Mysterious Haunted Cabin Hidden In Gatlinburg. TN (You Won’t Believe What Happens)

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did you say i said hi [Music] all right guys tonight i ventured back into the great smoky mountains national park and we're standing in front of the bud ogle cabin now i'm joined by my boy josh from southern afterlife paranormal and me and him will investigate this place there are rumors of shadow figures um voices being heard on this property and even a man in 1800's close walking throughout the property so we're gonna investigate this place guys see if these claims are true see we can figure out so follow us you can go ahead in front of me all right guys we're standing here in front this house is divided by fireplace now last time i was here this fireplace had collapsed and now it's fixed they fixed it back check this out how many layers of which shingles they are so cool we have two main rooms one here and one over here we're best to get them both guys let's go check this out so after there what is that there's a quarter check it out back up a little bit i won't focus on it there's a little quarter shove back in there that old windows cool guys there's a beautiful fireplace floors are very uneven they kind of give with you but i feel pretty strong look out for massive spiders now this cabin was built in 1883. so it's been here quite some time little these little windows here i'll show you they kind of go out to this weird little middle area if you can imagine back in the day just chilling out here on this porch they had a big long porch like this on both sides man i bet the old timers just set out here and probably seeing music and just had a good old time over here except the window i don't know what they use that for but it's neat that there so if anything weird happens it's creepy out in these woods at night cheer that it's a weird sound i don't see anything out there okay here's the other one floor's really bouncy over here i think it's fine look at that window that is cool sorry big bugs trying to land them a lot there's a fireplace over here so it's a big double-sided fireplace it's really awesome okay guys we're going to do the puck the emf detector in here see what kind of readings we get is anybody here with us no response all right guys we come in peace we just want to communicate with you so if you can talk to that puck that's up there we'd be able to speak to you [Music] how many spirits are here jan chan yeah well hello jan thanks for speaking with us jen can you touch that green light for me [Music] jan did you live here dog so with a dog what was the dog's name what was your dog's name lamb lamb lamb i probably had lambs here is a farm this boss man was a weird and a tap yeah if that was you knocking can you do it again please did you make that noise current current like it was currently here can you touch that little green light for me it won't hurt you it'll actually let us know that you're here in front of us i'll turn my light down a little bit yeah so we can tell what's going on here can you move something let us know you're here let's throw the thud back here yeah well thank you i mean it responded yeah wow i got a weird feeling here man this is about to pop off how many of them's here let's see if it gives you an answer i just feel energy yeah i do too how many spirits are here hi did just say i said hi [Music] did you say i said hi [Music] did you say hi i said hi [Music] bro that was right next to you i was like three or four feet away from my door is there anybody out there i look out front make sure nobody's here messing with us i didn't either man hello oh wow nobody i don't think it was somebody man we would have heard them coming this this thing creaks every time you take a step that door doesn't move on something no these doors are stuck okay because i shut this because you can kind of hear a creek [Music] like like you have to force it it takes force like it don't go on its own you have to hear it like you have to pull it yeah that thing flew open it did scared me it was right behind me i could feel the wind off of it okay well apparently they want this door open there's definitely something in here yeah just we thought that truck i mean he was just both feeling like a charging energy so um i mean wow dude i'm not kidding this is crazy did you move that door sorry guys shape shape what's this with that makes sense are we in any danger oh the puck's going off it quit trying to get my camera flipped around i don't know if i caught that or not can you touch that again for us we saw you as playing with our device you're more than welcome to we don't mind you can touch the green light it'll make a fun noise when it says shape i wonder if we talk about that round maybe because it was it was lighting all kinds of crazy because you know this is interpreting their energy so sometimes we're dude i just saw move out here make sure there's no freaking animals i just saw something i could see this trough yeah and something just went in front of it and then went that to the right look what was it it sounded like a woman in here dude guys let me know if you heard it i completely missed it i saw something dark standing right here and it took off this way like it it blacked out i don't see any bears or animals we would have heard a bear some things are clumsy man now just it's weight alone and that's what it made it sound yeah it was like really yeah i missed it man i was i was looking for something out there i kid you not i had a backpack on so it wasn't rubbed on anything i'm saying yeah i was i just looked over and i could see that trough and something black moved in front of it blocked it out and then went on towards your you know pasture where you're at like the towards this way i think we stirred something up i think we did man i mean we probably should ask if it's upset that we're here [Applause] oh dude nothing's moved like i don't mean so long that's crazy i forgot what that feels like are you upset that we are here did did like was i don't want to speculate too no it's easy to do do we upset you [Music] wars wars are they trying to say it's gonna attack us bro these doors like don't move no they don't bro like i keep thinking about it and like this thing like look you have to push hard guys i know it's really loud for you listening at home right and i have to pull it with force to get it come open too like the hinges are old well they're just wood pins yeah look at that it's not like it's actual modern hinges i was dragging on the floor this is built in 1883. i'm sure when they built that everything was nice and flush but over time it settled a lot yeah this thing's warped yeah the whole cabin's warped this place definitely has energy yeah i mean look at these hand-cut timbers yeah they're chopped man yeah that's not with us all original boards i've had the digital recorder going the whole time so hopefully did you yeah hopefully something was caught on that because the puck's giving responses but nothing consistent they just may not understand if it's powerful enough to open that door and then we just got wars through that you know what i'm saying yeah why isn't it setting the meter off i know dude that door just moved again i guess that was the door there's nobody out there no there's no one here definitely wasn't the board creaking how's the foot wow you say something i just heard a man talk over here oh i did say something was looking out the door hey let's probably say hello but not when you said that though i said something just before that it sounds like an older man really yeah wow let's take a look out here my camera's blurry bro is anybody out there can you say something are you upset that we're on your property i did man i hope that thing ain't falling that's not something yeah i know okay i'm seeing some eyes or something in the woods there maybe i'm getting paranoid now i heard it at that time it's so still out here bro it's like no bug noise nothing that's true and you know how the bugs was flying around my lot just a minute ago they're all gone they're all gone i don't feel very safe out here oh dude the thing's lighting up it is it quit it quit the last time we weren't looking at it we come in look at that guys y'all see that now this puck acts like a rem pod when it's not being used for communication so someone's touching it can you make all those lights stay constant it's going crazy did you see your head sounds like freaking walking up there on the roof just go to attico in it you're not one out what the heck was that the door's freaking again dude there's an attic hole here is there it sounded like something was walking up there like right above my head okay there are no animals up here there's nothing up there i definitely saw something banging around yeah i mean it sounded like a like a foot like it's my viewer's hand still look right yep looks like solid again what should we ask it oh dude ask who are we hearing or or don't make any sense nope it's going off like a red pot again dude it's just lit up green what's that name i don't know it's never lit up green before it was blue before is that you touching that device did you hear that mm-hmm the whole floor shook i feel like something's messing with us man i feel like something is to get us why are you messing with us sing sing like sing a song when i was first walking around the back i was talking about how cool it must have been back in the day like they probably said on the back porch singing songs i think just hit me up right it's a weird looking bug man so we got a relevant response then yeah because that's i mean i was well on the back porch just kind of showing i was talking about how could've been you know to hear them probably sitting out back for entertainment that i sung and played you know dad would have pulled out the guitar and mom would have had the tambourine or some instrument and the kids singing and you know that's what people did for entertainment backgrounds old days family time and yeah so many good singers come from the mountains because that's really what was that some just knocked on that window bro it did check that out it keeps drawing us here yeah but i don't know why like literally what we heard just now was that exact sound if you don't want us in the cabin can you touch this green light in my hand i really think it's trying to draw us out i just want to get us out of its cabin like because it's dark time what was that a woman why we keep hearing a woman it sounds like she's singing bro i'm going to enhance that audio that did it sound like a woman singing i feel like something's trying to lure us off from here is it going off again yeah like whenever we walk away from it like it's pushing us outside so we can play with it do you like touching that can you make it turn green it's lighting up white too i haven't seen white before that's crazy bro we're just standing out the door here watching it go nuts and point down the torch right here i'm gonna flip my light on real quick there's something there it looks like it's a black shadow dude that was standing just right up there it looked like a man it did oh wow and just as you said before you said that i thought i heard like something walking down there i'm getting chills now too goosebumps there's no way something could have moved that fast no and there's nobody here some big spiders though we're at the corner oh yeah dude you see some monsters in this place sometimes fat man through a tiny door there's little doors everywhere in here i wonder if this was like two separate families i don't know it looks like this one might have been the first one and they added on to it because it looks older it does look older inside that's definitely a possibility they could have built this as the original cabin and just added that on maybe a kid got older and married and wanted to live here yeah yeah the difference between this wood and that wood yeah it's a big difference well i'd definitely say this is haunted bro yeah it doesn't like the meter but definitely likes that puck you wanna try bringing it in this room and see if we get different responses yeah like you can definitely tell like look at the siding here like this was two different cabins oh yeah and they were just kind of mushed together crazy what's wrong all right guys so i shut the camera off come in here and get the book but when i was in here i heard a cough come from out in the back the back porch really yeah i sound like a female too it was clear like i wish my camera was rolling i was trying to save battery so shut it off all right once again it's trying to get us out here i was on the other side of the cabin yeah it's going nuts in there again on the rim or yeah yep from the puck don't see it's just going crazy i definitely want to do a static camera here [Music] hey what's that feel like a hair bow or something so that looks like a scrunchie oh man don't think something bad happened here do you and it quit when we come in here the boat whoa i just heard something out here something that bug was up my shirt freaked me out i don't see anything man i don't either i do too that wasn't that was like as soon as you turn your camera off you hear a female cough this is the other side and it does feel a lot newer i'm still wondering about that quarter shoved in the water somebody just did that see a hole over here yeah so i just shoved a quarter back in it go ahead i don't it doesn't feel as heavy over here bro no don't it sure does not whatever it is did you oh the freaking window's open why is that window open dude i should it was shut do you hear that dude i know it was shut because i've looked at it two or three times as we walk around here i shut this thing earlier i stood right here and i did this and look you have to even do that like see it doesn't it was shut yeah because i even looked at it two or three times we've come through here and i've looked at it every time because my exact words was when i was by myself over here so let's shut this if anything happens weird happens with it well something weird happened nothing you swear you didn't open it i swear i was getting the puck over there well i've pretty much seen you the whole time anyway we were out front when we came back in it was open we've been together pretty much the whole time that's so weird dude i'm shutting it again see if we can get to open it this window reminds me of the main advent cabin yeah the artist cabin okay yeah yeah quit when we come in here like it does every time who opened the window female oh oh my god dude oh oh my god all right guys so the response i just got was female now we're hearing a woman something messed the door over there we're here knocks on the windows something open this window and we just keep hearing a female we heard a female singing after it said sing and we got jan jan so we're talking to jan yeah we're talking to jan yeah i mean that's what i love about this thing man you piece of story together out of it we'll have to look and see if there's a jam that lived in this area can you move something else for us please central central one thing to think of that central's this fireplace is the central part of this both houses the windows kind of what was that how did you hear that yep we didn't move no we didn't like i'm moving my camera just by twisting the handle wow this is crazy man that was a knock bro it did there's nothing out here my man that was a knock that was a knock it was a deep one it was a deep dude it was from in here too it was it wasn't outside this time through the room oh my god i'm excited i'll do ed that's great we have an intelligent spirit here jan we come in peace we appreciate you talking to us what's the story what happened outside and why is jan trying to lure us outside that's the question she's leading us towards the barn i think so the barns out there yeah the barn straight back that way where we keep getting led to let's take a look let's take a long bar man we gotta go look at it okay guys we're walking let's see off in the distance there's a barn that's the cabin many boulders are here in this yard be hell for mowing what do you think there's definitely did you want us to come up here yeah the water flows right behind this thing yeah it does what's wrong that's her foot it was like inside that stall on the back wall now there's no way we can make the floor creek in here because we're standing on a giant boulder yeah it's all rock so if you hear wood creaking in or knocks or buds it's definitely not us before it's all dirt and rock yeah i mean down there it could be just our weight in it maybe sometimes i don't think it was that door moving bro it definitely was not no cause you have to force that door open and we tried to debunk it over and over take a look up here take a look up there it's crazy man the old troughs from the animals yeah it's possible what we can't lay them in here yeah we got lamb come across the box or the puck show you guys up there this is crazy i love it all right so we got the puck here rocks do hold energy so we're gonna use that hopefully uh grounds to anything and i also have this device in my hand you can talk into as i'll put this well here jan did you want us to come up here fraction fraction your hand right here right here where mine is you feel how cold that is dude it's like a breeze coming through that is us cold and it's not it's not blood no you can see all the trees they're all sitting still let's see trees out there fine it's no breeze it's getting real cold right here real cold like it's all around my hand dude like me i wonder if that's her that we feel are we feeling you friends friends france france it's kind of awesome and i mean this is not like an exact science so it's possible that it meant to say friends you know what i'm saying yeah i mean i don't want to put words in her mouth well ask her if she considers us friends do you consider us friends deep like deep friends keep friends close friends now you guys it flickered sorry just flickered this once you guys gotta think too like we're in the mountains of tennessee now if you say friends with a southern draw friends like friends friends friends we're friends right we're framed french it's very possible yeah you got to take account of language barriers in southern dialect and they had a very different language back in 1800 appalachian language man that's different almost cajun-like yeah was this your barn no response but i heard a tap i did too as soon as you asked that i heard a tap come from up here the bugs are coming back yeah almost did you it's almost like we got away from the cabin so they're happy now know that's what it felt like they didn't want us in the cabin like it's too late they're trying to go better so you know like old-timers be like all right time to go bed well they were farmers yeah because they go to bed since it gets dark yeah even before like they get dust they lay down so we might have been keeping them up maybe you know those flowers out there man it's beautiful it is i'm i'm pretty pretty convinced that dan's here like the spirit you know jan could have been wife could have been daughter yeah i mean who knows we don't have a cell phone signal here we would look it up right now if any of you guys can find the history of this place and if there's a jam there please drop it in the comments absolutely we have no cell phone signal so we can't look it up ourselves that was a weird sound how was it i don't know it's like a i can't explain what it was it's like i don't know is an old man trying to get up here maybe like a grunt kind of cough sound i really don't know how to explain it it was a weird sound i hope i picked it up on camera no we're completely alone here just us in nature i just heard another tap do you want us to leave can you make a sound if you want us to leave i don't think my parents picked it up but i'm pretty sure i saw something glowing in the window down there and it's not our reflection because we're above it you know what i'm saying yeah yeah i can't even see the cabin in my camera it's not it's iso ain't letting it go that far almost looks like a shadow standing in a window down there and the right side of it yeah and the right side of that window it looked like a shadow shine your light back at the cabin i see when do you have your light there something peeked around the right side of it really yeah i hope i caught it on camera oh there's the shadow from the building yeah but something leaned out of it oh wow i can't wait to review this footage me neither man guys if you see or hear anything during this please comment it down below oh guys i think the uh okay guys we've had a really good paranormal investigation here we've had doors moving knocking voices intelligent responses to the puck i definitely want to say this place is haunted big shout out to my friend josh for coming up here with me and checking this place out but guys go check his sean he has all kinds of cool toys like the puck and he made the echo box for me so go check his channel out guys it mean a lot to me if you did and uh thank y'all for watching and remember if you heard or see anything this video i didn't mention please comment down below with a thumbs up and let me know help me investigate this place guys for now y'all have a good one [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Exploration Unknown
Views: 159,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exploration unknown, expedition unknown, jon turner, josh gates, ghost adventures, ghost hunters, travel channel, trvl channel, ghost caught on camera, full body apparition, taps, evp, real ghost, paranormal investigating, paranormal activity, crypto zoology, finding bigfoot, ufo hunters, are aliens real, ancient aliens, Haunted cabin, Abandoned places in gatlinburg, Dolly Parton, Haunted places in gatlinburg, Most haunted place in the smokies, Haunted smokey mountains
Id: oFph9Ot8_Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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