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I'm bored of Arby's I want to play something else I have the perfect game for you boat ride into a better life and it's totally not an Obby yeah in this world we have single kayaks we got double kayaks and then down there we got the family kayak for families everyone before we start Safety First everyone pull out your ore oh okay this is the motion if you whack too hard you will drown in your kayak you hear me so okay look one two this side no commotion in the ocean the smoother you go the farther you will go okay faster really good you go like this flip you hear me it's a sword that's the lesson for today excuse me what do I do if I do flip alright tackle if you do flip you flip your belly up and you breathe okay and then you float you float to safety no no no she forgot one step I learned this in school before if you flip over you must take your arms to the side of the canoe push your legs out and then afterwards go on top and put your arms on top of the canoe got it rainbow these are kayaks oh kayak same thing let me spawn down a kayak anyone want to go first not me you go first yeah both of you just get out of the Paramus area walk out that I taught you um I can't move oh yeah I'm getting in oh gosh guys this is wobbly smooth rotation right okay this is a real kind of little birdie um where are we going when you go Follow the arrow you go left we need our leader leader gold if you have a kayak wow Luna is really good she's going fast this game no don't buy the boat flipping juice yeah how are you always using your Robux yeah Draco let's play a game without Robux spending no there's a turn up ahead guys how hair I wonder what's taking too long I want to go faster oh Gold stock guys the instructor is stuck um the instructor is nowhere to be found guys she was talking about how to how to walk and I'm trying to get myself out of it don't worry um no I got my I found my way out I don't need it I'm an instructor after all guys I'm really fast at this game I think this is way more fun than Obby wait there's a checkpoint oh gosh I'm going around there excuse me oh it looks like there's Rapids up there okay we just got it whoa Wrath let me get two ah the checkpoint yay we just got a free badge everyone I had some drama careful we're supposed to share this is just learning to turn in case anyone loses their boats I have an extra seat on my kayak wait did you pick up a double card guys this this one stay far from each other okay and now we're gonna go you guys seem pretty close together you're splashing you're splashing to them oh my gosh people are falling off no no no no he's going backwards um you can go in backwards I like to see the dangers ahead um I think it's very dangerous right now dude I'm going in back Draco just give me a second to flip my boat there hello backwards hello Luna our instructor is coming okay let's go no together oh I'm going no [Applause] um okay I'm good I'm good we have a Jacko some people are gonna make five whoa whacking your ore in this slide it only makes it more feel sick whoa checkpoint checkpoint let's go Hello everybody welcome you feel sick oh that was almost finished your class horrible beginner's class Luna coming up waiting from kayak oh my gosh um hey why can't we just swim oh wait you can welcome to the big league guys gold what it's your dream a true instructor's dream she's kind of bad and she led us to know Victor I'm not an instructor but I have knowledge I trust rainbow okay okay rainbow what should we um and she's ditching and then you know what she's not the instructor either she already left I trust Draco he has the golden ore yes come on let's go on the raft I don't think it's worth it it just glows we're gonna use the family raft this is a bad idea rainbow you want to get on the family raft even we're uneven guys get me off of this what are you doing okay guys I'm control I'm stop I'm the break I'm the break okay and the break cleaners smooth rainbow you want to get on the family raft yeah okay gold Golder and finally are even they gotta pedal at the same time for us to go straight line so what do you do I'll keep us straight um it sounds like lunar does it sound like what you think come on start paddling I'm okay I think I'll paddle peacefully now rainbow come join the lazy family ranch come on don't pause jump on guys get in the boat I think we need to jump on oh she made it what whoa all right what does that sign say longer Strokes move you faster so we hold it down and push one no guys the only the right side I'll turn I'll be the turn we're gonna beat this I can turn us this is so easy look at this motion look at the power of family okay what the heck yeah has reached paddle across the front and then turn sharply now let's go we don't need to listen to that yeah we don't all right let's go people you don't need to finish this tutorial look at us I don't even know if there's any laws no no no no no no oh you somehow live actually this can't be real this way this way people who actually kayak this is cursed this would never work but who cares it's going so fast careful there's a gap there's a gap gap on the road this is way too simple guys let's go checkpoint me oh wait hold up hold up it's getting um full speeding with wind and power through this we will attract through our family [Applause] everyone I have a great idea let's all buy the golden ore no I'm not wasting too much rainbow please we have rainbow look how beautiful it is don't you okay don't you want a power or don't you want to go zoom zoom hey you just look at it from me guys let's go whoa whoa everyone flail your power over I'll just be the mini propeller okay oh my goodness it's too powerful I think it's worse yeah it's too much water oh wait okay wait rainbow has to be the steering and then all us power orders okay wow whoa whoa you're making me feel sick you power or no no no no okay some Journeys are meant to be traveled alone no no gold don't you don't want to end up here are you happy Draco I thought it could hold two bye bye Draco I'm left I'm right we gotta match our Strokes Chaco just wait brawl without his sake yeah I hate you oh uh I am not I'm going alone I'm going on the family raft oh did you say family yeah but move forth everyone we have an idea I'm the speed of it oops okay it's time to use the power get out get out of here yeah okay all right we got power anchors and we're gonna use the regular oars just for trekking um we're riding hello family boat are you stuck back there sort of oh oh you stuck thriving the tip is to hold your Oar in the water even if you're going backwards go with the flow you hear me we're a car go with the flow we got it we got it goes right we want to go this way money are you kidding Rocco you distracted us you distracted us from When You're Gonna Save me I don't like sitting in the front Draco keeps smacking water on me all right let's go like sitting in front of the road gold just wait there this is where we die we lose everything I feel sick I feel sick in the water okay hold it hold it steady good job guys we don't need to suffer just buy the flippy juice okay what does that do prevents us from flipping just wait for me wait for me I don't want to set up like a fish was choose go I'll just go on without us I'm going in my own no rainbow rainbow please okay it's safe okay okay hey hey flippy funny okay let's go she totally makes no sense but okay come here come here come here hello come on let me on let me on let me honestly I'm sorry okay wait who's drinking juice okay guys we have to stop I'm going on my own phone no no trying they're gone I will kayak in my own boat be like rainbow don't fight the current go with them and jacko's just beat a moocher Jacko get out of here you need that speed boost funny or you're never gonna make it no oh my oh I am now a fellow moocher oh please bring a double kayak my kayaks keep flipping this is ridiculous oh wait oh just walk this part okay but how are you gonna do the rest cold instructor I thought you said I was bad um where all right gold that's so she vanished how am I gonna go there okay draco's never gonna make it here hi let me see if I could come down rescue you no no it's not worth it don't do it Golden Flower I better not die or else I'm gonna be really angry wait you don't even have a double kayak you can't save me oh are we ever gonna reach this better life you might as well go up gold I just went down it's okay I see chaotic lunar coming just coming to the rescue hello Luna I see I'm just trying to get myself out of this do you need do you need help Luna I am great oh she's joining the team our instructor has fell overboard we're waiting wow honestly solo rafting just me and my big fire person [Laughter] wow that was the most thing I've seen all day guys what are we doing huh help me I'm trapped in the side in the factory rainbow go help that cat I can't no no oh devastating seems like you guys are rowing quite quickly got it got it no no don't don't don't no no no no no you're gonna save them [Laughter] wait wait a minute everybody everybody we cannot teleport you guys suck foreign guys I'm gonna puke if you keep rolling you're bringing him come here I'm aborting the ship come to Draco why oh my gosh okay now stop stop [Applause] right you guys are cursed we're all back right I have yeah I have a proposal I feel like when we were all together as family we did much better I agree let's let's row as a family again okay family okay we've been stuck on this level Wrong Way Family Guys it was better when only I had a golden ore okay because I am doing sharp turns I can't keep us on track whoa it's working all right we do this 20 minutes ago okay wait we just had to work together take of the left side right imagine left left right right let go everyone long row left left right right left no yes left left okay go away why didn't we didn't wait just 30 minutes ago no more new plaid golden ores in the back flimsies in the middle and then ultimate battle now there he calls flimsy yeah we're at the sturdy core okay sometimes I'll keep us straight power not too little okay and we have to be the brakes too we have to stop it when we get out of control we stop and drop rainbow paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle rainbow rainbow you have to paddle faster where I am I I figured out on the break okay okay rainbow where's your splashes oh my God the motorboat method's working you can power or go oh Draco we're getting that corner don't worry okay we have motorboat funny he's stopping Eagle straight though guys we need to go straight guys I'm going off course okay it's working it's working all right this part should be easy it's gonna boost us to the bottom guys what is this chaotic rowing why lunar lunar we need more anchors lunar we need more anchors there go anchors too slow okay get rid of the anchors only one we need it only when we need it okay too slow okay oh wait you're the captain of the ship wait we're on the next level whoa you don't want to follow speed up speed up speed up mine to it [Music] let us slide to the bottom do you see that don't answer us yet if you anchor us while we're going too fast we will I see the checkpoint straight something is happening sideways trust me the angler you need to trust that my single is sound you don't just stay this way don't stare just let it slide down I think we're gonna lose for the eighth time y'all great because guys die no don't go faster as you can see our formation has switched rainbow in the golden alligator Bunny and Luna are in perfect sink okay go go go go oh sorry go I forgot I was excited go go go go break break forward [Music] let lunar and I paddle bro [Applause] [Applause] yep yippee oh are you guys ready ready oh my gosh you're gonna get a second it's time to breathe and take a break ah so relaxed let it send us where we need to go oh yes oh yeah why'd you get out um oh oh oh sorry I thought I was too excited to leave guys we made it pretty far and yeah let's roll were you excited we made it this far instead of kayaking the one fun part in this game is Dancing with The Ore paddle look the we look like we're cleaning it looks really funny now [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,344,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox funneh, roblox obby, roblox escape, roblox escape obby, roblox boat ride, roblox boat ride into a better life, roblox boat ride itsfunneh, roblox boat ride funneh, roblox boat ride krew
Id: Hx4q-xp0Lqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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