My Wife Reacts To Kanye West — Graduation

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I love that yeah yeah I thought that was so good I thought that was so that was just so nice like a celebration of like not giving up on your dreams and achieving what you wanted to wow I just loveed that hi I'm Archie I'm Molly and today Molly will be reacting to graduation by Kanye West I'm sure you're familiar with some of these songs right yeah I definitely know stronger Obviously good life I may be know can't tell me nothing mhm are pretty much the three singles off this thing yeah and I know everything I am cuz you like I play that a lot yeah this is actually my favorite Kanye West album um holds a very special place in my heart as I said it was released in 2007 this was just like a few months after the first iPhone was released that's so crazy to think of it yeah so uh just to give you some context I think for me it was just uh the timing I was in my I'm old here I was at car like in my early 20s mid 20s yeah I was really a big fan of uh Kanye and Fel in particular like those two guys were kind of like the guys I kind of looked up to in regards to I don't know like aesthetic like a style music taste yeah something about this album just kind of really resonated with me uh he came here on tour with actually farel with nerd um yeah it was him Rihanna ND and L B Fiasco M uh that yeah it's a crazy lineup when you think about it and that probably one of my favorite it's easily one of my favorite concerts of all time and um that's when like concerts weren't super expensive I was on the floor and he was giving away free [ __ ] at the time like these glasses and also like he on the way out he was giving away these books um I'll zoom in on it yeah they're kind of like uh like quote books positivity I'm going to take these off now anyway I feel like I'm babbling right now I think we'll just get into it and then we'll talk about more we'll talk about the album more as we go along okay okay so the first song is called good morning good [Music] morning good morning oh that's nice wake up Mr West Mr West Mr fresh Mr by hisself he's so impressed and yes barely pass any in every class looking at every ass cheated on every test I guess this is my dissertation homie this [ __ ] is basic welcome to [Music] graduation yeah good morning on this day we become legendary everything we dreamed of from the moments of pain look how far we didn't came hay to saying you change now you doing your thing good morning o good morning look at the valoran scared of the future while I hop in in DeLorean scared to face the world complacent career student some people graduate but be still stupid they tell you read this eat this don't look around just peep this preachers teach us Jesus okay look up now they sto your street this after all of that you receive this good morning I really love that that was just really nice it has a kind of uplifting sound MH um I really like that sample and the harp yeah there was a harp way in the background I don't think I've noticed that before it was so nice it just very like felt very I don't know just very and I liked how he kept using like he said like dissertation and V dictorian and obviously this is called graduation like how he was making those references yeah this is part of the like uh the trilogy because the first one was College Dropout then late registration then graduation the next one was actually supposed to be called good ass job yeah when you said it's kind of like uplifting he wanted to make like inspirational songs um so that's kind of what you get kind of like theme music um which just kind of like maybe that's why it's one of my favorites or why is this my favorite Kanye album because it kind of like I don't know maybe at that time I just kind of liked mhm I like that feeling yeah that it was just really just really Pleasant yeah yeah cool okay we'll move on to the next song track number two is called Champion I did so I packed it up and brought it back to the crib so if you going do it do it just like this you [Music] realize you don't see just how fly my style is I don't see why I need a stylist when I sh so much I can speak Italian I don't know I just want it better for my kids say when you see clothes close your eyelids he was sort of like Will Smith and his son in the movie I ain't talking about the rich ones and I don't know what he did for dop but he sent me back to school with a new wardrobe and [Music] hey when it feel like living's harder than dying for me giving up way harder than trying cuz who the kids going to listen to huh guess me if it isn't you last week I paid a visit to the Institute they got the drop out keeping kids in the school I guess IA them I act like Prince if not for the pleasure at least for the principal they got the C got to see me drop GS like I dropped out a [Music] peion champion this is um definitely much less angry yeah and the other albums right yeah yeah obviously I've not listened to the first two yet um but yeah this is definitely this is more like what I was already familiar with obviously General General demeanor I guess yeah well I was like how I knew him yeah when yeah cool yeah I don't have much to say I just thought it was thought was a great song yeah um just when he was saying like a I mean what takes to be number one mhm um yeah so this album was uh released on like I said September 11 2007 and it was released on the same day as a 50 Cent uh his album called Curtis M and so they kind of promoted it like a like a boxing match and they wanted to see who would sell more albums um so they they did interviews and did kind of like it was like a friendly competition so when they released it on the same day I think it broke records like I think it's the most yeah at the time it was the the most record sold by two hip-hop albums so in the same week so Kanye sold like 4 30,000 albums on the first day oh wow yeah and ended up selling like just just less than a million in the first week wow yeah so um so he won yeah and a lot of people were saying that like it was the day that or was the time that um I guess gangster rap was kind of of killed I guess because um this is a time where like Kanye was dominating and he's he's number one and I guess he didn't fit into that whole gangster Persona and it kind of opened up the way for people like Drake um I guess like Lupe Fiasco jcole kid Cy like these guys who were just like more relatable I guess um not saying that these type of rappers weren't weren't like popular or weren't you know appreciated before this but um it kind of changed the way um hip-hop moved forward I guess so that's pretty cool yeah I just think it's cool that um like he really was like revolutionary like he changed everything I think that's really cool and he he's done this several times in his career I mean we'll get to another album where I feel like it's his most influential album I know we've covered ye's um beautiful director fantasy we're covering this right now I feel like there's another album actually which is the most influential which we'll get to eventually yeah anyway we're going to move on to track three stronger which you're already familiar with I know this but we'll listen to it anyway yeah [Music] okay it's so good tonight play secretary on the ball tonight and you don't give a [ __ ] what they all say right I am cuz I'm not sure do anybody make real [ __ ] anymore right now you should be honored by my less that I would even show up to this fake [ __ ] haters me can only make me stronger I need you to hurry up now cuz I can't wait much longer I [Music] know been all that's how long i' been on you I know that put you in front of me how the hell could you on me it's a thous only one of me [Music] tripping oh glitchy the mixing is amazing [Music] I never heard this B oh yeah so first of all the first thing I wanted to uh note was it's really nice no offense of the featured artist on his other album that we just listened to mhm it's really nice to just hear him yeah for sure I I've really enjoyed like the features haven't been they've been like with him they haven't had like a whole overshadow yeah and not that they could overshadow how could they overshadow him but I feel like he's far more prominent than yeah and I just really enjoy his voice he's just really nice to listen to so I'm I'm very happy about that the thing is I listen to songs with earphones at the most and I don't I've never had a really good pair of earphones I never listen with headphones cuz I don't want to get murdered like so to hear that with headphones the mixing is amazing and it was so full and OB I've never looked to the lyrics before there were some great lines in there I cannot express how and I know it's stting the obvious but how different an experience listening to an album with actual headphones on is because you hear so much more of like the mixing yeah it's just fantastic and it's just like I don't know in my opinion you kind of just do a music I think nowadays I think a lot of people listen to music on their on their phones kind of like and that's nothing wrong with I do that all the time but I feel like we do the artists at the service when they yeah a couple notes um I think this is the first time da Punk had uh collaborated with anyone outside oh yeah um maybe for real cuz I know ND had a song that was produced I think they had one or two songs produced by da Punk and then obviously they've gone on to produce for you know the weekend the homie um the other thing too there's this uh video that kind of resurfaced where Kanye was talking about how like he was dating somebody at the time or whoever he was with was a huge fan of uh Justin Timberlake um and the biggest song at the time was Saxy back so that was produced by Timberland and so he was like okay I got to make a song that's going to compete with that cuz I know she she likes that song a little too much whatever and so um so he was working on this and I guess he there's the for the snare wanted to Perfect The Snare so he was like oh I don't know what to do whatever so he was working on it couldn't get it right so he got Fel he's like hey Fel I need help with this snare so he was working on it and he it still didn't come out right so he got Swiss beats to help him Swiss beats is a producer married to Alicia geize um anyway he couldn't get it so I was like damn I got to call Timberland now so timan actually got it for him in like 5 minutes yeah so he got credit for some drum programming for the song and the next song is uh I wonder that's [Music] Pleasant I've been waiting on this my whole life life you can still be who you wish you is it ain't happen yet and that's what in is will you have back in the car drive back to the CRI run back to the arms the smoke screens the chokes and the screams you ever wonder what it all really means and I'm back on my grind a Psy my lifeline tell me in my liftime my name will help light up the Chicago and that's how many ladies in house how many ladies in house without a something in your BL got me feeling so what you [Music] about I love that yeah yeah I thought that was so good I thought that was so that was just so nice like a celebration of like not giving up on your dreams and achieving what you wanted to wow I just loved that with with the sample that he had MH it kind of made me think cuz I was like okay so he has this song about like achieving your dreams yeah and then he has this sample about dreams yeah did he come up with the idea and then he had to find a relevant sample and then he had to fit his song with this sample and then I just thought that was so amazing like like I know that's relevant with all songs with like where they incorporate that yeah but I just thought that was so cool because his his the song is about dreams and there was a line I really really liked lady how many ladies in the house without a spouse exactly something something in your blouse got me feeling sowh Rous can still be who you wish who is it ain't happened yet and that's what intuition is yeah I loved that line I thought that was so good no no in what you're like destined for and if you like believe in it you can be it you know what I I'm like in my approach to it I thought that was so good yeah that was just a beautiful song I Really really loved that I thought it was a great message I thought it sounded fantastic even with a what it was about I just loved it yeah for sure I mean that's one of my favorite songs on the album that was like one of my theme songs to be wow yeah I remember like really liking that song and then I remember distinctly at the concert he performed that and everybody was just screaming at the top of their lungs like reciting all the lyrics great yeah cuz if as you can tell like when he was rapping it it was just kind of like he was rapping like I've been waiting on this my whole life so then like that kind of Flo it was kind of easy like it was just kind of you could just see that's actually so true like the way they were just kind of like yeah yeah it was really powerful like wow sometimes things are come into my head and I can't comment on them during the song Because I can hear myself talking back and it's too I can see short sentences that's okay um a psychic read my lifeline told me in my lifetime my name would help lay up the Chicago skyling yeah so this was just a beautiful song I thought it was a really great powerful song yeah I thought it was so good all right well the next song is called good life uh which you mentioned you've I know heard before y so this is called Good Life featuring te [Music] P up in down hey good life let's go on a living the best in life she got the good and she got that ass I got to look like what we like the girls who a on TV they ass the [Music] model pile the good light the life I live when I thought that I was going to go crazy and now my [Music] grand yeah I already know that song but well with headphones even better yeah and I just really love how uplifting this all is like all the lyrics are just so super positive and like just he knows he's amazing and this album is just such a Feelgood album um hearing it with headphones is amazing I just I don't know what to say I just really I love this so far I I know I do I like darker music but this is just really just makes you feel good about makes you feel like you can achieve if you can dream it you can do it wow I feel so positive about life listening to this and you know it's so it's so funny because he's like singing all this stuff and like yeah he did it like he he became one of the biggest stars in the world there's only really like a handful of hip-hop albums where I feel like super positive or inspired after listening to them I mean we're not even halfway done yet but um like I could think of like maybe like a for some reason NS King's disease too pops into my mind you've never heard of that obviously but like after hearing that album like it kind of gives me the same feeling do you know what brain means no oh give me some brain like give me some head oh yeah so that's why in the he said um have you ever popped champagne on a plane while getting some brain whipped it out and said I've never seen Snakes on a Plane you know what's so funny when she when he said some brain I was like this has to mean something but surely he doesn't mean like you know how rich people eat weird stuck you've had brain had brain You' eat Brain before so I thought that was expensive food but it's even better so the next song you said you think you might know based on the title I feel like I can sort of hear something in my head but I'm really not sure so I'll let you know this one's called can't tell me nothing the necklace I feel the pressure under more scrutiny and what I do act more stupidly bought more jewelry more Louis V my mama couldn't get through to [Music] me you can't tell me nothing right excuse me was you saying something uh-uh you can't tell me nothing but homie this is my day class started 2 hours ago oh am I late no I already graduated and you could live through anything if magic made wow move in a room full of nose how stay faithful in a room full of hoes must be the pher he in tune with his soul so when he buried in a tomb full of gold so if the devil we PR Adam Eve we not I'm in between but way more fresher but way less effort cuz when you try hard that's when Die Hard your homies looking like why God when they reminisce over you my God wait till I get my money right tell me nothing I know that song and it's a great song a tune a I love that song I was so tempted to put those on and just get turned uh but then I remember just going out on the internet so I don't embarrass myself I just love that song it's a great song yeah that's that's tot my J powerful song yeah and I like the um I like how he just kind of knows he's been acting a fool he knows that he's wrong but he's like well well you know like the opening line where he says um I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven when I woke I spent out on a necklace he really knows that he's the best yeah I said that before but um he really knows that he's the best and I feel happy for him cuz I'm like yeah you are you are the best you are a genius but at the same time he's very self-aware yeah like like all the lyrics in the song for instance right so the next song is called Barry Bonds featuring Lil Wayne okay uh just for context Barry Bonds is a baseball player okay all [Music] [Applause] right paper folk Dame it they life of a dawn lights keep blowing coming in the club with that fresh it on with something crazy on my arm and here's another hit baby bonds we out of here baby we out here baby fresh off the plane kich while turn around another plane my passport on pivot I done played the underdog my whole career I've been a very good sport haven't I this year they say going crazy and we seen this before but I'm doing pretty good as far as Geniuses go niggga please how you going to say I ain't no lwh head cuz my d o got me mow my do head I'm insulted you should gohe and bow so hard till your knees hit your forehead wow and the flow just hit cold red top five MC you ain't got to remind me but my head so B you can't sit behind me life up the dawn lights keep blowing coming in the club with that fresh [ __ ] on baby that I'm so bright not shady my tee in my ice so white like shady ice in my teeth SOG my waist turn beef the p and I ate it cuz I'm so add it and iont and I don't go backward and I don't practice and I don't like [ __ ] we out of here baby we out of here baby we out of here baby that was hilarious yeah yeah that's a thing I actually meant to say this in the last um the last one cuz I already knew can't tell me nothing MH but when you don't read his lyrics you're you're like doing him a diser he's so funny he's so funny and he's so clever great well uh we'll move on to the next song uh this next one is featuring most de who you haven't heard of before uh legendary rapper um and this next song is called drunken hot girls too much [ __ ] just to mess with these drunk hot [Music] girl [Music] we looking for the best spot for the stop talking about your boyfriend since he is at me stop running up my cuz these drinks is NY drunking hot girl don't fall asleep baby we almost back please don't throw up in the car we almost crashed oh now you so I know you say that you drunk hot [Music] girl what is going on the lights Al low your eyes are bright the music plays sweet delight it's out aside I'm feeling right Dress You Only Live do whatever you like I thought I'd be with you for only one night now I'm with this girl for the rest of my life that drunk hot girl drunken hot girls I really could have done without that song yeah I'm sorry to be honest I actually forgot that that song existed cuz I usually hide it it was uh there were some funny lines in there I also actually thought it was cool um I asked you what it was um I think it's in the chorus there's like a girl you can hear a girl but you can't actually make out what she was saying it was kind of nonsense and I thought okay that's supposed to be like a drunk girl and it actually sounded pretty cool other than that I'm sorry that was not not a good song yeah I'm sorry I think it's kind of wildely regarded as like um kind of the skippable one on the album cuz I don't want anyone to hate me for saying that Hey listen I've loved the rest of the album so far if that's you got to keep being honest I did not like that song that's okay we'll move on to the next song Let's just forget that existed I don't know maybe you've heard this one um flashing lights I'll let you know but I don't I feel like I don't recognize the title all right well Track n is flashing lights that's [Music] good flashing light she don't believe in shooting stars but she believe in shoes and cars you more like a love to start [ __ ] I'm more with the trips to Florida order the orders views of the water straight from a page of your favorite author feeling like Katrina with no feema like Martin with no Gina like a flight with no Visa first class with the seat back I still see you in my past you on the other side of the glass of my memories Museum I'm just saying hey mon Lisa come home you know you can't Ram without CES I know you love show but you never thought that I would take it this far what do you know flashing what do you know [Music] flashing flashing lights yeah um feel like I like I really liked it and I especially like the instrumental I don't know if that last song just kind of took me out of um The Zone oh and I feel like I didn't appreciate that to the extent that I should have um that's okay I really love the instrumental but I feel like I've been more Blown Away by other songs maybe I've just been really enjoying the uplifting sure stuff and obviously that wasn't really the same Vibe um but yeah I enjoyed it you can get it in the comment section guys I'm sorry that's super popular one yeah there was a single oh we're going to move on to the next track this one you know everything I am mhm oh I love this one yes and this is uh this definitely one of my favorites as well I'm excited to hear this with headphones and the lyrics There You Go Okay so next track is track 10 everything I am Here We Go Again people talking [ __ ] but when the [ __ ] hit the fan everything I'm that made me everything I am I never be piture perfect Beyonce be lightest Al be your black ass chance you see how I creeped up you see how I played the big role in Chicago like Queen Latifa I never Rock a meink coat in a winter time like killer cam I rock some me boots in the summertime like Will I Am let me know if you feel it man cuz everything I'm not made me everything I am and I'm back to tear it up ha to start your engines I hear I'm gearing up people talk so much [ __ ] about me at barber shops they forget to get their haircut okay fair enough baggy clothes Rebox at he do can I add that he do sp out at his show so say goodbye to the NAACP award goodbye to the ND award they rather give me the N [ __ ] please award but I I just take the I got a lot of cheese award I know people wouldn't usually rap this but I got the facts to back this just last year Chicago had over 600 caskets man killing some whack [ __ ] oh I forget except for when [ __ ] is rapping do you know what it feel like when people is passing so I can't afford to pay just slip on my door cuz I can't afford to stay my 15 seconds up but I got more to say that's enough Mr West please no more today here we go again everybody saying what's not for him but everything I'm not made me everything I a I just love that I think the beat is just beautiful I think that's you love pianos in general any yeah I do love the piano but I just wow I just love that song I think it's such a nice song MH and to hear him sing about basically like just he is the way he is and he's successful because of it even if people aren't happy with who he is he owes his success to it I just think this is this album has so many beautiful messages I think it's so it that's just such a nice song yeah as I said before that's probably probably tied for my favorite with his album yeah it's pretty up there actually for his entire discography I mean a lot of these songs are I love that song yeah yeah that feature scratches from the legendary DJ Premiere so he's part of the duo called Gangstar from the 9s and he's produced for like NS which you'll hear his production when we eventually cover it we keep saying we'll cover it and we just never do I think for me is just like I I would hear this song in so many different settings like I remember hearing it at brunch one time okay when we're like Clementine and like I remember when we were in New York in uh emond door this was playing oh yeah yeah I remember when I was like younger when this first came out I like shopping for shoes or whatever like this would be playing so like yeah it just I don't know it's it just it's a really beautiful song I really like the messages that other than drunken hog girls I I think just the message he's given with this album I think it's absolutely beautiful and I think I just think the whole sound of that just I could listen to that over and over again I think it's a great song yeah yeah okay so we'll move forward uh the next song track 11 is the glory yeah dog are you [ __ ] kidding my hat my shoes my coat Louis V with that's time [ __ ] please don't star me I'm like barley charlesy I'm the I'm Hood The Parkers While y was in limbo I raised the bar up in it's easy the hood love to listen to Chey and weey and oh yeah Yeezy I Did It For the [Music] Glory what I'm supposed to do now man the game all messed up supposed to stand out when everybody get dressed up yeah that tuxedo might have been a little Guido but with my ego I can stand in a speedo and be looked at like a [ __ ] hero a going empty whipping my mama boo I spent that gas money on clothes with logos the furest her man [ __ ] that you don't flop the score y so hard man I'm you ghost boss why I got to ask what that to cost when you meet me in person what do you feel like I know I know I look better in real life I hear people comp to Big a lot I guess after I live I want to be compared to big anyone Big Pun Big L or notorious then get money and stunt and stay glorious I'mma stop killing these [ __ ] soon as the cor is hit these haters be killing they self they want to come and get the Glory was the glory that was really nice yeah yeah I really like that sample um and I likeed how he was singing along with it at the start so that was cute I feel like that one was the closest to production wise kind of closest to his previous work especially like The College Dropout you're familiar with like Through the Wire right yeah so if you think about like the sample there it was kind of known um like the pitched up yeah like the chipmunk sound as they call it the chmun production style so that's kind of like the closest thing I think off the album that was kind of like a throwback to his old production style well move on there's two songs left oh yeah next one is called homecoming featuring Chris Martin lead singer of radio head met and what I love most she had so much Soul she said excuse me little homie I know you don't know me but my name is Wendy and I like to blow trees and from that I never blow her off the night time my face lit up so I down and I told in my heart is where she always be she never mess with entertainers cuz they always leave for me do you think about me now and then cuz I'm coming home again home again but if you really cared for her then you wouldn't never hit the airport to follow your dream sometimes I still talk to her but when I talk to her it always seems like she talking about me every interview I'm representing you making you proud Reach for the Stars so if you fall you land on the cloud jump in the crowd sping lighters wave them around if you don't know by now talking about shot down maybe do you remember when fireworks of Lake Michigan oh now I'm coming home again [Music] again me home I thought it was a really cool song a really cool concept M yeah I didn't get it from homecoming cuz I saw homecoming and I thought okay ties in with the whole school theme graduation homecoming great oh I didn't even think about that that's why I thought that yeah the but now I get it it's like a play on the word cuz he's talking about his hometown and I got that as soon as he said like about meeting her at 3 years old and then he said her name was Wendy and whatever yeah like City Chicago so from there I got the whole nice idea and then the things he was saying it was it was so cool because you could apply it to a woman right double anandra yeah I thought that was so good a really cool concept really so that was actually uh an homage to the rapper Common so common he's uh from Chicago as well and actually Kanye produced an entire album for him um like the song everything I am you know at the beginning where he said come and pass on this beat and make and I took it and made into a jam something something to that effect yeah that beat was actually for common but he he turned it down or whatever so common in the 90s he had a songle that used to love her oh and then he was rapping about a girl but then at the end he reveals that it was actually a metaphor for hip-hop in general hip hop music yeah so he's from Chicago this was kind of like an homage to that well we're going to uh we're coming to a close here track 13 it's called Big Brother my big brother was Big Brother used to be D and big brother who was j a y and yay so shy that he won't even step to his Idol to say hi but he got me out my mama crib then he helped me get my mama a crib big brother was Big Brother used to be Jame and Big's Brother Big Brother got a show up in Madison Square and I'm like yeah yeah we going to be there but not only did I not get a chance to spit it car told me I could buy two tickets I guess big brother was thinking a little different and kept little brother at Bay at a distance Big Brother saw me at the bottom of the totem now I'm on the top and everybody on the scroll to my big brother was Big Brother used to be Dame and Big Brother side other people hole then I Dro Jesus Walks now I'm on the steo and we know New Jack City got to keep my brother but to be number one I'mma beat my brother gramy I said I inspired me but my big brother who are always tried to be when I kick the flow it was like pick and roll even if he gave me the rock it's giv and go OJ I did a song with cplay next thing I know he got a song with cplay back in my mind I'm like damn no way translate ESP been yo no way Jose big brother was big brother so here's a few words from your kid brother if you a my somebody you should go on here tell them people never get the flowers why they could still smell them my big brother was Big's brother used to be Dame and Big's brother who was hip hop brother who is no ID friend no ID my I was touching big brother actually yeah it was sad so you know who he was talking about JayZ yeah yeah first it just seemed like a tribute to him then it seemed like he was bitching about him mhm and then it was like an apology mhm I just thought that was so nice that was so touching yeah I didn't know all of that obviously I knew about Jay-Z but I didn't know all of those things yeah and I just yeah I thought that was that was really touching yeah that's I think that's where most people kind of heard of Kanye first was uh through Jay-Z because he was a rapper or he was sorry he was a producer at first just strictly a producer making beats and um he contributed beats to the legendary album called The Blueprint uh that Jay-Z put out and then he was talking about Kanye was talking about yeah I'm going to be a rapper now I'm going to be the best rapper in the world and people are like what like who is this guy right and then look at where he's at yeah and then um yeah as you said like it started off like a like a tribute then he tells a story about how um he didn't really see him the same way yep didn't take him seriously at first didn't look at him as an equal the thing about buying two tickets I was like wow yeah harsh like kind of competing with him and then kind of like oh yeah I got I got the song with cplay and next thing got a song with Co and I'm like damn then he then he talk [ __ ] to someone else and they got back around to Jay-Z and stuff but then he paid he apologized paid tribute to them so so are they friends again or no oh yeah they they've kind of had like an off on on and off kind of relationship um but I think now they're on making it sound like they're a couple but like yeah he made an appearance on daa like his latest album well yeah kind of latest album official album and then people were like oh yeah okay I guess they're like they're on good terms but cool yeah the end up was touch I really liked it uh that's graduation how did you I mean you kind of commented on it kind of throughout the album already but uh how' you feel about that I loved it yeah yeah I really loved it I thought it was a really nice Vibe um I loved his other albums we' listen to yeah but they're very different vipes right I feel like this I could listen to more often like the songs made you feel good mhm they were very uplifting yeah very like the messages that he was given yeah and it's not like Corney either no it's not and he really like he's this is coming from Kanye West mhm there's it doesn't make you feel like yeah well of course you would say that it actually makes you feel like wow you had a dream and you achieved it cuz you believed in yourself yeah and there's a healthy dose of like of self-awareness cuz he he does point out all his flaws I loved it I thought I thought the songs were very positive yeah uplifting made you feel good made you feel like you could do whatever you want right and I just think wow good for him he believed in himself and he really became the biggest raer on the planet yeah good for him yeah great for him yeah I don't know how much more I can add to that um like I said it's my favorite Kanye album uh just seemed like a soundtrack for me at that time as an adult kind of started my career and like I have some money now um kind of developed my own style my own taste and stuff and like I said Fel and Kanye were at the Forefront of that so from a superficial kind of level a surface level he was influential in that but as I said like the or as we covered already like the positive messaging as a young adult it's like kind of stuff you want to hear yeah and um I think that would be so good to hear as a young adult and I I like there are songs I know from this but I didn't know the messages in them cuz I've never had like I've never looked at the lyrics I just hear the song yeah I feel like the lyrics were so important mhm I just thought that was fantastic I it it's just a really inspiring album yeah out of the songs that you maybe didn't hear before were there any standouts to you I feel like I wonder yeah yeah I love that I thought the message behind that was so good M I really liked homecoming I love that concept yeah I would say I wonder but with including the songs I already knew everything I am I think it's just an absolutely beautiful song I think yeah my top three would probably be I wonder um everything I am and can't tell me nothing can't tell me nothing I just feel Invincible bro like this whole album makes you feel Invincible it's such a positive message I I wish there were more albums like that yeah I thought that was absolutely fantastic and just really positive uplifting I just keep saying uplifting but it really is it makes you feel like you can do anything actually on that note like if you guys have any like uh albums that make you feel good or something to this kind of like same sentiments I guess let us let us know do you have anything else to add anything you want to say to the people out there no I'm just really happy with this album I mean it was a great we're always going to listen to it cuz we we want to listen to a lot of canou West we just need to get to it but I really loved I love this album I'm happy we actually finally got got around to it cuz I I just love playing this out loud I I kind of was just waiting until you heard it I'm so glad to hear it on headphones and was the lyrics I thought it was just all around like 10 out of 10 other than drunk and hot girls I'm sorry I could really do without that soong I thought other than that it was just absolutely it was pretty flawless I loved it good yeah okay yeah well as always thank you for watching if you made it this far um yeah please like And subscribe like And subscribe uh leave a comment yeah we have a long list of U it's long long list yeah we were just kind of like planning at out last night and wow there's there's really a lot so please bear with us um but also do leave your recommendations we do have a few in store that are not WRA so um yeah be on the lookout for that um but yeah I guess we'll see you in the next video Yeah and thank you for watching bye bye
Channel: f11
Views: 106,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4mbxWQPfzRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 11sec (2711 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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