My Top 5 Cinematic Slider Movements

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what's up everybody so I was recently challenged to shoot an entire music video using only a slider so I'm going to share with you my top 5 cinematic slider movements and then we're gonna dive in and show you how I apply these five movements to shooting an entire music video [Music] now I've shot quite a few music videos in the past and I usually either use a glidecam or a movi for 90% of the shots and every once in a while I'll pull out the slider but for this music video you're about to see I ditched both stabilizers and use only the 42-inch Rhino slider with motion and arc now people often ask me which slider I would recommend and there are plenty of great brands out there I personally use quite a few but haven't loved any until I use the Rhino slider the reason for that is because it has a motion and arc system that allows me to set in and outpoint and then just let the slider do all the work for me capturing perfectly smooth shots as long as I want in the past with other sliders I've used trying to slide the camera along the track manually with my hand can be tough to get a consistent speed throughout the whole slide so I prefer the precision of a motorized slider like this one now what the arc feature allows you to do this guy right here is to pan the same time as you're sliding giving you a parallax effect making the background look like it's moving while keeping your subject in the same spot so that's why I use and recommend the Rhino slider and just FYI all full time filmmaker members get 10% off Rhino sliders but another question I get asked is when are some of the times that I use a slider over a glidecam or three axis gimbal the main times I like to use sliders are when I need to get a very slow controlled movement with a glide cam or movi you are subject to the steadiness of your hands or feet as you walk but with a motorized slider you are setting your in and out points at the exact speed you want allowing you to get much more precise slow moving shots some examples of times I'd use a slider would be when I'm trying to get a detail shot using a tighter focal length or I'm shooting an interview where I want really slow clean movement or if I want some slow movement during a time lapse this is the best tool to use one con I will say about using sliders is it takes a bit longer to set up each shot as I have to readjust the tripod height and it's a bit clunky er to haul around but the biggest Pro is that once you do have it set it's definitely easier to just watch the motorized slider do all the work for you capturing a perfectly smooth shot the whole time instead of holding up heavy rigs during each take so there's a bit about what slider I use and the times I like to use it over other stabilizers but now let's jump into my top 5 cinematic slider movements cinematic movement number one is the side-to-side movement this is the most common movement from a slider but to make this move effective it's best to have foreground close to your camera in order to really sell the fact that your camera is moving you don't have any foreground people may not even be able to tell that the camera is moving at all number two is the push in or pull out this is simply moving towards or away from your subject the tricky part of this shot is it can be hard to keep the slider track out of the frame of your shot so a couple tips keep the slider track out of your shot would be to use a tighter focal length so the track is never in the shot or put your slider on the ground and tilt the camera slightly up so that the slider is framed out or angle your slider slightly to one side so it's a combination of a side-to-side movement with a push in or lastly you can add a letterbox in post to hide the slider now within the push in or pull out sometimes I will do what I call a change of focus where I let my subject go from out of focus to into focus or vice versa to create a cool cinematic effect cinematic movement number three is called the parallax this one is my personal favorite and the movement I use the most but basically what it means is you add the side the side movement combined with the arc motor that pans the opposite direction that your slider is moving and that creates the illusion that your background and your foreground are moving while your subject stays in the same spot and again this movement can't be accomplished with precision with most sliders thus why I love the arc system that comes with this Rhino slider cinematic movement number four is low mode low mode just means that I take my slider off the tripod put it on the ground for a lower angle looking up again if I tilt the camera up I can usually push in and out and the full length of the track without seeing it in the shot using a low mode just allows you to get new perspectives that you couldn't normally get with a glidecam at least not at the same level of smoothness the last cinematic movement is called aerial view this is a really tricky shot to get with a glide cam or a movi but if you have two tripods that can go high enough you can get slow moving shots looking straight down and as a bonus time lapses would be my last cinematic movement this is less of a specific movement and more of a duration of time you could really use any of those five movements and just slow down the slide to several minutes or even several hours to capture a cinematic moving time-lapse so there you have it those are my five cinematic slider movements there are plenty of other moves you could do using a slider but these are just the ones that I feel are most practical but now I'm going to show you a part of the music video I shot using only this slider so you can see my top five movements applied to a real shoot check it out [Music] gee [Applause] kid [Music] please go get sound [Music] to pick me up when you see me word [Music] to pick myself Brown now I'm not gonna lie I thought the final video was going to look a little boring using just a slider but after editing together the video I was actually pleasantly surprised at how much I liked the look of the slower more controlled movements versus a less controlled look of a glidecam or a movi so I actually plan on using the slider a lot more in future music videos based off of this test I did and you'll also notice that for the slower parts of the song I set the slider to move across the track slower and then as a song picked up I started moving the slider faster to better match the energy of the music so that was nice being able to change the speed of the slider using the remote here to slow down bring slower parts of the song and speed up doing faster parts of the song to match the emotion of the video so there you have it those are my top 5 cinematic slider movements big thanks once again to Squarespace for sponsoring this video they are an all-in-one website designing platform whom I have personally used and can highly recommend they have tons of professional looking templates helping you build a beautiful website in no time for your business and you can start your free trial today at and if you end up liking it be sure to use the offer code parker to get 10% off your first purchase also if you guys would like to see my top 10 cinematic glidecam movements you can check that out over here by watching my free one-hour filmmaking training and to watch the full music video check out form figures these guys are awesome but that's it guys hope you enjoyed don't forget to subscribe and if you have any further questions please let me know
Channel: Full Time Filmmaker
Views: 593,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinematic, video, 4k, 6k, red weapon, rhino slider, slider, slider movements, tutorial, filmmaking, video production, film school
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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