My Totally NORMAL Road Trip in Roblox!

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wow [Music] what was that weird sound hopefully it's not the tire oh [Music] this road trip is so boring where are we going again anywhere this car takes us it's actually true guys look I'm not even driving [Music] the wheels chill it's on Auto Drive driver we don't have any bread anymore I think we should visit the shop by the way this is called car trip it's a random car that drives you anywhere random stuff happens and good idea yeah hey there what are you looking for oh yeah so we're looking for bread do you have any yeah we're talking about the greatest bread of all time you know money of course there'll be five Drive points what I don't have any they just took our money have a nice day um um shop owner you've changed your voice a lot of times the software the shop owner just wants us to get out I think oh my you guys look what what it's in the cars in the car we got a bunch of bread you forgot for guys we didn't forget you the car auto drives I forgot whoa whoa look at all this bread do we need this much bread though are we going to eat this out too much wow also what this type of bread gives me a stomach ache I can't have this free blocks E coli guys free weight free I'll tell you free oh hamburger free wait everything's free car paint job Trail speed boost guys there's actually free stuff wait I could buy a random event no I don't want to waste Robux we're dragging our little trailer alongside and boom this is the washroom I don't know why someone threw their phone in there but also this is a sitting room oh all right you know funny it happens sometimes like you accidentally drop your phone in the toilet oh you have to leave it there okay where's our next destination though everyone I'm kind of enjoying this on the road you know it takes us wherever nobody knows kind of stuff the wind blowing through our hair yeah yeah but guys look if you eat this cheeseburger you'll get thicker no way I like it all right I'm gonna see what happens if you get this I swear I get a badge what do they say they say road trip is all about snacks the snacks wait what why is there a bus stop in the middle of nowhere hey I was trying to finish this cheeseburger we're not a bus why are you driving along this road because we are bro what are you doing trip why are you here I have been waiting here for more than eight hours to get home the bus isn't here yet as you can see well you could get on our car no no you cannot oh my gosh oh sorry you can't join us well this bus is in a different game not here you're in the wrong area sir you're the wrong NPC thanks for telling me Goodbye Stranger oh get back in okay actually why are we talking to random strangers anyway that's like dangerous let's go no it's fine to talk but why would you invite them into our car never because hitchhiker I want to see dangerous I want to collect NPCs along the way oh wait I see a city and okay I see a city ready whip hit the Latin Mike what are we gonna get someone stopped the car um no okay everyone guys it's free because it's deadly stop stop eating it hello nope oh why is there a house here [Applause] whoa whoa oh guys [Music] um our Auto driver is crazy stop this thing I don't know I think I'm gonna assume this is a smart car and it's just driving on its own yeah totally you can't control the hack this car has been through some stuff no we ran through our house we got free bread from the store yep I mean look at its license plate it's oof we're actually not this car did take it it's only like 15 kilometers speed it up are we out of gas oh wait Rainbow's not joking look rainbow you're controlling it well I'm gonna make you go faster rainbow now I don't think you know how to drive yeah I do you don't know how to try it that's not the road yo that's pretty that's pretty cool you ran me saddest thing ever Luna please please family there's another car rainbows guys I don't think Luna's gonna ever gonna come join us back on our car no she's actually survived no what the do they just crash yeah and they just disappeared this is an anomaly oh Luna oh wait why wait let me just yeah yeah guys I don't think you want to drive you should get back in here it's not safe guys okay I'm going back in I don't want to be in lunar all right Luna I got it a little bit all right let's raise hey why are you better wait where am I going honey where are you going oh just roll this number is a better driver look at her she's actually saying ketchup gold just hit my car are you kidding me oh there's a traffic jam on this lonely road look what you did funny I apologize get out of the way cars let's see how it's my fault everybody move I think the police is blocking the road I don't know why though Draco what's up above probably um they're just blocking the road for no reason oh really excuse me can you move your vehicle police show us your premises this is illegal you're not following the traffic room I told you it's not my fault lunar may you bring that car in what walking I see something else wait there's a tunnel oh I disappear oh my god oh awesome it seems like the traffic cleared up out gold how fast did you put this car on I put it at 100 miles per hour oh my gosh hey there papers please um what is it there you go can we drive yeah just give it over is that good enough for you I can't really see you sure I'll open the gate yeah all right thank you thank you we're just traveling I guess you're organized this is an expensive trip have a nice day guys you too you know we're traveling lawlessly but where is the cool people we meet along the road why is this car so fast except for that weird NPC um you might want to crank it down lunar I don't know why gold kicked it all the way up I like going fast we've all been up for a very long time now I think we should all take a nap let me turn it down before we nap let me slow it down because it's a little yeah this is kind of too fast great idea I would say that we need to sleep before the sunset um you mean until sunset let her sleep everyone wake up we'll continue the road trip now it's really dangerous to park the on the side of the road yeah I heard you know there's dangerous people out at night so yeah so why driver AI hey I don't think we should be sleeping Draco what are you doing I'm slowing it down what's that orange thing in the distance guys it's like a cookie thing stop stop the car wait stop the stuff we're getting there we're getting there that car looks expensive I want we have that one did anyone get hurt I think we hit them driver I think we hit them aggressively but they're on the opposite side I think we just earned ourselves a free car I want to jump on it into the car so random things are just getting attached okay I just had the brilliant idea of slowing down the car honestly I don't know why but y'all can just walk alongside it now oh wait watch driver's gonna speed up and then we're just gonna get oofed I ain't risking it but why do you need to question everything every single thing yeah that's literally what we do oh oh cool told you it's not easy gold we're never gonna get anywhere at this rate I think we can drive normally again give me some time now yes please did we really need walking paste like yes please guys where did gold go hey isn't that the guy who again crashed us into the useless earlier oh my gosh there's this orange car I don't know gold where did you go we lost both ahead through the tunnel tunnel what yeah there's a tunnel what happened back here I don't know the same car chase why is it suddenly raining the weather report said it will be sunny the entire road trip well still nighttime driver we've been on the road for like ever so it's true it's eventually gonna rain oh no no everything is fun I didn't make it the trailer go to the trailer this is quite dangerous um wait how is Draco alive cause I'm on the roof I want to be on the roof right on that roof yes ah finally it stopped this road trip is going horrible I agree we'll be home soon hopefully what do you mean hope the driver's actually trolling us guys you know what on my random event I take it back I'm a little homesick did y'all hear that sound too it sounded like one of the trailers which people get off the trailers guys hurry get them back on the car oh hold my hand oh no what just happened there isn't even enough space for all of us on this car actually that's interesting don't worry I'll try to repair the trailers again how what no way you can yep I think it's fixed now guys can we leave a like because the driver is an AI how did you even fix it that quickly AI Magic are we just like I don't know I just I want to buy these events now we just drove into a grass area isn't it beautiful wow hasn't this all been a grass for the past 10 minutes driver are we gonna see this car was gonna be magnificent everything is just flat plain lands and no fast so far you've drove us to pass the bread station twice so now we have double the brand okay tracko this what is too fast okay let's knock it down buddy it's a danger oh my I gotta appreciate the grass lands at two times speed hey look to your right I think we should visit the beach finally stay here let me stay here oh my God the road trip on the floor sounds like a good idea yes relax now give me a coconut drink I'm living the life or my vacation I know oh no um what do we got okay well we got we got water um driver I don't think you want to go back in that car yeah yeah we might actually just stay here let's let's get a boat everywhere wait what the was this on the car before what are these three dots I don't know what oh that's kind of weird the water was kind of cold but it was still awesome now let's get back on the car driver's calling the stock I'm sorry hi guys stay here on the beach you can stay there but I'm pretty sure you know what driver does to you thank you I don't care God is gonna let us enjoy our beach time yeah I told we told them right Luna we said driver don't like it now please driver give us a better event I'm paying you Robux driver we don't have any hamburgers anymore I think we should visit the shop yeah yeah all right driver bring us to the cheeseburger place all right you know what I'll take the wheel beep beep all right this is the only shop this is a doctor right there what are you looking for this time Burgers all your Burgers bro I love it so we're looking for some hamburgers this time do you have any I mean the shop literally sells everything look at it yeah yeah of course that'll be six Drive coins yeah here take all our coins we're out of here goodbye look at that oh wait look this actually looks funny burgers and the burgers seems like a stomach is guys who can kick them off the you could just kick them off our Burgers we just got them okay this is poison oh why did the car just stop we really need to get a new one I agree I wouldn't say that maybe driver's tired let's let driver have a break well while I'm trying to fix this car you can all walk around freely and breathe in some fresh air I don't want to okay it's a dark and it's scary right now guys let's try to go to the Moon I don't think that's possible okay you go do that right I'll stay here with the driver you know I feel like this is a safe place I'm going to the Moon initiating self-driving what it's gonna drop oh I'm almost there it keeps happening everyone yeah there's an intersection here and I can't remember where to go does anyone remember which way we need to go uh next day we go we all go left wait right there's a house there's a house though we should go right we are right we gotta go home right um I mean how do we direct you walk to the house should we just walk I'm just gonna walk okay Luna tried I think you should go right oh wait typing worked did it work yeah yeah nice interesting I don't think you like what's here what what's wrong with this house what we're cool that same car again do you is one thing hi wait this is the car we have beef with ah I'm starting to have a feeling that this driver just wants us to aimlessly drive anywhere I don't think we're ever getting home wake me up when we got home please okay uh-oh looks like the car is out of field yep oh man let's go look that sign says there's a gas station nearby I don't know let me think first one to find it gets a surprise all right I'm gonna find it honestly the price is going home you want me at surprise earlier is that a gas station oh no driver I found the gas station no I could have found it first thank you Draco for saving the car I have some money left over so I'll give you zero Drive coins wow thanks for nothing the driver is literally me that is me surprise driver I'm rolling wait didn't we just see you at the bus stop we did and now everyone get on the car it's too far by the way there is no gas station look there's like where's the gas pumps oh you're right I think it's a troll driver I think we should leave while we're driving we could play a hot potato to pass the time I'm going to hide it sounds like a good idea can I start why is Draco the nuisance it's just like a real of course let's go yeah potato and it has your name on it oh no I'm so scared of the Hot Potato no thank you no thank you thank you Draco literally is so bad at Hot Potato I can close my eyes run around with the potato and he can still lose and stop Draco you were the last person to hold the bread wait I dropped it when I died how does it feel to suck no this is unfair blue okay first off why did it explode me at the same time that's ridiculous too close I didn't deserve to lose what was that weird sound it sounded like something fell from the car like a piece of wood yeah I did hopefully anyone something oh whoa the engine's on fire what do we do this car sucks oh that was fun really now we're lost in the middle of nowhere unless come on driver you always do this you always think of something in the back of your head does anyone know how to repair an engine by any chance nope um oh yeah Draco totally I don't know but I can pretend to know I'm gonna go find civilizing pretending to know is better than actually no pretending to know is pretty bad really no one wants to do the work I said I'll do it then fine while driver you know how to drive this car you know how to fix it right we just drove into a snow area isn't it beautiful it's so cold here I'm freezing now this is perfect weather everyone but it's the perfect weather and Draco just fell under the car I wonder if we can build snowmans later go try gold yeah gold go try you can go try and just get off the cards get go slow let's go slow down all right we'll slow down we'll slow down for you gold but you gotta get out and go Build a Snowman because you said there's snowmen out there all right okay hehehe guys don't leave without me okay I'm gonna go Build a Snowman okay okay it's okay gold your respawn and you'll be okay oh my who's that oh a noob I fell off the bus my legs still hurt what's your hair now what butt which which bus do you mean oh we've been on a bus before it's not whoa here I took a photo of it a few hours prior to falling off you've been on that bus that's a great photo where I can't really see the photos oh wow that bus seems awfully familiar I think we went on this bus before guys we've been to that bus you can come with us we'll bring you to the nearest hospital yeah we will come yeah come on let's go Noob a purge seriously why must it happen right when we're on a road trip Purge what do you mean like Purge the movie I don't see no Purge because I don't want to see that honestly I'm gonna get to the the rooftop I don't know what that means but a snow purge mean like where it's snowing anything behind driver what I don't see anything the driver's joking right yeah oh wait no that's just a normal car the driver's okay calling us driver's trolling false alarm we've been here too long I'm going insane yeah and you know we never made it to any other stuff we the driver's just saying insane stuff now oh no it's starting wait what are you talking about no no no no no no no no where should we hide on the car no wait why do we have a gun don't worry just like the real purge we do not need this I'm trying to throw a gun yeah there's no Purge in here wait Draco shooting hey just okay it's going crazy it's finally over that felt like an eternity okay you know what we're going home that's it no more wait why is there yeah see we we went back here big blue we laughed guys you know what it never ends I'm gonna wait here too we're just gonna sit here you know what and goodbye driver we're good see ya we're gonna take it I take it back I don't like taking trips to nowhere [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,713,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox funneh, roblox obby, roblox obby funny, roblox admin, roblox story, roblox normal, roblox road trip, roblox normal road trip, roblox car, roblox car game
Id: 5_Jm0K69Cuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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