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in this tutorial i'm going to share seven creative  gimbal moves epic shot ideas for cinematic video   i'm not just going to show you how to do it i'm  going to tell you why and when what lenses to   use and what your gimbal setting should be number  one reveal turnaround the purpose of this shot is   to introduce the character into the frame with  the potential of introducing a second character   a reveal generally works better when you bring the  subject into the frame with movement in this case   turning around looking to see who or what's behind  him if you're shooting from the right shoulder   the turn action should be from the character's  left shoulder creating opposite movement to make   the shot more dynamic start by aiming the camera  up and pull it down to elevate your character with   the hero effect then as you swing around keep  them in the left third of the frame to focus   the attention on what's coming into the frame  and slowly level the camera out put your gimbal   in pan tilt follow mode with the movement speed on  custom which i've shared in the description below   personally i prefer this shot on a 35 millimeter  lens but you can also get some more parallax with   the 70 millimeter lens as seen in this example  number two the character switch one of my favorite   shots often used in cinema is when the camera  follows one character and switches to another   character going in a different direction this  dynamic move can be used to introduce different   characters or different roles like in a busy  restaurant or an office setup use pan follow   mode with the gimbal speed set to medium since the  transition happens quite quick in this case when   following a subject from behind using a wider lens  will give you more movement with the foreground   passing by especially when the switch happens in  this case 24 millimeter number three the tracker   reveal if you want to take your gimbal moves to  the next level try to combine standard movements   with each other in one seamless move here we start  with the standard side track first you only focus   on the feet of your subject but the goal is to  reveal them arriving at a location so at the right   time you go around the back and slowly pull out  revealing more of your character and how they fit   into the environment initially when you focus on  the feet it creates anticipation because you know   nothing about the character but doing a reveal of  both in one continuous move makes it more dynamic   a 35 millimeter will give you a good distance from  the feet but is wide enough when you pull back   this shot works better in inverted mode in fact i  shoot about 90% of my low shots this way instead   of the standard underslung mode put the gimbal  into standby turn it around and switch it on again   this will give you better results in pan tilt  follow mode because the gimbal has more freedom   of movement stay at the same level and as you  start turning around your subject you slowly pull   the stick at an angle causing the camera to slowly  pan up with your movement while you move backwards   number four point of view swing emulate a point  of view perspective of two people dancing and once   you've established that they are in fact spinning  cutting to a quick shot of the individual's faces   make for an interesting scene how to do it  although you can do the shot in selfie mode   you don't have to turn the camera towards the  character and with arms stretched out as far as   possible let them spin around while keeping the  lens on them in order for the gimbal to keep up   switch the speed to fast and ask your talent to  give the gimbal a subtle twist to initiate the   movement this is definitely a shot you want  to capture at a higher frame rate like 50 or   60 frames per second on a full frame camera a 35  millimeter lens gives the most realistic feeling   without showing the arms actually looking like  it's holding something number five the ride-in   you don't have to use a bicycle but the idea is  to bring your character into a stop start your   movement from the opposite side and do a criss  cross as you sweep past keep your character in   the right third of the frame with your head  sweeping the horizon again shooting from a   lower angle will elevate your character making  this a great hero shot here the gimbal was said   to pan follow mode but that's because the director  was doing tilt for me so if you're a solo operator   it might be better to shoot in pan tilt follow at  my custom speed lens choice can be anything from   35 to 70 millimeter to achieve parallax as you  move past in this case i shot at 50 millimeter   number six tilt up forward push push forward  towards your subject with the camera tilting up   make it more epic by adding a head movement  like looking up into the lens as the camera   tilts up to make this shot special use a longer  lens so basically anything above 70 millimeter   you want to shoot this in hundred frames per  second or more but with that slow motion comes   the slower movement so use a good middle ground  and a higher background to enhance the feeling   of movement now before we get to the last shot i  want to tell you about a free webinar i did for   sony and the alpha universe platform in this  video i break down the 12 steps to cinematic   filmmaking and share my approach to producing more  dynamic content the tutorial is exclusive to the   platform so if you want to watch it make sure you  register for free linked in the description below   number seven the telephoto tracker it's one  thing to track your subject with the gimbal   but putting on a zoom lens and shooting at the  long end immediately makes the shot feel special   here you definitely want to be shooting from a  moving object to keep up with optimal stability   in this case we use the scooter adding a deep  foreground will make the shot feel more dynamic   but depending on your camera you might have to  pre-focus in manual and keep the same distance   from your subject switch your gimbal to pan  follow mode with my custom settings although i   use the dji rs3 for all these shots the settings  will also work on previous dji gimbals and the   modes are standard on all gimbals if you have any  more questions let me know in the comments below   and i'll do my best to answer thanks so much  for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Jacques Crafford
Views: 1,691,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: izTDbJ23_ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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