Home Automation Hangout 2021-08-15

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[Music] do [Music] and good morning from sunny melbourne okay ready to go pepsi max is the best gut right uh yeah well see on if you could just make a cup of coffee for long flair that might help keep the peace around here and everybody will be happy steven yes there will be lots of squirrels andy um yes it was a last minute camera rearrangement but before i get into this um the important thing i acknowledge the traditional owners of this land i pay my respects to the elders past and present and to aboriginal elders and peoples from other communities who may be taking part in this live stream today so ah and yes i know that whole thing seems very weird to some people but i want to do it so i'm going to do it mitchell good to see you here um who else have we got carlos uh i think i mentioned everybody that's spoken up in the live stream so yes today is going to be squirrels i do have one idea no sugar okay he wants to know our pants optional during lockdown aren't they always optional i don't think lockdown has anything to do with that mr fix it ah mako gary good to see you all this morning now um so this morning i you know when i was setting up the stream last night and i just added it on the schedule i didn't put a specific thumbnail on it i just used the generic thumbnail because my plan was to go into this in a totally let's just see where this goes sort of thing and chase squirrels for a couple of hours but i do have one specific thing that might end up taking two hours so if nobody has objections i think i will begin with that and that is oh james i made it from the goodland millie woke a um yes so theon says uh pants are always optional lockdown makes them unneeded yep oh yes mako you're right i need a thump like a version of the live stream thumbnail with steve on it so that we can have a squirrel thumbnail ah g'day jacob and scott thanks for coming along so what i was thinking of doing is uh going through the current state of the multimeter the ut61e wi-fi interface and showing where that is up to at the moment because it's in a really really good state it's um after cable ties work on the decoder so what he did was take a uh a ut61e well actually specifically for the the controller chip that's in the multimeter he got a packet decoder that was written by someone else i think in python maybe and he's ported it to an embedded it within the firmware for the multimeter interface which means that it can now spit out values it understands what mode the multimeter is in what the range is and all of that sort of stuff so what it can do is not just report the raw packet which is what my original firmware was doing it now actually decodes the packet and provides the data which is fantastic and then aaron has been doing his uh continue continuing with his magic in node-red and updating the node-red client so that it understands the data that is now being sent by the updated firmware so the two of them have been collaborating on discord and the result is a system that actually works really really well so uh uh yeah i think it's probably worth it it's sort of at the point now where the hardware is available so if you want one of these adapters then you can get it and at the moment there are no instructions anywhere for doing the software setup so right now if i've shipped you an adapter it's kind of been left to you to figure out what to do so maybe i was thinking of just showing you the current state of the firmware and installing it on the adapter and the node-red client because it really does look cool so uh where to begin okay what i'll do is uh cheetah kid hey thanks for coming along intermittent tech cool intermittent i just gotta say independent your um recent video on your illuminated house sign really cool that it looks fantastic nice intro too with the you know the moody music and everything so for those of you who don't know intermittent tech does live streams and videos about he's done some really cool ones about addressable leds and a recent project was taking a house number putting leds behind it so that it can do different patterns and things and it looks amazing really really cool so yeah if you walk up to intermittent house at night i think it would look pretty spectacular and so ah now where was i that's right the multimeter interface so i'm going to put the chat aside just for a moment so if you oh some call it fun is here welcome so i'm kind of going to ignore the chat for just a moment because i am going to get my head around how i'm going to show this all right i think the first thing to show you is now i'm just looking around on my desktop because i need to find where is it okay github all right i'm going to start off by showing you on the desktop let's see if this works yes it does okay so we've got oh because of the position of the of everything you can't quite see all right the place to go if you want to get started with the i mean this is linked from the page as well so if you do have one of these ut61e wi-fi devices the product page for it i should show that as well no not that ute61e now will this shortcut take me there it should yes it does okay so it feels like i'm uh like a telemarketer or something at the moment spreaking the products that's not really the intention it's just to show you where the information is so if you have one of these so one of these wi-fi interfaces for the multimeter and you can scroll down you'll see that it says design files on github and where that will take you is here it's got all the design files for the the hardware so we've got the schematic in the board files there and uh in a bit of info about it and uh cable tie and aaron have been doing amazing work on the software related to it so inside here there are a couple of things if you have the hardware the first thing that you'll care about is the firmware you need to load this onto it and this was recently updated you can see that there are three directories in here two of these you can ignore the first one was the you can see based on the date the ut61a serial reflector this was just a really simple sketch and all it did was read from one serial interface and output to another serial interface so we were using software serial and that was my first attempt at simply getting a device that would take the data from the optical interface and pass it straight on no questions asked and that basically just proved the basic communications was working and then down here you can see wi-fi lowland32 this was the version that um this was the first version that we kind of got working and this was based on a lowland 32 but then the the proper version this thing has a d1 mini on it let's go over to there there yeah there's a wemos d1 mini which is an esp 8266 it's not an esp32 so this one the one you want is ut61e wi-fi d1 mini which has got the most recent date on it so it's pretty obvious which one it is and so what you do is you grab this and download it and open it in the arduino ide and there's a whole lot of documentation that cable ties put in here which is really cool showing all the different the meanings of the different bits of information that come back out of it and okay so what you'll see is that there is a config.h dash example file and when you open this project there will be no config file so what you need to do is copy config.h example and just rename it to config.h load it up in the arduino ide and you'll be ready to go so i'm just going to show you the example file so what you need to do is edit it to put in your wi-fi network and password you can put in your mqtt broker and if you've got a username and password you can put it in there this is probably pretty small and hard to read isn't it so zoomage okay so basically just you shouldn't really need to change very much in this the important stuff is just get it on your wi-fi and get it pointed at your broker and that should be it basically uh you shouldn't really have to care about the rest of it because this is set this is fixed in hardware yeah so once you've done all of that and you've got it loaded up in the arduino ide let's uh okay this one so i'm not going to show you i'm not going to go through this in great detail so i don't oh yeah let's have a quick look come on preferences preferences i'm just going to make this a little bit easier to see let's make it 18 point font there we go it's a little bit easier to read on screen now and so what what cable tie has done enhanced yes so what cable tie has done is add ut61edisplay.cpp.h and uh what these are done oh based on cool so that's where the original thing came from the decoder that's really screwed up check out how the font is all wrapping over itself that's d enhanced ah let's make it a mess looks like the arduino ide can't handle going to 18 point font let's try changing it to 16 and see if we can read it yeah that's better okay so um what this does i'm not going to go through this mostly because i don't understand it what it does is take the um the raw packet from the multimeter and it uh extracts all the relevant things so it looks for the specific parts of the packet and then uses these masks to set values so these are bit masks that are used for mapping purposes later on but we don't need to go into that because cable tie has oh my gosh it may be different font yeah perhaps so cable tie has taken care of all of that which is awesome so now the firmware when it's loaded onto the wi-fi adapter will um will output all of that information and i'm not going to click on my config because that will show you my wi-fi details but this is the version that is currently loaded onto my adapter which is plugged in just over there so let's uh hang on i'm going to see if i can find which one is it i'm just looking for the uh the right port because i want to this should be it i think let's see if we can open the serial console to it and here we go check this out so this is live data being reported in the serial console just over the usb connection and so my multimeter is turned on and you can see a whole lot of stuff here which is all done as json messages and that is also being reported to mqtt so when it starts up in fact if i turn this let's see if i can get this sorted i'll turn the multimeter off so it's not outputting data anymore i'm going to hit reset on the little adapter it starts up and look at that you can see that it's reported what its topics are going to be so if we subscribe to this topic let's see can i if i do itunes is it going to throw me to another screen no cool now do i have a oops mosquitoes are minus h which is the and oh yeah yeah i think that's it so what i'm doing here is just subscribing to the topic that it's reported so if you've installed it for the first time and you don't know what the topic is going to be open up the serial console and it'll tell you right here so i've grabbed the json topic in this particular case and then i'll turn the the multimeter back on and we should start getting some data if things are working yes cool so now we are seeing the messages that are being published to the mqtt broker and you can see the values are pretty much zero but if i grab the grab the multimeter probes and just stick my fingers on them and induce some little voltages you'll see the values on the left changing so now we have data coming from the um all right you can see the range if we look down here you can see display unit v and mode voltage so if i change the range to millivolts you can see that the range has changed change it to ohms range and it says mode is resistance so we are getting we are successfully getting the data coming off it so that is two of the three important elements i suppose in this project the first is the hardware which gets the which interfaces with the multimeter and it deca it gets the the connection to it like the electrical connection the second is the firmware which decodes the packet and then pushes it to mqtt and then the third is what do you do with this data so we need some way to display it and this is where aaron's work company comes in which is really cool now if you are looking at this um looking at this repo the interesting thing so this is where in future this project could become much more interesting as well because the data side of it is pretty much taken care of now there might be some minor improvements to be done to the firmware for you know packet decoding in edge cases and things like that but it's basically working it's taking the information from the multimeter decoding the packets and pushing it to mqtt so the data is there it's available for us to use in whatever way we like the question then comes in what do you do with the data so this client's folder at the moment only really has one thing in it but over time it would be really cool to see more things in here and i've got some ideas for ways that i want to use this now that the the data is being published properly so at the moment we've got a node-red folder which is for node-red clients and ultimately this there should be multiple node red clients in here right now the only one in here is this one made by aaron but there might be others because this one is for a web-based ui using node-red but we might want to make another another node here which does things like take the data and stick it into an influxdb database or create a chart from it or something there are all sorts of different things so what we could end up with is multiple clients and these are this is the node red clients but then we could end up with desktop clients aaron's already been working on one of those yeah we could end up with all sorts of things so this client side of it is really where the interesting stuff is going to start happening but uh let's have a look at the node red client so this is aaron's he's got some explanation on here but one thing that is not really explained here is how to install it because it's one of those things that when you've done it you know and when you haven't done it it's um it's kind of hard to figure out the first time so let's have a look at how to do that all right right here i have one already i'm going to get rid of i'm going to get rid of this i think will i let's just take a look in here [Music] yeah okay i'm going to delete it so i'm going to start with and i'm going to delete this one from here uh edit properties where's the delete where's the delete oh no it's from there delete subflow wrong place okay so what do you do is go into node-red and the first thing we're going to do is go up to here and do import and we want to stick in a new node so at the moment if you've got the repo okay so in the repo in clients node-red there is this file ut61e node-red web ui json so that's the one that we want to import so in here select a file to import and i'm just going to drag that in zoink and open and import and already exist oh well import copy stick it in there okay and that'll be because i hadn't done a deploy um after deleting the old one so what we've got now if you look down on the palette is there's this new section called super house and it's got super house ut61e as the um the node that's in there so then we need a an mqtt subscription and in this case it's connected to my my unauthenticated mqtt broker and the topic that you put in right there is exactly the same as what we were just looking at so this is the topic that is reported by the oh we can't oh yeah there is this topic that is reported so when you start up your multimeter interface without any data coming through it'll tell you what topic just copy that paste it into here and with your mqtt broker setup and you'll be done so this will be the data coming from the multimeter we need to feed that into aaron's node here and we've got a um a debug thing here so we can see what's going on that's not actually necessary but it's in there so if we go and have a look in here give this a name oh we don't need to we'll just leave it as it is now this thing here you can see web ui url ut61e you can probably just leave that default but you can customize this to change the url that it appears at so we'll say done and deploy confirm deploy and once it's finished we should now have oh andy said or mqtt to influx db to grafana yeah exactly so [Music] i'm interested to see what people do once they've got these multimeter interfaces and start messing around with clients and if you do build stuff please share it because i'd really like to see more stuff in here so what we've got now is i'm just going to move this so that you can see the url in fact what i'll do is i'll just open a new window i'm going to open a new window right here and what you do is you go to the url of your bro of your node-red installation and then you add ut 61e on the end and it will load aaron's interface which is super cool so now if i turn the multimeter back on oh it is on okay there i'm just messing around with the probes and you can see the values that are coming in if i um i'll turn on a power supply and stick the probes into it so that we've got something that we can see [Music] in there so i've shoved the probes into the into the output of the bench power supply and you can see that it's got a value there which is super cool so now we have a um a web interface and in uh so where all of this started the whole point of this was i wanted to be able to work on my bench here and have the multimeter display come up on the screen for the live stream so that you can see it and so obs has a built-in browser and this url right here if i copy that i'm going to go up to my you can't see this bit but i'm going up to my obs interface so if i turn that on okay so what you're looking at right there in the top left this this bit here that you can see on the screen this is chrome loading up the web interface and i can move it around because it's just capturing my desktop the other if i just move my cursor this other display that's over here on the left that's not actually on my desktop that is obs looking directly at node red and inserting it as an overlay onto the screen so [Music] i'll just close this one to get it out of the way so now if i went to say overhead i've got to turn it back on turn it on there so now this is the cool bit i can grab this and i can be doing stuff here on the bench and you can see what exactly what's on the multimeter so the multimeter that's in front of me on the bench is the same as what's coming up being imported into obs live and you can see the values on the screen so that is to quote someone mission accomplished so we now have um switch back to desktop so we now have data live from the multimeter coming up in the live stream which is how long has it taken to get to this point it's been a really really long time uh oh nice so aaron said i've been talking with cable time we're looking to add the same ui directly into the firmware for those who don't have node red you would just access the device's ip to access the ui that would be awesome and then you could just power it uh yeah somehow so there are more things we could do with this down the track i think one of the the biggest things is is power um uh sorry i'm distracted because there's something weird going on in in my obs display up in my up in the edge of the field of view what is happening there i don't know what's going on no no i think it's okay it's okay it's just a weird thing because of the way what you're looking at now is a desktop capture which is a small portion out of the middle of my monitor and so obs is doing a weird thing where it's displaying area around it but that's not what you can see you can only see a section of it it's uh it's kind of disconcerting uh yeah so um where are we at good morning everyone welcome to the live stream it feels like i need to be starting from scratch oh okay uh aaron and cable tie that sounds really cool being able to yeah implementing the web interface directly on the device would be really cool and uh yeah so as i said as i said previously my original objective for this was to build something that that i could use on the live streams but it would also be useful in other situations so the really nice thing would be if the multimeter just had wi-fi and everything built in essentially what i'm trying to do is add a feature that the multimeter didn't have in the first place so it didn't have wi-fi and uh oh cable tie you're here too we've we've just been going through all the multimeter stuff um so i just showed some of your firmware um yeah so at the moment i see it as a little bit of a it's a compromise making an external device rather than having all of this built into the multimeter one of the reasons that i did that was we could physically fit the device inside the multimeter if i took the back off it i could put that board maybe with some slight changes i could physically fit that board inside the multimeter and wire the data pin directly to the data output from the multimeter controller the issue is powering it and we really need um a multimeter will last a long time on a 9-volt battery but an esp running wi-fi will not last a long time on a 9-volt battery so that's the that's the big issue it would be really nice if this was physically inside the multimeter there was no external obvious indication and you just turn the multimeter on and it started up the esp fired up its web interface and you know you could just stream the data off a multimeter that would be awesome yeah oh aaron says hold low battery continuity etc all works too with icons on the ui yeah it is really really cool so dodgy suggested a rechargeable nine volt battery and um there yeah so going to some other kind of battery pack is an option cable tie yeah that multimeter interface who did that uh so uh yeah you can get batteries now in a nine volt format which internally are a different chemistry like a lipo so that you can then take it out and recharge it but yeah i i don't know what the energy density on those sorts of things is like um anyway that would be uh that's definitely worth looking into uh let's find out nine vol there's a there's a technical cell for nine volt there's a name for a nine volt battery but i don't remember what it is nine volt battery lipo let's try this 800 milliamp hour 9 volt usb i just this is the first match on um on ebay plus let's check this out it's a 12 battery with 71.50 in postage um all right i don't actually care too much right now about postage and stuff i just want to see the tech specs so what does it say 800 milliamp hour all right 9 volt and it's got a looks like it's got a charge status display on the side which is pretty cool so one option would be to go for something like this a um a lithium ion battery 1 000 milliamp hour ah here's another one oh this one's lithium ion 1 000 milliamp hour 9 000 milliwatt hour micro usb hmm interesting uh another option would be to not necessarily try to you know when what we need dodgy what we need is some kind of a pause button like an online pause button that mark flashes up a little light here that i can see so when you press the button and then when you press it again i just unpause so that would work for everybody so when one person pauses me it pauses for everybody and then you don't get out of sync it's not a problem that'd be so much better uh yeah so what what are we looking at here 1 000 milliamp hour it's 9 000 milliwatt hour that's that's an interesting way to be expressing this i mean i understand why they're doing this it's 9 volts 1 000 milliamp hour means you get 9 000 milliwatt hours of power out of it that's um yeah okay and it is so it's lithium ion but basically what this means is that a multimeter instead of running for intermittent use for multiple years on a nine volt battery it would run for maybe multiple hours before you'd need to recharge it so yeah it'll be okay but it's um it's not awesome so maybe another way to do it what i haven't looked at maybe this is time to be looking at this let's see if we have now in the resources do we have the schematic yeah circuit diagram all right here is the circuit diagram for the multimeter and let's have a look at where is it getting power i can't oh here we go v i know that's the test uh why can't i say it vb blah vc plus where is the connector i'm sure everybody else can see it hang on i'm going to zoom i'm just going to adjust the size of this to get it on the screen common so these are the um the four sockets on the front where the test probes plug in oh here we go bat 9 volts vb okay so let's see what happens with the battery so positive goes to vb plus and it'll be doing its own internal low battery testing of course we've these are switch contacts this really weird thing here with all of the squares on it these are contacts inside the rotary switch so as you as you turn the switch around it makes and breaks different sets of contacts in um in a kind of complex fashion so that it does things like connect different inputs depending on what mode you've selected and the um and the mode values here these bits fc 4 3 2 1 those are not sure what fc stands for i think it might be something like function control and these are the bits so there are it's a five bit input and we're only carrying about four of them so the value of these four bits if you drive these for fc1 through fc4 if you drive those for logical inputs on the multimeter controller oh here we go and you can see the explanation depending on what these are set to you get different modes so these modes are being set by the rotary selector on the front by making and breaking different contacts on here and changing like so we can see fc1 comes up here along here and it goes to that contact and that contact and that contact so it can be pulled high low that's a um that's a ground connection okay anyway i'm getting off track what i was looking at what i was really curious about is do we have to use a nine volt battery now it's going to complain about low voltage if we if we stick something like a 2s lipo in there which is normally like 7.2 volts or it goes up to about 8.4 when it's charged but is it really going to get care so we've got vb plus which is voltage battery plus somewhere on here i would expect to see how how is it that i'm not seeing it somewhere there is a voltage regulator there's got to be there's just gotta uh [Music] yeah this is one oh hang on yes here we go is that it what have we got here v c plus and v b minus and in and g so ground what is this thing that looks awfully like a voltage regulator to me normally these symbols would be out um in ground i think is what they stand for so we've got v minus coming along there and l bat 9 there so this voltage divider is what it will be using to determine whether the battery level is [Music] is low uh so [Music] anyway what i was just trying to figure out was oh look vr3 there's a um ovx i wonder what the ovx pin is yeah um don't know anyway i have a very strong suspicion that if we simply powered this multimeter off a um a 2s lipo it would be perfectly happy it'd complain about low battery i'm pretty sure but it should work and we could put a um so anyway where i was going with all the with these thoughts is with something like a uh a 2s lipo we could stick one on the back and it would and we could have significantly more let's see 2s lipo i don't know let's say oh this is kind of on the large side but say 2 000 milliamp hour how big is one of those [Music] so what you could do is oh well here's a um is that a single cell yeah that's a 3.7 volt single cell 2000 milliamp hour but basically get a 2s version of that 850 so what it could have is a little 3d printed enclosure that goes on the back and that clips into the normal battery compartment and sticks a big battery on it maybe it'll work then anyway i'm my motivation to pursue that is a little bit iffy because from for my personal use the actual reason i started this was to be able to show multimeter data on the live stream and for that i'm sitting here at the bench i'm not caring about battery power i've got power to the device through usb so that's fine it's total it's optically isolated from the multimeter which is a plus because it's just using the external external optical interface so this is actually 100 percent satisfied my goals this what you see on the screen right here is perfect for me uh development could stop right now and i'm very very happy so yeah my um my expectation of building an interface that looks like what you can see on the screen now this is beyond what i originally had in mind my um my wild dream was that i would be able to i would be able to have just some numbers on the screen like maybe down here or something i could just have like a transparent background numbers and it would just say 0.00 v or something and that would be it and probably only have voltage range like just volts and nothing much else the fact that we can do all of the different ranges like i can come over here and go look i can spin into different modes millivolt mode and ohms range and the display updates and it's got the unity logo on it and everything that is so cool yes it has surpassed my um my dreams and that means that my motivation to keep working on it is pretty much gone because i'm done but what i'm really what i would really like to see is is other people continue working on this and i know that aaron and cable tie are keen so having other clients that can use consume this data and maybe chart it over time or whatever that would be really cool the other thing that this could be useful for is in some kind of automated testing like if you're building a test rig for a product and you want to be able to do something like load up a power supply and measure the current and see and measure that the voltage stays within parameters this basically solves the problem so obviously you can cobble things like that together and there are other ways you can measure it like there are there are definitely existing tools that allow you to interface with instruments and log the data or make decisions based on it but i really like the idea of a low-cost multimeter like this with a little device plugged into it and now the data is on mqtt because that gives so much flexibility if you've got something like a test harness which is written in python that is driving your test rig then it can subscribe to mqtt and it can get access to the data so it can do things like change settings on your device under test and then pause briefly to allow things to settle read the data coming off mqtt check if it's within parameters pass or fail the test whatever else so that would be uh yes that would be a very handy use for this all right um yeah and in fact i've i know there are situations where so there is a test rig that um that we built i think how long ago was it i think it was about 11 years ago we did it a test rig that was set up in uh in a factory in china for the it was for the ether10 i think no it was before that it was for the ethernet shield with poe so what we did was have a test rig that that supplied poe down the uh down the wire and we wanted to and what we did was load up the power supply so the system had a chunk of really big wire wound resistors of low value that would put a known load on the system so it would pull a certain amount of current out of it and then they're on at the actual test system in the factory in china what they had was multimeters like they had a lab power supply and some multimeters and different things so what they would do is in the test specifications it would say that you need to load it in a certain way and then the instructions were observe voltage across load and check it is within a certain window and if it was above or below that particular window then you fail the test so well you don't fail a test you mark the thing as failed so but that was a manual process it was someone sitting there in the factory looking at the multimeter and saying no this is out of spec fail and anytime that you can automate testing like that is a good thing so doing that now i think what we would do is have something like a multimeter which is automatically measuring it and have the data from that built in to have the data from that acquired by the software that's running the test and then at the end it just gives a pass or fail result so the person who is running the test doesn't have to be sitting there making a judgment call and then you have human error coming to it like there their mind is wandering because they've just tested hundreds of these things and they've been sitting there for a couple of hours so one is outside of spec and they don't notice or it's just on the borderline of spec and they think that's going to be close enough and they let it through when they probably shouldn't you know all of these sorts of things so being able to measure things automatically i think is a really really useful thing okay so um uh oh mark says don't lithium batteries have more energy density than alkaline uh i actually don't know i think so but um i don't know this is certainly a a decent amount of uh of energy capacity in this cell for a little nine volt size cell not cell battery in this case i should try to use the terminology correctly it is a nine volt battery that consists of cells so nine thousand milliwatt hours capacity is pretty good for a little thing like this so yeah lithium ion does seem to do a pretty good job okay now has anybody cued up some squirrels for me i need squirrels to chase because it's only 10 48 am and i've been talking about this multimeter thing for the whole live stream so far so let's chase some squirrels uh okay i'm just gonna take it off the desktop so i can drag something else across from it and let's see now you're jumping the gun chip it's not lunch time yet not yet not yet or maybe for some it is ah some call it fun says sounds like designing for testability could be an entire stream topic um yes uh it could i'm not an expert on it i've had to do it um oh andy says too early to mention project no you can go ahead and mention um so uh hmm all right sorry i'm jumping around at the moment because i'm trying to settle on a subject uh test designing for testability being a test engineer and designing for testability is a huge subject with uh that needs a lot of very specific knowledge and skill and and techniques and things to be used i have done it but i am i am totally an amateur i've just done it from the point of view of i need to test a whole lot of these things it takes me ages so how can i optimize that streamline the procedure now there are certain things that uh what am i trying to say i don't know i was gonna go down the track of talking about some of my um my opinions on testing but that was right after saying i'm not an expert i am definitely not an expert i have designed a bunch of different test rigs and defined tests and spent way too much time running tests but um oh unified management interface ooh aaron mentioned something okay so there are a couple of um oh paul okay there are a few things coming up here that we could talk about def bomb hey thanks for coming along so paul said what about an oscilloscope display just like the meter processing could receive the data and output the graph okay um now a couple of thoughts about that all right i will try to stay on this topic just for a minute because i know i'm jumping around all over the place right now over here i have and i'm going to change views to side camera what you can see right here let's get my anti-static strap out of the way this is the um the make e happy strap this thing here that you can see is a usb camera on a little aluminium bracket why does the camera keep jumping around don't know what's going on there so that on an aluminium bracket which sticks out and it points directly at the multimeter interface and um it kind of works in a just going to turn on the multi mode the oscilloscope so it kind of works in a dodgy way i'm just going to plug in the camera i've used this in the past and it's not very good new audio device detected no don't switch don't switch can i get the okay i'm going to go to a different view um oh hang on usb cam maybe nope that didn't work all right desktop view nope i want to go to overhead camera view and oh i know why it's not here it's because i haven't used it since i switched to the m1 mac mini so i don't have the input set but anyway i've got a camera pointing at the screen of the oscilloscope and it works but the camera is a little bit crappy now the alternative is to pull the data directly over the either over the network because or over usb this oscilloscope has a um it's got a network interface on it and i have done that there is a python client that will talk um what's the what's the practical called skippy or something it talks over the network to the oscilloscope and it's um and it pulls frames off it but it can only do two frames a second and so the result is that you get absolutely perfect um you get absolutely perfect reproduction because the multimeter is directly providing essentially the multimeter internally is taking screenshots of itself and then sharing them over the network so it it is pixel perfect it's exactly what is represented on the screen here but it's only two frames a second or is it one frame every two seconds i can't remember but it's really really slow uh yeah so ooh devpom said my signal and scope has a web server so you can view it in a browser i just full screen on my second monitor and share that yeah that would be nice unfortunately this um rye goal does not have that so i am even though it's slow i've been leaning towards going back to using the python method and just pulling the frames off the oscilloscope because say one frame a second or one frame every two seconds for our purposes i mean if you were trying to actually use the oscilloscope and the interface was running at say one frame per second or two frames per second that would be horrible it'd be a really really bad experience because as you're switching through like changing the time base or changing um you know the voltage scale or whatever it would be really really slow you change it and then you'd wait for you know a little while and then you'd see a new view but it's probably acceptable for something like a live stream because for me using it locally i would be seeing it at full speed for the screen updating live what you would be seeing is a snapshot of the screen updating once or twice a second and that's certainly enough if you do some if i'm doing something like probing a signal and capturing it and then you know we're just looking at the captured signal and um uh yeah and sorry i was just distracted by a comment um yeah if we're just looking at a signal and talking about it like say i captured some i squared c signal or something and then we were looking at whether the signal was clean you know that sort of thing you don't actually care about the frame rate because you've got a static capture anyway you're just sitting there looking at it and maybe zooming in and examining things like the edges and checking rise time and overshoot and all of those sorts of things but you don't need a high frame rate for that so my my dodgy little camera pointing at the screen solved the problem with frame rate because it would come out at 25 or 30 frames a second or whatever i'm streaming to youtube but the um the what you saw on the screen was just a little bit fuzzy it wasn't that great all right uh aaron says i'm happy to do another web ui4 i just need someone to pass me the data is json i don't think that's very practical with a yeah with an oscilloscope okay um all right so where are we at that's right testing i'm talking about testing so something uh okay testing what i was going to do i want to turn off that scope because i can hear it sitting there spinning its fan it'd be nice if it was silent i am one of my goals for setting up gear in here is to make everything as quiet as possible so when i just sit here and don't say anything i can hear a couple of very high-pitched whistles that you probably can't hear but just things like the sound of the monitor because monitors make like a an extremely high pitched sound that you don't even notice it's most of the time but if you're in a really quiet room the reason i'm looking around is i'm just trying to find here we go i was just trying to find a some cables because uh wrong one again i want that uh i was just doing some testing on on this and a few people on discord saw me talking about this the other day so what i've been doing all right more more of the backstory where is it over here okay and i'll unplug that plug that in here since we're kind of on the subject of test stuff i might as well show you this all right so this is the one of the rac32s i'm still waiting for these poe modules now i i am very concerned that what i've done here with the poe bypass is not going to work but we won't know until the modules arrive and if it doesn't work i know how to fix it so it'll be a very simple revision but anyway we have these 32 boards and what i was wanting to do was test these look at all those solder joints so there are more than 200 hand solder joints on one of these boards unfortunately even after all of the pick and place has been done so assembling these takes ages but testing them takes ages because the way that i've been testing it i'm just going to turn off the um the where are we ut 61 turn off the multimeter display there we go have a bit more view in the camera so the way that i've been testing these previously is i've got to scroll back over here again it's rolling in the real world it's called rolling um okay what i've been doing is using this little setup for testing and i was running the light switch controller firmware on this and have that plugged in here and then power it up so this is just explaining the test procedure i was using which was incredibly laborious it was easy to set up but then it took ages to run because what i would do is just use the the regular firmware that runs on the light switch controller plug it into ethernet power it up so it would be reporting to mqtt and that would power this up then i would grab a four-way light switch so i needed the four-way version plug it into the first port and then i would watch the terminal so i'd watch mqtt basically and press the first button and i would see an event pop up in mqtt saying button one pressed and then press button two button two press button three button four and the thing to make sure of was that when i press button one it would only say an event for button one if there was a solder bridge for example on here on the resistor network between button one and button two then when you press button one in mqtt it would report button one event button to event basically at the same time and then you press button two and it would say button one event button to event again and so that's how i was detecting solder bridges is i would press that and each time i press one just make sure that i only got the response for the button i pressed then unplug it go to the second port do it again button five button six button seven button eight watching on mqtt unplug it go to the next one as you can imagine and then any problems that i was discovering and there were a few soldered bridges between point pads on the resistor networks i'd rework it so i just move sideways under the microscope do the rear work to remove solder bridges bring it back here plug back in again and continue from where i was so as you can imagine doing that process plugging in and manually testing every button on every single port when i had to test a few of these i spent hours i was sitting here for hours it was most of an afternoon i think plugging in testing reworking and plugging into the next one it was just so slow so i decided that i needed to do something about that and improve the improve the rate at which i can test these because assembling boards like this is um basically it's a burden takes so long and i would rather spend that time doing other things so what i came up with uh looking around what have i got okay i might even get to the point of showing you this running it running these tests uh what was i doing it on not that one i will show it on i package them all okay that's all right so what i ended up doing was now let's move that to there using these short jumper cables and just looping them around so yep there have been i've had a few suggestions for ways to improve this people on discord have been saying things like uh make up something with a whole lot of the plugs mounted on it and then i can just shove them all in as one go but this is not too bad so i can set up all the loopback cables just by plugging them in here and then the the way this test works is that it takes advantage of the fact that the um the mcp23017s are both input and output drivers so in the case of this light switch controller we're using them as inputs because we're reading from the light switches but you can also drive them as outputs so what i do is i've got a bit of firmware running on the running on the rack 32 what it does is set all of them to inputs and it then reads all of the the values and i make sure that none of them have been activated and that way it checks whether there are any shorts to ground or anything like that so that's just the first test then what it does is take the first input it turns it into an output and it drives it low and then it reads all of the other inputs and it checks firstly that the matching one for this which is on the other port it detects that it has been driven low and it checks that no others have been driven low and then it sets that back to being an input moves on to the second pin and does the same thing so basically once this is in this state and the test runs the whole test runs in a fraction of a second like i just press a button and it just goes done and it gives a passer a fail and if it gives a fail then it tells me which which things where the error occurred basically so the whole the procedure of testing these now instead of me having to plug in every single one individually is i set it up like this and then just press the button and it gives me a pass or fail which is a much better way of doing it so one thing i had been thinking about doing was on here i could do something like get a like a piece of plastic like a strip of plastic just as a um like a structure slide it down in between all of these connectors oh and also i'd cut off all of the retention clips so there are these connectors no longer have retention clips on them and basically just put glue like i could use araldite or something and glue all of these together so that this ended up as a big block with all eight connectors all glued together as a single solid block with no clips and then what i could do for testing is just grab that thing plug it into all eight connectors at the same time run the test and then just unplug it and that's just a way of optimizing the process of plugging in all of these cables i mean i've spent more time talking about this now than it actually took me plugging in the cables so it's not that bad and uh hmm do i have yes i'll find a um a usb c cable just looking at the um i think it might have been this one i don't even remember which one i was using i've got a few of these rack 32s here now i think this one no this one's got different firmware on it but we um [Music] where is sorry i'm thinking through this now so i want that and that i need an ethernet cable i'm going to plug that into there plug power into here i don't actually use ethernet for this i'm just using this as a way of getting power into the device so i've got a um like a poe injector here just a passive one with a cable that goes to an xt60 plug my standard power connector that i have on everything plug that into my bench supply no first i better turn off the bench supply what i've got to tap to 12 volts 500 milliamps that'll do i'll turn it on okay so we're now powering this via the um by the bench supply and yeah oh mark maker said oh just leave one clip in yeah i think it's not going to fall out it's going to be um uh [Music] steven w said the ultra thin cat6 cables from four cabling would be nice for this as they are very flexible you can get them as short as 15 centimeters yeah i i actually have that in fact the reason what's going on with this camera hang on i'm going to switch back to desktop camera's frozen i don't know if you can hear me can you hear me it looks like there's audio but um i can't actually tell i'm gonna switch back to overhead camera okay so my side camera is working my front camera is not all right so oh you can hear cool uh so that's right so stephen w was talking about the cat6 cable so the reason that i actually have all of these cat5 little patch leads here is because some time ago i replaced all almost all of the patch leads in my racks with cat6 patch leads from 4 cabling so that's why i've got i i've got a box full of these short patch leads but yeah the um the the cat 6 patch leads would definitely be better much nicer to use much more flexible uh yeah so that's right i was just saying the i don't think i would need to leave any of these clips on because by the time you got eight of these plugged in they're not going to fall out it's it's not going to need anything to hold it in place mako said across cables no they're not they're just they're just regular patch leads they don't need to be crossed they could be crossed but it really doesn't matter all that would be is a change in the test software so what i'm just going to do is uh you can um i actually have fusion 360 running in the background right now and i wonder if that is part of the problem with the camera hang on i'm going to turn off mistake but i think it's back now okay so i turned off video capture on the front camera and that was also providing my audio but it should be back now um all right i'm just going to switch to the front camera which is probably locked up yes and now i think my side camera has locked up as well it has all right i'm going to switch to fusion 360 and quit it and the re i don't know if that's actually causing this problem yes uh so now i there's just a still of me yeah i don't know fusion 360 is what's causing the problem with obs but it does seem to be like okay yes it's now a podcast we have just switched to podcast mode um what else can i quit out of i can quit out a quicktime player don't need that i've got a few different things open here and quit out of that all right so just to check i'm just wait all the video is locked up okay that's really interesting it's definitely podcast mode so that overhead camera view that is now frozen as well yeah okay and my front camera has also locked up alrighty now hey earlier earlier on um right at the start of the live stream people were joking about pants being optional and now that all my cameras aren't working the pants are optional so um all right i'm going to what am i going to do i'm going to try turning off the overhead camera and i'll see if i can get the overhead camera back working at least so this shouldn't have any effect whatsoever in what you are seeing or what you're hearing i've just turned off the open camera turn it back on [Music] and we'll see if that restarts no it hasn't overhead camera overhead i'll turn it overhead off turn it back on [Music] no hdmi overhead camera all right i'm going to change it to usb camera number two nope that's not working [Music] and usb camera nope this might be a really short live stream power cycle usb work backwards and boot the snoot yes so we now have really high bandwidth audio okay so what i'm worried about though yes people are telling me to restart usb devices but what i'm worried about is doing that and killing the stream entirely so the one thing that is working right now is audio which is coming in on the hdmi capture device so what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch to um i'm going to switch to desktop okay now can you see my desktop yes the desktop is live all right i'll turn off the multimeter interface so at least you can see okay you can see a weird picture of me frozen you can hear me and you can see my desktop that's really all we care about as long as there's a weird picture of me frozen then it's all good so uh what was i looking at that's right i want to have a look at um uh i was gonna look at the i2c thing and yeah i'm sure obs would recover but if i'm showing you stuff on the desktop then it doesn't really matter anyway so uh yeah so this is my project folder for the i squared c breakout and if i go into tests i've got this thing now uh if i open that should be okay close that all right so this is the little test thing that i was running and it is super super dodgy um but it's one of those things where i um so it doesn't do auto scanning for example which is in the latest lsc firmware it it's just got a hard-coded number of chips and uh it's kind it's based on a kind of cut down version of an early version of the light switch controller firmware and so what it does is it just has a single flag at the moment for a test failed saying false and um [Music] uh yeah what am i talking about tester okay it scans the bus um it's got a couple of bogus values here i'm not going to go through all of this it's um you don't necessarily need to know the details but it's uh so what it does is most of the things are done in setup because i only actually care about this running once in fact where's loop loop look at this loop has nothing in it all it has is all this commented out stuff which is the um the thing where it's scanning the um so this is the the code from the the lsc project which then became the usm and stuff so fake button press i don't think this is even used there's stuff in here that isn't even used anymore that's how dodgy this test thing is so what the interesting bit is okay what have we got a couple of loops so we've got a loop in a loop so what we do is we step through the outer loop is each of the target chips and i was using this for testing the 16 port boards and that's why i've got mcp count as four because there are two for every eight sockets on the inputs and then here we've got the outer loop which is just stepping through those four and incrementing the target chip that it's wanting to test inside that we've got another loop which is stepping through each of the pins on each of those chips so this will go to chip 0 pin 0 then chip 0 pin one etc and then what it does is set the the target pin to be an output and drives it low and waits 10 milliseconds just for the world to settle down i don't even know if this is necessary i should just take this out and see if i get any test failures but anyway 10 millisecond delay in there just to make sure that the the mcp has a header has had time to respond and drive its output before we start reading it again and then we run test input states and we tell test input states what our current target chip is in target pin it needs to know that so it knows which is meant to be the matching pin for the other side of the loopback test and then it just resets it so it sets the target pin high in fact this this line here oops is probably not even necessary this is taking the pin that we were driving low and setting it back high before turning it back into an input and yeah so this line could probably be commented out because when it goes back to being an input it it will probably the reason i'm prevaricating on this is that there are situations the reason that i drive i'd explicitly drive it high before setting it back to being an input is that there are situations in arduino where changing the out the drive state of a pin can change the pull-up state and so what i wanted to do is make sure that it was explicitly high and if it did enable input pull-ups as a result of doing that then it would not screw up the test so all of that is this line could probably be commented out it's probably not necessary but it's in there just to make sure that nothing goes wrong and that we absolutely know that that pin is going to be left in the same state as it began which is being driven high and then it sets it back to being an input increments to the next pin does it again until it gets to the next chip and then loops through them all again so then if the fla after all of this if the flag is set saying that the test has failed it says test failed otherwise it says pass now test input states this is what it's calling for every one of these things so what we do is we loop through every pin on every chip and call this and then every time that's called it also loops through every pin on every chip and it checks this is a this whole thing is this could be deleted as well but what this is doing is just if we've got these special flags set so we know that we're doing the the first pass test what it does is just check that every single pin is high because nothing is being driven low at this point and what that is trying to check for is things like uh pins that have got solder bridges to ground and it sets the test as failed if any of them are set to low and down here so once again we're doing lots of looping loops in loops and this is checking for the offset now this is actually kind of dodgy it could be improved but it's good enough for government work so what this is doing is saying if we are testing no ignore the chip it it's saying if the pin that we are looking at right now is offset from the target pin either minus four or plus four then it should be the chip it should be the pin that is matched to the one that we are currently looking at now the reason for that is that if you're testing pin one the loopback pin is going to be pin five if you're testing pin five the loopback pin is going to be pin one it's going to be offset because of the just because of the way the the cables loop around and this is not actually as tight as the test should be because it should know which direction the offset is in based on the current test but it works like this is there is a very i've been trying to figure out a scenario in which the looseness of this test could cause a problem and the only way that could cause a problem is if there's a solder bridge that is between multiple pins and it misses a pin in between or some crazy situation like that so mechanically i think it's almost impossible for this not to work uh yeah so if it was a problem i would have it figure out whether the matching pin is four above or four below and only look for that but at the moment it checks for both uh yeah so if it does find something that is failing that it blaps out a whole bunch of stuff and sets the test flag anyway the point of all of this yeah and as i said button pressed is never called scan i squared c bus is never called i think i should just delete that so the result of all of this is that i can plug in those loopback things and pre have with the console open just press reset in fact let's [Music] let's see what we've got i'm going to change the board to esp32 dev module and i'm not sure what firmware is currently on that rac32 i think i was using it for testing for some for some other firmware stuff so port i want that one and compile and upload and we'll see if this little test setup works now there was a comment in the code down here [Music] somewhere here hear it ah no not there here it says need to suppress error if this one has been reported already now that is well what happens is that it'll report the error for every single time it loops through so we get the same report over and over again which is kind of annoying but it's not that bad and you just get a whole bunch of the same error messages coming up on the screen done uploading what have we got okay let's open the console i'm going to press reset on this i don't know uh okie dokie oh pass okay so it just ran the test so what it did was check for the mcps and it found the first four and so on obviously it is calling that um scan i2c function where is it calling that it'll be here and oh there we go scan itc bus yeah so that's how it's initializing them so we do need this it's um yeah okay cool but we're not doing the i'm pretty sure we are not using button pressed if i deleted that i'm just going to try it and then try compiling it again it should not complain and you can see that in this case it passed now uh i'm gonna try switching yeah done compiling so it's okay so this is the output of the test it's found the mcps which is a good sign and then everything everything is passed so it's just said it's good so i'm going to try simulating an error i'll leave that on the screen and first just to see if it's recovered i'm going to switch back to front camera no it's still frozen back to desktop and i wonder if overhead camera has recovered no it hasn't okay um i wonder if the microscope is working let's try this is the microscope turned on yes it is microscope view oh no no obs has definitely freaked out okay so [Music] we'll just have to stick with the desktop for now all right so what i'm going to do is unplug one of those cables and we will see what happens now i'll just press reset on that and oh it passed oh that's because i'm checking for oh hang on am i even scanning that i'm just going to try doing that yeah i'm not even checking for that situation now what i'm going to do is i've got a pair of tweezers i'm going to try okay i'm going to stick this pair of tweezers in i'm actually not sure if this test setup is working properly it says pass yeah this test setup is not running properly it should have failed on unplugging one of those things and i just stuck some tweezers in to short out a couple of the pins and it failed to detect that so i've obviously not got this [Applause] uh working anyway um hmm what is it doing wrong um we could do a debugging session on the tester here but it's probably not worth it or not the sort of thing to do on a live stream anyway [Music] what i could do is i'm curious i am curious i'm going to just uncomment all this debug stuff upload it and see if we can get it to tell us what it's testing because this might indicate why the um the test says it's passing when it should be failing uploading there we go you can see it's working through everything it's taking a long time to run but that's because it's it's actually limited by the speed of the um the serial console and the fact that it's got to output all of this information so you can see it's gone through each of the target chips and checked pin fifth so the target pin is 15. so this information it's not very clear this was just like um if we come back to here what it's doing is telling us what our target chip and target pin are so that's the uh that's the thing that we are testing and then the chip and the pin is what we are currently reading i could have used better variable names here as well so what it's saying is that we are currently testing chip 3 uh pin 15 and then we're going to read chip 2 pin 8 and it's high and then we are still testing chip 3 pin 15 and we're going to read chip 2 pin 9 and it's also high so what this is doing is showing what our what pin we're currently driving and then what pin we are cross referencing and what value we're getting from it so this is testing [Music] so what we should be seeing if we scroll back up here if we go to chip three chip three yeah this test is definitely not working because what we should be seeing is some of the pins being pulled low as well and we're not seeing anything pulled low so it's failing to drive the outputs so demonstrating my little tester has been a total fail we failed the test the tester failed the test um hmm yes interesting i'm going to i want to go all the way back to near the start because i want to see the outcome [Music] oh yeah so this is the outcome when everything should be high so it's got this 99 value is a bogus value because it's never going to get to ship 99 and it's never going to be pin 99 so basically those are i just use those values as flags which is lazy and that tells it that it's um it's not trying to test a specific pin it is just trying to check every single input and make sure that they're all high all right yeah peter says maybe i should feed copy to my obs machine um cool all right ah okay just an example oh yeah okay so while i'm talking about this boring stuff that's not even working people are talking about interesting useful things all right so um because this is not being a very good demonstration i'm going to try uh do i want to save no don't save i want to try recovering obs now this could be really dangerous because i might kill everything so what i'm going to do is i am not going to end the stream i am going to equip what have i got running um i've got all the usual stuff running i'll quit out a preview basically oh that's from there because we're looking at the schematic i'm going to quit out of everything i don't need i've got obs running i've got discord running actually i'm going to quit out of discord as well just to so we've got touch portal for changing views browser that's it that's about it well all right let's kill off item as well quit out of item so this is about as minimal as it gets i've got finder i've got obs touch portal for doing camera changes and the browser that's it all right so what i'm going to do now and i may not come back from this so just in case i'm going to bid you all good day and i'm going to turn i'm going to quit out of obs turn off the usb devices turn the usb devices back on start obs again and hopefully in about one minute i will be back maybe maybe with a working camera so i'm going to hit actually the first test is i'm just going to stop streaming no okay all right give me a moment and let's see what happens with this i think i'm back it looks like i might be back so [Music] am i here am i here yay death bomb yay cool so that worked it didn't kill the stream totally so now i should be able to go to say desktop i should be able to go to overhead view and yes we have live cameras live side cameras everything is live again okay alrighty um where so shiny yes peter i should have powdered my head um what am i doing i don't know ah i have lost the plot espresso machine or bust yes i need i need to um i actually have a proper coffee machine that my family bought before my birthday i think it was two birthdays ago so was it yes so just a bit over a year ago and um i used it a fair bit when i first had it and then usage of it has sort of trailed off over time and so uh yeah i think after this live stream i'm going to go and use it again i'll fire it up it's it's one of those nespresso things part of it is that i'm not a huge fan well cleaning it obviously is an issue it's pretty easy to clean it's not that's not really a problem but you still gotta you know clean out the milk frother and all of that sort of thing but um also i just try to reduce the number of pods that i'm putting out into the world so i do use it but it's more like um oh i would like to make a proper coffee sort of thing and no i know pod coffee is not proper coffee i'm going to have coffee snobs yelling at me as well jax tech says can get the replaceable pods yes and [Music] um uh oh aaron has raised a really interesting thing i will get back to that jack said as in the refillable ones yeah so with that i guess you would have a coffee grinder and get some beans grind them put the things into the pod put it in so it'd be kind of like using a coffee machine that uses the paper filter except that instead of putting the coffee in and tamping it down you put it into the pods and put the pods into the machine is that right i don't know anyway she says i restarted the wife she is making the coffee good job and it's good that she's taking care of your caffeine needs all right um martin says breville barista express for the win real coffee and clean takes me four minutes max nice breville barista express uh i am [Music] frantically typing that into google oh that's a fancy looking machine yeah okay er that's um that's really uh taking that cafe experience and putting it in your own home it it actually looks a lot like the one that we used to have at ivt i think it was very similar to that i can't remember what model we had but for a while we had um a proper you know grind the coffee and sort of make it machine i don't remember what it was though um yes secondhand 180 dollars ooh ah yes and um ky4bq says i use an aeropress i've heard the term aeropress i don't actually know what it means aeropress i know it's something to do with nice coffee aeropress aeropress coffee maker okay i've just googled it it's a coffee machine aeropress um oh i see i see so you put the thing over the the thing and you push it down so it's like a little brew thing that then filters it through into the cup why am i talking about making coffee i don't know making coffee is not the squirrel that i expected to be chasing but it's um yeah it's a it's an important squirrel sometimes uh yeah martin says a lot of people buy machines and then give up after six months suits me this one was hardly used yeah um and james o'connor says i have the 15 walmart special with us on off so i have the just as a general like a hot water jug thing i have the kogan kettle with wi-fi and it currently has a two-year so it's running the two-year firmware right now but that is going to be tasmatized and uh the only reason that i've so i've had that kettle for must be six months now the only reason it hasn't been testimonized yet is i've been waiting to do it on camera so uh yeah um oh andrew said so the arduino ide is working okay on the m1 yes it did and yes it does and it's fast i can well i for me the comparisons aren't aren't necessarily indicative of everybody else's experiences because i'm coming from a machine that was um 2012 model mac intel based and on that you know java is slow anyway pretty much everywhere java is just slow not necessarily the fault of the language but the way it's implemented a lot of the time it can end projects can end up being very heavyweight and the arduino ide was is all java based as in the current version well not the pro ide that's a different story entirely the regular arduino ide i'm pretty sure is all java and um on my 2012 mac which is what i've been running for since 2012 it was quite slow like just doing something as simple as clicking on the file menu to go down and select at my sketchbook i could click it and then wait 10 seconds or 15 seconds before the menu would open just to generate the list of files and on the m1 it is so much faster the ui is faster but also compiling is faster much faster yeah andrew says my current desktop is a mid-2012 macbook air yeah the um yeah my main two main computers up until just now has been a 2012 macbook pro which is actually on the bench if i slide sideways you'll be able to see it i think where is it oh which way no it's not there it was there i moved it it must be inside the house now so a 2012 macbook pro and a 2013 imac and now right now thanks to all of you fine folk that contributed i am using an m1 mac mini which is such a better experience um oh christopher said where is that cogan kettle could you flash it to tasmota now it's it's inside the house and i it will take a little bit of setup so it's not the sort of thing i will start at the end of a live stream yeah uh okay uh where were we that's right if this was a drinking game i'd be taking a drink now updated to sorry i've got right in front of me aaron's ut61e wi-fi firmware and that's just because we were looking at it earlier all right i'm going to close that tab close that tab close that one close all the things next week on super house we flash a kettle with tes motor yeah actually that reminds me there's um uh one of the smartest people i've ever met is um someone that many of you will know andrew tridgel or tridge a while ago he became really obsessed with coffee in classic tridge fashion you know he's a sort of person that when when he becomes interested in something uh give him a little while and he will suddenly be the expert in that thing and um yeah many many years ago he uh he did a talk at lca about building a coffee roasting system and so he'd been doing he'd never done any electronics like never done actually soldered things or you know put things together so but he wanted to solve this problem he wanted to make a coffee roaster and he was very very particular about the specific temperatures and durations and the profile and all of that sort of thing so he learned all about it and made himself he learned how to solder and made a um made all the temperature control stuff and then did a talk at linuxconf about coffee roasting um yes and then he became interested in flying robots and now we largely have him to think for the current start of state of ardupilot yeah his obsessions turn into when he becomes obsessed with something the result is that everybody else benefits because he does something amazing with it um what am i talking about i don't know i am totally at the rambling stage of the live stream uh i'm just gonna do a search and retrieve your coffee coffee roaster yeah so that was in uh 2010. uh 2011 yeah penguin powered coffee so 2011 he did a talk at lca so that would have been january 2011. about his linux powered coffee roasting system just wondering if there are any pictures of his homebrew coffee roaster oh yeah that's right he made it out of yeah there's a hottie gun anyway this is so silly this is a silly um uh side track to be going down what am i looking for okay i've lost the chat where is the chat oh okay there's a window that was out of my view it was hidden so what have you all been talking about while i have just been um uh yeah java so well you've been talking while i haven't been able to see it jaxtech said there's no red plugin for two years yes there is and there is um two-year local and there is now just recently the official two-year integration for home assistant but uh stuff that i'm going to testimonize it but okay so this is the other thing that i'm going to do my wife always turns off the power point that the kettle is turned that the kettle is plugged into so in the morning when i get up the kettle is turned off obviously because there's no power to it and the power switch is also turned off so i turn on the power switch which then starts up the kettle the um the esp wakes up and it throws up this little thing and then i can start the kettle so my plan is that i'm going to put a like a wi-fi power socket in on the wall there to replace the one that is the manual switch and also tasmanized the so that'll be tasman tasmania controlled and also tasmatized the kettle so what i want to be able to do is with one voice command uh i'm not going to say it right now but say something like you know she who shall not be named turn on the kettle what it will do is turn on the power point on the wall and then wait a couple of seconds for the kettle to boot and then turn on the kettle so it can take care of all of it in one go all right what are we talking about that's right so i just saw a comment here so andy said java jvm slow startup but after that jit so just in time optimization is fast gc may cause intermittent pauses which is garbage collection yeah one thing i've noticed also i don't know i'm just observing this from the outside but one thing i've noticed is that in maybe there's some interaction between the way java works and calls to the operating system because the place that i notice that it's slow in particular so in the arduino ide is if i have the ide open click the file menu and then go down to the sketchbook [Music] yeah the sketchbook menu item which then pops out a sub-menu with a list of all of the sketches in the sketchbook and that takes ages and i have a suspicion that it's because of the call out to the operating system to do the file system operations to get the list of files in the in the directory so yeah i don't know if it's java slow in particular or if it's some interaction like the fact that java is saying to mac os give me a list of all of the files in this directory and it's iterating through them to build up the menu and that's taking a while yes stephen w said 10 minute warning for lunch okay so there are now i now have three people who keep an eye on my lunch status so peter was mentioning it earlier and chip said yeah what's lunch so i i'm in no danger of running overtime because everybody's going to be telling me stop for lunch stop for lunch chris says the deta power switch is pretty good antasmatizable yes i've done that so that's actually what i was going to use i have a dieter double outlet powerpoint so those are the ones that are to you normally i have one at the moment in the back of my garage where the drill press is so my i've got a couple of drill presses there's like a regular drill press which is sitting on the bench and i've got a large drill press which is like a floor standing one um which is like as tall as i am and that ha that's plugged into a power socket on the wall which is one of those deta power sockets and i've also got lighting for the drill press so there is a like an led array mounted on a flexible arm attached to the back of the drill press that's that shines directly into the work area and that is also connected that's powered through that same switchable power outlet and so uh what am i thinking about that's right so anyway my point is yes the data in fact didn't i do a video about them i have a feeling i did a video about them let's see [Music] um there was a there was a tasmania conversion video yes check this out hang on i've just got to move something out of the way over there move this over here and switch to desktop view all right so just miss that move that in yeah so uh this one the 69 22 ha double power point this one has does this have no this one doesn't have power monitoring that's one of the limitations of this which is um unfortunate but yeah i did a whole video about how to do the tasmatizer and the pin outs on it if you want to yes so this one can i can't remember i think with this one they are now shipping it with firmware that does not allow to your convert to work so it used to be possible to to flash these ones with two you convert but i'm pretty sure it doesn't work anymore and then yeah i've just got a whole bunch of photos of it and etc so you need to do the serial conversion method and so i've got the pin out here that shows where to find all the connections on it and flashing connections tasmatizer instructions etc anyway that one um yeah so that's my plan i'm gonna stick one of these on the wall in the kitchen so that i can when i tell the home automation system to boil the water it'll make sure the power point is turned on first and then turn on the and then turn on the kettle all right [Music] so um oh kevin is defending java as well all right so kevin says yes um just in time optimizes based on the actual cpu is aware of different instruction pipelines of an i9 versus an i7 versus arm many tests have been done that show that jvm is really as fast as native code yep i'm not trying to bash on java here so um it's just that been my experience that java projects often end up very heavyweight and i don't really have much experience with it so and the yeah the arduino ide in particular seems to be very slow with its its menus all right oh chris says i did mine two weeks ago and had to flash it the serial way yep oh real tech chips stephen w said they are real tech chips maybe they've changed it i did hear that they were um uh that data is it who is it that makes um peter sending me messages um i yeah yeah the data is a range it's um who is it that makes it i can't believe i can't remember no that's right data is the brand yeah so it's grid connect which is um which is to you okay what am i saying i don't know yeah anyway i did hear that data is changing over to realtek the real tech equivalent of the of the espressif to your modules all right now uh peter said that wasn't meant to go ding all right i'm this live stream is me reading just because he said it wasn't meant to go ding oh okay so this is the live stream of john reading peter's messages um have an ethernet socket the short answer to your question peter is no i'm not sure it seems like an innocuous question but the fact that you send it to me directly rather than posting it in the chat here makes me wonder if you didn't want the question to be public so i won't actually say what the question was but the answer to the question is no nobody else has any clue what's going on but it maybe someone in the chat here does actually know an answer to your question so if you feel like asking the question publicly you could um you could do it and then you could stick it in here and maybe someone will answer all right so aaron said maybe this is a good thing to wrap up on i will just the question was 42 yeah um the anyone else hungry yes it is time for lunch but aaron did say something that is called for me to repair uh okay i am totally i am totally losing um losing the plot which shows that it is time for coffee it is time for lunch but i'm going to mention the one thing that aaron prompted me on just a moment ago in the chat which is a a status report on the universal rat controller and the mechanical enclosure because this is actually kind of cool anyway um the the next thing apart from verifying the poe and that sort of stuff the electrical side of things for the the module and ordering the pcbs for the pass-through version and you know there are other things that need to be done the really big thing in front of us right now for the universal rack controller is the mechanical side of it and you've seen my um my attempt this was from this was the thing that inspired the urc oh there's a sticker under it and turned it became the urc project kind of spun out of this this is the light switch controller and that is the old version of what is now that and uh yeah the instead of having the pie in here i'm going to have the rack 32 where there somewhere like that but anyway the mechanicals of this this was just my minimal first pass at making a rack enclosure and i wanted to keep it as simple as possible because i was just trying to prove out the concept and the i and so this is a single piece of steel that has been laser cut and folded and then i just so these holes that are in the front i cut these by hand well by hand i use power tools but still i did it manually this was not laser cut on the front the shape the general shape like all of the tabs and everything this was all laser cut and then it was cnc folded that was put into a big fancy folding machine which i just found out a couple of days ago the folding machine that did this was worth six hundred thousand dollars which boggles my mind um but anyway the um there's a whole story to that this live stream could go on way longer uh so what i want to do is um do a proper thing so there are two stages to this step one so this was my concept was to just buy an off-the-shelf rack enclosure find something that was close and then cnc machine the front panel and um and paint it and all of that sort of thing because that way it's and and i might still end up doing this i've actually been talking to a chinese supplier a company that makes rack enclosures they make lots and lots of different designs and they can customize so they can do them to different depths and different surface finishes and that sort of thing there's an moq for customization but in the very short term what i was thinking of doing was just buying off the shelf rack mount enclosures and then machining them because i could do like one or five or ten it's um you can start with very low volume and then ultimately if we can get to some kind of scale like say we need 50 or 100 or multiple hundreds of them that's when i would go to custom manufacturing but um [Music] the uh sorry peter just distracted me with another message i'm going to ignore it because i need coffee and lunch so i have um there are several people that i know very well let's just put it that way who work uh one of so one is my brother-in-law and a couple of other people who i know very well through other ways who work in fabrication including cnc cutting and um and all of that sort of thing and one of them uh a friend of mine named steve who i might have mentioned on a live stream before so most of his career has been building race cars like supercars and for people that if you're in australia or at least you would know you would know very well so he has a factory just down the road from me it's only like five or ten minutes drive away where he has lots and lots of tools multiple cnc machines and things anyway he came over a couple of days ago and i showed him this and um said you know i'm thinking of prototyping something like this like a more advanced version and he said no worries come like come down to my factory and we'll cut it on the plasma cutter so it turns out that he has got a oh no not that steve it's a different one it's not steve the squirrel no this is a different steve so i knew we needed some distinction between the two so anyway he has got the factory full of heavy equipment that um that is used for making stuff and so he said yeah model it up in fusion 360 and um send me the files and come down and we'll cut it on the plasma cutter so what i'm going to do sometime really soon probably in the next week or so it actually depends a little bit on lockdown limitations and all sorts of stuff there are other factors at play but what i'm going to do is go down to his factory and we're going to make some custom enclosures on his plasma cutter and so the the really cool thing about this is that it will mean that we will have flexibility if i end up going down this route now admittedly this is this is a very hands-on way of doing it it would mean me using my time rather than simply outsourcing someone to do the production but what what it could mean is that we could do versions of this with customized front panels based on whatever people want to build so what we could do is have a standard design of the enclosure and the the basic metal work is set up so that we can cut that out on the plasma cutter and then if someone wants to do a version of this which is um like the stuff that's been talked about in discord things like the smoke detector management system and there are certain connectors that you want on the front what i could do is you could draw up where you want the holes to be for your connectors send me a drawing and then we could do like a one-off version of the enclosure so it's kind we could possibly do a customized enclosure service which would be amazing i don't know if it's um yeah frank says i think we're going to be locked down for a while yeah it's going to be it's going to be weeks more i think at least so yeah plasma steve not squirrel steve so what i'm thinking of doing is um uh taking a camera to steve's factory and i did mention this um i talked to him about this and he's he's really happy to do this he's very happy for me to like film this whole thing and [Music] and show you how it works yeah so as christopher says just in time enclosure manufacturing yes exactly so sometime very soon i might be down at plasma steve's factory with a camera showing you um showing you his plasma cutter in operation which would be super cool and maybe and showing you making urc enclosures oh yeah amanda says yeah all of new south wales is now in lockdown yes it's getting worse so um yeah i don't want to get into that subject because it's now too much because it's now definitely lunchtime oh aaron said so still then that's the big question there is the issue of should this be made in steel or aluminium and my personal preference what i would lean towards is aluminium for two reasons lightness and also for ease of being able to rework it so if we do a version that has a blank front panel or that has well not necessarily totally blank it could have the display on here and the rack 32 so ethernet and usb and power on this side flank in the middle so that you can cut it to put whatever you want in here if it's steel it's harder to cut and work than if it's aluminium if you're just using tools like drills and panel nibblers and you know the sort of stuff that you would use just in a little home workshop and so my preference is to do it in aluminium but from a manufacturing point of view it may end up being cheaper and easier to do it in steel and part of the problem with this one is that i slightly over specified the thickness of it so all of these holes i cut i drilled holes and then used a panel nibbler and cut the rectangles out and gave myself blisters and cramps in my hand and everything it's really hard but that's because i over specked the thickness of the steel it doesn't need to be this thick so plasma steve suggested that i go for maybe like a an open steel is normally specified in gauge it's not in thickness like millimeter thickness there's kind of equivalence this is approximately 1.2 millimeters thick so he said go for steel that's you know about one millimeter thick which he said normally ends up it ends up being slightly under a millimeter when you go to the gauge equivalent it ends up being like .91 or point nine two millimeters or something so i think that would actually end up being easy enough to work that if you wanted to cut holes and put it in yourself you could it wouldn't be a um a huge problem and to have the same sort of level of rigidity aluminium would need to be thicker so it's a trade-off i don't know uh mr fixit said do the cases come unpainted at this point everything is up in the air i just don't know so what um what steve suggested is we will powder coat them so what we would do is i'm going to buy some just some raw steel sheet so cold rolled steel probably one millimeter and i'll get a sheet of it take it down to his factory we will laser cut it and fold it into shape and then probably powder coat it so the thing is that if it's powder coated and like if if i have a blank one and i powder coat it white and then you cut it there are going to be exposed metal edges where it's being cut so i don't know how to deal with that situation uh yes i should stop shouldn't i yes do a live anodizing show um yeah so dodgy says when do we see a 32-port version of the lsc yes i can do that now so part of the reason that i limited this to 24 ports was this i was i was fixated on the idea of an i squared c display and buttons on the front panel now those buttons are on an mcp which means it was using up some of the i squared c addresses which means i could not put 24 ports across here no i couldn't put 32 ports i could only put 24 ports but that's all changed now yeah my original goal was that all of the pieces within the enclosure should be connected over i squared c now that i have kind of backed off from that and um i've gone for spi for the display and there is no longer the buttons directly on it although buttons could be put in there but they could be done differently so that's no longer a limitation and mechanically it would all fit so what you could do is you could get two 16 port modules and mount them side by side that would fit or i could do a new version which is an integrated single pcb with 32 ports on it either way would work all right uh is an add-on 24-port adder a possibility [Music] hmm ooh mr fix it so you've got a powder coat irritating oven and a cnc plasma awesome so can we outsource making the cases to you ah stephen w says 15 past lunch all right 15 past lunch it's time to stop this has been a weird live stream it's it's felt weird to me anyway i may i think maybe because i was discombobulated by obs freaking out and things i was trying to demonstrate not working but that's what happens all right i am going to go and i will then check peter's other message because he sent me another message and um yeah that's it okay thanks everyone uh thanks aaron and chris and james and mr fixit and stephen w and def pom and kevin and aaron dodgy anyway i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta end it i gotta okay where is it uh there's a big end button right there i'm going to press it i've still got to do the big red end stream button that would make this more fun all right bye you
Channel: SuperHouseTV
Views: 2,334
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: VmNxsygmrDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 46sec (8146 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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