How to Upload your Resources to TpT

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Hi everyone, this is Chris from and we're going to be looking at how to upload your resources to Teachers Pay Teachers. The reason we're doing this video is a lot of teachers tell me that the thing holding them back from starting a TPT sellers account is that they don't know how it works and they're a little bit afraid of all of that. And I do recommend all teachers that I meet and interact with to start selling their products on Teachers Pay Teachers to start generating some side income So to help you with it, I created this website: for you and on the website I have a free ebook it's "How to Start Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers" and it's gonna walk you through the process of starting a seller's account, creating products, and then generating traffic or driving traffic to your products I also have an online course that I offer twice a year and I walk teachers through that process But we do it together and I help them with it And we do it as a group because we're all working on it together Again, that's only offered twice a year, but it is on the website So without any further ado, let's get started how to upload your resources to Teachers Pay Teachers After you've created a seller's account on Teachers Pay Teachers, and we're not walking through that in this video, this is just how to upload a product once you've done that - you will go to your dashboard and on any of these options under "sell," you're going to click on any of them. I've clicked on "My Product Listings." You'll see this red button that says "Add New Product" And so you click on that and you're taken to this screen where you see the four types of products that you can download The first and most common is the "Digital "Download" So if you're selling a resource, that is digital like a PowerPoint presentation or a Word document or a PDF file Anything along those lines, you're gonna click on this if you have a video that you're uploading it's here. And if you have a digital file but it's from your Google Drive, you're gonna click on this or maybe some other online resources are able to be used here. Then this last option is bundle of resources this if you have already uploaded several resources and then you want to combine them and sell them at a discount - called a "bundle" You would click that But for most of our products we're gonna click a "Digital Download" and when you click on that you're taken to this screen where it says, "Upload a New Product" and it's gonna ask you for a title and The description and then it's gonna ask you to upload your file I've already named my file. This is the free ebook that I mentioned earlier in this YouTube video I'm going to upload it to Teachers Pay Teachers so that teachers can download a preview of it for free So I added a description and I might go back and change this, I'm not sure how I feel about it But what I do want to tell you about your product description is that you want to use words that Teachers are typing into the search engine. So I want to use things like "how to start a teachers pay teachers," "selling products" things like that that people will be typing in that would lead them to this book. So if you've got a worksheet on Martin Luther King jr You want to make sure you're using those words in your product descriptions so that when teachers are searching for it, it's going to show up in the search engine Then you're going to click on your product file and you're going to upload the file and you can only do one that you are selling or giving away for free. Now if you had more than one file you would need to put it in a folder and compress it or zip it Anyhow, you also have the option here of uploading a preview image but whatever you upload here will be able to be downloaded by the teacher who's previewing this file. So make sure you're not giving everything away. And then you also can create a video with Microsoft PowerPoint Which I do show my teacher students how to do in the online course. I find those are helpful as well. But again anything you put in this video the teacher or customer who sees that can copy and paste it and create their own product So you want to make sure you're not giving everything away or you're protecting your material Now if you don't do anything, it will automatically generate images of your product for teachers to see and see it did that and these actually are just fine for what I'm trying to do. But let's say I didn't like these and I wanted to upload my own. I would click this button. You see I have four images that I'm allowed to upload. My main cover And you do want to create special covers for your products. You want them to be square and you want them to have lots of text and colors and Show off your work really well so that when someone looks at it they know exactly what they are downloading Then you should also have some images of your product because we all like to preview something to look at it before we purchase. I've just taken images of the book the first couple pages, which automatically uploaded anyways, but you see I'm uploading them Then down here. I'm gonna click. My price then this is gonna be a free resource, but if it wasn't - let's say I was selling it for five dollars It would be here. I'd type in the five dollars and then you see the multiple licenses option automatically generates at 10% lower than the price. This is if somebody's purchasing more than one of your resource. So maybe you have a resource and somebody wants it for every teacher in their department So they're buying 10 (or whatever). The first one's $5 but everything after that is $4.50. I like to lower this down significantly because I want to encourage people to do that as opposed to just purchasing the one and then passing it out to everybody and stealing the licenses, which they're not supposed to do, but we all know what's going to happen. Then you also have this bundle price discount which is also optional and that's in case you want people to be able to bundle this with other products and buy it at a discounted rate. Then you would need to select your tax code. For me this is it's actually a book even though it's not a very large book I would click on this. But most of the time what you're gonna click on is "other digital goods." So your lesson plans your worksheets Etc Again, I'm doing free. So I'm going to click that and that stuff's going to go away And then you're going to select your category; what grade level is this product good for? Are these good for you know the middle school and the advanced or up to ninth grade? Or maybe it's more of a teacher thing, that's for professional development? Or maybe it's for the home school parents specifically in these grades. Now my book is not for any of these This is not grade specific and you see when I click that all these buttons that had already clicked go away Then you're gonna select your subject area and you can say "I'm a dance teacher" or "I'm a music teacher" You can actually go a little bit deeper and say, you know, "I'm a math teacher But I teach algebra 2 or geometry" or something But this resource is not grade specific which there is that option which I'm gonna have to... type in I guess... Okay, give me one second I found it. It's called "for all subject areas." And then you need to select your resource type. Now mine is a Oh, I can click that but I was gonna pick ebooks you can select actually up to three resource types And again, maybe I need to go back in there and see what other types of resources they have But you can see there's lots of different things you're able to sell on Teachers Pay Teachers Which is one of the reasons, it's such a great website and so good for teachers After you've done that you need to select your Common Core Standard My book is for teachers on how to sell stuff on Teachers Pay Teachers Obviously, it's not Common Core aligned But if it was - if I was doing something like adding integers I'd come to 7th grade number system, and I'd select the the Common Core Standards for adding integers What's gonna happen is when I - I'll leave that on there so you can see - But when someone comes and looks at this resource They're going to see that it's specifically for these standards and if they're from a state that's not Common Core aligned like me I'm here in Florida. We're not actually using technically Common Core standards It will convert it on the website and show the teacher what Common Core Standards it is So, please add Common Core Standards it will help you. Then it does have options for Next Generation if you're doing the science Texas and Virginia Standards as well After that, you need to tell how long it's good for for your teaching So maybe it's a one-hour lesson plan, or maybe it's a 30-minute worksheet. Again. This is not applicable (for my ebook) How many pages? My ebook is about 35 pages. and if there's an answer key included Finally you need to let it know if this is your original artwork or if it's not yours But you have permission to use it So I do want to show you what this looks like when you hit the "make product active" button. You can see This is what people will see when they come to Teachers Pay Teachers and they find your product They can see its title, the subject, the grade level, what type of resource it is, what type of file it, is if it's got any ratings which course mine doesn't it's brand-new and Then down here are those images we uploaded you can see they automatically populate just when you hover over them If you had clicked on the preview buttons Those would also be there. And then here it will show the price and the option to download Now this says "edit" because this I'm still logged in But if I wasn't that wouldn't be there and finally what I also want to show you is here's those Common Core Standards But if I click on see the Florida equivalents, it will quickly change it to my Florida standards that we are using And that is it! Everything you need to know to download your resources to Teachers Pay Teachers and to start generating some side income I hope you found this video helpful I would encourage you to like and subscribe and then come over to the website Like I said, I've got some great resources there for you to help you start your TPT journey. Alright, thank you guys
Channel: Teach Create Sell
Views: 510
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: rNs4988Pk-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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