My Wife and Kids Know Better Than Me | Romesh Ranganathan

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I mean I argued with my wife I argued with my wife one of the issues I I had an argument with her is we disagree about how to bring up our children I dropped the ball on a potty training issue recently now those of you that haven't potty trained a child let me explain to you how it works you have to encourage the child when they poo in the correct area now what this basically means is at my house every time my son takes a we have a party right absolutely ridiculous said to my wife this is mental she said you're not going to do it forever yeah I know I didn't think that was a plan I didn't anticipate following him to his graduation waiting outside cubicle one and going look what you C out mate beautiful anyway my son my son did a pooie the other day my wife was out he called down to me said Daddy I've done a poo poo I ran upstairs into the bathroom sure enough in the potty on the floor we poo combo nailed it then I thought I've got to deal with this so I went to get a carrier bag to put this into and then I thought you can't put this in a carrier bag idiot so I went to get two carrier bags I then got the carrier bags and decanted is that the right word decanted the contents of the pot into the carrier bags TI a knot in the top smashed it I then phoned my wife to tell her two things thing number one I've just dealt with a situation without your help how' you like them apples thing number two can you get some more carrier bags it was at that point that my wife suggested to me that maybe the better receptacle for my home sewage project might have been the toilet so at this point I felt two emotions emotion number one was humiliation because not only had I done this but I'd also told my wife I knew that she was going to go tell her friends the number of times I've been talking to one of her friends and they've been suppressing a snigger because mouthy M gossip has told him something I've got up to my second emotion was rage towards my son because my son knows what my wife does with his poo poos and instead of telling me decided to get some popcorn sit back and watch while I put his into a carrier bag unacceptable I mean you know the fact of the matter is I don't I don't actually like going out with my children it's not because of my children I love my children I think the problem is you have to deal with other people's children and you have to deal with their parents and you can't tell off other people's kids because people get annoyed except I found a way I was at the cinemar a while ago I'm going to share this with you this kid was throwing popcorn about shouting just being a little idiot his parents are doing absolutely nothing about it I thought I would step up on behalf of the cinema so I got in real close listen to a little pull that again I'm going to punch you in your face do you understand me and then as his parents approached and were able to hear me I just went and that's why you shouldn't say that to brown people they apologize to me try it you'll have to Brown up but it's worth it ladies and gentlemen you genuinely have been um adequate so thank you so much I L good
Channel: Romesh Ranganathan
Views: 63,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Romesh Ranganathan, Comedian, Romesh, Ranganathan, Irrational, Live At The Apollo, Stand up Comedy
Id: 8QKSCCn9Yfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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