Learning How To Drive

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I never really wanted to get my driver's license most kids were super excited to start driving So they could go to the mall without their parents or whatever, but I was what my mom calls ,weird. I never even asked to start driver's ed my mom just enrolled me one day. Thanks, Mom! Driver's ed was really early in the morning before school even started zero hour And I couldn't even be a little late or I'd fail which I guess makes sense because you don't want people on the road who missed stop sign day But I didn't ask to be there and waking up at 6:00 is definitely my least favorite thing besides I didn't even care about driving what you couldn't wait a year, mom! One time a cop came in and gave us a talk about how cars are "2-ton death machines! He ended this speech by asking what the most dangerous thing on his belt was and I answered "your gun!" But the cop looked at us knowingly held up his keys and said These are the most dangerous thing on my belt Which, no I'm pretty sure keys are not more dangerous than a gun not unless you're bad at aiming or very creative. Class basically consisted of just learning traffic laws Which seemed okay until my first driving practice when I got in the car and realized they never actually told me how to, you know drive, I knew one pedal makes the car go and nothing else I was horribly unprepared and to make it worse I'd been paired up with the coolest kids in the class so if they got to sit in the backseat and judge me it seems pretty irresponsible to put someone behind the wheel of a two-ton death machine without actually telling them how to use it, that's like if you showed up to math class on the first day of school And if you can't find the area under a curve you die After I circled the parking lot 'once' the instructor told me to get on the road, which seemed a little soon I don't even remember how I stopped dude But I left the parking lot and came to my first intersection the light was red And I stopped so far so good when the light turned to green I started moving again a little slowly But whatever I was driving a little ways down the road. I hit my second intersection, but stopped flawlessly This was only my first time and I was nailing it the instructor leaned over, and I'll never forget what he said he said usually You go at green lights. Now you're not gonna believe this, but he was right at the time I thought my driving instructor was so cool when we'd meet for driving practice. He'd be like do you guys want to drive to, Burger King and all of us would get real excited like yeah You can do that and when we were driving. He'd be like hey. Let's stop at that gas station. We don't need gas. I just want a Red Bull. I actually can't remember a time. I saw him without an energy drink He was always very, awake. A little while after I passed the class it was finally time for me to take the test for my driver's license which I still don't care about but someone made me schedule it and okay I think every state is different with the way Idaho does road tests is really shady the DMV gives you a list of phone numbers to pick from and you just Call some dude who tells you where to meet him on the day of the appointment my mom And I sat in a Winco parking lot until someone knocked on the window like some kind of driver's license drug dealer He climbed in the car and didn't say anything for a bit, so I wasn't totally convinced He was the right guy But he pulled out a clipboard and that's how I knew he wasn't a threat the test started and we drove around for a bit Changed lanes went over a bridge And I didn't stop at even one green light when it was over we went back to the parking lot and I sat there quietly Just waiting to hear if I passed I mean I didn't care you know I just didn't want to have to do it all over again. That's all after a couple minutes of silence he goes "Better than the average bear, whoo." Wait bears can't drive! When my sister got her license she spent months saving up and looking through classified ads trying to find a car, but that seemed like a lot of work, so I just, didn't my neighbor had a car that he was selling and he gave me a really good deal I didn't have to work at all, HAH! Take that Whitney! I actually have a lot of stories about my first car so I think it deserves its own video. Yep! I'm doing it part two everybody! (Captions by Doge Emperor)
Channel: TimTom
Views: 7,069,264
Rating: 4.9255724 out of 5
Keywords: driving, TimTom, Tim, Tom, learning to drive, how to drive, life stories, animated, funny, cartoon
Id: 4RxOGhEr_5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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