My Wife Trapped Me in IMPOSSIBLE Prison, so I got revenge…

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my wife sent me to prison i guess when you steal too many diamonds they notice can i escape these impossible layers of prison to show her once and for all i'm the only diamond she needs i just want to say that it's not fair that i'm being prisoned just because i stole my wife's diamonds i mean come on isn't that a husband's job to steal your wife anyways all right let's move on let's get out of this thing i have to be really bad but i can't because i'm stuck in this emerald tent anyways what the heck is this i just grabbed a toothbrush oh no oh sneaky chest with a diamond helmet that can break mossy cobblestone i don't know about you guys but i've never seen a diamond helmet that can break cobblestone have you and why are my hands not moving this is kind of freaking me out all right i'm not gonna ask questions the faster i get out of here the faster i can go to the bathroom is there something oh there are vines hidden behind the painting revealing a fork i have i'm holding a fork what the heck man anyways we gotta focus on the task wait there's a whisper i heard the prisoner in cell 54b has a lever should we go check it out this guard is such a doodle banger where is cell 54b if i can find that i could get that lever and maybe i can get out of here where is cell 54 b okay that guy just gave me the creeps is this cell 54b hello oh my goodness gracious it's like they're all sick or something i'm not liking any of this where the heck is cell 54b this is 53b wait am i 54b no okay i'm b all right that makes a lot more sense where the heck is 54 be then huh this is 56 b so we're going up where is 54 b why is cell 54 b over here if i would okay you know what i'm not even gonna ask questions like i said i really gotta use the bat nick is in here emerald steak he wants me to get him an emerald steak for a dorky where am i going to find an emerald steak oh great it's one of these isn't it now i've gotta find an emerald stake in the prison if i was an emerald stake where would i be i'll answer that for you right now i would not be in a prison i would probably still be a cow oh what is this somebody dug their way out of prison how did the guards not know this these may be the worst prison guards i have ever seen in my whole entire life whoa okay what is this oh boy oh these trees look sick and not like in the cool way like yo man those trees are sick bro more like in the sense of like hey these trees i think have caught a disease or something like that okay now where the heck am i it's like an emerald village or something wait this guy wants a toothbrush for a plate ah i don't know if i want to make that trade i don't know about that one chief okay maybe we should make the trade just in case i'm gonna make the trade i don't even know what i'm doing here wait a second maybe these villagers have an emerald stake the shepherd my man a fork and a plate for a emerald steak why do i feel like there's some kind of rhyme play there going on anyways doesn't matter we've got the emerald steak ladies and gentlemen now we can get the lever and maybe we can get the heck out of here when i bust out of this prison i'm gonna steal so many more of brandon's diamonds she doesn't know but she thinks she has a hidden vault of diamonds i know exactly where they are okay cell 54b mr nick here is your steak give me that door key i'm getting out of here i don't know how much longer i can hold it before i gotta go to the bathroom you know what i'm saying oh there it is there it is tell me this leads me out of prison tell me this is it come on oh no what is this oh i don't think this is the end oh great what is this supposed to be why are the doors upside down something about this place just isn't right prisoner obedience training okay why is he following me oh wait do i have to oh i've got to leave this villager no no villager come back come back yeah yeah come here come here all right yeah yeah keep following me bro keep following me i will lead you to the promised land i don't know where the promised land is but it's not where you are currently buddy yes yes keep going no no no no come back over here why is he following me in the first place i do not even know come on come on yes yes just like that boom maze completed and we received a lever okay now can i please get out of this emerald tent so i can go to the bathroom sheesh this is an absolute mess ladies and gentlemen i just want to go to the bathroom so bad you can see it in my eyeballs okay can we please get out of here now oh no what is this oh great some other prisoner test so this iron axe can break oak logs okay now oh great now what oh no what is this do they want me to burn the logs where's that sound well that sounds really scary step out here preston you gotta get out of this prison wait a second hold the phone i think we need to make no am i doing this right i think we have to make a wooden pickaxe yes okay now we get the cobblestone put the cobblestone in here make a stone pickaxe oh wait and then iron how did i not see this coming sooner how did i not see this how am i so blind to the truth ladies and gentlemen now i see what we have to do so we have to get the iron right here right put this bad boy in here we need to smelt this up take our iron out make an iron pickaxe now we have to mine is this emerald or is this diamond what is this okay it says diamonds but it looks like emeralds is anybody else finding this like really confusing right now like let me tell you guys something i'm not color blind this is definitely an emerald pickaxe not a diamond pickaxe so wait now that i have this there's gotta be something we can use this on oh prismarine bricks i feel like i've seen prismarine brick somewhere wait are these prismarine bricks okay these are not prismarine bricks where are the prismarine bricks seriously guys if i don't find these prismarine bricks soon i'm going to have to use the bathroom and it's going to be really embarrassing but wait we can use our wooden pickaxe then the stone pickaxe then the emerald pickaxe no no iron pickaxe diamond pickaxe oh my gosh are we out we're still not out breathe i have to pee so bad you need to let me out of this tent otherwise i might have to use the bathroom in this emerald lava okay fine you know what it's fine we're good i'm cool everybody knows i'm the king of park court right ain't no way we're going to be slipping in this lava today just got to make this momentum jump oh my gosh i was so close all right this is actually a lot more difficult than i thought it was gonna be wait do i have to go backwards or this way hold on what's in this chest wait and now back oh it's for the wool over there okay we can do this we can do this oh boy okay i'm just really scared i'm gonna hit my head and fall on this emerald lava i think that's the last thing we want to do mo men tub i can't believe we just did that let's go bree you're gonna regret putting me in here when i get out i'm gonna steal all your diamonds even the ones in the secret vault and you know what i'll have diglett as my witness diglett together we are going to get out of this place oh we just gotta make sure we don't miss any jump stiglit okay no jumps can be missed otherwise we are going to face um oh no oh no there's no way to get up here this is bad thankfully diglett knows the move fly so he flew me back up here otherwise that could have been messy all right come on down on the slime yes oh wait a second why are these okay why are these pieces of carpet here they're starting to kind of freak me out yes please tell me this is the end prisons movie theater bro i'm about to have to use the bathroom in the movie theater i don't care about a president's movie theater just get me the heck out of here why are we even in a movie theater in the first place what does this guy want huh he wants a backstage pass where am i gonna get a backstage pass huh you tell me i don't have any backstage pass on me why are there a million buttons over here there's gotta be like a hidden chest or something in here i need to get that backstage pass all done what do these buttons do these buttons blinked into the wall i didn't even realize they were here oh my gosh it was right in front of my face the entire time oh oh i really hope i can get back oh always check under the stairs wait oh i'll just switch today i just touched the dead prisoners boots i do not want that okay i got the backstage pass let's get the heck out of here all right bud here's your backstage pass give me that backstage door key thing finally please tell me this is it tell me i can get out of here oh now showing the village of oz okay i don't care about the village of oz i care about the bathroom of oz where is the bathroom of oz please stand here when ringing my doorbell okay um oh what the heck what just happened what the heck just happened okay uh where where the heck are we what what why are there two giant chunguses um who dares who is this who are you okay did brianna hire some kind of prison bodyguard force or something just let me out of here whoa he just disappeared where'd he go where did he just go okay let me i don't even know what's happening just get me the heck out of here oh no do i have to fight these guys no who is this wait is that him what the heck oh um what is going on what is going on oh i've never seen a witch through that before all right i don't know who these people are but i'm taking them out oh he just turned the villagers into witches no no no no no no no no not on my watch oh boy zombie pigman oh no oh what the heck what the heck what what is going on what is this okay i've got a bow and arrow oh my gosh what the heck is happening oh i've gotta shoot the minecarts okay i can do this i can do this as long as i can use the bathroom afterwards oh my gosh that was a really big potion oh no okay i'm poisoned huh come on come on come on come on come on yes nailed it one more to go one more yes let's go oh i see your heart come on come on oh oh my gosh no i ate an enchanted golden apple which gives me fire resistance you pleb i can't see anything with the fire though come on yes direct shot aim for the hat how the heck am i supposed to hit that from all the way down here don't ask me how i got back up here okay diglett is a absolute wizard come on come on hats yes we got it what's happening oh my gosh is it over oh no have you ever seen this before in minecraft i've never seen this before in minecraft and it's really creeping me out ding dong the witch is gone exactly what i was going to say wait what is this what is this what is happening i'm in a giant cauldron right now oh what is this press for scissors yes finally if i get scissors i can cut my way out of this tent and go to the bathroom give me those scissors get the key and you'll be free wait what okay that told me was gonna give me scissors oh my gosh there's more guys i can't wait any longer wait this way to escape into prison get me the heck out of here get me the heck out of here wait what is going on what just happened yes i think this is it i have no idea what's going on anymore dr strange get me the heck out of here super emerald cutter yes yes yes finally with a super emerald cutter i can cut my way out of this i finally escaped next time i'm stealing all of her rubies i'm getting some vengeance today and i'm gonna trap him in a box because he kind of deserves it nick i know the perfect way to get preston into the box oh you're gonna put his little diglett in there he's for sure gonna fall for it preston yo nick i found declan i've been looking for for so long he's so cute preston why was diglett in a little box wait diglett was in a box yeah you're in a wait you're in a boxer i'm in a box i have a special delivery oh bree what are you bringing preston i have a laptop what why okay why why am i getting my laptop i don't know i'm not really liking this right one moment let's go hey nick oh we don't really need to talk about this right now it's fine you have a night light in there with your computer well i think the only way i'm going to escape from this box is if i start playing minecraft i need to play through this map and to complete each level then maybe they'll let me out of this box this is crazy i'm in a cardboard box right now playing a box minecraft math i feel like this is only possible in the movies but in and right now it's possible in real life okay here we go we're starting the map oh stand on the purple block to begin what just happened oh this okay this is box room number one all right now we're now we're here puzzle one the answer is always simple okay um i'm assuming is it this one is it this one wait how am i supposed to know which one it is wait maybe they're all supposed to be down and then we click done no okay okay can i even reach these why are these oh my god such a dummy okay what we have to do is we have to copy these so this one's up these are down and then now we click done there we go see i told you guys i got a brain sometimes like it's just kind of stuffy inside this cardboard box right now but the only way for me to escape is for me to beat this man which i plan on doing i'm gonna escape this thing puzzle number two redstone can be complex oh buddy boy okay redstone indeed can be complex but i am a redstone wizard there we go orange goes down over here and then the sticky piston the sticky piston should go right here oh my gosh am i actually no if i actually do this correctly no way did i actually do that let's go i'm telling you guys i'm getting better with the redstone it's probably because i'm wearing wreston styles virtual dash somebody needs a count how many times a video i plugged my merch okay i mean i can't help it guys i'm in a copper box right now leave me alone okay i just want to have fun all right what is this nonsense we're so we're number three right now always pay attention so we've got a block of gold which can be placed on a block of diamond but it says always pay attention something here is it is it okay what is what is going on dude there's gotta be some kind of secret i'm not paying attention to right now okay if we flick this are we gonna die no not dead just yet is this it i feel like that's all we're supposed to do wait that makes no sense why did it say always pay attention that hint was really really weird and i haven't actually had to use an actual hint yet focus on what you cannot see so if i can't see behind me wait focus on what you can't see is it something on my character something in my inventory oh i knew it wait where was that i'm not even kidding you have to go into creative mode to get here because there's no other way to break those blocks then you have to go into game mode adventure sorry game mode survival and then you now have to parkour i knew there was going to be barrier or like invisible blocks on these i just knew it man i've played like way too much minecraft parkour to not see this coming um there it is the switch ladies and gentlemen and i think this leads us back to over here and then we now can flick that switch and finish the level man that's what i'm talking about okay brothers level five what are we gonna do inside of here oh no puzzles furnaces can do more you know guys to be honest with you i really like furnaces i also like these updated textures anybody else like these updated textures so it says sponge in here bucket in here hey hey take my bucket well i think it's oh wait no it's supposed to be oh that's a wet sponge i don't know is that is that a wet sponge oh maybe that's a dry sponge okay there's gotta be lava here somewhere oh it's telling me what to do wait oh my gosh i'm such a pleb okay we want to burn the wet sponge yes yes we must burn the wet sponge with our sticks well we're not really burning the wet sponge but we're drying it out so now that we've got the sponge dry sponge goes in here okay but now we have to get the water oh no i think i messed up i'm pretty sure i was supposed to put the water bucket in there to absorb the water from the sponge okay so here's what we have to do we have to put the sticks in and then we put the wet sponge in and then when our second stick is done that's where we put the bucket in so right here this should give us the water into our bucket yeah there we go that's actually the first time i've ever done something like that in minecraft guys that was so cool and now we have completed yet another stage starting to get kind of stuffy here in this cardboard box though ladies and gentlemen i'm not uh not sure if i'm liking this right now but uh it's kind of cool in the same way you know what is level six about wandering in the light what does wandering in the light mean oh i see okay i'm pretty sure i'm not suppose i'm pretty sure i'm supposed to be in game mode adventure here oh oh am i am i doing this right i feel like i'm doing this correct i i don't know at the same time maybe i'm not doing this right now i feel like i'm doing this correct you know what i'm saying okay we go over here wait there's gotta be some switches somewhere oh i see them okay the first one's down the next one is up and then okay can we get back here oh yeah we can uh oh okay all right this is probably like an invisible maze or something like that there we go and that was like the easiest one yet i'm okay i'm i'm just i'm just a genius but not really not not really unfortunately i really like these purple blocks though ooh seven's one of my favorite numbers puzzle seven complexity oh goodness gracious okay so we've got more redstone oh this should be a really fun time ladies and gentlemen so maybe what we're going to want to do here is we're probably going to want to put the redstone block down right here so that can push over to this guy uh i think the sticky piston probably goes underneath no okay it can't go underneath oh ooh ooh wait a second we probably want to put this guy okay i think the redstone repeater is going to go here oh there we go okay i heard something move oh no wait if you fall down i don't think you can get back up that's not that's not a good sign maybe it goes right here wait what can this be placed on oh can be placed on a block of gold okay and there we go okay dude i'm getting way too good at redstone if you guys have been watching my minecraft videos for a long time you know that i am an absolute pleb at redstone and now i'm a beastimus what is this puzzle number eight chess are special okay what's going oh what is this a chest underneath the chest oh it gives me a lever oh this can be placed on a lot of different things white concrete white concrete powder or a sticky piston and looks like we have to get a block of gold to complete this one so we want to place this lever on probably the sticky piston push this out of the way get this and there we go okay that was a really cool puzzle whoever made this you are a you are a machine and i love you okay level nine guys here we go oh puzzle number nine amazing amazing grace wait now we've got a fl oh no no no no no no no oh boy there's there's some kind of uh there's some kind of mathematical thing to this oh boy oh boy hold on oh oh goodness okay so it's down up down down oh that's that's that's perfect okay okay down up down down okay this one is down and that one's down where's the gold down and then we got to go up wait no no up and that i think that's it well that was actually so easy okay how either i am just really good at this viewers or this map is really easy but i want to pretend like i'm just really good even though i'm probably not i'll let you guys aside down below in the comments what is level 10 oh what belongs only one is correct which block in the front row fits in with the blocks in the back oh this is kind of hard to say brother well i feel like the only block that matches the one in the back is this one am i wrong i'm wrong wait no way no wait how am i wrong how would this be correct none of these are right is it this one what is it the flower okay now i'm confused wait how was it that one it was a bed no that made no sense okay that was probably the only puzzle i'm actually legitimately confused about and still have no idea why i did that so this is puzzle number 11. swimming question mark you know i actually love this one guys if you didn't know i used to be a lifeguard i know i actually saved a couple of people's lives okay so don't make fun of me so i think what we have to do is we have to break this now we're going to remember this code it's down up up swim to the other side and then oh shoot i already forgot wait did it no i think it was down up up just like this i really i really hope i got it right let me see down oh wait oh okay this is embarrassing i did it in reverse that is very embarrassing don't no no don't pretend like you guys did not just see that and that should be the completed puzzle now where's this purple scurple block is it come over here purple block now we're on the dastardly puzzle number 12. we failed on this one last time which item burns the longest we definitely know it's not a stick i am gonna just say there's a wild card here i think it's either i want to say it's either coal or a kelp block we're going to just go with the kelp block yes let's go oh that was beautiful ladies and gentlemen absolutely beautiful couldn't have pulled it off venice better than myself even though i did okay i'm really confused right now with what i'm saying so i'm just gonna stop talking so here we go we got level 13 now level 13 is going to be easy peasy don't forget guys i'm still inside of a box and i'm playing on my laptop so i'm pretty impressed with my skills right now this is puzzle 13. so puzzle 13 okay it says put the a lot oh i think i've got to rep oh i think we have to repair the elytra i think that's what we're supposed to do so we need to give ourselves some xp levels somehow i actually have never repaired a lytra i'm assuming to repair a live charge we use a phantom membrane ah that's what we do phantom membrane i'm really surprised once again did you guys know that comment down below if you knew that because i actually did not know that i kind of just went out on a limb there and decided to try it out it just sounded like really cool and like it would actually work out okay so what's this next one we got level 14. what fits in with okay wait what oh this is confusing okay creeper wait this is wait what does this mean okay what fits in with a creeper a pig and a villager is it a horse a skeleton horse a polar bear or a zombie horse i don't know i'm just like what i mean if i'm gonna be honest i don't know if anything fits in with this maybe a horse oh shoot i did not mean to do that i'm just gonna say horse maybe it's okay maybe it's multiples i mean i don't really know maybe like this is a real this is weird this is i do i answer all of them no okay i'm not this this doesn't make any sense what fits in with a creeper pig and villager guys i'm confused is it a zombie horse no is it a polar bear there's no no way no no way okay is it a skeleton horse it's a scale okay i don't understand that one if you guys understand that please explain it to me down below in the comments that is very very confusing and ladies and gentlemen your boy preston has completed this now can i please get out of this cardboard box i'm sick and tired of being inside of here we finally did it we finished the map we can get out of this box let's go i like pizza john do you like pizza of course i like pizza preston preston you have been annoying me all day with this megaphone i'm pushing down here i can't just lock me in my office okay one second she's just gonna lock me in my office with no way to get out this is since you are going to slime prison you should you should have some slime i guess wait i'm going to slime prison this is news for me oh my present my present god might as well often all right goodness gracious i can't believe brianna thinks my slime is not satisfactory anyways we're gonna prove to my wife that i can make the best slime in minecraft ever by far okay so we're gonna start with the easy level this is just a little tutorial oh what is this new projectile learn super slime oh oh that is so cool wait i lost my slime can i get my slime back okay so do i just have to throw it is wait ah take this yes that was so easy actually that was really really cool see bree i told you i'm a master of the slime okay all right throw it at the ground too easy bree too easy girl you're gonna have to make me do some harder things if you want to catch me with my pants down all right here we go come on okay that totally touched the green button get the heck out of here what about this one yes this is so cool check this out and it teleports me it's basically a slime ender pearl wait oh okay wait we gotta undo that okay so what we have to do here we gotta hit this one and then we throw this one this is so cool guys i am going to be a slime expert i mean not that i already wasn't a slime expert but i'm going to be even more of a slime expert so we've got a pad right here here's what we're going to do we're going to go up up and at them yeah just like that and then oh boom oh okay oh that was bad okay and bada bing bada no what is slime i need you to go down go down slime there we go beautiful this is just too easy i'm gonna be the best slime maker in the whole entire world just you guys watch so we've got a button oh this button down here is going to be so easy watch this guys boom headshot oh then we got another one over here we can do this easy peasy come on this challenge ain't nothing for a young strong character like me i mean come on i'm wearing i'm wearing fire merch like nothing's too hard for you when you win that five merchant i'm saying and we apparently just learned a new ability called acid-covered slime destroys metal blocks on contact so we can destroy this metal oh that is very scary slime i don't ever want to touch that so now we just got to do a little bit of this bada bing i hope you can hear me this challenge is literally nothing i'm gonna be out of this cage in no time let's break this with our acid slime and then throw all the slime ball in there come on beautiful oh uh oh guys oh i didn't see this all right so what we have to do here's what we have to do we have to break how do we do this actually i think somehow we've gotta okay maybe we can do it like this come on i know no no it's acid slime where are you going ow there we go ladies and gentlemen and now we have an entrance for our slime we just gotta throw this guy yes and beautiful all right get me out of this okay i feel like we're in the tutorial stages i need something difficult now we've got a slime grenade this is so cool so what we need to do is we got to blow this glass up so we're going to oh oh oh oh oh no when it stops bouncing it explodes oh actually wait it worked hold on can we get our slime in there there we go dude i am going to ace the slime school slash prison slash thing whatever it is all right so now okay we gotta throw the grenade in here go in here i need you to explode yes oh watch this angle oh headshot quite literally too now i've got a cyber hand what is this so this cyber hand boosts my slime throw so apparently now i can throw slime really far or like really hard let's throw this acid slime over here yeah we need to get up here and then we gotta find out how we can oh it's up here oh i can do this okay check this out guys watch this so now all we have to do is we have to get it somehow we have to get this how do we get the okay this is going to be hard we have to get our slime ball guys all the way over here that's crazy all right we're going to try this out hopefully this thing works and um okay here we go um oh my gosh chipboard let's go oh check me out now brianna you trapped me in here and i'm getting out lickety-split like wait now i've got something called the zero gravity cream a booster item that makes a thrown projectile ignore gravity mean it just travels in a straight line i kind of like this all right so what happens if we put this zero gravity cream in our off hand uh i'm gonna throw the super slime oh that's so cool it like floated wait what do i have to do here uh oh i might have to go down here uh okay no i don't think wait wait where am i oh okay so here's what we do we throw throw our super slime up here activate this bad boy then we must put our zero gravity cream on and then now we must it needs to um um okay i don't know if this is gonna work all right let's try this again shall we and yeah come on come on yeah there we go ladies and gentlemen now get me out of this place i'm ready to go back and eat some chicken nuggets or something like that new objective learn turret just like doors turrets are activated by buttons they shoot projectiles and time intervals which are different for each turret is this a slime turret oh my gosh it literally has slime in the back of it this is so cool okay um do i want to activate this or is it is it going to shoot me and kill me now i'm kind of worried let's try this out oh oh it just shot that thing was slime okay wait do i need it i think i needed to do it again all right let's do this shoot shoot brother shoot what are you waiting for take the shot he's got one slime left shoot yes oh my gosh dude if i could have a slime turn in real life i think i'd probably be the happiest person alive so now we've got the slime shield which we can use to block arrows so i'm assuming we're going to light this up and try to block this so let's go ahead and activate this bad boy let's activate this one over here let's activate this guy i need you to activate thank you okay oh oh oh i missed okay oh wait what's he doing what's he doing what what what is he doing okay he's shooting something oh that's a grenade actually that was good wait wait wait wait what are you shooting now i need you to shoot me yes okay that is the coolest thing i think i've ever seen in minecraft and i've seen a lot of things in minecraft okay now there's this new thing called an incinerator block which apparently just it destroys any projectile that touches it somehow we need to break this piece of metal right here we're gonna use our cyber hand which gives us the crazy throwing power we're looking for as well as the acid covered slide and that should yes no wait how did you get all the way down here [Music] yes there we go okay so we broke this and we broke this that's exactly what we wanted now we need to put our slime granata in here we just got to get this to blow up we just need to get this glass to blow up okay not on me please blow up in this corner yeah no can you just blow up already come on okay this slime grenade is not working out with us blow up dadgummit where are you going go that way yes thank you i appreciate that now we've got to use our zero gravity cream with our slime and hopefully yeah that's exactly what we wanted ladies and gentlemen now get me the heck out of this slime factory i think it's about time i start being nice to my wife i don't want to be trapped in these crazy minecraft bats anymore
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,707,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: Ue6mqO7uVQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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