My Wife Is An Unintentionally Very Funny Woman | Romesh Ranganathan

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anyway I've digressed massively I'm in Starbucks do you remember this I'm in Starbucks I'm drinking my coffee I'm on my laptop I'm having a wonderful time right I'm at a shared table this woman walks in she orders her coffee right she comes to sit down she's got to sit near me because I'm at a shared table as she goes to sit down she knocks my coffee onto my laptop breaking it instantly then she turns to me and she goes oh my God I'm so sorry can I get you another coffee yeah that would be great thank you so much I will have a MacBook achino this is how Starbucks showed me how British I am right the woman spilled the coffee I've gone to a oh my God well the important thing is are you okay please think more about getting me another coffee I'll just pour the coffee from the laptop back into my car destroyed but at least I've made a friend [Music] I phoned my wife to tell her about it right find my wife to tell her about it and I love my wife very much but what I discovered is when something horrible happens to you and you tell the person that you care about more than anyone else in the world about what happened every single thing they say is annoying every single word that woman said made me want to punch a wall until my Knuckles you know what she said to me is it broken is it broken no if anything is running faster it's got a nice it's got a nice little coffee smell just thought I'd phone you up let you know the good news yeah everything's coming up Ramesh oh my gosh he's a very funny woman not intentionally I'll give you an example I was due to do a gig in Barton upon Humber last year two weeks before I'm due to do the Giga get a phone call from my agent said to me Ramesh a little bit of an awkward situation the venue have been contacted by the BNP and they say that they're fundamentally opposed to you performing in Barton and if you go ahead with the performance they are going to Stage a protest the likes of which Barton has never seen now I don't know what that means are we going to dress up is there going to be cake you know I've got no idea Majors said to me what you want to do I said well the tour's not been selling that well this could be exactly the kind of PR that could give it a kick is there any way you could organize sort of contact some other racist organizations fine get this into the Nationals you know what I mean she said to me no that's not what I meant what I meant was do you want to pull the show I said no absolutely because I thought this could be my big break you know if they do a big protest suddenly I'm a race Warrior I'm a hero I'm in all the papers that's what I wanted right they had to put plain clothes police officers in the audience in case anything kicked off right so that's five tickets I'm not going to give him free but it's not my fault you've got BNP activity Mate control it anyway turn up there we turn up there pull into the car park no protest and in many ways that is the ultimate protest isn't it we hate you so much that we cannot be asked to turn up and tell you how much we help you I was still nervous though because I thought you know they said it's a protest the likes of which Barton has never seen could happen at any point I could be in the toilet and they get me there one of them comes out the Bulge you know take that you brown bastard like fist up the or something like that I don't know could be surprise attack sneak attack right so I'm still nervous we get into the venue the staff in the venue being very apologetic sort of overcompensating being very nice did me a curry which was a bit of a pistache but had raisins in it anyway it doesn't matter so I do the show nothing happens I finish a show I find out my wife because she was worried I said sir nothing happened she said to me you know what Ron in many ways you sort of got to hope that it was racism and I said to her what the are you talking about imagine if it wasn't that would be much worse imagine if the BNP contacted the venue and said hello this is the BNP we're fundamentally a posteromish performing in Barton and they said well we don't tolerate racism and I said no no it's not racism we just think he's dog imagine as an ethnic minority act if your ethnicity wasn't what the BNP fan most defense [Music]
Channel: Romesh Ranganathan
Views: 187,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Romesh Ranganathan, Comedian, Romesh, Ranganathan, Irrational, Live At The Apollo, Stand up Comedy
Id: Z5h-niW5ANs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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