My TpT Journey - Tips & Sales Reports!

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hi thank you so much for tuning in this video is just gonna go through them some tips and tricks about starting your TPT store if you are interested if you don't know TPT stands for our teachers pay teachers and it's a website for teachers or even non teachers to sell resources to teachers all around the globe really I've had purchases all the way from England and things like that so it's really cool to connect with those teachers and be able to share resources that will help them in the classroom so in the video I'm going to go through some tips that I've learned I started my store in mid mid March so I started on March 19th of 2020 and today is June 8th of 2020 so I've had my store for out two and a half months or so and I'm in no way a professional TV tier or claim to be so but I did want to share some things that I've learned and I'm kind of bringing new fresh set of eyes to TPT and explaining how to be successful or at least how I feel like I've been successful at the end of the video I will go through my sales report and show you what I made in March April May and then maybe even June even though it's only June II so tune in for the end with that if you're interested in doing my my store there will be a link in the description of this video so without further ado I'm gonna do a screen share to show you some tips and tricks okay so my first tip would be when you first open up your store I would do lots of sales now that I've been with my store for about two and a half months as I said I don't do as many sales but I feel like at the beginning you really brings people to your store as well as if you have social media then you could post on social media and say I'm having a sale click the link in my bio to check out some of my resources so I feel like the sale is really people bring people in and then when you do start to get those sales and reviews you won't have to do sales as much because people will have already followed you and like I said given reviews and things like that so if you're wondering how to do a sale you have to go to your dashboard and then click marketing and then right here you can throw a sale so you can create a sale on just a few products you could choose the percentage I believe it's ten fifteen or twenty percent and then you also get to choose the length of the sale so how many days you would like it to be um so again I just like feel I feel like having sales at the beginning of your store will really bring people in in knowing your products and hopefully getting some returning customers through that the next thing I want to show you is how I set up my product files so um when I go to my TPT folder in my desktop this is what I see so this design folder is everything I use to kind of decorate my graphics on my page so go back to my store so if you look at my store with this load you're going to see that a lot of my thumbnails um the graphics for each product have banners and backgrounds and borders and things like that so I just store those all in one place to get easy access so you can just see these different files are here in these actually I found on Teachers Pay Teachers um but if you use something from Teachers Pay Teachers it's important to give credit um through your Terms of Use page or if you want to do it another way that's fine too but I will get into my Terms of Use page next so you can see that my product folder is right here and then I kind of um break it into categories to make things easier to find so I'm going to guide you through how I set up my organization um because it's really helped me being more efficient creating products before I felt like I was spending so much time creating the thumbnails when in fact they look pretty similar to one another so that's kind of where this thumb template came into place but I'll get to that in a second so let me go into my products and let's say I'm going to create your reading resource there's a million in here um I like to create the folder first so that everything I use for it can be put in there right away and I don't have to so let's say I'm making this resource about out I'm gonna make a folder of renown'd and then the next thing I do is grab my thumb template and then this is the PDF version of my Terms of Use page and my Thank You page a lot of people might have it on two different pages but since I'm a smaller short and have just started I feel like I don't need more than one page for that so I have those ready to go and this these two things will go into every folder because I use them with every single resource so all I did was copy those two things and I'm gonna put them over here no hang up it thought I wanted to do something different let's try again all right I want this and I want this okay I'm gonna find the resource I just created so now next I put those two things in there so if you are interested to see what's in my Terms of Use and Thank You page returning me the Terms of Use page is just kind of sharing what a buyer can and can't do with a resource so a lot of people have it much longer than I do but again because I'm a smaller store I didn't feel it was necessary to make pages and pages I thought this would do so I believe you can copy and paste from the TPT website they kind of have a formatting laid out for you as far as this licensing paragraph right here however I didn't write this on my own I'm at the top I just have a thank you and then our mind is telling for a review because buyers can get um TPT credit for leaving reviews I do have a link back to my store as well as an Instagram handle here and then this is what I was talking about getting credit if you were to use other TPT authors backgrounds borders banners clipart things like that so the way I found that works best for me is I made a very quick website and the only function on my website is to give credit to TPT authors and things like that so I click so the buyer would click this to check out where I got the different features on the product that they purchased and then this is just my website so if they were interested to see where I got a certain piece of clipart they would click here and then it would come up in a second there we go um - all of the clipart that I've used and these buttons are actually links back to their store so that's how I set up my there's a million one ways to do it but I found this is easiest because then if I were to use the same border more than once I don't have to keep crediting it over and over again which is what I was doing at the beginning this way once I credit the person then I'm free to use their resources because it is credited and every single product so this bum template has really really helped me so this is the other thing that I put in the product files and what it allows you to do is already have it set up with the formatting that you prefer for your graphics on your resource so the black background is not filled in because I like to do different color backgrounds but you can see this is where my title goes here usually put a description and like my fonts are already loaded in here um and then I like to do a border and then they've already pre-loaded with the ten by ten ten square cover I don't have to worry about changing it from the basically long skinny slide to this and this honestly like it saves me about five to ten minutes every single time which doesn't sound like too much but it is because it's a pain in the butt to reformat every single time when I'm doing the same thing ever smell that so the template has really helped me to fill in information I'll put some screenshots of the product over here and then these slides are just here for me to further describe what is included in the resource so those things I put into the product file to stay at work advice and it's really worked out for me what else is wrong okay so and I think that's what really really helped my sales is doing related resources at the in the description of every single product so it does take a little bit extra time when you're going to upload a product but there's a hundred and ten percent worth it because people see the resources at the bottom and are likely to click on them so that's why I use a hyperlink within the description so for example let me go to this escape room here so you can see that when you scroll down there's a description about the product and then here at the bottom I just include some products that are first related to it so since this is a homophone escape room I also linked these two homophone resources so I have a pizzeria practice game and then I have a homophone kaboom so these things are likely for the buyer to look at because they are similar to the product that they are already viewing um when I first tried my store I was doing this but I would link every single product in my store and this is not good in two ways one because that would take forever now that I have 70 products for me to go through every single time I upload something new in linkit every single product that takes over an hour probably every single time plus once you have 5060 products linked on to their this link this list gets super long and I don't even think buyers are likely to read through it because there is so much text on there so first I like to just link the directly related products and then here I like to link a few more things that are not directly related like they're not for homophones but they are for a reading so these are some other things that I think that they would enjoy obviously is they're not every single product I own the case that I have 70 products and there's only about eight here but I think it's more likely for buyers to read through eight then 70 80 100 here at the bottom I do link to my custom categories so custom categories are something on your store that you can group a bunch of similar products together and then it makes it easier for people to come in in look at products that they are interested in so because this is a digital escape room I linked to both my reading custom categories and my digital custom category so it's kind of like an although I'm not linking the individual resources in here I do say if you want to look at more reading resources you could click here so I am in some way linking it but I don't have to update that link because I'm just adding each product to whatever category they belong in if that makes sense so to show you my custom categories um so you can kind of see where they look or how they are okay so you can see my custom categories right here I have the back-to-school posters digital resources reading writing all that fun stuff so those just kind of short my resources um and then I do link from there so to link it all you would have to do is click on the custom category and then once this page loads you would just use the URL up here took me a little bit to figure that out for some reasons so I wanted to share and then you think the only other thing I wanted to show you if this will move okay I'm gonna go to looking for a bundle so bundles are a group of resources that you find to be similar so I have a bundle for all my vocab resources um and then you put it for a discount so say that all of your vocab resources if you put them together raw price would have been twelve dollars you maybe would put it for ten in a bundle to save some money and then also for people that are just interested in getting a variety of resources on one topic can buy that instead um but I wanted to show you kind of how I do the bundle art because I found it really difficult to to all of the aspects of the resources the resources that I wanted on the bundle art so then it seems obvious but what I learned is that all you have to do is put the actual covers from those pieces onto the art page so originally what I was doing was taking the each like each screenshot from the product and trying to fit it on here but then I was like well I've already made art for each of the individual resources so I just began to put that onto here and then it makes it really easy to create an upload so that was just a small little tip that I would have um it is hard to bake all the colors go together in a theme because they are different resources so this is all my digital escape rooms put together and you can see the color scheme is kind of weird so a lot of times with bundles I do make a black background to kind of avoid more busyness with another color or another pattern so I think those were all the tips they had um if you have any more questions and go ahead and comment them down below or if you want to check out my store for ideas as far as parts or checking out my descriptions you could always download my freebie I actually have quite a few freebies but if you're interested in seeing my Terms of Use page or things like that more in detail then you can download this free download but I also have freebies here if you are interested in other resources or just to see how things are laid out I'll have my store linked down in the description as well you guys so much for watching I almost forgot to show you the sales report so sorry to jump Akande but I wanted to show you kind of where I started and where I've grown from I'm saying that you guys can see that even though it's a beauty store might start really small it can grow into big things and kind of help you with a financial situation if you put enough work into it so again I started in March of 2020 and here is my sales report for March of 2020 so I started March 19th and as you can see I mean zero at all that day but that's to be expected my first day I only had had two products that first day so I didn't expect very much on my second day I sold a one item and I made two hundred two dollars and forty-five cents and then you can see um I did not make anything for a bit of time and I started right when coronavirus hit simply because I was a little bit bored and didn't have anything to do because I wasn't teaching as um teaching in person at the time so I kind of started this because I knew I would have some extra time and why not make so much for money um so the first things I began to make were items for distance learning and I think this is what really helped my store because I was really catering to the needs of teachers at the time um so although there's not going to be a pandemic 24/7 that you can make the Joe resources for there are going to be some things that teachers need at specific points in the year or what's going on in the world so um maybe if like we want to teach about coronavirus that would be a cool thing to include any restore like s al activities for teaching about being like healthy or careful in social situations things like that so it always is helpful you do profit a lot from catering to the needs of teachers during that time you might not always be able to do that because I know most likely you will be teaching um but whenever possible go ahead and do that because that's what I think really helped my store so you can see in total in March I made forty four dollars in 10 cents which in let's see I had like about twelve days in March it's not very much for twelve days but I thought it was a really good start to a store that I had just opened so I'm going to change this to April you can see you broke my scope my store escalated quite a bit however I want to give a disclaimer because I know stores don't only jump thousand dollars in a month but I was creating our resources at least once a day so I would upload once a day or maybe twice three times a day because I enjoy making resources so much it doesn't even seem like a chore plus I can use a lot of these things in my classroom so in by the end of April I want to say I had a good like 40-ish products which is a lie I know most hippie tears only a fool like once or twice a month which is totally fine but the reason that uploaded so much was because it was not very busy during coronavirus plus I enjoyed it um and I was making good money off of those digital resources so that was a big motivator for me to continue um this right here April 6th and 7th worry sale yeah these two worries sale that both like myself anti PT implemented so I think a few times a year TPT does have sales that buyers or PPC authors can participate in if they would like and you choose what you want your story to be discounted acts so I did the max which was 20% off my entire store and you can see that my before then my highest day was April 3rd at 22:56 and those feel really really helped me so make sure when those sales to come around the one said TPT implements so this one was like a spring sale you do take part because even though my whole store was 20% off I was able to make $90 in one day which i think is absolutely insane it's almost as much as I make for teaching in one day so that was really motivating for me you can see the sales went down a little bit afterwards because I think a lot of people about what they needed during that time and then my sales kind of began to increase even towards the end of the month and I believe these were not even with sales all right I'm gonna go to maid all right in May I mean a little bit more which I was actually surprised about because I heard in May obviously schools are beginning to close for the summer and I was really expecting my sales to go down because um because of that left nominee schools for a lot of schools do teach in May almost all do but towards the end of the end of May um a lot of schools begin to close for the summer so I expected my sales to really reflect that and you can see towards the end of May they did go down quite a bit but I was surprised to make more than I didn't April especially with coronavirus kind of being like old news by May um but here I was still selling digital resources only like I have literally did not have any products that were not digital so I think that really hoped I was catering to the needs and there was really really high demand and not that many um digital products out there I mean there were like thousands but compared to the non digital resources there were not that many and there was a big need for it um and again today is only in June 8th but I will show you for this month you can see that I will not be making what I beat in April and May but that's to be expected my school got off May 27th um and I know a lot of other schools get out in May or at least the first few days in June so I did not expect to make really anything in June so I thought this was pretty good for being June and I'm curious to see what I make in July I've heard that August is a really really high month where TPT um there's a huge sale so I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes and if you guys are interested I can do like the July August sales report and more tips than ever all right I'm going to say it again I said it earlier but I forgot about this so thank you for watching see you later
Channel: Emily Greenwald
Views: 852
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Id: w1ced93WdxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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