My Version of DiCamillo's Italian Bread

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all right this is my take on D Camilo's bread so I'm going to start with a just one bowl and I'm using a weighing scale and I'm only using five ingredients so I'm going to start with 325 grams of water so I've zeroed the scale with the bowl I'm using water that sounds a little bit warmer than room temperature I put in the microwave for a little while it's like 80 degrees so I want 325 grams of water and I'm making a double batch I mean I'm making 250 gram loaders that'd be like two small deccan oils alright so we'll cover 325 that's a little bit over 325 is pretty close that is exactly 325 then I'm gonna mix in some yeast and I'm gonna mix in 7 grams of yeast so that's not very much I'm just using instant dry yeast so suddenly zero this out seven grams in yeast there's probably a couple teaspoons fall about like that so yeah that was three at six do it yet there's so then I'm gonna mix that up in the bowl so I don't have any clumps nice no sugar the warm water is just gonna wake up these that's probably good when we need it in with all the other ingredients that'll be spoon is good all right zero out the scale again and we're gonna go with 500 grams of flour so this is bread flour high protein high gluten strong bread flour alright 500 grams of flour there's three hundred four hundred twenty there's a seventy eighty four ninety five hundred exactly perfect alright and then we're gonna go with 10 grams of salt I'm Chris all zero that out ten grams of salt is a a couple of those so that was as about six call that ten all right and then we're going to zero it out we're gonna go 15 grams of olive oil perfect and then we're gonna mix it all together and I'm using this plastic thing it's um it's kind of like the end of a spatula that the handle broke off from I'm gonna use that to mix all this together that's all the ingredients we're gonna use and we're not going to dirty any more bowls or any mixing cups or anything else so I'm just gonna go ahead and mix this up in the bowl when it's mixed up as good as it can be we're gonna pour it out onto the countertop and start kneading it it's gonna be a little bit of a mess when we start kneading it at first because it's a very wet dough but after ten minutes of kneading I'll start coming together real nice so I feel like that's about as good as we're gonna get things to to mix together in the bowl so I'm going to clear the countertop top off and then pour it out onto the countertop and start kneading it no water on the countertop no extra flour in the countertop this is all the ingredients for the brain okay so that's as mixed as it's gonna get out it goes I'm gonna scrape everything I can out of this bowl you see what it looks like inside the bowl because I want to use this bowl for proofing the dough that is gonna be good enough all right this is a messy part I'm gonna start my watch I'm gonna knead for 10 minutes it's um it's gonna be messy but the dough will come together nicely in a while so you can see the dough has no strength to it at all right now we'll do that again at the end and it'll be much different five minutes so that there was still nice and wet and keep that see how strong is it yeah a little bit better not there yet oh all right there's ten minutes let's take a check yeah that's that's nice and strong all right so the whole time the bottom was on the bottom I'm gonna flip it over and that is from now on that is gonna be the top of the dough the part that becomes the crust we're just gonna let it sit there for three minutes and rest okay three minutes are up so now we're going to start putting a little skin tension in it and then we're gonna let it proof so first thing got to do is get it unstuck from the table here remember this is going to be the crust side of our bread and put that side down put a little light dusting of flour down there we're going to put that side down you see a very wet dough and we're gonna start building skin tension so I'm going to pull up and stick it into itself and pull up and stick it into itself so I'm stretching the the underside the side that's gonna be the top so we're gonna keep going around and go around a couple times there you go then kind of do one of these to pull it in nice and tight building some tension we don't want it to rip we're building some skin tension into what's going to be the crust our Bowl from earlier we're just gonna set that into the bowl dust the top just a little bit keep it from drying out we're gonna cover it with the towel and we're gonna let it sit there for 75 minutes okay 75 minutes later let's take a look oh yeah okay that's a lot bigger it's good to see someone's gonna free it up from the edge of the bowl now remember this is the top side this is the part that's gonna be the crust so buddy's got to maintain that so I'm gonna pull it away from the edge of the bowl starting to deflate a little bit and let's just pop it out there you go so we have a sticky side one side was a big bubble right there sticky side wet side the crust sides underneath I'm gonna cut it into two pieces because I'm gonna make two lobes out of this kind of about there yeah easy you know that's close enough all right let's do the first one so I'm just gonna put a little bit of flour a little dusting on the bottom D gas it a little bit no we're gonna pull it same way we did before to make skin tension on what's going to be the crust side so I'm pulling that one in pulling that one in pulling that one in continue around for a couple times I can feel the skins getting nice and tight on the bottom which will be the top right now so I'm gonna I'm sort of cupping my hands underneath it to continue to build that skin tension and I'm gonna set that off to the side that will be one low if we're gonna let that rest for 15 minutes we're gonna do the same thing on a southern one little dust and we're gonna start pulling it in this kind of has no structure yet but I can feel it getting firmer and firmer skin on the on the bottom which will be the top yeah there you go I like that alright let's finish it up it's gonna be our second loaf and we're just gonna set that here I'm gonna cover it put a little dust on it cover it for 15 minutes and let that rest all right 15 minutes have gone by the loaves have rested so we are gonna form them up for the last time and just put a little dusting of flour on the table right here scrape one of these bad boys up again remember this is the cross side we've been maintaining that side as a cross side we're gonna flip it over into the flour we have a sticky side on the bottom very wet dough and now we're just gonna sort of flatten it down I'd like it to take sort of a rectangular shape oval shape let's see okay so now this is the last step to form the skin tension let me give it a little pull never roll it and tuck it down with my thumb's and roll them tuck it down with my thumbs and repeat that sort of stretch and roll stretch and roll and pinch it there's some big bubbles in there and that's okay okay that corner in that corner in I like how this thing came out there's a big boulder I'm gonna leave that one there so I'm doing the same thing to get that skin tension built up almost looks like a baguette but I call that one good enough I'm gonna set it in here it's a piece of parchment paper and there's a rolled-up towel in the middle so now we're gonna do the same thing on the second little kind of sticky the top side right here goes down a little little Dee gasps sort of rectangular shape let's call that good enough all right here we go so we give it a little stretch and pinch stretch and pinch roll and tuck that hurt all right Kyle I dare you have a little little tuck underneath tighten up the skin here all right I'm gonna set this one on the other side of that towel that's where I need the towels but I want the dough to rise up and not flatten out feel like that's a well pretty well form it's not gonna flatten out but I'm putting the towels in there anyway do the same thing over here a little bit of room to grow a little dusting of flour a little too much there cover it up and then we're gonna let this sit for about 60 minutes we'll check it to see how it's going the towels also keep that um this whatever this white thing from putting a whole lot of weight on that - sorry like that all right we're gonna let that sit for 60 minutes okay so sixty minutes have gone by these have done their their risings I'm gonna pull these towels out about 30 minutes ago I turn the oven on and put a tray of water in the oven also so it's a perfect human environment in there all right I have ladies razor blades right here I have an old-fashioned shaving blade and I'm going to slip this only downside and hopefully it'll this the stove will rise a little bit more in the oven once we put it in there and instead of tearing it'll just sort of rise in that slit area okay let's take this over to the oven and I'm going to slide this parchment paper onto the cooking stone sorry and we're going to leave that in there for 40 minutes all right so they've been in here for 40 minutes let's go ahead and shut that off and you can see how they rise up real nice after we put them in the oven let's uh it's hot so let's listen oh yeah that's what we like speaker kind of that hollow sound so we'll set that there to cool there this other one that looks so good set that over here to cool and wait 45 minutes and then we'll cut one open okay so let's see how we did see we got oh yeah that looks good all right
Channel: Tom Grana
Views: 22,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CyberLink, PowerDirector18
Id: Riiaa-js1nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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