My Thoughts On The MEGACADE - Is It Worth The Money?

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a few months ago a friend of mine told me that he was ordering the mega Cade at the time I was familiar with the mega kid because I remember watching a video about it from the YouTube channel D Thomas from NC if you're not familiar with his channel definitely check it out after a lengthy weight it was eventually delivered to his house and over Labor Day weekend I finally got a chance to get my hands on it so does this massive multi-k deliver the goods and is it worth the Hefty price tag well let's find out [Music] so here is the Mega Cade Cecil ordered this directly online from a company called Extreme Home arcades I believe they are based out of Wisconsin I will leave a link in the description if you're interested now in addition to the mega Cade they also make seven other products including classic arcades pedestals table tops and Cocktails as well as a few others the control panel is completely customizable between two and four players as well as your choice of spinner trackball and a Tron style joystick sea salt shows lighted buttons sticks and trackball and decided to skip the spinner and the Tron joystick you can even add separate controllers and light guns with recoil Cecil decided on the light guns minus the recoil and he chose to use Xbox controllers when playing console games because that is his preference dimensions for the Mega Cade are 48 inches wide 38 inches deep 77 inches high with the included casters and the weight comes in at 265 pounds depending on options look at the size of that thing the cabinet artwork is completely customizable to your liking Cecil chose a Final Fantasy 7 theme with images that he provided and I think you'd agree it turned out pretty awesome [Music] getting the mega Kate in your house can be a little tricky because of its size and depending on where it's going in your house expect to remove the control panel as well as any doors and even then you still might damage your walls like Cecil did but I wouldn't let that deter you from getting it just make sure to double check your measurements but it should fit through most standard doorways under the Marquee are four speakers and the lycon sensors and under the control panel is the optional RGB lighting as well as the optional RGB kick plate ring the control panel easily flips up to give access to the buttons and overall it was a pretty clean setup swiveling the unit around and opening the back panel allows access to the PC hard drive and subwoofer the base PC is an i5 with a GTX 1650 graphics card and a one terabyte hard drive however this one has been upgraded to a 16 terabyte Omega drive and again I really like how nice and tidy everything is the mega Cade is running big box which is a custom version of launchbox and that does require a lifetime one-time purchase of 75 dollars but as someone who has zero experience with big box I was super impressed it was incredibly slick and responsive and everything was expertly categorized using the hyperspin menu foreign with over 70 000 games pre-installed it can get overwhelming and honestly it's a lot to take in thankfully navigation is fairly simple to pick up and if you can't find a particular game you're looking for in the pre-loaded groups you can always search alphabetically one thing I really liked was after selecting a game at the bottom of the screen it would show you the format it was released on what year it came out and the manufacturer as well as the total number of games in that particular category Cecil also mentioned that if there were ever any major changes or updates to Big Box all you have to do is send the hard drive back to Extreme Home arcades and they would update it at no cost all you would have to do is pay for shipping but it's nice to know that this huge investment will always be current for as long as you own it we put the mega K through its Paces with lots of different styles of games like fighting foreign games [Music] beat em ups [Music] and a little Golden Tee which apparently I was a little better than I remembered incredible pet you hustling me oh my God oh my God and no matter what game I picked I never noticed any lag or latency everything was buttery smooth you can even play Xbox game pass fight Cade for online retro gaming and one of my personal favorites virtual pinball everything from fx3 Zachariah to pinball FX it's all here now flipper button placement is definitely not ideal but something you can get used to I could have easily played stranger things pinball for hours especially with that beautiful active Marquee serving as the DMD I was also surprised to see a video jukebox as well as old video game magazines that I used to read in my 20s what a cool addition and something I totally didn't expect [Music] but the real stars of the show here are the 50-inch HD display and the 43 inch active Marquee the active Marquee is a 1350 option but is highly recommended the image is crystal clear and changes instantly depending on what version of the game you're playing as far as I'm concerned this shouldn't even be an option and it should be included on every single model so I've talked about the specs I've shown some gameplay footage and I can tell you that it's very solidly built the whole unit is very impressive as a whole but the big question is is it really worth highly optioned out over ten thousand dollars so the base price of the four player Mega Kate starts at six thousand fifty dollars up from the 5850 that Cecil spent and that's understandable I mean let's face it the price of everything has gone up but as you can see from this build sheet that after options like the active Marquee custom artwork RGB lighting the upgraded hard drive plus a 500 down payment and the 408 dollars for shipping the total bill ballooned to just over ten thousand dollars are you kidding me right now now I know what you're thinking Jesus bat that is a ton of money for a custom multi-cade but let me give you an analogy let's say I wanted all new flooring in my house or say a brand new master bathroom those are both things I could probably do and save a considerable amount of money but how long would each of those projects take me to finish weeks months and I guarantee the work wouldn't be as good as a professional and if there were any issues or problems the only person to complain to would be myself since there would be no service after the sale sure if you have decent woodworking skills and a good knowledge of computers you could build your own Mega Cade at a fraction of the cost but the average person doesn't have those skills and I'll admit that when Cecil first told me that he ordered the mega Cade and how much he spent I basically made up my mind on it before ever even seeing it but after spending an entire evening with it I started to rethink my stance on the mega Cade I didn't want to leave because there were so many games I wanted to try and that huge 50 inch display in active Marquee really enhanced the experience [Music] is it expensive absolutely but I mean I have a good friend who recently spent 10 grand on a new Stern Pinball Machine and I myself came close to buying a high-end full-size virtual pinball machine that would have cost ten thousand dollars I guess what I'm trying to say is it just depends on how you look at it the mega K definitely isn't for everyone but I guarantee you to Cecil it's worth every penny and it's something that him and his family will enjoy for as long as he decides to keep it alright guys that's going to do it for this video about the mega Kate I really hope you enjoyed it let me know in the comments what you think about it is it worth 10 grand if it was cheaper is it something you could get on board with just let me know I would love to hear your thoughts and as always if you like the video make sure to hit that thumbs up and if you're new to the Channel please consider subscribing it really helps out alright guys I will see you all next time thanks so much for watching foreign
Channel: Show-Me Retro
Views: 225,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #megacade, #multicade
Id: 2hLM-KWR3aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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