My Weekend Off in Tokyo - 1 Day in Akihabara

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good morning guys it's the weekend and I'm going to meet up with a friend and go to a cafe and just have a chill day so I going to take you along and enjoy a day out in Tokyo today I'm visiting a cafe I've been wanting to go for a really long time it's like a bath house that has now been renovated into a cafe and this is a really popular concept I have one that I really like in killo so this has been on my list for ages it's a little far out for me over an hour but finally made it there's a little bit of a line but they got seats and it's a nice quiet neighborhood this is my friend Maria hi and she's German and half Japanese yeah that's right we have very rare occasions where we speak German but uh mainly English yeah yeah I this is our first time here and you've never been to a cental cafe before no it's my first time I didn't even really know it was a thing and the waiting room is like really cool because it's where you put your shoes and and things inside like the lockers and so you literally pull out like the wooden card and put our shoes in there and they have like an umbrella Locker yeah it's really so rare yeah I've never seen that before before going inside we're taking off our shoes and of course we get to put them inside the onent style shoe lockers which are always these little boxes and they'll have like a wooden number which you'll take out and that's to remember which shoe box yours is and then of course slippers and then here we go inside so you can actually see that the center is from the e period because over there you can see the so called V which is basically where the person who owns the center used to stand collect money from the guests and also they could watch uh well both the men and the women's part kind of crazy on the menu they only had one food option which was like this soup and I think it changed seasonally and today it's like an ed soybean soup I believe yeah and it's I think it's cold um and there's like a salad and and some bread and then also got like the set drink which was a iced coffee jelly latte thing so I'm really excited cuz I haven't had coffee yet and Maria got the same thing but she also got a chai got the ice chai L it's really [Music] good I love cold soups it's like the end of summer here so it's perfect and got some bread it looks like real bread not like sha the Japanese bread it's also a very chill vibe in here [Music] here's my drink and they've actually put a lemon inside which is interesting I like swallowed a whole piece of coffee jelly I love this I'm a big fan of when they make coffee jelly because it's kind of like coffee in these I don't know like jelly cubes and it's just in the drink I feel like I need a straw though surprisingly a lot of people are doing remote work here this didn't strike me as a remote working friendly place but like right next to me both sides on laptops and iPads so you can work here I guess they have Wi-Fi too how are you liking the cafe it's amazing I really love the Vibes it's so cozy and calm and I yeah I'm really Amazed by this concept of the cental cafe that they're reusing these spaces because they have a lot of sento in tiu I should definitely check it out cute Maria is sitting inside like a little area what was it called bundai what is that so it's basically where the cental owner would sit in the inner period and uh it's basically like a lifeguard you know you can like watch both the men's and the women's side my God that was a thing yeah when you were sitting there I was like she looks like like an ocean lifeguard or pool lifeguard yeah yeah and this also where they would like collect the money and stuff oh my gosh that's cute it's so funny I never thought I would sit on this thing I didn't think you would either this is me down below and there's the cafe behind but uh I feel like it's kind of weird that some some would sit here and just observe all these naked people like what was the role is someone going to drown is that what it is or like people are going to like go sneak and look at the other side I guess that what yeah definitely cannot do it in the modern times we can actually come into the back part of the center and we can sit down apparently so excited let try it out yeah and the wall art is beautiful and you were telling me a really cool fact about wall art in Tokyo these murals is this how to pronounce it m yeah um with mon Fuji they like very typical for Cento and I heard it's basically a dying art because there's only a few Arch left who Ries yeah that's crazy Maria has all these facts because we work in like the travel industry in different companies but yeah so she wrote an article we're chilling in what used to be the Cento and it feels really small yeah like I thought it would be bigger but I don't know maybe it's just cuz it's the what's remaining yeah might be just like the Mis the cold one and the wall like literally not just like the wall art but around the whole entire part of this building is just like peeling we're now in akih Haba because we're going to do some kind of nerdy stuff I don't actually come to akih habitar a lot not really anything that kind of draws me here but when I'm nearby I'm like oh may as well check it out cuz there's actually a lot of cool stuff if you have the time to kind of search for it because not just Anime there's like Electronics there's also cafes there's also a lot of ramen here also chain restaurants and karaoke which we're probably do later y Maria is so good at singing and she's we also sing all these like I don't know anime opening songs '90s early 2000's anime opening yeah that's the vibe yeah I know it's so fun and cuz she's so good I can just like back up sing might also sing some one okay rock yeah that's true yeah we have like the same artist interest as well she likes Kitty p p you I know it's so cool tell my dance true y y [Music] this road we're crossing right now I think they actually close it on the weekend so you can like walk down the main street right yeah never come oh wait this is the weekend why isn't it open I don't maybe is that wrong or maybe it is closed no I don't know maybe it's uh early in the day yeah maybe okay over there is a shop called super potato and has all the Retro Goods you could ever want so we're going to go check it out it's really small though so be prepared for small spaces with lots of people super potato is this amazing shop in akih Haba where you can find lots of retro games and we're going to start on the fifth floor and then make our way down cuz there's three floors in total on the fifth floor they have a retro arcade game center and there's lots of games you can try out maybe we'll give it a go if there's something I know I kind I do like Mario but I don't know if they have that see sure that's look around yeah they mainly had Street Fighter games which I wasn't too into so decided to skip but I found this game boy that was on display that had Kirby playing that was really cool and then at the back they had like a dagash which are traditional Japanese snacks and you could buy them and game on the fourth floor now and this has like retro games from like 3DS PlayStation as well as some figurine I haven't seen a lot of Nintendo yet so I'm thinking it's on the third floor yeah what' you find dig if I ever do a cosplay it's going to be ER goodness which game is this from Final Fantasy oh Final Fantasy that's the one I haven't played you should this floor has all the cool Nintendo stuff we found Kirby Pokémon Zelda yeah it's really cool it's very loud in this area though there's all these screens playing like old games and there's also Pikman cuz Pikman 3 just came out or was it Pikman 4 Pikman 4 I think since this place is so popular with tourist honestly a lot of the stuff that I would like to buy was sold out so this is what you can find on a day like this that's my best no one can beat me in Double vure S no I'm going to challenge you I'm really bad on Twitch though so we should do it yeah we should do it oh my gosh I played this one and Maria played this one it's so cute I love the old hun artw yeah it's so beautiful old C is looking Derpy yeah quite cramped in here so I recommend coming here early in the morning when it's not too busy it's very popular this place is so nostalgic just looking back at all the old games and systems that they're selling it's just so fun even if I don't end up buying anything it's cool just looking at it and reminiscing about the old days come to a dangerous place which is a crane game center and Maria's already spotted two things she wants to go for I want to try getting mea it's one of the Stars I don't know Eng name good luck I hope you do well thank she's got a budget of $10 [Music] so come no that's so [Music] bad oh my God got it yo she got that in two tries oh my God only 400 Yen for this one I'm in shock I was like she's not going to get it this is going to be awkward but good job rabit by its head [Applause] it's okay because I already got my yha although this Pokemon is so cool I mean it's a dog and it's bread oh music yeah Maria gets to carry her St Pokémon she's literally a Pokémon trainer now yay okay I want to try some crane games too so we're going to go to another shop we'll see what we can find I'm going to try and get this Curby it's 200 yen ago so it's a little pressing 20 seconds okay they can do it oh he got her fin I have no technique oh look how heavy that is [Applause] wow okay I'm going to try one more time all right maybe it's just a bit too fast [Music] have the comini now they're selling this um draff beer where it's inside the can and I haven't had it before so I'm going to give it a go so it's supposed to oh oh my God it's all coming out I don't know if this is meant to be the effect oh my God it's overflowing I actually got this alcoholic drink to loosen up before karaoke so I think this will be effective come by come by it's good we're German we drink beer except Maria doesn't like beer so I'm here drinking beer on the streets akab sparkling wine M come come to ker and now we're a bit buzzed from our drink and we're going to just sing like '90s and early 2000s anime opening yes so excited and for some reason our room is like Nemo find n yeah Finding Nemo like you have Dory Nemo all that friends y on the wall yeah so Random it's random but I guess maybe we have to sing like under the sea that's from Little M what's a memo song I don't know any that's that's no Nemo doesn't sing yeah I feel like they didn't get the copyright for this oh it can sing part of your world oh yeah look at the sun isn't it oh this is cute yeah they've actually got the video we yeah so they rate your singing but I mean we got 93% which is pretty good I think that makes me stressed I don't want to know my rating lead me to be in PE we also ordered like drinks I got some sort of highball the coke highball yes and then you got ginger ale then we got snacks spice pasta and Chip yes whenever you order stuff you you can order it through the phone or at the desk when you check in but I got my favorite spice pasta I am obsessed with this it's not that amazing but it's like the spaghetti and they deep fry it and they add flavoring I've never had this oh my God it's like really crunchy there so long and you can get it at like isak here I freaking love it you like it yeah yeah light snack I know I don't know it's my [Music] obsession pokon [Music] we finished our karaoke session it was so much we actually went overtime we went to an hour and 30 minutes and now my throat is sore yeah I wonder if I have a voice tomor I know right um and we're going to get some dinner we're getting some udon from M it's very busy though we tried to go to like family restaurants um sushido and what was it Royal first uh so yeah it was massive lines so what are you [Music] getting just basically like cold UD noodles with like some radish and soy sauce how about you uh I'm also going to get no wa I'm going to get warm and then put temp on top the shrimp um and the sub just got it all planned out we're also in a very long line you'll always pick up your tray as well as another plate if you want to get tempor here's my order making it fresh right in front of me with my [Music] toppings tempera is also a welcome addition it's only like 140 n for this giant piece of sweet potato don't here is my UD it's exactly the same one I always get and it's so delicious and so simple and so cheap this was just like 550 y as well for the like tempor this is like the best train to go to especially if you want something cheap and budget friendly and light for some reason at this time of day like wherever you go it's so packed like I know it's dinner time but like there are so many restaurants like I don't understand why everything is so full how are yours it's good um I have my seal here almost finished my it my shrim it's really good best Garden if you don't want to spend a lot of money definitely go to a chain restaurant they're honestly so affordable like you can't beat the value so it's like between honestly $3 to like $8 you can totally eat dinner time to say bye to Maria and take the train back home the Jr line has some really cool anime posters I love when they advertise like this so aesthetic I'm back home now and on the way I got some of my favorite salt and vinegar chips I have tested out all of them in Japan and I find this California brand the best and then I also bought this on my way home like this little curvy light I actually bought one from the comini before this was from family M but it broke and the light wouldn't work so I got another one this was a fun blog and I'm thinking you do more like this so let me know what you thought please subscribe and comment down below and I'll see you guys in another video bye
Channel: seerasan
Views: 63,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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