then i might as well put on the 5k ones that little double tap that you hear each time i open one of these it's because i'm in the habit of tapping the um the doors on the little parts container because the parts can end up being electrostatically stuck which is not a good sign but it happens they end up getting stuck to the little doors so i can use that as a shortcut now to change views so on this thing on my little parts let's see if i can find an example oh yeah up here if you look up here look at all these parts these parts are actually stuck on the inside of the doors of these little compartments so before like if i wanted to open the 249 ohm for example i'm just in the habit of going like that and it knocks off all the parts in that sections and then when you open it the parts are in the bottom and they don't they're not all stuck up in here and they don't come out and go where they shouldn't um [Music] what am i looking for now uh okay so some i am going to where did it go let's see if the other protection oh there it is okay so one of the things that i run out of is these little pgbt 101s i think they are which are static protection chips there you see it and it's a it's a zener it's like a they're not polarized because it's basically like two zeners back to back i think internally is the way they work and they're used for protection on usb data lines and you can see these are the two data lines that come in d plus and d minus and they these just go to ground and so if there is bad stuff happening on the data lines it helps protect both our device and the upstream device the computer or whatever it is that we've plugged into um yeah i haven't been doing too badly considering i put all these parts on just with my bare eye they're acceptable uh oh that part that is one that i should have lifted off a board and didn't all right so what parts are going on here we've got a couple of 10ks and 100 nanofarad so where are we right there and another 10k right there i'm gonna need to grab myself another another one of these 10k resistor arrays do i have any lying around on the pick and place machine which is quite possible no and there there isn't one in the discard bin so i will pull one out of a feeder and it is we've got to check which feeder it is 10k zero one percent that one here we go since i'm making such slow progress on this i'm beginning to think i should have gone to the trouble of setting up the pick and place machine by the way all right where are we going with this one right there come on ah i hate it when that happens these tweezers are not perfectly clean they've got a little bit of flux or something on them so they're slightly sticky which means that when sometimes when i try to put parts down the part doesn't want to stay down what i should do is change it so that it's switching between microscope view and desktop view that would be more useful in this situation what else have we got 10k we've got 1k done that are 49 r9s did i put all of those on yes i did there's a 1k up there i've got to put that on hmm how to spend a friday evening all right just for the fun of it i'm going to look for my um my weird and wonderful color pack of leds probably in the other leds section oh yes here it is [Applause] here i have a little sample pack of miscellaneous led colors [Applause] let's see what we've got i could just put different ones on as a mystery and see what comes out what's this uv they're ultraviolet leds um oh what's that why that's just yellow there's only one left yellow doesn't seem very exciting green i think that is a special green though there's um or is it this one p oh purple these ones look really cool and that one i don't know what that is so let's put some on and what's this one don't know what that one is either looks like there's some writing on it but i might be able to see it better under here which way does it go um oh oh i i have a feeling these ones are orange yeah let's put some orange ones on and we've definitely got to put on purple uh i used to have pink and i used to have jade green i love the jade green leds activity um let's make let's do that what size is that oh yeah okay so this is green but i don't know what sort of green i don't think it's the jade green and some of these are in kind of strange packages as well now which way around is it i think it's from oh yeah that will be 3.3 volts up there which means the anode goes up look at the strange package so this is a green one on the 100 and what's this one is this the purple one p purple yes let's go for purple on something which one should we make purple i can't even tell which way around it is let's see if there are markings on the bottom okay i'm gonna have to get out my little led tester tweezers where did they go come on it's the obscure things that when you want them you can't find them where are my tester tweezers can't see them so i'll just resort to the the old style led tester which is not nearly as convenient i'll get this up where you can see it [Music] there and i'll turn down the current a little bit let's just give it 10 milliamps and i'm going to try to hold that down while i touch the contacts and see if it turns on and it does not so i'll turn it around there we go purple led which means it's oriented now with the anode to the top so as long as i put it down in the same orientation on the board we should be good to go uh yeah i'll make that one activity uv is no use um yellow yeah let's just use up the last yellow one and pick it up so that anode is at the top yellow i'll just make that link and full duplex let's use okay so we've used p did we end up using orange i can't remember i don't think we've used orange yet all right let's test the orange one just to see what color it is see what it comes out is i think it says o on it oh didn't switch back the switcher is not 100 reliable yeah orange i'm looking on the screen there it looks a little bit more red to you than it does to me it looks slightly more orange to the the eye than it does on the camera okay so now we have our fantastical colored leds i'm going to leave that there for now break my own rule and leave it messy now this part is the this is part of the power supply source selection where is it there that should be an lm358 i believe i'm not even going to look at that eagle i trust that that's what it is still a bit of rubbish on there that's um that's a part that i also scavenged off another board all right are we there yet nearly what goes there oh that's um that's one of those dual bjt um two transistors in one package things i think do yeah mmdt3904 and there's a um another kind of equivalent i think i have some why do i have some oh your uemh3n is the other type it's basically a couple of npn transistors in a sop 23 style package so you can do the same thing just with two separate transistors but this is smaller and it's only one placement with the pick and place machine instead of two same benefit as using something like a resistor network now it should not i don't know why it's actually got markings on it you can see that there is a pin one marking there they have a symmetrical pin out so it shouldn't matter should not make any difference i think i'm just going to start putting capacitors down as well since we're in this area what capacitors do we need we need all right so we've got 47.5 k that you can see there at the bottom of the screen we need a 22.1 that's the one that i ran out of wasn't it was it no no that's right i did have 22.1s in here no i didn't no i did not i must have pulled it out of the machine earlier what did i just move right on and forget all about it that's probably what happened 22.1 do i have any reels time to take us quick look at the real situation 19 4k 7 i think that i might have a reel of 22k ones up here somewhere not in the machine but just hanging around providing general ambience to the room maybe yes a whole reel sitting here in the box [Applause] while i'm at it i should dispense some of these into the container but i won't do that right now what i'll do is cut off a bit of tape [Applause] right on what it is because otherwise i you can guarantee that i will forget there'll be this bit of tape lying on the bench 22k and when i come back to clean up tomorrow i won't know what it's for all right 22k resistor where are you going come on 22k where are you going right there just above the cp2102n right ah right there now what lives beside you that looks like a capacitor and it is it's a hundred millimeter capacitor all right let's just start putting caps down as well 100 farad there'll be a bunch of these on the board where is this going right there and these two were caps as well what were they 22 nano farad and 10 nano farad well right here then tens oh i've only got these horrible bigger 805s i've got some o402s i could use do i have any in the machine no so the question is is that a critical value do we care it's a 10 nano farad pull down on the receive line on the ethernet i don't think it's massively critical so 10 nano farad i could put on 8.2 is a rimpy as well let's it's a 6.8 but it's in a horrible huge package if we got there 10 yeah that'll do stuff it what's it going to do stop the ethernet from working possibly okay so 22 nanofarad ah [Music] no 805's i'm tempted to go for o402s because i've got plenty of those here 22 nanofarad is yeah that's this is going to look rather ridiculous but let's just try it there's an o 402 on an o603 pad and down here there's an 0805 i don't know 603 pad oh well we might get some bad tombstoning or something but we can fix it in post um i have not looked at chat for ages i just saw her in the bottom and said are we winning jon we're always winning yes cable tie says tombstone coming up um oh there's lots of chat there that i haven't read back through so [Music] oh dana asked a question what's a good well-known brand of solder paste or is it mostly irrelevant no it's not irrelevant and ooh cable ties i'm from being a choice one day cool yeah so solder paste that is a very big subject um in australia one probably one of the better places to get it from is chemtools who i think are in sydney but they sell online and i hate to say this but uh a certain electronics parts chain around australia sells chemtools products at least they have a subset of chemtools solder so i um yeah i buy stuff directly from chemtools but you can also sometimes get it from that other place um right so what i'm using although what have i been using now i've been using chip quick recently so the the most recent stuff that i've been using is chip quick lettered solder and it's no clean although i do clean it and i'm using currently using the t4 size so it's kind of like a medium to small size solder balls 80. thank you thank you um i think we all need a beverage of choice at some point now where are we at with this yeah my my auto view changer only works most of the time i need to do a bit of work on it but i did only uh get it going this afternoon very quickly not long before this um uh i just saw some mention of solder paste there so ian scott johnson said for production i use lead free gc10 type t4 not cheap yeah so gc is the funny thing is it gc actually legitimately stands for game changer and t4 is the size of the the balls in the solder and as you go as you go for like um smaller solder balls their characteristics change and the solder paste becomes a lot more expensive like a lot more expensive by the time you get up to like t5 size which is very small balls of solder then yeah a little little tub can be a lot of money um [Music] uh oh dana said okay if using chip quick check twitter i had better check twitter then we can verify it you know it gotta okay thanks dana um no what am i looking for that's right 4.7 micro farad 4.7 where are you four point seven nano farad right there why do i not have these particular values all right i'm going to plonk down a uh a big horrible where is it right there oh 805. use it 105. it's a weird size it's not as i don't think it's as big as our 805 it's definitely bigger than a normal s603 part but it'll fit all right so then we need a 10 nano farad and a 100 nano farad let's go for the 100 because i know i've got those the um the tens i do not believe i have we've got the same problem again hey let's see if we can get not just tombstones but see if we can get some solar bridges as well see if i've got these huge capacitors which means that we may get some solar bridges happening between them which would be really cool it makes the um the conductivity better when you've got solder bridges and that's only a good thing right now um what else we've got up here we've got another 100 nano farad and we've got an inductor okay i need to be more methodical about how i'm doing this i need to work through areas of the board my um my other strategy of doing all of the parts by value was not a good idea all right now these inductors where is it so this uh these just arrived oh 805 one that i believe is the inductors these arrive today so this is called a just in time supply chain we're running so lean that the parts arrive hours before we need them or i'm just not organized enough which is the same thing right [Applause] i can pretend i'm toyota i can't even pick this thing up to get the tape off it these are weird looking things i've never actually ordered this part before like i've used oh wow it's a proper wire wound oh that's cool look at this you can see through the top it's a proper wire wound inductor nice the um the footprint is not quite not quite right for what i've got there on the board but that's okay now what's up there probably another hundred dollar parrot yes it is yeah there was a um there's a 100 nano farad down near the sd card slot that is in a kind of unfortunate place it's not where i wanted it to be it ended up having to be there for because there wasn't really any better place to put it 100 in a ferret okay so that goes there and then we wanted 10 nano farad on there to 10 no 10 and a farad yes so 10 nano farad let's go for a big oversized capacitor again novelty size oh look at this something doesn't quite match all right who's sending me messages iggy yes um hey iggy just sent me a message saying that it keeps jumping between the microscope and the parts tray yes that was kind of intentional but it's not quite working out how i expected yes so uh [Music] yeah don't what was that comment cable tie said i learned something today the dalton essay exists and where it is okay ah sean cool i'm peter and chris lots of lots of people have joined um yeah all right iggy so if you weren't here at the start you might have uh you might have missed the thing that i thought was clever and it might end up just being someone just sent me a message saying sending you a message to and that was all i could read so there is an ultrasonic sensor on the front of the microscope so no hands i move to the microscope and you should get the microscope view and did it work i can't actually tell no it's not changing my changer has stopped hang on i got to change back to yeah that's better okay i think it was just a like a focus thing so as in focus on the computer so if i look at the microscope you get the microscope view and i move my head away and you get the bench view all right back to putting parts on this board because that's kind of what we're here for isn't it uh what else am i missing um i need the uh i need this which is the 500 milliamp poly fuse stick that on i'm avoiding the pieces around the edge of the board just for now because i might bump them connectors will go on just about last what is that one there's probably another capacitor which is why i ignored it earlier when i was in this region one microfarad let's see if we've got any one microfarad caps one one one oh amazing one microfarad i actually have in the correct size while i'm here i'm just going to stick that cp2102 in on there and i am temporarily rich in cp2102ns um i ordered the last 57 i think it was that digikey had in stock and i ordered some from somewhere else lcsc i think i know the last it was the last 37 right there just arrived today once again just in time uh stock management so the last yeah the last 37 that digikey had in stock and then i also ordered a bunch from lcsc and i think i see oh i opened the wrong bag that's why that's the um that's that is cp's but it's not the qfn what am i looking at here 20 is it is the right size that would be am i even looking in the right bag which ones do i want qfn 24 or qfn 20 i can't remember that would be funny if i um had the wrong ones here i think i've got um yeah they're the 24s i want a no not that i want a it is a qfn24 then why does it look wrong maybe it's just because i'm because my eyes need calibration if i get it out of the package it'll probably turn out to be the right thing probably looks bigger it looks like it's a qfn28 when i look at it in the tape and which way around does that go uh p1 is down there okay so it goes that way oh yeah it is right kaplonk i will see you later little guy for some rework because i know you're gonna fail okay so then now caps on [Music] now that one i think is going to be a 25 megahertz crystal if i remember correctly oops because that'll be the crystal for the net chip [Applause] i'm just gonna stuff this back in the bag or i'm gonna get everything confused later [Applause] now that i know those are the qifn 24s and that is correct let me go back in the ics box then i want what was i just saying i wanted like 30 seconds ago i said i need something and now i can't remember what it was i need um that's right crystals 25 megahertz crystals i have those over here i am 90 sure yes now i'm 100 sure [Applause] you know i'm using up all of my chattiness in this livestream i i spend all day basically sitting in total silence and just focused not talking to anyone and even when i am around people i generally don't say very much so being on a live stream and chatting like this is quite alien now what caps do we put what are the loading caps on that i didn't pick a farad on that crystal do i have 18 picofarad do i not there i don't i got some 15s we're gonna take a punt oh it's a risk i'm going to put 15s on okay do i have 18's in a reel i might in fact i suspect that i do let's see not in the machine but i think i might have a real 18s somewhere else and i should probably try to get that right [Applause] because if that crystal does not resonate we have no ethernet and then we are unhappy no can't see them oh well 15 nano farad it is 15 pick a farad rather at least i hope there's 15 bigger farad all right so what are the part of the board here okay so we've got some 10 nano farads there's the 3.3 volt regulator there's another 10k resistor 10ks the universal resistor and i need some 10 microfarads and these ones actually are intended to be our 805s it's got the footprint there for it i've got another 10. i hate grabbing parts on the ends like this because you end up getting the tweezers in the solder paste and then they get sticky like that um what's that one that one is 100 nano farad of course because all capacitors are 100 nano farad unless except for the ones that aren't there aren't many of those there's a little bit of hair there okay that'll be the the ap2112k voltage regulator and i'm going to swipe one of those out of the pick and place machine here we go yes i really am thinking that i should have loaded this job into the machine even for one board all right so what goes there oh that's a um an ss56 that'll be a oh where where my ss56 is i think we've got a little container up here all right ss14 does the same thing [Music] i believe should just be [Music] a shotkey let's see do i have him over here though oh i've got them over there so i'll use the proper thing just in case the specs on this 14 aren't quite the same what that is doing is providing polarity protection on the power input on the back of the board and it's just a shocky diode rated to some surprisingly large number of amps like six or something in a little sma package what have we got what else do we have here oh there's another one there and [Music] we've mostly worked around the board it's uh sorry my brain is all over the place yeah we've mostly worked around the board it's been a bit of stuffing around and i have not been in efficiency mode that's for sure but we're getting to the point where it's the big stuff left to put on all right we've got the power led that goes up there car led let's just be boring and make it blue got some right here got to pick it up the wrong way around here anode at the bottom yep these are really old leds look at the discoloration on the pads it's horrible shouldn't be using them anymore but that's what i've got loose in my little pack of stuff and uh was a 4k seven we could probably go a higher value what's it running off 3.3 volts i could put a 6k8 or something on there 4k 7 with a blue led tends to look very bright uh four awesome let's put um let's just put a 5k resistor on that so there's a reset button i need one of those hmm what's down there oh this is there's the little 100 ferry cap hanging in the middle of nowhere that's the one i was talking about earlier that is supposed to be power supply decoupling for the sd card but the um the 3.3 volt rail going to the sd card does not have a direct path on the top of the board so it goes down through a via and then one of these don't know which one one of those is the 3.3 volt connection what's there oh temperature sensor okay let's grab one of those that's the mcp9808 [Applause] [Applause] there's lots lots of rustling oh come i on be doing these sorts of things where you can see it i'm just trying to get the um the cover tape off this little cut off bit of stuff so and yes just because i know that iggy is around this entire bench surface is static dissipative with the bottom layer connected to ground so dumping stuff down on here is okay it's not going to zap it in a nasty way um i think we might be almost done for little parts apart from there is a oh what's that apart from that transistor that's what i was going to talk about but what is that part right there it'll be a capacitor of course but what is it 100 nano farad what a surprise so that little part of the circuit this part here is part of the power supply auto switch this is a dual op amp and what it does is check whether you've got power from usb and from external power and it prioritizes the external power over the usb just the way it's done on an arduino now that right there is um is a transistor and what i should have done was swiped one of those transistors off one of the other boards when i was stripping them because i do not think i have that specific transistor what is it an fdn340p that's one of the parts that i've ordered but has not yet arrived so i need to strip it off another board unless it i do happen to have some in my oh what i have some fantastic i have a little i'll cut trick of them present me thanks past me it saves me getting out the um the board pre-heater and the hot air and flowing one off a trashed board has everybody gone home yet why are you still hanging around to see what happens looks like a few people are still hanging around all right there's the wiznet chip yeah it's at the point where i should just start sticking on these big things the exotic parts we passed all the jelly bean bits [Music] 6100s no w5500 is there i think i've got some in a container up here that's right i haven't pulled these out on the live stream recently and i also have [Applause] arrived today 100 w5500s so we'll be okay for the foreseeable future w5500 i need to file these in a better place instead of just having them there all right 5500 did i get the footprint correct i hope so there are lots of things i hope i got correct about this this is one of those times i go for the the old curved tweezers which i normally don't like like i don't generally use them but these this particular package which you can't see because it's slightly out of the field of view this particular package it really lends itself to um to the right angle tweezers pin one down there [Music] i'm gonna slide it around a bit to smear the solder paste come on solder paste there we go this is almost certainly going to need some rework once it's um been through the oven now what else okay we need usb i need a room 32 module we need the micro sd card room 32s where are they they're in a box hiding down here tape on these is huge [Applause] throwing parts on the floor now don't tell you [Applause] okay those can go back here all right i'm just gonna plonk this down by hand get it in about the right place smoosh it around looks close enough place enough for government work and then the micro sd card this is where i hope that i actually used the right footprint did i didn't i because this is a cell it's a salvaged part uh does it look correct yeah those pads line up that looks like it lines up all right i'll put it in place looks like the contacts line up yeah good i did use the right footprint uh we need a couple of big caps and then we are just about ready for reflow uh the usbc okay so i need two large caps like 330 microfarad decoupling caps which i have back over here out of view and then i need usbc and then it's time to start up the reflow oven oh and the um the big chunky through-hole voltage regulator i need to stick that on as well in fact i'm going to do that before i put on the caps because these big electrolytic caps tend to be unstable they're a fair bit of mass and they can come off and that might happen while i'm moving things around so i'm going to do the voltage regulator next because that will be very stable and then i'll do the usb c connector and the two caps and then if anyone can see anything that's missing off the board don't tell me because i want to live in blissful ignorance and imagine that i am nearly done ah voltage regulator that's it and what do we want we want the 5 volts that's a russell [Applause] industrial grade 5 volt [Applause] that industrial grade automotive grade that's what i'm trying to say now this whole regulator thing this is uh this is open to revision we might change this so what i've put on the board is the footprint for one of these it's just the classic 7805 type linear regulator but it's the ones i like to get are the special automotive grade ones which are a lot more expensive than your regular 7805 but they have really good specs for for temperature range and also for durability like they can withstand load dumps coming off the alternator and so a load dump is when you have the car running and i'm going to check this on the microscope just to make sure i did a reasonable job of that so you got the car running engine is spinning alternator is generating power and you are drawing that power in some way like you might have high beam lights on or something and there is a sudden decrease stick on there in the current consumption of something in the car i'm describing this really badly but oh well um and the alternator will continue you can think of it kind of like momentum it'll continue to deliver power briefly and the voltage on the electrical system of the car can spike very dramatically so you might have a car that's running at a nominal 14.7 volts or something while it's charging off the alternator and then you turn off your high beams or something else happens in the car and all of a sudden the car electrical system jumps to 60 volts or you know some crazy thing like that only briefly but it happens a lot and car electrical systems are really really bad they're really noisy and so in it for something to survive in a car electrical system long term it's got to be really durable and the voltage regulators that are designed for automotive use are designed to withstand all sorts of crap all right so we've got what am i missing i got to be missing parts i don't think i am missing parts it's a miracle all right now i don't have my remote camera set up like the portable camera so what i'm going to do is just chuck this in the reflow oven but you're not going to get to see it i've shown the reflow oven before anyway it's not that exciting so i need lights i need ventilation i need power i'm just going to chuck this in the oven and leave it here for a little while and then come back and talk to you so what have we got i've got to select the profile so i'm gonna go for um okay profile profile exit and start go ski all right so the reflow oven is doing its thing so in the meantime i'll chuck some of this mess that i've made back out of the way clean as you go clean as you go don't leave the mess for later and while i'm doing this you can all be thinking about what things what projects you want to build with the universal rack controller that goes in there that will go back in the fridge in a minute [Applause] those are the 22ks that i labeled earlier so i would remember what they were all right now hello everybody let's see what you're all up to okay good enough australia yep all right he says am i saying that you're an asd troll but aren't you the one that said that you're hang on hang on ah there we go now i'm okay aren't you the one that said that you're an esd troll i thought you were um i thought that was like a self-applied title uh yeah fred flinstein's right i have a wireless one on my ankle where you can't see it like uh wireless esd strap on one side and the what do they call it you know those tracking devices on the other so i can't leave home [Music] okay now i can relax um oh alex due to time zone differences and summertime shifts the usual sunday live stream is at 2 a.m for me which that's a terrible time yeah um all right incognito 3 yes it's sunday morning nothing has changed since the 90s i don't know what that's about all right so i'm not going to bother 5.40 i'm not going to bother um reading back through all of the chat i'm sorry so i've if i've missed things that you've been talking about how long have i been streaming probably about three or four hours i'd say by now um i have been streaming for what is it it's a bit after 10 10 18. it's been a while it's taken quite a while to just to put some parts on the board all right so john says put a 6450 on it 5 volts 40 amps chance of fire i hope there's a good chance of fire i'd be counting on it so the um the 6450 sick sic 450 that's the one that you're using for um sarah's tapestry project i think is that right so for those of you who don't know john's wife sarah has made a crazy tapestry which is the um it's the sky and it's got constellations and things on it it looks incredible and they are wiring them up with leds so that it's um uh yeah so that it they can illuminate um different things but that's a lot of leds to eliminate and takes a lot of power so john's been working on power supply modules um yep [Music] cable tie says try designing something that runs nominally on 24 volts and has to survive six volts cracking i assume that's cranking yeah that is a problem that's the that's the opposite problem so if you've got a device in a car or a truck 24 volts which means it's probably in a truck because um truck electrical systems are typically 24 volts which is why the which way do i go that way the water cannon of doom runs on 24 volts it can run on 12 volts but most often on 24 volts and when the when the engine is cranking the voltage drops from the nominal 12 or 24 down to only a few volts so having something that runs off a 24 volt supply and can handle the input voltage dropping to six um yeah that's not fun uh so russell smith said is there an alternative to rj45 to avoid au cabling restrictions that's an interesting um that's an interesting question so as an alternative the reason that i ended up going for it's interesting for two reasons one is uh legislation so what that comment would be related to is whether you can put in your own cat 5 cabling and it's kind of a curly one that i don't want to get into right now the other that side camera keeps moving the other is the reason that i did it the reason that i've actually used essentially ethernet cable for my light switch controller is because my light switches originally were ethernet i actually had an arduino behind each light switch with ethernet on it and that's why the ether10 was designed way way back 12 years ago 11 years ago whatever it was it was because i had a an arduino and an ethernet shield jammed together behind every light switch in my house and they're all on ethernet running power over ethernet and then the ether10 was basically an arduino uno and an ethernet shield and you put them under a steamroller squash them into a single pcb and that's what you get so i had ether tens in most of my light switches and i ended up switching over from having the um the the complexity in the switch to having the complexity in the controller all of my cabling was still in place so i just made the new light switches work over ethernet cable even though it's no longer ethernet so the reason it's like that is kind of for historical reasons oh i've just heard the note change on the cooling fan on the uh the reflow oven which means it's just hit its peak and it's now on the cool down part of the cycle and so um so that's the historical reason that i did it and also just because cat5 is cheap the connectors are cheap etc but is there an alternative um you could wire it with something different but i don't know if that's necessarily going to solve the problem it's not going to avoid the issue of can you legally put in the cabling um yeah okay well ty says automotive psus are the worst to design except for truck and large vehicle 24 volt psus which are the worst too yeah funny story i'm working on two truck projects at the moment no that was not a funny story well that that's a truck project the there's another project i've been working on for a while now which i have never mentioned on a live stream and i'm not going to until it's actually in the market but it's a it's a really interesting project which is also truck related it's um it's a robotic sort of automation system related to trucks but that's all i'm going to tell you i'm just going to go and pull the door open a little bit on this oven which improves the airflow through it and that's a really cool project and i want to be able to talk about it but i can't yet it's um it's a commercial thing uh for a client who is also a very old friend of mine and i do not want to do anything that's going to jeopardize it so aj zortel said what are you building okay what we are doing is making assembling the prototype for the universal rack controller project and uh just wondering how much to backtrack in the explanation maybe the explanation will come once i pull the thing out of the oven and we see what happens uh yeah david said when's lunch ah you being peter it's peter's job to tell me to stop for lunch and it's not time yet um all right it's almost time for me to go and grab that thing out of the oven so ah john spencer said we are soldering the damn thing right now yeah so that's that's referring to the uh the huge tapestry that sarah made we've done about 250 about 600 to go that's a lot of soldering a lot of leds um wm6h said sorry i missed which reflow oven you're using i've got a t962c i think is the model um looks like this camera isn't focusing properly oh there's the beep of doom and this is the point where i do everything in my power to resist the edge to pick up the pcb so what i'm going to do is grab my trusty piece of wood and some pliers and get the pcb uh maybe if i can find somewhere to pick it up from a corner somewhere come on all right one freshly baked pcb and of course we all want to see what it's like so let's do a magic camera switch come on switch back it switched there and then it failed to switch back under i've got to try putting obs in the foreground again let's try it again or the switch yes now it's switched all right i've got to try not to burn myself toasty hot all right still got some connectors that have got to go on here but before doing that it's going to be a bit of a visual inspection time so let's see if we can find all of those tombstones and things okay time to go hunting if we can find any clickers or shamblers what have we got i should try to be methodical about this okay i'll start from the top right corner that's a bit of damage from when i just picked it up with the pliers sorry from the top right corner that looks alright well look at this they're all sitting nicely in place our weird uh it's like a rogue's gallery led collection they're all different and mostly weird um all right we got a bridge there to fix and looks like we're a little bit short on solder there is that yeah it's not actually soldered that's all right we can fix that all right everybody mute your um shoe who shall not be named because i'm about to say all right this will be a test let's see whose house this works in alexa please turn on the soldering iron okay all right so give it a minute and the iron will be hot um oh lots of solder bridges there we can fix those [Music] looking okay it's a bit of crud in it looking fine around the room 32 [Music] up here oh bonus extra solder space holder ball i'll save that for later um steve survived the reflow oven those are okay orientation is okay on that i think yes i got it the right way around so in i'll add some solder to these pads i put solder paste on this as you might have noticed before i put it through the oven that's kind of just to tack it in place and there was solder paste on the large thermal pad of course but i will manually supplement that now this is an area where if there are solar bridges it's a real problem in here because fixing stuff in here is a total pain but luckily it looks like there are no bridges in there so that's good got our sd card attached there's the temperature sensor nice older bridges there so we need to do a little bit of rework around the ethernet chip which i fully expected we've got to do a bit of rework around the back of the usbc connector now there right there you can see that there is a pad that looks a bit shiny and it may not be properly connected and right there oh that one looks alright without a proper 3d view it's hard to tell so let's do this thing start by [Applause] applying some make it work juice i could reflow this but i'm just going to do it with the iron i think do a bit of a drag i've got too much in there oh no that came out okay it doesn't look like there are any shorts there it's all clear now back to this side oh that pin looks bent that pin is bent that's bizarre it must have been bent like that when i put it on the board all right let's do a drag come on get that one off nope all right bring in the big guns a little bit of solar wick that'll clean it right up and yeah see this pin is bent let's see if we can oh it's adhered to the pad not anymore i broke it loose looks like a ground pin it's connected through to the ground plane all right uh what do i want solder when do i want it right now just a little bit yeah now uh what do we have on this side any bridges oh yes there's one there i'll put the um no one there fix all those up done i think and back over here what have we got going on on this side just dodgy joints there fixed all right so let's have a look at this one put some of the magic make it good juice under there the back of the usbc connector and i may not be able to do just the simple drag trick with this it might work but probably won't i find that usb-c connectors reworking the back of them is a bit of a pain yeah that looks all right i think we just removed three solder bridges then oh no there's solder bridge there between ground and bcc we'll be in uh looks all right okay however i've got to get a different angle on this so often if you look down into the back of the usb-c connector like this you'll see that there are solder bridges between pins down under the plastic where you can't even see them but that one looks alright so that one's all sorted um yeah are we going to do anything about this i'm um well let's just see if we can get a better angle on that pad i don't know if i can be bothered reworking it unless it looks like oh it does look suspicious if you can see the pad i mean it is this where's my pointer this one right there that pad looks like it may not be connected and it is actually a pad that matters so for this one let's use the hot air we'll put the um we'll put the magic juice on it and heat it up and uh bring it up here all right oh since there were questions about solder paste earlier this is i'm using chip quick um jack flux so good stuff all right let's cook this there's a resistor just above it that 22k resistor just slightly above it which is out of position that will probably end up reflowing into position properly if i warm all of this up enough once we start seeing some bubbles coming out of the out of the flux when the fox has got to adjuster on the boiling point that's usually when things are good to go is nothing else moving come on a little bit more warmth oh there we go as you can see this one's moving around which means this one will probably move around as well there's a big thermal pad under it so it takes a little while to warm up and that is where the solder flux really helps well there's the pad all right that's just that's not going to work oh come on surface tension working against me there i've got to get surface tension working for me it's um i think it's about there that's about where it needs to be and then we should have some decent connections on everything oh and in doing that i've bumped this other resistor did i bump that or was that out of place i don't know anyway big pool of molten and now congealing uh flux is there anything else here that we need to fix before we can do a very tentative power up i'm going to do a power up before it really doesn't look like that soldered on at this end but i think it is i'm going to do a very tentative power up before putting more parts on just in case things do need reworking it's easier when we don't have extra connectors and things around the place but i will solder these joints first before we do much more where did my solder go i've got a little bit of it here keep some good heat on it and the middle one in particular because there's lots of thermal mass now one of the reasons that i actually don't mind putting through-hole regulators in in jobs like this is that the pins form a fantastic high current path between all the layers of the board so these regulators are available in a in a surface mount version yeah you can see the middle one because of the thermal mass it hasn't really flowed properly through to this side yeah so i'm just going to stick the heat on that middle pin for a minute let it sit there and uh cook slowly let the heat flow through to the other side all right yeah so you can get these regulators in a surface mount type which means that it's it's it just goes into pads on the top layer and then to get power through to the other layers of course you use vias or vias depends on which continent you're on and yeah but i kind of like using these because we've got the legs of the voltage regulator going all the way through the board and connecting to all the intermediate layers as well where necessary and providing a very good high current path and also a good thermal path between the layers of the board so uh yeah fears are good too but a nice big pin does the job even better uh that board looks a bit of a mess but it's going to go in the ultrasonic bath later once it's had some testing so that should get rid of all the discoloration and we've got the the mess over here from the flux that i stuck on now let's try powering this up and what am i going to do it on uh do i have i'm just trying the reason i'm pausing is i'm trying to work out a way that you can see you can see the useful things what i need is um a usb i need to get power to that thinking about what i'm doing here okay i can use this i think use this usb extension which means i should be able to yes okay 4.15 volts as pathetic okay so there's a um a usb tester it's probably because it's on the end of a five meter usb cable and plugged into a hub which is unpowered so we've got lots of voltage drop along the way so let's um let's get ourselves a usb cable moment of truth what do we have here oh just for funkiness let's use a nice rode usbc cable and okay when powering up boards like this so what i'm going to do just to explain i'm going to connect power to the usb connection it might light up it might not we'll be able to see on here if it's pulling excessive current and what i will do when powering up this part of the regulator so powering up the power supply on this side is i'll connect it to the bench power supply and i'll set the current limit so that we don't get smoke let out if there is anything wrong so let's see power it up and i will be surprised if it works oh what hang on uh so far it's working as in we've got power up here so that's showing that we've got a 3.3 volt rail we've got our our usb voltage has dropped so that's not ideal we're feeding at 3.39 volts and we should be feeding at 5 volts but no smoke has come out so i think the next thing to do is try connecting in in fact i'm going to put a screw terminal on there i think because i don't want to sold where is it pluggable screw terminals that's what i want because i don't want to solder pads onto i'm just going to turn off that reflow oven it's sitting there spinning its fan you may not have been able to hear it very clearly but i could and it was annoying so pluggable terminal blocks order two oh no they haven't those ones haven't arrived yet ah damn what i want is right angle oh maybe i can just bend this i'll turn which way does that go normally i don't know is it normal to put it to make it that way i'd have to look at the 3d model to figure out which way is which i think so that's positive and that's negative all right hmm i don't know and i can't launch fusion 360 because i got abs running and it's going to freak out all right let's hang on even before doing that let's just try talking to the esp8266 yes i wonder if we even have um oh stephen w are saying the bump the bumpy bits to the regulator side so by bumpy bits do you mean these bits and those bits i think the bumpy bit is why isn't that focused yeah the bumpy bit is there which means if this was done as a right angle connector like it would go in that way and then as a right angle connector it would just lean over like that and sit down on the board and then this would go in yeah with the screws up that makes sense okay cool that helps clarify it i will put it i think i'll put it on like that but just before i do that i'm going to let's just try uh talking to the esp32 we might get super lucky and actually be able to talk to it that is such a messy looking board with the it's just this stuff on here that annoys me and the stickiness and blah oh well it'll be nice and shiny and clean once it's had an ultrasonic bath and a manicure so what i'm looking for is let's look for uh examples communication ascii table that'll do that's a reasonable sort of thing to try uh do we even have a port it's um wc debug console let's just see if it's even appearing on my computer port 21 440 is that it i'm going to unplug that let's see what goes away i've got too many devices plugged in yeah that was it 21 40. so it is actually enumerating it's coming up on my computer as a as a serial port hang on but ah yeah so this has got a cp-2102n on it which means the first thing we would need to do ah no i know what i need to do i need to get my laptop here's my laptop here no my laptop is inside the house because i have not actually flashed that yes you're the reason it is current limiting to 100 milliamps is the setting on the um the cp2102n i haven't reconfigured it to ask for 500 milliamps all right so let's just so the auto reset's not going to work none of the configuration is done in this chip to reconfigure that i need simplicity studio which is on my laptop which is inside the house so i think i will go and get that in a minute but first i'm going to disconnect that if it will allow itself to be disconnected but it was a good sign that it was enumerating on my computer it was coming up as a valid serial port so now i'm going to solder this on and do it in a kind of dodgified way use a couple of lead off cuts what have i got [Music] yes how am i going to do this in a neat way there may not be a neat way but what i want to be able to do is connect my lab power supply on here i think i'm just going to do it like this which is a little bit dodgy but dodgy r us one there put the other one in here burn myself for i don't know for posterity add another scar to the collection all right so novelty bits up you say i'm going to put it yeah i'll put it there that should do join that i need to re-blobify it come on get some solder happening in there get some more solder happening in there give it a second to solidify well that is far less of a dodgy job than i thought it was going to be looks almost respectable don't tell anyone that'll be our secret okay so now i want some i just want a couple of jumper wires what have i got what have i got oh come on i've got to have something in this i've got lots and lots of jumper wires just this is my little uh local cache i'm looking for some that have pinned a pin i just use these ones i was trying to avoid using those because it's three of them attached to each other but it doesn't matter all right what have we got here we have positive to the bottom [Music] let's go purple is positive and gray is negative ah i need a smaller screwdriver well this one fit will it not quite all right let's go for a baby size screwdriver oh and the other thing i need to do is because these are proper raising bail screw terminals i need to open the bail before i put in the put in the wire ah [Music] am i talking to myself now probably all right so purple is positive and gray is negative let's power up the bench supply get myself a cable which am i using supply 2 power supply 2 which is currently set for 5 volts and 1 amp which is approximately the opposite of what i want so ground and positive now this is when we need aaron's awesome little multimeter uh display thing all right then i'll get that let's just comment up the um the ground connection all right so what are we looking for faults let's chuck in vset 12 and i'll do i set point two so 200 milliamps and turn it on and watch the smoke come out uh where's the smoke i thought there'd be smoke didn't someone promise there'd be smoke we've got an led that's on all right so on the input side unfortunately you can't see this we've got 11.55 volts on the output side we've got 5.068 volts on the 3.3 volt rail which is right there we have [Music] nothing no that's the ground i was that's probably the wrong thing no wonder there's nothing there better be nothing 3.309 volts on the 3.3 volt rail okay so our voltage regulators aren't freaking out which is a good sign um i could pull out the thermal camera and see if there's anything hot but that's premature all right so so far we haven't managed to let any smoke out we've got well let's just check on there 3.3 volts on there this is where the led goes to the front panel what's going on why is this working 3.3 volts on there yep 3.3 somebody like find a problem it's got to be a problem uh i think the next step is for me to go inside the house and grab my laptop so that we can change the settings on this serial chip and then we can talk to the esp32 and if we can talk to the esp32 i'll put the other headers on and then apart from doing some software stuff we're kind of done all right now can i mute myself all right can i trust you all oh kevin i just looked over five euros don't you soldering for the win yes um okay uh red not orange fizz all right wait until we try poe yes um we will do that in fact we can try that even tonight with the the bypassed poe once i get the connector once i get that connector on now can i trust all of you kids not to burn the place down while i go inside the house and grab my laptop i am going to mute myself because i'm wearing a radio mic right now and when i walk inside um yes there will be noise so i'm going to hit mute and i will be back in just a moment and in the meantime you can stare at that and see if you can find where the smoke should be coming out back now bang nobody hide my soldering iron uh okay so the laptop starting up just making sure that there are no cameras pointing at my keyboard as i type my password it's hard here i am surrounded by cameras they're all over the place um [Music] all right simplicity studio simplicity studio sucks i really wish there was a simple way to just load configs into scilab's usb chips without going through simplicity studio all right now get all of that disconnected while simplicity studio is launching i can feel the voltage regulator was getting warm like just barely warm so i was running it on 12 volts and that's regulating it down to five so that we've got a five volt rail available and also it then feeds into the 3.3 volt regulator no do not do updates skip updates i'm running on my laptop i'm running simplicity studio v4 because v5 just re it destroys the world so i made the mistake of upgrading to v5 on my old imac and then was totally unable to load configurations onto onto usb serial chips luckily my laptop still had the studio v4 installation on it i can go there all right time for another voice command that may well activate things in your house you have been warned um alexa turn off the office fan okay all right so that turned off the um the exhaust fan that was running where the the reflow oven was okay now you can't see my laptop but i've got a um i've got simplicity studio open i've got a standard config that i use program two device go programming programming reset done elapsed time six seconds all right so this should now be programmed we've got no tx and rx activity but that's okay that's to be expected now next thing is [Applause] plug the board in load arduino which i have and what are we going to compile for target will just be a an esp32 dev module and what settings do we want uh for sixty thousand [Music] what we got qao four megabytes got the port selected um usb serial triple zero one i think now that it's been reflashed i'm going to unplug it because i don't want to try reflashing the wrong device yep that was the one it was enumerating correctly yep and [Music] flash compile all right let's see if we can upload code onto it we'll tell its little brain to send us some ascii values compiling come on this is the moment of truth can it upload connecting uploading it's uploading look at the activity we had activity leds resetting uh i'm opening the serial console i'm not sure if we actually see anything in the ascii table we do check this out hang on let me switch you to the desktop view okay so this is what i've just loaded is this test sketch it's one of the examples in the arduino ide and all it does is open the serial port and then dump out all the ascii values because we all love ascii values and this is what we just got back out of it so the universal rat controller is officially alive haha fantastic now um next thing okay let's huh thanks wm6h let's put uh some connectors on it let's put on the i'm going to put on the ethernet connector but first i think i'll put on the little the connector for the front panel led just because it's going to be harder once the ethernet connector is in place so i need that and i need to get yes i want that now somewhere up here on a shelf i have stock of the correct ethernet connectors with the built-in magnetics and everything here they are let's do that let's see if we can do the um the view switch view switch and back all right so it's my little stash of connectors these are the hand run connectors with the built-in everything so i'll solder this on first which is the which is the connector for the front panel led now i've been since i sent this off for fabrication i've been regretting this design decision of just putting a two pin header on here for the front panel led i want to replace that with an rgb panel mount led because there are a couple of things we can do firstly we can show sorry you can't really see what's going on there but it's not interesting so it doesn't matter my original idea was that the front panel led would only show the fact that there was power and nothing else so it would have no dependencies like it wouldn't matter if the cpu wasn't running or anything else it would just show that there is power to the device and that's what we've got right now so the 3.3 volt rail has this little current limiting resistor there and then you can just have an led mounted in the front panel plugged into this but then i thought wouldn't it be nice if we had an rgb led on the front panel so that we could do things like in a rack where you got a bunch of units from the web management interface or a phone app or something you could tell a unit to identify itself you know a lot of servers do that a lot of rackmount equipment and have the led change color or start flashing on the one that you've clicked in your management interface so we don't have any control over the front panel now of course we can do that we've got the lcd so we can do device identification that way you can tell one to call out all right now let's put on nope doesn't go that way the ethernet socket all right what have we got here i'm going to just solder the big connectors on like this and then chuck it under the microscope actually no i'm going to do this under the microscope because even for the these really big connect connections because it shows you something interesting there are things that you see when you solder under the microscope you just do not see any other time okay so that is one of the mounting stakes that comes through the board now what i like to to watch when i'm soldering under the microscope is you can see the heat flow across the board now i don't know how well it's going to come up on camera but look you can see the wet edge of i'll put that on there yeah yeah that was a very bad example let's um yep just checking the alignment of the thing before i irrevocably solder the second metal like the mounting tab on yeah you'll see the wet edge of the solder flow around the joint right now it's there i'm pointing kind of at it and it's slowly flying around and across here you can see the um you can actually see the heat flowing across the board just by seeing the effect that it has now because of the size of this this keeps flopping around into a edge the board falls over i need to prop it with something try to keep it flat there we go that's better okay so i i don't think you can hear it but i can hear the magpies outside my window about this time of night they always start talking to each other they just sit there in the trees chortling away it's um it's one of those sounds that for me it has very strong childhood memories because of going away with my parents we had a little they had a place out in the country that we would go to and i used to wake up to the sound of the magpies in the morning looks like it's all done those pins probably need chopping off they stick out a long way now i suspect that okay so conjecture here if we connect in ethernet into this i suspect we're not going to get any activity leds coming up here because the wiznet chip will not be initialized but we can hope all right so what i'm going to do is i've got a power over ethernet injector oh i know i need to put in two more headers so what do i use maybe i'll use red ones because red signifies power and then i'll use yellow ones for the i squared c pull ups this yellow signifies a color that isn't red so let's just stick these two in where's my solder going i've almost used it up i normally just use the solder directly off the reel but earlier i um i cut a bit off for some reason and i've been using up the off cut piece ever since but now it's gone come on what is going on there that joint is not wetting that one did ah and now the blue tacks got hot and when blue tape gets hot it turns to mush oh i think that might just be the ground connection that's why it was working all the heat away i really hope that these poe modules the ones that go on here are going to work out would be nice if this all goes smoothly i think i need to zoom that overhead camera out just a little bit because it's right on the borderline of being able to focus properly you can see that i'm holding this i'm only holding this a little bit above the bench and it's not really focusing but it's focused down here and i think if i zoomed it out slightly it would be having a better time of it all right what have we got so um all right now for this power over ethernet what i'm going to do is i'm not going to just feed directly what i would normally do is grab one of my stamp like i've got 12 volt leads just lying around on the bench it's got a 2.1 mil dc jack on it and plenty of amps available because 12 volts is something that's really commonly used so i just have those leads lying around but i want current limiting on this so i'm going to run this off the bench power supply and feed the bench power supply into the network cable luckily i have leads for that because this is exactly the sort of thing i've done so many times before which means i'm really good at messing it up so get everything out of the way so there's no confusion and i know exactly what i'm looking at so i've got bench supply is going to go into the injection side of the ethernet then i need an ethernet cable and [Music] i had one there was a gray one but i no longer have it where was it i'm sure i had it right here earlier today hmm i think i might have used it all right what are the ethernet cables do i have okay i've got a very short one i know there's one there's one okay this is better so ethernet cable goes in that end lab supply is turned off all right we're going to plug power in at this end when i say power i mean ethernet and uh the poe bypass is currently not connected which means nothing will happen so i need to put some jumpers across those yep where is it yeah oh and there are other things i could have tried exercising as well like the sd card we could actually test that quite easily um but for now let's just see if power over ethernet gets to where it's meant to be all right so i've still got it set to 12 volts i've got it limited it's 200 milliamps turn it on and there is a seriously disappointing lack of smoke all there is is this pesky little blue power led which says that it's working and we're pulling 100 milliamps with a 200 milliamp current limit it is remarkably looking like everything is working uh okay i'm still waiting for something to go wrong nothing's gone wrong all right let's test the sd card let's um pop that out okay so we've got power over ethernet as in diy power over ethernet not 802.3 a t or af or whatever it is but still we've got power over ethernet all right so let's go back to connecting this to the computer and i'm going to chuck a micro sd card in here i've got one handy right here don't know what's on it it's probably got a raspberry pi image or something oof that sounded crunchy yeah yeah there might actually be big problems with this connector because i reflowed it off another board [Music] come on go in and stay in feels like the latch isn't working but we might still be able to test it i can probably just hold it in so oh yeah that's it it clipped into place all right so what we've got now is the sd card snapped into place and i'll switch back to desktop we don't want ascii table anymore what do i want there is an sd example open examples there's an sd example it just gets information about the currently connected sd card so uh sd esp32 sd test let's see what this one does connect the sd card as follows so we need to know what the um the chip select is uh i can't remember so but before doing anything else let's just see if this compiles before i change anything just make sure it compiles for esp32 all right so what this is going to do is look for the sd card tell us what type it is oh it's um creating a directory well i don't know what's on this sd card it might not be formatted for anything useful which means this might fail it compiled all right so now i've got to remind myself what was what was the pin out for this schematic my brain is fading what is the time it's 20 past 11. it it really is time to be stopping but still okay so um we've got uh back up here sdcs is io5 okay so where are where is it using that ss der where is it configuring lister fs constant immune levels create a read file right file oh it's got a whole bunch of different healthy helper functions there all right so here we go sd card sd card type sd.begin what arguments can we send to sdot again i assume we can tell it chip select i haven't used this before uh oh chris i said um sorry i have been totally ignoring the chat for probably the last half an hour um and i just glanced across and saw one comment chris said this is an idea to have a thermal vision camera on top of your workbench and a small lcd screen hanging on a shelf so you can directly see anything heating up while testing out things for the first time that would be a really convenient thing to do i have a thermal camera it is um right here it's actually like physically in reach and i can just pull it out and point it at things i do use it reasonably often but i don't have it permanently mounted and i plug it into my laptop and use it that way but yeah having some having it mounted overhead would be kind of handy i often attach it to things like to the water cannon i um i mount it on a test jig so that it's attached over whatever the device is that i'm testing and then the device can move around with its test assembly and the thermal camera attached so it stays in a static position what am i looking at that's right i was talking about sd card so um can we just do sd begin and give it an argument of five i don't know i'm totally guessing here uh was it five [Music] sdcs is five yeah that's what that's what we've got it wired to in here what the hell let's just try all it can do is complain to us i'm too lazy to look up the um the function signature for begin to see if it does take the chip select as its one and only argument so if if it works this will be amazing all right let's open wow it's working check that out the sd card is working that considering that i just totally pulled that out of my ass that i could pass the chip select pin as the argument to the begin function i just made that up i guessed and it works this is amazing so right now it is yeah bcm this is obviously a um a raspberry pi image appending writing failed to open file for reading okay so there's something going on there renaming file file renamed there's something odd yeah adrian said this whole stream has to be some kind of success record right yes um now what else the only other thing on the board to test is uh actual ethernet communications well and the headers like spi for the lcd which i haven't even assembled yet and um i squared c for the breakout to the light switch controller or whatever else needs to go in i haven't put the i squared see pull up headers on there so what okay things we have tested we have usb it's working usb serial is working we have um power source selection working so we've powered it from usb we've powered it from the screw terminal on the back we've powered it over power over ethernet they've all worked we've communicated with the esp32 so we know this is working we've talked to the sd card we know that's working our voltage rails look good 5 volts and 3.3 volts and uh okay i haven't tested this i o header so things we haven't done we haven't tested oh actually there's the onboard temperature sensor we haven't tested that yet there's um the i squared c things here we haven't tested in fact what i might do oh we haven't tested the ethernet which is the most important thing of the whole thing but that is a slightly bigger job because i haven't even looked into the code of what that what's required although maybe we'll i don't know i'll see how long my energy and my enthusiasm lasts lasts and whether uh everybody decides that it's just time to bail but i might actually get as far as testing the ethernet as well let's um put the pull-ups on for i squared c and then we can test whether the temperature sensor works because i'm still waiting for something to fail all right so make that one sit flat sit flat all right so now i need some jumpers to put on those all right squared c pull ups and now we can test the temperature sensor i just need some code that's going to talk to that i've used this temperature sensor in quite a few of my other projects so i um but what i want to do is look for just a simple example now what is this one examples it is an mcp where is an example for it 908 okay here we go now that's the adafruit mcp library all right 115. 200. let's switch to desktop so what have we got this is the test it's going to what is it going to do it's just going to look for it tell us the temperature sounds good to me make it so engage yes my padawan [Music] bit of feature group there ray just said would it be nice if you were able to change the sd card from the front panel yeah this is something for the audience i actually still have not heard yes we have a temperature sensor um oh hang on no what i meant was oh damn we don't have any smoke coming out yet uh so that temperature is slightly over reading i'm sure it's not actually 27 degrees right here on the board but i think they tend to over read by a bit anyway so i need a bit of calibration oh you can see the temperature went up that's just because i put my hand over it it went up to 29 degrees in fact i'm going to stick my finger over the temperature sensor and just hold it for a little bit you can see it it's going up to 31 degrees uh what you're seeing scrolling up the screen is um you're only seeing the top part of the window i'll bring it up so you can see the bottom there we go so it's now on 31.8 degrees and then i'll take my hand off it and just let it sit there and we should see the temperature slowly go down again 30.5 um ah so aaron said config backups large web interface files etc that's right uh you did actually [Music] it was either you or someone else did actually suggest things like web uh like media content for a web interface so if we've got a web management system running on this device the sd card could be used for storing images and javascript files and whatever else it is that you might want to dish down the wire so the temperature is coming back down again yeah it's definitely not 27.8 degrees in here right now it's probably a comfortable like 22 or 21 degrees in the room right now but yeah temperature sensors do tend to over read they usually need a few degrees of calibration factor applied to them okay we have had so much success that i am kind of afraid to continue but i am just going to take a quick look through what can i find i don't know if the um the ethan like just the normal ethernet library supports um sorry i'm fading out while i look through a list of things control sensors ethernet dhcp address printer that'll do um i've got no idea if this is even going to compile for the esp32 so let's find out uh let's set this to a sensible board rate and what's our chip select ethernet in it i've got to go back to here our wiznet chip select is 26 so let's see ethernet dot begin uh oh isn't it.init okay so i want let's chew it doesn't matter which one i'm just going to edit one of these anyway that make that 26. uh i should plug in ethernet shouldn't i i'm going to take what am i going to use okay i'm going to leave i'm going to think about what i'm doing here um i'm going to plug in ethernet let's see if smoke comes out now because we've got power from two different sources um that's interesting yeah that is not happy okay maybe we've found the first bit of fail on here what i just did that you probably could not see was i had usb plugged in and i had poe coming down the wire from this and it was maxing out the current on poe i had the um the current limiter set but i wonder if there is some weird interaction between power coming through this way and power from usb which means that the power source auto select may not be working that's interesting to know but it is not something that i'm going to investigate right now i'm going to file that because first i just want to see if ethernet does work so ethernet disconnected and oh let's see i'm going to no i'll i'll connect ethernet but i've turned off the bench supply i can turn off its output so we now have power over usb only and we have network coming in here so let's just it compile for the esp32 i think the law says that i have to stop this live stream um at some point uh come on abs wasn't changing its view okay so i it compiled what the hell all right upload do it let's go uh chris said are you powering your computer via the poe uh yes yeah could you not remove the poe link yes that would be the same thing but i've turned i just pressed the button on the lab power supply let's see what's going on here um [Music] so what are we doing okay i've opened that i'll hit reset uh ethernet could not fail to configure ethernet using dhcp ethernet shield was not found okay now this i'm not entirely surprised by this because um i have a feeling that this library doesn't even work properly with esp32 but this is not necessarily something for us to to figure out today i'm going to remove the injector plug that straight into there there are all sorts of reasons this could have failed this could be the uh it could be [Music] the crystal on the wiznet chip as well so there are hardware reasons it could have failed and there are software reasons it could have failed but to be honest i'm tired now i'm not my brain is not up to like a big diagnostic session so i am going to stop and go and sit down for a little bit maybe have a drink and then i'm going to come back to this with a clearer head tomorrow probably not on a live stream but uh i wonder if it could be power as well hmm because i have seen wiznet chips fail to initialize if you don't give them like if we've got voltage drop over the usb and we're not giving it the all of the um the little volts that it needs it might have failed to initialize so [Music] uh yeah multiple reasons that it could be but as i said i'm kind of burnt out by now adrian ten thank you very much um yeah as chris says i'm gonna stop and keep going i wonder why the power yes yeah sleep on it yeah right off the top of my head i can think of multiple reasons that the ethernet could be failing right now um it could be as simple as here we go i'm back looking at it wiz rst is 13 whiz interrupt wiznet chip select is 26 okay no no no i i must resist the urge and come back to this with a clearer head all right how long i've been live streaming for nearly three hours ah yes no wonder i need a rest so thank you everyone um uh yes i keep saying that i'm gonna stop and i really need to just stop but thank you for coming along it's been a um an unusual live stream but i want to get myself set up a bit better for uh for hands-on sort of things as well and i've got the um the folk like the zoom control that i'm working on for the overhead camera so i can zoom in and out just like while i'm down here on the bench and i've got yeah i've got the auto switcher on the microscope i also have this which is a head mounted camera to give you for just the view of whatever i'm looking at and i've actually got this working but the latency on it is terrible it's got like two seconds lag on it if i connect you to the rtsp stream over wi-fi um but there's got to be a um a better way to do that so i'm still messing around with that all right yeah you never have too many cameras right now i have front camera side camera overhead camera and microscope all running and there are going to be more soon all right um thanks everyone for coming along and as aaron says we're 95 of the way there so hopefully on sunday i'll have some good news on the ethernet debugging and make some progress on that and we can get we can start on the mechanicals and i can plug this in and actually start controlling lights okay you're not going to leave unless i leave so i've got to leave first all right here we go good night you
Channel: SuperHouseTV
Views: 32,286
Rating: 4.6610169 out of 5
Id: zZP4YW_Rm3U
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Length: 177min 12sec (10632 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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