My Wife Reacts To J. Cole — 2014 Forest Hills Drive

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I'm trying really hard not to say wow so much but I really I really want to say wow at like every second line hi I'm Archie I'm Molly and uh today we'll be reacting to 2014 Forest Hills Drive by J Cole um at last yeah I know people have been requesting J for a while uh but before we get started um we just want to say thanks for uh we actually reached 10K we did subscribers um after that last video so thanks and and uh so shout out to you guys yeah shout out to you to me yeah um shout out to Molly because she does everything on the channel like she sets up everything she edits everything I'm just a pretty face together we edit together I'm just here to press play I'm just incredibly good at at it yeah you are so um you're familiar with J Cole I know one song by J Cole because um we actually recorded a reaction to a freestyle he did yeah la leakers freestyle St yeah but we didn't put it together and upload it we can do that if you wish I don't really remember much of that to be honest it was a while ago um and I actually prefer I prefer when we react to an album as a whole mhm I feel like with single songs it's really difficult to like get in the zone yeah I don't feel like it lets you appreciate an artist to to like a the full extent cuz I feel like once song you don't like you don't really get a story you don't like really get feel for like you can't gauge his range or whatever and if like on an album like some songs I like more than others and if I listen to one song and I don't really like it I have no other chance like you know what I mean like the others G give it more of a chance for me to like really appreciate it so I'm very much looking forward to doing a whole album rather than just a song yeah um I feel like a lot of people like asked for him on Kendrick like on the Kendrick videos so J Cole I think like in the 2000 like he came out in the 2010s you guys can correct me if I'm wrong he uh he's wildely known as like the one of top three rappers I guess of this generation like they always say Kendrick Kendrick Cole and Drake like that's that's what I was hearing there always a and Kendrick Lamar is my second favorite artist discovered on this channel I love him I think he's fantastic so if jcole is anywhere near as good then I'll be very happy okay yeah so uh this album is called 2014 for sales Drive uh that's actually the address of his childhood home oh um also came out in 2014 so oh yeah I'll be honest with the people out there I haven't listened to this album in a long time oh I don't remember much about it like in regards to like the hype or like the release or like the discourse around it I think a lot of the like especially the first half of the 2010s I was doing other stuff you know I was listening to other genres so this is kind of like another light reaction on my part for reaction for me okay but anyway enough talking um we'll start off with the intro we'll let it just go through to uh January 28th okay so here it [Music] is that's nice do you want do you do you do you do you want to be that's really nice mhm do wow do you want to [Music] be happy do you want do you want to be happy said do you cinematic yeah the strings they say the dreams come true and when they do that there's a beautiful thing free I said do you want to do that was beautiful it's a nice intro yeah that's lovely what a start look the real is back the vill is back flow bananas here P this back and what you'll find is your highness could paint a picture that's vivid enough to cure blindness Carol finest every so often I fade deep in my thoughts and then get lost in the days we used to play before your coffee was made just got the call [ __ ] got caught with a straight hope he's okay just got paid with [ __ ] got paid the free OJ just to share my life on the stage in front of strangers who know a [ __ ] far too well and that's the danger know me better than I know myself I rip a page out my notebook and anger and let these thoughts Langer singing If you believe in God one thing for sure you ain't too then you ain't too low then you ain't too low what's the price for a black man life I check the toe tag not one zero in sight I turn the TV on not one hero in sight unless he dribble or he fiddle with mics the bigger we get the more likely Eagles Collide it's just physics please let's put our Eagles aside you my [ __ ] and should our worst tennesses turn us into enemy I hope that we remember these nights full of Hennessy when around we Swit up to that de got to show respect one day we trying to stay where you stay cuz we from where you from not talking about the slums I'm talking about that mind state to keep a black [ __ ] dumb keep a black [ __ ] Dying by a black [ __ ] gun and keep them listening to these FR ass [ __ ] son yeah says son this is New York's finest for 11 win straight I took on New York's climb it like show me New York's ladder I climb it and set the bar so high that you got to get Obama to force the Air Force the find it never mind it you never reach that Co is the hypnotist control the game whenever he snap that's every TR don't give him too [Music] much I ain't serve no pass I ain't no dope I don't bring no lies [ __ ] Sayang my quotes you [ __ ] might be l or you might be Kane or you might be slick rick with 19 chains or you might be Drizzy Drake or Kendrick Lamar check the birth date [ __ ] you ain't the guy n you ain't the guy [ __ ] guy January 28 that was both of those were really nice yeah like really just very pleasant yeah the production is quite smooth on those yeah they were very smooth I really really like that but I also really like he said really like profound things in that was a great intro for sure the the intro like the actual intro like that that was like lovely like just lovely I'm going to look at the lyrics again cuz I feel like there were like a lot of lines in there that I was like damn I think my favorite in particular was uh Cole is the hypnotist control the game whenever whenever he snap so you know when you put somebody under hypnosis and then you snap and oh D come out of their spell or whatever I didn't really pick up on that yeah but snap as in like snap on the track wow wow I didn't get that one thank you for that a picture that is vivid enough to cure blindness Just Got Paid what Cochran got paid to free o just to share my life on the stage in front of strangers yeah yeah damn another deep one right so he's talking about people like him telling his story to people I guess like through song and being a rapper having achieved being a rapper what's the price for a black man life I check the toe tag not one zero and site yes yeah wow yeah it's it's quite the intro yeah sorry I I just there were so many lines in this and I want to I want to give credit to all of them so he says check your birth date you ain't the God then he says CH January 28th then the sounds of a baby yeah so that's that's when he was born okay and then I maybe it's kind of like a like oh was I've been I was born to rap maybe kind of thing I don't know maybe that's just kind of like because like he talks about like about rapping I'm trying to make a million dollars off a rap tune that's true can I make a million dollars off of rap tune so that's kind of I think it kind of sets the stage for this album because like as I said 2014 Forest Hills Drive is the address to his home childhood home um then starts off with his birthday and then kind of foreshadowing this make a million dollars offer R tune so it's kind of from like his childhood to stardom I guess um another thing I would add as well is the that house he actually bought it oh and then he's renting it for like lower price for wow what a good guy yeah so for people more affordable housing I guess for people in his head so wow that's fantastic right so wow okay also I want to add that he produced a lot of these tracks himself in collaboration with other producers as well but like yeah the first amazing the first two tracks is really nice yeah it's smooth kind of detailed so yeah okay let's go well let's move on to wet dreams great cold world yeah it wasn't nothing like that first time she was in my MTH class long hair brown skin with the fat ass sat beside me used to laugh had mad jokes the teacher always got mad so we pass no thighs on it and them hips on it and them lips on it got me daydreaming man what I'm thinking how she rides on it if she sits on it if she licks on it make it hard for me to stand up it's time go by ATT TRS getting deep wet dreaming thinking that I'm smashing but I'm sleeping I want it bad and I ain't never been obsessed before she wrot a not you ever had sex [Music] I I like these vies I wrot back and said of course I had sex before KN I was fronting I said I'm like a pro baby knowing I was stunting but if I told the truth I knew that I get played out son hadn't been in [ __ ] since the day I came out but she don't know that so she done wrot back and told me oh you a pro homie well I want you to show me my mama gone for the weekend so Saturday baby we can get the freak that's when my heart start racing and my body start sweating baby you done woke my little man up I'm thinking how that body look naked when you L on the bed teacher please don't make me stand up I rot back like yeah baby sound like a plan still trying to play it cool sound like the man but I was scared to death my [ __ ] my stomach turning talking [ __ ] Knowing damn well I was a virgin [ __ ] and I a never did this and I never and I you know that feeling when you know you bone for the first time I'm hoping that she won't notice it's my first time I'm hoping that my [ __ ] is big enough to [ __ ] with and most of all I'm praying God don't let me bust quick I'm watching poros trying to teach us how to stroke right practice putting condoms on how it go right I'm in the crib now [ __ ] Palm sweating with a pocket full of rubbers in in Direction It's Time for Action pull out the condoms real smooth yeah just how I practice but right before I put it in she flinched and grabbed it and said I want to get something off my mental I can tell you a pro but baby be gentle cuz cuz I ain't never did this before and I ain't never did this before and I ain't never sorry I just remembered I forgot to mention that um the intro is really cinematic yeah yeah I feel like the first three songs like the the details I think because of the strings I like the I love the strings I'm not a big fan of strings like in general they can sound kind of cheesy but I think it's done so well exactly yeah it's just enough yeah I love this the vibe is just it's so pleasant I'm having such a good time listening to it I don't feel emotionally drained I thought that was funny yeah like I thought that was very in no for sure to the psyche of a teenage boy yeah I thought that was so good yeah and it was like it it kept your attention you wanted to know where the story was going if it was going to be embarrassing or yeah I thought that was fantastic yeah that's crazy actually I'm just I'm just looking at this thing it has over a billion streams oh holy [ __ ] yeah there's a lot of people getting themselves psyched up yeah like if J Cole could do it yeah let me let me look at the instructions no that's a great song um yeah I love this so far like I just I feel happy listening to it yeah I'm scared in case it like goes somewhere and I'm going to be like depressed but if it does like I I trust him to to do it m BR yeah I I I really really like this so far I have a good feeling about the rest of it yeah I really like the instrumental I don't remember that like I remember the song obviously because it's not something you could forget but I don't like remember the details of the song yeah and so like the instrumental like yeah especially on the headphones was really good I feel like in the first or the second he was like throwing like a harp or something like yeah there's just like little things here and there little violins or something I like the way he chopped up the sample the drums in particular reminded me of I think it's the same drums as NZ used and I can um can answer that for yeah I know you can't but that that drum has been that drum pattern has been used in several other hip-hop songs so I thought it was a cool kind of throwback yeah I love that especially if it was like sorry took you off but like I guess he's rapping From perspective of being adolescent M um so it sounds like he took I don't know I don't know if this is on purpose but that drum reminded me like a throwback yeah so maybe like that time period damn that would be so clever I'm not saying he directly used that drum maybe it just it just gave him it just makes him feel nostalgic so he put it in there yeah I just thought of that right now so well this is great I'm happy yeah okay well let's move on to 03 adolesence lovely yeah [Music] sounds like a Christmas song it does wow [Music] lovely I grew up a [ __ ] screw up tie my shoe up wish they was newer damn need something newer I ain't grw up with my father I ain't thinking about that now fast forward for years or so from now I probably cry when I realize what I miss but as of now my eyes are dry cuz I'm trying to stay alive in the city where too many [ __ ] die things change rearrange and so do I ain't always for the better dog I can't lie I get high cuz the lows can be so cold I might been a little bit but I don't F I always this [ __ ] the hard way my [ __ ] slanging in a Hardway burnt CDs or trees like this was Broadway Whispers that he got it for the loo seller D for a du and white boys ain't know no better besides what's $20 to a [ __ ] like that he tell his pops he needs some lunch and he going to get it right back I hit the boulevard pull up to my [ __ ] front door his mama at home she still let him hit the plunt do I told her hello and sat with my [ __ ] and laugh and talk about how we going to smash all the [ __ ] in class I complimented how I see them out here getting this cash and just ask what [ __ ] got to do to get that he told me [ __ ] you know how you sound right now you on my mans I would think that you a clown right now listen you everything I want to be that's why I [ __ ] with you so how you looking up to me when I look up to you you about to go get a degree I'm going be stuck with two choices either graduate to weit or sell number two four brothers one mother that don't love us if they a want us why the [ __ ] they never won't rev us I felt asham to have never complain about my lack of gear and thought about how far we done came I love that yeah [Music] oh yeah that was great wow I'm trying really hard not to say wow so much hey that's your that's your signature right there I know I know your signature move so you can say people are you know they're mocking me they're I'm trying hard not to say wow as many times like he's saying so many things like how he was talking about he was telling that guy like like he he wanted to be like him basically and then that guy's like what the hell are you talking about like why would you want to be me and then I have two choices I can either sell drugs or work in a fast food restaurant or something like and he's like going to a degree and damn that was wow he's a great Storyteller great yeah and wow I absolutely love the like I love the instrumentals it's really cinematic yeah but like yeah it's not like overbearing like I just feel like it's just done right yeah it's done perfectly yeah I don't know if they're I haven't looked so I don't know if they're samples or whatever but the strings and the I like the little sparkly sparkly yeah I love that I love all of it so far I don't have a bad thing to see about any of he really illustrates perfectly like the kind of awkwardness and stuff of being like a teen teenager and then like yeah I just yeah it's very honest like I remember when I first heard uh I know we're kind of going backwards here with wet dreams I was like well who wants to hear this you know what I mean but then like his vulnerability I guess in it like his honesty it's like hey why not like a lot of guys would would uh like relate to that yeah and I think it's just a really he just Illustrated that perfectly with it like the kind of like feelings well I don't know what it's like to be a boy who's back to just just this last track like 03 adolesence like just being like 17 or 18 years old and kind of like deciding like your future yeah that's a really important time if you really think about it like I don't know for me it's it's a long time ago but like yeah I really captured that and he's like looking at people around him like oh yeah I kind of want to be like you or whatever like and he's like no bro like you have this opportunity to do whatever you want and Excel or whatever right so it's it's cool like it's it's definitely like stuff that you would so like these feelings you would have at at a younger age they really captured it captured it well with a nice soundtrack too right so I don't want to like take up time cuz literally if I look at the lyrics and tell you the L I like it'll just be going through the whole song yeah but wow I I really wow I'm extremely impressed so far there was all the Wows for I'm going to I'm just going to say wow when I feel like it from now on Just Do It um they're expecting it but but damn like wow he's extremely talented I'm really really and it's just like like reading the lyrics it was kind of like like sad almost like like it was hard to listen to the words but the like instrumentals are it's just really Pleasant on your ears for sure yeah and it's all very smooth I'm enthusiastic about this I'd like to move on cool yeah well let's do it then so track number five is called The Tale of Two Cities it's interesting yeah [Applause] since young and I we dream of getting rich look at me my [ __ ] throw 20ies on that [ __ ] and get it rined I love this beat but now I see my [ __ ] that he caught a body I'm convinced anybody is a killer all you got to do is push them to the lims can I get a glimpse last night I had a bad dream that I was trapped in the city then I asked is that really such a bad thing they rapping [ __ ] on the DAT can you blame a niggaer that ain't never had things guess not last night they put up on my [ __ ] at the light like nice watch it inir now inir it small town [ __ ] Hollywood dreams I know that everything that glitters ain't gold I know the [ __ ] ain't always good as it scenes but tell me till you get it how could you know how could you know how could you know how could you know how could you know how could you know how could you know how could you know how could you know how could you know how you know how could you know how could you know want to know a funny thing about this [ __ ] even if you let them kill your dream it I haunt you [ __ ] haunt you last night I had a bad dream that I was trapped in the city then I ask is that really such a bad thing I look around like do you want to be another [ __ ] that ain't never had things guess not last night we put up on a [ __ ] at the light like nice watch it Dan in the air now Dan in the air it h it's kind of holy [Music] yeah childish ways I look outside and all CL a so I just take me take me take me your wishes I love the beat on that yeah I thought it was kind of like for boing yeah I really like that it was different from the rest of them that we've heard so far cuz they've been very like yeah they're more smooth and pleasant and kind of lighthearted so I don't know if you caught that or I don't know if I'm right but so Tale of Two Cities in both verses I think they're two different people they're supposed to to represent two different people so like they just talk about how they want to be rich or whatever and then in the first part like he's talking about how uh last night they pulled up on my on my guy and at the light and took his watch mhm and then in the second verse that he's saying how like last night we pulled up on this dude and took his watch oh yeah so like I think the first verse was rapping from like just somebody who just has these Ambitions whatever MH when to get rich and then somebody took his walk like I feel like it's two different I guess Tale of Two Cities like two different people who both have the same kind of dreams but want to achieve it in two different ways oh so like the second guy him and his buddies I guess took the guy's watch and the other guy like I don't know I understand what you mean yeah wow I've never picked up on that no I think that's what's going on I just got it from the watch part absorb uh I didn't absorb what was going on in yeah wow that fantastic could like that little gun s like the yeah so right before the The Taking of the watch thing so that I think the second time I was like oh wait a minute he's talking about heing that like some of the lines were the same but slightly different yeah exactly so I that's yeah the second time I was like but I thought so was yeah whatever interesting let us know in the comments okay let's move on so track number six is called fire Squad I like the speeder already mhm why you acting like a know that I'm a ride for you either way it go tell me girl why you be stressing me for time when you tell me you love me K you see I'm trying to CL Ain't No Way Around It no more I am the greatest lot of [ __ ] set on the throne I am the latest I am the bravest go Toe to Toe with the Giants I ain't afraid of you [ __ ] Island The Fading you [ __ ] [ __ ] why acting like a know that I'm a ride for you either way it go come here baby why you always insecure Hold On Tight to a [ __ ] and be sure my an Ambitions fighting my intuition premature premonition one day you have to decide who you going to be a scary [ __ ] or a [ __ ] that's going to rule like me keep it true like me coold you might be like the new Ice Cube meets the new IC te history repeats itself and that's just how it goes same way that these rappers always always bite each other's flows same thing that my [ __ ] El did with Rock and Roll Justin Timber Lake &em and in M while silly [ __ ] argue over who going to snatch the crown look around my [ __ ] white people have snatched the sound year I probably go to the awards that it Dam watch Iggy when the gram me as I try to crack a smile I'm just playing with all good jokes contain true [ __ ] same rope you climb up on and hang you with I recognize the life is a dream and I dream loose it and break the change and change Minds one verse at a time and claim to6 and [ __ ] if the Shish who's the king we are Kings Kings of ourselves first and foremost why the people debate who's the king of this repap game here comes little old Germaine with every ounce of strength in his veins for all the kings cuz I know deep down every poor just want to be love really love the be on that one too yeah that might be one of my favorite beats actually yeah I really really enjoyed that yeah wow you know I I know I've like acknowledged this without like actually acknowledging it cuz I feel like a lot of how can I put this rap is super personal oh yeah for sure like what we've listened to a lot of it has been like super personal and like honest and vulnerable I really like that because like a lot of music I like I guess maybe expresses things in more abstract terms yeah like radio head sometimes you're like what the hell are you saying about yeah for sure but this is just Le out beer right it's very direct like done masterfully but it's very raw and just very like open and like yeah direct like you understand you get what they're talking about and they're being really open and honest about like their life and their experiences I think that's one of my favorite things about rap so far oh yeah for sure yeah I think that's why ghost writers is a big deal in in hip-hop because hip-hop is like self self-expression it's all about honesty m not always um but it's one of the major components is like the the lyrics and and how you put those words and and make a song and how you want to convey that to other people so like if you got somebody that's writing your own songs yeah I mean it's it's not the same thing as like an R&B song where you could pass the song to Rihanna or Britney Spears or whoever they're like the vessel for these words to make a hit song or whatever whereas in rap it's it's personal it's like a diary it's like wow like a diary yeah I yeah I really really love that that's J CO's strength in my opinion is oh sorry is he called jine yeah okay I was like wait who's gerine and then I was like oh gee okay okay that was actually pretty interesting when he brought up all these culture vultures yeah yeah yeah damn Timberlake &em catching stays mmore so the next one is called Sant trop mhm I like that kind of hazy kind of sounds familiar a little [Music] bit ooh mhm I like the drums M wow the samples a a song by mob deep called giving up the goods that's that's why it sounded familiar to me nice roll up and smoke my S away I like to go to Central maybe I go maybe I stay maybe I stay very bad reason not to go terrible reason not to [Music] go he's on his way he's about to get paid he's on his way tolywood he's on his way he's about to get paid he's on his way to Hollywood hey from the door I showed you my scars and I told you girl I won't lie from the corner of my ey baby it's been hard for me to SM L it's been hard meile lately it's hard me [Music] smile if you wow I love [Music] this [Music] wow wow I really like this [Music] yeah that sounded amazing that was absolutely fantastic I guess so I guess now this is him like on his way to yeah on his way to Hollywood yeah yeah as you see I guess like it's it's changed now cuz before was all like he wants to be famous and more and now it's come to okay he's he's on his way on his way to success now yeah first of all I love that song yeah that was fantastic I think that was a great sample I I looked it up I I think it's the same it's the same sample that mob deep used for that song uh giving up the goods for our younger viewers uh you guys should check out mob deep the infamous if you like this I don't know if you like that too but it's such a classic album but it sampled one of the songs off there and uh so it it it uh took me back but also um it's such a it's just smooth like the production was so smooth so detailed I love the horns in that and I looked it up like J Cole produced this one himself so yeah like wow and uh it's all super cinematic yeah and actually in this one like I'm kind of surprised like it doesn't have as many uh streams as the other songs um oh my God yeah I mean still 86 million but yeah I know but 86 million CU some of these have billions exactly that was fantastic but um I think because in that one he sings the whole time there's no rapping in that one so I don't know if that's why that's actually that's actually a highlight for me personally yeah that was a great atmosphere I really enjoyed that okay yeah wow cool all right so we'll move on to track number eight g m d I think that stands for uh get out of my dreams oh wow okay I'm joking you'll find [Laughter] [Music] out [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow oh Dam yeah interesting you want to know just where I'm at let me tell you I put my city on the map but let me tell you it I want to tell you about it heads up everybody run outside and he say got a gun [ __ ] like man that's what everybody said going po the trunk and everybody dead everybody scared of the niggaer aware that the [ __ ] is better all my [ __ ] pick it a l the cake [ __ ] e the dam cake [ __ ] good [ __ ] we the man great all the know that she take off all her clo [ __ ] you know how go made the piece of man the bestt even TR to keep it then I the rest in peace any [ __ ] be secret couldn't keep the man I said to the window the [ __ ] I every day I manst I ain't you you ain't me get off my dick [ __ ] my dick get my dick [ __ ] them [ __ ] I come home and now tell nobody they getting temporary I tell nobody will you tell me if I change I won't tell nobody I want to go back to J this is the part that the thug skip young [ __ ] never had love you know F massage back rub [ __ ] blowing bubbles in the bathtub [ __ ] that is until I met you get somebody and you really learn a lot about them won't be long for you start to doubt tell yourself you better off without them then time you fine can't walk without them can't talk without can't bre without came here together you can't leave without so you walk back in make a scene about on one thing about car [ __ ] don't sing about it [Music] it in the [Music] sing this [ __ ] is [ __ ] godamn this beat sounds really like for real a little bit why every rich black [ __ ] got to be famous why every broke black [ __ ] got to be brainless that's a stereotype driven by some people up in Areo height a scenario young cold is fat like little Tero dreamville give us a year we be on every show [ __ ] for everybody on my testicle please make sure you put the rest in your mouth GD mhm get off my dick that was very different I I I thought it was going to go somewhere else in the beginning mhm then it went in a different direction then I feel like in like the third verse or whatever it went in another Direction yeah all very interesting I don't know if he was just like either like self-conscious or like playing into a stereotype cuz in the beginning like oh yeah Hollywood cool Hollywood cool when when we when we know up to this point that's not really him that's not his personality I don't know if I'm just maybe the fame is changing him yeah yeah or maybe he's just kind of yeah or he's just kind of self-aware of like what's happening and and like saying this GD like I don't think that's something he would necessarily say but because he's in Hollywood like you know oh maybe I don't know that's interesting that's way I kind of looked at it I could be wrong um cuz now he's like he's talking a lot of [ __ ] now and stuff so maybe yeah I would agree with that cool we'll move on to the next one this one has two two billion uh so this is the most listen to so what dream had uh had half of this yeah so this one's called No Role Models wow I have high hopes for this okay better not be disappointed here you go sounds great [Music] yeah first things first rest in peace suckle fair for real you the only father that I ever knew I get my [ __ ] pregnant I'mma be a better you one time for my L sisters one time for my my La ho lame [ __ ] can't tell the difference one time for a [ __ ] who knows don't save her she don't want to be save she want to be she want to be sa no role models and I'm here right now no role models to speak of searching through my memory my memory I couldn't find one last night I was getting my feet rub by the badest [ __ ] not Trina but I swear to God this [ __ ] and make you call your girl up and tell her hey what's good sorry I'm never coming home I'mma say for good the phone up and proceed to later wood I came fast like 911 in white neighborhood ain't got no shame about it she think I'm spoiled and I'm rich cuz I can have any [ __ ] I got defensive and said no I was the same without it but then I thought back back to a better me before I was a be celebrity before I started calling [ __ ] [ __ ] so heavily you get a plaum plat without no Melody want a real love dark skin and ant Viv love that Jada in that will love that leave a toothbrush at your crib love and you ain't got to wonder whether that's your kid love she deserve that she a bird it's a bird trap you think if I didn't rap she would flirt back taking off a skirt let her wear my shirt for she leave I'mma need my shirt back one time for my La sisters one time for my La ho lame [ __ ] can't tell the difference one time for a niggaer who knows don't save her she don't want to be Sav don't save her she don't want to be save there's an old saying in Tennessee I know it's in Texas probably in Tennessee that says fool me George Bush shame on shame on you fool me we can't get fool again fool me one time shame on you fo me twice can't put the blame on you fool me three times [ __ ] the P sign load the choer Let It Rain on you my only regret was too young for Lisa B my only regret was too young for neone now all I'm left with is ho from reality shows handle a script the [ __ ] probably couldn't read alone my only regret was too young for sh ado my only regret could never take a Leah home now all I'm left with his hoes up in Greystone with the stale face cuz they know it's Day song she shallow with the [ __ ] shallow she shallow she shallow with the [ __ ] [Music] shallow I like that yeah that was amazing you like that one and it was hilarious yeah I thought that was absolutely hilarious nice the best line was um I came fast like 911 in the white neighborhood I thought that was perfect that's the best line in the entire album so yeah I loved that I thought that was amazing there were so many other good lines in there I I just thought that was a great song it was hilarious I understood and then I confirmed on genius that it's about like girls like they don't have Role Models yeah so they turn out the the way he was described I want you to say that stuff I'm not saying well you're were talking about shallow girls and girls that you might find on like a reality show and like superficial and then he spoke about like how girl wouldn't even be talking to her if he wasn't a rapper like yeah like like shallow girls who just like want money and right right yeah groupies yeah that was a great song yeah I thought it was fantastic and then that thing with George Bush that was hilarious yeah I don't know where funny and then what what he completely butchered the actual expression oh yeah yeah he hilarious the other thing too that I I liked about this the song was he he did a couple of shout outs to Fresh Prince like in the beginning first things first piece rest in peace Uncle Phil and then and the love like or the real love dark skin and un yeah fresh piss of belir is my favorite show of all time so that's yeah yeah I feel kind of embarrassed because like like I said that song had over 2 billion mhm dreams I don't think I've actually like like obviously I've heard the song before but I don't remember any of that stuff being in there wow yeah that was a great Vibe and it was hilarious I love that I thought it was great that's actually yeah that was really good actually did it did it go viral on Tik Tok for examp because it does have two billion two billion listens I think it's a great song But Did It For example go viral on Tik Tok or is it just that popular I think I think it was a single ah um cuz I know we we asked about money trees before on country ALB and it was because and because yeah cuz we were like oh Money Trees is not even a single how did it become anyway all right let's move on to track number 10 which it's called hello okay hello hello hello and I about you today and I thought about the things you used to say and I thought about the things we did and I thought about your newest kid and damn that makes two now oh what do I do now cuz if we ever got together I'd have to be them [ __ ] step pops forever start we would be together interesting always we would be together I want to wait forever I don't want to wait forever so sad sad when you look back so sad when you look back so sad when you look back so sad when you look back on the rebound like a foot back on a rebound like a foot back don't just sit back let get on it time fly by way too quick don't it reflection bring regress on it rejection make a defenses so you protect your pride with your reflexes but life is a game with no reset on the end looking back no no no it ain't no looking back no no no no it ain't looking back no no no no h sound good hello are you thinking what I'm thinking right now hello what it reminds you of hello hello hello and it makes I like the piano mhm so what you think of that one I think that it was very very cinematic verging on cheesy kind of corny but not quite I still really enjoyed it it did in a way remind me of Robocop yes because of like the strings got Disney the strings yeah I still enjoyed the song it's probably my least favorite so far um I still atte it I don't want anyone to drag me and say oh my God how did that song that's my favorite song I'm so sorry if that's the case personally my least favorite so far I still really enjoyed it I agree with you yeah yeah I I thought of like cuz it was it started off interesting then the drums started coming in I'm like oh these drums are kind of fast for the pace of the song M and then those those High strings kind of came in and I was like oh no they kind of Disney strings yeah they got disney-ish and um that's kind of similar kind of criticism we had for Robocop and 08s and heartbreaks and then uh people got mad at us for that I mean I appreciate the the sentiment like I know he's talking about like a girl from his past that now has uh has two kids and he's kind of reflecting on maybe what if whatever um I just felt like maybe the soundscape could have been better for that and also it's a singing one and I thought the other singing song the sanro P was was better than this one in no way detracts from the album as a whole absolutely no I mean he's done enough already to kind of solidy blown my mind so far so yeah one slide yeah so we'll move on to uh number 11 it's called [Music] apparently oh I keep my head high I got my wings carry me I keep my face strong I ask the Lord to follow me I've been unfaithful I don't know why you call on me this is my canvas I don't know why this is reminds me a little bit of and Pa for some [Music] reason hear the gu live forever so we can spend more time together I love you Mama I keep my head high I got my wings car me he hey apparently you believe me and I thank you for it all right another day another rhyme ho another day another time zone today I woke up feeling Hy so it's only right I got two [ __ ] playing on my trump bone keep up [ __ ] resist ain't for the stars and I sh in the Miss but I was riding on fum so I stopped by the moon now I'm sitting on the hood of this [ __ ] like thanks for the view waiting on thanks from a few cuz without me you wouldn't exist you know that [ __ ] gave you the blueprint don't forget call is your phone on 0% going off now [ __ ] showing off [ __ ] s they and they flowing soft I'm taking off like Bo on a big ass Bo getting head like a coin to too [Music] easy I like this that guitar reminds me of you than you of normal h no we were saying that reminded you of team and pal yeah for whatever reason like the t pa has a song in the slow Rush the very last song one more hour if you fast forward to like kind of halfway through that Baseline and in the beginning of apparently it reminded me of that Baseline and then for whatever reason those guitars also remind me of Tam andala that's nothing to do with anything it just reminded me of that interesting yeah I think I can understand why you would say that I thought that was really nice yeah yeah I really I really like that sentiment there were three lines I really appreciated okay he said wish you could live forever so we could spend more time together I love you Mama I like to dedicate that to my mother who will be watching yeah shout out to E I particularly like this flow in that last verse oh yeah you kind of sped it up yeah I meant to say that more energy in that one I really yeah I I love that yeah yeah that was really good all right let's keep it moving so chalk number 12 is called love yours lovely instrumentals yeah love [Music] yours love yours you love that piano no such thing no such thing as a life that's better than yours no such thing no such thing heartbeating fast let a niggaer know that he alive fake [ __ ] mad snake Snakes in the Grass let a [ __ ] know that he arve don't be sleeping on your level cuz it's Beauty and the struggle ugliness and the success hear my words and listen to my signal of distress I grew up in the city and know sometimes we had less compared to some my [ __ ] down the block man we were blessed so tell me mama please why you be drinking all the time does all the pain he brought you still linger in your mind cuz Pain still lingers on mine on the Ro the riches listen this is what you find the good news is niggaer you came a long way the bad news is [ __ ] you went the wrong way for what's money without happiness or hard times without the people you love though I'm not and touch the people how you did like before I'm titling with demons cuz they always invite him more think being broke was better now I don't mean that phrase with no disrespect to all my [ __ ] out there living in death hear me always going to be a bigger house somewhere but [ __ ] feel me long as the people in that [ __ ] love you dearly always going to be a whip that's better than the one you got always going to be some clothes that's fresher than the ones you rck always going to be a [ __ ] that's better out there on the TOs but you ain't never going to be happy till you love yours such thing is the life that's better than yours love yours thing is a that's better thans such thing is a that's better thans such no such that was very profound yeah I love that one yeah I really loved that that was I thought that was a really good message and I like the way he he said it too because he wasn't just singing about it he was like self-aware enough to to be like basically yeah I know like coming from me like you're going to see me and I have everything in the world and you're going to be like well what do you know right but he's saying well I was once in the same position and I still feel this way basically all the mar is that people love you sure yeah I love that yeah that's definitely one of the highlights for me yeah I thought that was that was really really insightful yeah um and a really great massage even when he just kind of summed it up at the end when he was saying like there's always going to be a whip that's better than the one you got always going to be some clothes it's fresher than the onesie Rock blah blah blah always going to be a bad a a [ __ ] that's bad out there that's not true that doesn't apply to no damn facts bro facts it's facts yeah I saw I saw I like tied it up nicely I know not on the last song yet but I thought it was it was nice how um like in the beginning we were like we came from when he was born basically yeah and then him growing up and then him becoming successful and now we're at almost the end and he's basically like it's not what it seems right and which is so funny cuz I feel like I feel like everyone who's famous is like I hate this yeah it's so true somebody like J Cole he's he's uh he just comes off as a very humble guy anyway like in general that's his Persona like I don't say that's his Persona that's really him um just a humble guy that's very self-aware um and he's just like he sounds like an overall good guy but I like I just like the sentiment of this this of the whole entire album really but in particular the song kind of like you know I know you're going through a lot but just realized there's lessons to be learned and you know I made it this far but even at this at this point like there's things that I'd rather not deal with you know even though I'm successful in all this stuff like even though I made it basically The Grass Is Always Greener on other so right yeah yeah yeah I thought that was a great sentiment I really enjoyed that great well this next one is called uh it's the final one it's called note to self uh it's 14 minutes and a half when I see that song is that long it's intimidating it's very intimidating and I I don't feel inclined to listen to it I'm going to and I I hope I enjoy it uh to be fair uh I do this is one of the things I do remember about the album it's a lot of it is just kind of shout outs it's kind of like end credits um okay well that's appropriate I respect yeah it's still kind of long but whatever let's just get into it note to self 1 2 3 [Music] 4 and whereever we go and whatever we [Music] do oh i' got a feeling that there's something more something that holds us together something that's old us forever it's nice [Music] [Applause] yeah and Jonah Hill oh Jonah Hill how could I forget Jonah Hill yo that [ __ ] you told me when we was in the elevator [ __ ] that [ __ ] changed my I'm just [ __ ] playing I don't know either one of those two dudes I don't know either one of them [ __ ] it just was it was I was in the moment I just lied I don't give a [ __ ] 2014 4 job that was actually like the the vibe of that that was very pleasant yeah I thought that was very kind of him to Express gratitude to so many people mhm uh do you want to help yeah that was something that was pretty funny it was funny when he said it and then when he said he didn't actually know J H I thought that was even funnier yeah yeah yeah that's good seems like a really good guy he is really thankful person really grateful for how how far he's come I think that's nice um he said at the end if you got this far he said he [ __ ] with you if you got this far so jcole [ __ ] with me there we go thank youle I thought the vibe was nice of that no I do I do like the song itself it's a very the piano I like the piano throughout this I thought there was a lot great piano in it um yeah I just really love the vibe of this album and I love the storytelling and you know what I love Kendrick Lamar I think he's absolutely amazing but after I've listened to a whole Kendrick Lamar album I'm like depressed I'm like and he's just he's absolutely fantastic he's one of the most talented people on earth I think but it's very heavy right right it's it's extremely heavy to like listen to so at the end I'm very emotionally drained yeah it's worth it cuz of everything that comes with it mhm I thought the the storytelling was similar um and like it was very cinematic as well but it was much more light-hearted right even when he was talking about things that were like a bit heavier it still didn't sound as like dark and it didn't pull you down as much I have to repeat again I think Kendrick Lamar is like absolutely fantastic I love his music this felt like a more light-hearted Journey but Journey all the same I thought the vibe was quite light most of the time it was very smooth I love the Pio and the strings mhm I just thought this was fantastic I really loved it I'm a new J Cole fan I thought this was really really really good I really loved it w dreams I thought that's a stand out for me just because it it was it just perfectly captured I thought do you have any other sand outs besides uh I would need to think about that no Role Models jumps out of me cuz I thought it was hilarious um but I would need to listen to it again I'll listen to it again and write over the video which ones were my favorites um um yeah I just I thought it was great I thought everything he spoke about I thought was like perfectly captured um I just thought it was great storytelling great Vibes I don't know what more you can ask for in an album I think he has a really nice voice when he's rapping and when he's singing mhm yeah and he just seemed like a good self-aware kind-hearted grateful person yeah yeah I really enjoyed that I'll be completely honest with you I did not like this album before yeah i' I only listened to it a couple times before and I just you didn't like this I think it was forgettable for me um however during this experience I really really like it like I really appreciate it that's great and you know me like I'm horrible at First Reactions like I shouldn't even be again like like I said I don't remember I don't remember the songs like I know like I knew what to expect some of them like w dreams I kind of knew already I knew the last song was going to be the the credits and stuff but I didn't remember the details and that's on me like that's a personal thing I just I just didn't go back but yeah I I fully admit like I'm converted SL Tom jco again I thought the storytelling was fantastic yeah and it was like it was just easy and pleasant to listen to without like how can I put this it was easy listening but it still had substance like it had a law of substance without being hard to listen I I understand why so many people are like obsessed with yeah that that concludes our reaction to 2014 for sales Drive hopefully you guys fan no yeah yeah yeah I appreciate that thank you for the recommendations I understand we're definitely going to cover more um oh yeah jco please bear with us because we have so much to cover and we're not ignoring you when you when you ask for something there's just there's endless yeah we see all the requests um at this point we kind of want to like jump around a little bit so we can cover different rappers and different or sorry cover different sides of hip-hop you know what I mean like we just did you know jpeg Mafia Travis Scott now jcole like I feel like all three of those have something different to offer yeah for sure it was great it's been a great journey so far and we will be continuing next week yeah thank so stay tuned thank you for watching thank you for tanky love it yeah keep uh you know like our videos keep liking keep subscribing keep commenting share with the homies and uh that's it yeah we'll see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: f11
Views: 84,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6mZt9QlXotM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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