My Wife Reacts To Childish Gambino — Awaken, My Love!

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so what' you think the start of it I thought was so pleasant yeah it was like a lby or something it was so sparkly I was like wow this is so relaxing and pleasant and then the guitar came in damn hi I'm Archie I'm Molly and today we'll be covering awaken My Love by chalice Cambo we're both chalice Cambo fans right what do you know about his music or what have you heard so far so that I only know red bone M obviously um feels like summer yes huge fan of sweatpants yes love that song and what's that other song with the cool um music video sober was it sober maybe where he's like dancing in the diner yeah yeah I love that one yeah yeah um and obviously we're big fans of Atlanta yes yeah we still have to watch the final season yeah we we keep forgetting so yeah this is his third studio album he's had previous mixtapes in the past so the album that sweatpants is on is that before or after so that's before that's uh Because the Internet okay yeah we should cover that as well I think you've heard a couple songs from there m uh this one you've heard red bone obviously you might have heard a couple that I've played before but um we'll find out we'll see how you know yeah so as I said this is uh his third studio album released in December 2006 I'm just curious to see what you think of this one I'm excited cuz I think just as an allround artist he's amazing he's so talented in so many different ways so he's like a renaissance man yeah he's everywhere so he's great so I'm looking forward to this yeah well let's just get right into it yeah so the first song is called me and your mama that's [Music] nice it's lovely [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow they want to see us falling apart you know that I love you so let me get to you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is so [Music] good I love you [Applause] girl oh God girl you really got to hold on me so this isn't just [Music] below don't you really [Music] [Music] got what the [Music] oh [Music] wow so what' you think the start of it I thought was so pleasant yeah it was like a Wabi or something it was so sparkly I was like wow this is so relaxing and pleasant and then the guitar came in damn it sounded so good yeah yeah it was very like 70s or 80s it was so good I loved it the start like was very dragged out MH in the end also when a change was really dragged out but then in the Middle with the guitar and Stuff felt really condensed M like there was no break between like the chorus and the vers yeah I love that nice yeah it's very detailed too you can hear so many different instr things going on yeah yeah I really really like that the whole album was uh produced and written by by chal Camp so he produced it himself and uh with Ludwick Gordon I remember watching his uh he did a breakdown of red bone mhm like I forget what I forget what the video was wait did we watch this yeah and he was in like a nice room in the studio yeah in the Next Room and uh yeah he was just kind of showing like all the different instruments he was using all the different parts where I was like oh wow I didn't even realize or even think about some of these instruments that he was playing remember so basically they uh they create the whole thing yeah so great obviously a very different sound for chales Gambino at this time um before that obviously it was like the the rapping and mostly R&B type stuff like sober the way he fused that with like rap and some of the other songs so yeah it yeah sweet okay we'll move on to track number two which is called have some love you got the power you got the power every hour or every hour I'm going get you and I know where you are I'm going you and I know where you are you you oh one another really love one another it's so hard [Music] oh that's right baby [Music] oh there so many details CU he's there really [Music] quiet brother have some time one another really love one another it's so hard I know n is arly surprised because I already know red bone but they sound like they're from totally different decades yeah like very 70s Funk yeah yeah Funk uh Soul yeah um the guitar is in the last one I feel like reminded me of like lead Zeppelin or something this one very Soulful but then the verses were like talked yeah like psychedelic yeah yeah I really liked it and I really liked was it the second verse when he he's like kind of talking on the side yeah he's talking and he's really really quiet and then there's all these other little details going on yeah I really really enjoyed that he kind of reminds me of like uh this might sound weird but I know you're not super familiar with D'Angelo's music but like D'Angelo meets like I want to say Tam and Paula but like the the details are kind of like similar and it's very um how do I say this I don't know the production is like very clean and clear and you can just hear all the details yeah yeah so yeah yeah yeah it's very full sweet yeah okay well move on to the next song it's called Uh track number three is called Boogeyman [Music] [Applause] boy I'm you gun and my Rising Sun though we're not the one boogy man you got to help us can you yes I [Music] can every boy and girl all around the world knows my word but if he scared of me how can we be free [Music] yeah yes you got to was yes [Music] again that's so weird the guitar at the start really reminds me of some well the guitar throughout but it really reminded me of something at first I thought it was sampled I don't think it is but it really reminds me of yeah do sound familiar it sounds really familiar this is like kind of all over the place in a good way yeah yeah but it's definitely it's it's it's it's all over the place it's not what you expected I'm guessing definitely yeah yeah I applaud it yeah yeah this one I think I like that one the least so far okay I thought I was going to like it the most based on the guitar hard at the start you know how there was kind of laughter kind of towards um kind of like the third of the of the yeah yeah yeah I know and then it turn into like a siren I his left kind of turn into a I didn't notice that yeah we'll move on to track four which is called zombies as zombies walking all around us you can hear them coming oh you can hear them breathing and they want your soul if they come behind you try to stay [Music] alive glad we you all I see is zombies feeding all around us all they eat are people you love that what that the little noise stay [Music] alive glad we [Music] you wow do you feel like [Music] yeah don't your [Music] feel [Music] [Music] sounds like a cat I really like how this sounds yeah I really like call the guitars mhm I really love all the details and I love how we like like it the the the theme of that I understood I guess was he's like comparing like people who like leech off of Le off of you success yeah yeah yeah and then the we're so happy that we met you or whatever I got that but I also liked how they had like the little details on it kind of made it sound kind of creepy yeah I really like that yeah and uh yeah I love that I guess that's a guitar at the end there with a with a filter yeah but um sounds like a cat yeah yeah meowing at the end yeah I liked it that was that was really good yeah yeah really like that um we'll just we'll move on move on to the next song uh track number five it's called Riot deep inside my I've been watching all this all [Music] night so much going on everyone a r oh yeah Happ where we everyone [Music] just us sounds like car horns and sirens [Music] that was short and sweet yeah that was short I feel really stupid for saying there's a lot going on and then you say it's cold right of course yeah um that was really well done I really loved that very short very sweet yeah I don't have much to say yeah just really enjoyed it sure I did think it sounded um I don't know if it was like a harmonica or something in the background I don't remember um it reminded me of like when you said that I could like picture like lots and stuff going on um and it sounded like car horns yeah and Sirens right yeah yeah yeah that was really interesting yeah it's interesting like cuz when you listen to this it uh it transports you back to like the kind of but then it also like sounds current as well I don't know how I don't know I don't know if it's just a production and all the different things going on but I don't know but it's it's like it feels like the past and the present at the same time I guess the next song you're familiar with oh yeah called red bone yeah yeah well a song yeah yeah so uh let's get into it let's listen to this with headphones [Music] yeah is that xyl fun [Music] yeah I wake up feeling like you I'm wishing I can make this [Music] m [Music] actually I think that's like Glock [Music] andiel you close your [Music] eyes [Music] what a great song mhm yeah just a perfect song never get sick of it yeah I can hear it over and over again yeah yeah I think that was one of my most played songs on Spotify in 2016 yeah it has like 1.5 billion right there oh so yeah yeah yeah perfect song It's funny because based on that song like I thought maybe the album would be more similar to that cuz I feel like the what we've heard so far has been much heavier than that and much more like guitar heavy my mom watches all of these videos shout out to eile for supporting our Channel she does she does um and she always listens to the music afterwards like she's a she's an MF dim fan for example um yeah I remember when we were on a road trip we were on a road trip with her parents and then all of a sudden uh mad villain comes on and her mom put it on my dad was like is this a ple yeah I based on radborne I was like oh okay like I wonder if it's going to be similar cuz my mom I know she would like the sound of red bone so I wondered if the rest might sound similar to it I'm not sure if she will be a fan of the more guitar heavy sound mhm um but I mean red bone itself it's like a it's definitely like a throwback soul song anyway yeah with kind of more modern production I would say it's a great song you know I didn't actually know any of the words I know but stay woke and don't you close your eyes that's all you knew that's the only two lines I knew there you go and it was in one of my most played songs in 2016 I only knew two lines of it wow such a great song such a Vibe mhm love that song so yeah that was a Glock and Spiel apparently oh okay CH C who played it we'll move on to the next song called California that's nice it's very sunny she want Tove toia it's California she must have [Music] she make the movie with her friends put it up in a minute everybody saying now ainop a minute everybody saying how how you doing you did it I'mma show you he really manipulates his [Music] [Music] voice get your percentage in California to with all people around follow people I go watching make a girl make offici make a makeing money you let your you your or you broken three tell like I know you R get your in [Music] California I know I should have guessed from the name California but really like the sound very sunny kind of beachy relaxed sound really really like that one yeah that's one of my favorites so far oh really yeah it's funny CU his voice was really weird I wasn't not that I wasn't a fan of it I was just like okay you're really um you're doing something here he's really good at manipulating his voice like I said um but the sound of it I really really really enjoyed it really nice relaxed sound that's actually my least favorite song The wow yeah I didn't like his voice on that one at all I his voice is is um is definitely very strange but the sound of it I just really like the sound of it I feel like the whole album like I like the I like the album on first lesson but I think like I took took repeated lessons where just got better and better like that song just kind of stayed the same for me oh wow yeah you don't like the sound of it uh it's okay I guess it reminds you of like Super Mario or something I think it's his voice and this one I'm I'm just not a fan of that one I just like the vibe really nice Vibe yeah it's a nice Vibe I thought like I was like what is what is that uh it sounded like a recorder or something but then I was looking at their credits their bottles no way that's hilarious that's why I was kind of laughing cuz I was looking at the thing I know I did say that that's my least favorite song but it's okay cuz it's sandwich between my two favorite songs which is a red bone and the next song is called terrified oh so let's listen to terrified okayoh there's a bottom to the top of a moment you won't W Miss behave hunt you to your grave I'm going to eat you me I don't eat fast food so don't run to just you know that you're [Music] the oh that's the Glock and spi's returned I'm spinning I'm spinning you that's lovely I'm spinning I'm spinning you I'm spinning I'm spinning I'm spinning [Music] you yes you know that you're the one stand by oh [Music] pleas oh no no no oh I can understand why that's your second favorite or joint favorite or whatever it was that was a great song it sounds closest to Red Bone I think very similar Vibe yeah I really enjoyed that yeah yeah yeah really enjoyed the vibe mhm I keep hearing um first of all the mixing and that was really really nice there was a part near the end that was like it was kind of like creeping up on you and then suddenly it disappeared I really enjoyed that um but I keep hearing like the like um like in the boogeyman the kind of like creepy laugh oh yeah that seems to be like a running that's in there yeah I'm not sure what that's all about but maybe it's just like a throwback M I don't know I'm not familiar with the 70s Funk psychedelic kind of like but is very psychedelic yeah yeah it's very um I don't know it's very detail I really enjoy it I like that like they they introduce instruments and they only they're only there for like a few seconds and then they're gone and they're like oh I wish this was throughout the whole song and then something else will come up yeah like compensates yeah yeah so I thought that's pretty interesting where like I don't know if you're like a musician and you come up with this cool melody or this cool sound and you you use it sparingly so people can like like the audience will kind of look for like upon repeated listens you look for that and then something else will come up so I think that's pretty I do think you need headphones for this yeah otherwise you'll miss the details yeah cuz like at the beginning like the I really love the beginning actually M with the like how soft it was and then you could kind of hear like yeah I think it was just the base in the beginning yeah but you could hear like his voice Underneath Him and yeah right really like that cool great song okay I'm going to move on to the next song number nine is called Baby boy little hands little feet tiny heart tiny be oh thinking about the time we spent falling in [Music] love oh [Music] oh please don't take him away don't take him away I love the Bas take my baby oh don't take my pride and [Music] joy never lied about us we will never suppos together when you see me with some other one and name know your [Music] son oh oh please don't take it away my [Music] PR I hope I stay [Music] CL [Music] what instrument is that I'm just looking up it's a clavinet it's a keyboard it's a type of keyboard I love it there was a time before you and there will be a time after [Music] you both these bodies are not our home Walk Tall little one sounds great yeah yeah that's actually one of my favorite like uh musical parts musical sections of the of the album that solo I really like the sound of the song but I didn't really fully understand like so he's talking about his son but is he separated from no it's just a well I don't know the details of that actually but uh he he just became a father that year like earlier that year I guess he's just kind of like singing about the fears of losing his son mhm now that he's I just didn't really understand like like is he scared like does he have a reason like I wondered if they were separated because like he's so scared of him being taken away I was like okay so what's the reason for that does he anticipate that um that's all I was wondering I think it's just like a general fear of his mhm I'm not sure though I don't really read into that but it sounded great yeah that's what really Mars yeah yeah it was a really nice Vibe M really enjoyed that good yeah that's one of my favorites again um I have a lot of favorites I really like the clavinet yes yeah my new favorite instrument I might use that now clet okay so we'll move on to track number 10 which called the night me and your mama met and this is actually just an instrumental okay so we'll get into that we go straight on to yeah this one into the next one unless okay yep we'll do that [Music] okay this is lovely [Music] yeah [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] the sun is rising over streets so bearen since the evening colors flash before my eyes keep all your dreams keep Standing Tall if you are strong you cannot fall there is a voice inside I saw so [Music] smile when you can that's lovely when you [Music] can oh this sounds so good [Music] yeah that's Andre [Music] 3000 and about [Music] you I do [Music] [Music] h [Music] he should make a whole album of this [Music] yeah [Music] come [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mommy really really like the sound of that one yeah yeah it's very different from the the rest of the album that was great yeah if he did a whole album like that that would be amazing that was just really nice relaxing there have been a few songs where I felt like I couldn't really reacted during it cuz I was just there's a lot going on absorbing the vibe yeah I really really enjoyed that and I like the message in the course too yeah this whole album was great yeah yeah I really enjoyed it it kind of changed like in the second half right I feel like like after radbone there was more like Soulful stuff right more slower yeah whereas the first half was more um it's very guitar heavy yeah more Funk psychedelic Funk type yeah I found more like' 7s inspiration in the first half like like we said like Funk psychedelic and yeah like you said the second half I think aside from California um yeah it's pretty chill more Soulful for sure I don't know which half I preferred cuz I really like like I really like the guitars I really like the the crisp production yeah yeah it's very clear on the headphones cuz it sounds it sounds like it's from like the 7s or something but the production is so new yeah yeah it sounds so good right some of the first songs I felt like would be good songs on Guitar Hero I just really enjoyed it very well a lot of it was very chilled out I really liked like the glocken Spiel and the fluts and stuff yeah of the softer kind of uh complimentary instruments yeah I really enjoyed yeah I really really enjoyed that did you have any stand outs favorite songs uh red bone yeah of course um I like terrified mhm um that one just now stand tall yeah I just thought the like it was just such a Vibe mhm um I feel like have some love Yeah have some love yeah the first two I really enjoyed the first two yeah uh I really enjoyed all of it I feel like maybe Boogyman I didn't enjoy as much and I definitely know what you mean about his voice in California his voice was kind of weird in a lot of the songs to be honest I felt like he was using it more like an instrument than like singing um maybe paying homage to some other bands or vocalists that we not familiar with yeah so I thought it was great cool all around great album yeah glad we listen to it he's a very talented person yeah just all around I mean I've been a fan of him since uh I think I was a fan more of his like he was on the show Community so I was watching that when was still on TV M so that's when I kind of first heard of him I wasn't a big fan of his music at the time mhm um and then it wasn't until because the internet where I became a fan of his music and then I saw him actually perform that live in Montreal yeah oh Montreal I've actually seen him twice in Montreal Montreal L place it was lovely yeah a lot of really lovely instrumentals on this ALB yes yeah maybe we'll get into more CH gamban in the future yeah as we say about every artist that we cover just feels like never have a we don't have that much time but with us we want to get through we have so much stuff that we want to get through it's just uh we've been pretty busy this month so we're definitely going to get back into some some more albums I like doing albums better because really you're really in the context of it yeah you get you're in the context and you really get uh you're kind of like absorbed by it whereas with one song it's just kind of over and down and it's it's less impactful and you heard red bone and you you thought something completely different yeah exactly and you this far thank you for watching thank you so much please like And subscribe tell your homies about us and uh we'll see you next time I guess yeah see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: f11
Views: 15,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lwl2rNWU7a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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