My Trip to Mexico

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My mom was a single parent, and when I was growing up she'd sometimes go on dates. You know, try to find me a stepdaddy. There was this one guy, Steve, who was actually pretty cool. He always made a point of taking the whole family out to do stuff instead of leaving my sister and I at home. My mom didn't really like like him, and she told him as much, but we still did a bunch of stuff together. He had a boat, we almost died in Mexico… It’s about time I come clean. In my first video I made a little throw away joke about almost dying in Mexico. At first I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, but comment after comment has rolled in for YEARS! Everyone wants to know: “How’d he almost die in Mexico?” And putting aside that sick rhyme for a second because... you already know I got bars. The truth is… The truth is we almost died on our way to Mexico. *reporters go wild* We hadn’t crossed the border yet. That change didn’t seem like a big deal, but now I know better… thank you for understanding and for respecting my family’s privacy at this time. No more questions. Wow, I can’t believe he lied to us. I don’t know, is it really fair for us to judge him from the comfort of our home when he doesn’t even… Oh my god! *footsteps rumble* Having an audience is an enormous responsibility. You have every right to hold me accountable for what I say! If I say ok will you tell us the Mexico story? I thought you’d never ask. When I knew him, *snap* Steve was a bus driver. A church group hired the company he worked for to drive a busload of kids from Idaho down to Mexico so they could go build a church or something, I don’t know. But he called my mom and said something like “Hey! Tim’s mom! I gotta take a bunch of kids down to Me-he-co, do you and yours wanna al-so-go?” And then MomTom, with her trademark charm, replied… “Eh, Sure” When the day came, Steve drove a massive bus down our tiny neighborhood street to pick us up, and maybe it was because I was but a wee lad, but I swear it was bigger than our house. The bus drive was pretty long, and at first it was intimidating to be with a bunch of strangers, but one of the kids and I ended up getting along really well. We talked about movies, science, and even figured out how to take over the world. Hehe, I’ll never tell. We were going to spend the night in Las Vegas, but when we got into town, Steve missed the exit. Then he missed the next one. My mom leaned in and asked “Steve, why didn’t you get off?” and then Steve said... “No brakes” Now that I’ve gotten to the good part, let’s check back in on this B plot, huh? Can you believe I just busted down a door, what’s that all about? Stop that, what happens next? Ok well the brakes finally started working and we spent the night at a motel. The bus company sent a mechanic, and they assured us that there wouldn’t be any more problems. *foreboding musical cue* Yup, all fixed. We dropped the church group off in San Diego, and had like a week to do whatever while we waited for them to come back. So the four of us went up to Disneyland, and honestly the best part was when we pulled into the Disney parking lot, and the lot attendants went out of their way to clear a space right up front for our massive bus and then like, 4 people came out. The park was ok, I guess. I know a lot of people are super into Disneyland, including my buddy Gary from the parkour video, but I’m not gonna get distracted because this video is about almost dying, and nobody has ever died in Disneyland. Nobody has ever had a bad day, in Disneyland. There can only be smiles in the land of Disney. The mouse requires your compliance. When it came time to go pick up the church group, we thought it would be fun to first drive down to the border, walk into Mexico, and be dumb tourists for a little bit. But Steve missed a turn into a parking lot, so we were driving straight toward the border crossing, with no choice but to pull a big ol’ U turn. And I don’t know if you know this, but busses can’t do U-turns. The bus stalled in the middle of the road, perpendicular to traffic. This is the part where we almost died. Finally! I didn’t have a ton of situational awareness because I was seven, but my mom knew what was up and threw my sister and I to the far side of the bus. A ton of cars were screaming toward us, and just barely skidded to a stop without ramming into the bus. It was a really close call. My mom was pretty shaken up by the incident, but then we went into Mexico and I got my very own little marble chess set from a shop. The horseys are my favorite. Haha, horses! So, you gonna fix my door? Oh no! The video’s ending! Hey everyone! Hope you’re doing well. I had so much fun making this video, hopefully we did a good job showing how far the channel has come since my first video, but if you didn’t pick up on any of the callbacks because you’re new or something, consider subscribing. I mean, you made it this far, so you might as well, right? Ok Bye!
Channel: TimTom
Views: 2,968,367
Rating: 4.9134612 out of 5
Keywords: TimTom, Tim, Tom
Id: sgwXpRssyu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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