5 Tips to Make Your Slider Shots Less Boring

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today i'm gonna show you guys five tricks to make your slider shots less boring that look like this [Music] all right guys welcome back i apologize there's some drum circle that's going on outside so if you hear that i'm sorry but so today i'm going to show you guys how to make your splat spider last slider shots less boring and obviously i'm just going to run you through what you're going to need and you're going to need a slider you're not going to need a motorized slider actually it's preferred that you don't have a motorized slider for this if you have one that's modular you can just take off the motor and use it for this situation you're obviously going to need your camera a tripod head and a tripod and right now i'm using the ifootage uh gazelle tripod which i love a lot because these things are super strong and then you're going to want to use something down below that's going to weight it like sandbags because you're going to do a lot of crazy crazy movements today the product i'm going to be using is this honey that i found at the store i'm not sponsored by them i'm not paid by them i just thought it was a cool package and i knew that i had an orange backdrop up right now and it's a pain in the butt to switch my backdrops because it's super high i need to get a taller ladder but nevertheless and what i've done is i've connected to a custom built stand that i built and i go into more detail on this and my lighting setups that i do in my product video course and you can check out my product video course at productvideocourse.com to learn how to do this and the lighting setup that i'm doing today for this and how i prep this to make it really pretty i'm going to show you guys before we start up leveling our slider shuts just a typical shot that i see people get all the time which is fine but i believe that it's very overdone and not very exciting so let's start with just that and that's just a simple slide in and slide out just like this with your product the first tip that i have for making your slider shots more interesting interesting is adding movement to your product or your subject and so the way that we're going to add movement to our product is using this right here which is a lazy susan this is a motorized lazy susan and one that i recommend and i like a lot which is the calm xm com xim i got it on amazon and this is used just for rotating displays but i like this one because it has a remote right here and using this remote allows it to speed it up slow it down reverse it so you don't have to spend time waiting for it to come back around or you don't have to move yourself and it has very minor vibrations and if you're interested in getting this one there's a link in the description below where you can follow to my gears list that has everything that i use and this one is going to be a little bit pricier than some other ones but it's about 60 and this is the one that i recommend because it's super reliable so we're going to be placing our product down our the we're going to be placing the turntable down right here and then placing our product on top of here and make sure that it's as center as possible because if you don't keep it center then as it rotates it's gonna offset and make it a lot more difficult to get your shot straight on so now that we've added movement in just like that make sure it's as slow as possible by going all the way down to the lowest speed i recommend doing that because that just gives you a little bit more time if you spin it too fast you can always speed it up in post it's harder to slow it down so slow it down as much as you can make sure it's center let it go and then we're just going to do a simple push in again and see the difference between the two [Music] so number one was adding movement to the product the next one is being creative with the slider because a lot of people think hey let me level up my slider and that's going to give me the best shot i'm going to show you guys something really cool and different so the first thing i'm going to do is totally throw this off and tilt it to the side just like that boom like that and then i'm going to bring it down like that so right now we've changed the plane of our slider from this to this that and i'm going to show you guys the result that we're going to get with this right now so the next thing i'm going to do is i have my sandbags make sure everything is very tight and we're going to have our product start to spin and then you're going to do a push in twist to the right and lift up at the same time and keep it in my rule of thirds so and then we're gonna make that a nice fast motion and it's gonna look really cool [Music] for the next trick with the slider what we're going to do is recreate almost a jib movement but with the slider so what you're going to want to do is have your two of your legs in the back right here perpendicular with each other and then one in the front facing towards your product then what we're gonna do is take our back legs and raise them up as high as we can so like so it's a little bit easier to do with two people now that we've done that we're going to want to make sure that our camera doesn't pan at all so we're going to lock that one off and we're going to make sure that we only have our tilt feature going like this beautiful and the trick with this is that you're going to want to keep your product in frame the whole time so as you're going down you need to tilt up and as you're going up you need to tilt down now as we come closer i'm going to go like that and boom and just going to take a little bit of time to practice and then sometimes you need to figure out what your dominant direction is for me it's not going like this because this is harder for me to track it's going like this backwards because i can push down and pull up at the same time and i have my hands cupped like this and this one on the tripod head and then one on right here oh and that's beautiful this next trick is all about changing the perspective and so the way that we're going to do that is i cut off a piece of the backdrop and put it right here on the table and then what you're going to want to do is we're going to want to backlight it so i'm just using a small light like the aperture mc i'm going to place it down here then i have this plastic acrylic tube that's square cube cube that's what i meant to say and we're going to use this and what that's going to do is it's going to separate our product from the background because if you lay your product like this then it's going to blend in here you're not going to give them nice depth and everything's going to be in focus so to make it really pretty we're going to raise it up and place it on just like that boom just like that and now what we have is we have a nice gold backlight shining through to our product and we're shooting right here so the next thing is we've got to adjust the tripod and slider for this shot i'm going to make sure that i have two of the tripod legs facing forward so we can get as close as we can to the table we're just going to lift this move in as close as we can to the table like that and now what i have is i have a little bit of a crooked angle which is nice because what we're going to do is we're going to tilt down and we're going to twist and there's a few shots that you can do with this in the first one what we can do is we can just be pointing straight down like so and we can lock everything off just like that get our focus lock it off because we want to we don't want to jump our focus and just move it back and forth like so and if you see the light you can cheat the light so right now i can see the light down here what i'm going to do is i'm just going to cheat it down like this because we're never going to see the light up here with the angle that we're at and then you're just going to do a nice and slow movement like so going straight across [Music] and then we're going to get a little bit more wild by twisting it like this and now what we're going to do is go back to auto focus single point auto auto focus single point auto focus and what i'm going to do is i'm going to be focusing and keeping my camera pointed right at the local hive honey the whole time so we're gonna unlock both of these so we can pivot and tilt and i'm gonna go backwards and then i'm gonna go forwards and tilt down and pivot and pivot and pivot and pivot and pivot and pivot and keep twisting and [Music] all good guys this is trick number five and number five what we're doing now is we've brought a c-stand arm in and i'm just using double-sided tape to hold the honey upside down and now we've opened it we've lowered the c-stand as low as possible and we're just going to push in and tilt up and we're going to give our give the viewer a trick in perspective because they're going to think that we're just flipping the shot but then once the honey or if you use soda or anything that you want to pour out starts to pour out it's going to really wow the viewer because they're like how did they get that shot and all we did was this and it's going to look really cool so let's do it now that i poked a hole in it just took a second now the honey is going to drip and we got to get our shot because we only have so much time [Music] guys that's it for this tutorial i hope that you enjoyed it and i hope that you guys really opened up your eyes to what you can create with a slider because this is only the tip of the iceberg and there's so many different techniques that you can come up with if you just practice and get creative if you haven't checked out my product video course i promise you you are missing out you could be making product videos from home and making money just like me doing what i do for all the information the link to the product video course is in the bio below comment with your guys's coolest techniques that you've used with your slider i'd love to see them and please like share and subscribe until next time you
Channel: Austen Paul
Views: 130,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camera, Slider, Film, Filmmaker, Edelkrone, Rhino, Tips, Tricks, BTS, How to, Studio, Product Video, Improve, canon, filmmaking, at home, fulltime filmmaker, advanced, professional, high end
Id: tW2iiL_mluo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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