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i modded a case that had the worst airflow that i've ever seen into something that's not too bad my name is chris this is coalition gaming and today i'll be your computer technician [Music] real quick if you're new around here and are into pc tech hardware stream tips tutorials gaming and all that sort of stuff you're in the right place hit that subscribe button and that bell so you don't miss a single upload also i stream to twitch every friday 8pm pacific so if you want to talk tech or stream tips or anything like that stop on by drop a follow and let's talk anyways let's get to the video so while i'm back actually around this time last year i was tasked with building a computer for a co-worker whose son was birthday was coming up pretty soon so it was to be on a budget a little bit and ended up being a ryzen 3 based system which if you guys go and check out our video for like i believe it was the 700 all-inclusive setup i'll link it right up here and down the description below rip getting that kind of deal nowadays though but if you check out that video that was where this case originated from this case is the hec hx210 i believe that's the model number but it's definitely an heck hec case and it had the absolute worst airflow that i've ever seen and it made me so worried that any graphics card that i put in it and at that time it was an rx 470 and an rx 570 um graphics card either single fan or dual fan they overheated it overheated like crazy the cpu didn't do too bad but i would run unigine valley and within a minute or two it would be at 85 to 90 degrees celsius not usual for those cards at that time i happen to have an hp z400 just sitting back here because i was prepping it for something else and so i'm like okay let's let's just check something out here i redid the thermal paste on the gpu still overheated in the hec case so uh i stuck both and this had to do with both of those graphs here i stuck one and then the other into the hp z 400 case that i had and no overheating ran perfectly into into the mid 70s at the hottest that it got mid to high 70s no problem and it just stayed there at that temperature but then i put it back in this case basically instant overheating it was just it was horrible and i ended up scrapping it i took everything out of this case ordered a different case and then continued with the build and that's the one that i turned in to my co-worker and they're very happy with it something that had actual proper front airflow that was the diy pc a9 case that i ended up going with again i'll link some stuff down in the description below on that case actually really like that case and for a budget build it's pretty hard to go wrong with that selection it's really easy to go wrong with this one from hec which is definitely you get what you pay for sort of situation with this case costing about 30 bucks so having streamed that build originally i got the idea from mr ryu dragon famous mod of the coalition gaming stream by the way and a big supporter of the channel to do a video modifying the case for airflow alright cool well it took me long enough but we are here so the first thing that i did with the case that's so limited on airflow was that i opened up all the rear panels took out all the ios i o plates out shield stuff any pop out panels i pushed them out got all that opened up as much as possible second the gpu would sit so low in the case that it was almost to the bottom of the case which was really probably what was causing the issue choking it from air flow and well what better way to get air flow up from the bottom of the case into the gpu than drilling holes in the bottom of the case yeah not the prettiest solution and probably didn't use the right tool to make it look good but after drilling holes in the case in roughly about the size of two 120 mil fans i had a kind of a grid setup going but it did take a good while a couple of hours i used to dremel then to also polish up the holes so they wouldn't cut you if you ran your hand across the bottom it's still not the prettiest solution but it's on the bottom of the case you can't see it whether it's built or not until you look at the bottom so out of sight out of mind right all right cool so then i fired up unigine valley and guess what gpu peaked at c no matter how long i ran it and that's great because previously that was not the case it would get at least 10 degrees hotter in that same amount of time cool right well i don't know i got kind of the modding bug in me after that so then i set out to my local lowe's home improvement store and i decided to try something i recently came across these metal mesh panels that are there and i thought to myself that could make a good sort of front panel for cases that have just a flat front panel and are easy to swap out that panel well this happens to be one of those cases where it's really easy to swap something like this out because it's just a piece of acrylic with four holes in it nothing special and that's what i ended up doing now i ended up adding my tried and true car door edge trim to sort of make the edges a little nicer also because it's cut metal now it won't cut you when you run your hand over it and because it's basically sort of a mesh well came out a lot better than i thought and now as you can see here in the front we have air flow holes all over the front right where the fans are at for air flow two fans in one fan out not counting the power supply it's either positive pressure or neutral pressure depending on how you look at it so dust still shouldn't be that big of a deal even though there's no air filters anywhere on this case but when we're trying to maximize airflow air filters kind of go by the wayside now building in this case was definitely also very interesting because things are so tight and if you get a power supply that's too big it really it butts up against the 3.5 inch drive i was live on twitch which again fridays 8pm pacific and occasional other streams like when i built this computer going through the motions of getting it built and after having built in it the first time around well it went together a lot easier than the first time around and the fans that i use these rgb fans that believe they're easy no they're up here there's these fans right here up here fans in the front they glow real nice and here's some b-roll checking it out in its final form in case you were wondering the specs on this system are a xeon e3 1230 v3 i love me some xeons that's a haswell that's a fourth gen xeon on i believe it's a asus h81 board micro atx of course 16 gigs of ram so we got dual channel a 650 watt um corsair tx power supply bit of an oldie but it's a goodie seems to work great this was given to me from a friend and uh what else is in there oh right the graphics card if you watch if you kept up with the channel you'll see that uh not that long ago i got a couple of rx a couple of graphics cards an rx 470 and a 570 in a used parts hunt 100 bucks for an rx 574 gig and that now resides in this guy i'll throw some benchmarks right now [Music] so as you can see this little guy still has some power in it probably 1080p gaming is where the target would be 1080p medium 1080p high if it's like esports totals or something but although i guess if esports almost we're playing on low whatever the case is it's definitely a system that can play everything and this is going to be going to a good friend of mine bitcoin louie so yeah it's gonna definitely go to good hands so i hope you guys like this video hope you guys like the sort of mod stuff that i ended up doing with this sort of a sort of a ghetto mod i guess maybe but i think it came out pretty good what do you guys think drop a comment down below let's talk about it and uh well you know what to do now if you like this video hit that thumbs up button hit that subscribe button would really appreciate that and uh make sure to stop by our twitch fridays 8pm pacific coalition gaming crew hopefully we'll see you there and if not maybe you can click one of these buttons that are right over here i'll say it like i'll say it like nutty buttons yeah click one of these buttons we got videos all sorts of content in our archive our catalog right over here check it out youtube doesn't push our stuff so you guys might be missing a lot yeah okay click one
Channel: Coalition Gaming
Views: 13,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crew, gaming, computer, pc, build, review, tech, coalition gaming, pcmr, budget build, linus tech tips, tutorial, how to, build video, obs ndi, twitch, streaming, airflow mod, case mod, hec hx210 build, microatx pc build, micro atx pc build, budget pc build, budget pc build 2021, gpu shortage, amd vcache, amd vs intel, intel vs amd, rx 570 in 2021, rx570 in 2021, case modding, hec case, xeon build, xeon pc build 2021, uphere rgb fans, fix airflow, computex 2021, ryzen, intel 10nm
Id: 9eDnnZv8Xik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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