Authentic New York Style Italian Bread

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hey guys all right so today we're going to be making italian bread it took me a lot of tries a lot of tweaking and different recipes and stuff to get the kind of italian bread that i grew up eating i'm from long island new york and uh we have amazing italian bread and when i moved up to albany new york i could not find the same kind of italian bread so with that being said we are going to get started on the italian bride now this is going to make one large loaf or two small lobes or four heroes we don't call them subs or um hoagies we on long island call them heroes so you get four rolls two medium lows small medium and then um one big one so we're going to do one large one today so i have a cup and a quarter warm water and we're just going to put this right in the kitchenaid then and also what i was going to say is if you don't have a kitchenaid listen it took me 15 years to get my kitchenaid okay i've wanted one that long and now that i have it i don't know what i do without it because i have the greater attachment for it so i grate all my cheese with this i have the meat grinder and the sausage stuffer so now i make my own sausage um and i have the pasta attachment and i'd say about 80 of the pasta i make is homemade um this thing is just amazing however you don't have one of these that's fine you can use i used a bread machine for many many years to do my dough you can also do it by hand um with the fibromyalgia i cannot do it by hand i just even on a good day everything is tender to the touch so i wouldn't be able to do it but you could however today we are working with the kitchenaid so i've got the cup and a quarter of warm water now i'm gonna add two teaspoons of sugar and yes you'll notice like everything in my house is elephants elephant elephant um they're on the walls i have i love elephants so we got two teaspoons of sugar two teaspoons of salt right okay now we've got yeast i just want to speak a little bit about yeast okay i buy my yeast in bulk because to buy it in the grocery store it is ridiculously expensive um i think you get four ounces of say like the fleischmann's yeast in the grocery store and it's like almost five dollars um i'm fortunate enough thanks to a friend that i am able to shop at restaurant depot so i get a pound of yeast so that would be 16 ounces uh for just a little over five dollars okay however i used to buy it off amazon amazon used to sell it in two pound containers and it was like 11.64 or something like that with all of this covid stuff going on now they were selling a pound for like 17 almost 18 and i was just like i'm not paying that like not even maybe um bj's carries it costco sam's club i believe it's two it's two pounds and i i think it's around the price that amazon used to be it's like 11 or 12 bucks but i mean it's so much cheaper and you just keep it in a jar like this yeah i'm also you'll notice a lot of aldi brands i'm an oldie shopper i work on a very strict budget for my uh what i can buy for food every month and all these is amazing i i absolutely that store has saved me thousands of dollars so you'll see a lot of all these stuff anyway i keep my yeast in jars like this in the refrigerator i have read that if you keep it in the freezer so you get that two pound bulk you know um it does come in two packages so each package is a pound you can keep one of them in the freezer and it lasts even longer so we're going to use two and a half tablespoons of yeast i've used active dry yeast and i have used instant they're interchangeable to me the instant seems like it rises a little bit quicker but um no noticeable difference okay so we've got that now let me go get my measuring cup and the attachments for the kitchenaid i should have had this stuff already but bear with me okay so now to this we're going to add three cups and you always want to flatten cups and make sure you have an even cup okay so we got three cups of old purpose flour i make this bread several times a week so i mean it's seriously easy the the the most the thing that's the most pain in the butt is the time it takes for you to wait for it to rise and that is about it now first i use this attachment it just helps mix it a little bit better and then i will switch to my bread hook so here we go sorry it's a little loud but it has to be done while this is going i am going to go get a little instrument [Music] so we're just gonna mix this until it sticks together and forms a little bit of a bowl and i will show you in a minute when i stop it [Music] and i'm gonna stop it now and this is what it looks like and i cannot turn the camera around while i'm in this mode but you can see it okay now i am going to scrape off this dough off the attachment we don't want to waste any of this you know we want to get all this goodness in there the more we get off the bigger loaf we are going to have and i'm telling you guys when you when you try this it's just i mean i eating this bread i i could understand like back in the day medieval times and stuff how you could just have a loaf of bread for dinner and it would be delicious and it's hearty um you know not ideal nutritional wise but i i can understand because this is delicious okay so now i'm gonna put this attachment on i'm gonna mix it up a little bit and i'm gonna be able to tell by the consistency if i'm gonna need to add more flour or more water right now it looks a little wet and i can already tell you got you have to add a little bit more flour this is not like you know you really you can't just dump these ingredients in and forget about it just for this portion of it you need to keep an eye on it and check out the texture of the dough so now i'm going to turn it on and that was not even a quarter of a cup that i just added just sprinkling it a little bit [Music] okay you see now it's not sticking to the sides any longer now we are just going to let this go until it forms um a nice dough wall and it's going to change what you're doing this is needing it for you instead of doing it by hand and what you are essentially doing is you are just you are forming the gluten in the bread you're activating the gluten okay and i will show you guys what this looks like when it's done and i'm going to time it and tell you how long that i mix before and it's on i'm going to put it to speed two and i'll tell you how long i it has been exactly four minutes later and it is done i'm gonna show you what it should look like oops okay you see how it's kind of almost silky looking in nature and i will show you better when i pull it out and it is still it's it's not it's a little sticky okay but it's also not dry you don't want it to dry so i'm just going to form this into a ball adobe wall if you have never done that before there actually is a method to it just kind of pull it in over on itself okay those are the edges and then pick it up and squish it together and there is your dough bowl now i'm going to take some oil and i'm going to put a little bit in the inside of the bowl then i'm going to take the dough bowl i don't know i do it top side down first and i'm going to squish it around in there all right up on the sides coat the sides because when it rises if you don't coat the sides it's going to stick so now everything is coated i flip the dough ball over the bottom is good to go everything's good now what i do is i take a warm damp rag and i'm just going to lay this over that and we're going to put this in a warm place for an hour okay until it doubles in size once it does does the does that i'm going to come back and show you what it looks like okay and then after that what we're going to do is we're going to kind of punch it down a little bit deflate it so to speak and then we're going to let it rise for another hour okay so when this is risen i will come back and show you guys what should look like all right all right guys we are back and i am going to show you see how it doubled in size now i'm going to do is punch it down deflate it and i like to wrap it back up into another ball a loose bowl and then i'm going to flip it over and we are going to let this sit again for another hour until it doubles in size then we're going to form the dough and then we let it rise for another hour and that's when we bake it okay i will be back in a little bit all right guys we're back it's been another hour dough doubled back up again so now what i'm gonna do is i have my rolling pin and my um scraper and i use the scraper if i'm going to cut the dough in half or to clean up this flower that gets on the surface it's such a good tool okay so now i'm going to take the dough out of here a little water in this soap makes it easier to clean told you guys i clean as i cook because the last thing i want is a sink full of dishes after i'm done eating uh you know i just have the dinner please pretty much okay so now you can see the dough feels so nice it's it's great i just formed it into a bowl again okay i'm gonna lay it down here i'm gonna go in for a little bit more flour for the top spread that a little move this a little bit so you can see it better okay all right now i'm just gonna roll this out into like a rectangle like a log already and the length is going to determine the length of the um loaf okay so that looks about good for me i'm just going to roll it this way a little bit more it doesn't have to be perfect because now what you're going to do is you're going to roll it up okay and this is obviously a clean work surface i don't think i mentioned but we're just going to go and we're gonna tightly roll this and tuck in the end let's see if i can move this down even more for you guys so you can see it okay that's better we're talking the end over here and we're rolling and rolling now this end is a little thicker that's why i didn't tuck that yet okay and keep rolling this up okay i'm gonna tuck that end in a little bit and we are rolled all right now what i like to do is i like to pinch the seams together okay so you get a nice seal you don't want to pop them back open on you okay as you can see that's nice and sealed now we're gonna put it in the little remaining flower that's left roll it back on so the top is facing us and i don't like the way that little corner looks so i'm just gonna fix it a little bit more okay and there is your loaf i'm going to put this right over here and i will show you in just a second what what that looks like so here we go you guys can you see that yep the loaf all right now all i'm gonna do is i'm going to take that rag that i had um and i am going to put this back up over here and this red i'm going to damp it again with some warm water squeeze it out and i'm going to lay it over the dough over the loaf now that we have shaped and i'm going to let it rise again for another hour and then we're going to come back when it's time to put it in the oven okay guys we are back and i have my oven preheated it's already up to 400 degrees as you can see this thing got huge it rose now i'm just gonna spread some egg wash on top of it now you can also put a little slice in the top of this what that does is it kind of prevents the bread from splitting like at the side not splitting but if it does it i'll show you what i mean when i take it out of the oven i noticed if i put a slice in it it kind of deflates it loses a bit of the rise so i don't okay and not anymore anyway i don't so now i have here some egg wash and that is one egg and one tablespoon of water and we're just gonna lightly we don't want to be hard because we're gonna the whole time that we've had this thing rising is gonna be for naught if we manhandle this too heavily and it's just gonna kill our eyes so we wanna make sure that all this is all nice and nicely coated with the egg wash sides and you know get as much of it as you can one more on top here and that's it now i'm going to pop this in the oven i have it on the middle rack okay and we are going to bake this i do my timer for 20 minutes there we go i'll be back in 20 minutes hey guys we are back timer just went off and it is time to take this bad boy out of the oven okay yeah i'm gonna be able to tell you what i was talking about like with it it's splitting the lack of a better word okay so hold on i'm gonna burn myself i can't tell you how many times i've done that oh my god okay that's what we got and then see see that that's what i mean by splitting and i would probably care if i was serving it to people honestly um so if you put that slit in the top of it it's that's not gonna happen but i don't care so now what i do is i transfer it you probably want to use oven mitts but i cook so much my hands are like immune to the heat almost not the tops bottoms are um and i'm constantly doing dishes so but here we have it this is the beautiful loaf of italian bread and you can hear that crunchy crispy outer leg layer and i'm going to let it cool for about a half hour and then i'm going to come back i'm going to slice a piece for you just so you can see what like the inside looks like and everything but this is this is new york italian bread you guys and i can't get this anywhere but like the city and long island so i'm quite happy that finally after many many attempts i now have a recipe that is true new york italian bread all right we'll be back when it's time to cut it hey guys we're back for the last part of the video i get to taste this i'm actually pretty hungry because i've been up early since early okay so i'm just going to cut off the end just a little piece okay look at that oh and it's oh it's just i don't even have words to describe okay so that's what we're working with here and we're gonna put a little butter on this a lot of butter because i'm a butter if there are seriously if there's one thing it's parmesan cheese and butter like i can't get enough of okay ready for the bite i swear you guys really got to try this i mean it was so good i mean i i don't know like how to describe it it's it's the best italian bread you've ever had and that's not me tooting my own horn at all i mean you can get the same exact quality italian bread if you want to if you live in the city you don't have to make it you know if you live in new york city if you live on long island you don't have to make it you live anywhere else in the country maybe even the world besides maybe italy you need to make it all right try not to talk with a mouthful i hope you enjoyed it if you make it let me know what did you think um and that's about it you guys it's really pretty simple not hard at all i hope you guys have a great day stay safe out in colbid land and i will catch you in the next video
Channel: Shannon K. O’Brien AKA Roswell1828
Views: 3,979
Rating: 4.8153844 out of 5
Keywords: Italian Bread, Recipe, New York, Style, Bread, Homemade, Italian, Roswell1828, Authentic
Id: S_BAaO7kZf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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