Episode 01: Design With Me | Designing Teaching Resources - The Basics!

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hi everyone i'm taluka from markers and minions and i'm excited to take you behind the scenes and show you how i create my teaching resources so i've decided to call this live video series design with me because if you know me from the past i've done plan with me videos that were all live um so design with me is my new video line um in the past year or so i've really started to kind of shift my focus into creating new types of resources those of you that have followed me you know that i've been kind of in like the benchmark advanced world for a couple of years and i kind of let go of doing those lives and kind of let the group become what it was so that i could focus on my own creative endeavors um and with that i'm hoping that you know doing this new live video series i'm hoping that i can kind of ignite something new for myself so as to keep things exciting for me so hi everybody hi gail hi kara hi yes you can watch it right here on facebook it's live and it's not going to be deleted afterwards so if you have to leave you can always come back later and catch it later or if you want to re-watch it and i'm going to try to keep these somewhat short because i don't want to overload with too much information um i've been designing a little bit of background i've been designing teaching resources since 2013 i want to say and i've been on tpt selling as a teacher seller since then so my experience predates my benchmark experience by quite a bit um but i have gotten a lot better in the last uh seven eight ish years or so so i'm going to try to keep these mini these videos mini and bite-sized and try to like remember what it was like when i was first starting and yeah really start with the basics and build off of that so today what i'm going to do is just show the program that i use i'll explain why i use it and how to you know install fonts and i'll i'll show you all how to make like a basic template we can make a word sort which is something that i think will be manageable because in my google classroom course one of the tutorials is how to make a word sort and i think that's been well received and pretty easy to follow along with so we'll start with that um i'm working off of a mac so there will be some differences i've never worked on a pc but if for example like the process of uploading fonts it will be different on a pc but those are really easy things to google so you will be able to like kind of jot down questions and figure out afterwards and i can always help you afterwards too if you're on a pc once i sign off i can help you figure things out okay so we'll do fonts and then we'll create something fun together all right let's get started so i'm going to bring this over onto this screen and if i'm looking this way it's because i'm reading comments so hi everybody and now i'm going to share my main screen can you all see my desktop i think you can okay so first of all this desktop is my this is my organizer this is actually a jpeg that i just made as my background wallpaper and this was all designed in powerpoint so everything i make is in microsoft powerpoint and the reason why i use powerpoint is because a it's what i learned on so sometimes it's hard to try new things once you're already familiar with the program but b i haven't found something better the there's an equivalent called keynote here on mac i've tried to experiment with that but similar to google slides keynote doesn't have as many as many features so powerpoint is great because it converts really nicely to google slides and you're going to have more features available to you if you design in powerpoint if you want to keep everything cloud-based and design only in google slides that's totally fine too you're not going to have as many of the capabilities but then you might not need them so it kind of just depends on what you're working on thank you yeah so this is my uh the layout of my screen i just kind of update it per month keep things organized all right so let's open this up and when i open powerpoint the first thing you'll see is um actually what you'll probably see are these different like templates here and i've created my own so as you can see a few times i've started to make like a cover template so this would be like a cover on one of my tpt covers or word cards so these templates are really great to just not have to set things up all over again and i didn't learn about this until like two years ago which is crazy so i definitely recommend creating two templates to get you started and the first one is eight and a half by eleven and the second is 11 by eight and a half so i'm going to click on here and click create and then i'll show you how to configure your slide size so if you don't have templates yet when you open up powerpoint you'll get a slide size that's 16 by nine so it's a typical presentation ratio let's take a minute okay and then so it'll it'll look longer i don't like to stay in that ratio because even if you're making something that's digital for your students you might not know you might want to print it out someday so it's really nice to just keep it consistent with the standard printer size paper just in case so you have that option to print if you'd like later so the way you do that is go to design slide size and then we're going to go to page setup and then here's where you can enter the height and width in inches now once you've got your slide looking the way that you need it to be you can go to file save as template and that's going to let you name it so i've kept mine as the name is 11 by 8 and a half and then then it's there for me whenever i open powerpoint and i don't need to fiddle with the slide size ever again all right so now once we're in our slide size in our slide um this is where we can start playing with like text boxes and shapes and fonts so when i'm putting text onto my slides i typically use a text box now some of you have been following me and you know that i i love tables using tables as well i use tables instead of text boxes a when i want students to be able to type in them because they have better control over tables and b when i am trying to line things up on a slide the table acts as a guide if you're just doing basic text you can just go ahead and drag a text box okay so you click on the the little um rectangle with the a sometimes it's a i think it's a t on google slides and you just drag it however large you'd like it and then let's just say i'm going to create a heading so i'm going to center my text and then if you look here here's where all of my fonts are and it takes sometimes it takes a second or like a minute or so for all of this to load because i just have way more fonts that i need so whenever there's a tpt sale what i do is i buy fonts those are my fonts and graphics so i have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds now on tpt there are some really amazing sellers my favorite are a g fonts i have apl fonts i only use a couple of those ones and then pb fonts of course and i can create a list for you all if you'd like that and then this one's a fun one too the bmd britney murphy designs i think and then these kg fonts here these are all my recent most used ones but i have a ton of kg fonts as well and hers are all free so you can actually download hundreds of her fonts and i don't even know where they are on this list you can download hundreds of them and if you were to eventually use them in something that you are going to sell so for commercial purposes then you go and you can buy a license from her so that's kind of neat you can kind of use them for personal use for free these other fonts um ag pb you buy them outright usually in little packs and they're good for personal or commercial use okay and then i have a question about powerpoint purchasing powerpoint yes so i use i purchased micro microsoft 365 i think that's what it is because i'm designing to sell so um if you are planning and i don't know if you are planning on reselling these this might not be applicable to you but if you are going to resell the things you make you always want to make sure that you're buying the things that you're creating in and creating with so i purchased powerpoint i purchased adobe pdf um that program um which is what i convert my pdfs to and you can lock them and make sure that you're you know protecting the graphics and the fonts that way and then i always purchase the fonts and the graphics as well but there are definitely ways like and and google also by the way a lot of even a lot of tpt years don't know this you need to pay for google if you're going to sell google products so you pay you have a g suite account so if licensing i can go into that later if you all are interested but it's kind of the boring stuff but anyway um once you choose a font you like and i'm going to choose century gothic it's my favorite it's nice and clean and easy to read as i've began designing more over the years i've like kind of switched the way that i use fonts before it was like crazy fun fonts everywhere now it's like what can the students read i really like a minimalist look so century gothic is great for that so let's say we're making a word sort i'm just going to put my title up at the top and i want to make sure that this is centered on my page so i'm going to go up to arrange align or distribute and then align center and that's going to snap it right into the center and i didn't learn that trick until much later too you definitely want that so that you're not you know slightly off in things so watch this bam you can also set up guidelines on your slide um i don't use them but when you are dragging it'll also let you know once you've hit the center and it'll kind of snap into place that way and then same this way as well horizontally so you can use that okay now i'm going to insert a table for this next part so i'm going to click on insert table and since i'm making a long a word sort i want different columns right and i want two rows so the first the top row is going to be the patterns and the bottom row the larger row is going to be where the students drag and drop their words so let's say there's a i a y a blank e regular a um i'm probably missing one but let's start with that okay and i'm going to stretch this across and see i forgot to do my row but that's okay you'll be able to add to it afterwards make sure it's centered and then i want to make my table white and i used to do this is a hack okay a tip a tip i used to do no fill on my tables and then i found that whenever i would convert it to a google slide my tables would automatically all become blue and it wouldn't let me in google slides it wouldn't let me change that blue back to transparent or white so now i always set it to a white fill and you're going to see also the option to add a border so i like usually to make the border line just a solid line and see where it says the one point you're able to make it thicker so i usually like to do around three it's kind of it's pretty heavy and what i will do is all borders so this is kind of neat in another video i'll show you how to make like um primary lines where there's the top line the dash line and the bottom line and that's really all done with this see where you can indicate which lines you want filled in but for this purpose i'm going to click all borders okay i see will this work on powerpoint cloud probably i think it's all the same features okay and then i want to make this two rows by the way because remember i forgot and now i'm going to start typing into my table the different patterns so when you start typing into a table you're going to see it's going to be white it's going to the the words are not going to appear so what you do is you go home and you configure all of the fonts and the colors and the sizing and all that that you need so let's use a fun font let's do neatly printed i like this one and i'm going to make it larger because her fonts tend to be teeny and we're going to make them black so there it is and then what i like to do is make sure that it's not only centered in my table but it will also be aligned within in the middle of the top line in the bottom line yes debbie this will be this recording is going to be saved to my facebook page so you can come back to it whenever i know i'm probably moving fast for some so what i'm going to do is go to layout i'm going to center all the text in my table and then this is the align button so i want to center it vertically so this is going to make it push towards the bottom this will make it push towards the top and i guess this isn't a good example because we're not seeing much change there right now but um typically like say i'm typing a whole bunch of stuff and my table is that big for example if i do this see what happens so now it's center aligned all right so this one's going to be a i a y a blankie i want to make this even bigger and now you're able with the table you're able to resize the different rows and columns just by hovering over and i'm going to make this a little larger for you guys hovering over the the line and then you'll see my little cursor changed and i'm going to select it and drag it so that it's about that high and then when i do that this bottom line sometimes gets pushed up so then i'm what i'm going to do is just drag that down there and this should remain the same so now i've got this nice table that's centered on my slide that has you know enough spacing for my students to be able to drag and drop words or if you were to print this out they could just go ahead and write words um when i'm creating digital resources i like to have things floating off the sides of the slides right here and right here and i've seen that in a lot of other resources as well where when students are working they're able to actually grab an element that's off to the side here and and drag and drop it onto their workspace basically so when i'm creating like a word that i want them to drag i create a shape i choose shape and draw a rectangle and then here's where we get into colors so i like to keep my i have five colors in my markers and minions brand or logo and i have their specific hex codes is what they're called so i keep them on a sticky note so that i can reference them all the time i should have a memorized by now but i don't because i just copy paste all the time but so the way that you can customize and put a very specific color in as you go to your paint bucket tool more fill colors hi anita and then this is your hex color number so it sounds weird but this is basically a code that is a mixture of different rgbs this is called rgb and um yeah without going too much in depth this is where you can customize and get really specific you can also use the eyedropper tool so let's say i really like this color on the back of my my wallpaper here i'm going to click on the eyedropper and i will hover it over this part here i don't know if you guys can see that and then click ok and now that's the color of my shape it's that exact color color matches and i'm going to say no outline or you can say black that might look cool too yeah so this is about the size that i want it to be because it fits nicely into the column and now i need to insert a word onto there so i'm going to click text the text tool and i'm going to just click right onto the box the rectangle otherwise if you click elsewhere if you're on if you select a text box and then you click somewhere else it's going to start a new text box but we don't need that we want to type directly into our shape and so i'm going to click into the center of it and now there's my cursor ready for me to type so let's say like i'm bacon for this one i'm going to highlight it change my font bold it make it larger it will fit to your your shape size so um yeah there you go and then what i would do now that i already have my first word configured is i would just copy and paste this now on a mac it's command c to copy i believe on a pc control c so i'm just going to copy and then make a whole bunch paste them and then i'll just start filling in words different words um okay so you get the idea once i've got all of my different words here off to the side where the kids can drag and drop them i want to make sure that the background is not going to move around so this is especially true if you have fun fonts in powerpoint that won't transfer over to google slides so that's another big plus of using powerpoint you can have all these fun fonts in google slides you can only use the google fonts so if you are using these great non-standard fonts in powerpoint the way you preserve them is by creating the image and then sending them back as a background so right now everything off to the side here is not going to appear in my image so that's that's a good thing okay i only want this slide to become an image now what you could do is take a screenshot if you only have like one or two slides in your slide deck you can just take a screen grab and that's different on mac versus pc but it's really easy to google learn how to take a screenshot so on my mac i just what did i even do just now shift command 4 i think just drag it and then a little screen grab will appear and i can actually just whoop bring it right back and now this is an image okay so i could even just delete all of this and then bam so i've got an image there um if you've got a lot of slides like what how i'm experiencing this lately with my my math slides i'll have 20 in a deck and i want to save them all as images quickly so what i'll do is go to file export and then you have the option to export from a powerpoint to a jpeg or png so i've got the wheel of death because i have a million things on my computer okay so let's say this is my word sort and i'm going to save it as a png i like png because the quality is higher and then you can choose to save only the slide that you're working on or you can save every slide in your deck so this is the option that you're going to want to choose when you've got a whole bunch of slides in here and then once you click export you're going to find a folder wherever you told it to save where you'll have all of these png images and then you can actually go in and set them as the backgrounds onto your slide now let me show you what the difference in that is so don't mind me i need to take another screenshot because it didn't save before so let's say on this one you've got your image that's right on top so this is better for kids to work with because then they're not going to be able to move the the table or move the text or headings or anything like that but the problem here is that they can still do that and it becomes slippery so the benefit of setting it as a background is that it's no longer going to be something that they can click on so the way you do that is you click on design again just the same place we went to adjust our slide size but now you're going to click on format background um robin i'll answer your question in just a sec and here you'll choose a picture so i want a picture and then you're going to click on insert and you're going to find that picture wherever it was saved so mine was a screenshot so it automatically saved to my desktop there it is and now i'll insert it and now it's not clickable you see that so that's a lot more stable basically and then the kids can manipulate it i take this a step further whenever i've got something off to the side that i want kids to drag and drop i save it as an image so what i do is i right click on this and i'm trying to think like why i do this why i made the decision eventually to start doing this and i think it's because i guess it's just less less of a chance for them to manipulate things especially if you're using a fun font here so you're gonna right click save as picture and then you can do this for any text or any graphic and it basically converts it to a png i'm going to say this is train and i'm going to save it to my desktop save and here it is now i'm going to drag and drop it and then that's now my image so this is what they're going to drag and drop so i think it's also easier for them to grab with their fingers or with their mouse because they can click anywhere and move it um with this yeah with this they can't so once you click in the middle yeah see that's just a hot mess you don't want to give students the ability to do that so save as an image and that's the way to go so i was asked why did i choose a shape versus a text box um i think the let me see it's probably okay to use either one train okay and then let's go to shape and let's give it a fill yeah so same kind of thing you can make the same object i'm just stuck in my ways i guess yeah there you go um i think that when i adjust this my box gets bigger and i let me see about this no so my shape does not get bigger so look at my desktop you see how i made this july this was done with a shape and i was able to make the letters go outside of the shape and that's kind of like a fun artistic effect there and that's how i did it so when you when you are working with shapes your text can go beyond the the shape i don't know if that matters to you but i do incorporate that design elements and like some headings and things like that whereas this one is gonna it's gonna move with you okay and maria yes i save each word at a time so it definitely takes a lot of time to do that can you make the first word an image and then duplicate the other boxes will those be an image yes so this is an image right made this one an image so if i copy and paste i can i can duplicate but i'm not going to be able to then go back and change the words there does that make sense gail so sometimes in like one of my like a math slide you might create a little graphic that you want students to make an array with for example and um it it's okay if they're all the same so then you'd make one shape convert that to a picture and then just copy paste the picture and then they can you know drag it and make an array or whatever it is all right any tips for organizing all of those images do you just save to desktop each time or do you organize it i don't save them afterwards so on my desktop the reason why i have this organization is to force myself to not over save things because otherwise i tend to do that i tend to i probably have like 30 or 40 screenshots a day and then at the end of the day i just literally grab them all and send them to the trash because i don't need to use them again but i will show you my oh great no don't do that oh no okay hold on a sec view i don't want to use stacks go back okay thank you so i will show you my um my math organization for my math slides so this is kind of gross but um like say that we go into third grade um i don't know i think i have a lot in this one so 301 for example here is the initial powerpoint where i made all of the elements here is the second powerpoint where i went and inserted backgrounds so let me show you the difference here so there are some things that you are going to need to save and it will just you know clutter up your computer but you're going to want to have both versions of things and with that i do need to keep all of the background images so remember when i showed you file export save as png so it saves all of these as images right and then i do keep all of those here because then what i do is i go to a blank powerpoint and i insert them all as backgrounds okay so now you can't click on that you can only click on the part that you're supposed to move does that make sense but otherwise i try not to keep anything that i don't need so once in the powerpoint document you don't need to keep the saved elements no yeah i don't like these little cookies like i don't really or this for example this at one point was a screenshot on my desktop and then once i got into my resource i just deleted it from there because it's here it's saved here if i ever need this to if i ever need to use this again all i need to do is like literally drag and drop somewhere else you know so it's kind of no different than sitting on my desktop so if i can i delete anything extra because my computer's already it's only a year old and it acts like it's 70. okay yes haley this will save to my to my facebook you can come back to this anytime all right so that is the basic um introduction to recap powerpoint is our best friend we like powerpoint better because we can insert fun fonts we can find fun fonts on tpt to purchase you can also do like um dafont.com for free downloads but you know just be careful if you're going to resell something you need to buy the font if you're on a mac the way that you i don't think i mentioned this the way that you save the font and actually get it to show up in your powerpoint is you open up your font book and then you drag and drop the font file let me show you what that looks like actually i i moved some fonts that i have that i made once here somewhere did i s did i do that is it on my other one hold on i thought i had my fonts right here i don't see it now but so a font file ends with dot ttf i want to say so if you look at this it's dot png that means it's a portable network graphic but the ttf i don't know what that stands for true type font that's what it stands for that's what a font will look like so it'll appear like an icon and then it'll say ttf and then you just take that and you drag it right into your font book and then you open you relaunch powerpoint that's the next thing it's like if you already have powerpoint open and you just put a new font into your font book it's not going to appear here until you completely quit out of powerpoint relaunch and then you'll see it on your font list okay and then um so fonts and then also the the benefit of powerpoint versus like keynote is that it converts really well to google slides and um you're able to you know push out easier that way if you are a google slides district all right so that's it guys that's basically the gist of it i'm gonna delete this because like i said don't need anything extra here let me know if you have any questions i'll be around in the comments and if you create something after today i'd love to see what it looks like and if you have any ideas for the next video let me know i've got a um let me drag it over here i've got a spreadsheet where i am keeping track of things that are submitted so i think i went over this one check um so yeah if you have any other topic ideas just let me know i could do this all day all right bye guys
Channel: Toluca Rivers
Views: 626
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: markers and minions, benchmark advance, plan with me
Id: NgslaQ0hQ4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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