My wife watches SHREK for the FIRST time || Movie Reaction

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foreign [Music] my name is Holden Hardman thank you so much for joining us again for another video we have a very exciting one today we're watching the original Shrek I don't know if we're going to be doing like all of them there's like four plus the spin-off Puss in Boots I don't know if we're gonna do all those but I at least want Jen to watch Shrek for the first time I have seen this movie uh countless times I love this it's one of those movies I used to watch every night as I would fall asleep when I was a little kid this is one of those movies that I just have fully memorized I'm sure many of you as well Jen has never seen it so I'm very excited to show Jen Shrek Jen what do you know about Shrek and how are you feeling going into it I know who Shrek is do I know what he is no no a beloved film I think that I've seen like bits and pieces of this movie but I don't have any contacts for like this the storyline I know there's like a horse in the movie okay okay I'm wrong no no I don't know how that all uh comes together but I'm really excited because this is like once again I'm kind of in the class of Iron Giant just movies that we typically don't do breaking out of the mold as you would say so I'm excited I I'm hoping this is gonna be like a fun one this is like a beloved kids movie all on its own and the fact that adults love it too I'm super pumped for that so um I'm really excited I hope it's gonna be a lot of fun and um we'll have to check it out and see how good it's gonna be I do think that you're going to enjoy this one I think you're going to like Shrek a lot I think you're gonna like Fiona and I think you're gonna like the horse so I can't wait to watch that but before we get into it let's get into the comment of the day we've got a few comments of the day today's comic of the day comes from Baron Thomas who said I've heard Shrek is really funny um wait what this is when we watched Gladiator I've said something about Shrek and you said oh yeah I heard it's really funny so everyone was like oh my gosh she hasn't seen Shrek like RS Danny who said I heard Shrek is really funny how have you not seen Shrek and then the last comment of the day did Jen just say I heard that Shrek is funny I think that confirms that the Shrek series should be next thank you guys so much for your comments of the day if you want your comment featured in a comment of the day leave us a comment down below we'll check those out for now let's go and get into it Shrek with the horse okay donkey yes what foxes are yeah our son talks about that oh it's a donkey not a horse oh okay Fox will literally come home from school and be like donkey he'll say the way Shrek does it's really cute all right let's get let's get into it I wore my VHS out on this movie really yeah this is one of those movies where it's like it's a kids movie but there's stuff in there for the parents too so the parents so adults can be entertained as well DreamWorks was killing it two like two three years prior they did The Prince of Egypt one of the best animated movies ever made yeah I know you listen to the soundtrack I listen to The Prince of Egypt soundtrack still on occasion so good once upon a time there was a lovely princess she was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon true love's first kiss we're gonna have to cut out all the music for this part anyways let's get it grind your bones for its bread well actually that would be a giant ogres make a suit from your freshly peeled skin squeeze the jelly from your eyes actually it's quite good on toys [Applause] [Music] oh is that supposed to be the dwarves yeah oh give me that I'm a real boy do I have Shillings for the possessed toys she gonna hit him oh my God that's it I'd love to talk I'm not talking this dancing or before get her out of my sight no no I think that's the narrator for the Clone Wars hahaha whoa hey Olga aye I am authorized to place you both under arrest and oh really you and what army tripping over themselves like babes in the woods see that that really made me feel good to see this oh that's great why don't you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends I don't have any friends and I'm not going out there by myself if that don't work your breath certainly we get the job done cause you definitely need some Tic Tacs or something there's no one here beside me my problem we're gonna shake his little booty stop singing got that kind of I don't care what nobody thinks of anything I like that I respect that lovely just beautiful you know you are quite a decorator I like that Boulder that is a nice boulder I hate it when you got somebody in your face you trying to give him a hit they won't leave at least stay with you what can I stay with you we can stay up late swapping manly stories in the morning I'm making waffles where do uh Ashley outside I feel like I can relate to Shrek sad is this you know yeah I go this is what Boston is like I do like the outdoors I'm a dunk I was born outside [Laughter] oh I actually do like his Pad a lot yeah it's a nice little setup yeah it's not bad oh gosh I'm gonna cry oh my gosh he better invite that donkey in Holden I thought I told you to stay outside I am outside it's a far cry from the farm but what choice do we have oh are these supposed to be like three blind mice Three Blind Mice enough [Music] what I live oh what are you doing in my swamp come on let's go papaya don't look at me I didn't invite you no invited us Lord Farquaad he walked and he parked on his sanding eviction notes oh I do I know where he is does anyone else I'm really loving this donkey oh I know this is his boss Jam I'm gonna see this guy far quad and [ __ ] where you came from [Music] a cape Autumn yeah [Music] thank you oh no I didn't know this would be a torture find the gingerbread man you're a monster I'm not the monster where are the others [Laughter] all right then do You Know The Muffin Man The Muffin Man The Muffin Man foreign [Music] mirror mirror on the wall is this not the most perfect Kingdom technically you're not a king uh you were saying what I mean is that you're not a king yet all you have to do is marry a princess Bachelorette number one it's a mentally abused shut-in from a kingdom Far Far Away although she lives with seven other men she's not easy just kiss her dead and lips and find out but certainly not the guy's in the back think maybe he's compensating for something donkey you wait a second yeah laughs [Laughter] [Music] let's do that again no don't I don't know some of you may die but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make is that it's just a donkey indeed the one who kills the ogre will be named Champion can't we just settle this over the paint I know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I give you our champion what honor of embarking on a great and Noble Quest go on this quest for me and I'll give you your swamp back and the squatters as good as gone why don't you just pull some of that Olga stuff on him you know throttling them lay Siege to his Fortress maybe I could have decapitated an entire Village and put their heads on a plate for your information there's a lot more to ogres than people think like onions they stink yes no oh they make you cry no onions have layers cake everybody like puffy parfaits are delicious no you dance irritating miniature Beast of Burden parfaith may be the most delicious thing on the whole damn Planet what's the donkey's name he's a donkey he doesn't have a name donkey man you gotta warn somebody before you just crack one off my mouth was opening everything [Music] out there on our sleeves that are afraid of heights it's a little uncomfortable about being on a rickety bridge over some little baby step back and die really really really trick I'm looking down don't do that this yes oh my goodness [Music] I'm going to die oh that'll do dunk it that'll do that'll do donkey oh my goodness two things okay shot up in the tallest tower what makes you think she'll be there I read it in a book once for the princess is but where's the Dragon yeah oh I like this dragon [Music] it was bleach or something cause that is one deadly smile you got there if you want to take the hint of minty freshness of course you're a girl Dragon cause you're just wreaking up Eminem I'm an asthmatic and I don't know if it'll work out you're gonna be blowing smoke rings and stuff [Music] this beautiful our first meeting should it not be a wonderful romantic sorry lady the name of my Champion um Shrek that you take this favor thanks did yeah well I have to save my ass hey that is unwanted physical content hey what are you doing I'm on the road a lot but I just love receiving cards [Music] oh nice [Music] looks like we're watching Mission Impossible you know the animation in this is pretty good for 2001. it really is especially like the fire I mean Dragon just wanted a friend oh where would a brave knight be without his Noble Steed she think I'm a steed a steed you may remove your helmet no why not you think the Shrek is your true love yes you know take it off no now okay You're Expecting Prince Charming well actually I think he's cute he's cute wrong I'm no one's messenger boy all right I'm a delivery boy you you're coming donkey oh yep I'm right behind Lord farqua not like well let me put it this way princess dang there are those who think little of him you're just jealous that you could never measure up to a great ruler like Lord Farquaad I'll let you do that measuring when you see him tomorrow oh yeah at the beginning they said something happens at night yeah he was trying to tell Lord she turn into an like animal or something did she turn into like a werewolf oh that'd be cool read you a bedtime story because I will I said good night like what are you doing oh come on I was just kidding oh you're trying to keep out just tell me that sure cool everyone okay what's your problem Shrek what you got against the whole world anyway people take one look at me and go Ah hell they judge me before they even know me that's why I'm better off alone I didn't think he was just a big stupid ugly ogre yeah I know so uh Mirror Mirror show her to me show me the princess oh [Music] oh my gosh she took the eggs big day ahead of us the memes Shrek no way to behave in front of a princess she's as nasty as you are princess Beast I don't know who you think you are yeah that's right from the rich and give to the needy Robin Hood yeah [Music] wow good for her there's an arrow in your butt what oh would you look at that oh no Shrek's gonna die donkey I'm okay oh you can't do this keep your legs elevated turn your head and cold the blue flower red Thorns okay I'm on it blue flower red Thorns what are the flowers for for getting rid of donkey yep I wasn't colorblind blue flower red Thorns blue flower recipe it's not easy if I wasn't colorblind oh Maybe This Is Us I wanted to be alone all you had to do was ask okay come on [Music] [Laughter] it's kind of weird they're animals [Music] but they're gonna die I got this twinge in my neck and when I turn my head like this look ow see maybe you can come visit me in the swamp sometime um man isn't this romantic just look at that sunset sunset you're afraid of the dark aren't you yes oh now I really see what's going on here oh what are you talking about Princess Fiona Princess it's very spooky in here I've been playing no games oh what are you doing with the princess she's an ogre too God why was she acting like she was so repulsed is me was it something that you ate cause I told Shrek those rats was a bad idea you always eat I said no it only happens when the Sun goes down that's why I have to marry Lord Farquaad tomorrow before the sun sets and he sees me but it has to be true love you know ugly and look wait where you are I ain't gonna lie he says cheese and crackers only a true love's kiss can break you're kind of an ogre and Shrek well you got a lot in common good oh good for me too saw this flower and thought of you because it's pretty and who could ever love it be so hit me what's the point this is why communication is so important promise you won't very true I'm gonna need a whole lot of serious therapy look at my eye twitching I'm not [Music] I tell him [Music] I mean she could still tell him Shrek never been better never better never better I heard enough last night you heard what I said I thought you'd understand oh I understand who could love a hideous ugly beast ah misunderstanding princess get and go before I change my mind I Am Lord for a quad you don't have to waste good manners on the ogre not like it has feelings it doesn't will you be the perfect bride let's get married today before sunsets oh no very well ogre trick what are you doing you're letting me get away I live alone my swamp nobody especially useless talking donkey hey I don't like this it could have all been avoided if they just had sat down and had a conversation I mean I think they're leaning into that a little too much oh I would think of all people you would recognize a wall when you see one well that's your half and this is my hand oh you're half stubborn jackass smelly Olga fine you're so wrapped up in Leia's onion boy you're afraid of your own feelings I heard the two of you talking she wasn't talking about you she was talking about well then who was she talking about no way I ain't saying anything I'm sorry can you forgive me that's what friends are for right right we'll never make it in time I never fear okay I love this Dragon it's just my animal magnetism no one likes to kiss ass all right hop on [Music] I mean donkey should probably tell him before they get to the wedding well he promised he wouldn't could we just oh go on if we need you I wish how about that it's a line you got to wait for the priest is going to say speak now forever hold your peace I don't have time for this hey wait wait what are you doing you already said oh for the love of peace I love do Luck first of all pretty clean pretty clean rude enough being alive when no one wants you but showing up uninvited she is he's not your true love what do you know about true love well the ogre has fallen in love with the princess now kiss me By Night One Way by day another why did the witch put the curse on her they didn't say in this movie I think they do in the second one that explains a lot oh no yeah you're locked back in that tower for the oh my goodness uh Fiona I love you really really [Music] Beauty and the Beast yeah [Music] but I don't understand supposed to be beautiful but you are beautiful everyone [Music] all right we just finished watching Shrek I love this movie this is such a fun take on the classic fairy tale stories of the princess being locked away and rescued by Prince Charming all the characters in this were absolutely hilarious everybody loves donkey everyone loves Shrek Fiona is wonderful and of course Lord farquat is hilarious I really love this movie but I'd love to know your thoughts watching it for the first time I loved it I think that donkey was uh definitely the best character of the whole movie surprisingly very positive I think more positive than any of the other characters and so I really appreciate that because he brought a certain type of energy I think to the movie and so I just loved it anyways he was just hilarious I also love Shrek my favorite thing about this movie was just they didn't just focus on the princess accepting Shrek for who he is they also had the twist of she was the same species and so that forced her to accept herself I thought that was great and then obviously we have the underlying like finding your person somebody that's as weird as you are and what that can be like and I think this was a very obviously exaggerated but more realistic idea of like what happens when you meet somebody that's kind of as weird or awkward as you are my only complaint with this movie is that I think they linked a little too much into Lord Farquaad um and his height it doesn't really make sense to me that they're going to really make it seem like well you should accept people even if they're not normal well simultaneously while also insulting this I I get like he was just not a good person but I I question like what it would have turned out to be if he was a decent person and he was still as like short you know so that just kind of doesn't make sense for me especially for like a kids movie but that's my only complaint it's a very small one that's just my opinion but um and it helped obviously that he was not a great person at all but I thought this was a lot of fun I honestly the princess and Shrek's like Journey was a lot of fun and in some ways it kind of just reminded me of like me and Holden like just yeah I'm an ogre and you're a person no no it's okay it's fine just being like awkward at times and not feeling like you're normal or fit in with everybody else and just finding your person that's all so that was very sweet and anybody that relates to that type of thing it always like warms your heart to kind of see that play out with somebody else but honestly my favorite part of the whole movie was just Shrek and Donkey and they're like adventures together I really thought that that was like the highlight of the movie and I'm so glad that they focus so much time on that there's just something to be said about these two like at first glance it's like a very unlikely Duo But as time went on you could tell that they like balanced each other out very well they did a great job of depicting that in this movie so this movie was uh a lot of fun I can understand why people like it I was a little shocked at some of like the jokes and some of the stuff that appeared in the movie I'm like what is this rated it was all in good fun and I would absolutely watch this movie again what would you rate this one this is pretty high up there I think um it's short and sweet the storyline is just really easy very fluid and kind of has like a modern Twist on like a classic fairy tale so I think I'm gonna rate it I'm gonna rate it in nine this one's up there for me too I think for me I'm at a 9.5 this is a pretty solid movie I love this movie I'm glad that so many people recommended it let us know if you want us to continue with the sequels I don't really know those as well as I do the original uh but let us know what you guys think down in the comments below for now though that is it we appreciate you guys watching if you enjoyed the video leave it a like get out the channel out a lot subscribe you'll be notified when we post our next video check out patreon you can watch stuff like this before anyone else ad free until I post them and you can watch the full length reaction of us watching Shrek over there too thank you guys so much we'll catch you in the next video take care our own little ogre at home look at that no pictures [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Holden & Jen Hardman
Views: 193,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Holden Hardman, Matt Lane, My friend watches, My friend watches blank for the first time, My Wife Watches, Wife Review, Wife Movie Reaction, shrek, shrek reaction, shrek review, first time watching shrek, princess fiona, ogre, wife reacts to Shrek, Wife Review Shrek, Shrel movie reaction, donkey, Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, dreamworks
Id: q99zN9_-2I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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