My Thoughts On The Morovol R7 Case

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what's up guys this is xct hopefully you guys are doing well and uh so I got a couple packages in today um first I mean a couple I'm unboxing um but this I took out of the package but it's an argb splitter uh I think it supports three or four four yeah so argb to uh four and then I'll be using this um this easy DIY um um m.2 heat sink for a brand new SSD and a brand new hard drive for this build here's the case I'll do the case first and this will this will mostly be about the case but still waiting like I said on a couple parts power supply and a couple other ones and I'll be building it so make sure you guys are subscribed for that be a cheap budget build you know but be nice side lighting isn't the best in here could make it a little better actually nice all right so it's a little better so the packaging uh not the greatest I it's not a whole computer but still i' like a little bit better like some foam or something but it is a cheaper case and kind a full build so just a little paper up top and then you got a good 5 in of room or so there is foam probably inside of the case [Music] here there okay so this case um if I can say it right let me see if it's aiming down correctly okay uh marovo marovo something like that um it looks like it's kind of a almost a rip off of a nether case or like taking parts from it looking like um I have it in the description so if you guys are interested R seven I guess all right computer gaming case oh so nice yeah this PC will have a I5 7600k I am going too deep uh there it is i57600k which is a 7th gen i5 four core For Thread I eight threads be so much better and 16 gigs of uh cor Vengeance uh D 43200 I do believe and [Music] um uh the motherboard uh gigabyte g z 170x gaming the I Shield I just just put on the table so there oh there it is I'm going to take out the memory and the CPU just for the video cuz it' be a build video but um and then yeah like I said I got a 500 GB SSD m.2 and then 2 TB hard drive and then um I'm going Tobe using oh I have another part I didn't bring on this table it's EVGA 280 rad a so got like I said B on the top and bottom [Music] so this case I think it cost me was it 56 or 64 it's around there I got a little cardboard um to help impact thought I had a weird smell it's all right uh magnetic dust filter up here it's nice power [Music] button okay I don't hate it it's not mushy at all um it's decent then then the reset is also similar uh it's it has uh indicator lights for uh activity and um little brightness logo I think that's going to be uh that can't be RGB cuz there's not a button there looks just like a hole for lighting like LED and stuff USB 3 USB 2s headphone and mic um is this class I think this is plastic right here I think this is this is plastic and then this is glass temper glass I'm not going to take the uh the uh peels off um I'll let that maybe this one uh I just want cuz it's I'm going to be selling this PC too um and these are just for Aesthetics I might keep this one on and then they can peel it off um to be honest I kind of wish there were black fans just go cuz these kind of just stick out you know um yeah I kind of wish they were black [Music] yeah probably should take off the screws first before you feel it but thr it away okay so so yeah like I said I got some filtration right here but this is going to be exhaust cuz I'm going to have the AIO the 280 rad right here and it's going to be uh exhausting um as as this 120 right here so it does have some vents right here um that's a metal right here little metal piece um and then this is plastic of course I was talk not before filtration and you like fans can access that on each side okay it's on both sides so I think this is going to cool it decently fine um take the glass panel off just so you [Music] can so we can kind of like see a little bit better in [Music] here [Music] okay pie of going to want going to want to Tumble on me yeah it has a uh basement right here and you cut up for the power supply logo or if you have an RGB one or one with a display on it but you spending that much on a power supply with a display on it probably not buying this case this is more of a budget one you know like a five $800 I don't know maybe not 800 $800 probably one most expensive so you got like borders around it black borders which is all right uh [Music] here so yeah um got some some uh velcro straps for cable management at least one I see right here I think this supports 280 I would have to look again um there's a manual for it little guide wonder if it will say um so yeah you got hard drive support I think two of them I'd have to take out the other panel but this one says two looks like it supports two and then an SSD at the back as well maybe even two or three total maybe three okay what the advertising G yet but yeah like I said I wish these were blacked out um I mean dang it I think it's cool anyways but they kind of do stick out a little bit so for like a white build I understand white fans but black build like this black okay so we got two three velro straps right there here's all the panel header um and then we got uh argb uh as well so that will be um all the fans and stuff so I got I got a SATA cuz this motherboard doesn't support um this doesn't support uh argb so I got it a SATA to argb um USB 3 and US HD audio and uh USB 2 and all the front pen head headers and stuff all the mounting for the hard drives uh this one is kind of on an angle [Music] come on once it has a hard drive in there it's not going to like Flex a little bit like that uh they give you some zip ties some uh motherboard standoffs and stuff so yeah uh so you can put an SSD right here and an SSD right here and SSD right here this this piece can uh remove so you can get to all the screws and stuff and then from the other side uh inwards going out towards the back of the case that'll be for um installing those two s's so two hard drives and three ssds and then whatever your board supports as far as M do2s uh MBM or um PCI um ssds so that there your storage options um the the room it gives you um that's actually pretty decent I'm actually a little bit like that's better than um other cases I've seen I would I would a little bit more would be nice but that's still a good amount of thickness I don't think I'm going to be struggling putting on the back um they I don't know why they they kind of want to skimp out on that it always be you know like a good 2 in at least um yeah a little dust filtration for the power supply down here and uh the thickness of my fingers uh almost as like the feet so um yeah I think the motherboard supports I haven't really tested it just so you guys will be the first to see um hey let's go yeah that supports it just barely it's the maximum it supports Okay so so we got get the standoffs line up oh and I have to take that top right one out cuz no hole there so those match up uh that that and that oh that one doesn't match up so one of the standoffs is going to be not uh it's not going to be uh making contact so I'll have to take that one out probably too thickness yeah so I'll take out that top left middle um sorry top right middle right and uh bottom right as well trying to match up the holes here so it it it'll have six kind of a bummer it'll be fine though okay so that's pretty much it about the case um nothing crazy special wish the fans were black that's my bad though like I was the one in charge of that making the purchase um I I didn't bother to look very hard I guess um and this I wish it would have came in a box instead of just like a bag and is this you guys can see it right yeah yeah sorry I'll have another display on my phone to like show me be kind of cool [Music] but just making sure it doesn't have it in my address on this okay so this is a Western Digital or not a Western Digital I was thinking of the other one um Cate they're both from the same um company and I think same everything Barracuda so is this just the packaging for it or this is kind of like a little um if you want to like slot it into a SATA slot I think it's just a packaging I'm not seeing any screws or anything like that on the sides or anything you know it kind of looks like a um a 2.5 in um but yeah this one uh it's 500 GB M MBM m.2 2300 um reads how about right it says just a different country right there I think it's Spanish maybe so it's probably a little bit lower for uh for reads but I think that's rights right or is it reads or faster and writes are harder right I think so and then two terabyte 2 terb seate baracuda brand new brand new case brand new uh storage hope you guys can see that 2 TB 7200 RPM and I forgot the cash on this I think it's kind of like five mightbe 256 or 512 or something like that um but yeah that'll be the storage for it I think it's a good combo of course if you had more money I'd have everything SSD but like a lot of newer builds even like pre-builts and stuff they get they just give you one drive of like a two a one terab or two terab like that's not like not a lot of storage for the price you know know like that much money I would want like hard drive a lot of games are fine with a hard drive it's yeah it's a tiny bit slower but not not really bad for like launching games like I have no problem waiting a couple seconds doesn't even take that long um so yeah there's the storage and um like I said I got to take I got to take this off right here I think this drive doesn't work the sa the drive right here um I'm not 100% sure I when tested it but I was told it doesn't work but my buddy uh actually is this my bud no no the the the the m.2 that my my buddy gave me that was broken it's been working fine so I don't know maybe had a corrup file or something I don't know not sure um so yeah that'll be it guys just um a quick look my my thoughts about this um you can put more fans right here I do believe um but I don't I'm not going to do that but I don't think this will get in the way of the motherboard or anything like that so that'd be perfectly fine to later um if you want some fans additional fans for airflow uh yeah I think this case is decent for the price um it looks easy to build in um it would be nice to have rubber um you know cutouts and stuff um well not right here but like right here and right here and right here um but for my motherboard that be installing on it that's going to be covered up anyways but just for like smaller um you know Micro ATX motherboards um you know rubber what they call grommets rubber grommets that'd be nice to uh have that but that's usually an extra cost it's like uh they're kind of expensive I bought them by themselves and they're like 10 bucks for three or something like that they're not very cheap um they get them B they're probably a lot cheaper yeah I think this case is decent for the price like I said I think a cooling um like the cooling for it will be pretty decent um the the GPU that I'm going be putting in here is a uh a GTX PGA uh 970 so I5 7600 uh 7600k and a 970 with a 280 cbga rad and 500 GB SSD and that two for the operating system and a 2 T hard drive and it'll have argb have the m.2 uh yeah m.2 heat sink right here to light up a little bit as well as the the fans and um the the AIO like the the block will be also RGB so I think it'll be a decent little build and um you know it'll be a budget one about 400 bucks I'll be selling it for so couple new components and um do a little bit there is one thing though this motherboard I'm told um couple of the USBs don't work on it I'm going to verify which ones don't work on it also has USBC that's nice this is a nice board for the time it's a little bit older now but it still like has some good features um but yeah I'm going to figure out which which um USBS don't work on it and that's I'm also one of the reasons why it's cheap because I I not to price off this by like 40 bucks or something like that um but I I did get a um a pcii card um it's the bring this over here again it's the that finger right there so PCI uh PCI yeah it's a PCI but it's a lower gen like slot two or what is it slot one something I don't know but it looks like that those are the Fingers um and uh it has four USB 3es out of it so that would be nice and you can always if you need more than like say all the ports don't work on all the USBs you have four you can always get a hub um to make it you know support another eight or 10 or whatever like that so but hopefully most of those USBS work or all of them work maybe there's a driver issue with the the previous owner for it I think was my brother's but you bought it from somebody and stuff yeah okay but yeah that'll be it guys just a quick little video and I'm waiting for those couple components so I can do the build video so make sure you guys are subscribed to check that out when it's available probably next week it'll be available so it's the end of the week it's um Thursday night here and um 30th and uh it'll probably be like December 3rd 4th something like that when I uh get the rest of the components so hopefully guys are doing well and hopefully you enjoyed comment below what you guys thought I think you guys will agree with me that I don't think this needs it needs black fans but maybe you'll like that as well you like the different um color combination um but yeah plenty of space and um I think it's a decent little case for the price I'll have everything linked uh down in the description in case you guys were interested and um peace [Music] out
Channel: XpodX
Views: 802
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Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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